FEBRUARY 20, 2003 AT 6:30 A.M.
Larry Finkelstein, Chairman
Jose Aguila
Alexander DeMarco
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Michelle Hoyland
Henderson Tillman
Doug Hutchinson, CRA Director
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
Don Fenton
I. Call to Order
Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
III. Director's Report
Boynton Beach Boulevard Study RFQ
Update on RFQ Boynton Beach Boulevard Design/build
Relax Inn Temporary Fencing Update
Included in the agenda packet. Mr. Hutchinson reported that they have already
received one submission on the RFQ.
IV. Old Business:
A. Investment Policy and Florida Statutes (tabled)
Mr. Aguila moved to remove the item from the table. Motion seconded by Vice
Chair Heavilin and unanimously carried.
The following changes, additions and corrections to the Investment Policy were
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
7. On Page 984 in the paragraph entitled "Prudence and
Standards," Chairman Finkelstein asked Attorney Payne
language was okay and she stated that it was.
1. Chairman Finkelstein asked Attorney Payne if she had any comments
or changes. She said that she reviewed the Policy and it meets legal
compliance with the statutes.
2. On Page 981, in the third paragraph of Ms. Vielhauer's memorandum,
Chairman Finkelstein suggested that the sentence that reads "This
investment policy applies to all financial assets held or controlled by
the Community Redevelopment Agency in excess of those required to
meet current expenses" be used as the definition for "available funds to
be invested with this policy." He said that he could find no specific
definition for "available funds" in the Policy. This will provide for
consistency throughout the Policy.
3. On Page 983, in the third paragraph under "Investment Objectives",
the sentence that reads, "The CRA will maintain the investment
portfolios in such a manner that funds are available to meet reasonable
anticipated funds flow requirements in an orderly manner." Chairman
Finkelstein requested that the words "in an orderly manner" be deleted.
4. Chairman Finkelstein suggested substituting the word "budget" for the
words "reasonable anticipated funds flow requirement."
5. Chairman Finkelstein suggested that the word "a" before the words
"primary liquidity" be deleted in the second sentence of that same
paragraph, as well as the "a" before "secondary investment accounts"
in the same sentence. The sentence would, therefore read: "The CRA
will keep primary liquidity of 3-months operating funds in the operating
account and secondary liquidity of 6 additional months in secondary
investment accounts."
6. On Page 984, second paragraph, Chairman Finkelstein pointed out
that "current operating funds" needs to be defined and he suggested
deleting the words "CRA's investment portfolio net book value rate of
return" and substituting the word "yield."
if this
8. In the italicized paragraph on Page 984, in the last line, the word "form"
should be changed to "from."
9. On Page 984, under "Listing of Authorized Investment" an "s" should
be added to "Investment" to read "Investments."
10. On Page 984, in the next to the last paragraph, the definition of
"available funds" needs to be added.
11.On Page 985, in the first line of Paragraph C, Chairman Finkelstein
requested adding the word "securities between the words "callable"
and "issued."
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Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
did perform some of the work for which they should be paid, but that the
information they furnished was not complete.
Mr. Tillman stated that these items had been previously approved, which is noted
in the Board's minutes of November 12, 2002, which he read. Further, Mr.
Tillman referred to Mr. Greene's letter of May 21, 2002 referencing CRA Task
Authorization No. Two to Mr. Nardi authorizing the Urban Group to proceed with
the property acquisitions at a price not to exceed $26,250. The letter further
stated, "in the event certain milestones are not reached, we would expect that
your invoice would reflect the lower amount. In this particular case the CRA
Board has directed that you secure for their approval, three bid proposals for
appraisals, prior to proceeding with subsequent tasks under this authorization."
Mr. Tillman referred to the Board's minutes of June 11, 2002 wherein it
referenced CRA-02 Task Authorization and Mr. Nardi reported that he had
obtained the appraisals and copies of the quotations were included in the agenda
packet. Further along at that meeting there was a motion, which Mr. Tillman
read, confirming what the Urban Group was charged with.
Mr. Tillman referred to the motion made at the June 11,2002 Board meeting that
directed "the Urban Group to do some background work on the three parcels,
survey like commercial parcels, obtain a cost per square foot of similar
properties, determine the tax-assessed valuation, and obtain comparable sales
information. When this investigation is complete, the Urban Group will approach
the owner, determine his or her willingness to sell and at what price. If the price
is reasonable, the Board could obtain an appraisal and perform due diligence at
that time. If the owner would be willing to enter into a contract, that contract
could be presented to the Board for ratification. The contract should be a regular
sales contract and not an option contract." This motion was seconded by Mr.
Aguila and carried 5-0.
Mr. Tillman asked why this item has stalled since it was already approved.
Chairman Finkelstein said that he never saw any of the documents that the
Urban Group submitted or supposedly submitted. The only document that
Chairman Finkelstein ever saw was contained on Page 1012 of the agenda,
which briefly outlines what the Urban Group did concerning these properties. He
pointed out that all the things that the Board wanted done were never done.
Mr. Tillman pointed out that the letter to Mr. Nardi where it states that the
properties were not authorized by the CRA were in fact authorized. Further, Mr.
Tillman felt that the bill did not belong to the CRA. Chairman Finkelstein said that
he merely questioned the invoice and asked staff for an explanation of the bill.
He did not expect his comments to generate all this paperwork.
Mr. Tillman asked staff for a status of the properties contained in the Nardi
invoice. Mr. Hutchinson responded that the work done on these properties is
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
contained on page 1012 of the agenda. Mr. Aguila referred to page 1014 in the
agenda packet. He questioned what has the Urban Group done on page 1012
that represents dollars on page 1014. Mr. Aguila was not saying that the Urban
Group has done nothing, he wants to know what they have done.
Mr. Greene referred to Task Authorization No. Two (page 1014) and noted that
there are two milestones that the Urban Group is requesting payment under;
milestone #1 and milestone #2. The first milestone is creating the set up, which
would include creating a parcel file, appraisal, title review and initiation of
negotiations. Mr. Greene felt that based upon the information furnished, this has
been done. Mr. Aguila inquired why Mr. Nardi was not present, if the appraisals
were done. Mr. Greene said that there was no reason for Mr. Nardi to be present
tonight. Mr. Greene did not think that the appraisals were done because the
Board did not want him do the appraisals.
Chairman Finkelstein did not think that $5,100 worth of work was done and the
Board needs to vote and determine how much they want to pay. Mr. Hutchinson
pointed out that he was not onboard when the CRA contract was signed, and he
is not sure what information the CRA staff should be receiving. Mr. Greene
pointed out that the Urban Group was retained by the City and was also retained
with the understanding that they could be used by the CRA. This means when
they do work for the CRA, the CRA would pay them and give them direction.
The Urban Group functions as the City's real estate arm, since the City has no
real estate staff. Mr. Greene said that there is no reason for the Urban Group to
turn over their file until they are done, but they do provide progress reports.
Mr. Greene pointed out that their statement sets forth various milestones. He had
informed the Urban Group that the Board was very specific and that they would
only be paid for the work they performed. In looking at milestone #2, it states
that the activities include negotiating sales contract through CRA execution or
determination of unwilling seller and this what has been done. Their bill includes
what they were told to do by the Board and is included in the proper milestone.
Mr. Greene felt that they have done what they were directed to do and should be
paid. The Urban Group will not go any further than milestone #2 unless the Board
wants them to. They have performed no appraisals because the Board told them
not to, but they have made a determination of an unwilling seller, which is
included in milestone #2.
Because the m~mbers had so many questions, Mr. Greene suggested that the
Urban Group be requested to provide a breakdown of the specific activities on
each of the parcels. Vice Chair Heavilin requested that the Urban Group provide
them with a breakdown of their services.
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Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
Ms. Hoyland moved to table with direction to staff that they be furnished with a
specific status report from the Urban Group as to what the current status is on
these three properties that they are requesting payment on. Motion seconded by
Mr. Aguila and unanimously carried.
Chairman Finkelstein suggested not addressing the item for consideration of
RFQ for Real Estate Services until the issue with the Urban Group is resolved.
Mr. Hutchinson noted that the contract involved the City before he came onboard
and asked if the Board would like to have its own contract. Chairman Finkelstein
felt that any contract that the CRA is a party to, the CRA should be first party and
not act through another party. He would like the information, invoicing and
backup sent to staff.
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to table the consideration of an RFQ for Real Estate
Services. Motion seconded by Ms. Hoyland and unanimously carried.
V. New Business
Chairman Finkelstein asked if the Board wished to move Item G (Heart of
Boynton Study Update) to be heard first under New Business.
Mr. Aguila moved to move Item G. (Heart of Boynton Study update) to be heard
first under New Business. Motion seconded by Vice Chair Heavilin and
unanimously carried.
G. Heart of Boynton Study Update (addressed out of order)
Mr. Greene asked members to refer to his memorandum dated February 18,
2003 entitled "Heart of Boynton - Continuation of Phase One Property
Acquisition." At the CRA meeting on December 10, 2002 the Development staff
and the consultant, JEG Associates made certain recommendations regarding
five non-residential parcels near the intersection of North Seacrest Boulevard
and MLK Boulevard. At that time the City staff pointed out the importance of this
intersection for initiating the redevelopment area in the Heart of Boynton. At the
Board's direction, at the December meeting, City staff was ready to make a
formal recommendation that the CRA undertake the acquisition and clearance of
additional non-residential properties in this area.
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Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
These properties, in conjunction with the City's efforts to acquire residential
properties in the same general area, will create a new parcel of approximately
4.7 acres located east of Seacrest. This area would be suitable for mixed-use
development and a corresponding parcel of approximately 5.3 acres west of
Seacrest would be created to be used for single-family residential development.
The 4.7 acre parcel would be used for a single three or four story mixed-use
development to contain approximately 50,000 to 60,000 square feet of
commercial, retail and office space and 80 to 90 dwelling units, with parking for
up to 200 vehicles.
The 5.3-acre parcel west of Seacrest is intended to create a new neighborhood
that would consist of approximately 25 single-family homes grouped around a
cul-de-sac that would be supported by the amenities of the existing Poinciana
Elementary School and the completely refurbished Sara Sims Park. It is
intended that this would give the City a highly visible image and set a new quality
standard for the community.
Staff is requesting that the CRA Board take the following specific actions:
· "In addition to those properties previously approved for acquisition,
authorize its staff to arrange for appraisals to be conducted on all
privately held non-residential parcels designated in the enclosed
attachment and identified on the enclosed map.
· Authorize its staff to arrange to have good faith purchase offers made on
behalf of the CRA to the owners of these properties, based on the
aforementioned appraisals.
· Request that the City Commission issue a formal resolution of necessity
authorizing the use of eminent domain to acquire the above referenced
properties in the event that purchase negotiations prove unsuccessful.
· Authorize its staff to arrange for the demolition and clearance of all
structures on the above referenced properties once they are in CRA
Mr. Tillman asked how much property was involved, and Mr. Greene stated that it
would be approximately 13 acres that would include the refurbished Sara Sims
Park. Referring to the map attached to Mr. Greene's memo, the areas in yellow
are properties_that the City will be directly acquiring, which are residential
properties. The City intends to deal with the residential properties because the
City is proposing to use Federal dollars. In order to do this the City must comply
with the Uniform Relocation Act that provides certain benefits to property owners
and renters. Staff felt that the CRA Board would not want to become involved in
the relocation process. Therefore, the non-residential properties will be acquired
by the CRA. This would be the first phase of the revitalization of this entire
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Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
Chairman Finkelstein asked how the City could come up with the funds to
purchase these properties. Mr. Greene responded that the City receives
approximately $600,000 in Community Development Block Grant Funds. The
City intends to leverage this money to approximately $2.5 million to $3 million in
a Section 108 Loan. The CDBG allocation acts as the collateral for the loan.
Staff has also spoken to the Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC) that
provides a broad range of services and staff anticipates that the City will be
entering into a contract with them for the City's portion of the project.
Chairman Finkelstein asked if this has been before the Commission, and Mr.
Greene responded that it has not. Staff wanted to bring this to the CRA before it
went to the Commission. If the Board approves this approach, the next step
would be to go to the Commission.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired why the Plan does not encompass the full block
between MLK and NE 11th that was done on the south side and would there be
enough depth for redevelopment. Mr. Greene responded that this decision was
made during the Heart of Boynton planning process to stop at the alley between
10th and 11th. Mr. Greene does not envision that this half block would be an
obstacle to development of the entire area.
Mr. Aguila asked what the CRA's budget was for property acquisition, and Mr.
Hutchinson responded $1 million ($250K for this year).~Mr. Greene reported that
staff has had conversations with the Urban Group and anticipates receiving a
proposal from them that would include an estimate to do the acquisition and the
relocation. The biggest cost to the City is relocation, not acquisition of the
property, which is where LISC comes in.
Ms. Hoyland inquired if the negotiations with the Urban Group included the
parcels that the CRA would be purchasing. Mr. Greene stated that the City
would be using the Urban Group for the acquisition of their parcels. He also
pointed out that it would be advantageous if the CRA also utilized the Urban
Mr. DeMarco would like to see the project move forward as soon as possible and
thinks it will be great for the City. Mr. Greene said that last week they sent out 70
letters to property owners in the area indicating that it was the intent of the City
as part of the Heart of Boynton Plan to initiate acquisition of their property
sometime within the next 12 months. Mr. DeMarco stressed that it was important
to keep the affected residents apprised of what is going on.
Chairman Finkelstein said that he would like to see the assessed value of the
properties under consideration for purchase. Mr. Greene expressed concerns
about speculation occurring and that is why he wants to move forward with the
estimates as soon as possible.
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Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
Chairman Finkelstein opened up the meeting to the public.
Kevin Ballard, 5631 Cedar Lake Road, Boynton Beach asked what the City paid
for Morey's Lounge, and Chairman Finkelstein said that the City purchased this,
not the CRA. Also, Chairman Finkelstein was not aware of what was paid for
that property and that it has no effect upon the properties under consideration.
Mr. Ballard asked what the price was for the Relax Inn and was informed it was
$900,000. He pointed out that the properties under consideration are owned by
people who have worked hard all their lives and that this should be taken into
consideration. Also, he questioned where people could go to purchase
comparable property at the same price the City purchased their property. He
also had concerns that the prices of the homes in the new development would be
too high for the current residents to purchase. He urged that the City be fair
when they purchase the properties.
Mr. Greene responded that the City is proposing to purchase the residential
properties because the City will be using Federal dollars and complying with the
Federal Relocation Act. He pointed out that if the City purchased a 3-bedroom
house for $80,000, that house could not be duplicated in Boynton Beach. If that
person finds a 3-bedroom house for $120,000, the City will move them into the
$120,000 house and the homeowner still would not have a mortgage. The City
will pay the difference of what the house is worth and the purchase of a new
house. The Federal Relocation Act ensures that people have to be made whole
and cannot end up worse than when their property was purchased.
Mr. Greene felt it was important that the property owners in the area being
developed should be able to participate in any development that occurs.
The Minister of Jesus House of Worship asked what would happen to the
churches in this area that are purchased. Mr. Greene responded that the
churches would be viewed as commercial properties. Chairman Finkelstein
responded that the City and the CRA would work with the church to find another
Mr. Greene pointed out that on the south side of Sara Sims Park there are a
number of churches in this area that would be staying because they are
compatible with the Park and there may be opportunities for other churches to
relocate in that_area. However, there will be no relocation benefits to the
members of the church.
The Minister stated that they are not willing to sell the property and inquired if
they could be allowed to improve their property and remain where they are.
Mr. Hawkins asked the speaker where his church was located and he stated that
it was on Seacrest Boulevard across from the EZ Mart. The Minister said that no
one ever spoke with them about this and the way they found out what was
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
happening was when they received a letter in the mail last week. Mr. Hawkins
pointed out that the project is two years old and that he needs to sit down with
representatives of the Church to discuss what is going on. Mr. Hawkins said that
he would contact him for this purpose.
Vice Chair Heavilin would like to move forward on this. Mr. Aguila thought that
this was a good plan and a good starting point and that the Board needs to speak
with JEG to discuss their progress. Chairman Finkelstein said that the Board
has to agree with the steps outlined in Mr. Greene's February 18, 2003 memo.
Mr. Aguila thought that steps 1 and 2 were doable, but thought that 3 should wait.
Mr. Tillman would like the Commission to move on the eminent domain issue
before the Board does. Chairman Finkelstein agreed with Mr. Aguila's
suggestion that the Board move forward with steps 1 and 2. Mr. Greene was
agreeable with this for now.
Mr. Hutchinson inquired if the CRA would be using the Urban Group. Mr. Aguila
responded that someone like the Urban Group needs to do the work and aside
from the current issues with them, they have been good to work with. Mr.
Finkelstein would like the CRA to be in a first position contract with the Urban
Group, if the CRA did use them, which he did not have a problem with. Mr.
Hutchinson requested that this be included in the motion. Vice Chair Heavilin felt
it was important that the CRA piggyback with the City. Mr. Greene said that this
would be preferable and that using the same consultant could save money. Mr.
Greene stated that whatever route the Board chooses, it is important that they
give staff directions on how to proceed. Mr. Greene requested that the Board
authorize staff to arrange for appraisals on all privately held non-residential
properties designated on the map outlined in his memorandum of February 18,
2003, which is attached to the minutes of this meeting.
Mr. Hutchinson responded that in accordance with their purchasing manual, they
would be required to go out to secure those services through their purchasing
process unless it could be done in a different manner. Chairman Finkelstein said
that the Board could ask for proposals from a group that could handle all of those
actions. Mr. Hutchinson noted that he was not allowed to spend any money
unless he follows the purchasing procedures. Chairman Finkelstein requested
that it be specified in the motion who will be doing the work.
Vice Chair Heavilin moved that the Board authorize staff to arrange for appraisals
to be conducted on all private, non-residential parcels designated in the enclosed
attachment and identified on the enclosed map through the piggybacking of a
first party contract with the Urban Group and that staff is further directed to
arrange to have good faith purchase offers made on behalf of the CRA to the
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
owners of these properties based on the aforementioned appraisals. Motion
seconded by Mr. Aguila.
Mr. Aguila requested that a provision be added to the motion that if the Urban
Group did not prove satisfactory, staff would seek RFPs from other real estate
consultants that could perform the appraisals requested in the motion.
Vice Chair Heavilin amended her motion to include this proviso.
Mr. DeMarco requested that in reference to the two public speakers that the
motion include additional language that staff continue to communicate and
educate the neighbors that will be affected. Vice Chair Heavilin noted that the
community has been involved for the past several months and does not feel that
it would be appropriate to add this language to the motion.
Motion carried 5-0 (Ms. Hoyland was not present for the vote.)
Mr. Hawkins addressed the Board regarding a design report that was prepared
by JEG Associates, the consultant. Mr. Hawkins referred to the Heart of Boynton
Master Plans and Schematic Designs that was included in the agenda packet.
He requested that the Board consider adopting this document as a formal
guideline for development of the project within the Heart of Boynton.
The original Heart of Boynton Plan that was adopted two years ago contained
urban design concepts, which are contained on Page 55 of that Plan and was
adopted by Ordinance, which Mr. Hawkins read. The design concept is
"Floribbean" and was approved as the preferred choice for design standards.
The Floribbean concept for residential housing and the new Wilson Center is
included in the JEG Associates Repot and the City would like the Board to adopt
this for implementation of the Plan.
Mr. Aguila felt the character was appropriate, but noted that the designs were
very rough, to which Mr. Hawkins agreed. Mr. Hawkins responded he is merely
asking the Board to approve the Floribbean design concept only. He said that
they wanted to have some examples to show developers and hopefully the CRA
will come up with a design guideline for the Heart of Boynton.
Mr. Aguila moved that the Board support the Schematic Design for the character
to be used as a guide in the Heart of Boynton design. Motion seconded by Mr.
Tillman and unanimously carried.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired if the Board wished to hear the Ocean District
Study presentation next.
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Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
F. Ocean District Study Presentation (heard out of order)
Mr. Greene reported that staff has been working on this Plan for a long time.
There are a lot of issues involved and community meetings have taken place for
input. He pointed out that in this district the City owns 40% of the land. Therefore,
the City is the largest stakeholder and there have been a lot of meetings with
senior staff regarding this area. Margelly Beltran, the Planner specifically
involved in this project, has tried to come up with an idea of what people would
like to see in this district. He pointed out that this area is an important district for
both the City and the CRA. There is still the controversy regarding the Old High
School that needs to be resolved. Mr. Greene pointed out that what Boynton
Beach is lacking is a civic and cultural heart and this is something that the City
really needs.
Ms. Beltran had various artists' renderings, which she referred to as she gave her
presentation. She noted that they had two visioning sessions with City staff and
two public meetings with residents in the area. She explained how the two
alternatives (alternative #4 and alternative #5) being presented tonight were
arrived at from meetings with staff and the residents. One altemative includes
the Old High School and the second does not.
Ms. Beltran first presented altemative #4 that does not include the High School.
The north section of Boynton Beach Boulevard could be a city annex
based on the needs assessment being undertaken or it could be
City Hall would remain as is.
The High School would be razed and it would become a pedestrian
boulevard. This would allow the Children's Museum to be visible from
Seacrest. The park would have a reflective pool, shade trees and
The civic/auditorium building would be located on Ocean Avenue.
There would also be another park type setting with a gazebo.
Ocean Avenue would be a main street (downtown) and would have a
archway leading into the area.
The Library extension would be in place.
A fountain (similar to the one in West Palm Beach) will be erected in this
A parking garage will also be built.
Townhomes will be built that would be attached to the parking garage,
similar to Mizner Park.
The southern section of the study area would remain single-family homes,
because people wanted to keep it the way it was.
Ocean Avenue would become a mixed-use light zone with buildings no
taller than 45' to keep it pedestrian friendly.
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Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FI.
February 20, 2003
There would be very little change between Ocean Avenue and Boynton
Beach Boulevard. The condos and apartment buildings would remain.
Boynton Beach Boulevard would become a mixed-use area as well, but
would go to 75' in height.
Ms. Beltran next presented alternative #5, which included the High School.
Currently, no specific use has been designated for the High School. A parking
garage could be placed on the other side of the High School and pavilions would
be added. The remainder of alternative ~ would be included.
The next area discussed was the Ocean Avenue Promenade. Ms. Beltran
pointed out "Section C" that would contain the civic/auditorium with a terrace, the
interactive fountain, and the parking garage with the residential component.
Ms. Beltran reviewed the plans for "Sections D and E."
Mr. Aguila inquired if the plans were conceptual, and Ms. Beltran responded that
they were. Mr. Aguila inquired how all thee concepts would be tied together to
avoid creating a hodgepodge.
Mr. Greene acknowledged that they have to get from planning to implementation,
but noted that the plan is merely a guide and certainly there will be changes.
Plans are guides to establish a framework. Mr. Greene then discussed the
concepts that came out of the Visions 20/20 Plan.
Mr. Aguila asked what the next steps would be. Mr. Greene said that they need
to put some text to the Plan because there are economic studies that have also
been done. It is anticipated that the Plan will be brought back to the CRA Board
for adoption within two months. He stated that no action is necessary on the part
of the Board tonight.
Chairman Finkelstein and Mr. Aguila requested that they be furnished with copies
of the renderings presented by Ms. Beltran. Mr. Hutchinson also requested that
the document be preserved on a CD.
Chairman Finkelstein noted that a request has been made to move up Item D.
Vice Chair Heavilin also requested that the BODA Event (Item C.) also be moved
up _
D. Heritage Festival Request for Event Funding
Ms. Angela Girtman, Chairperson of the HeritageFest Committee, 1920 NE 1st
Avenue, Boynton Beach stated that a letter of support for funding was submitted
to the CRA for the HeritageFest. She gave a brief overview of all the events and
activities that take place during HeritageFest as follows, some of which have
already taken place: a family story hour, the coronation ceremony, youth
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
recognition luncheon, spelling bee, and oratorical contests and exhibits at the
Boynton Beach Mall. Essay, art and history contests were held and will be
exhibited at the Hester Center. Last weekend the youth basketball tournament
also took place.
This weekend there will be an island festival that will feature food, music and
dancing from the islands. There will be a parade on Saturday, followed by
festivities on the lawn. During the weekend the adult basketball tournament will
be held. On Sunday there will be a gospel festival featuring youth choirs and
dancers. She noted that they have very limited funding and tried to get as much
local talent involved as possible to encourage family participation. Ms. Girtman
said that she spoke with Mr. Hutchinson about doing something together in the
future for the HeritageFest. She stated that the HeritageFest is a partnership
between the City and community volunteers.
Mr. Aguila noted that staff is recommending a contribution of $7,500 for this year.
Chairman Finkelstein said that this used to be a City event. Ms. Girtman pointed
out that the City has assisted in supporting HeritageFest, but it has always been
community involved in partnership with the City. The City has provided over
$7,100 in staff time and paid for advertising the event on radio and television.
Mr. Tillman felt that the CRA is an integral part of the community and being a
good neighbor is part of the CRA. He recommended that the CRA assist with the
request. Mr. Aguila agreed with Mr. Tillman and suggested at budget time this
subject be discussed. Vice Chair Heavilin also added that if the CRA participates
in the event in the future, she would like the CRA to have more input in the
Vice Chair Heavilin moved that the CRA contribute $7,500 to HeritageFest for
2003. Motion seconded by Mr. Aguila and unanimously carried.
Ms. Girtman thanked the Board for their assistance.
Mr. Hutchinson pointed out that Ms. Hoyland had to leave and she furnished a
written document with her comments regarding Item V.A ("Board Priorities
Update"). Mr. Hutchinson suggested that the other Board members also submit
their comments on this item in writing. Chairman Finkelstein felt that this type of
item should be a workshop item. Also, Vice Chair Heavilin suggested that Item
V.B. ("Consideration of Event Concepts, Schedule and Budgets") also be
discussed at a workshop.
Mr. Hutchinson responded that Item V.B. could be discussed at a workshop, but
he would like to discuss the event coming up in Apdl in cooperation with BODA
and the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Hutchinson announced that the Holiday
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
Parade has been moved back downtown and the CRA should be having a large
holiday event in conjunction with BODA.
Chairman Finkelstein had a question regarding the December BODA/CRA event.
C. Event Accounting for December BODAJCRA Event
Chairman Finkelstein noted that the costs for the event were $7,028.18 and the
budget showed $8,453.49, which leaves a discrepancy of $1,424.68. Ms.
Vielhauer pointed out that the revenue from the event was $1,444.00 and the
expenses for the entire event were $8,472.81. The CRA actually spent
$7,028.18. Chairman Finkelstein requested an accounting of the additional funds
of approximately $1,424.68 that were spent. He asked about the costs of the
trophies for the car show, and Mr. Hutchinson said that he would be personally
reimbursing the CRA for those funds.
Vice Chair Heavilin asked if the City provided any in-kind assistance. Mr.
Hutchinson reported that the paramedics and fire department did provide
assistance. Mr. Hutchinson noted that a task force has been formed to work on
events in conjunction with the Chamber and BODA. Vice Chair Heavilin would
like to see the City also participate. Vice Chair Heavilin would like to see
billboards put up announcing future events.
Chairman Finkelstein noted that the CRA is now becoming involved in another
event downtown at an additional $7,500 so soon after the one held in December.
He felt it was too soon to become involved in additional events, since nothing
new has been added to downtown.
Mr. Tillman pointed out that the minutes reflect that the Board agreed not to do
anything in term of events after assisting HeritageFest and now the Board is
being asked for an additional $7,500. He noted that the City has determined not
to participate in events because the City felt that the total City was not involved in
these events. He pointed out that Boynton Beach needs to define itself culturally.
Until this is determined, various entities throughout the City will be looking for
funding from vadous sources. Although he did not think that this is the intent of
the CRA to become a cultural entity, he felt that the CRA could help Boynton
Beach grow. This needs to start at the top with the City's administration to
become more involved in these endeavors.
Chairman Finkelstein agreed with Mr. Tillman. He agreed that the downtown
merchants and the Chamber of Commerce need their support, but he pointed out
that the CRA has already done an event for BODA and HeritageFest and maybe
a couple more. He did not think that it was CPA's responsibility to take over
funding these events in place of the City. He would like to see the funding of the
events spaced more apart since there are more important issues that need to be
dealt with.
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
Mr. Hutchinson responded that they are looking at assisting with more events
that are spaced apart in conjunction with the Chamber and BODA. Vice Chair
Heavilin pointed out that the car show has been successful for the two years that
it has been offered and after this event, the CRA could agree not to do more than
one event in anyone year for anyone group.
Diana Johnson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that this event
would take place with or without partners. The reason the car show is held at
Motorola is because of the amount of space needed to accommodate this size of
an event. The Chamber would like the CRA to hold the Saturday event that
would compliment the Sunday event and this would bring both sides of the City
together. BODA would be the third entity that would benefit from this partnership
because it would bring people to the downtown area. The Chamber is not asking
the CRA for any money, which they totally self-fund and provide close to
$100,000 in advertising.
Chairman Finkelstein asked if the budget for this new event would be similar to
the budget for the last event, and Ms. Johnson said she was not aware of the last
budget. Chairman Finkelstein informed her that it was $7,000, and Mr. Hutchison
stated that it would be similar.
Ms. Johnson stated that the event will be called the "Wheels Weekend" to
incorporate the two days of activities into one event, but technically there are two
Ms. Ginny Foot, representing BODA, would like to see the CRA, BODA and the
Chamber partner this event every spring in the downtown area. Events like this
bring people into the area to let them know that there is a downtown. Ms. Foot
pointed out that BOD^ has a very small budget and they have committed what is
left in their budget to fund this event. That is how important the event is to her
and cannot be done alone. She would like to see a spring event onboard for
years to come.
Ms. Johnson said that originally Commissioner Ferguson expressed an interest
in piggybacking on this event as his district's event, but this never came to
fruition. Hopefully, in the future, Commissioner Ferguson's District could become
a partner in the ~vent.
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to contribute $7,500 to the Wheels Weekend
downtown event in April 2003. Motion seconded by Mr. DeMarco and
unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Continued Regular Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
February 20, 2003
The Board
requested that the items remaining on the agenda be moved to a
Vice Chair Heavilin stated that she would like to have the "Board Priorities
Update" and "Consideration of Event Concepts, Schedule and Budgets"
workshopped at a future date. Mr. Hutchinson requested that the members
submit their notes on these two items prior to the workshop.
Chairman Finkelstein requested that "Consideration of PBC Convention and
Visitors Bureau Board Seat" be added the February 27th workshop agenda. Item
H., "Purchasing Manual Update" is not ready.
Other Items
There being no further business the meeting propedy adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(February 24, 2003)