ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 AT 10:00 A.M.
Carisse Weise, Chairperson
Tom Balfe, Vice Chair
John Bebensee
Bill Coup
Tom McCabe (arrived at 10:40 p.m.)
Dorothy Mack
Barbara Madden, Secretary
Chuck Magazine
Mike Rumpf
Tim Valentine
City Manager
Public Works/Parks
Police/Code Compliance
City Clerk
Risk Management
Phyllis Dixon
Eric Falstad
Gary Ezzell
Sharon Tierney
Rodney Vickey
Golf Course
Utilities Admin/EWTP
I. Call to Order
Chairperson Weise called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
Chairperson Weise reported that Communications and Finance had excused
absences and that Glendon Morgan would be replacing Sharon Tierney from
III. Acceptance of Minutes of August 19, 2002 Regular Meeting
Bill Coup moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Bebensee
and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2002
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Chairperson Weise reminded members that the Ergonomics Program is available
and any Department that would like to have the Program presented should
contact Mr. Magazine.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Captain Valentine presented an email response that he received from Deputy
Fire Chief Gale regarding fire drills at City facilities. Deputy Fire Chief Gale stated
that there have been no fire drills conducted at City facilities for a long time and
that the Fire Code does not require them. If the Safety Committee would like to
have Fire Drills, it would require a commitment of the Department Heads to
cooperate with the Fire Department for the use of time and personnel. The email
was presented to the Secretary for inclusion with the minutes.
Mr. Magazine pointed out that Fire Drills had been scheduled in the past, but
were discontinued. He said that approval of the Department Heads was not
necessary and if any Safety Coordinator wanted to conduct a Fire Drill they could
do so. However, it would be prudent to have someone from the Fire Marshal's
Office present to do the evaluation.
Mr. Magazine pointed out that in October the new Safety Consultant would be
coming onboard and could work with the Safety Coordinators to arrange for Fire
Drills. Mr. Magazine suggested not scheduling any Fire Drills until the Consultant
begins work.
Chairperson Weise moved to table Fire Drills until the new Safety Consultant
comes onboard. Motion duly seconded and unanimously carried.
VI. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
A. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (Magazine)
Not available
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2002
B. Defensive Driver Course (Magazine)
Anyone needing to take the course should contact Risk Management to schedule
an appointment.
Vice Chair Balfe inquired about the motor vehicle checks. Mr. Magazine
responded that he received them and they should be going out this week.
C. Incident Review Board Referrals (Magazine)
D. Wellness Program (Magazine)
Mr. Magazine reported that the Program should begin by the end of the year.
E. Departmental Safety Standard Operational Procedures (Weise)
Chairperson Weise reported that there was a good turnout by Departments that
submitted their own Safety Standard Operational Procedures. If there are any
other Departments that wish to turn in their Operational Procedures, they should
be turned in to Vice Chair Balfe. All Departments that have submitted their own
Departmental Safety Procedures should attach them to the City's Safety Manual.
Chairperson Weise reported that the new Safety Consultant would be reviewing
each Department's Safety Procedures.
Chairperson Weise thanked all the members for submitting their Departmental
Procedures and commended everyone on a job well done. Procedures prepared
by Risk Management, ITS and Public Affairs were distributed.
F. City Hall Evacuation Notification System (Weise)
Copies of the Fire and Emergency Evacuation Guidelines for all non-City Hall
facilities were distributed. The Guidelines are in the process of being approved.
Chairperson Weise commended John Bebensee and his staff for putting together
evacuation procedures for all the City's recreation facilities.
Chairperson Weise reported that the Evacuation Notification System internal
ringdown system is now in effect. The next step is coordinating with the
Communications Department and Mr. Northrup, together with the Fire and Police
Departments to arrange for an actual drill.
With regard to the City's emergency radio station, Chairperson Weise distributed
a list of the purposes and persons who are authorized to use the radio station for
distribution to Department Heads.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Be=ch, FL
September 9, 2002
She thanked everyone for having a great year and noted that a lot has been
accomplished. Assistant City Manager Dale Sugerman that the Committee
accomplished a great deal. Chairperson Weise reported that during her tenure as
Chairperson there were three APM's that were approved and signed off by the
City Manager's Office.
VII. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues-Security Procedures Documentation
Mr. Mike Rumpf, while in the process of preparing his Departmental Safety
Procedures, had some security issues as well, and asked if there was anything in
writing on security in the workplace?
Chairperson Weise said that she contacted Chief Gage to determine if he had
anything in writing, but he has not gotten back to her. She will follow this up. Mr.
Rumpf raised some very good issues regarding safety within the office.
Chairperson Weise asked if the Committee wanted to address security within
each Department as part of the safety procedures. Mr. Coup said that safety
issues have been discussed at the Library because of its vulnerability.
Mr. Magazine responded that it has been suggested that Paul Viclc Viollis be
invited back to the City to offer his violence in the workplace training. Mr. Vic, lc,
Viollis has now expanded his violence in the workplace training to include
security in the workplace. Mr. Magazine will report back to the Committee when
Mr. Viola Viollis would be available.
B. Other:
1. Tom Balfe, New Safety Committee Chairperson
Chairperson Weise announced that as of the October meeting, Tom Baife would
be the new Chair of the Safety Committee. The nominating committee met and
their recommendation for Vice Chair for the upcoming fiscal year is John
Bebensee from the Recreation Department.
Chairperson Weise opened the floor for other nominations. There were no other
Mr. Magazine moved that nominations be closed. Motion seconded by Ms. Mack
and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2002
John Bebensee was unanimously voted Vice Chair.
Chairperson Weise said that she would continue to participate on the Safety
2. Seatbelt Usage
Mr. Magazine noted that there is an issue in one Department regarding due
process. The issue involves an employee who was seen not wearing a seatbelt.
If a staff member from Risk Management or a Department Head or Supervisor
sees an employee not wearing a seatbelt, this person's word should be sufficient
and the person not wearing the seatbelt should be disciplined. Any employee
found not wearing their seatbelt will be disciplined.
3. City Barbeque Grills
Mr. Magazine reported that he received a notice from incoming Chair Balfe
regarding complaints from people using grills at Park facilities. Mr. Balfe
contacted the company that provided the City with the grills and received verbal
confirmation that the grills are safe. Mr. Balfe requested this in writing. Mr.
Magazine commended Mr. Balfe for going the extra mile to determine this.
4. Wheelchair Availability at the Beach
Mr. Bebensee noted that there are wheelchairs available at the Beach for
handicapped people to get down to the Beach. Recently a staff member assisted
lifting a beachgoer in and out of the wheelchair and one of the lifeguards thought
this might be a liability in case the person was accidentally dropped. Mr.
Bebensee inquired if staff should be assisting people getting into wheelchairs?
Mr. Magazine stated that people have to provide their own health care providers.
The City staff does not provide this service.
Mr. Bebensee pointed out that they have certified EMT's and first responders
who are trained in lifting people. Mr. Magazine said that from a risk management
standpoint, he would prefer that this practice not be permitted.
Mr. Magazine suggested preparing some type of informational brochure that
would state that the wheelchairs are provided as a service. The City does not
provide any type of lifting or pushing. Chairperson Weise requested that this be
referred to the City Attorney to determine if the City is also responsible for placing
the person in the wheelchair. Mr. Magazine said he will refer the informational
brochure to the City Attorney after Mr. Bebensee prepares it.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
September 9, 2002
Mr. Bebensee presented lightning posters to Committee Members to place in
their departments.
Chairperson Weise announced that on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at
Veterans Park, the City will be holding a tribute to 9-11. The City's Police and
Firefighters will be performing color guard services and Rev. Chaney will be
speaking. A retired member from the New York Fire Department will also be
speaking. Everyone is encouraged to attend, but please check with your
supervisor first for approval.
Mr. Coup announced that the Library would be showing the HBO video on 9-11
three times that day. HBO donated the video to museums and libraries
u hout the Country Chairperson Weise requested that Mr. Coup email her
thro g · st
the times of the showing. Mr. Coup announced that after October 1 , the video
would be available for checkout.
Captain Valentine announced that he would be attending a seminar at the Airport
Hilton on September 11th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be speakers
coming from Miami and Ground Zero. Chairperson Weise inquired if the seminar
was open to the public and Captain Valentine will check on this. The seminar is
being presented by Palm Beach County Fire Rescue.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, October 14, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further
business, the meeting
properly adjourned
at 10:50
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(September 23, 2002 )