THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2000 AT 5:30 P.M.
Gerald Broening, Mayor
Henderson Tillman, Vice Mayor
William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem
Nellie Denahan, Commissioner
Ronald Weiland, Commissioner
Also Present: Greenways Committee Members and Staff
Mike Fitzpatrick
Kevin Hallahan
Jose Alfaro
Ed Tedtmann
Call to Order
Mr. Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that
in August of 1998 the City Commission requested that a Committee be
established to look into the greenway situation in the City of Boynton Beach. The
purpose of this presentation is to make recommendations on what the Committee
would like to see transpire.
Mr. Fitzpatrick noted that the full City Commission was present tonight and
welcomed them. Mayor Broening requested that all staff members and
Commissioners introduce themselves as follows:
Jose Alfaro, Planning Department
John Wildner, Parks Department
Kevin Hallahan, Parks Department
Dan DeCado, Neighborhood Specialist
Mike Rumpf, Planning Department
Melody Green, Recreation Department
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
Quintus Green, Development Department/CRA
Barbara Madden, Recording Secretary
JANUARY 13, 2000
Overview of Greenways (Mike Fitzpatrick)
Mr. Fitzpatrick informed the audience that the following presentations would be
A Power Point presentation on greenways.
Mr. Tedtmann will give a slide presentation of other greenway areas in the
State of Florida.
Mr. Alfaro will be giving a presentation of the areas in discussion by utilizing
maps of the City and County.
At the end of the presentation, recommendations will be made to the City
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the audience to refer to the overhead screen on which he
would be making his Power Point presentation and the audience was given time
to read the presentation.
The first topic displayed was the definition of greenways.
The second topic displayed was about the originator of Greenways, Mr.
Frederick Olmstead.
The basic components of greenways were displayed, which includes hubs
with links and smaller sites along the links.
Seacrest Scrub, which is located in Boynton Beach, would constitute one of
the hubs.
The City's downtown could be an urban hub as opposed to having a
wilderness hub. The purpose of greenways is for people to get to their
destination by either biking or walking.
Bob Katz' house was used as an example of a destination site.
Mr. Fitzpatrick indicated on the screen how the greenway links in the City would
connect. A greenway presents a dual benefit, one being preservation of the
environment and wildlife and the second is for mankind. Mr. Fitzpatrick displayed
how the greenways look in Jonathan Dickinson State Park and said it is possible
that in 25 years from now the greenways in Boynton Beach could look as nice as
the greenways in that Park.
JANUARY 13, 2000
Costs Associated with Acquisition of the Greenways
Mr. Fitzpatrick pointed out that the County purchased the 96-acre Hypoluxo
Overlook road site one week before Christmas at a price of $4.5 million.
Also, after discussions with staff, because of the large amount of work involved in
the acquisition of the properties, staff would like to have the property purchases
sub-contracted out. These costs also have to be figured in the purchase price.
Other costs would include -
¢' Removal of exotic plants. This would also have to be subcontracted out
because of the size of the vegetation involved.
v' Volunteers could do replanting of the areas with native plants.
v' Capital improvements would include fencing, parking lots, and a limited
amount of restrooms.
v' Annual exotic plant removal could be tied in with the annual Palm Beach
County clean up that takes place every year.
,/ Prescribed burns will also be necessary.
Slide Presentation by Ed Tedtmann
Mr. Tedtmann presented a slide presentation of greenway sites throughout the
State of Florida, including the Upper Bay Tampa Trail and Hillsboro County. Mr.
Tedtmann said that they have taken a very serious approach to greenways and
there are three full-time planners devoted to greenways in Hillsboro County.
Trails are commonly located purposely near highways, which is a safety factor to
make them visible from the highways.
Next displayed was the West Orange Trail, which is located about 25 minutes
west of Orlando and is a 19-mile trail.
Map Presentation of Greenway Areas - Jose Alfaro
Mr. Alfaro displayed a map of the City so that the audience could see the
proposed greenway areas being considered and what areas could be linked
together to create the greenways in the City. There are County properties
already in place that could be used as hubs including the recent Ovedook site
that has been purchased and High Ridge Country Club which is outside the City
limits. Inside the City limits, the County has purchased the Rosemary Scrub and
the Seacrest Scrub. Also Mr. Alfaro pointed out properties that the City already
owns that could be included. In addition, there is some reserved area along
Quantum Park that could be utilized, as well as a long corridor of right-of-way
along 1-95 and the railroad tracks that runs north to south, which is owned by
DOT. Some of the elementary schools will be included as well.
JANUARY 13, 2000
It is anticipated that the properties would be purchased in two phases. Phase
one properties were identified in red on the map including properties across from
the Boynton Beach Mall and two more parcels in the vicinity of Caloosa Park.
Mr. Fitzpatrick noted that in April 1999 a charrette took place, which was
attended by 40 people, and the people who attended the charrette selected the
sites being presented tonight.
The Four Greenway Links Identified are as follows:
. FEC railroad;
· 1-95 corridor;
· E-4 Canal; and
· C-16 Canal
Mr. Fitzpatrick stated these areas were selected because there are fewer read
crossings and also they connect to most of the large available sites. The canals
present the best scenic and recreational land available and the diversity of the
land would promote more wildlife.
Recommendations to the City Commission
Adopt greenways into the Comprehensive Plan for fiscal year 1999/2000.
The Comprehensive Plan is now being written and this would be the time to
include greenways, otherwise you would have to wait five years.
Acquire the new hub sites during fiscal year 2000/2001 because if they are
not purchased soon, they could be lost.
Purchase the smaller parcels.
The proposed properties for purchase were pointed out on the overhead screen,
as well as on the map. Mr. Alfaro distributed to the audience a chart, which
indicated the potential costs of purchasing all these properties (a copy of which is
attached to the minutes). The property purchased during phase 1 is considered
prime property by the Committee. The properties purchased during the second
phase would be properties that would fill in to create the whole landscape of the
greenways. The properties in the handout are separated by acquisition for
Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Mr. Fitzpatrick also pointed out that some of the property that had been looked at
for inclusion in the greenways last year has been sold this year and is no longer
available. Therefore, it is important to move forward as quickly as possible and
to tie in the greenways with future City development. Also, the County has set up
a program and the City could use their expertise to purchase the land. Last year
JANUARY 13, 2000
a $150 million bond issue was passed. When that money runs out, the expertise
would go away.
Funding the Greenway
A gentleman in the audience asked where the funding for the acquisitions would
come from. Mr. Fitzpatrick felt it would take a bond issue and the cost is usually
considered at $50,000 per acre. Mr. Fitzpatrick also pointed out that there are
matching funds available, but these funds wouldn't kick into place until the City
comes up with its own funds. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that he has obtained a list of
grant funding sources from the County and he wrote to them all. He received a
response from two sources and the paperwork he received indicates that most
grants begin with at least 6% matching funds.
A gentleman asked where the matching funds would come from and Mr.
Fitzpatrick said they could come from the State.
Mayor Broening pointed out that the County's Metropolitan Planning Organization
would be a good source for funding and he would like to make a presentation to
the MPO, assuming there is a way to acquire the matching funds. Mr. Tedtmann
said that when Tampa was funding its new stadium and greenways, they passed
a referendum for a 1 1/2¢ sales tax. Mayor Broening said that perhaps the best
way to seek funding would be through a special taxing district. Because the City's
millage rate is so high and is $1.74 away from the statutory limit, it almost seems
impossible to pass a bond issue. Mayor Broening said that the City is going to
have to look at some very creative financing and he would look to staff for strong
recommendations on how to approach the funding.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that tonight's presentation finalizes what the Committee was
intended for and it is now up to the current Commission to set a new direction,
because staff has gone as far as it could go without some feedback from the
A woman in the audience said that this has to be done quickly, otherwise the City
would lose these properties and the City has to take a stand.
Ms. Rossi pointed out that it would be a hard sell to the community and the City
has to put out some feelers. Ms. Rossi said it took eight years to convince the
Palm Beach County Commissioners to pass the $100 million bond issue. She
feels that the majority of the people want the greenways and we have to start
Mr. Tedtmann also pointed out that the administrative fees and maintenance
costs have to be projected.
JANUARY 13, 2000
Mayor Broening said that the public safety functions could be separated and
would become a special taxing district. This would immediately have a beneficial
effect on the millage rate. However, this is very unpopular with the citizenry.
Discussion continued on other means to obtain funding.
Mr. Fitzpatrick distributed to the audience a map of natural areas, open space
and trails that has been prepared by the County (a copy of which is attached to
the minutes). A gentleman in the audience pointed out that the greenways are a
statewide project and there should be some funds available. Eventually, it is
anticipated that the entire State would be linked with greenways.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that last year when the City applied to the State for $5,000 for
a prescribed burn and which the City would match with $5,000 of its own money,
it was determined at that time that only $15,000 was available for ten projects.
A gentleman asked how to get a piece of property qualified as a greenway site
and what determines that a site could be qualified? Mr. Fitzpatrick felt that the
Comprehensive Plan would write up guidelines for the Greenway of Boynton
Beach. Also, he felt that it would depend upon the area and if an urban area were
vacant, it would qualify. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated there is a list of rating sites of
ecological desirability and it is based upon the rarity of the exotic plants and how
many various species are located on the land.
If anyone has any property that they would like to recommend for the greenways,
they should contact John Wildner of the Parks Department. Mayor Broening was
of the opinion that the current Commission would continue the effort for the
greenways and would look to staff to find some methodology to make it happen.
Mayor Broening felt the plan was excellent and congratulated the committee and
all those who worked on it. It is now time to pass the project onto staff with more
Mr. Alfaro said that some of the funding could come from new developments.
Mr. Alfaro noted that the City has a bus system in place and it could be utilized to
connect the existing hubs with future parks and would be a good way to get
people interested in the greenways.
A woman in the audience pointed out that discussion has been taking place for
only three years and it could take years to get this going. Mr. Fitzpatrick said it
would take three years to do a foundation.
JANUARY 13, 2000
The wOrkshop properly adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Recording Secretary
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