ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2002 AT 10:00 A.M.
Tom Balfe, Chairman
Mark Bobich
Bill Coup
Dominic DeMauro
Eric Falstad
Glenda Hall (arrived at 10:25)
Brenda LeVant
Barbara Madden, Secretary
Chuck Magazine
Glendon Morgan
Mike Rumpf
Tim Valentine
Golf Course
Public Works
City Clerk
Risk Management
Info. Tech. Services
John Bebensee, Vice Chair
Dorothy Mack
Barbara Scott
Carisse Weise
Human Resources
City Manager
I. Call to Order
Chairman Balfe called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
II1. Acceptance of Minutes November 18, 2002 Regular Meeting
Mr. Falstad stated that on Page 3 in the first paragraph, last sentence, the words
"safety eyewear" should be changed to "safety glasses."
Mr. Magazine moved to accept the minutes, as amended. Motion seconded by
Mr. Coup and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
December 9, 2002
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Captain Valentine reported that theme would be no fire drills until the new safety
consultant came onboard. He did speak to the Fire and Life Safety Division and
they did not think that conducting the drills would be a problem, but the
department heads would have to cooperate in getting them set up. Mr. Magazine
announced that the safety consultant would be starting in January and suggested
that fire drills be tabled until the new safety consultant is onboard. Captain
Valentine requested that the issue be discussed with Chief Gale.
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (Magazine)
Mr. Magazine stated that he would have the yearly figures available at the next
D. Defensive Driver Course (Magazine)
Classes will begin in January and a schedule will be available at that time.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals (Magazine)
F. Wellness Program (Magazine)
Mr. Magazine said that he would be meeting with the consortium of
approximately 13 cities that are establishing a wellness program to determine
what they would be offering. If the program is worthwhile, the City will, in all
probably, join in.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
December 9, 2002
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
As a follow up to last month's meeting regarding safety goggles versus safety
glasses, Mr. Bobich reviewed the APM. He has identified certain positions where
there should be a change to require the wearing of safety goggles instead of
safety glasses while performing grinding and cutting. Mr. Magazine noted that
those positions will be upgraded from eye 1 (safety glasses with side shields) to
eye 2 (splash resistant goggles) as follows:
i. Fleet Painting and Body- sanding and grinding
ii. Maintenance Mechanic- grinding and cutting
iii. Special Equipment Mechanic- cutting and grinding
iv. Trades- cuffing and grinding
v. Utilities- cutting, grinding & sanding
vi. Wastewater- cuffing, grinding & sanding
vii. Water Basic - cutting, grinding & sanding
Mr. DeMauro will bring samples of various safety goggles to the next meeting for
the Safety Committee to determine which ones the Warehouse should stock. He
pointed out that many departments have been ordering their own equipment
without going through the warehouse. The goggles chosen by the Safety
Committee will be the only ones that should be purchased.
Mr. Bobich inquired if it would be possible to purchase safety goggles that are
anti-fog coated. It was mentioned that there are sprays on the market for this
purpose, but Mr. Magazine noted that these sprays might not be approved by
ANSI. Mr. DeMauro will determine if there are anti-fog goggles that would also
be available.
Captain Valentine stated that he felt it should be mandatory that all fire personnel
wear safety glasses because eye incidences have increased, especially blood
borne pathogen incidences. Mr. Magazine noted that currently there are no eye
protection requirements for EMS employees in the PPE. Captain Valentine
explained the type of eye protection that he had in mind, and Mr. Magazine
suggested that all fire personnel should be required to wear some type of splash
resistant goggles. When Mr. DeMaruo brings samples of goggles to the next
meeting, a different type will be selected for fire personnel, as long they are ANSI
approved. Mr. Magazine suggested that when the changes are made to the
PPE, he would also include splash resistant goggles for fire personnel, even if
they are a different type.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
December 9, 2002
Mr. Magazine moved to add the eight changes that have been identified in the
PPE. Motion seconded by Mr. Bobich.
Chairman Balfe inquired how other departments could be prevented from going
out and buying their own safety goggles. Mr. DeMauro stated that once the
warehouse carries approved goggles, if a department purchases their own
goggles, they would not be reimbursed by Finance. Also, Mr. DeMauro noted that
anything they stock has already been approved by Risk Management and if a
department purchases an item from a magazine that is not approved, the
supervisor could be held responsible if something happens to any of his
Mr. Magazine will speak with Chief Bingham regarding the wearing of safety
goggles once they have been selected.
The motion unanimously carried.
B. Other
Mr. Magazine noted that Paul Viollis will be conducting two sessions of
Preventing Violence in the Workplace on Tuesday, December 10th. This is
mandatory for all supervisors. The first session will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the
afternoon session starts at 1:00 p.m.
VII. Announcements
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, January 13, 2003 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(December 9, 2002)