Beverly Agee, Chairperson
Lillian Artis
Dr. Floyd Bell
.lean Cairo
l~rene Latour
Revia Lee
Randy O'Hara
Rae Fellows, Alternate
3oan Pleasants, Alternate
Virginia Farace, Board Liaison
T. Cell to Order/Pledqe of Alleqiance
Chair Agee called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. and led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
The visitors to the meeting were given a warm welcome. They were:
Mr..loseph Schneider, Assistant Principal at Poinciana Elementary School
Mr. Leon 3enkins, Faith-Based Community Development Corporation
Mr. Steve Miller, Faith-Based Community Development Corporation
The visitors were at the meeting to speak about the Heart of Boynton Youth
Leadership Program called "The Peacemakers."
Roll Call
The Recording Secretary announced that the entire Board was in attendance.
III. Minutes of September 24, 2002
Ms. Latour moved to accept the minutes of September 24, 2002 as written.
O'Hara seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
The minutes of the October 22, 2002 special meeting indicated that there was no
meeting due to lack of a quorum.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
IV. Chair's Report
1. Special Meetings
Chair Agee stated that the attempts to handle the Board's business through
calling special meetings and extra meetings had not worked out. She stressed
the importance of having all members commit to attending the regular meeting
on the first Thursday of every month.
2. EAB Newsletter
Chair Agee advised that the grammatically incorrect version of the newsletter
was not distributed and that a corrected version was distributed to the Board
members. She asked to be notified as soon as possible if any of the listed SAC
assignments were incorrect.
3. Youth Expo
Chair Agee thanked Randy O'Hara, .lean Cairo, loan Pleasants, and Irene. Latour
for their assistance at the event and Ms. Farace for her assistance in preparation
for the event. The physical surroundings were much too noisy to encourage
communication with the parents or solicitation of volunteers; however, the EAB
made its existence known and this was positive.
V. City Liaison's Report
1. Chamber Disbanded Education Committee
Ms. Farace advised that the Chamber of Commerce had disbanded the Education
Committee due to a lack of commitment on the part of the Board of Directors
and an insufficient mix of representation on the Committee. Ms. Farace
announced this with sadness since she had previously chaired the Committee for
nine years up until one and a half years ago. She gave the Chamber of
Commerce handouts about the Education Advisory Board including its dates and
times of meetings and invited them to attend the meetings, submit names for
vacancies on the Board, and serve on Board committees.
2. State Budget Request for Libraries
Ms. Farace distributed the Friends of the Library fall newsletter, pointing out the
insert pertaining to library advocacy and soliciting the assistance of the Board to
write letters to Governor Bush urging support of the Secretary of State's
Legislative budget request for libraries. Also, the Governor should be advised of
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
the Florida library community's opinion that the State Library, or Division of
Library and Tnformation Services, should continue to be part of the Department
of State.
3. Advisory Boundary Committee Priority
Ms. Farace advised that there was a great need for someone to volunteer to be
active on the Advisory Boundary Committee (ABC) at the District level. The EAB
had been told that there would be no changes to any of the Boynton Beach
schools this year; however, the newspaper reported that one SAC of thirty
children was going to be taken out of Rolling Green Elementary and put into
Freedom Shores Elementary, even though Freedom Shores was over capacity
and in spite of existing boundary plans pertaining to Rolling Green and Galaxy
Elementary Schools. The ABC is going to be appointing or re-appointing
members to their committee in the very near future. The EAB needs to
recommend someone for a position on this committee to get more control over
boundary issues. Ms. Farace suggested that David Fellows would be an excellent
choice for this position. Ms. Fellows offered to ask him whether or not he would
commit to serve in this capacity and let Ms. Farace know the outcome.
The representative would support the concept of economic diversity in the
consideration of boundaries, as espoused recently by Dr..lohnson. Ms. Farace
reminded him that he had first heard this expressed by the EAB in an eloquent
presentation by David Fellows. Over the last two years, the EAB has promoted
economic diversity in the schools but the School Board has not been sure
whether it wanted to have this or not.
The Board expressed concern that some 200 students who had been slated in
the boundary plans to go to Galaxy Elementary had not shown up when school
started. Somehow, other boundaries were drawn and those children are now
going to other schools. The Board expressed frustration at having worked so
hard on trying to get economic diversity for Galaxy Elementary when the
boundary decisions were not carried out. They were disappointed that Galaxy
was now left with a student body representing the lower income strata and the
Iow-performing students. Another problem mentioned was vouchers and the fact
that private schools get the voucher money and then send the students back,
with no explanation necessary, leaving the "home" school with too many children
and not enough teachers or financial support.
Ms. Revia Lee, Board member and Principal of Royal Palm School, expressed her
deep concern over the pattern that she saw developing in the Boynton Beach
schools. She saw development going on out west and the people and money
following, leaving the coastal schools with primarily African American children.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
The African American children can definitely learn, but they have not been given
the support that has been given to the other children and as a result, are behind
academically. With the exodus of the higher performing, economically
advantaged children, the African American children were being sent a message
that they could not learn. Ms. Lee was deeply concerned about this and the
Board was concerned also. It was felt that the City Commission needed to be
made aware of the far-reaching consequences of the recent boundary changes
and given a recommendation for action. Ms. Farace felt that it was important to
address the problem by getting membership on the ABC group, expressing the
community's concerns about economic diversity, and advocating boundaries that
would ease this problem. The Board decided that it would wait to see what the
boundaries were going to be before making a recommendation to the City
Commission. It was also agreed that the Board would need to speak with one
voice to instigate action on the part of the City Commission on behalf of Boynton
Beach's coastal schools.
The Board discussed some of the effects that the recent boundary actions taken
by the School Board would have on Boynton Beach. For example, it was felt that
if the situation were to continue, that Poinciana might follow in the footsteps of
Rolling Green, Forest Park, and Galaxy, and lose its magnet status.
Ms. Fellows was in favor of making an emphatic recommendation to the City
Commission about this serious community issue. She favored involving the
newspapers and suggested that Ms. Sharon Colvecchio had been sympathetic to
the EAB's concerns in the past. She was concerned about people "going around
the system" and putting their children wherever they wanted them to be, in spite
of the agreed-to boundaries that would have alleviated this issue. Chair Agee
said that the Board already had a mandate from the City Commission to do
whatever is best for the Boynton Beach schools.
Ms. Cairo was in favor of bringing this issue up at all the SAC meetings. She also
suggested having an EAB meeting in a place that would invite more
community/family participation such as the Hester Center or St. John's
Missionary Baptist Church. The importance of soliciting family input when going
before the School Board on boundary matters was discussed.
VI. Public Audience
Heart of Boynton Youth Leadership Program - Project Name "The
Mr. Leon Jenkins and Mr. Steve Miller spoke as representatives of the Boynton
Beach Faith Based Community Development Corporation and its subcommittee,
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
The Peacemakers. They distributed a handout that explained the program. The
initiative is aimed at the application of early intervention and prevention
strategies that support family, school safety, reduction of neighborhood violence,
juvenile delinquency, and drug abuse. The group's activities will support the
development of emotional, physical, social, and educational well being for the
participants. The participants will be tracked and monitored throughout their
school lives and will be encouraged to serve as future mentors, tutors, and role
models for the Peacemakers in training. The group will serve youth who meet
four or more of the following criteria:
1) Involvement with local Department of Juvenile Justice
2) Reside in a single parent home and/or live in
3) Experience academic failure
4) Experience poor attendance
5) Have four or more discipline referrals
6) Are poorly motivated
7) Are in grades 3 - 5
a high-crime
The program will serve 40 students and will begin as a Pilot Program at
Poinciana Elementary School. Mr. ]oseph Schneider, Assistant Principal at
Poinciana Elementary School, came to the meeting to demonstrate his school's
support of this effort. Mr. Schneider noted that Mr. Miller had been volunteering
at Poinciana for about a year now and the administration was hoping to expand
upon his efforts and initiate a pilot program at their school. It was hoped that
next year, the program could be taken to all the schools in Boynton Beach. He
felt that the program catered to the "At Risk" students that are now falling
through the cracks - the ones who are not getting the support they need at
Mr. Jenkins advised that the program was in need of $17,000 in order to fund
the program. He asked for the Board's endorsement of the program, believing
that this would help them in their fund raising activities.
Ms. Farace noted that the City already supports the Governor's Mentoring
Initiative and allows City employees to volunteer up to one hour a day. She
suggested that they speak with Mr. Wayne Segal about this. She also thought
that this might be an opportunity for the area businesses since the Chamber's
Education Committee had been disbanded. She suggested that they speak with
Ms. Diana Johnson at the Chamber and possibly make a presentation at one of
the Chambers' regular Board meetings.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
Ms. Farace suggested that this group apply to Octavia Sherrod for a Community
Development Block Grant but Mr. Jenkins advised that "The Peacekeepers' were
a committee within the Community Development Corporation, which was already
a recipient of Block Grant funds.
Ms. Fellows mentioned that her husband had started the On Campus
Intervention Program and that it did similar things but had professional social
workers and was more expensive. The program was approved for twenty
schools but was operational in only two schools due to a loss of funding for the
MSWs. Mr. Jenkins thought that the OCIP program was great but that their
community-based effort might be more effective in dealing with the alienated
parents and students at the home level. Mr. Hiller noted that there had been a
lack of leadership in the African American community and that they were
stepping up to fill that void. Ms. Fellows stated that she did not envision that
"The Peacekeepers" program was in any way contrary to the OCIP program and
would provide the much-needed participation that the coastal schools required.
Chair Agee stated that their effort went hand-in-hand with the Board's priority of
focusing on the needs of the east coast schools. Chair Agee felt that the Board
members would want to read the handout presented by Messrs. Jenkins and
Miller and come back to the next meeting to have a discussion about this
Ms. Fellows moved that the Board take a vote on its stand regarding this
program in preparation for making its position known to the City Commission.
There was no second so the motion died.
The general feeling on the Board was that they wanted to read and digest the
handout about the program first before voting on their position.
Mr. Miller stated that they had a meeting the following week with Commissioner
McCray on this subject. He had also been talking with Dan DeCarlo for the last
year but had not yet seen any funding. They had received 100% support from
Reverend Cheney at St. John's Missionary Baptist Church and believed that they
might receive $10K from this source.
Hr. Jenkins stated that if time were a problem, the handout could be shortened
to include just the Benefits and Concepts portion of the document. Time was
short and they hoped that the Board could give them a vote of support at this
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
Ms. Farace envisioned expressing support for the "The Peacekeepers"" but did
not see this as a request for the City Commission to fund it.
Ms. Fellows moved that the EAB support the Boynton Beach Faith Based
Community Development Corporation in its efforts to have a pilot program at
Poinciana Elementary School modeled alter the concepts presented to the
Education Advisory Board at this meeting. In making this statement of support,
the Board also considered the fact that the Principal of Poinciana Elementary
School sent a representative to the meeting in support of it. The Board believes
that this program supports its priority focus on the coastal schools. Mr. O'Hara
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Messrs. Jenkins and Miller thanked the Board for their motion of support and for
putting them on the Board's very full agenda. Mr. Schneider also thanked the
Board and offered to help the EAB in any way he could.
VII. Priority - East Coast Schools
Chair Agee stated that the boundary situation had really impacted the east coast
schools and that the Board was looking for ways to improve the situation for the
children at these schools: Galaxy, Rolling Green, Forest Park, and Poinciana
Elementary Schools.
The Board discussed with concern the newspaper article dealing with the loss of
the Music program at Galaxy Elementary. Chair Agee expressed her belief that
music, art, math, and creativity go together and she wanted to see the music
program reinstated.
Ms. Lillian Artis, a member of that school's SAC, stated that Galaxy was under
pressure to raise scores on the FCAT test. Since most of the higher-performing
students were taken away and sent to other schools, most of the remaining
students are performing at under third-grade level in reading and FCAT tests
begin in the third grade. The children cannot read very well and they are going
to be tested in science soon. Galaxy has directed the music teacher to provide
extra help and one-on-one instruction to the students with the greatest need.
The music teacher is certified in elementary education and the gifted program
and Galaxy felt that she would be a great help to the Iow-performing students.
Galaxy is considering adding another hour to the school day to give the children
intensive tutoring and were considering using Title ! money to fund this extra
hour. They were also considering the possibility of having intensive tutoring on
Saturdays. They are giving up their parent liaison in an effort to make more
money available for tutoring. The administrators of Galaxy feel that at the
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
moment, the changes they are making are in the best interest of all of their
students. Mr. Schneider stated that the decision to switch the focus of the music
teacher from music to tutoring was a joint decision between the Principal and the
Chair Agee asked what the Board could do to assist Galaxy. Ms. Artis stated that
Galaxy was looking for tutors. The Board discussed the possibility of placing
tables at places like Leisureville at their Board meetings to actively recruit tutors
for Galaxy. Other suggestions were to do the same thing at Quail Run and
Alterra, the assisted living facility. Ms. Artis felt it was important to let the
volunteers know that they would be working with one student at a time. The
Board wanted more information from Galaxy about what the volunteers would be
doing before recruiting them. Ms. Artis thought it would be important to find out
the components of the reading questions in the FCAT tests since the students
needed to raise their reading abilities.
Ms. Farace pointed out that all the schools had asked for volunteers, not just
Galaxy. Each school might have different needs. Ms. Farace stated that the
volunteers would get more information when they actually went to the school in
which they wished to volunteer. She indicated that the Board's consensus in the
past had been to act as liaison between the school and the volunteers - to make
sure that when someone showed up at Galaxy, for example, that someone did
meet with the volunteer, talk with them, and use them. The Board thought it
would be a good idea to take the Volunteer Coordinators from the various
schools with them when they went out to recruit tutors.
The Board did not feel that it was ready to make a motion about this but realized
that it had to be accomplished as soon as possible. A subcommittee was set up
to consider this between now and December 5. The subcommittee is comprised
of Rae Fellows, Joan Pleasants, Lilian Artis, and Jean Cairo. Chair Agee asked
the subcommittee to notify the City Clerk's office of the date and time of their
meeting so it could be noticed 24 hours in advance.
VIII. Other Priorities
Chair Agee stated that they had already discussed volunteering, mentoring,
boundaries, and the east coast schools.
IX. Principal for a Day Proqram
Chair Agee brought two newspaper articles generated by Delray Beach for this
activity. Ms. Pleasants noted that they had Principal for a Day at Spady
Elementary School and Office Depot gave a large sum of money to their chorus.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
B.l's is supporting Galaxy Elementary. The Board recognized that it was too late
for this year but discussed having the event in 2003 on the same date as that of
Delray Beach to maximize publicity. The Board decided that even though the
Chamber had disbanded the Education Committee, they could still approach
individual businesses for support. Ms. Cairo felt that it was a big project and that
if the Board committed to it, they would probably need a lot of help such as
photographers, video people, and business partnerships. Coordination with the
Advisory Board on Children & Youth was suggested as a possibility. They were
having an Awards meeting on December 12, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall
Chambers. Chair Agee suggested that the EAB should get on their agenda to
discuss this item and solicit their cooperation. Ms. Farace thought the Board
should get on their agenda to ask for help with volunteering and mentoring.
Dr. Bell stated that he had gone to the Community Relations Board meeting and
identified himself, telling them of his intention to maintain contact between the
EAB and the CRB. He suggested that the Senior Advisory Board might be
another Board that could help with volunteering and mentoring. Their next
meeting will be on ~lanuary 6, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. at the Senior Center and Ms.
Fellows volunteered to attend.
X. Newsletter
Chair Agee thanked Randy O'Hara for his hard work in getting the newsletter
out. The SAC meeting time for CrossPointe is 6:00 p.m. and not 7:00 p.m. and
Chair Agee will issue an errata statement about it. Chair Agee suggested that
having a quarterly newsletter might be more manageable. After some discussion
and tentative motions, the Board came to the following motion.
Ms. Latour moved that the Board would issue a newsletter as needed but not
less than quarterly. Ms. Cairo seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
X:[. SAC Reports
SAC Reports were submitted in writing for Citrus Cove Elementary School and
Galaxy Elementary School.
X:[:[. Five Star Award and its Relationship to Board Members
Ms. Latour reported on her attendance at a Five-Star Award workshop, and
distributed copies of handouts. The School District Area Volunteer Coordinator
asked why Citrus Cove and Forest Park had signed business partnering
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 7, 2002
agreements and other City entities had not. Ms. Farace stated that the answer
was simple - they were never asked to sign them. One issue was that the Five
Star Award sponsors would call the Education Advisory Board a business, for
example. Chair Agee asked Ms. Latour to call the Five Star Award representative
and advise them that this Board looks upon themselves as individual community
members and not as a business. They were willing to sign agreements as
individual community members but could not sign for the City.
XII. New Business
Chair Agee commended the Board members for their passion and commitment
and expressed appreciation for the full attendance at this and all meetings.
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)