ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.
Larry Finkelstein, Chairman
Alexander DeMarco
Don Fenton
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Michelle Hoyland
Jose Aguila
Henderson Tillman
I. Call to Order
Doug Hutchinson, CRA Director
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to approve the Agenda. Motion seconded by Mr. DeMarco
and unanimously carried.
Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III, Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Chairman Finkelstein requested the following changes and additions to the agenda:
> Item A. 1 and B.1 under New Business needs to reflect that it had been
previously tabled and needs to be removed from the table.
> The addition of Item C. under VII, Unfinished Business, "Director's report on the
Old High School."
Adoption of Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes - September 10, 2002 CRA Board Meeting
Chairman Finkelstein noted that Mr. Aguila requested that a change be made on Page
9, in the fifth full paragraph that states: "He also did not like the wall." Mr. Aguila
requested that the word "pre-cast" be added before "wall" to read as follows: "He also
did not like the pre-cast wall."
Chairman Finkelstein requested that the fourth paragraph on Page 9 that referenced
two types of light be changed to read "two types of light poles."
On page 3, the second paragraph of the motion, Chairman Finkelstein requested that
his statement be clarified that he requested if the CRA Attorney's Office was prepared
to move forward on the closing.
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to approve the minutes as amended. Motion seconded by.
Mr. DeMarco and unanimously carried.
Revision to the Month-to-Month Lease Authorization for CRA Offices at
639 E. Ocean Avenue, Suite 107
Mr. Fenton moved to approve the lease. Motion seconded by Mr. DeMarco and
unanimously carried.
Recommendation to the City Commission for the Acquisition of Properties
for the Boynton Beach Boulevard Extension, the Promenade, Riverwalk
and Mangrove Park Expansion.
Vice Chair Heavilin inquired about the disparity between the asking price and the offer.
Mr. Hutchinson responded that the figure was approximately double. For clarification,
Chairman Finkelstein asked if Mr. Hutchinson was referring to the appraisal price, which
he noted was $250,000.
Mr. Fenton inquired if any factual information was presented regarding the planning of a
marina. Mr. Hutchinson said he checked with the DEP and did not find anything to
indicate there were any plans for a marina. Mr. Fenton inquired if the project intended
for that area could by-pass that property. Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that the
agenda item included properties for the Boynton Beach Boulevard extension, the
Promenade, Riverwalk and Mangrove Park expansion, which includes some of this
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Mr. Fenton inquired if the DEP would allow a marina at this location. Mr. Hutchinson
responded that the DEP would have concerns regarding the design, as well as the
seagrass, plus there was no parking in the area. Mr. Fenton also pointed out that there
were mangroves. Mr. Hutchinson said that they are looking at putting in a day dock,
which is different from a marina. He does not think that this area could be considered a
revenue-generator, which the property owner disagrees with. This can be attributable to
why there has been no progress in acquiring the property. Mr. Hutchinson stated that
the property owner did say that they would be interested in lettinq the experts get
together and work towards a settlement, which would be a decision of'~he City.
Chairman Finkelstein stated that they have done all that they could do and that a motion
to reiterate the Board's previous motion to begin the process of condemnation would be
in order.
Ms. Hoyland moved to recommend to the City Commission for the acquisition of
properties for the Boynton Beach Boulevard extension, the Promenade, Riverwalk and
Mangrove Park Expansion through the condemnation process. Motion seconded by.
Vice Chair Heavilin and unanimously carried.
Attorney Payne administered the oath to all persons who would be testifying.
V. Public Hearings
Planning and Zoning Hearing Items
Old Business
A. Land Use Plan AmendmentJRezoning
Project Name:
The Harbors (LUAR 02-005) (tabled)
Jennifer Morton, Land Design South
Schgai, Inc.
2300 North Federal Highway
Request to Amend the Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Map from Local Retail
Commercial (LRC) to Special High Density
Residential (SHDR); and
Request to Rezone from Community
Commercial (C-3) to Infill Planned Unit
Development (IPUD)
Proposed Use: Development of 51 fee-simple townhouses
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to remove the item from the table. Motion seconded by Mr.
DeMarco and unanimously carried.
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, presented the item, which is to reclassify the property
from local retail commercial to special high density residential with a density of 20 units
per acre; and to rezone from community commercial to infill planned unit development
to redevelop the property with 51 fee-simple townhouses. This is a reduction from the
prior petition.
Mr. Hudson reviewed the adjacent uses that had been pointed out at the prior hearing.
The project is a small-scale amendment, which means that it is adopted by the City prior
to being sent to DCA. The project meets the eight criteria necessary for an amendment
to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. The land use amendment and
rezoning would be consistent with plans contained in the Comprehensive Plan.
The property is located in a hurricane evacuation zone and staff is recommending that
each homebuyer be informed that they are purchasing property in a hurricane-
evacuation zone and to provide a mechanism to disseminate continuing information to
residents regarding hurricane evacuation and shelters.
Staff would like any development in that zoning district to have design standards that
would exceed the standards of the basic development standards in terms of sign
design, building architecture, construction materials, amenities and landscape design.
Staff still feels that the design falls short of what staff would like to see. The applicant
has removed one of the four unit buildings to allow more space between the buildings,
the paseos and the driveways into the garages. One additional unit has been added to
the building on the Intracoastal, which creates a wall effect. The sidewalk is only 4'
wide for the residents to access the pool area and dock.
The applicant has added some bumpouts to the sides of each structure, which does
improve the appearance of the building. Up and down the Federal Highway Corridor
there are elements of Spanish and Mediterranean style developments that are very
attractive. Staff would like to see more style than what the applicant is proposing. Mr.
Hudson pointed out that this project would be the gateway to the City at the north end
and staff would like to see something outstanding and memorable.
The project still lacks amenities and the pool is far from the units on Federal Highway.
Staff has not been informed if there would be restrooms at the pool area. There are no
benches and there is not enough room to plant shade trees. Also, staff has not been
told how the docking facilities would be accessed from the land side.
Parking is still a problem; the parallel parking spaces along the drive are not convenient
to the pool area; and there is insufficient guest parking. The landscaping is minimal and
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
the height of the Palm trees is not very high. Staff would like to see some lush
landscaping to compensate for some of the shortcomings. The pervious area of the
project is 29% and there should be more pervious area. The site plan is an
improvement to the commercial use restaurant and nightclub currently on the site. If the
site plan is adopted, it then becomes the Master Plan and is linked to the rezoning.
Staff does feel that the project is (1) consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive
Plan; (2) would not create any additional impacts on the infrastructure; (3) would be
compatible with the land uses; and (4) would contribute to the overall economic
development of the City. The project is still deficient in design and falls short of meeting
the zoning regulations.
Staff recommends approval, subject to enhancements described in the staff analysis.
There were five areas that need to be addressed as follows: (1) integrate architectural
elements to enhance the overall character of the development; (2) change the
orientation of the easternmost building to increase the visual and physical access to the
recreation area; (3) improve the aesthetic quality of the paseos and provide amenities
that the project lacks; (4) enhance the wall surrounding the project and provide
additional landscaping to enhance the views and areas opposite less aesthetic adjacent.
uses, and improve the quality of interior living areas; and (5) provide additional parking
spaces to prevent congestion and decline in the project quality.
Eric Johnson, Planner, noted that one four-unit building has been taken out to reduce
the units to 51. An additional unit has been added to the building closest to the
Intracoastal. Some issues still outstanding are the building configurations, separation
distance, drive aisles, and allocation of parking for guests. The plans have been revised
that separate the buildings by 32'. Prior to that it was 25' and was increased by deleting
one building. There is no additional landscaping in the courtyard area.
Staff recommends increasing the width of the sidewalk from 4' to 5'. The design does
not capitalize on the site's proximity to the Intracoastal Park and Waterway. At the last
meeting, staff recommended angling the building. Staff would like to have some
useable space on the porches.
The project provides for one guest parking space for every seven townhomes, which
staff feels is inadequate. Staff recommends that the driveway behind each unit should
be long enough to accommodate a parked vehicle without compromising the function of
the 18' wide backup area. The applicant has increased the space for the vehicles to
back up out of the garage. Mr. Johnson pointed out that because of a lack of guest
parking, people would be parking along the drive aisle or in the back of the units. This
would be unsightly and dangerous.
Staff recommends that the site plan be approved subject to adequately addressing all
the issues in the conditions of approval. There are 52 conditions of approval. Condition
#19 needs to be corrected to indicate 51 units. Condition #43 is a duplicate of Condition
#37 and should be removed.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Michael Weiner, Attorney for Centex Homes, pointed out that everyone has different
visions. He noted that they started with 127 conditions and are now down to 52, and
the applicant agrees with almost all the conditions.
The project meets the eight criteria, and the applicant and staff are together on a great
deal of the issues that depend more upon taste than the regulations. Attorney Weiner
pointed out that they are not asking for any variances or exceptions and feels that the
project is a good project. There are seven more parking spaces than required by Code
and they have reduced the units from 54 to 51. The buildings are only 42' high, not 45,'
as permitted, and he feels that they have exceeded the standards.
Bob Bentz, Land Planner for Land Design South, said that they are the land planners
and landscape architects for the project. Mr. Bentz said he would be presenting the
changes. He pointed out that three units have been eliminated and parking has been
increased by two spaces. Mr. Bentz presented a PowerPoint presentation of the
Mr. Bentz pointed out that they cannot change the shape of the parcel, which is over
900' in length and 130' in width and is a difficult parcel to work with. Mr. Bentz
compared the old site plan to the new site plan. The building that was deleted from the
new site plan was located in the western corner of the property. The building along the
eastern edge has been modified to add an additional unit. This building only has 90' of
frontage on the Intracoastal Waterway and will now contain five units. They will be
keeping the wood dock along the Intracoastal Waterway, the deck area and the marina.
The tiki bar will be converted into a cabana that will contain restrooms for men and
The front doors to the units are located off the paseo areas and there is a walkway
down the middle of the paseo. Each unit has their own access off the main walkway and
the paseos have been increased from a minimum of 32'.
The alleyways that separate the individual buildings have been increased and are used
to access the individual garages. The alleyways are designed for use by the residents
only. They have been increased to 30' to provide for additional maneuvering.
The main entryway to the project has been changed in accordance with staff's request
to line up the entry drive with one of the access driveways with one of the residential
units. An additional paver block area has been added.
With regard to staff's comment regarding access along the five-unit building, they agree
with that comment. Mr. Bentz proposed that an architectural element be constructed
along the side of the building to provide an entryway into the recreational area behind
the unit. This would also serve as a focal point when driving down the main access
drive. They have also made fa(;ade changes as requested by staff.
Chairman Finkelstein opened up the public audience.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Sally Dalton, 650 Las Palmas Park, gave a history of the property. Ms. Dalton had no
complaints about Caf~ LaNotte and pointed out that not all the residents were against
that establishment. She questioned the accuracy of the street being 50' wide, 25' on
each side and wondered if there was enough reom to put in a left turn lane.
Julie Szymkowski, 655 Las Palmas Park, did not think there was much change in
tonight's presentation from the prior one.
unattractive. She stated that there were not She thought the building was very
1,815 daily trips generated from the
present property. She said there is no traffic being generated from the property and
questioned where the new figure of 358 daily trips came from. She also did not like the
look of the project.
Chairman Finkelstein closed the public audience.
Attorney Weiner stated that the 1,815 trips took place when the restaurant was being
utilized and the project would decrease the daily trips by almost 1,200 trips. He also
pointed out that there is a 50' right-of-way even though currently only a portion of the
right-of-way is paved.
Chairman Finkelstein requested that the applicant address the conditions that they do
not agree with.
Mr. Bentz pointed out that the number of units in condition #19 has been decreased to
51 and should be changed. He discussed Condition fl41 that requests the applicant to
place features on the wall along the north side of the parking area and asked for
clarification of this Condition. He pointed out that they already have an arbor area and a
landscaped accent element. Since the northern wall contains a large Fichus hedge, it
would not be visible.
With regard to Condition #45, this condition requires that the size of the guest parallel
parking be increased, as well as the garage units. The parallel parking spaces are 25'
in length and the Code only requires 18'. The extra width will accommodate parallel
parking. Mr. Bentz explained that the garage spaces are actually 20' in depth, not 17'
Condition #48 asks that the applicant come back with a new site plan and they disagree
with this condition.
Condition #50 deals with the main east/west walkway. The east/west walkway runs
along the northern boundary along the access drive and is currently 4'. Staff is asking it
be increased to 5'. Mr. Bentz pointed out that there are only 51 residential units and the
five units along the Intracoastal would not use the walkway. They feel that a 4'
is adequate for the community. The walkway is paver block and would improve the
aesthetics of the community.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
.~.Boynton Beach, Florida
Comment //51 deals with the width of the paseo area, which has already
increased. Mr. Bentz said that they agree with al/other staff COmments.
Mr. Johnson addressed the applicant's comments as follows:
Staff agrees that Comment #19 should be changed from 54 to 51 units.
With regard to Comment fl41, the buffer wall along the north property line, staff would
like to see Something attractive when a person or vehicle exits the property rather than
merely a wall. Mr. Bentz pointed out that the wall is behind the Ficus hedge and would
not be visible. Mr. Johnson asked if the hedge would remain during the construction
period. Staff would like to have more than just a wall and hedge. Mr. Bentz suggested
placing Some landscaping elements and stated that the hedge would remain during the
construction period.
With regard to Comment ~45, Mr. Johnson noted that staff was reCOmmending that the
garage area in each unit be increased in size in order to maximize the storage space for
both vehicles and other items. This would minimize the haphazard parking of cars
throughout the development. Staff feels that at some point the garages would be used
more for storage of items, rather than for parking of vehicles.
With regard to Comment fl48, Mr. Johnson pointed out that only a few units face the
Park and staff requested that the applicant change and angle the buildings to maximize
the visibility.
With regard to Comment #50 dealing with the width of the sidewalk, Mr. Johnson
acknowledged that 44" is required, but they would like to see Something exemplary and
felt that the sidewalk could easily be increased to 5'.
Comment #51 is a recommendation to increase the paseo area. There is no code
requirement to do this. This is staff's first/PUD and they are trying to maximize the best
possible product.
Ms. Hoyland pointed out that she was not at the last meeting, but she has read the
minutes and reviewed the site plan and staff report and COmpared it to the current
submittal. Ms. Hoyland inquired as to the actual width at the entrance of the garages.
Mr. Bentz responded 16', which is standard for a two-car garage. Ms. Hoyland felt that a
standard two-car garage opening should be 18'. She did not agree with staff's
interpretation of using the garage for storage and felt this could be addressed through
the association documents stating that garages cannot be used for storage and that
outflow parking would be prohibited. She would recommend that the garage entrance
be 18' at the opening.
Ms. Hoyland had a serious concern with the elevations that face Federal Highway. The
rear elevations as proposed for Units 7, 8, 9 and 10 and the end unit in Building 1 would
face Federal Highway. She would like the applicant to add additional architectural
October 8, 2002
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
element on Buildings 1 and 2 and Unit 12. She felt that there should be additional
balconies so that those residents could enjoy the recreation area and the Intracoastal
She also asked why the details for the cabana have not been provided such as
elevations, roof material, etc. The previous plan included a handicap parking space to
the north of Building 12. She felt that a handicap space was needed at the recreation
area and questioned why the handicap space was deleted. Ms. Hoyland did not think
that parking spaces needed to be provided behind the garages. She felt if the space of
the garages were increased, this would eliminate the need for parking spaces behind
the garages. She also felt that the two guest parking spaces behind Building 2 on the
west side will create a problem for residents backing out of their garages.
Ms. Hoyland felt that the details for the dumpster needed to be addressed further. She
was against adding an additional unit to Building 12 and felt there was not enough room
for this unit. Ms. Hoyland would like the existing wall addressed further.
The elevations that face the park on the south side of the project should include more
architectural detail such as shutters, false windows, balconettes, etc. With regard to the
light poles, Ms. Hoyland would like the type A, which would blend better with the style
of architecture. She also had a serious concern regarding the pre-cast wall and noted
there already is a wall on the property and felt that the applicant should put in a
permanent wall that would require less maintenance, such as a concrete block wall.
Ms. Hoyland would like to have more landscaping at the entrance to the main road from
each driveway, such as clusters of Palm trees with some type of plantings to soften the
900' perimeter. She would like a requirement that a hedge be maintained along the
wall, whether it is the current hedge or a new hedge, with a minimum of 6' high.
Vice Chair Heavilin pointed out that the paseos and driveways have been increased.
She asked if the possibility of not increasing the paseos and driveways, but instead
adding additional parking along the west end along Federal Highway was discussed
with staff. Vice Chair Heavilin felt there was still a deficiency in guest parking. Mr.
Bentz was agreeable to this suggestion. He felt that they could add additional parking
without reducing the width of the parking by making the driveways a little narrower.
Mr. Bentz also noted that the association documents could have a restriction that would
state that the garages could only be utilized for parking cars and not for storage. Vice
Chair Heavilin asked for clarification on the width of the garage. Mr. Bentz responded
that the typical garage width is 16' wide. He pointed out that the door is 16', but the
width of the garage is 20' that includes the width of the parking spaces.
Vice Chair Heavilin asked to view the color samples, which were provided.
Mr. DeMarco did not feel that the design addressed staff's concerns that more units
have a view of the Intracoastal. He felt that people would not purchase the units that
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
did not have a view of the Intracoastal. Vice Chair Heavilin did not feel that this would
be a deterrent to the sale of those units.
Mr. Fenton thought that the balconies overlooking the Intracoastal were too small.
Mr. DeMarco also felt that the colors of the project were too dark and were not
indicative of South Florida. Mr. Bentz pointed out that these are the same types of
colors used in City Place in West Palm Beach and are popular colors for infill areas.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired why the applicant did not want to include real balconies
on the south sides so that people could sit out and look at the Park. He also would like
to see more architectural elements on the two buildings that front Federal Highway.
Chairman Finkelstein asked about the access to the docks.
Kevin Borkenhagen of Centex Homes stated that the docks were on a submerged
land lease that had been submitted to staff. It is a five-year lease, renewable every five
years. It was just renewed last April. The docks will be available only to customers
buying units. There are 13 slips that will be sold with a right to use the slip, which
means someone who does not live on the property cannot buy a slip. The slips will be
offered on a first come - first served basis. He also stated that everyone would have
access to the common dock.
Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that the old site plan had 13 parking spaces and the
new site plan has 12. He also stated that if the project were approved it should be
subject to staff receiving the elevation of the existing covered tiki bar to ensure that the
colors will be compatible with the colors of the buildings. Mr. Johnson said that this
could be taken care of at the time of permitting, which Mr. Borkenhagen agreed to.
Ms. Hoyland said that she supports the project, but feels there are too many changes
for the Board to add more conditions in addition to the conditions already listed to
approve the project.
Mr. Bentz requested that the project be approved with the condition that the applicant
come back to the Board for final architectural review and landscape approval. He
pointed that they have contractual requirements for the property and need to move
forward in a timely fashion.
Vice Chair Heavilin stated that she did not agree with Comments #48, #50 and #51.
Chairman Finkelstein felt that Comment #48 could be addressed by adding real
balconies. Attorney Weiner said that they could add balconies. He said that they do not
have a problem with coming back to the Board to discuss the architectural and
landscaping details, which could be a condition of approval.
Chairman Finkelstein noted that the Land Use Amendment had to be approved with the
Site Plan that becomes the Master Plan, which means that all the conditions being
imposed upon the site plan need to be incorporated. Mr. Rumpf recommended that all
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
items be processed together. Chairman Finkelstein said that the Board would like to
see what the changes are and asked if there were a way to add a condition that those
changes come back to the Board. Mr. Rumpf point out that this would be a
recommendation to the City Commission. Mr. Rumpf responded that the applicant
could be required to come back prior to obtaining permits with the architectural
Ms. Hoyland asked about the handicap access for the recreation area, and Mr. Johnson
responded that this is not a requirement for fee-simple townhouses.
Mr. Bentz stated that they were amenable to adding some architectural enhancements
to the western fa(;ade of the building along Federal Highway because the second and
third floor would be visible from Federal Highway.
Mr. Fenton requested that in staff Comment #49 the word "porch" be changed to
"balcony," which the applicant agreed to.
Ms. Hoyland moved to approve the Land Use Plan Amendment and Rezoning for the
Harbors to rezone from Community Commercial to Infill Planned Unit Development and
to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Local Retail Commercial to Special High
Density Residential for 51 fee-simple townhouses with conditions as noted in staff's
report. Motion seconded by Mr. Fenton and unanimously carried.
Ms. Hoyland moved to remove Item 5.B from the table. Motion seconded by Mr. Fenton
and unanimously carried.
B. New Site Plan
Project Name:
The Harbors (NWSP 02-012) (tabled)
Jennifer Morton, Land Design South
Schgai, Inc.
2300 North Federal Highway
Request to construct 51 fee-simple townhouse
units on 3.21 acres
Chairman Finkelstein noted that staff has already presented their report on this item and
the applicant did not wish to speak.
Chairman Finkelstein opened up the public audience. Since no one wished to speak,
the public audience was closed.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Ms. Hoyland moved to approve the Site Plan, the Landscape Plan and Architectural
Elevation for The Harbors subject to the conditions listed in the staff report and the
following conditions:
(1) That additional parking on the west end of the site be accommodated through
reducing the paseos only (not the drive aisles);
(2) That the garages be increased in width at the entrance opening to 18';
(3) That the applicant come back to the Board for final review of the following
(a) That the rear and side elevations include more detailed architectural
elements, specifically relating to all of the buildings and specifically to
Buildings 1 and 2 where the side and rear elevations face Federal
(4) That additional architectural detail be included on the south elevation facing
Intracoastal Park, such as bow windows, shutters, raised stucco bandings, and
most importantly, balconies (not balconettes).
(5) That landscape nodes be provided along the north perimeter of the property
adjacent to the existing hedge and wall. The nodes would be specifically located
where the driveways to the south interact with the perimeter and that the hedge
be maintained at 6' in height.
(6) Provide details of the proposed Cabana and possibly include a covered area
along the west side of the Cabana.
(7) Provide a more specific detail of the dumpster enclosure, which should include
the detail of the gate.
(8) That the colors for the proposed project, specifically the base color, be softened
two shades.
(9) That the proposed lights for the project be type A, as indicated on the site plan.
(10) That any wall proposed on the project around the perimeter be a concrete block
wall, rather than pre-cast.
Mr. Fenton requested that Ms. Hoyland amend her comment #1 regarding additional
parking by leaving this to the discretion of the applicant, since the applicant indicated
they could increase the parking without reducing the paseos.
Ms. Hoyland amended her motion to state in comment #1 that additional parking on the
west end of the site be accommodated without reducing the driveways. Should any
additional areas be necessary they would be obtained through the paseo area.
Vice Chair Heavilin asked Ms Hoyland to amend her motion to delete Staff Comment
#51, which she agreed to.
Ms. Hoyland further amended her motion by deleting staff Comments #50 and #A8.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Ms. Hoyland noted that staff deleted Comment #43; Comment #19 is amended to
indicate 51 units.
Ms. Hoyland incorporated her added condition #5 with Staff's Comment #41, regarding
the landscaping adjacent to the northern perimeter.
Mr. Bentz requested that Staff Comment #45 be deleted. Ms. Hoyland felt that she
addressed this in her comments by increasing the opening of the garage to 18'.
Mr. Bentz stated that they would look into the feasibility of this and pointed out that the
width and depth of the units have already been established.
Ms. Hoyland agreed to amend her motion to include her statement to modify Staff
Comment #45 by increasing the garage opening in width, rather than depth.
Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the amended motion. The motion unanimously carried.
C. Administrative Appeal
Project Name:
Gateway Texaco (ADAP) 02-011 (tabled)
Beril Kruger, Planning and Zoning Consultants
Zuhair Marouf
2360 North Federal Highway
North Federal Highway at Last Palmas
Request for appeal of administration
determination that proposed improvement to
gas station/convenience store would be an
unlawful expansion of legal, non-conforming
Mr. Fenton moved to remove the item from the table. Motion seconded by Mr. DeMarco
and unanimously carried.
Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, presented the item, which is an appeal of
staff's administrative decision submitted by Beril Kruger on behalf of the owner, Mr.
Marouf. The appeal deals with the interpretation and enforcement of the Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, {}{}11.1, ¶D.1 and ¶D.2 regarding expansion of
non-conforming uses. The property owner wants to expand the gas station to provide an
additional building for the storage of merchandise. Staff rendered an Administration
Decision that the proposed change to the above-referenced business would be
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
prohibited by City Regulations. The use is non-conforming by virtue of location
limitations that limit the sale of gasoline to intersections consisting of roads of four lanes
or wider. The Regulations prohibit the expansion of a non-conforming use, which Mr.
Rumpf cited.
The applicant stated that the expansion is necessary for the storage of merchandise,
which they consider is separate from the gasoline sales, which are non-conforming.
Staff recommends that the request be denied and that any expansion of the Gateway
Texaco Gas Station would be an unlawful expansion of the legal non-conforming use.
The sale of gasoline is the principal use of the business that is located on one parcel
within a single structure and, therefore, cannot be viewed separate from accessory
components, such as retail sales. The applicant also has not proven that further
expansion of the building and retail sales aspect of the business is mandatory for the
continued operation of the principal use.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired if the subject property had been cited by Code
Compliance for the additional storage trailer?. Mr. Rumpf requested that the applicant
address this. Mr. Rumpf stated that these are two separate issues.
Attorney Michael Weiner, was present on behalf of the owner, and stated that Beril
Kruger, who submitted the application, was also present. The appeal is the result of a
request to allow an additional 600 square foot structure for the storage of drinks, sodas
and juices for the convenience store that is operated at this location.
Attorney Weiner cited Section 11 of the LDR, Supplemental Regulations. This Section
states that gasoline-dispensing establishments shall be located only at four lane
intersections. Attorney Weiner pointed out that C-3 Zoning allows for automotive
service stations. He stated that this is not a non-conforming use problem, but additional
development criteria in the Code makes this non-conforming. The use is an approved
use and only the design criteria is not met.
Attorney Weiner pointed out that the current storage does not meet the design criteria,
and the owner would like to eliminate the storage in the truck and replace it with a
permanent structure. If the appeal were granted, it would eliminate one of the design
criteria problems. He stated that the only purpose for the building would be to store
sodas. If the owner had to eliminate the trailer, he would have no place for storage,
which is necessary for the normal operation of its principal use. Attorney Weiner noted
that in this day and age it is important that gasoline stations have this accessory use,
which is a convenience store. Because of this fact, he felt that the storage of the sodas
was necessary for the normal operations of the business and they would not be
increasing any non-conforming use. Attorney Weiner also said that the owner meets
the requirements to build this structure, which has been supported by many court cases.
In summary, he stated that this is not an expansion of a non-conforming use and the
owner is merely reducing the design criteria difficulties. It would be a hardship for the
owner if he did not have this accessory use. Attorney Weiner requested that the appeal
be granted.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Chairman Finkelstein opened up the public audience.
Sally Dalton, 650 Las Palmas Park, was against adding any more non-conforming uses
to this property. Ms. Dalton asked where the structure would be located on the property.
Chairman Finkelstein stated they did not know because they have not seen the site
Brian Edwards, 629 NE 9th Avenue, Boynton Beach, was in favor of the addition to the
gas station. Mr. Edwards pointed out that Mr. Marouf has a large customer base that
depends upon his business to accommodate their needs. He felt that the City should
help Mr. Marouf and work with him to help his business grow. Mr. Edwards requested
that the Board approve the structure.
Ron Washam, 112 S. Atlantic Drive, Boynton Beach, Chairman of the Community
Relations Board, felt that this was a crucial issue and pointed out how hard he and other
people worked to get an independent CRA. He has read both sides of the argument
and felt it was important to help the small businesses survive. Mr. Washam noted that
the business is thriving and has a large customer base that depends upon the-
convenience store for their needs. Mr. Washam urged the Board to approve the appeal.
Terry Pereira, 7692 Colony Lake Drive, Boynton Beach, is a friend as well as a
customer of Mr. Marouf, and frequents his establishment regularly. He feels that Mr.
Marouf deserves a good-citizen award and that the storage building is necessary for his
business. Mr. Pereira pointed out that Mr. Marouf is not trying to expand his gas station
business, but is merely trying to fill a need for his business to have a place to store his
merchandise. The location of the building would not be visible from the street. Mr.
Pereira was in favor of allowing the owner to build the storage area to support his
The public audience was closed.
Mr. Rumpf wished to rebut some of the statements. The first one is that the use was a
"permitted use" and that the location criteria is not part of the actual zoning regulations.
He noted that gasoline stations are conditional uses in the City regardless of the zoning
district. The location criteria goes hand-in-hand and is also part of Chapter 2 previously
referenced. The current outdoor storage, from the City's perspective, does not exist. It
is not a legal, non-conforming use because it never existed in a conforming way. It is
non-permitted and has not undergone any site review and is an illegal increase in the
non-conforming use. Mr. Rumpf stated that the storage building would be an addition to
that business and is not a change to the business.
The City does not want to support the continued existence of these types of uses. In
order to allow the addition, it would require a Code re-evaluation, because there is no
special exception process for this type of expansion.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Attorney Weiner pointed out that the storage would be in the back and would not be
visible from the street. A site plan has been submitted to the City. The right-of-way, as
pointed out in the previous application does exist, it is just not presently paved.
Ms. Hoyland asked what the storage area would be used for. Mr. Rumpf responded it
would be used for the storage of soda and other retail merchandise. She inquired if this
would be an additional display area. Attorney Weiner said it would not be seen from the
street and would be used for cold storage. The size of the building would be 20' x 30'.
Ms. Hoyland further asked when the automotive component was converted to retail was
the project assessed for parking and Mr. Rumpf stated that it was. She inquired if the
expansion of the use is included in the gross floor area and Mr. Rumpf stated it would
be and would be assessed for parking. Ms. Hoyland inquired if the applicant would be
able to meet their parking requirements and Mr. Rumpf stated they have not reviewed
the plan.
Ms. Hoyland questioned why the item was on the agenda and felt that the Planning
Director should have handled it. Further, she did not think that the applicant provided
the necessary information to the Board that would indicate that it is not an expansion of.
a non-conforming use. She also felt it was an expansion of a non-conforming use.
Chairman Finkelstein responded that the applicant had the right to appeal an
administrative decision. Ms. Hoyland did not feel that there was sufficient evidence to
allow an increase in the building's square footage, which is non-conforming, and
supported staff's decision.
Mr. Fenton did not agree with Ms. Hoyland and felt that the City's Code is antiquated
and needs to be updated. He did not think that putting in the addition would cause any
Mr. DeMarco pointed out that a 20' x 30' building is not small and felt that the Board
should be furnished with a site plan before anything could be approved.
Chairman Finkelstein also agreed with staff's interpretation of the Code and said he
could not approve anything without looking at a site plan. He asked how long the trailer
has been on the property, and Attomey Weiner stated it has been there since 1999.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired when the Code citation was issued and was informed it
was 2001. Attorney Weiner stated that before they could present the site plan, they had
to get approval for the building.
Vice Chair Heavilin inquired if the item was approved, would the applicant have to come
back for site plan approval? Attorney Payne noted that tonight's issue is an appeal of an
administrative decision and the Board should not be looking at the item as a site plan
issue. The question tonight is whether the use is an expansion of the non-conforming
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Quintus Green, Development Director, noted that the issue tonight is whether or not the
facility is a legal non-conforming use and it is not. Therefore, the proposal would be an
expansion of a legal non-conforming use and staff has determined that it is an
expansion of a non-conforming use. He has never heard of a Code that would allow for
the expansion of a non-conforming use.
Ms. Hoyland suggested that the applicant process a Text Amendment to amend the
Code. She felt that if the Board approved the request, it would set a precedent for other
non-conforming uses. Ms. Hoyland requested that the Board support staff's
interpretation of the Code.
Ms. Hoyland moved to deny the applicant's appeal of the decision of the Planning and
Zoning Director's .decision as noted in the staff report.
Motion failed for lack of a second.
Mr. Fenton moved to accept Mr. Marouf's request for an additional 20'x30' addition to
his business.
Motion failed for lack of a second.
Ms. Hoyland moved to uphold the decision of the Planning and Zoning Director.
Chairman Finkelstein passed the gavel and seconded the motion.
The roll was called and the motion carried 3-2 (Don Fenton and Vice Chair Heavilin
New Business
Land Use Plan Amendment/Rezoninq
Merano Bay (LUAR 02-006)
Cados Ballbe, Woodside Land Development
AutoZone, Inc.
Southeast corner of Shore Drive and North
Federal Highway
Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Map from Local Retail
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Commercial (LRC) to High Density Residential
10.6 du/acre; and
Request to rezone from Community
Commercial (C-3) to Infill Planned Unit
Development (I PU D)
B. New Site Plan
1. Project Name:
Merano Bay (NWSP 02-014)
Carlos Ballbe, Woodside Land Development
AutoZone, Inc.
Southeast corner of Shore Drive and North
Federal Highway
Request to construct 20 fee-simple townhome
units on a 1.75-acre parcel
Ms. Hoyland moved to remove Items A. 1 and B.1. from the table. Motion seconded by
Vice Chair Heavilin and unanimously carried.
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, presented the item. When staff was going through the site
plan review, it was discovered that the advertisement for the item was incorrect. Mr.
Hudson pointed out that the IPUD regulations could apply to both the C-3 and the high
density residential. Both would allow 10.8 units per acre. The applicant thought that
they were applying for the special high density and as a result, when this was
discovered, it was too late to re-advertise for this meeting. Staff is asking that the Board
review the Rezoning and Site Plan for approval. The Land Use Amendment will be re-
advertised as soon as possible.
The Site Plan will function as the Master Plan and staff is very pleased with the Plan.
The Site Plan has been handled very well; the amenities are centrally located; there is
adequate parking; and the landscaping is very good. The project exceeds the basic
development standards. The only problem is that the applicant is only allowed to build
18.9 units and they need 20. Staff is recommending that the rezoning to the IPUD
District and Master Site Plan be approved contingent upon the approval of the
reclassification to special high density residential.
The project meets the eight criteria as outlined in staffs report; is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan Policies; and would blend in with the adjacent single-family
residential properties to the east. Staff recommends approval of the Zoning and Site
Plan. The Land Use Amendment will be brought back to the next meeting.
Maxime DuCoste-Amedee, Planner for the City, presented the Site Plan. The applicant
is applying to build 20 fee-simple townhomes at the southeast corner of North Federal
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
O~ober 8, 2002
Highway and Shore Drive. There would be four separate buildings on 1.75 acres. There
is a pool that is centrally located and each building would have five units around a
circular drive. The buildings will be two-stories and would include three to four
bedrooms and three bathrooms. Currently the property is undeveloped.
Both the ingress and egress to the development would be 12' wide along Federal
Highway. The interior circular drive would be 20' in width. There will be 43 parking
spaces as opposed to 40 that are required. Each unit would contain a one-car garage
with a one-car driveway that could accommodate two cars. There will be three
additional parking spaces around the recreational area, including a handicap space.
The back-up distance for the parking spaces is 24' with the exception of Units #1 and
#20 that are adjacent to the entrance. Staff is recommending that the applicant request
a waiver in order to meet the 24' backup.
The landscaping is lush and above Code. There will be 54 trees, which is much more
than the required 50%, and all the landscape material will be native. The townhomes
will be 25¼' in height and a CBS 6' wall will be placed along the west and north property
line, which will be setback at least 4' from the property line. A condition has been
included that the color of the wall would be similar to the exterior of the buildings.
The architectural design of the project is a Neo-Mediterranean design and the extedor
wall will be stucco with two color options. All architectural enhancements will be white.
The Spanish roof tiles will be terracotta. There will be a separate signage review by the
CRA when the applicant brings the signage forward.
Staff feels that the project meets the intent of the IPUD regulations and actually goes
beyond the typical requirements and staff recommends approval of the Site Plan. There
are 25 Conditions of Approval, and staff would like to add another condition to total 26
Conditions. The new condition would state that, "The proposed 6' high masonry wall
located along the north and west property line shall be painted the same color to match
the color of the proposed buildings."
Carlos Ballb~, a consulting engineer from Ft. Lauderdale is the agent for the project.
He stated that they are proposing to build a luxury townhouse community and
incorporated staff's comments when they designed the project. He feels that the
community will blend in with the commercial to the north and the single residential
homes in the area.
The entrance has been designed to have little impact upon the neighborhood and they
are planning to enhance the entrance to the Coquina Cove subdivision by adding a
sidewalk, curbs and gutter, as well as landscaping. Mr. Ballb~ respectfully requested
that the project be approved.
There was no one that wished to speak during Public Audience.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Chairman Finkelstein asked the agent to address any staff comments that they did not
agree with or need further clarification on.
Mr. Ballbb addressed Comment #1 regarding the minimum backup distance for 90°
being 24' and thought that this issue had been resolved by adding more distance
between the townhouses and adding a sidewalk around the perimeter of the roadway.
The only units that this would apply to are the two end units. The agent requested a
waiver for this item. Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that this was included in the staff
report. Mr. Ballbb said that they agreed with all other staff conditions.
Mr. Fenton inquired about the overhead wires and Mr. Ballb~ stated that there were no
overhead wires on the property.
Chairman Finkelstein requested to look at the color chart. Mr. DeMarco noted that the
color for the garage doors presented was darker than the colors on the artist's
rendering. Mr. DeMarco would like to see the garage doors painted a lighter color.
Ms. Hoyland noted that staff has recommended a CBS wall, but the site plan indicates a
pre-cast wall. Mr. Ballb~ said they were proposing to install a pre-cast wall. Mr..
DuCoste-Amedee stated that staff would prefer to have a CBS wall. Ms. Hoyland also
questioned why there is such a mixture of materials around the perimeter of the site,
such as a 6' pre-cast wall along the north property line and along the northeast property
a 6' high shadow box wood fence is being proposed. Also there is already an existing
metal fence.
Mr. Ballbb responded there are a lot of pre-existing conditions. The only thing they will
be doing is adding a pre-cast wall along Federal Highway and Shore Drive. They are
trying to preserve the existing landscape and there is also an existing CBS in the
neighborhood. The existing chainlink fence belongs to the South Florida Water
Management District.
Ms. Hoyland inquired about the reduction for Units 1 and 20 from 24' to 15' and if staff is
supporting this. Mr. DuCoste-Amedee stated that the 24' is a standard engineering
drawing. He is not sure if the Engineering Division would support reducing the
Mr. Rumpf said that there have been brief conversations with the Engineering staff and
he believes that they generally support the reduction; however, this is unofficial.
Obtaining a waiver is an administrative function and the applicant would not have to
come back to the Board.
Mr. Ballb~ stated that they were not proposing to add any hedges along the SFWMD
Ms. Hoyland referenced the large triangular paved area around the pool and thought
that the pavement could be cut back and more landscape could be added. Mr. Ballbb
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
said that they would be willing to cut back some of the paved area, but only as much as
would be allowed under the Fire Codes.
Ms. Hoyland complimented the applicant on their elevations and noted that the project
exemplifies what is needed in IPUD districts. She would like to see additional
architectural detail on the side elevations and suggested that the score line be
continued around the side of the building. She also suggested adding additional
windows or faux windows that would be comparable to what is on the front of the
building. Mr. Ballbb said that they would be amenable to these suggestions. He
pointed out that there would be shade trees in the backyards, which is why they
emphasized the detail on the second floor because the second floor would be more
Ms. Hoyland suggested that staff work with the applicant to come up with some ideas
on what the Board would like to see along the rear of the units. Mr. Ballbb felt that they
could work with staff on this.
Chairman Finkelstein commented on #19 regarding placing a bus shelter along Federal
HighwaY. Mr. Johnson stated that there is a bus stop that is north of the property at the-
commercial plaza. Mr. Johnson said that the rationale behind this comment was that
the project would impact mass transit and to enhance the bus stop would further
advance public purpose. The applicant agreed to coordinate with Palm Tran.
Vice Chair Heavilin pointed out that Comment #21 is the same as Comment #26 that
staff added. Mr. DuCoste-Amedee recommended removing comment #26.
Board members complimented staff and the applicant for bringing forward an excellent
Mr. DeMarco moved to approve the recommendations of Planning and Zoning for Items
A. 1 and B.I.
Ms. Hoyland requested that the following amendments be made to the motion:
1. Comment #19, dealing with the bus shelter, be deleted.
2. A CBS wall be provided, rather than a pre-cast wall for all new walls onsite.
3. That the center island be increased with more landscaping and that the applicant
work with staff and the Fire Department to maintain the turning radius necessary
on site.
4. That the garage doors be 9' wide without shifting or making the building larger.
5. That the side elevations include more architectural details, specifically with
respect to Units #1 and #20 and that these elements be similar to the types of
elements that are provided on units 1, 2 and 4 to include additional architectural
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
elements, specifically balconettes and railings above each patio and door window
and additional elements that staff and the applicant can work out.
That staff and the applicant work out the details of the waiver associated with the
drive aisle behind Units #1 and #20
The score lines indicated on the rear elevation be continued around the side
elevations on all buildings.
Mr. DeMarco agreed to amend his motion to include these comments.
seconded the amended motion that unanimously carried.
Ms. Hoyland
Mr. Ballb~ stated that this is the first project for Southern Homes in Palm Beach County
and that they are looking forward to bringing more projects to Boynton Beach.
C. Conditional Use
Project Name:
Victoria's Closet (COUS 02-004)
Thomas McCormack
3602 NFHB, LLC
3602 North Federal Highway
Request Conditional Use Approval for a 34,484
square foot self-storage facility in a C-3 zoning
Mr. Johnson presented the item and stated that the property consists of 1.9 acres and is
zoned C-3. He pointed out that in a recent interpretation of the Code by legal staff,
which was initiated by representatives of the applicant, a weakness in the Code
Amendments was identified that would essentially allow this use to be carried forward
into the C-2 and C-3 districts. Once this Code weakness was realized, the City passed
R02-135 on August 6, 2002 and followed up with a public hearing in accordance with
procedural requirements established by 000-53. The Notice of Intent process allows for
the initiation of a study of code amendments to address a particular code issue. The
current NOI is in effect for 180 days; however, the applicant submitted their application
prior to the passing of the resolution and is therefore eligible for review and
consideration. Self-storage facilities, in accordance with the interpretation, will be a
conditional use in a C-3 Zoning District.
For evaluating Conditional Uses there are 12 standards and Mr. Johnson evaluated the
important points. The site plan shows that there will be one ingress lane and there will
also be another egress lane for emergency vehicles only. The Palm Beach County
Traffic Division states that the project meets the traffic performance standards of the
County and this use would only generate 237 new trips.
The Code requires 14 parking spaces and the applicant is providing 17 spaces. There
will be a loading zone in the rear of the building that will not face Federal Highway. The
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
dumpster enclosure will face north and the Code requires that landscaping be on all
three sides.
The demand for water and sewer would be very limited since self-storage does not have
an intense use. ^ 6' buffer wall is proposed along the west property line and a portion
of the north property line. The wall must be constructed prior to the issuance of the C.O.
The project perimeter will have a 30' wide landscape buffer along Federal Highway and
a 5' buffer along the north and south sides of the project. The project is located
between two commercially zoned properties and the west buffer stdp will be a minimum
of 12' wide. The sign on the wall will be a backlit, 54 square foot sign. There will be
one monument sign that will be double-faced and intemally lit.
The proposed project is compatible with the existing commercial uses and is a three-
story building. The top of the roof will be 43' in height. The project complies with all 12
standards for evaluating a conditional use. There are 24 Conditions of Approval and
staff is recommending approval of the project, contingent upon the 24 Conditions of
Attorney Dick Coker, representing the applicant, introduced Thomas McCormack and.
Charles Highley, the two owners; the Planner, Anna Catrell; the Architect, Bill Osborne;
and the Landscape Contractor, Bob Linscott.
Attorney Coker stated that the project would be an office-like, air-conditioned facility.
There is virtually no traffic impact, no noise, since the only business is the storage of
personal and business equipment. The design has been done to be compatible with the
neighborhood. He pointed out that this is a depressed area and will be the first new
construction in many years.
Anna Catrell stated that they agreed with all staff conditions. The project being
presented tonight is through a joint working effort with staff and the applicant. The
building is Mediterranean in style, color and architectural details. The building is only 30'
high and the additional height is due to the barrel tile roof element at the front of the
building. The building will blend in well with Tuscany Apartments. The applicant has
incorporated arched windows, which was a staff recommendation. There is molding in
the middle of the building that goes all the way around. There will be landscaping along
the sides of the buildings. There will be three 22' Royal Palms planted at the entryway.
The large Banyan Tree will be preserved and will be the focal point of the site.
The only signage will be on the front fa(}ade and one freestanding sign not to exceed 8'.
There will be a concrete wall separating the project from the residential area on the west
and a portion of the north sides. There should be no impact on the residential areas.
Ms. Catrell pointed out that the design meets or exceeds the Code requirements.
Chairman Finkelstein opened up the public audience.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Hector Garcia, representing Southern Homes of Palm Beach County, noted that they
were the applicant for Merano Bay and they will be bringing several developments to
the City along the Federal Highway Corridor. They own 7% acres across the street from
this project, on which they plan to build approximately 110 luxury townhomes on the
Intracoastal ranging in price from $400,000 to $1 million. They also have a contract for
the adjacent warehouse sites and should be closing in December 2002.
Mr. Garcia considers the subject project to be a "warehouse with a hat on it." He said
that there are no real features that make the building exceed the design criteria of a
mini-warehouse. They will be asking to rezone the adjacent property to build 43
townhouses on the south side and he feels that the wall would detract from his
development. These townhomes would be priced similarly to the Merano Bay
Townhomes and the building of warehouses along the Corridor would be detrimental to
the redevelopment of Federal Highway Corridor.
Chairman Finkelstein closed the public audience.
Attorney Coker pointed out that Mr. Garcia continually referred to the self-storage facility
as a "warehouse". This is not a warehouse project, but a self-storage facility with zero.
impact upon any facility in the area. The project has been designed to be compatible
with all the development in the area. Attorney Coker noted that Mr. Garcia tried to buy
the property from Mr. McCormack, but was unsuccessful in doing so.
Ms. Hoyland noted from the drawings that the entire roof appeared to be pitched. Ms.
Catrell pointed out that the intent of the drawing was to show the site design, not the
building design in relationship to the surrounding properties. The drawing presented
tonight will not supersede the architectural drawings that were furnished to staff.
Ms. Hoyland inquired about the width of the drive-out area from the property.
Bill Osborne, the Architect for the project, responded that the turning radius for a fire
truck is 54', so the pavement had to be extended to allow a fire truck to go completely
around the building.
Ms. Hoyland liked the front elevations, but had a concern regarding the elevations of the
project in the CRA District. She did not think that the project on the north and south
side adequately addressed the elevations that they are looking for on the Federal
Highway Corridor.
Ms. Hoyland also liked the landscaping proposed for the site, but would like to see a
storage facility similar to the one on Hypoluxo Road, just west of Federal Highway. She
would like to see faux arched windows with a breezeway. When you drive by that
building you would not know that it is a storage facility. Ms. Osborne stated that they
could put some faux windows on the north, south and west sides if the Board so
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Ms. Hoyland suggested including awnings on the west side as well. Mr. Osborne
agreed to this. She also suggested adding some parapet features on the back of the
building or down the sides in order to "dress" up the long, expansive walls. Mr. Osborne
said that they would be willing to readdress the side and rear walls.
Mr. DeMarco inquired if the building were a three-story building and was informed that it
was. Mr. Coker explained that even though it is three stories, it appears to be only a
two-story building. The floors are only 10' high. Mr. DeMarco would also like to have
the walls dressed up.
Ms. Catrell pointed out that the building is not devoid of architectural detail. There is a
molding that goes around the center of the building; there are color accents that match
the awning and the signage. She also pointed out that there are foundation plantings all
along the building.
Mr. Johnson pointed out that the applicant needs to provide staff with the details of what
the gate for the fire truck exit would look like. Mr. Osborne stated that it would a
decorative metal gate.
Chairman Finkelstein questioned staff Comment #14 that mentioned that the applicant
should indicate the replacement trees on landscape sheet SP-1. Mr. Johnson
responded that both plans were SP-1 and when the comment was made, the City
Forester was referring to the plan that shows all the landscape material.
Ms. Hoyland moved to approve the Conditional Use for Victoria's Closet and the
associated Site Plan as presented with the conditions as listed in staff's report and the
following added conditions:
That the north, south and west elevations include greater architectural
details, such as faux windows with awnings on the east elevation,
decorative vertical elements, such as columns to break up the large
expanse of the building; a tower feature as indicated on the east elevation
be included on the north and south elevations. Ms. Hoyland entered her
plan into the record.
Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the motion.
Attorney Coker stated that they did not have a problem with the general direction and
comments. With regard to the specific design suggestions, he requested that their
architect look at the changes and determine what changes they could incorporate and
then bring them back to staff. He noted that there would be some problem with roof
drainage if towers were added on the north and south. He would like it stated that they
agree with the spirit of the motion and suggestions and asked that the applicant be
given some latitude in working with staff to address the design issues.
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Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Ms. Hoyland responded that if it were left up to staff, the Board would not know what the
changes would be. Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that staff understands the spirit of
Ms. Hoyland's direction.
Mr. Rumpf stated that some of the conditions could be deemed substantial. He noted
that the tower could become a substantial element and this puts staff in a difficult
position. Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that the costs of these suggestions need to
be considered as well. Chairman Finkelstein thought that there would be room to add
additional landscaping in the back of the property. He questioned whether a tower was
necessary on the north and south sides.
Mr. Osborne said that they could include some gables on the north, south and west side
of the building and they could include some columns to provide some depth.
Ms. Hoyland amended her motion to give the applicant the option of doing towers, as
she noted previously, or decorative gable parapets with roof tiles, decorative columns
and other similar details to further enhance the north and south elevations. There would
be awnings on the west elevation.
Attorney Coker stated that this was acceptable.
Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the amended motion. The motion unanimously carried.
The owner of the property commended staff for doing a wonderful job and appreciated
staff's assistance throughout the entire process.
VI. Director's Report:
A. Project Updates
1. Financial Report for September 2002
The Financial Report is in transition. An error was found and there should be $16,250
coming back into the fund.
2. Relax Inn Closing
Mr. Hutchinson referred to the memo in the agenda packet and stated that members will
be appdsed of the date.
3. Consider Date for Grand Opening of the new CRA Office
Not addressed.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
4. Design Guideline RFQ
Mr. Hutchinson pointed out that they could piggyback the same design firm that Delray
Beach is using for their design guidelines. This would eliminate the need to go out for an
RFQ and advertising. This would save staff a great deal of time and effort.
Chairman Finkelstein asked Mr. Hutchinson if he had any figures. Mr. Hutchinson will
bring them to the November meeting.
5. Heart of Boynton Workshop Date
Mr. Hutchinson announced that the Heart of Boynton Workshop would be included in
the November meeting, thus eliminating the need for an additional meeting.
Vice Chair Heavilin asked about the Core Grant Agreement for the Shipwreck and noted
that the memo 'indicates that the Grant was for the Shipwreck and Booker T's
Restaurant. Chairman Finkelstein responded that it was just for the Shipwreck. He
reported that the project was not completed and the money should be coming back to
the CRA. The Agreement calls for the City (or CRA) to notify the County if the project.
does not go through. Mr. Hutchinson said he would follow up this question with Mr.
Sugerman and make sure that the County is notified.
VII. Unfinished Business:
A. Consideration of a Contract and payment fees to Robert Half Agency
Chairman Finkelstein requested that the words "pro rata" before the word "guarantee" in
the second paragraph be deleted. Mr. Hutchinson also pointed out that the
modifications and changes previously requested have been made.
Mr. Fenton moved to approve the contract with the deletion of the words "pro rata" in the
fourth line of the-second paragraph of the contract. Motion seconded by Vice Chair
Heavilin and unanimously carried.
Re-Consideration of Payoff of CRA Loan at Bank of America and direction
to seek proposals to establish a line of credit
Mr. Hutchinson determined that a prepayment penalty would apply under certain
circumstances. The penalty for eady payoff is based on the difference between the
note's interest rate and the market interest rate at the time of payoff. Since interest
rates are now very Iow, this would come to approximately $535,000. Chairman
Finkelstein said that he did some figures on this and came up with a figure of $170,000.
Mr. Hutchinson noted that in order to actually determine the penalty, the Bank's
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
California office needs to be contacted. Mr. Hutchinson requested that no action be
taken until the exact penalty amount could be determined.
Ms. Hoyland inquired why it was necessary to pay off the loan. Chairman Finkelstein
pointed out that the Board borrowed $3 million to purchase real estate and the money
has not been spent. The CRA is losing $100,000 on the loan that it has not used.
Chairman Finkelstein would like to switch to a line of credit where you would only pay
interest on money actually borrowed. Even if the loan were paid off, the Fund would still
have $3 million. If the Board has to keep the money, it will have to determine how to
utilize the funds. Mr. Hutchinson will report back at the next meeting
C. Report on the High School
Mr. Hutchinson reported that he did meet with two developers, staff from the Children's
Museum and some City staff, but because of the move of the CRA offices, he did not
have an opportunity to come up with a report. He felt that they have made some
progress. He has also spoken to some people that can assist with funding up to $2
million through various sources.
Chairman Finkelstein noted that it has been stated that it would cost $5 million to
refurbish the building and it has been established that the intent of the CRA is that they
are not interested in this project. Mr. Hutchinson said that he has found credible people
that could pay for it and want to be included in forming the master plan. Mr. Hutchinson
will report back in November.
James Barretta, 74 Baytree Lane, Boynton Beach, stated that he is an architect and
has an office on Ocean Avenue in Boynton Beach. He urged the Board to allow the
Director sufficient time to do a proper evaluation. He pointed out that this is one of the
last remaining, large historical buildings in the City. He did not think that it would cost $5
million to renovate the building. Mr. Barretta thought the cost would be closer to $2
million. He volunteered $10,000 of his services to study the facility to determine if a
solution could be found.
Mr. DeMarco reported that he spoke to the person that redid the school in Delray Beach
and he expressed an interest in helping out on this project as well.
Mr. Fenton would like the Board to focus its energy on redevelopment of the City and
not the Old High School.
VIII. New Business:
A. Consideration of a Contract for Services for the CRA Signage Program
Mr. Hutchinson stated that they put a lot of work into this. There is an agreement with
Guidance Pathway Systems, Inc. in the agenda packet for the Board to review. Ms.
Hoyland requested that she have more time to review the agreement.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Ms. Hoyland moved to table the item until the next meeting. Motion seconded by Mr.
Fenton and unanimously carried.
B. Consideration of establishing a new Fa(;;ade Grant Program
Mr. Hutchinson referred to the revised Fa(;;ade Improvement Grant Program in the
agenda packet. He is recommending that the items in italics be deleted from the
Program, which are paragraphs 1 through 12. Ms. Hoyland thought that some of the
conditions were too invasive. Vice Chair Heavilin noted that on the Program Guidelines
the numbering went from 4 to 6 and asked if there was a paragraph 5. Mr. Hutchinson
stated that this was a numbering error. Chairman Finkelstein questioned if Paragraph
14 should include "alleyways."
Further, Chairman Finkelstein requested that in Paragraph 1, under Reimbursement
Regulations, he would like to add the words "and approval of completion of the work by
the CRA" at the end of that paragraph.
In Paragraph 2 under "Reimbursement Regulations" item (3) it states that: the
Application shall provide a minimum of four 3"x5" color "during" photos and a minimum
of four 3"x5" color "after" photos of the Project. Chairman Finkelstein would like to
include "before" photos as well. Mr. Hutchinson stated that these would be supplied at
the time of the application.
Vice Chair Heavilin inquired why it took 90 days to process a reimbursement request.
She felt that 90 days was too long. Ms. Hoyland suggested using language such as
"the first Friday of the month following the Board meeting." Mr. Hutchinson stated that
staff needs to have sufficient time to do the background work. Mr. Fenton suggested
stating "ten working days after approval by the Board." Members agreed to this
Ms. Hoyland inquired how a person would be chosen to participate in the program. Mr.
Hutchinson responded that it would be by the building. He said that there are nine
pending applications. Chairman Finkelstein noted that all applications are subject to
Board approval. Chairman Finkelstein pointed out that the grant has a maximum of
$15,000, and the Board has $100,000 to spend on the Program. Attorney Payne
pointed out that the grant requires matching funds and not all applicants have $15,000.
Vice Chair Heavilin inquired why roofs were included. It was decided to eliminate roofs
from the program.
Mr. Fenton moved to approve the Fa(;ade Improvements Grant Program, as amended.
Ms. Hoyland seconded the motion that unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 8, 2002
Mr. Hutchinson said that he would provide a revised document.
C. Consideration of Establishing a Direct Incentive Program
Ms. Hoyland moved to table Item VIII.C. until the next meeting. Motion seconded by Mr.
Fenton and unanimously carried.
Mr. Hutchinson reported that there is an applicant for this program that will be on the
next agenda.
IX. Other Items
X. Public Audience
Xl. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting propedy adjourned at 11:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(Five tapes)
(October 9, 2002)