Agenda 01-14-03I. Call to Order.
II. Roll Call. V
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Commission Chambers
BoyntOn Beach
6:30 P.M.
Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Correcti0~ns to the Agenda.
B. Adoption of Agenda.
Consent Agenda. -689
A. Approval of Minutes - December 10, 2002
B. Financial Report
Budget Transfer Request and Justification
Adding a Forth Signer to the Checking and Money Market Accounts -711
Request for Accounting Line Item Adjustment
V. Public Audienc~.71 3
May person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter considered at
his meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the
lings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
!'he CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford aa individual with a disability an equal
~pporttmity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the CRA. Please contact Douglas
tutchin.qon at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the CRA to reasonably
ccommodate your request. 6 8 6
Vf. Public Heariflg -714
A. Abandonment -715
Daise Temple Church of God in Christ (ABAN 02-004)
City of Boynton Beach
NE 3rd Street, South of NE 12th Avenue
Request for right-of-way abandonment of a 90-foot segment of
NE 3rd Street, south of NE 12th Avenue.
Major Site Plan Modification 730
1. PROJECT: Dakota Lofts (MSPM 02-006)
AGENT: Dror Trigger
OWNER: Dakota Lofts Development, Inc.
LOCATION: 3010 S. Federal Highway
DESCRIPTION: Request for a major site plan modification for changes to the
townhouse elevations and floor plans.
Code Review
Limited access Self-Storage (CDRV 02-004)
City of Boynton Beach
C-2 Neighborhood Commercial, C-3 Community Commercial and
C-4 General Commercial zoning district city-wide.
Request to amend the Land Development Regulations Chapter 2.
Zoning, Sections 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), 6(d) and 11.O:
1. to restrict self storage facilities to the M-1 Industrial zoning
and district; and
2. to amend the supplemental regulations governing SELF
to remove all remoVe all references to the C-1 Office /
Professional Commercial zoning district.
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter considered at
this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall finnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opporttm/ty to participate in and enjoy the benefits ora service, program, or activity conducted by the CRA. Please contact Douglas
Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the CRA to reasonably
accommodate your request.
Director's Report: _ 748
A. Updates
1. Work Shop Date - January 23, 2003 at 6:00 P.M. at City of Boynton Beach Library
Old Business:
A. Consideration of Fagade Grant for Grace Fellowship Church (Tabled from the December
10th CRA Board Meeting). - 750
B. Consideration of a Direct Incentive Program-751
New Business':.766
Consideration of RFQ for Design/Build Services for Boynton Beach Boulevard Project
Recommendation for Outside Annual Audit - 785
Investment Policy and Florida Statues - 789
State Board of Administration (SBA) 803
X. Other Items:
XL Adjournment.
my person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter considered at
als meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the
-c qings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
l~e CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
pportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program~ or activity conducted by the CRA. Please contact Douglas
[utchmson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the CRA to reasonably
:commodate your request. 6 8 8
Consent Agenda.
Board with respect to any matter
Any person who decides to appeal anY decision of the Community Redevelopmentneed to ensure that a
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
~.ppeal is to be based.
The CRA shall femish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opporttmity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2002 AT 6:30 P.M.
Larry Finkelstein, Chairman
Jos~ Aguila
Alexander DeMarco
Don Fenton
Doug Hutchinson, CRA Director
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
Dale Sugerman, Assistant City
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Michelle Hoyland
Henderson 'rillman
Call to Order
Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
The following changes were made to the Agenda:
Chairman Finkelstein requested that the following items be added to the
Director's Report:
2. ocean District Plan Update
3. $31Vl Loan Update
IVlr. Aguila requested that the following item be added under VHI. Old
Review of The Harbors*Ar~:hitectural Additions
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton B~_ach, Florida
B. Adoption of Agenda
December 10, 2002
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the Agenda, as amended. Notion seconded by Don
Fenton, and unanimously carried.
]:V. Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes, November 12, 2002 CRA Board Meeting
Cancellation of .Employment Contract and Adoption of
Employee Status
Financial Report
At the request of Chairman Finkelstein, Consent Agenda Items A & B were
removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
Mr. Aguila moved to remove Consent Agenda Items IV.A & B from the Consent
Agenda for discussion. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion that carried
Approval of Minutes, November 12, 2002 CRA Board Mccting
Chairman Finkelstein requested that on page 605, fourth paragraph, the last
word be changed from '~npu~" to "/nterest."
Hr. Aguila moved to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2002 meeting as
amended. Mr. Fenton seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Cancellation of Employee Contract and Adoption of CRA Employcc
Chair Finkelstein stated that in discussions with the Board Attorney, the manual
is the guide for the employees and there are several items in the existing manual
that do not apply to the CRA such as pay plans and grades. He suggested that
the Director and the Board Attorney work on employment contracts until the
manual is corrected.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Be. ach, Florida
December 10, 2002
Mr. Aguila moved to direct the Director and the Board Attorney to prepare the
appropriate employment contracts, pending correction of the Manual. Mr. Fenton
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the balance of the Consent Agenda. Mr. DeNarco
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
V. Public Audience
Chair Finkelstein opened the public audience and closed it when no one wished
to speak.
V:]:. Public Hearing
Planning and Zoning Hearing Items
Attorney Payne administered an oath of truthfulness to all persons who would be
testifying. She did so at this time and repeated it as necessary throughout the
New Business
A. Land Use Plan Amendment/Rezoning (Revised)
Mixed Use - Core (LUAR 02-10)
East side of Federal Highway, between
Ocean Avenue and NE 4m Street
Request to amend the Comprehensive
Plan Future Land Use Nap from Nixed
Use (MX) to Nixed Use - Core (MX-C)
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, presented the highlights of the Staff Report.
The Planning & Zoning Division believes that this request is consistent with the
intent of the Comprehensive Plan; will be compatible with adjacent land uses;
and will contribute to the overall economic development of the City. It was also
determined that additional potential demand upon public facilities can be
accommodated. Therefore, staff recommended that the subject request be
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton B~_ach, Florida
December 10, 2002
This amendment allows the property owners with that land use to apply for the
Mixed Use High Intensity zoning if they so desire.
Hr. Aguila thought that the boundaries of the designated area were restrictive
and would force people to come in on a parcel-by-parcel basis on the
undesignated properties. Mr. Hudson replied that this was staff's best guess after
looking at a needs analysis. If they had included a larger area, DCA would have
wanted to see a complete justification analysis and impacts on the infrastructure
and this would have put a considerable administrative burden on staff. They
wanted to get it on the map and get started somewhere. Michael Rumpf,
Planning & Zoning Director, stated that the land around the Marina area presents
the greatest potential for opportunity right now. Mr. Aguila confirmed with IVlr.
Hudson that staff could handle amendments up to :LO acres without going
through the DCA. Mr. Hutchinson stated that larger projects could still come in
and add to this area but that was speculative at this time and the infrastructure
load had to be considered.
Debbie Brooks, 15 East Ocean Avenue, Ocean Ridge, asked how many
individual property owners owned the land in question. Chair Finkelstein said
that there were multiple owners.
Vincent Molle, owner of the Banana Boat property, noted that his property
was included on the map. He inquired whether it was another concession to the
Marina. He then asked about an area on the map that was not included and Mr.
Hudson explained that this was because it was City-owned. Mr. Molle stated he
was in litigation with the City right now over entry to the Banana Boat and he
thought he should attend this meting to find out what was going on.
Mr. Fenton moved to accept the staff recommendation on the Mixed Use-Core
Land Use Amendment (LUAR 02-:[0). Mr. Agui!a seconded the motion that
carried unanimously. ~
Beachside at Boynton (LUAR 02-008)
Siemon & Larson, P.A.
Gulfstream Lumber Company
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Be. ach, Florida
December 10, 2002
Request to amend the Comprehensive
Plan Future Land Use Map from Local
Retail Commercial (LRC) to Mixed Use
(MX); and Request to rezone from C-3
Community Commercial to Mixed Use -
Low Intensity (MU-L). For Mixed Use
development (residential, retail and
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, presented the highlights of the Staff Report.
Staff concluded that the request was consistent with the intent of the
Comprehensive Plan; would not create additional impacts on infrastructure that
had not been anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan; would be compatible with
adjacent land uses and would contribute to the overall economic development of
the City. Staff recommended approval of this request. Staff believed that a
mixed-use project at this intersection would be consistent with the Federal
Highway Corridor Plan and provide a gateway to the downtown area.
Mike Fitzpatrick, 175 S.W. 2nd Street, Boynton Beach, said that it was
obvious what Gulfstream Lumber and the new owners would get out of this, but
he asked what the City of Boynton Beach would get out of it. He advocated a
200-foot easement along the railroad tracks for Greenways. It could also have
the purple pipe for recycled water. If easements are linked up piece by piece, it
provides future flexibility to enhance the City. He thought that if the City asked
the developers for this land, the developers would not be favorably disposed to
it; however, he had not seen anyone sit down face to face with the developers to
ask for this. He stated that Gulfstream Lumber wanted to get out and that this
was the only time when any pressure could be applied. It was not a site issue
because the City needs to own the land. If it is put off until it becomes a site
issue, everyone would feel sorry for the developer because they had already put
so much time into planning and laying it out and nobody would want to say no.
Now is the time for the City to get something from the developers.
Mr. Aguila inquired whether the property was under one unity of title and Mr.
Hudson replied that it was, He also asked about the extension of S.E. 3rd Street
and whether it served anything useful to the south and Mr. Hudson replied that it
did not. Mr. Aguila wondered if it could be abandoned and included with the
parcel and Mr. Hudson said it could be (if they requested it). Mr. Hudson
indicated that S.E. 2nd
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton B~ach, Florida
Street came to the City three or four years ago and
abandoned. When this process began, no record of an
found. The City had agreed to abandon it but no Ordinance had been done and
this was just completed at the last City Commission meeting.
December 10, 2002
asked that this be
easement could be
Mr. Aguila did not want to. see the land subdivided into out parcels and he asked
if there were a way to control that. Hr. Hudson stated that he believed the
developer clearly understood that and that they were to come in with a unified
development plan for the property.
Hr. Aguila asked if the City had a policy or ordinance where large parcels would
be reviewed for the possibility of some Greenways to be part of the development
process. Hr. Hudson stated that there was a Greenways study underway at the
present time and that he hoped that the results of the study would allow them to
put something in the Comprehensive Plan about Greenways. Hr. Aguila said that
with a site like this, which was actually a sea of asphalt, there was an
opportunity to give a little bit back to the earth and he thought it was in
everyone's best interest to protect the planet.
Mr. Fenton moved to approve the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Map from Local Retail Commercial to Nixed Use and to rezone
from C-3 Community Commercial to Nixed Use-Low ]:ntensity. Mr, Aguila
seconded the motion that .carried unanimously.
B. Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment
CPTA 02-002)
Request to amend Comprehensive Plan
Objective :[.:[2 and Policies 1.12.:[ and
:[.:[2.2 in the Future Land Use Element
to update the review process for
residential developments in the Coastal
High Hazard Area; and
Request to amend Comprehensive Plan
Policy :[.16.:[ to add lists of uses allowed
in residential land use categories; to
recognize recommendations of the
"Federal Highway Corridor Community
Redevelopment Plan" as a basis for
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Be~ach, Florida
December 10, 2002
designating certain lands as Special High
Density Residential land use; and to
establish the Mixed Use-Core and
Conservation land use categories and
corresponding lists of allowed uses.
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, presented the highlights of these text
amendments. Staff recommended approval of the amendments as the minimum
required to update the Comprehensive Plan with regard to changing review
policies by outside agencies and recommendations of adopted City-initiated
Chair Finkelstein asked Mr. Hudson about page 639, at the end of the first
paragraph where it spoke of "Other uses which have land use characteristics that
are very similar to those uses listed under a particular land use category may
also be allowed in that land use category." He wanted to know how this was
defined. Attorney Payne said this was a fairly common statement in land use
planning. It is just that it is not possible to think of every possibility ahead of
time and this statement gives the City and the Board more flexibility. They can
always say no if they wish.
Mr. Aguila referred to page 636 and the reference to the Florida Building Code,
and suggested stating "the currently-adopted Florida Building Code." Staff
Mr. Aguila moved to approve the Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (CPTA
02-002). Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
VII. Director's Report.
Mr. Hutchinson welcomed Board member Al DeMarco, who was recovering from
a slow-speed, serious accident with an airbag. He thanked him for making the
effort to come to the meeting.
A. Updates
1) Way Finding Contract
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton B~_ach, Florida December 10, 2002
Hr. Hutchinson reported that he was working with the Chamber to identify signs,
so work had begun and the Board would be given updates as the work
2) Ocean District Plan
Hr. Hutchinson reported that Ms. Beltran in the Planning & Zoning Division was
writing the Ocean District Plan at this time and expected to finish in January. He
stated that a draft would be given to the Board for their input.
3) $3M Loan Update
Chair Finkelstein stated that Mr. Hutchinson was going to come back to the
Board with suggestions on how to solve the issue of losing $12,500 a month by
carrying this loan. Mr. Hutchinson stated that the process had begun. Part of the
problem had to do with the regulation surrounding public funds. The Controller is
working with Don Fenton-to get clarification of the Statutes and exactly how to
invest those funds so that when they go out' to ask for proposals to come in,
they have proposals that will fulfill the public purpose of secure funds. That has
been a little more difficult due to the lack of agreement about Statutes and their
meaning and interpretation. Good progress was being made. Mr. Fenton said
that the Board had to have an Investment pOlicy and that had been lacking.
Chair Finkelstein did not think that investing the money was a good idea when
they were experiencing $!2.5K a month in negative cash flow. He preferred to
spend the money on purchasing properties for redevelopment before it was too
late or re-loan the money out, secured by real estate first liens, and then they
could get the kind of money they needed to cover the interest spread.
Mr. Fenton agreed, saying that they should have had a line of credit but they did
not and what they had to do now was get the proper structure before they could
do any further financial dealings. The Board did not even know who was on the
State-approved list of vendors for the CRA. He assumed that the people that had
their money right now were on that list but he was not sure.
Discussion of Condemnation Proceedinqs on 3anet Hall Prol)ertv
Mr. Hutchinson reported that the City was going through the condemnation
process with this property. They had checked with the surveyors and the last
partial survey did not give the required metes and bounds for legal staff. Legal
asked that we get a current survey with the proper metes and bounds on the
three separate tracts that were appraised. Under the current organization, the
Director and the Chairman are authorized to proceed with purchases under $10K
and this should fall considerably below that.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Be_ac,h, Florida
December 10, 2002
VIII. Old BuSiness
A. Heart of Boynton Plan Initiation Request
Mr. Hutchinson reported on a memorandum that was sent from Quintus Greene,
Development Director, to the CRA Board members about the initiation of specific
activities to begin the implementation of the Heart of Boynton Community
Redevelopment Plan. The five properties identified in Mr. Greene's proposal are
ones that are critical to the implementation of the Plan. Mr. Greene requested
that the CRA take the following four actions:
Authorize its staff to arrange for appraisals to be conducted on privately
held non-residential properties fronting on both sides of Seacrest
Boulevard, for a distance of approximately one block south of Martin
Luther King, ]r. Blvd. (more particularly described in his memorandum)
Authorize its staff to arrange to have good faith purchase offers made on
behalf of the CRA to the owners of these properties, based on the
aforementioned appraisals.
Request that the City Commission issue a formal resolution of necessity
authorizing the use of eminent domain to acquire the above-referenced
properties in the event that purchase negotiations prove unsuccessful.
> Authorize its staff to arrange for the demolition and clearance of all
structures on the above referenced properties once they are in CRA
Mr. Joe Grey of JEG Associates and Quintus Greene, Development Director at
the City of Boynton Beach', were present to answer questions.
There was some question regarding the purchase of a property to add on to Sara
Sims Park. Chair Finkelstein had been under the impression that the properties
were being purchased for redevelopment and not for purposes of a park. Mr.
Grey indicated that the success of the commercial development on the east side
of Seacrest was going to be contingent on the development of the civic projects
to the west and that Sara Sims Park would play a huge role in terms of adding
value to the commercial properties.
The bottom line was that in order to move forward with the implementation of the
Heart of Boynton Plan, previously endorsed by the CRA, these particular
properties must be acquired.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton B~ach, Florida December 10, 2002
Mr. Fenton iinquired about the church on the east side of the intersection. Mr.
Greene said that they were attempting to assemble a developable parcel and
that could not be done without that church being relocated.
Mr. Aguila asked when they would decide to go to Step #3 in the above-listed
actions - a Resolution of Necessity authorizing the use of eminent domain. Mr.
Greene assumed, and it would be up to the Board, that they would engage the
Real Estate Administrator that had been engaged in the past and that it would
rely on his judgment, after attempting to negotiate a reasonable settlement.
Chair Finkelstein stated that the Real Estate Administrator had already advised
the Board that the owners of the first two parcels were not interested in selling.
Mr. Greene thought that the Real Estate Administrator had not gotten as far as
actual negotiations. Also, there were no appraisals so there was no basis for
establishing a value for the property. If they had to go to eminent domain, an
appraisal would be essential. Mr. Fenton expressed his opposition to proceeding
with eminent domain.
Mr. Aguila moved to proceed with steps #1 and #2 in Mr. Greene's December 5,
2002 memorandum: appraisals and offers for the properties indicated. Mr.
Fenton seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
..Consideration of AdjUsting Criteria for the Fa(;ade Grant Program
Mr. Hutchinson stated that staff had worked on this program that they had
inherited. They made some changes to the program and sent the members the
language changes for review. He sought the Board's comments on the proposed
changes. He also spoke of the philosophy of the program and sought the Board's
input on this as well.
The first issue was in reference to what types of thresholds would make a
project "needy." Staff suggested that other criteria besides financial need be
considered. Mr. Fenton agreed that it was too subjective and that the objective
was to improve the community, regardless of the financial status of the property
owner. The overall resUlt is what counts. Chair Finkelstein commented that they
had added this statement to the application; "Application to this Program is no
guarantee of funding. Funding is at the sole discretion of the CRA Board." Mr.
Aguila asked that the language on page 656, item #4, be changed to say
"applicable Building Codes" since there really was no Boynton Beach Building
Code. He also questioned the requirement on page 657 of disclosure concerning
other grants the applicant may have received. The general feeling on the Board
was to eliminate this item .altogether. On page 657 also, Mr. Aguila suggested
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Be_ada, Florida December 10, 2002
adding the phrase "within any given five year period" after the word "property"
in item #8, line 2. The Board agreed to a three-year period instead.
The next question was what kind of projects should be considered. Chair
Finkelstein stated that this was something the Board would expect to find in
staff's conclusions and recommendations on any given project. Mr. Aguila felt
that the most important factor was that the money be spent to create visible,
substantive improvements.
The last question was who should be eligible to receive the grant. The Board was
divided about offering the grant to non-profit organizations such as churches,
women's shelters, and the United Way for example. However, Mr. Hutchinson
stated that a case could be made, under extraordinary circumstances, for these
applicants as well. Although the Board did not entirely agree about this issue, it
was decided that Mr. Hutchinson would use his judgment and include the
appropriate information in the staff conclusions and recommendations for the
Board's review. It was Celt that it would be best to leave this a bit open for
purposes of flexibility -- the Board could always say no.
Hr. Aguila moved to accept the Fa~;ade Grant Program
DeNarco seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
as amended. Mr.
Consideration of Fa~;ade Grant request from Narc Fender for High
Ridge Properties LLC
Mr. Aguila moved to remove this item from the table. Mr. Fenton seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that this application had been held up pending the
resolution of the changes made in the previous agenda item. ]:f the Board so
wished, Mr. Fender wOUld qualify for a grant. Tt is a large project and a face-lilt
would generate new business in the area.
Mr. Fenton moved to approve the Fa(;ade Grant request from Marc Fender. Mr.
Aguila seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Be'ach, Florida
December 10, 2002
D. Review of Architectural Additions to The Harbors
Chair Finkelstein remarked that the Board had asked The Harbors to submit the
architectural changes that the Board had requested,
Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, distributed the original Conditions of
Approval and a table that summarized the conditions along with the CRA's
recommendation and the developer's proposed revisions for Conditions of
Approval #46, #49, #56, and #60.
C.O.A. #46
Mr. Rumpf noted that this just pointed out the inconsistency identified in
elevation drawings versus 'floor plans and that the developer would fix that.
C.O.A. #49
The CRA had wanted the developer to incorporate second or th/rd story porches
into the design of un/ts facing either the lntracoastal Waterway or lntracoastal
Park. The developer's revised plans shOw that on the 4-unit building, one wrap-
around porch was added to the second floor "right exterior" on the floor plan and
elevation drawing. On the 5-unit building (which overlooks the Intracoastal
Waterway), I wrap-around porch was added to the northeast corner of the 2nd
story (to face north) -- not shown on corresponding floor plan. Planning &
Zoning Recommendation: Not all porches would face park; recommend that they
be placed on both corners of 4-unit buildings. The applicant will need to clarify
that because what they agreed on the plans and the identifications on the
elevations was right side - construed to correspond with only one elevation - the
right side of the building. 'They clarified in conversation that this would mean the
south side.
C.O.A. #56
Building #! (6-unit Building) with a north/south orientation with the end of the
buildings facing the west toward U.S. :[. The CRA asked that this building be
enhanced to add the fo/lowing architectural elements: 1) faux windows, b)
shutters, c) raised bandings, and d) balconies. ~One extra faux window with
closed shutters was added along with one medallion on the third story. There are
still no bandings and one balcony was added on the second floor as described
above. The Planning & Zoning Recommendation was to add porches or faux
porches, roofs over windows and porches, or fan windows.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency December 10, 2002
Boynton Begch, Florida
Building #2 (4-unit Building) is up against Highway U.S. :[. The same
architectural elements rnent/oned for the 6-unit building were suggested for this
building. Mr. Rumpf noted that one wrap-around balcony was added on the
right elevation; 1~ extra window with closed shutters was added; no bandings
were added; and one medallion was added. The Planning & Zoning
recommendation was the same for this building.
C,O,A. #60
The CRA had requested that the color for the first floor of the buildings be
lightened or softened two' shades. No color swatch was provided and there was
no color schedule on the elevation sheet.
3ason Hankoff, Attorney representing Centex Homes, the applicant,
introduced Bob Bentz from Land Design South, the land planner for the project,
and Kevin Borkenhagen, Vice President of Centex Homes. They were here to
address these issues and answer questions.
Kevin Borkenhagen, Centex Homes, stated that they agreed with C.O.A.
#46 but the bump out was the entire width of the building and they will
incorporate that when they submit their plans.
On C.O.A. #~,9, they agree with the wrap-around. Each building will have a
wrap-around porch facing south towards the Park. They incorporated a wrap-
around porch instead of adding a separate porch, which would take away from
the wall space inside the living area.
On C.O.A. #56, Building 1, they will look at adding some windows. The concern
they had about adding a porch is that on the side of the unit facing U.S. l, they
did not want to add a balcony or a porch because they did not see it as a usable
area - no one will want to sit on their balcony watching the cars go by. They will
use it on the south end overlooking the park. They will consider adding a fan
window or some kind of architectural detail to cover that area. They did add a
medallion and the closed window shutter areas. Building 2, the four-unit
building, on the very easterly side of the project faces Federal Highway. When
this originally came to the Board, the rear of the elevation was facing Federal
Highway. It was recommended and required that they "flip" that building so that
the unit would face the highway, which they did. They agreed to consider adding
some fan windows and would heed the recommendations of staff.
On C.O.A. #60, Mr. Borkenhagen pointed to the new rendering of the revised
elevations, where the paint color had been reduced two shades, as requested.
He will submit the color swatch to staff. Tt is a Sherwin Williams swatch.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Be~ach, Florida December 10, 2002
Mr. Borkenhagen advised-that the cabana bath had been added, utilizing the
existing sun deck area.
Mri Aguila expressed appreciation for the efforts the developer had made to
accommodate the requests of the Board.
Mr. Aguila moved to apprOve the proposed elevation modifications submitted by
the applicant pursuant to the Board's requests, the recommendations of the
Planning & Zoning Division, and the discussion at this meeting. Mr. Fenton
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
TX. New Business
.Consideration of Fac;ade Grant for Grace Fellowship Churct,
Mr. Aguila asked if this project had gone through the Site Plan approval process
to change the exterior of the building. Mr. Hutchinson remarked that it had not
but the applicant was aware that the grant was contingent on the approval of
the site plan.
Mr. Aguila stated that the rendering did not match the elevations. He supported
the dramatic improvements they were recommending on the east side, the north
sides, and the parking lot; however, they completely ignored the residential area
on the street to the west. He could not support any money for the project unless
he knew that they would do something about that. Mr. Aguila wanted to see
some landscaping, some buffers between the street and the building, some type
of mansard roof, some gutters etc. Chair Finkelstein wanted to see something
on the west side - for instance, canopies. Mr. Fenton was not in favor of
approving the grant because it was for a tax-exempt organization.
Chair Finkelstein asked if the applicant were present and the applicant was not.
Also, the Planning & Zoning Division staff had left the meeting.
Mr. Aguila moved to table the Fac;ade Grant for Grace Fellowship Church until the
CPA's 3anuary Board meeting, at which time the applicant would attend the
meeting and address the Board's concerns raised at this meeting. Mr. DeMarco
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency December 10, 2002
Boynton Beach, Florida
Hr, Hutchir~son asked his Administrative Assistant, Ms. Annette Gray, to include
the statement that the applicant is required to attend the meeting in the
B. Consideration of Pi Back ontract for the Desi n and
~h Boulevard Extension
Promenade and River Walk
Mr. Hutchinson stated that staff had done a lot of research into this idea in
conjunction with the Board Attorney. The memorandum on the subject included
in the agenda packet conveyed that staff was not comfortable at'this time with
doing piggy-back contracting and that they were going to go for a Design/Build
RFQ to accomplish the above work.
Chair Finkelstein asked Mr. Hutchinson to add "Boulevard" alter Boynton Beach
in his December 4 memorandum. Chair Finkelstein iterated his understanding
that they Would be going forward with the previously approved RFQ and trying to
shorten the process. Mr. Hutchinson thought that staff would be bringing this
back to the Board with significant savings in time and cost.
X. Other Ttems
1. 3anuary Workshop Dates
Mr. Hutchinson related that he would be
determine a workshop date for mid-January.
calling people
at their oMces to
XI. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly
adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Financials
As of December 31,2002 the CRA received $6,244.24 in interest for our money market
account which is a 1.55% annual percentage yield earned for the average of the past 12
We received our TIF check from the City of Boynton Beach which was deposited in the
Money Market Account upon receipt.
We also preformed a general ledger transaction to move the money received, which
was exceeded the original projections from the City of Boynton Beach into the City
Transfer Account. Approval of the Budget Line Item Transfer Request will move this
money into reserves.
All other operating expenses were routine.
December 31,2002
Community Redevelopment Agency of Boynton Beach
2002/2003 Year To Current
2002/2003 Amended Date Period
Budget Totals December
~" ques
.~. ,ning Balance
~'1F Taxes
City Transfer Funds
Grant Funding
Interest Income
Other Income
Total Revenue
Personel Cost
Payroll Taxes
Workers Comp
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
total Personel Cost
=rofessional Services
City Staff
Contracted Services
Maint. & Cleaning
I.T. Support
total Professional Services
Re-' qxpense
_,ectric Expense
)ffice Total
:quipment Leases Expenses
Property Insurance
Bond/Liability Insurance
Professional Insurance
~surance Total
'ravel Expense
Business Meetings
Mileage & Delivery Services
Car Allowance- Director
otal Travel Expenses
fflce Supplies
icenses, Books, Publication
_icenses, Fees, Permits
vlemberships, Subscriptions
looks & Publication
3tal Licenses, Books, Publicatio~
:lvertising & Public Notices
areer Development
- ' Office Expense
-¢ellaneous Expense
5,780,416.00 5,780,416.00 5,780,416.00 4,840,224.19 5,661,965.58
1,675,380.00 1,675,380.00 0.00 835,628.92 839,751.08
385,000.00 385,000.00 0.00 9,974.77 375,025.23
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15,000.00 15,000.00 16,379.06 6,244.24 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.00
7,855,796.00 7,855,796.00 16,379.06 851,937.93 6,876,741.89
55,000.00 155,000.00 0.00 0.00 155,000.00
11,625.00 11,625.00 0.00 0.00 11,625.00
8,130.00 8,130.00 0.00 0.00 8,130.00
21,000.00 21,000.00 2,265.03 461.54 18,273.43
540.00 540.00 0.00 0.00 540.00
96,295.00 196,295.00 2,265.03 461.54 193,568.43
21,600.00 21,600.00 5,512.50 1,531.30 14,556.20
6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00
100,000.00 100,000.00 42,221.00 16,621.84 41,157.16
7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 7,500.00
2,700.00 2,700.00 288.86 150.00 2,261.14
12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00
149,800.00 149,800.00 48,022.36 18,303.14 83,474.50
38,880.00 38,880.00 2,360.00 1,120.00 35,400.00
9,360.00 9,360.00 1,493.58 937.51 6,928.91
2,100.00 2,100.00 387.81 128.10 1,584.09
50,340.00 50,340.00 4,241.39 2,185.61 43,913.00
3,600.00 3,600.00 89.18 343.00 3,167.82
1,250.00 1,250.00 360.00 0.00 890.00
1,000.00 1,000.00 1,847.18 0.00 -847.18
2,000.00 2,000.00 3,904.00 0.00 -1,904.00
4,250.00 4,250.00 6,111.18 0.00 -1,861.18
1,500.00 1,500.00 18.63 315.78 1,165.59
2,000.00 2,000.00 2,768.34 0.00 -768.34
1,750.00 1,750.00 130.07 40.61 1,579.32
3,600.00 3,600.00 692.30 276.92 2,630.78
8,850.00 8,850.00 3,609.34 633.31 4,607.35
1,800.00 1,800.00 793.19 806.73 200.08
% of
250.00 250.00 175.00 4.50 70.50 28%
1,500.00 1,500.00 1 ,.752.37 100.00 -352.37 -23%
250.00 250.00 130.76 0.00 119.24 48%
2,000.00 2,000.00 2,058.13 104.50 -162.63 -8%
4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 300.00 3,700.00 93%
750.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 100%
1,250.00 1,250.00 60.34 207.14 982.52 79%
500.00 500.00 172.30 46.00 281.70 56%
Debt Service
Principal Payment
Interest Expense
Total Debt Service
Operating Expense
Office Equipment/Furniture
Office Leasehold Improvements
Printing Programs ·
Festivals/Events/Semin ars
Facade Grants
Economic Incentive Grants
Relax Inn Closing & Demo
Riverwalk/Promanade Projects
MLK Commercial
Way-Finding Signage
Riverwalk ! Promanade Land
Note Payable
. 2,091,667.59
,4 785,074.30
TO: CRA Board
FROM: Susan Vielhauer
DATE: 12/17/2002
SUBJECT: Justification for Budget Transfer Request
The following budget transfer request and justification for each line item requested is
being presented to the CRA Board for approval.
1. The original beginning balance of $5,780,416.00 has increase to $5,790,391.00
which represents an increase of $9,975.00 in interest income.
Due to the reversal of the CRA Board decision to pay off the Bank of America
loan, principal payments totaling $130,641.00 for this budget year are being
reflected in the budget.-
Due to the reversal of the CRA Board decision to pay off the Bank of America
loan, interest payments totaling $186,658.00 for this budget year are being
reflected in the budget.
4. Due to the reversal of the CRA Board decision to pay off the Bank of America
loan, the Note Pay off is now being taken out of the budget.
5. Staff is requesting a $1,500.00 increase in the category of Licenses, Fees,
Permits, Memberships, Subscription, and Books & Publication bringing the
budgeted total to $3,500.00. This is a direct result of an increase in the estimated
number of membership and subscriptions that will benefit the CRA. This will most
likely be-less in the next budget because the initial office setup will have been
6. The costs for the CRA conference in Jacksonville were higher than estimated.
We are requesting a $1,000.00 increase in the category of Seminars.
7. Upon approval of the requested adjustments to the CRA budget, the reserves will
increase to $4,457,562.00.
CRA staff is requesting Board approval for the budget transfer requests to keep the
approved budget in line with actual occurrences.
, CRA Board
,m: CRA Staff Date: December 18, 2002
~ -------- ~ ~_~ Budget Data Only
Adjustment Resulting
Present Increase Adjusted
~lumber Description Budget (Decrease)__ Budget
1 Beginning Balance $ 5,780,416.00 $ 9,975.00 $ 5,790,391.00
2 Debt Cost Principal payment $ $ 130,641.00 $ 130,641.00
3 Debt Cost Interest Payment $ $ 186,658.00 $ 186,658.00
4 Note Payable $ 3,000,000.00 $ (3,000,000.001 $ '..__
~ -----. $
5 Licenses, fees, Permits, Memberships ~ --- -'----'-
Subscriptions, Books & Publications $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,500.00
6 Seminars $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00
7 Balance on Reserve $ 1,777,362.00 $ 2,680,200.00 $ 4,457,562.00
~ $ -
· $ -
~, Di rector:
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Adding a Forth Signer to the Checking and Money Market Accounts
On occasion the current signers have been inaccessible due to travel. Staff is
requesting a fourth signer be placed on the CRA Checking and Money Market Accounts
to sign checks and documents for the CRA.
Staff is recommending that Don Fenton be placed on as the 4t~ signer.
TO' Board of Directors
FROM: Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Request for Accounting Line Item Adjustment
DATE: January 3, 2003
The CRA-Chairman requested that Contract Services for the Employment Contracts be
move to be included in the budget line item "Salary Expense". On October 1, 2002 staff
status was to be changed to employees of the CRA, but due to extenuating
circumstances staff remained on the original Professional Services Contracts. The
~xpenses for staff were placed under the Professional Contracted Services in the
Accounting system so required 1099 tax forms can be produced.
On January 1, 2003 staff will become employees of the CRA and salaries will then be
billed to the salary expense line item so at year end W-2, 941's and the Social Security
reports will match to the Salary Line item.
Staff is recommending leaving the original Professional Services Contract portion of
staff costs in the Professional Contracted Services line item due to differences in
accounting and IRS issues.
Public Audience.
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall fernish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
VI. Public Hearing
Any person who decides to appeal any-decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
-,~peal is to be based.
The CRA shall fernish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior t° the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
Chairman and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Michael W Rumpf
Planning and Zoning Director
PlannerMaxime Ducoste-Am6d6e,~
Janua~ 6,2003
N.E. 3'" Street Right-of-Way Abandonment (ABAN 02-004)
~ City of Boynton Beach is requesting abandonment of an unimproved 40-foot wide right-of-way located on N.E.
Street. This abandonment is for the following unimproved street segment:
That part of N.E. 3"~ Street lying between blocks 9 and 10 of Happy Home Heights, according to the plat
thereof as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Flodda.
~ion map attached as Exhibit "A shows the general vicinity of the street right-of-way to be abandoned. The
,~u Exhibit "B"- "Proposed Abandonment" shows the location of the church property and includes a detailed
ation of the right-of-way to be abandoned and its legal description.
.~ entire right-of-way of N.E. 34 Street (between blocks 9 and 10 of Happy Home Heights) as shown on the
vey will be converted to an easement for ingress, egress, drainage and utility Purposes. The City will abandon
lot to the adjacent property owners. In this case, Daise Temple Church of God in Christ owns both lots on either
; following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the .properties that surround the subject
North -
East -
South -
Single family dwelling units, zoned R-2.
Vacant lot used for church parking, zoned R-2
Single-family dwelling units, zoned R-2.
Church, zoned R-2.
,ecember of 1924, the Plat of Happy Homes Heights was approved inCluding a 40-foot wide right-of-way known
:irst Street (currently known as NE 3~ Street) and dedicated to the perpetual use of the public, reserving unto
developers or successors the right of reversion if not used as such. The street is currently unimproved. Palm
~ch County records indicate that the church acquired the adjacent property in 1983.
'ev~,-. ,s request to abandon ~d
N.E. 3 Street right-of-way was submitted by Daise Temple Church of God in Chdst
· 6, 2000. The properties located on the east and west sides of the street segment to be abandoned are
,~d by Daise Temple Church of God in Christ. The church had the intention of vacating the 40-foot street to
sase the area of the church parcel, to eliminate a walking hazard for parishioners, and to facilitate future church
Page 2
Memorandum No. PZ 03-008TM
ABAN 02-004 -
This application was denied by the City Commission for several reasons: 1) A redevelopment study (The Heart of
Boynton ) was being conducted; 2) Installation of fiber optic communication cables was scheduled; 3) The existence
of a 6-inch water main along the right-of-way. As part of the motion of denial of this request, the City Commission
had indicated that another abandonment application could be reconsidered after the completion of the
redevelopment study. Since the redevelopment study has been completed, City Staff has taken the initiative to
convert N.E. 34 Street right-of-way and to follow-up the Commission directive.
Pursuant to Chapter 22 Article III Section 4, public notice was given to the property owners that abut the right-of-way
to be abandoned, all utilities companies have been notified and the request has been advertised in the newspaper.
A summary of the responses from the utility companies and city staff is as follows:
Public Works/Utilities
Planning and Zoning
Flodda Power and Light
Bell South
Flodda Public Utilities Company
Cable Company (Adelphia)
Cable Company (Comcast)
No objection
Approval with conditions (see Exhibit "C")
No objection
Objects because of existing infrastructure in the right-of-way
between N.E. 12th Avenue and N.E. 11th Avenue. Requires
an easement dedication (see Conditions of Approval).
No objection
No objection
No objection
Staff recommends that this request to abandon the right-of-way be approved, subject to the comments included in
Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. Any conditions required by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board and
the Commission will be placed in Exhibit "C"- Conditions of Approval.
×c: Central File
S:~Planningt.SHARED~WP~PROJECTS~Daise Temple (Church of God)'ukBAN 2002~staff report 2002-,doc
Location Map
PLAT BOOK 11. PA.(~E 30
PLAT BOOK 1 l, PAGE 30.. 'J
Conditions of Approval
Project name: Daise Temple
File number: ABAN 02-004
Comments: None
Comments: None
1. An ingress, egress, drainage and utility easement encompassing the entire
N.E. 3m) Street fight-of-way shall be dedicated to the City of Boynton
Beach. This dedication shall occur prior to final recording of the
2. No canopy trees shall be allowed to be planted within the easement. All
plantings shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Boynton Beach
prior to placement.
3. No building structures shall be allowed to be constructed on any portion
of the easement.
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
nments: None
Conditions of Approval=
2 ~
Comments: None
Comments: None
4. To ensure the intended usc of the abandoned right-of-way for an ingress,
egress, drainage and utility casement, the plat shall be amended
1. To be detem~ined.
1. To be determined.
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Daise Temple (Church ofGod) Aban\COA 2002.doc
Chairmen and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board, and
Planning and Development Board
Michael W.~t~pf
Director of~PI,a~ning and Zoning
Dick H udst~d, ~]:CP
Senior Planner
December 26, 2002
Limited Access Self-Storage
Proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations to restrict "Self-storage" uses to
the M-1 ]:ndustrial zoning district
City of Boynton Beach
C-2 Neighborhood Commercial, C-3 Community Commercial and C-4 General
Commercial zoning districts city-wide
]~n 1998, Policy 1.16.1 of the Comprehensive Plan's Future Land Use Element was amended to
allow "se/f serv/ce storage fac///t/es (//m/ted-access m/n/-warehouse on/y)" in the Office
Commercial land use classification. According to the staff report accompanying the amendment,
corresponding amendments were to have been made to the Local Retail Commercial land use
classification to specifically exclude the//m/ted-access m/n/-warehouse se~f-storage fac///b'es use
and to coincide with the code amendments described below. Corresponding amendments to the
Land Development Regulations were adopted with Ordinance No. O98-31. These amendments
were requested as part of a plan to construct a building for a Stor All storage business at Old
Boynton Road and Knuth Road~
A recent interpretation of these code amendments led to the submittal of an application for a
limited-access facility for a property zoned C-3, contrary to the original intent of the
amendments to only allow this new type of storage use within the C-1 or M-1 zoning districts.
To halt any further applications for storage uses contrary to the intent of the code, the city
issued a Notice of ]:ntent (NO]:) on August 6, 2002. This NO]: facilitates the temporary (6-month)
halt on new applications for storage uses while the Land Development Regulations are
~mined, apPropriate amendments proposed, and review conducted by the City Commission
Page 2
CDRV 02-004
Limited-Access Self, Storage
(see Exhibit "A'O. From this review, legal staff has concluded that the original intent of the
amendments to the Land Development Regulations created an "upside-down" zoning structure in
which the most restrictive zoning district allows for a use which is not allowed in less restrictive
commercial districts (see Exhibit "B'~). Prior to these amendments, the code allowed self-storage
uses only in the C-4 and H-1 zoning districts. Since the C-4 zoning district exists along the N.
Federal Highway Corridor, where a redevelopment plan recommends against automobile-
dependant uses, staff therefore recommends that storage uses be prohibited in the C-4 district
as well.
Staff is proposing changes to Chapter 2, Section 6, A (Office and Professional Commercial
District), Section 6, B (C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District), Section 6, C (C-3 Community
Commercial District), and Section 6, D (C-4 General Commercial District) to specifically prohibit
both "limited access mini-warehouse", and "self service storage facility" uses. Furthermore,
corresponding changes are necessary to Chapter 2.Section 11.O. SELF SERVICE STORAGE
FACILe-II:ES (MINI-WAREHOUSES) to remove references to ,the C-1 Zoning District. These
changes would then limit multi-access and limited-access storage faciliUes to the M-l, Industrial
zoning district.
Staff has conducted a field survey to determine the impact of the proposed changes on existing
self-service storage facilities in the city. There are currently eight existing facilities, and one
recently approved but undeveloped limited access self-storage facility. Only three of these
would become non-conforming with adoption of the recommended amendments. These three
include: (~) Public Storage, 3000 N. Federal Highway (north of Gulfstream Blvd.) zoned both C-
3 and C-4 zoning, (2) Stor All, Ltd., 3400 Old Boynton Road zoned C-l, and (3) Victoria's Closet
(approved), 3602 N. Federal Highway (south of Old Dixie Hwy.) zoned C-3. Following adoption
of the proposed changes, self-service storage facilities may only be approved in the M-:L
industrial zoning district. The above-described uses could continue operating as legally non-
conforming uses with the only limitation being expansions or improvements as described by the
Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section :LI.:L, (D) and (G).
Staff recommends the adopUon of the proposed amendments to the land development
regulations as the minimum changes necessary to prohibit the limited access mini-warehouse
use in the C-:L Office/Professional Commercial, C-2 Neighborhood Commercial, C-3 Community
Commercial and C-4 General Commercial zoning districts; to restrict the combination of multi-
access and limited-access storage facilities to the M-:L Industrial zoning district; and to amend
the supplemental regulations governing SELF SERVICE STORAGE FACILITIES (MTNI-
WAREHOUSES) to remove all references to the C-! Office/prOfessional Commercial zoning
district. The ultimate code amendments preferred could be processed in ordinance form in
February or March of 2003.
~ -' RBSOLUTION.NO. R02- 1~"
WI-IE~AS, the City Commission, pursuant to City Ordinance 000-053 to initiate
proposed: changes to the Land Development Code and to direct staff to planning and
development studies;, and
WHEREAS, the Commission deems it timely and in the best interest of the City and its
residents t° undertake review of building and zoning regulations applicable to storage facilities,
seLf-Storage facilities, warehouses, and mini-warehouses withi- the jurisdictional limits of the
City Of Boynton Beach to study and review the impact anii compatibility of storage facilities,
seLf-stOrage facilities' warehouses, and mini-warehouses on other commercial and residential
uses. The Study shall include, but is not limited to, review of size, height, appearance, setback,
landscaping, and buffering criteria for suchuses; and
WHE~, the Commission has authority to initiate the review process by resolution and
issuance of a Notice of~te~t; and
WHEREAS, the 'Notice of Intent attached to this ResoIution as Exhibit "A" represents a
formal amaouncement of said planning activities, and. the period duriug which time all
applications related to development activity proposed within the study area, must be abated or
conform to restrictive temporary regulations; and
WHEREAS, this Notice of Iutent will be ha effect from the date of adoption and
thereafter for a period of 180 days following the date of adoptiou unless otherwise e~tended by
the City Commission by subsequent Resolution following public hearing.
$:\CA\Ordinancea\LDR Change~kNOI Re~o - self storage.doe
Section 1. The City Cornmission oft. he City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby
does hereby issue the. Notice of Intent attached hereto as Extiibit "A".
That' this Resolution shall become effective city-wide mediately upon
Section 2.
Section 3.
Ordinance 000-053.
Section 4.
The Notice of Intent shall posted and copies provided as required by
No' apphcation for a devetopment activity within the scope of the study
shall be-accepted by the City following the date of adoption of this Resolution and during 'the.
study period. 'No application for a development activity within the scope of the study shall be
further processed by the City, following'the date of adoption of this Resolution during the study
period, unless the application was filed prior to the adoption date of this Resolution.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6~ day of August, 2002.
iss/~o2er ~-~'~-'~
City Clerk
S:\CA\Ordinan¢~kLDR Chang¢~/NOI Rcso - self storage.doc
~it ^
The ~purpose of this Notice of Intent is to declare a period t?prepare and bring forward for
adoption amendments to.. the L.aud DeveIopment Regulations: it0 correct discrepancies between
Goals, 'Objectives and PoLicies in the C6mprehensive Plan and the Land Development
The Affected Area shall be specifically described as all lands z0n,ed C-2 Neighborhood
Commercial and C-3 Community Commercial citywide. (see. att~hed Exhibit "A").
1. Limit "limited access mini-warehouse" uses to the C'~ Office/Professional zoning
2. Clarify existing regulations to require a distance separation of two thousand five
hundred (2,500):feet:betWeen a l~m~ted access mini-warehouse and. any other self-
storage business; and,
3'. To restrict combinatioa multi-access and )imked-acc~s storage facilities to the C-4
GENERAL coMMERCIAL and 1~I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL zoning districts.
The intent of amendments to the Land Develbpment RegUlations is to ensure consistency with
both the language and'intent of the comprehensive Plan' and specifically exclude "limited-access
mini-warehouse self-storage facilities w~tbin th, e LOcal Retail Commercial land use classification
-which corresponds to the C-2 .Neighborhood Commercial and C-3 Community Commercial
zoning districts.
LDR, Chapter 2. Zoning,. Section 6Co) C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District,
LDR, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6(c) C-3 Community Commercial District, and
LDR,. Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 11(O)iSelf Service Storage Facilities (Supplemental
One Hundred and Eighty (180) days from the date
of approval of this Notice by the City
Effective On adoption 0f this 'Notice, no application or uses within the Affected Area deemed
incomplete shall be processed and application shall be accepted or processed dur/ng the
per/Od that t/tis :Notice is in effect.
This NOtice of Intent shall only .apply to sa/d applications
submitted to the City after the Notice of Intent .is executed.
for self-service
storage facilities
Development Department Memorandum No. 02-157
Development DePartment Memorandum No. 98, t 56
1. The Notice of Intent. shall be posted in the Development Department and in the notice
case located at the main entrance to City Hall.
2. A copy.°.f the. Notice of Intent shall be mailed to the Chamber'of Commerce.
3. FollOwing issua~u~e Of this Notice of'Intent, the notice, shall be provided to all applicants
Who may be Potentially affected bY the pending study and regulatory .changes. This
notice shall 'be iprovided to those individuals. 'by: mall, facsimile, electronic, mail or in
persOn. Comments including written objections to 'the NotiCe of Intent, 'shall be accepted
by the Development Department Director from reciPients of this notice.
Neither failure by the City Clerk to provide notice as set forth in this section .not the lack of
awareness of any potentially affected aPPlicant shall not invaliiiate the applicability of this
Dated: July 30, 2002
Adopted by Resoluti,o~number,R02. /.~,~of
Beach, Flor/da'the '_t~ day of~ 200~r the City Commission of the City of BoY'ton
Office of the City Clerk
Location Map
'~ike Rumpf, Director, Planning and Zoning Department
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
Quintus Greene, Director, Department of Development
Nancy Byme, Assistant Director, Department of Development
David N. Tolces, Assistant City Attorney ~7
Zoning In Progress - Self Storage Facilities
December 2, 2002
On October 9, 2002 I issued a memorandum regarding zoning in progress for self storage
facilities. As a result of discussions with Mike Rumpf, this is a revised memorandum in
response to your request for an opinion regarding the existing Land Development Regulations
applicable to zoning categories for limited-access self-storage facilities.
At the August 6, 2002 City Commission meeting, the City Commission adopted Resolution No.
R02-135 which authorized the issuance of a Notice of Intent with respect to the City
commencing a review of building and zoning regulations related to storage facilities, self-storage
facilities, mini-warehouses, and warehouses. Currently the City's Land Development
Regulations provide that: "Only limited access self service storage facilities will be allowed
within the C-1 zoning district." ~ Chapter 2, Section 11.O. 1.1. "Self service storage
facilities", however, are also-permitted in the M-1 Industrial District pursuant to Chapter 2,
Section 8, A. 1.c.(1).
In 1998, the City Commission adopted an ordinance providing for the operation of self-storage
uses in particular zoning districts, in conjunction with a proposed site plan for a parcel to be
rezoned C-l, Office/Professional. The original intent in adopting the ordinance was to only
allow the limited access self-storage uses in the C-1 and M-1 zoning districts. This original intent
would have created a unique scenario as the C-2, C-3, and C-4 zoning districts are typically more
permissible in the types of uses allowed. The intended result would have created an "upside-
down" zoning structure in which' the most restrictive zoning district allows for a use which is not
allowed in less restrictive eornmercial districts. As adopted, however, the ordinance permits
limited-access storage facilities in the C-1 and M-1 zoning districts as well as in the C-2, C-3,
and C-4 zoning districts as well. The necessity to correct the original amendment has also
provided the opportunity to reconsider its appropriateness.
After reviewing the materials related to the adoption of this Land Development Regulation
amendment, staff and our office agree that a revision to' 'the CO'de is necessary to either provide
for the inclusion of these uses in all commercial zoning districts, or prohibit the use in all
-)mmercial zonir~g districts. If the use is prohibited in all commercial zoning districts, it is
~ecommended that the use be provided for in another zoning district, such as the M-1 Industrial
zoning district.
Please advise our office as to how you wish to proceed, and with your assistance, we will draft
the appropriate amendments to the City's Land Development Regulations for inclusion in an
ordinance to be considered by the City Commission. If you have any additional questions, or
concerns, please call.
DNT: dnt ·
\'dGCD E_FS\LIB RARYM 990\900182.BB\MEMO 2002\Rumpf (zoning in prog rev I).doc
December 31, 2002
-oject Name/No.: Dakota Lofts / MSPM 02,006
· operty Owner: Dakota Lofts Development Inc.
)plicant/Agent: Dakota Lofts Development Inc.
3010 South Federal Highway
~nd Use:
High Density Residential (HDR)
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
pe of Use:
Multi-family Residential
oject size:
Site Area: 2 acres
No. of Units: 19
Lot Coverage: 0.6 acres / 30%
Density: 9.5 du/ac
.cent Uses:
(see Exhibit "A"- Location Map)
North -
South -
Developed multi-family residential (Colonial Club Condominium);
Bamboo Lane right-of-way, farther south is residential and commercial property outside city
limits. The commercial property fronts U.S. 1;
East -
Developed single-family homes;
West -
U.S. 1 right-of-way, farther west is commercial property outside city limits.
Dakota Lofts Development Inc. proposes to modify the building elevations and floor plans of
the townhouse units. The proposed changes constitute a major site plan modification
subject to the Community Redevelopment Agency and City Commission review and
The subject property is comprised of three (3) irregular-shaped parcels all under the same
ownership totaling two (2) acres. This project was previously approved for 19 luxury
townhouse units planned throughout three (3) Separate buildings on two (2) acres (see
Exhibit "B" - Proposed Site Plan). The configuration and density of the proposed site plan
are to remain as approved by the City Commission on January 15, 2002.
Each building will either be constructed on Parcel 1 or 2. All buildings will contain three
bedroom units. The number of individual units per building will range from (5) units to eight
(8) units. In addition, a pool area is proposed on Parcel 2, just west of the end of the canal.
The developer will leave the canal intact. A 10-foot wide road easement combined with a
10-foot wide road & public utilities easement runs north and south, dissecting Parcel 1 and
2. These easements will subsequently be abandoned and relocated via the plat of this site.
Page 2
Dakota Lofts - Major Site Plan Modification Staff Report
Memorandum No. PZ 02-308
a. Traffic-
b. Drainage-
Parking Facility:
Building and Site:
Community Design:
The houses on Virginia Gardens Drive (to the north of the subject property) currently ingress
and egress directly onto U.S. 1. As proposed, the entrance and exit onto U.S. 1 for the
Virginia Gardens Drive houses will be closed and vehicular traffic will cease once the
buildings are built on the subject property. The residents on Virginia Gardens Drive will
share the common access drive for the subject property. This access drive will be the only
means of ingress / egress for the residents on Virginia Gardens Drive.
A traffic statement for this project was submitted and sent to the Palm Beach County
Traffic Division for their review and approval. The Palm Beach County Traffic
Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of
Palm Beach County.
Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review. The City's
concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval.
The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage
solutions be deferred until time of permit review, when more complete engineering
documents are required.
No major change.
No major change.
No major change.
Building and site regulations will be fully met when staff comments are incorporated into the
permit drawings. There are four (4) types of units proposed throughout the three buildings
(types: A-l, A-2, B-l, B-2). The "A" type unit will be 3,854 square feet in area. The "B" type
unit will be 2,775 square feet in area. Each unit will have their respective garage on the
ground floor. The living room / family reom will be on the second floor and the bedroom will
be on the third floor.
The proposed buildings will be three (3) stories high. The proposed development has
selected Benjamin Moore 2152-70 Mayonnaise as the color for the fascia, trim, columns,
and banding. The walls and garage doors will be painted Benjamin Moore 2152-60
Mannequin Cream. The roof tile will be constructed of Monier Espana - Mission Sunset "S"
tiles. The window frames and sliding glass doorframes will be made of white anodized
aluminum. The applicant has agreed to install "frosted" glass windows on the east
elevations of the five (5) and six (6) unit buildings in order to maintain the privacy of the
adjacent single family homes (see Exhibit "D" - Letter from James Gilgenbach)-.
All buildings will have the same number of "breaks" in the roofline. The applicant feels that
this will create more uniformity between all there (3) buildings. The second and third stories
of all buildings will have balconies. There Will be no provision for solid roof or screened
enclosures. The balconies on the second floor were originally recessed inside the building.
However, the modified elevations show that the rear balconies will now extend (cantilever)
out four (4) feet. The applicant feels that extending the balconies would add more
dimension and detail to the design. Also, the extension of the second floor balconies
causes the first floor patio area to become "covered". No balconies or patio areas extend
beyond the fee-simple boundaries.
The overall building length (inside the fee-simple boundary) has been shortened from 58
feet- eight (8) inches to 54 feet. This extra four (4) feet will now be used to setback the
age 3
akota Lofts - Major Site Plan Modification Staff Report
ernorandurn No. PZ 02-308
building farther away from the front of the fee-simple boundary line. This will help facilitate
egress and maneuverability for vehicles when exiting the garage. The site plan shows that
the size of each fee-simple boundary remained the same. However, the fee-simple
boundaries are relocated further away from the parcel's perimeter.
According to the elevations, the shapes of the windows have been changed slightly since
last approved by the City Commission. Decorative Mullion lines in the windows were added
to the side and rear elevations of the five (5) and six (6) unit buildings. Originally, the end-
units were larger than the interior units. The proposed floor plans show that both interior
and exterior units are approximately the same size. This characteristic actually increases
the overall size (under air) of all the units combined. Aisc, the stairwells and front door
locations have been modified due to the proposed changes made to the interior of each
unit. The bedroom locations appear to have been changed.
No project signs are proposed at this time.
recommends that this major site plan modification request be approved, subject to the comments included in
hibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies
;ntified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit.
Central File
.,ts and Settings\johnsone~V[y Documents~Site Plans~IViajor~Sl~ff Report~Dakota Lo~s2.doc
Location Map
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--' 741
Project name: Dakota Lofts
File number: MSPM 02-006
Conditions of Approval
Reference: 2na review plans identified as a Maior Site Plan Modification with a December 17, 2002 Planning and
Zoning Depa.~anent date stamp marking_
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE ,.
Comments: NONE
1. Update thc site plan tabular data to accurately reflect the total number of
provided parking spaces.
2. The Community Redevelopment Agency requested that the landscaping along
Federal Highway (north and south comers of project) be enhanced. No
landscape material and quantities have significantly changed since the City
Commission approved the landscape plan. This condition has not been met
and is still required.
3. The Community Redevelopment Agency requested the applicant provide an
aesthetic gate or barrier at the access point at the southeast comer of the
project to prevent non-emergency use of opening. This condition has not
been met and is still required.
4. The Community Redevelopment Agency requested the applicant provide an
enhanced project entrance, which would include landscaping, signage, and
possibly a fountain. This condition has not been met and is still required.
5. The configuration of the parking lot on the landscape plan shall mater the
parking lot on all other plans.
6. Provide floor plans of the five (5) and ei~rht (8) unit buildings.
7. The foundation landscaping shall be required in the front and side of each
multi family dwelling unit (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.L.). If the front
is unable to accommodate landscaping, enhance the landscaping proposed
along the sides of the buildings.
8. On the site plan, identify the location of the 2na story balcony to ensure that
the balcony limits do not extend beyond the perimeter of each fee-simple
townhouse unit.
9. On the landscape plan, label the vegetation to be preserved.
I0. If proposed, the landscape plan must show the location of the wall along
Federal Hishwa¥.
744 .
I. To be deterrrfined.
1. To be determined.
MWl elj
S:\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\DAKOTA LOFTS\MSPM 02-006\CO~.doc
De, sics:
OEC 2 0 ~
Please note that the windows on the 'Easl' sides of.the 5 Unit and 6 unit buildings of
the above-r~fe~enced project ~re.specified on the working d~awings as frosted and
fixed glass windows, to prevent the occupants of these .units f~om looking down on
the adjacent properties. These windows will otherwise look similm' to the othee
windows on the otherelevati0ns of the buildings foe this project.
Zf you have any questi.'ons concerning this m~l-ter, please feel fr~e to c~ntact m~
Cc; Dakota Lofts'
PROJECT NAME:~ Dakota Lofts
APPLICANT'S AGENT: Dakota Lofts Development, Inc.
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 3010 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Major site plan modification to elevations and floor plans of 19
townhouse units in a Planned Unit Development (PUD).
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 3010 South Federal Highway
THIS MATTER came before the City CommissiOn of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida
appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the
findings and recommendation of the Community'Redevelopment Agency, which Agency found as
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered .the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
Application for the relief Sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included".
The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof.
5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order.
7. Other
City Clerk
VII. Director's Report:
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based.
The CRA shah fernish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CR~. Please contact Douglas Hutchin,~on at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
v===. Old Business:
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
'ppeal is to be based.
The CRA shall femish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal oppommity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchin.qon at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
CRA Board
Douglas Hutchinson - Director
Grace Fellowship Church Facade Grant Request
Januaw 6,2003
The CRA Board tabled the Grace Fellowship Church's Fa(;ade Grant Request at
the December meeting. The Board requested that the applicant address West
and North elevations with improvements. These two elevations are readily seen
and are in need of improvements. The Board would like to have the applicant
make a presentation concerning these items.
CRA Board
Douglas Hutchinson
Consideration of Establishing a Direct Incentive Program
December 20, 2002
The CRA has an interest in supporting benchmark projects within the Boynton
Beach CRA area. Many other CRAs have programs of one kind or another to
recruit sought after anchor projects for their areas. As directed by the Board, the
CRA staff, legal council and the City Development Department have drafted the
attached program for consideration.
CRA Staff has requested and received incentive programs from other CRAs in
the State. This has included an extensive list from the State Association, FRA.
Further, staff contacted several prominent developers for their responses. The
requests were made by .both email and direct calls. The results have been
compiled in a sizable notebook available in the CRA Office. What we found was
that no "set" program existed for large scale projects. Most large project
incentives were negotiated on a project by project basis. This left a lot to chance
whicl~" was not appreciated by the development community and communities
were left to debate how much the current project should receive in incentives and
how it set a precedent for the next project. Therefore, many agreed that a
flexible program would have benefits to both parties involved in redevelopment.
The key concept of fleXibility needs to be emphasized.
Another area of research was performed regarding the qualifiers and scoring
elements for the program. Many had used job creation as one of the
benchmarks. In each case however, the funding source had ties to other
programs or economic development based incentives that required tracking jobs.
All prograrrr administrators that we spoke to agreed that this aspect was very
very difficult to track. Some examples of job creation issues are: temporary vs.
permanent jobs, part-time vs. full-time jobs, direct vs. indirect jobs, types of jobs
- skilled vs. unskilled, pay levels which should exceed average county pay
levels, who is hired - local vs. regional vs. state vs. other areas, what happens
when someone quits and the job is unfilled, etc. All these factors have major
differences in job creation impacts... Then arises the issue of administration:
tracking, gathering required employee information (which may have civil rights
impacts, income levels, etc.). Staff's point of view is that the CRA is not required
to track job creation and therefore, we should seek to use other elements to
score the projects for incentives.
The proposed program rewards projects in several areas of effort; i.e., size,
architecture style, type of use, area, etc. This is what the CRA would like to
influence in the district. They are verified by a third party (tax office) and are
scaleable, performance based formulas. If the project falls short on generating
expected tax base the incentive is proportionally reduced and if the applicant's
project generates greater value, it would automatically receive additional
incentives. The project must perform by paying applicable taxes before receiving
incentive funds; therefore administration issues are vastly reduced and are not
subjective elements.
An area that Staff seeks direction is the element of "need" that the project
applicant is to show, if any. Although it is a noble concept to help only "needy"
projects, the administration is rather cumbersome. "Needy" becomes subjective.
Who sets what is "needy"? What is measured to establish "need"? What is
enough or too little or too much profit, equity.required, financing leverage,
acceptable source of funds, etc. Staff believes that results or community benefit
based scoring elements are better; i.e., site plan, project innovation, architectural
style, type of project, location within the CRA, size, economic impact to the area,
The program may be gradually phased out. As time goes on scores would
generally come down because the projects are not the true pioneers, therefore
later projects may not score as well unless they demonstrate new vision or
innovation. This scoring 'is controlled by the Board so the program and future
project incentives can be molded into the current CRA vision and' projects sought
The program asks for summaries of information from the applicant which are
meant to provide the Board sufficient information for evaluation and yet attempts
to not require the applicant to divulge proprietary materials. Remember that all
materials given to the CRA become public knowledge and many developers will
not or can not divulge these aspects. Certainly, if the summaries do not "add
up", additional information would be required.
Another scoring aspect uses third party economic impact studies generate CRA
and City wide impacts. This is important as it assess impacts on other
governmental entities as well as the CRA; i.e., city, county, schools, etc. It also
can look at utility revenues and franchise fees. This scoring element also uses
third party analysis to evaluate projects.
The program scoring is designed to recognize and reward benchmark projects.
One element of the scoring system would allow the Board to score outstanding
projects so that they could overcome scoring deficiencies in other element
categories. Conversely, the Board must score the project with a minimum
number of points or it will fail to reach the minimum score required for incentives.
Incentive funding levels were set so that the CRA retains substantial TIF
revenues to be used as the Board sees the public need. The direct incentive
was limited in time to a maximum of ten (10) years. This is not meant to be a
given, but is set strictly, as a maximum period. The maximum amount of
incentive is-tied to the actual property taxes paid. The program works as a
reimbursement formula which requires the total property taxes to be paid and
receipt given prior to forwarding annual incentives to the project. The maximum
annual amount of incentive is limited to fifty (50%) percent of the paid TIF tax on
the increment generated from the project. Here again, this is not a given or
guarantee of any funding. The project applicant may request that the incentive
be "front loaded" in the following formula: 75% first year, 75% second year, 60%
third and fourth year, 50% fifth year and sixth year, 40% seventh year and eighth
year, 25% ninth year and tenth year. The method of calculating "front loading"
would be to project the ten year TIF based on the first year's taxable value times
the project's incentive formula (based on the project's score received from CRA
Board) and then the annual incentive is adjusted to follow the "front loaded"
percentage schedule above. The taxable value is monitored annually prior to
incentive award to assure that any movement in value will be reflected in the
Preliminary responses from developers have been very positive.
Staff 'believes that the'proposed program for Boynton Beach is sound
economically, the qualifying criteria is reasonable and the information required of
the Applicant is necessary for evaluation, but does not jeopardize proprietary
materials. Legal Staff will need to construct the final program agreement upon
approval by the Board.
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
The Boynton Beach CRA seeks to encourage large-scale projects, which define new
markets, quality, innovation and character in the CRA area. It is recognized that many
times these benchmark projects require new and untested market assumptions, which
have no local comparable. This condition often requires market support to make the
projects feasible in the early years. Accordingly, this program is focused on support for
qualified, benchmark projects during their initial stages. As defined by the focus of this
program, projects which directly compete with existing projects, or that do not open new
markets may not receive maximum consideration.
Projects will be scored by program criteria, which are defined in Program Guidelines.
The project's score will determine how much, if any, of the eligible incentive the project
may receive. Application to this Program is no guarantee of funding. Funding is at the
sole discretion of the CRA Board.
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 1 of 11
The project must be in the City of Boynton Beach CRA Area as defined at the
time of application and at the time of the approval of the application by the CRA
· The applicant must be the majority owner (the owner having the greatest
percentage of ownership) or authorized agent of the majority owner in the
· All property taxes, fees, city/county liens owed by the applicant must be paid and
· The project is required to be over $2,000,000 in projected new assessed taxable
value upon completion.
· The project's projected total annual economic impact to the City (after
completion) as projected by using RMS Economic modeling standards, shall be a
minimum of 20 times the corresponding year's incentive during the incentive
· The duration of the incentive shall be no longer than 10 years.
· The incentive will generally not exceed 50% of the CRA TIF revenue generated
by the project during the incentive period.
· No incentive (in any one year) shall exceed 75% of the new annual TIF revenue
generated directly from the project for that year.
· Projects may be phased, however each phase must meet program thresholds.
· Projects must score at least 50% on this application to qualify for incentives.
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 2 of 11
· Project Size (total new assessed value) (up to 20 pta). For the purpose of
application scoring, the new assessed value projection shall equal the project's
projected appraised value times 90% minus current assessed value of the project
$2,000,000 to $4,999,999 (5 pts)
$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 (10 pts)
$10,000,000 to $24,999,999 (15 pts)
$25,000,000 + (20 pts)
Type of Project (up to 20 pta) - Preferred use criteria. Evaluation of the project
is based on its consistency with redevelopment plans and its appropriateness
within the overall economic context. Depending on location, additional
consideration will be given to the following commercial uses.
1. Mixed uses with residential component. (up to 20 pts)
2. Mixed uses with office component. (up to 20 pts)
3. Hotels/Conference Centers. (up to 10 pts) (Jose) (up to 20 pts) (Doug)
4. Multi-story professional-retail buildings (business and financial services,
medical/health care services.) (up to 15 pts) (Jose) 5-10 points for
medical/health as it is not as desirable? (Larry)
5. Multi-story office-retail only buildings with the following type of retail tenants:
(up to 10 pts)
a. Restaurant/Specialty Foods,
b. Entertainment,
c. Art galleries,
d. Apparel,
e. Gift Shops/Decorative Arts/Specialty Stores/Boutiques.
6. Retail only buildings with a minimum of four tenants (from the above list). (up
to 10 pts)
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 3 of 11
· Project Location (up to 20 pta) - Must be within the CRA area
1. In CRA Area only - (10 pts).
2. In CRA Area and in the CBD District, Federal Highway, Boynton Beach Blvd.
Ocean Ave., and MLK - (20 pts). (Projects in these areas are high impact and
have the highest visibility.)
· Economic Impact- (up to 20 pts)
1. Projected economic impact (define on what basis, jobs? - not, based on
dollars generated by the project based on standard economic forecasting
models - Doug) over the incentive period of 20 to 49 times the incentive - (15
2. Projected economic impact of 50 times the incentive or more - (20 pts)
· Project Quality - (up to 40 pts) Point allocation based on project architecture,
landscape features, public amenities, innovation, quality, overall contribution to
the Community, etc.
Establishing Incentive Percentage:
Point scores from each of the five criteria elements will be added together and the total
taken as a percentage times the eligible maximum incentive (up to 50% of the new
assessed tax amount) to establish the incentive formula percentage. For example, a
score of 100 pts or more equals 100% of 50% (maximum program capture of assessed
TIF) is the project's incentive capture formula. A 70 pts scored equals 70% of the 50%.
Note that incentives are defined as percentages of the new assessed TIF increment as
it appears on the official tax rolls, therefore, any actual dollar figures prior to project
completion and listing on the tax roll, are only estimates.
Establishing Annual Incentive Disbursements for the Incentive Period:
The incentive shall be normally disbursed in ten (10 on er required
actions have been completed by applicant. Although annual percentages of the
incentive may vary to respond to early project needs, they shall not exceed 75% of the
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 4 of 11
new increment tax for any single year. The cumulative incentive shall not exceed 50%
of the new assessed increment's taxes for the total incentive period. The project
applicant may request that the incentive be "front loaded" in the following formula: 75%
first year, 75% second year, 60% third and forth years, 50% fifth and sixth year, 40%
seventh and eighth years, 25% ninth and tenth years. The method of calculating "front
loading" would be to project the ten year TIF based on the first year's taxable values
times the project's incentive percentage formula (based on the project's score received
from the CRA) and then the annual incentive is adjusted to follow the '~front loading"
percentage schedule above. The taxable value is monitored annually prior to incentive
award to assure that any movement in value will be reflected in the calculation.
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 5 of 11
Project applications shall be screened and reviewed by staff for completeness
and scored.
Staff or a selected review committee shall provide pertinent comments on the
Staff shall secure third party credit information and background checks on
The review period shall not exceed forty-five (45) days from the date of the
submittal of a completed application. On or before the end of the 45-day period
staff shall either forward the application, their findings and recommendations to
the CRA Board for consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting or
request, in writing, that the applicant provide additional information (A copy of the
staff or review committee recommendation will be forwarded to the CRA Board.).
Upon consideration by the CRA Board, the Board shall take one of the following
actions: Approve, table, modify or reject the application. The applicant shall be
notified in writing as to the Boards decision with in 5 days. If the applicaton is
denied, the applicant ~tt-'~ave the right to resubmit a revised application for
reconsideration. ~--~ote that any direct or indirect lobbing of the CRA Board will
result in disqualification of the applicant from the program."~
Appeals Process?. Do we want a process for appeals or are we it? (Jose) the
funding is from TIF funds of which we are the custodians, we are responsible for
those funds and should have the final say.
"Request for Incentive Funds" - If the project is approved, a "Request for
Release of Approved Incentive Funds" for the initiation of incentive fund
payments is required to be sent to the CRA. This is request from the applicant
due no later than January 1st of the year after the project (or a phase) appears on
the official property tax rolls and every year of the incentive period thereafter. If
the project's property taxes are paid in full and the project fully complies with the
program, the Earned Incentives will be dispersed no later than March 1st of that
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 6 of 11
same year and will be based on the prior year's collected taxes.
In the "Request for Incentive Funds" the applicant shall supply evidence of
program performance; (1) Tax Statement identifying the project or phase on the
Tax Assessor/Collector's property Tax Roll and (2) receipt of payment in full of
the levied property tax.
Requesting for Incentive "Front Loading". The project applicant may request that
the incentive be "front loaded" in the following formula: 75% first year, 75%
second year, 60% third and fourth year, 50% fifth year and sixth year, 40%
seventh year and eighth year, 25% ninth year and tenth year. The method of
calculating "front loading" would be to project the ten year TIF based on the first
year's taxable value times the project's incentive formula (based on the project's
score received from CRA Board) and then the annual incentive is adjusted to
follow the "front loaded" percentage schedule above. The taxable value is
monitored annually prior to incentive award to assure that any movement in value
will be reflected in the calculation.
The following information shall be compiled in a loose-leaf binder, tabbed and labeled to
correspond with the following section headings. This information package is the
program application. The application shall be forwarded to the CRA Office with a formal
letter of request containing a narrative of the project, reason for request, justification and
a summarizing the highlights of each of the following sections. The letter should be
signed by the applicant or authorized agent and be accompanied by 12 sets of the
completed project information.
Project Information:
· Applicant Information
1. Applicant (Majority Owner) Name.
2. Listing of Owners by Ownership Percentage.
3. Applicant Address, Phone Number(s), Fax, Email Address.
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 7 of 11
4:~Contract Person's Name, Title, and Contact Information.
5~. ?Attach a Brief Resume on the Applicant and Contact Person. (Exhibit "A")
Project Information
1. Project Description (One Page Narrative)
· Project Location,
· Size - area and appraised value,
· Zoning,
· Uses (commercial, residential, mixed use, etc.),
· Square Footages of Uses,
· Amenities,
· Features - construction finishes & materials, colors, etc.
2. Plans (if not previously CRA approved) - site, floor, elevations, landscape,
colored renderings, etc. (Exhibit "B")
3. Project Status (for example, has the project been submitted for Initial Site
Review, Site Plan Approved, Permitted, etc.)
4. Project Timetable with Projected Dates.
5. Feasibility Study Summary - (A copy of the study's summary conclusions
dated within the last 6 months prior to the date the application is filed with the
CRA office.) The study must be completed by an experienced third party firm.
The Study shall be based on appraisal, market conditions, comparable
projects, financing and all factors affecting the development of a stand-alone
project, without the inclusion of incentives.
6. MAI Appraisal Summary - (A copy of the appraisal's summary conclusions
dated within the last 6 months prior to the date the application is filed with the
CRA office.) MAI Appraisal of the current land and any improvements as is
and the project's projected value upon completion.
7. Economic Impact Study - (A copy of the study's summary conclusions dated
within the last 6 months prior to the date the application is filed with the CRA
office.) The study must be completed by an experienced third party firm. The
analysis shall forecast CRA and City economic impacts, specifically including
CRA TIF revenue forecasting using RMS standardized economic models.
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 8 of 11
Property value and inflation increases shall be no greater than 3% annually.
Job creation? - No, I was told that tracking it was very difficult and the chair
stated that we were not driven by job creation. - Doug
The request for incentives and application, if and when approved by the CRA Board,
becomes an integral component of the Incentive Agreement, including but not limited to
other requested information from the CRA, therefore great care should be taken to seek
the most accurate projections possible for the project.
The approved Incentive Agreement may be assigned with the formal, prior written
approval from the CRA Board of Directions.
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 9 of 11
on this section (these will be removed from the final document):
Pure residential and apartment projects will have a hard time qualifying for
Do we want to have the ability to grant incentives in non-linear formulas? This
current draft has that ability. How? - The formulas would spread the incentive
based on the first year's evaluation and be adjust annually if the assessed value
goes down. - Doug
Note that every qualified project receiving 50% or higher score will receive some
/eve/of funds. Do we want to raise the score percentage? Larry- No to receiving
some sort of funds as a guarantee.
"Project Quality" is subjective point scoring (40 pts) that could over come up to 2Opts in
project scoring short falls.
· Are items #5 and #6 both needed? It has been pointed out that some projects
may have one or the other.., both items take substantial time to acquire and one
or the other may be required by lenders, but not both. Not true-larry
· A CRA Area Map will be attached to this package.
I,arry's Notes: Construction Proforma- outlining the sources and uses of t~unds,
construction costs for complete project - enclose bids from contractors with experience in
like prtsjects.
Why? The feasibility study deals with the proforma.., this is proprietary information of
the applicant which becomes public record when supplied to the CRA. The question is
does the project bring benefit to the CRA above its requested incentive and is it a project
worthy of the program. The CRA should not be telling projects what their costs should
be or what profits they are entitled to... opens the CRA up to potential lawsuits. - Doug
Balance Sheet - show l~quity and Debt sources along with any commitment letters from
lending institutions. (TIF funds are only a supplement, not a single source lbr project
financing, used to get over initial hurdles. "pioneer" projects in unproven area. etc.)
Why? Project incentives are only paid after performance (construction of the project)
and the payment of appropriate taxes. Should the CRA care how they got the project built
or leveraged? Who sets the standard? We reward the end result, not how they got there.
Here again the program only applies to projects that get built and pay taxes. - Doug
l~roject Prot'orma- outline the income and expense ot' the finished prc(iect il' income
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 10 of 11
producing or based on sell out of project il' lee simple/condo.
Why7 The feasibility study deals with the proforma.., this is proprietary information of
the applicant which becomes public record when supplied to the CRA. The question is
does the project bring benefit to the CRA above its requested incentive and is it a project
worthy of the program. The CRA should not be telling projects what their costs should
be or what profits they are entitled to... opens the CRA up to potential lawsuits. - Doug
,lob Creation - Direct and Indirect
A Direct Job is lhlltime-permanent employment by the developer in the project.
An Indirect Job is a fulltime or part-time job created as a direct result ol'the project, but
the employee is employed by another besides the Developer: i.e.. construction, new
stores, new businesses, etc.
Local. not construction (finite) as construction company usually comes to area for job and
then leaves. Interested in permanent job creation. Example: store and restaurant
emplo>ees, apartment management and leasing.
Staff had a job matrix to evaluate jobs which clearly dealt with types of jobs.., it was
removed due to several reasons: first, staff was told that the CRA was not driven by job
creation and second is that it is a nightmare to monitor and verify... Doug
Project performance bonding - Why? We pay only on finished projects. - Doug
Verifiable equity - Why? We pay only on finished projects. - Doug
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
Direct Incentive Program
Page 11 of 11
zx. New Business:
Any person who decides to appeal any 'decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
.ppeal is to be based.
The CRA shall fernish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchln~on at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
CRA Board
Douglas Hutchinson
Proposed RFQ for Design Build
January 8, 2003
Please find attached for your review a proposed RFQ for Design Build on the
Boynton Beach BIvd, Promenade, and River Walk, etc. An advertisement will be
placed in the January 19th issue of the Palm Beach Post notifying interested
parties of the deadline for submittals on Monday, February 3rd by 4:00 Pm. This
allows for a turn around time of 15 days and gives staff one day (afternoon of the
3rd and the morning of the 4th) to review and make a recommendation in the form
of a Memo for the February Board meeting. If it is decided to allot more time for
response or review, we would have to move it to be considered in March. Please
note that the Marina Project will be slightly delayed (the Related Group is
anticipating a ground breaking January 2004) and the condemnation of the Janet
Hall Property is in process, as a result, it may be better not to try to have the
selection made as early as February. Staff is seeking Board direction to
City of Boynton Beach
Commu.~ty Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
Request for Qualifications
TELEPHONE NO. (561) 737-3256
FAX NO. (561) 737-3258
JANUARY 14, 2002
Monday, February 3, 2003, by 4:00 p.m.
(Eastern Standard Time)
~uest for Qualifications
,uary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA).
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
Request for Statement of Qualifications - PhaSe I
1.0 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
PROJECT SPECIFIC INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 3
General Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Selected Site ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Environmental Review and Permitting ................................................................................................................ 4
Project Financing, Ownership and Operation ...................................................................................................... 5
Overall Risk Posture ............................................................................................................................................ 5
THE PROCLrREMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................................................... 5
Procurement Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 5
CRA Rights Regarding ProcUrement ................................................................................................................... 5
RFQ and Qualifications Submittal ....................................................................................................................... 5
Oral Instructions and Commun/cations ................................................................................................................ 6
Preliminary Procurement Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 6
Expenses of the Proposer Teams., ....................................................................................................................... 7
Information Disclosure to Third Parties ............................................................................................................... 7
SUBMITTAL OF QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 7
General Instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Information Requirements .of Qualifications Submittal ....................................................................................... 7
Cover Letter ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Table of Contents ........................................................... ; ........................................................................ 8
Proposer Team Composition and Background ............... : ........................................................................ 8
Technical Qualifications .......................................................................................................................... 9
Project Experience/References .............................................................................................................. 10
Financial Information ............................................................................................................................ 10
Project Guarantor .................................................................................................................................. 11
Payment and Performance Bond Requirements .................................................................................... 11
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Im.nrovement_._~
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
EVALUATION CRITERIA AND RANKING OF SUBMISSIONS .............................................................................. 12
6.1 Qualifications ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Streetscap¢ Qualifications .................................................................................................................................. 12
6.3 References .............................. ~ ............................................................. 12
6.4 Project Team Qualifications ................ ' .............................. 12
6.5 Change Order History ....................................................................................................... 13
ist of Attachments/Figures
Attachment A- Insurance Requirements
luest for Qualifications
uary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements,
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
Request for Qualifications
The intent of the Boynton Beach CRA is to obtain a Design-Build (DB) team that will assist the CRA in implementing
projects within the boundaries of the CRA as funding becomes available. The selected Design-Build team may, at the
discretion of the CRA, be asked to assist with the planning, design, permitting, and construction of miscellaneous
projects to expedite their implementation. Currently, the CRA has a project that is in need of implementing. This
project is outlined below.
The antaal ro ect has been ldentffied as twos ecific elements ~ / I ~'~ f~
· ' ' p ,j ' ' p . ~nese el~nents are the extens/on of Boynton Beach
Boulevard from US 1 to the Intracoastal Waterwa an th
...... - y d e constmctigti of a Boardwalk along the Intracoastal
yn ' ted~t0-foot. Numerous schematic designs have been
waterway ~rom t~o ton Beach Boulevard north for an estmaa
completed for these improvements. It is the intent of the CRA to utilize these schematic designs as the understanding
of the desired "look" of the finished improvements.
Additionally, there has been a new development approved adjacent to the proposed Boynton Beach Boulevard
Extension. The access of this project along with the design elements of this development will be considered when
preparing the plans for the CRA.
The City of Boynton Beach CRA has been planning numerous projects for several years and is now in the position to
begin implementing several of these projects. The CRA is at different stages of project development on several
different projects. In order to facilitate implementation of these projects, the CRA has decided to utilize the Design-
Build approach.
The CRA intends on utilizing the Design-Build team on several different projects and maintains the right to utilize all
elements of the Design-Build team as best benefits the CRA. There may be projects that need planning, design,
permitting, or construction. The CRA will utilize this team at whatever stage each project is at to assist in expediting
the implementation of the project. Additionally, the CRA may utilize this Design-Build team to assist the CRA in
reviewing other development opporttm/ties within the Boynton Beach CRA.
3.1 General Requirements
We have outlined below some of the proposed improvements that will be included in the first project that will be
implemented by the Design-Build team for the CRA. This project includes the Boynton Beach Boulevard Extension
and the addition of a Boardwalk along the Intracoastal Waterway.
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment lmprovementn
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
1. The extension of Boynton Beach Boulevard will extend due east from US-1 to the hatracoastal Waterway and
will be designed to support emergency vehicles and possibly shuttle vehicles as well. East of the vehicular
access to the new development the extension will become a pedestrian promenade.
2. The improvements to Boynton Beach Boulevard will include the intersection of US-1 and will extend a
maximum of 200-feet to the north and south.
3. There will be signal modifications required at the intersection of US-1 only.
1.The anticipated improvements will address water quality for the road rights-of-way whereas water quantity
will be based upon the dedicated road right-of-way and adjacent properties.
2. Based on existing elevations, initial recommended design solutions will be determined following the
completion of the hydraulic analysis ......
Place fire hydrants as necessary to maintain spacing as required by the CRA.
There are no proposed improvements to the sanitary sewer system.
Provide coordination to have the existing minor overhead utilities replaced underground.
1. Pedestrian Poles will be the recommended lighting system for the entire project.
2. The recommended lighting system design should reflect the current light poles placed within the CRA.
1. Landscape themes will be consistent as to unify the entire project area and allow for some flexibility within
the overall concepts.
2. Landscape improvements assume the installation of major street trees within the project area along with a
significant entry feature into the project area.
1. The boardwalk will incorporate an entry feature as it connects into the extension of Boynton Beach
2. The boardwalk shall incorporate a theme as previously identified by the CRA.
3. The boardwalk will incorporate open-air pavilion(s) as previously identified by the CRA.
4. The boardwalk will meander along the limits of the existing mangroves, within the limits of the CRA
privately owned submerged land, and tie into the existing, boardwalk~uorth of the proposed extension of
Boynton Beach Boulevard.
5. The boardwalk will be lightedfor pedestrian use and provide area fo; enterta~m~ent with w~te~r, sewer,
communication and electrical utilities. Additionally, empty conduits will be included in the design for future
use by the Owner.
3.2 Selected Site
Projects can be throughout the City of Boynton Beach CRA.
3.3 Environmental Review and Permitting
The CRA anticipates that environmental review and permitting responsibihties will be shared between the CRA and
the Proposer team. The selected Proposer team's responsibilities for environmental review and permitting will be
further defined on a project by project basis.
iuest for Qualifications
uary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
3.4 Project Financing~ Ownership and Operation
The Project will be financed, owned and operated by the CKA. Grants and other types of financing may be utilized by
the CRA depending on the specific project.
3.5 Overall Risk Posture
The selected Proposer team will enter into a Design-Build Construction Agreement with the CRA for the design and
construction of projects within the CRA. As the CRA proceeds through the RFQ procurement process, it will define
and revise, as necessary, the overall process.
4.1 Procurement Objectives
The CRA is developing the Project using the DB approach, with the intention of benefiting from the Proposer teams'
industry knowledge and experience in mi~mlzing costs and maximizing performance. The design and construction
objectives of this project are:
1. Optimization of the Project schedule
2. Minimization of design and construction costs
3. Optimization of operating and maintenance costs
4. Sound design and quahty construction for long-term operational reliability
4.2 CRA Kights Kegarding Procurement
The CRA is not bound to accept any Statement of Qualifications (SOQ's) if the Proposer teams do not meet CRA
requirements and standards. Further, the CRA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to:
· Accept or reject any and all submittals, in whole or in part
· Discuss different or additional terms to those included in this RFQ or received in any response
Amend or modify any terms of this RFQ
· Invalidate this RFQ and issue a second RFQ
· Kequest clarification of the information submitted as part of the SOQ
· Extended the date for receipt of RFQ
4.3 RFQ and Qualifications Submittal
This RFQ is the only step in the procurement process for the selection of a Proposer team to design and construct
Streetscape and l~edevelopment Improvements within the CRA. There will be no pre-submittal meeting for this KFQ.
The SOQ must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m.. (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday, Sanuary 10, 2003 to:
City of Boynton B each CRA
Attn: Mr. Douglas Hutchiu.~on, Director
639 E. Ocean Avenue, Suite 107
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
In order to be eligible to receive and respond to the RFP, an SOt must be received in response to this RFQ. The
Selection Committee can include CRA staff, board, and advisors. Based on the evaluation of the SOt, CRA will
select the Design-Build team and invite them to negotiate a contract.
Proposer teams must respond in accordance with Section 5 of this RFQ. Responses will be evaluated using the criteria
set forth in Section 6 of this RFQ. During the evaluation of SOQ, the CRA may seek additional clarffication and
information from Proposer teams.
4.4 Oral Instructions and Communications
The CRA is committed to a fair, open process for interested parties to receive information about procurement of the
Project and the competitive solicitation process, which the CRA is proposing to utilize for selection of a Proposer team
and award of a DB contract.
After distribution of this RFQ, all questions concerning this procurement process shall be directed to:
City of Boynton Beach CRA
Attn: Mr. Douglas Hutchin.qon, Director
639 E. Ocean Avenue, Suite 107
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
(561) 737-3256 [phone]
(561) 737-3258 [fax]
No negotiations, decisions or actions shall be initiated or executed by a Proposer as a result of any oral discussions
with the CRA. Only those communications which are in writing from the CRA shall be considered as a duly
authorized expression on behalf of the CRA. The CRA will forward to all Proposers in receipt of the Request for
Qualifications, written responses of the CRA to a Proposers' question.
Also, only written comrmmications from Proposers, which are signed by persons who are authorized to contractually
bind the Proposers, will be recognized by the CRA as duly authorized expressions on behalf of the Proposers.
All communications to the CRA D/rector must be submitted in writing and are subject to distribution to all Proposer
teams. Communications sent via electronic mail will be printed and made available to all Proposer teams. No
questions shall be directed to any other parties involved in this procurement process, which include representatives of
CR~4 management, City management, CR,4 's financial and legal advisors, CP,.4 ' s Board of Directors and CR.4 's design
and procurement consultants. Violation of this protocol is grounds for mediate and permanent disqualification of
the Proposer team from the procurement process. The only exceptions to this requirement are: (1) written requests
regarding information or clarification made to Mr. Douglas Hutchinson, CRA Director, or (2) any communications at
a pre-proposal conference or a publicly'noticed meeting of the CRA.
4.5 Preliminary_ Procurement Schedule
After submission of the Proposer's RFQ Package, the selection committee shall review each submitted RFQ package
and rank the proposers based on the evaluation criteria noted within this RFQ. There will be no additional
requirements. Based on the RFQ Package evaluation, the CRA will enter into negotiations with the highest-ranked
Proposer team.
;uest for Qualifications
~uary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
4.6 Expenses of the Proposer Team.~
The CRA accepts no liability for the costs and expenses incurred by the Proposer teams in responding to this RFQ,
responses to clarification requests and resubmittals, and subsequent negotiations. Each Proposer team that enters into
the procurement process shall prepare the required materials and submittals at its own expense and with the express
understanding that Proposer teams cannot make any claims whatsoever for reimbursement from the CRA for the costs
and expenses associated with the process.
4.7 Information Disclosure to Third Parties
All SOQ and subsequent information received in response to the procurement documents will become the property of
the CRA and will not be returned. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Proposer teams recognize and agree that the CRA
will not be responsible or liable in any way for any losses that the Proposer team may suffer from the disclosure of
information or materials to third parties. Subject to Public Records Law, Proposer teams may request that certain
sensitive information is treated with discretion and that it be retumed after completion of the evaluation process.
5.1 General Instructions
One (1) unbound and fourteen (14) bound copies of the Proposer team's SOQ must be received at the address below on
or before 4p.m. Eastern Standard Time, February 3rd, 2003. Facsimile copies, or electronic file copies of the SOQ
will not be considered under any circum.qtances. SOQ must be addressed and submitted to:
City of Boynton Beach CRA
Attn: Mr. Douglas Hutchin.qon, Director
639 E. Ocean Avenue, Suite 107
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
The following should be written on the outside of the sealed envelope or box: "Statement of Qualifications for Design-
Build Contractor for CRA Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements, CRA Project No. BBB2003-1 The SOQ's
will be opened publicly. The CRA will notify firms upon ranking.
Proposer teamn are urged to be complete, but concise, in their responses. Sales brochures are not desired unless
directly related to the response and referenced in the text. No interpretation or clarification of the meaning of any part
of the RFQ will be made orally by the CRA to any potential Proposer team. Requests for interpretation or clarification
by any Proposer team prior to the time and date of submittal must be made in writing to Mr. Douglas Hutchinson, as
described earlier in this document, no later than 10 business days before the submittal is due.
Responses to requests for information will be provided to all recipients of the RFQ. Any and all such interpretations
and supplemental instructions will be made in the form of written addenda that will be sent to all recipients of the
RFQ, and will become part of the RFQ. Proposer teams shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda by completing a
form that will be provided if an addenda is issued.
5.2 Information Requirements of Qualifications Submittal
The SOQ must be separated into eight sections as follows:
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment lmprovement~
C.RA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
1. Cover Letter
2. Table of Contents
3. Proposer Team Composition and Background
4. Technical Qualifications (Specifically Related to Streetscape Projects & Marine Boardwalks)
5. Quality Control Procedures
6. Project Experience / References
7. Financial, Project Guarantor, and Performance Bond Information
8. Resumes
9. Technical Experience in Preparing Cost Analysis and Budgeting
10. Outline of Change Order Requests from Past 5 Projects
11. Standard Forms 254 and 255
12. Copies of Required Licenses
The format of the SOQ must be as outlined above. Narrative pages are to be 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, and shah be
bound into the volume. A clear and concise presentation of information is encouraged with an approximate page
guideline not to exceed 25 pages, not including resumes of key staff, brochures (only if directly applicable to
response), and financial information. The CRA will appreciate brevity and clarity. Non-written audiovisual materials
will not be accepted. Below is additional information about the submission requirements to this RFQ.
5.2.1 Cover Letter
The SOQ must include a cover letter containing the name, rifle, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail
address of the Proposer team and the principal contact person. The cover letter shall also include a complete listing of
all compan/es that form the Proposer team.
5.2.2 Table of Contentq
A table of contents shall be included in the SOQ, itemizing the contents of the Proposer team's submission.
5.2.3 Proposer Team Composition and Back~ound
The SOQ shah indicate the name and t?pe of finn or organization (corporation, partnership, joint venture, etc.) that
will serve as the contracting party, and provide the name of the single-entity responsibihty for the Project. A Project
organization chart is required, with the individuals assigned to key project positions identified by name. Additionally,
the SOQ 'shah identify the parties that will undertake the roles for permitting, design, and construction.
The history, ownership, organization, and background of the Proposer team shall be provided. If the respondent is a
joint venture, the required information shah be submitted for each member of the joint venture firm. Details of the
organizational structure of the joint venture shall be given.
Proposer teams must recognize that its key assigned employees, along with SUbcontractors and their key employees
included in the SOQ, will be used as part of the basis for selecting Proposer teams. Therefore, changes to Proposer
teams, including major subcontractors and key employees, will not be allowed except for extenuating circumstances,
such as corporate takeovers, buyouts, and other unforeseen changes.
quest for Qualifications
mary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
5.2.4 Technical Qualifications (Specifically Related to St~eetscape Projects & Marine Boardwalks)
Proposer teams responding to the RFQ shall demonstrate their ability to undertake the Project by providing the
technical qual/fications of the Proposer team, principal sub-contractors, equipment suppliers, and individual team
members. The CRA will give utmost consideration to experience related to the design and construction of facilities
within schedule and budget. Proposer teams shall provide evidence of their experience in the form of design,
construction budgets, and schedules of similar projects.
CRA and the Selection Committee reserve the right to conduct an independent investigation of the Proposer team's and
its subcontractors' technical qualifications by contacting project references, accessing public information, or contacting
independent parties. Additional information may be requested during the evaluation of technical qualifications. As a
minimum, the Proposer team shall provide the following information to demonstrate their technical qualifications:
I. DB Experience -The Proposer team shall provide its individual member and collective design-build
2. Streetscape Experience -Proposer teams shall provide its design and construction experience of similar
streetscape facilities. Specifically, the Proposer Team shall outline the work activities performed by the
proposers own work force.
3. Marine Boardwalk Experience - Proposer teams shall provide its design and construction experience of
similar streetscape facilities. Specifically, the Proposer Team shall outline the work activities performed by
the proposers own work force.
4. Design Experience -The Proposer team shall provide it's engineering and design experience for the
development and implementation of building and site facilities within the area. The information submitted
should demonstrate experience with streetscape design and construction engineering as reflected on
completed projects, familiarity with the permitting unit processes, and an understanding of the
interrelationship between design, construction, and phasing of future improvements.
5. Construction Experience -The Proposer team shall provide its experience with construction management and
construction of streetscape improvements.
6. Regulatory Compliance and Permitting Experience -The Proposer team shall submit its experience with
regulatory compliance and permitting. This shall include submission of its experience with meeting permit
conditions and complying with local, state, environmental, and other regulatory requirements for a similar
7. Key Project Staff- The Proposer team shall provide the qualifications of all key staff assigned to the Project.
This submission shall include the key project staff of the contracting fn-m, its parent (if applicable), partner
firms, and major subcontractors. Information shall include length of time practicing in profession, familiarity
with streetscape design and construction, and proposed Project leadership. Full resumes of key personnel for
each containing experience for above items 1 through 5, shall be provided.
8. ~tdditional Technical Services Capabilities -Unless provided in response to items 1 through 5 above, the
Proposer team should provide a one to two page sun'wuary of the Proposer team's experience and capabilities
in the following area:
Streetscape Improvements
Streetscape Facilities (List location, contact person, and contractor claims)
Local, Federal and State Perm/t Processes and Compliance
Streetscape Design
Landscape Design
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment lmprovement.~
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
· Marine Boardwalk Design
· Construction and Projects Safety Engineering
· Environmental Permitting
Proposer teams should note that the inability to provide evidence for each category using internal team resources does
not necessarily constitute a lack of qualifications. Proposer teams should address this issue in their written proposal,
explaini.g their approach.
5.2.5 Proiect Experience/Keference5
In addition to providing technical qualifications and experience, the Proposer team shall provide a list of directly
relevant projects the Proposer team has completed within the past five (5) years. A brief description of these selected
projects shall be provided, including current status, photograph, and a description of the Proposer team's specific
involvement in each of these projects. ' t ' ' .~r~oiects undertaken outside of
the state of Florida will not be considered as. part of the selection.~dditionally, the Proposer team shall describe
the history of the relationships among the team members, includigga-d6scription of past working relationships.
Presentation format is at the discretion of the Proposer team, as long as all requested information is provided.
For each of the projects identified, provide the following information:
· Name and location of project
· Customer and owner
· Current status (design, construction, or operations phase)
· Description of facilities, including size and location
· Key project contact of Proposer team for the given project
· Key project contact of the customer
· Key personnel involved with each major phase; if joint venture or partnership, indicate participating firms
· Project budget adherence
· Change order history
· Project schedule adherence
· Photograph of Project
5.2.6 Financial Information
The Proposer team shall provide full disclosure of its financial position and, if applicable, the financial position of the
corporation guaranteeing the Proposer ~eam's obligations under a contract eventually executed. Financial information
that must be included as part of the SOQ includes the following:
J. Financial Statement~
The SOQ must include copies of the most recent annual report filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) on Form lO-K, and supporting documents, and all quarterly reports filed with the SEC on
Form 10-Q since the last IO-K was filed. IflO-K or 10-Q reports reference other reports that describe the
respondent's financial condition, copies of such reports shall be provided.
If the Proposer team is not required to make periodic filings with the SEC, the Proposer team shall submit (a)
audited financial statements for the past three fiscal years, including income statements~ balance sheets, and
statements of changes in financial position; (b) copies of the latest quarterly financial reports for the prior three
~uest for Qualifications
~uary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
years; and (c) a statement regarding any material changes in the mode of conducting business, bankruptcy
prodeedings, and mergers or acquisitions for the past three years, as well as any disclosure of any potential
mergers or acquisitions.
2. Direct and Indirect Fixed or Contingent Obligations
Proposer team.q must also provide detailed information concerning all direct and indirect fixed or contingent
liabilities undertaken by the Proposer team respondent(s), its parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries in connection
with other projects, whether by way of financial or performance commitments, open letters of credit, guarantees,
or otherwise that may limit its financial exposure for the Project.
3. Credit Ratings
If the Proposer team or proposed Project Guarantor has short-term or long-term obligations rated by Moody's
Investor's Service, Standard & Poor's Corporation, Fitch IBCA, or Duff & Phelps, such ratings shall be provided.
4. Litigation
The Proposer team shah disclose any outstanding litigation that could potentially impact its financial condition if
judgment is brought against the Proposer tean~
5. Insurance
The Proposer team shall be required to provide insurance coverage as indicated in Attachment A.
6. Financial Information Requirements Relating to Responses Submitted bp Consortiums, Joint Ventures Or
If a consortium, a joint venture, or a partnership is submitting the SOQ, the SOQ shall identify all parties and
relationships. Each member of such consortium, joint venture, or partnership shall provide full disclosure
information regarding their financial strength as specified in this section for individual respondents.
5.2.7 Project Guarantor
Proposer teams responding to this RFQ must have a single Project Guarantor to fulfill all the financial obligations
required for designing and constructing the Project. Within the SOQ, the Proposer team shall clearly identify the
Project Guarantor. This identification shall also include a statement that the Project Guarantor will fully guarantee all
obhgations of the contracting party for the permitting, design and construction of the Project. The Project Guarantor
may be the contracting party, its parent'company, or a sufficiently capitalized general partner that is an integral part of
the respondent's team. Proposer teams must demonstrate to CRA that their Project Guarantor has the capability and
legal commitment to guarantee the ~mancial obligation of the Proposer team for the project.
If a sole purpose subsidiary (e.g. joint venture) is created as the contracting party, the parent company or one or more
of the partner £nuns, shall be the Project Guarantor to guarantee performance of the subsidiary's obligations. A
subsidiary with limited capitalization and without the full parent company or partner guarantee will not be allowed as
the contracting party. If a subsidiary has been formed solely to respond to this RFQ, the reasons for this action must be
fully disclosed. '
5.2.8 Payment and Performance Bond Requirements
The selected Proposer team, at its own expense, will be required to provide and maintain payment and performance
bonds through successful commissioning of the Project, each in the full amount of the proposed design/construction
costs. The selected Proposer team shall also provide additional security for the absolute and unconditional
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
ATTACHMF~NT A Insurance Requirements
· ~quest for Qualifications
.nuary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
FIRM agrees to provide comprehensive general liability Insurance for the benefit of CRA with combined
single limits of $2,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage
liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the
Comprehensive General Liability Policy, without restrictive endorsements, as followed by CRA's Insurance
Services Office and shall include:
Premises or Operations;
Independent Contractors;
Broad Form Property Damage;
Broad Form Contractual Coverage applicable to this specific Agreement, including any hold
harmless or indemnification agreement; and
Personal Injury Coverage with Employee and Contractual Exclusions removed with minimum
limits of coverage equal to those required for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage
CRA and the CITY Commission of Boynton Beach are to be included as "Additional Insureds" with respect
to liability arising out of services performed for CRA by or on behalf of ~ or acts or omissions
of ~r in connection ~th such services. ¢~_*-- c-. f27.4;~.z-~ ,-~ f..z~'m.v~
FIRM agrees to provide professional liability insurance for the benefit of CRA with combined single limits of
$2,000,000 per claim and which insures against errors and omissions by FIRM, its subconsultants and design
FIRM agrees to provide Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance for the benefit of FIRM'S
work force.
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
In performing its services hereunder, the FIRM will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under
similar circumstances, by reputable members of its profession practicing in the same or similar locality at the
time the services are provided. No warranty, express or implied, is made or intended by the FIRM' S
undertaking herein or its performance of services, and it is agreed that the FIRM is not a fiduciary of the
Consultant or the Client. To the fullest extent of the law, and notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Agreement, the total liability, in the aggregate of the FIRM and the FIRM'S officers, directors, employees,
agents, and the FIRM'S subconsultants, and any of them, to the OWNER or to anyone claiming by, through or
under the OWNER, for any and all claims, losses, costs or damages whatsoever arising out of, resulting from or
in any way related to the services under this Agreement from any cause or causes, including but not limited to,
15 Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
the negligence, professional errors or omissions, strict liability or breach of contract or any warranty, express or
of the FIRM or the FIRM'S officers, directors, employees, agents, the FIRM'S subconsultants~r,, any "--I
oimplied'f them, shall not exceed twice the total compensation received by the FIRM under this Agreement or~r;rmv,I
whichever is greater.
FIRM agrees to provide automobile liability insurance covering all owned, hired and non-owned
automobile equipment.
Limits: Bodily Injury - $100,000 each person
$300,000 each occurrence
Property Damage - $ 50,000 each occurrence
If a structure is to be erected, FIRM shall also provide Builder's Risk Insurance for the full insurable value of
the premises being constructed, and the policy should be endorsed to the effect that the interests of CRA are
included as a loss payee and the carrier waives all rights of subrogation against CRA.
Before commencing performance of this contract, FIRM shall furnish CRA with a duplicate policy of
Certificate of Insurance for the required insurance as specified above, which shall contain the following:
Name of insurance carrier(s).
Effective and expiration dates of policies.
30 days written notice by carrier of any cancellation or material change in any policy.
Duplicate Policy or CertifiCates of Insurance stating that the interests of CRA are included as an
additional named insured, and specifying the Project.
Such insurance shall apply despite any insurance which CRA may carry in its own name.
FIRM is advised to require all of its subcontractors to provide the aforementioned coverage as well as any other
overages that FIRM may consider necessary, and any deficiency in the overages or policy limits of any
subcontractors will be the sole responsibility of FIRM.
Project shall meet the following requirements and FIRM is responsible for PRIME DESIGN
PROFESSIONAL's compliance with same.
PRIME DESIGN PROFESSIONAL shall provide professional liabihty insurance with minimum limits of
liability of One Million Dollars ($1[,000,000.00).
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
PRIME DESIGN PROFESSIONAL shall provide comprehensive ggn/eral liability including contractual
coverage applicable to this Agreement with minimum limits of ~ Million Dollars ($[,000,000.00) per
occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded
on a form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Comprehensive General Liability Policy, without
restrictive endorsements, as followed by CRA'S Insurance Services Office and shall include:
Premises and/or Operations;
Independent Contractors;
Broad Form Property Damage;
Broad Form Contractual Coverage applicable to this specific Agreement, including any hold
harmless or indemnification agreement; and
Personal Injury Coverage with Employee and Contractual Exclusions removed with minimum
limits of coverage equal to those required for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage
CRA and the CRA Board of Boynton Beach are to be included as "Additional Insured" with respect to liability
arising out of services performed for CRA by or on behalf of PRIME DESIGN PROFESSIONAL or acts or
omissions of PRIME DESIGN PROFESSIONAL in connection with such services.
PPd2VIE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL shall provide worker's compensation insurance to apply for all employees
in compliance with the "Workers Compensation Law" of the State of Florida and all applicable Federal laws for
the benefit of PRIME DESIGN PROFESSIONAL'S employees. In addition, such insurance must include
employer's liability coverage with a limit of no less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for each
PRI2VIE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL shall provide automobile liability insurance covering all owned, hired and
non-owned automobile equipment.
Limits: Bodily Injury
Property Damage
$100,000 each person
$300,000 each occurrence
$ 50,000 each occurrence
Before commencing work pursuant to this contract, PRIME DESIGN PROFESSIONAL shall furnish CRA a
duplicate policy of Certificate of Insurance for the required insurance as specified above, which shall contain
the following:
Name of insurance carrier(s).
Effective and expiration dates of policies.
Request for Qualifications
January 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
CRA Project No. BBB2003-1
Design-Build Procurement
30 days written notice by carrier of any cancellation or material change in any policy.
Duplicate Policy or Certificates of Insurance stating that the interests of CRA are included as an
additional named insured, and specifying the project/location.
Such insurance shall apply despite any insurance which CRA may carry in its own name.
quest for Qualifications
~uary 14, 2002
Streetscape and Redevelopment Improvements
Design-Build Procurement
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Outside Audit
DATE: January 3, 2003
The CRA has been integrated into the City of Boynton Beach's Annual Financial Report
since the existence of the Community Redevelopment Agency in accordance with
Florida Statue 218.39. The City's outside audit firm does not perform a comprehensive
audit on the Community Redevelopment Agency expenses or revenues nor does it
report the CRA as a separate report.
The Board of the Community redevelopment Agency now has a choice to have an
independent comprehensive audit preformed by an outside CPA firm which will provide
a complete set of reports on the CRA and its holdings verses being incorporated into
the City of Boynton Beaches' Annual Financial Report.
By choosing an outside CPA firm for the Comprehensive Annual Financial report,
Community Redevelopment Agency Staff will also be able to acquire grant money for
future CRA projects which require comprehensive reports.
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Audit is budget Within the CRA annual and five
year budgets. Initial verbal quotes indicate that the projected cost is within the current
CRA budget. Staff is recommending the Comprehensive Annual Financial report be
preformed by the outside CPA firm.
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Investment Policy and Florida Statues
The investment policy for the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Boynton
Beach has been written in accordance with the 2002 Florida Statues Title XIV Section
218.45 Local government investment policies and has been reviewed by Legal Council
Lindsey Payne.
This policy applies to all financial assets held or controlled by the CRA in excess of
those required to meet current expenses. The primary objective of the CRA investment
activities is to preserve caPital and protect the principal invested. To obtain this
objective diversification is required in order to minimize potential losses of funds.
This policy will direct staff to the financial goals of the CRA Board as it relates to the
CRA assets and excess funds.
Staff is recommending the ratification of the investment policy in order to prepare an
RFQ for financial services according to the statues.
Community Redevelopment Agency
Investment Policy
This investment policy applies to all financial assets held or controlled by the
Community Redevelopment Agency in excess of those required to meet current
expenses other than pension fund assets when held by a third party custodian
and / or money manager and funds related to the issuance of debt where there
are other existing policies or indentures in effect for such funds.
Investment Obiectives
The following investment objectives will be applied in the management of the
CPA's funds.
The primary objective of the CPA investment activities is to preserve
capital and protect the principal invested. Investment transaction shall
seek to keep capital losses at a minimum, whether they are from
securities defaults or erosion of market value. To attain this objective,
diversification is required in order that potential losses on individual
securities so not exceed the income generated from the remainder of the
investment portfolio.
The CRA will maintain the investment portfolios in such a manner that
funds are available to meet reasonable anticipated funds flow
requirements in an orderly manner. The CPA will keep a primary liquidity
of 3 months operating funds in the operating account and a secondary
liquidity of 6 additional months in a secondary investment accounts.
Periodical funds flow analyses will be completed in order to ensure that
the portfolios are positioned to provide sufficient liquidity.
The CRA shall diversify its portfolios to maximize the retum on the
portfolio while attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and
economic cycles, taking into account the investment dsk constraints and
liquidity need. Return on investment is of least importance compared to
the safety and liquidity objectives described above. The core of
investments is limited to relatively Iow risk securities in anticipation of
earning a fair return relative to risk being assumed.
Investment-Performance and Reportin,q
In order'to assist in the evaluation of the investment portfolio's performance, the
CRA staff will use the performance benchmarks for short-term portfolios. The use
of benchmarks will allow the Staff to measure its 'returns against other investors
in the same markets.
The State Board of Administration's Local Government Surplus Funds Trust
Fund (SBA Pool) will be used as the benchmark as compared to the investment
portfolios' net book value rate of return for current operating funds.
Prudence and Ethical Standards
The standards of prudence to be used by the CRA Staff shall be the "Prudent
Person" stand and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall
investment program. CRA Staff acting in accordance with written procedures, this
investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be released of personal
responsibilitY for an individual security's credit risk or mark price changes,
provided deviations from expectation are reported to the CRA Board in a timely
fashion and the liquidity and the sale of securities are carried out in accordance
with the terms of this policy. The "Prudent person" rule states the following.
Investment shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances
then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence
exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, bur
for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as
the probable income to be derived form the investment.
Employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal
business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment
portfolios' program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial
investment decisions. Also, employees involved in the investment process shall
disclose to the CRA Board any material financial interest in financial institutions
that conduct business with the CRA and they shall further disclose any material
personal financial / investment positions that could be related to the performance
of the CPA's investment portfolio.
Listing of Authorized Investment
A. The Florida Local Government Surplus Trust Funds (SBA)
The CRA Staff may Purchase / sell investment securities at prevailing market
rates and appropriate amount thereof in:
The Florida Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund (SBA) at a maximum of
100% of available funds.
The maximum length to maturity of any direct investment in the (SBA) is five (5)
years from date of investment.
B. United States Government Securities
The CRA Staff may invest in direct Securities or Securities in which the principal
and interest are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States Government
Securities including, but not limited to the following at a maximum of 100 % of
available funds:
Cash Management Bills
Treasury Securities - State and Local Government Series (SGLS)
Treasury Bills
Treasury Notes
Treasury Bonds
Treasury Strips
The maximum length to maturity of any direct investment in the united States
Government Securities is five (5) years from date of purchase.
C. United States Government Agencies
The CRA Staff may invest in bonds, debentures, notes or callable issued or
guaranteed by the United States Government agencies, provided such obligation
are backed by the full' faith and credit of the Untied States Government. Such
securities will include, but not be limited to the following with a maximum of 50%
of available funds for investing and 10% in an individual issue:
United Stated Export - Import Bank with direct obligation or fully
guaranteed certificates of beneficial ownership
Farmer Home Administration certificates of beneficial ownership
Federal Housing Administration debentures
General Serviced Administration
United States Maritime Administration Guaranteed -Title XI Financing
New Communities Debentures that the United States Government
Guarantees Debentures
United States Public Housing Notes and Bonds that are guaranteed by the
united States Government
united States Department of Housing and Urban Development Project
notes and local authority bonds
The maximum length to maturity of any direct investment in the United States
Government Agencies is five (5) years from date of purchase.
D. Federal Instrumentalities (United States Government sponsored agencies)
The CRA Staff may invest in bonds, debentures, notes or callable issued or
guaranteed by United States Government sponsored agencies (Federal
Instrumentalities) which are non-full faith and credit agencies limited to the
following with a maximum of 50% of available funds for investing in Federal
Instrumentalities and 10% in an individual Instrumentalities:
Tennessee Valley Authority
Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB)
Federal Home Loan Bank or its Board Banks (FHLB)
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie-Macs) Including
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation participation certificates
Federal student loan Marketing Association (Sallie-Mae)
The maximum length to maturity of any direct investment in the Federal
Instruments is five (5) years from date of purchase.
E. Interest Bearing Time Deposit or Saving Accounts
The CRA Staff may invest in non-negotiable interest bearing time certificates of
deposit or savings accounts in banks organized under the laws of this state and /
or-in national banks organized under the laws of the United States and doing
business and situated in the State of Florida, provided that any such deposits are
secured by the Florida Security for the Public deposits Act, Chapter 280, Florida
Statues. Additionally, the bank shall not be listed with any recognized credit
watch information service. Investment in time deposits or savings accounts shall
be but are not limited to the following at a maximum of 100 % of available funds.
The maximum length to maturity of Interest Bearing Time Deposit is five (5) years
from date of purchase. -
F. Commercial Paper (Short Term Paper- Corporation)
The CRA Staff may invest in commercial paper of any United States company
that is rated, at the time or purchase, "Prime-l" by Moody's and "A-I" by
Standard & Poor's (Prime commercial paper), If the cOmmercial paper is backed
by a letter of credit (LOC), the long-term debt of the LOC provider must be rated
"A" or better by at least two nationally recognized rating agencies. The maximum
of 15% of available funds may be directly invested in prime commercial paper
with a maximum of 10% of available funds with any one issuer.
The maximum length to maturity for prime commercial paper shall be 180 days
from the date of purchase.
G. Bankers' Acceptances (Shod Term Paper- Banks)
The CRA Staff may invest in Bankers' Acceptances issued by a domestic bank or
a federally chartered domestic office of a foreign bank, which are eligible for
purchase by the Federal Reserve System, at the time or purchase, the short-term
paper is rated, at a minimum, "P-I" by Moody's Investors Services and "A-2"
Standard & Poor's. The maximum of 15% of available funds may be directly
invested in Bankers' Acceptances with a maximum of 10% of available funds with
any one issuer.
The maximum length to maturity for Bankers' Acceptance shall be 180 days from
the date of purchase.
H. State and / or Local Government Taxable Debt
The CRA Staff may invest in State and / or Local Government Taxable general
obligation and / or revenue bonds rated at least "Aa" by Moody's and "AA" by
Standard & Poor's for short-term debt. The maximum of 15% of available funds
may be directly invested in State and / or Local Government Taxable.
The maximum length to maturity for the State and / or Local Government debt
security is three (3) years form the date of purchase.
I. Registered Investment'Companies (Mutual Funds)
The CRA Staff may invest in shares in open-end and no-load money market
funds provided such funds are registered under the Federal Investment
Company Act of 1940 and operated in accordance with 17 C.F.R. 270 2a-7,
which stipulates that money market funds must have an average weighted
maturity of 90 days or less. In addition, the share value of the money market
funds must equal to $1.00. The maximum of 100% of available funds may be
invested in money market funds.
The maximum of 75% of available funds may be invested with any one money
market fund. The mutual funds shall be rated "AAm" or "AAm-G" or better by
Standard & Poor's or the equivalent by another rating agency.
A thorough review of any investment mutual fund is required prior to investing,
and on a continual basis and a prospectus must be provided.
J. Repurchase Agreements
The CRA Staff may invest in Repurchase Agreements composed of only those
investments based on the requirements set forth by the CRA Master
Repurchased Agreement. All firms are required to sign the Master Repurchase
Agreement prior to the execution of a repurchase agreement transaction. (See
Attachment I)
A third part custodian that has a current custodial agreement shall hold the
collateral for all repurchase agreements with a term longer than one business
day. A clearly marked receipt that shows evidence of ownership must be
supplied to the CRA Staff and retained for investment records.
Securities authorized for collateral are negotiable direct obligations of the Untied
States Government, Government agencies, and Federal Instrumentalities with
Maturities under five (5) years and must have a market value for the principal and
accrued interest of 100 percent of the value and for the term of the repurchase
agreement. Immaterial short-term deviations from 2 percent requirement are
permissible only upon the approval of the Executive Director.
A maximum of 50% of available funds may be invested in repurchase
agreements excluding one (1)-business day agreements and overnight sweep
agreements. A maximum of 25% of available funds may be invested with any
one institution.
The maximum length to maturity of any reputes agreement is 60 days form the
date of purchase.
Maturity and Liquidity Requirements
To the extent possible, an attempt will be made to match investment maturities
with know funds needs and anticipated fund flow requirement. Investment of
current operation funds shall have maturities of no longer than twelve (12)
Investment of bond reserves, construction funds, and other non-operating funds
(core funds) shall have a term appropriate to the need for funds and in
accordance with debt covenants, but in no event shall exceed five (5) years.
Portfolio comP'osition
The investment portfolio shall be assembled to meet the liquidity needs for the
CRA through a balance of short-term and medium-term maturities. In addition,
the investment portfolio shall be diversified with respect to investment
instruments and issuers. A listing of authorized investment instruments includes
portfolio composition, risk and diversification.
Risk and Diversification
The investment portfolio shall be assembled to meet the liquidity needs for the
CRA through a balance of short-term and medium-term maturities. In order to
reduce the risk of loss from over-concentration of assets in a specific maturity,
issuer, instrument, dealer or bank the investment portfolio shall be managed to
minimize the potential risk from default and changes in market conditions through
diversification specified in the listing of authorized investment instruments
Authorized Investment Institutions and Dealem
Authorized CRA staff and Investment Advisors shall only purchase securities
from financial institutions, which are qualified as public depositories by the
Treasurer of the State of Florida, institutions designated as "Primary Securities
Dealers" by the Federal reserve bank of New York, or for direct issuers of
commercial paper and bankers' acceptances.
Investments in savings accounts, certificates of deposit or other deposit accounts
in a bank or savings associations may be made only in qualified public
depositories as defined by Florida State Statutes section 280.02.
All authorized institutions and dealers conducting business with the CRA shall be
given a copy of the CRA's Investment Policy and be .required to abide by the
Investment Policy. The broker shall execute a certification acknowledging receipt
of the Investment Policy and agreeing to follow its terms and conditions.
.Third-Party Custodial a.qreements
All securities pumhased by the CRA, with the exception of certificates of
deposits, shall be propedy designated as an asset of the CRA and held in
safekeeping by a third party custodial bank or other third party custodial
institution chartered by the United States Gbvernment or any other state or
territory of the United States which has a branch or principal place of business in
the State of Florida as defined in Section 658/12, Florida statues, or by a national
association organized and existing under the laws of the United States which is
authorized to accept and execute trusts an which is doing business in the State
of Florida.
Master RePurchase Agreement
The investment portfolio policy shall require all approved institutions and dealers
transacting repurchase agreements to execute and perform as stated in the
master repurchase agreement. (See Attachment I)
Competitive Bidding
The CRA Staff or the Investment Advisor shall determine the approximate
maturity date based on funds flow need, the market conditions and has analyzed
and selected one or more optional types of investment, a minimum of three (3)
qualified banks and / or approved broker / dealers will be contacted and asked to
supply bids / offers on securities in questions. Bids will be held in confidence until
the bid deemed to best meet the investment objectives is determined and
In all cases where competitive bidding is not feasible, the appropriateness and
return of the investment shall be compared to other investments with similar
maturities available in the financial markets and also a comparison to current
market price method to determine the feasibility on the investment. Competitive
bids will not be required when the security involved is a new issue and can be
purchased at auction or at a present, initial offering price or if the security is
available only through a single dealer.
Overnight sweep repurchase agreements will not be bid, but may be placed with
the CRA's depository bank relating to the demand account for Which the
repurchase agreement was purchased.
Internal Controls
The CRA staff shall establish a system of internal controls and operational
procedures that are in writing to protect the CRA's assets and ensure proper
accounting and reporting of the transactions related there to. The internal
controls are designed to prevent loss of funds, which might arise from fraud,
employee error, and misrepresentation, by third parties, imprudent actions by
employees. The written procedures should include references to safekeeping,
repurchase agreementS, separation of transaction authority from accounting and
record keeping, wire transfer agreements, banking service contracts and
collateral / depository agreements. No person may engage in an investment
transaction except as authorized under the ternis of this policy.
Independent auditors as a normal part of the annual financial audit to the CRA
Board shall conduct a review of the system of internal controls to ensue
compliance with policies and procedures.
The CRA Staff shall annually complete 8 hours of continuing education in
subjects or courses of study related to investment practices and products.
The CRA Staff shall provide for the CRA Board a quarterly investment report.
The report shall include the following:
A listing of individual securities held at the end of the reporting period
Percentage of available funds represented by each investment type
Coupon, discount or earning rate
Average life or duration and final maturity of all investments
Par value, and market value
The CRA Staff shall prepare and submit to the CRA board a written report on all
invested funds. The annual report shall provide all, but not limited to the
following: a complete list of all invested funds, name or type of security in which
the funds are invested, the amount invested, the maturity date, earned income,
the book value, the market value and the yield on each investment. All
investment shall be reported at fair value per GASB standards. Investment
portfolio reports shall be available to the public.
Derivatives and Reverse Repurchase Aqreements
Investments in any derivative products or the use of reverse repurchase
agreements are specifically prohibited by this investment portfolio policy. A
"derivative" is defined as a financial instrument the value of which depends on, or
is derived from the value of one or more underlying assess or indices or asset
The establishment of the investment portfolio policy is the responsibility of the
CRA Staff and CRA Board. The CRA staff, under the direction of the CRA Board
shall be responsible for implementing the policy and managing the CRA
investment portfolio within these guidelines.
Cash Manaqement
The CRA Staff, except where otherwise provided by the CRA Board or State law,
is authorized to pool the cash of various funds to maximize investment earnings
where it is advantageous and prudent to do so. Investment income will be
allocated to the various expenses and projects based upon need.
day of 2002
Chairman of the Board
Vice-Chairperson of the Board
Executive Director
OCT ~8 ~00~ 16:18 FR NRTIONSBANK I IS 813 224 5415 TO 915617]73258
~tut~s->Vicw Statutes->2001 ->Ch0218->Section 41 $: Online Sumhinc
Page 1 of 2
The 2002 Florida Statutes
TJU~ XZV ghlg/lc2Ali ~JlgJ~r
218.41S Loom government Inve~tmeflt Pelletu.--Inveltment acUvlty by a unit of local government must be
consistent with a written Invesi~nent plan adopted by the governing body, or in the absence OF the existence of a governing
body, the respective prlncJpal officer OF the unit oi' local government and maintained by the unit of local government or, In
the alternative, such activity must be conducted In accordance with subsection (17). Any such unit OF local government
shell have an Investment policy rot any public funds In excess of the amounts needed to meet: current expenses as
pmvtded In subsections (1)-(Z6), or shall meet the alt~rnsUve Investment guklallnse contained In subsectJon (17). Such
policies shall be st:ructured to place the highest priority on the safety of principal and liquidity of funds. The opUmlzaUon of
Investment returns shall be secondary to the requirements for safety and liquidity. Each unit of local government shall
adopt: policies that are commensurate with the nature and size of the public ~unds within Its cusi~dy.
(1) SCOPE.--The Investment policy shall apply to funds under the control of the unit: of local government In excess of those
required to meet current expenses. The investment policy shell not apply to pension funds, Including those funds In
chapters/`7S and/,85, or funds related to the Issuance OF debt where there are other existing pollctes or Indentures In
effect for such funds.
(2) INVESTMENT OB3EC~VES.--The Investment policy shall de~cHbe the investment: objectives of the unit of local
government. Investznant objectives shall Include safety of capital, Ikluldlty of funds, and Investment Income, In that order.
(3) PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT.--The Investment policy shall spodfy performance measures as are appropriate for the
nature and size of the public funds within the custody of the unit of local government.
(4) PRUDENCE AND ETH[CAL STANDARDS.--The Investment policy shall descdbo the level of prudence and ethical
standards to be followed by the unit of local govemment In carrying out Its Investment activities with respect to funds
described In this sec'don. The unit of local government shell adopt the Prudent Person Rule, which states that::
"tnvestments should be made with Judgment and care, under circumstances t:hen prevailing, which persons of prudence,
discretion, and Intelligence exercise In the management: of their own affairs, not for speculaUon, but for Investment,
considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable Income to be derived from the Investment."
(S) LISTING OF AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS.--The investment policy Shall list' Investments authoHsed by the governing
body of the unit of local government:, subject to the provisions of subsection (16). Investments not listed In the Investment
policy are prohibited. If the policy authorlze~ Invesiznents In derlvaUve products, the policy must require that the unit of
local government's officials responsible for maldng Investment decisions or chief financial officer have deve/oped sufficient
understanding of the derivative products and have the experUse to manage them. For purposes OF this subsection, a
"derlvaUve" Is defined es a financial Instrument the value of which depends on, or Is derived from, the value of one or more
underlying a~ets or Index or asset values. Zf the policy authorizes Invsetmenta in reverse repurchase agreements or ether
forms of leverage, the policy must limit the Invest~nents to transectJons in which the proceeds are Intended to provide
liquidity and for which the unit of local government: hat sufficient resources and expertise.
(6) t4ATURrrY AND L~QU[DFTY REQUIREMENTS.--The Investment policy shall require that the ]nve~m~ent portfolio Is
structured In such manner as to provide sufficient liquidity to pay obligations as they come due. To that end, the
Investment policy shoUld direct that, to the extent possible, an attempt will be made to match InvestTnent maturities with
known cash needs and anticipated cash-flow requirements.
(7) PORTFOLIO COMPOSTFION.-.The Investment policy shell establish guidelines flor Investments and limits on secudty
Issues, Issuers, and maturities. Such guidelines shall be commensurate with the nature and size of the public funds within
the custody of the unit of local government:.
(8) RISK AND DZVERSIF~CATION.-.The Investment policy shall provide for appropriate diversification of the Investment
portfolio. ~nvestments held should be diversified to the extent: practicable to control the dsk of loss resulUng from
overconcentration of a~ets In a specific maturity, I~uer~ Instrument, desle~.~ or bank through which financial instruments
are bought end sold. Diversification strategies within the established guidelines shall be reviewed and revised periodically,
as deemed necessary by the appropriate management staff.
(g) AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT INSTrrUT~ONS AND DEALERS.--The Investment policy should specify the authorized
securities dealers, issuers, and banks from whom the unit OF local government: may purchase securlUe~.
(10) THIRD-PARTY CUSTODLRL AGREEMENTS.o-The Investment policy shall provide eppropriat:e arrangements flor the
holding of assets of the unit of local government:. Securities should be held with a third party; and all securities purchased
by, and all collat:eral obtained by, the unit of local government should be properly designated as an asset of the unit of
local government. No withdrawal of rmcurlUss, In whole or In part, shell be made from ~afekeepJng, except by an
~://www.]eg.$tatutes/index.c~m?App mode=Display Statute&$eazeb $ttiag~URL=Cb02] 8/SE ! 0/8/02
OCT 08 2B~2 16:19 FR NATIONSBANK I IS 81-~ 224 5415 TO 915617~?~258
s~at~tes.~>¥iew Statutes->2001->Ch021 $->Sectio~ 415; Online S~$I~ine
P. 0~18
Page 2 ot'~
authorized staff member of the unit of local government, Securities t~ensectlons between a broker-dealer and the
custodian Involving purchase or sale of securitlse by transfer of money or securities must be made on a "delivery va.
payment" basis, If appllceble, to ensure that the custodian will have the security or money, as appropriate, In hand at the
conclusion of ERs transection.
(Il) MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT.--The Inyestment policy shall require all approved Institutions and dealers
transacting repurchase agreements to execute and perform as stated In the Haster Repurchase Agreement. All repurchase
agreement transactions shall adhere to the requlremenl~ of the Nester Repumhase Agreement,
(12) BID REqUIRENENT.--The Investment policy .shell require that the unit of local government's staff determine the
approximate maturity date based on cash-flow needs and market conditions, analyze and select one or more optimal types
of Investment, and competiUvely bid the security In question when feasible and appropriate. Except as otherwise roqulred
by law, the bid deemed to best meet the Investment objectives specified In subsection (2) must be selected.
(13) INTERNAL CONTROLS.--The Investment policy shall provide for a system of Internal controls and operational
procedures, The unit of local government's officials responsible for making investment decisions or chief financial officer
shall e~tabllsh a system of Internal conl~ola which shall be In writing and made a part of the governmental enUtyls
operational procedures. The Investment policy shall provide for review of such controls by Independent audltore as part of
any flnandal audit periodically required of the unt~ of local government. The Internal controls should be designed to prevent
losses of funds which might arise fi-om fi'aud, employee error, mlsrepresentsUon by third peri:les, or Imprudent actions by
employees of the unit of local government.
(14) CONTINUING EDUCATION.--The Investment policy shall provide for the continuing education of the unit of local
government's officials responsible for making Investment dadslons or chief financial officer. Such officials must annually
complete 8 hours of continuing education In subjects or courses of study related to Investment practices and products.
(IS) REPORTING.--The Investment policy shall provide for appropriate annual or more frequent reporting of Investment
actlvRle$. To that end, the governmental entlty'a officials responsible for making Investment decisions or chief financial
officer shall prepare periodic reports for submission to the legislative and govemlng body of the unit of Iocel government,
which shall Include securities In the portfolio by class or type, book value, Income esrned~ and market value as of the
report date. Such reports shall be available to the public.
(16) AUTHOI~ZED INVESTMENTS; WRTI'I'EN INVESTMENT POI. ZCZES.--Those units of local government electing to adopt a
whiten Invest~nent policy as provided In subsections (1)-(15) may by resoluUon invest and reinvest any surplus public
funds in their control or possession In:
(a) The Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund or any Intergovernmental Investment pool authorized pursuant to the
Florida Interlocel Cooperation Act as provided in s. 163.01.
(b) Securities and Exchange Commission registered money market funds with the highest credit quality rating from a
nationally recognized rating agency.
(c) Interest-bearing time deposits or savings accounts In qualified public depositories as defined In
(d) Direct obligations of the United States Treasury.
Federal agencJes and Instrumentalities.
(f) Securities of, or other Interests Int any open-end or closed-end management-type Investment company or Investment
trust registered under the Investment Company Act of :t940~ 15 U.S.C. ss. 80a-1 et seq., as amended from time to time,
provided that the porl~ollo of such Investment company or Investment trust Is limited to obligations of the Untied States
Government or any agency or Instrumentality thereof and to repurchase agreements fully collaterallzed by such United
States Government obllgatlons/and provided that such Investment company or Investment trust takes delivery of such
collateral either directly or through an authorized custodian.
(g) Other Investments authorized by law or by ordinance for a counb/or a munldpallty,
(h) Other Investments authorized by law or by resolution for a school district or a spatial district.
(17) AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS; NO WRTFFEN INVESTMENT POI. ICY.--Those units of local government electing not to
· adopt a written Investment policy In accordance with Investmen~ policies developed as provided In subsectlona (1)-(15)
may Invest or reinvest any surplus public funds In their conl~ol or possession In:
(a) The Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund, or any Intergovernmental investment pool authorized pursuant to
the Florida ]:nterlocal Cooperation Act~ as provided in s. 16:~.01.
(b) Securities and Excflange Commission registered money market funds with the highest credit quality rating from a
nationally recognized rating agency.
Interest-bearing time deposits or savings accounts In qualified public depositories, as defined In s. ~8_(~.~..
ht~p://www~~~g~stat~~~~us/Statut~s/ind~x~cfm?A~~-m~de=Disp~~~-Statute&S~arch-~tring=&URL=C~~2~ g/SE 10/8/02
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smtutes->Vi~w Statutes->200l ->Ch0218->Section 415: Online Sunshine
(d) Direct obligations of the U.$. Treasury.
The securities listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) shall be Invested to provide sufficient liquidity to pay obligations as they
come due. ~
(a) Every security purchased under thls section on behalf of the governing body of a unit of local government must be
properly earmarked and:
1. If registered with the issuer or Its agant~, must be Immediately placed for safekesplng In a location that protects the
governing body's Interest in the security;
2. Il' In book entry form, must be held for the credit of the governing body by a dapceltory chartared by the Federal
Government, the state, or any other state or territory of~a United States which has a branch or prindpal place of
business In this state as defined In s..6~J,/,?, or by a national aasodatlon organized and existing under the laws of the
United States which Is authorized to accept and execute I~usts and which is doing business In this state, and must be kept
by the depository In an account separate and apart from the assets of the financial Institution; or
3. If physically Issued to the holder but not registered with the Issuer or Its agents, must be Immediately placed for
safekeeping In a secured vault.
(b) The unit of local government's governing body may al~o receive bank trust receipts in retum for Investment of surplus
funds In securities. Any trust receipts received must enumerate the various securities held, together wlffl the specific
number of each security held. The actual securities on which the trust receipts are Issued may be held by any bank
depository chartered by the Federal Government, this state, or any other state or territory of the United States which has a
branch or principal place of business In this state as defined In s. 6Sa.12. or by a national a~odaflon organized and
existing under the laws of the United States which Is authorized to accept and execute trusts and which Is doing business In
this state.
(19) SALE OF SECURiTiES.--When the Invested funds are needed In whole or In part for the purposes originally Intended
or for more optimal investments, the unit of local government's govemlng body may sell such investments at the then-
prevailing market price and place the proceeds Into the proper account or fund of the unit of local government.
(20) PREL=XIST~NG CoNTRAcT.--Any public funds subject to a contract or agreement existing on October 1, 2000, may not
be Invested contrary to such contract or agreement.
(21) PREEMPTTON.--Any provision of any special act, municipal charter, or other law which prohibits or restricts a local
governmental entity from complying with this section or any rules adopted under this section Is void to the extent of the
(22) AUDI'rs.--Certified public accountants conducting audits of units of local govemmant pumuant to s. ;[:[8,.39 shall
report, as part of the audit, whether or not the unit of local government has complied with this section.
Hiatorv.--s. 1, ch. 95-194; s. 2, ch. 97-9; s. 3, ch. 2000-264; ss. 66, 141, ch. 2001-266.
Disclaimer: The Information on this ~/stem Is unverified. The Joumalg or printed b~ls of the respective chambers should be consulted for official
purposes, Copyright 02000-2~02 St~t~ of florida. Contact u~,
Vage 3 o! ':
~//www leg state fl us/Statutes/mdex cfm'~A mode Dm la St tuts
· : .... ' · · pp_ = 'p y_ a &Search_String=&URL--Ch0218/SE 10/8/02
Board of Directors
Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: State Board of Administration (SBA)
January 2, 2003
The investment policy for the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Boynton
Beach has been written in accordance with the 2002 Florida Statues Title XIV Section
218.45 Local government investment policies and sets the performance benchmark for
the short-term portfolio to the SBA pool rate of return.
This policy would also allow the CRA staff to invest funds at the direction of the CRA
Board in the SBA poOl. There are two requirements for participation in the SBA
Investment Pool. The first is that the local government agency determines, by
resolution, that it is in the best interest of the local government agency to deposit
surplus funds in the trust' fund (see Attachment #1). The resolution must be notarized,
shall name the title of agency official that may deposit and withdrawal of funds on behalf
of the local government agency. The second is the "Investment Pool System Input
Document" (see Attachment #2) form to be completed for each account you wish to
maintain in the fund.
I have also attached the investment activity rates, participant and Investment Returns
and Pool Investment at September 2002 for your review.
The SBA had 798 participants including City of Boynton Beach in 2001 invested in the
SBA with a total of over $10,000,000,000 invested.
Staff is recommending the completion of the Attachment #1 and #2 in the event the
CRA Board wishes to invest excess funds in the SBA.
\~JGCDE_FS\LIBRARY11990\900182.BB\MEMO 2003\State Board of Administration Memo.doc
Attachment #1
WHEREAS THE Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Boynton
Beach from time to time has funds on hand in excess of current needs, and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Community Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Boynton Beach that funds be invested to return the highest yield consistent
with proper safeguards,
Section 1.
The Controller or designee, as legal representative of the
Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Boynton Beach,
are hereby authorized to act as the administrator (s) for funds held
at the State Board of Administration.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 5.
The Administrator (s) shall have the authority to establish an
account(s) on behalf of Community Redevelopment Aqency of the
City of Boynton Beach, withdraw funds from or transmit funds to
said account(s) at the State Board of Administration, establish
funds transfer instruction, name designee(s), and initiate changes
to this information via the Investment Pool Input Document.
This authorization shall be continuing in nature until revoked by the
Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Boynton Beach.
All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed to the extent of such conflict.
If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is
held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or
invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions or applications of this Resolution.
(one form must be filled out for each agency account)
*****IMPORTANTII Complete this section if your bank Is not on-line with the Federal Reserve and utilizes a correspondent
bank or its main office for wires.*****
~val Date
~ Approval Date
stems Input Date
The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me
this _ day of __, 19.._~,
by ~ who
Is personally known to me or who has produced
as identification
and who did/did not take an oath.
*(circle o~e)
Notary Public State of Flodda
Commission expires:
The Ainortized Cost on Investments ou September 30, 21}02 was $13,948,119,649.37.
The portfolio's average days to nmturity were 63.
Rale of Return 2002 2t)I)1 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
Jauuary 1.95 6.12 5.86 4.98 5.56 5.43 5.54 5.32 3.50 3.79
February 1.97 5.73 5.92 4.83 5.46 5.39 5.28 5.70 3.49 3.62
March 1.93 5.35 5.89 4.81 5.47 5.42 5.21 5.81 3.58 3.53
April 1.94 4.91 6.01 4.82 5.49 5.53 5.27 5.84 3.69 3.49
May 2.01 4.46 6.19 4.79 5.48 5.55 5.28 5.83 3.79 3.46
Juue 1.93 4.18 6.41 4.85 5.51 5.54 5.31 5.86 3.96 3.52
iJ uly 1.90 3.83 6.48 4.98 5.51 5.53 5.35 5.80 4.03 3.55
August 1.88 3.68 6.52 5.11 5.51 5.51 5.38 5.73 4.08 3.53
September 1.89 3.43 6.54 5.23 5.51 5.53 5.39 5.68 4.17 3.53
October 1.89 2.81 6.55 5.45 5.33 5.51 5.38 5.66 4.32 3.54
November 2.40 6.59 5.66 5.17 5.51 5.37 5.71 4.57 3.61
December 2.10 6.59 5.83 5.16 5.66 5.42 5.72 5.05 3.56
Year to Date Rate 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
January 1.95 6.12 5.86 4.98 5.56 5.43 5.54 5.32 3.50 3.79
February 1.94 5.93 5.89 4.91 5.51 5.41 5.41 5.51 3.50 3.71
March 1.95 5.73 5.89 4.87 5.50 5.41 5.34 5.61 3.52 3.65
April 1.95 5.53 5.92 4.86 5.50 5.44 5.33 5.67 3.57 3.61
May 1.95 5.31 5.98 4.85 5.49 5.46 5.32 5.71 3.61 3.58
June 1.95 5.12 6.05 4.85 5.50 5.48 5.32 5.73 3.67 3.57
July 1.94 4.94 6.11 4.87 5.50 5.48 5.32 5.74 3.72 3.57
August 1.93 4.78 6.16 4.90 5.50 5.48 5.33 5.74 3.77 3.56
September 1.93 4.63 6.20 4.94 5.50 5.49 5.33 5.73 3.81 3.56
October 1.93 4.45 6.24 4.99 5.48 5.49 5.34 5.72 3.86 3.56
Novelnber 4.26 6.27 5.05 5.45 5.50 5.34 5.72 3.93 3.56
l)ecember 4.08 6.29 5.11 5.43 5.51 5.35 5.72 4.02 3.56
As of l)ecember 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
Nmnber of Pool 798 769 728 718 620 651 645 637 627
'timber of 1748 1,657 1,592 1,552 1,271 1,297 1,330 1,376 1,366
ozo~~s>s;~ s
x. Other Items:
xz. Adjournment.
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall femish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal oppommity to participate m and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.