Minutes 06-21-20latthe Council of the Twon of Boynton
'oniaLlaall on Monday evening June
20. 5"Geo E. Coon, Mayor; Carl M. Jensen,
' en A. A. Atwater, A. C. Shepard,
Mati0.-as404171Mr. Jensen that Mr. Atwater be
apoi.ndeornfltfle ta,proeure a map of the town of
Boyutoa; ,0 ,
metioniMaM by Mr. Jensen that the Light Committee
be in8trLieted to t all information in reguard$ to
-en& report at the next making; Carried.
Motien Mr. Bowen that the clerk be instru-
eted. to -L$e ltr. Busay that awing to the fact that Mr.
property in Boynton that the Town
it:adviseable th have Mr. Chillingsworth
a and to send in his bill.
to the motionhat the letter be not
ey Until afte next meeting.
B.,1yEtnes tenders his resignation as Town Clerk.
*Welt b 4 Jensen, seconded by Mr. Atwater that
zaae be , m
. The Mayor then appointed D. S.
h eilry to be determend later. By
Seconded by Mr. Atwater that the
S. AdOon as Clerk be ratified. Carried.
Has other business the meeting adjorned.
Aflrovet 21st 1920
Adopted June 1920
• s
tin of B. F. Bvarg, as Clerk.
jwe .1st 1920.
Ton Council of the Town of
by tender my resiganation as
Tn f.Boynton, to take effect