Minutes 06-26-26SPECIAL ~ETING 0~' JUNE 261~h, 1926.
A Special Meeting of the Board .of Commission, rs of
the Town of Doynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall
,of the Town of Boynton, Florida on Saturday afternoon,
JUne 2¢th,. 1926, at 2:00 o'clock p. M.
R. O. ~Y~rs, Mayor
Harry Benson. Viee-~ayor
E. L, Winchester, Arlerk'
The.above constituting the entire Board of Commissioners
~f the Town of Boynton, Florida;
Commissioner Harry Benson moved the adoption of the
ng resolution:
WHEREAS, the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton,
,Llm Beach Oou~:~ty, ~lorida, did, on the 7th day of January.
;D. 1925, at a reg~lar meeting of such eommission, pass
adopt a resolution providing for the establishing,
ring, extending, widening, grading, clearing, pavi~g,
and repairing of Australian Boulevard from the north
ne of Lake Street to the'North line of Lot 159 and 1~4 i~
Par~ in said town, and which said resolution was'as
llows; to-wit:
~hereas, the Town Co,mmlssiom Of of
deems it necessary and .$ , the
of the public health and safety of the inhabitants of the
Town, and the general Welfare thereof, that the street or
publie ways named in this resolution be established, altered,
extended,widened, graded, cleared,, paved, oiled and repaired
for the locatiOn and distances hereinafter more particularly
described in?accordance with the grade of such materials add
in accordance with the plans and specifications as herein-
after designated in this resolution.
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Town 0ommission of the
Town of Boynton, Florida, that,this Oo~misSion does hereby
decide to establish, alter, extend, widen, 'grade, clear, pave,
oil and repair the streets or Public .ways within the Town of
Boynton, Florida, described and located as follows:
Australian Boulevard: From the North Line of Lake Street,
to the No~th Line of' Lot 159, and 1~4, Ard~n-,~Park, a distance
~,more or less.
Be 'It Further Resolved that the following shall state
a general way what is to~ be done, the limits within which
work shall be done, the material to be used, the grade
be established, .the fi 1 to be made and the width of ~ea~d
The grade shall be as. shown ~n the plans and profiles
the office of' the Town Olerl~ of the Town of'Boynton, Florida
improvements shall be twenty-lo.ur (24)
pavement in the c. enter of said streets.
feet surface treat-
Before the work
be oonsidere& complete, all rubbage and unused materials
or connected with the eor~, shall be removed and the
~ ·
le~t in a~0ondition satis£actory to the.
T own. I . o r pub 1
]~rope~ty disturbed or damaged shall be rsstore~ to their
former condition or to the satisfaction of their owners.
They shall be graded and prepared a smooth and uniform read
bed.true to li~e and graA~ as furnishe~ by the Town Engineer,
which shall conform to the said plans and specifications o.n
file as aforesaid, Whenever embankments are necessary, they
ahalt be formed of successive layers of not more than twelve
112") i~lehes 'in thick,ess. Suck layers to be thoroughly corn-
pace by some approved method. Ail trees, stumps and roots
wit'hin the road-5e~ shall be grubbed up and removed as the
E~gineer may direct. Broken stone for rock paving' shall eon-
sist o.f angular fragments of stone of uniform quality through-
out, free from thin or elongated pieces, soft or disintegrated
Stone, dirt or other obJectional matter. The broken Stone
shall~ot o. ont~n excessive fine material nor shall it
rain amy stone6 Which more than four 4(") inches in their
longest dimension. The broken stone shall be spread upon
the subgrade in a uniformly loose layer of eight (8") inches
-in'tkic'k~ess-and in such a manner that 8egra~ation of sizes
"is prevented and so that uniform 'compaction ~ be secured.
The aggregate shall be dry rol~ed with a power ~irven roller,
w&ighing not less than five (5) tons. After the rook ~kas
been spread and rolled in the manner specified, the same
.ehall be scarified,, shaped, watered, re-rolled and finishe~,
the process until a grout of stone dust has been
which, with th® water, shall fill all the voids of
an.~ shall form a wave below the wheel of t let.
After the aggregale has been rolle~ the pavement shall be
swept olean of all loose ~aterial and ~reated with an
apPlication of hot asphalt cement, uniformly applied at the
rate of one-half to three-fourths gallons .per Square yard
as directed by the engineer. After application of asphalt
oement mad if praotioable, while it is~still warm. ~ry gine
a~ee~te shall be sprea~ over the surface to prevent as-
phalt oement from coming through, but the spreading shall
not be heavier than a sufficient amount to take up the as-
.phalt cement, wl~h a slight excess of fine aggregate. That
the work and t~provements to be undertaken in pursuance
of this resolution, shall be all done aa more particularly
· spedifted, in certain plans and specifications and profiles
now on file in the office of-the Town Slerk Sf Boynton,
Florida; and
Be It Further Resolved that, the Owners of any lot or
parcel of land abutting on said street within said limits
are hereby ordered, dlreoted and required to so establish,
alter, extend, widen, grade, clear, pave, ~tl and repair
said street within thrlty{301 ~laya from the adoption of this
resolution; said work and improvements to be ~came~eed
within said time and to be completed in less than {90) days
from the adoption of this resolution; and
Be It Further Resolved. that if the Owner o r owners
of an~ lot or parcel of land abutting on said street with-
in laid limits shall fail or refuse to commence the 'said
improvements within the time prelcribe~ herein, to'-wit;.
2hirty, (30) days from the date of the adoption of this
solution, the ~oWn CommiSSion o
ride, Shal! ca , .... - f the 2own of
-. tlS_ =a~a WOrk tO -- 0~"~0~, ~IO-
-~se, and said Co~tsslon may In ~ltsd°ne by ~ontraot or other.
flor ~Y ~ra-- discretion enter into
t~, or Pavln~ or o/l/n- ' e ~n~, fll!ln~, elea~n~,
and not let t~e S~e und~er s~oh labor as ~y be
best Serve.the "lntereet~ of the Publlc. ~hen such wo~
been completed, the said Co~leSlon ~Y Pay the e~ense
the S~e out of any f~ds belonging to the ~own, or
pay for t~e s~e with certificates.of lndebteaness' ~he
C°~lSelon may assess ~he e~enee of such Work on the pro-
benefitted by the improvement, or apon the abutting
~ In PrOportion to the frontage,, or t'he
pay any Portion of the e~ense thereof fro~ and
to the ~own, and assess the re~a~der of said
ageing, the P~Operty benefitted thereby, or against
aba~tl~ property In proportion to the frontage.
on a corner may.be assessed for its PrOportio~ge Share
the l~rovement l~ the
crossing or Stree~ adjacent to
o ornl ~.
~hereas, the said CommiSSion
of the ~own Oommiss/on
, A D ,~5, Pssi
a~'- Sach regular
a resol i~a
declaring the necessity an~-advisability and providing
for ~the establishing, altering, extending, widening, grading,
clearing, paving, oiling ~nd repairing of certain 8treeto
or public ways within the said Town of Boynton,to-wit: ..
Whepard Streed from the west line of Railroad Avenue
to the West line of Lot 11 and 30. Arden Park; and also
Ylang Street from the west line of Railroad Avenue to
the West line of Lot 35 and 36. Arden Park; amt. also
Raymond Street fr~n the west. line of Railroad Avenue
to the west line. of Lot 40. and 68. Arden Park and also
Leone Street from the West line of ~ailroad Avenue to
the west line of Lot 7Z and 78; Ar~e2?2ark; and also
Maple Street from the west line of Railroad.Avenue to _
the west line of Lot 114 and 84, Arden Park; and also
Orange Street frmm the_ west line of Railroad Avenue
to the west line of Lot 17~ and lot 129. Arden Park;
and which said resolution is as f$11ows, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the Town Commission of the Town of Boyntc~,
Florida, deems it necessary and advisable for the preser-
vation of the public health and safety of the inhabitants
of the Town, and the general welfare thereof, that the street
or public ways named in this resolution be established,
altered, ex~ended, widened, graded, cleared,~paved, oiled
and repaired for the location and distances hereinafter more
Particularly d~cfibed, in accordance with the grade of such
materials and in accordance with t~e plans And spe
as hereinafter designated in this resolution.
Therefore. Be It resolved by the Town Commission. of
~-ue 'Town of Boynton. Florida. that this Commission does here-
alt. er. extend, widen, grad'e, clear.
pabe. oil and repair the streets or p~blio ways within the
Town of Boynton. FlorXda. described and located as f~llows.:
SHEPARD STREET: From West Line of Railrao~ Avenue to
West Line of Lot 1.1. and 30. Arden Park. addistancs of 485.9'
more or less.
YL~NG STI~EET: From West Line of Railroad Avenue to
We~t Line of Lot 35 and Z6, Arden Park, a distance of 540.15'
~ore or 1eSSo
P~YM0I~D STREET: 'From West Line of Ral~ad Ay, nme to
West Line of Lot 40. and 68. A~den Park. a distance of 648.7''
more or less.
LE~0~E STP~EET: From West Line of Rail~ad Avenue to
West Line of Lot 73 and 78. Arden Park. a distance of 67?'
more or 'l ess.
MAPLE STREET: From West Line of Railroad Avenue to
West Line of Lot 114 and 84. Arden Park. a distance of 70Z.0'
more or less.
ORANGE STREET: From West Line of Railraod Avenue to
West Line of Lot 121. 28. and 26. Arden Park. a distance of
?~4.8'. more or less.
SPP:UOE STREET: FrOm West Line ~f Railroad Avenue to
West ~ine of Lot 172 amd Lot 129. Arden Park. a dj,tahoe
of 1154.9' 'more or less.
~Be It Further Resolved that
is be
the fo!lowing ,hall
t he L~
· sal~i' work shall be done, the material to be USed, the grade
to be established, the fill to be made and the width of
said pavl~g; The grade Shall be as Shown on the Plans and
p'roflles, in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of ~oyn-
toh, Florida, said improvements ~hall be Si~een [1~,) feet.
~Urfaoe ~reatmen~ Pavement ia the center of ~id 8~reet8.
Before the WOrk Shall be oO~idered cOmplete, all rubbage
~d ~aaed~ ~terials due to or co--cOted with the work,
°~ll be removed ~d the Premises left ina COndition antis_
factory to the ~ow~ Engineer and tho 2own. All Sidewalks,
Pavi~g or Other Public or Private property disturbed or
da~ed Shall be restored to their former oonditlon
the sat~sfaotion of thelp or to
. ',-~O~er8. ~kere Shall
~d ~epered a amos h ~_~ be graded
- ~_ ~ t~ ..~ ~lfor~ road bed tr~
a~a~e as furnished by the ~ - e to lxae and
to the said ~ o~ ~i~eer, which shall os
pla~ ' nform'
and ape c ~ float i o~s o~ fi
~h~neVer e~Ba~eate a-- -- le as aforesaid.
-~ necessary,, the
mucessiye layers of n--' ~ Y Shall be for~ed of
' ~ more th~ ~ve~.
aPProvsd ~ethod. Ail ~reee, St~ps and roots within the
rOAd bed S~ll' be grabbed ap and removed aa the Engineer
may direct. Broken Stone for rock pav~ng Shall consist[ of
~ee from this or elongated Pieces, soqualityft
Stone' dirt or ot~r obJeetio~l matter,or dieintegrat~
~he broken stone
~ne~st~aesc°n~alnwhiehexcessiVere ~erefine ~ter~a! nor Shall' It , '
longest di~nsion. Tbs broken stone shall then be spread.
'upon the sUbgrade in a uniformly loose layer of eight (8~)
inches in thickness and in such a ~anner tho segregation of
sizes is prevented and so. that uniform compaction may be
secured. Tke aggregate shall be dry rolled with a power
driven .roller, w~ighing not less.than five (§) tons. After
the rock has been spread and rolled in the manner specified,
the same shall be scarified, shaped, watered, re-rolled and
finished, continuing the process until a grout of stone dUet
has been formed, which, with the water, shall fill all the
voids of the rock and shall form a wave below the wheel of
the roller. After the a~rdgate has been rolled ~he pave-
ment shall be swept clean of all loose material and treated
with an application of hot asphalt cement, unif~rily applied
at the rate of one-half to three-fourths gallons per square
yard as directed by the engineer. After application of
asphalt cement and if practicable,' while it is still warm,
dry fine aggregate shall be .spread over the surface to pre-
vent asphalt cement from coming through, but the spreading
shall not be heavier than a ·sufficient amount to take up
the asphalt cement, with a slight excess of fine aggregate,
That the work and 'improvements t.o be undertaken in pursu-
ance of this reso'lution, shall be all.done as more parti-
,cularly specified in certain plans and 'specifications and
profiles now on file in the office of the Town Clerk df
Boynton, Florida; and ,~.
Be It Further Resolved that the owners of any lot or
parcel of land abutting en said street within said"Ii~ite-
are hereby.orders, directed and required to 80 establish,
~n said time and to be completed in less than
the adeptionof this resolutiOn;and
Be It Further F. eSolved, that if the OWner
alter, extend,-Widen, grade,
Clear, ltave, oil and repair
said Stree With~ thirty (~0)
days fr Gm the adopt ion
, of this
resolution. 'eai~ Work and improvements to be commenced with.
under a foremah or Other agency, employing such labor as
may be necessary,, and not let the same under contract, as
may in its option best Serve the interests of thepub!ic.
~he~ such work. has been COmpleted , .the said ~omm~sslon
may pay the eXpense of the ~ame out of an~ funds belong_
lng to the ~own, or It may pay ~or the Same with certifi_
cares of indebtedness, ~he 0ore-lesion may assess the ex-
pense of Such work on the proPerty benefitted by the im-
Provement, or upon the abattlng Property tn proportion
the frontage,
(~0) days .-~"z'om
or owners
8aid°f anYlot orshallP~r~elfailOf land abutting on said Street within
limits or refuse to commence the said
Prove~Mnts wlthl~ the time prescribed herein, .to-wit:
~hlrty (Z0) days fram .the date_ of the adoption of this re-
Solution, the ~ow23 Commas'sion of the ~own of ]synton, Flo-
rida, Shall. cause said work to be done by contract or
· otherwise, and. Said CommiSSion may tn its discretion enter
in O-Separate contracts for any grading,
fi lllng, Clearing,
°leaning, or Paving or oiling or for an2 portion of either;
or the said
CommiSSion may, in its discretion, perform all
or any portion of ar~ public work Under .its SUpervision,
assess the remainder of said expense against the property
benefitted thereby, or against the abutting property in
proportion to~ the frontage. Any lot on a corner may be
assessed for its proportions share 'of the improvement
in the crossing or street adjacent to the corner.
W~REAS, at said regular .mee~g of the Town 0o~nission
of the Town of Boynton, Pal~ Beach CaUnty, Florida, so held
on the 7th day of January, A. D. 19~5, the Said Town Co~is-
sion of the Town of Boynton did pass and adopt a resolution
declaring the n cessity and advisability a~d providing for
the building, oonstr~t:~n and improvement of sidewalks,
curbs and gutters, on the west side of Australian Boulevard
from the north line of ~e Street to the north line of
159, 'Arden Park; and also on the east side of Australian ~
BOulevard from the north line of ~ake Street to the north
.line of Lot 154, Arden Park; and whichsaid resolution so
passed and adopted was as follows, to-wit:
~EitEAS, The. Town Co~mission of the Town of Boynton,
Florida, deems it necessary and advisable for the A~eeser-
vati°n of the public health and saftey of the inhabitants
of the Town, and the general welfare thereof, t~ht si~e-
walks, curbs and gutters be constructed on that certain
street within Said Town for the location and distance here-
inafter more particularly described, ?in accordance with the
grade of such materials and in accordance with the plans
hereiaafter desi t
Therefore Be It Resolved by the Town Con,nissio~' of the
Town of ~oynton, Florida, that ~his Commission does 'hereby
decide to construct sidewl~s, curbs ~n~ gutters on the
~tree~ or public way in sai~ Town desc~[~e~ ~n~ looated
fo 11 owe:
· - The West'~s[de of Australian Boulev~d from the No~h
~ne of ~e Street to the North ~ne of ~ot 159, ~rden
a d~sta~ee o~ ~8.07' more or less.
The East side of Autralain Boulevard ~m the North
~i~e of Lake Strest to the ~orth Line off ~t 1E~, Arden '
~ark, s distance of ~4~8.07' more or ~ees, ~
Be It Further ~eeol~ed ~hat the follow[~ shal'l state
in a ~e-eral way the work to be do~e, the limits'
which said work sh~ll be ~o~e, materials to ~e used, ~ade
t'o be established fill to be ~de and the width of the
Pro~ement: The ~ade sh~!l be ae shown on ~lans, spec~-
fi~tions and proffiles on f~le ~n the office of the ~n
Clerk of Bo~ton, Florida: e~id impro~ements shall be
~ire foot sidewls~, curb ~d ~utter ~omb~ne~; the cement
shall meet the requirements of the Standsrd
for ~ortl~d 0ement of the ~eric~ Seoiety for
~ster~t~; coarse a~r.egate shall cons[et of insert material
~raded in size, such as crushed-stone or ~ravel, which is
retai~ed o~ screen ha~ln~ one-quarter (~) inoh daystar
holes, shall be clean, ~ard, durable ~d ~ee from all ~e-
leterious matter; the e~b~rade shall not Be leesth~ four
~ehee below shed ce off the lk; all
spongy places bhall be removed an a~l depressions, filled with
suitable materi.~A, which shall Be thoroughly compacted f~&d-
ing and tamping in layers not exceeding (6) inches in thick
ness; when a fill exceeding one (1)foot in thickness is re-
· quired to bring the walk to grade, it shall be made in a
manner satisfactory to the Town Engineer; the top of ali
fills shall extend beyond the walk on each side at least one
foot. and the side shall have a slope of not less than one
and one-half to ~ne~'(l~;1) when required a suitable drain-
age system shall be installed and connected with sewer and
otb r &rains indicated by the Town Engineer; in every thirt
(30) lineal feet Bf walk at least a one-ball (~1 inch ex-
pansion Joint shall be provided; when the work has become
sufficiently hard, this parting stTip shall be remove[ and
the Joint filled with suitable material prior to opening
the walk to traffic; a~l sidewalks or paving or other public
or private property disturbed or damaged shall be restored
to their former condition or the ~atisfaction of their owners
before the work sha~l be co'nsidered complete; all rubba~
and unused materials due to or connecte, d 'with the work shall
be removed and the premises left in a condition satisfactory
to the Town B~gineer; that the work and improvement un,'er-
taken in pursuance of this resolution shall ~all be done as
more particularly specified in oert&in plans, specifications
sad profiles now on fiAe in the off~oe of the Town Clerk; and.
Be It Further Resolved that the owner or owners of any
let or parcel of la~d abutting on said.streets, within
~erdere. directed and required to sc
,trust sidewalks and curbs~..provlded. for in this ~esolu.
rich, within_.....___.days
from the adoption of this-resolution;
auld Work and imP~ovements t° be CO--shoed within ~id tl~e
~d to be c~pleted ~n not less tha~days ~om the
adoption hereof; ~d,..
Be It FU~her ~eeolved that
if the owner or
owners of
any lot or Parcel .of land abuttin~ ~n said Streets within
Siad limits, Shall fail or re'use to
commence Said improve_
manta within the t~me prOVided herein, to.wlt:.__~._.days .
from the date Of adoption of this resolution, the
Commissie~ =f the ~own off ~O~ton, Florida, eh~l cau~ ea~d
ma~w°rklnt°itsbe 'd~e ~Y.,:O~raet or othe~lse, ~d Said
d~scret~Perff°rm~der all or ~y portion of any
~SaSupervieion, under a fore~n or other
agency, employing Such labor as may be ~cessary ~d not let
the ~e U~er con~ract as may, in its opinion, best serve
the in~ere,t of the PUblic. ~hen seth work has been
plete~ ~e~?aaid CO--lesion. ~y pay all e~enses of the S~e
out of a~ f~ds belonging to the Town, or it ma2 pay for
the $~e With certificates of indebtedness. ~he
m~ assess the e~ense of Such work on the property bene-
fitted b2 th improvement, or upon the abutti~ property,
In proportion to the frontal,
or the ~isslgn ~y Pay
a~ portion of the e~ense thereof from any f~ds belongi~
~o the 2o~ ~d ~Sess the re--in, er of said e~ense agal~t
the property benefitted thereby, or aga~t the abutt~
Property, in proporti~n to the a
WHEREA.~, such resolutions so passed and adopted as afore-
'said were erron®ousl[ omitted' from, and the Town Clerk
of the said Town off Boynton, at the time' o'f the said
meeting so held on the ?th day of ~anuary, .1925, did fail
and neglect to incorporate such resolution~ and the passage
and adopt~z~ thereof in the minutes of said meeting of the
Town-5ommis8ion of the said Town of Boynton so held on
the ?th day of January, A.D. 1925. And.
WHEREAS, such resolutlone and evidence of their passage
and adoption, at the meeting aforesaid do appear in other
~ecords and files of th~' said Town of Boynton, An~.
WHEREAS, b y reason of the OmiBSi'On of ~uch resoluticeas
and the minutes ehowin£ their adoption fr~m the minutes
to the Town Commissioners meeting of the Town of Boynton
B0 hell on the ?th day of January, A.D. 1925, such minutes
in that respect d.o not correctly shwo the proceedings had
by the Town Commission in its said meeting so held onthe
day of J~nuary, 19~5.
NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Commission
the Town oY Boynt~n, Pa~n Beach County,. Florida that the
eve and foi-egoing resolutions were regularly passed a~
)ted by the Tow~ CommiSsion of the Town of Boynton, in
2als Beach County, Florida, .at a regular, meeting of such
~mmis~ion ~d on the 7th day of January, A.D· 1925; an~
that such. resolutions aforesaid be, and they hereby ar~
declared to have been passed a~opted at such
meet lnw of the Town 0ommission of the Town of Boynton 8o
held,, on the 7th day of January, 1928.
BE IT FUi~THEi~ RE$OLFED t~t the m~nute8 of t~
~f the To~ off ~oynton, throush the failure to incorporate
such reeolutto:~ ~d notatio~ or minutes of their Pass
~d adoption ~n the m~nute8 of the meetin~ o~ the Said
~o~lasi~ of the ~o~ of BO~to~ 8o held on the ?th day
'~anuary, 19~fl, are erroneous ~d In e~ror to the e~end Off
their failure to show the true and correct prooeedin~ at
Such ~eeti~ os held,
' BE IT F~T~ ~SOL~D by th~ To~ Co~8sl~ ~the
To~ of Boynton, that
8~h minutes of a meetin~ of the Town
~lSsion.8° held on the .?th day of Janua~, A.D,
~ tko ~e hereby are corrected 1925, be
the ,proper pasoaae and adoption and amended so as to show
by the To~ ComisSion of
the TOwn of Boynton, Pa~ Beach, C~y, Florida, of tho
resolutio~ hereinbefore set forth.
BE IT ~T~ ~SOL~D that Such m~nute8 of such meet-
nof the To~ Comission of the ~own of
each Oou~ty, Florida, 8o held on the 7th dayB°ynt°n'~Pa:~of Janua~,
.D. 192~, shall, as amended ~d corrected in this ree~lu.
t~on, be o~8idered ~ the mZnu~eo of Such meetl~ ; ~d
t~t Such m~nUte8, as
~ended and corrected so as to in-
elude the paesm~e and adoption of the resolution aforesaid
are hereby declared to be ~d Shall be considered Zn all '
thins the true ~d correct minutes of Such meot~ of the
To~ Co--imogen of the To~ of ~oynton so held on tho. 7th
dya of J~u~, A.D.
C~aaiSSiOner ~lnchester SeCOnded the motion for the
adoption of the above
. foregoing resolution, and upon h~l~g
PUt to a vote such m6ti0n was ~~~y carried. ~here.
upon, the ~yor did declare such resolution to heys been
PGSSed ~d Mo~ted aa a resolutio~ of the ~o~
of t~e ~o~ of Bo~t ~, Ln P~m Beach ~ounty, Florida~
~ ~°~lcation w~s received ~om th~ ~iddle Engineer.
Lng Co~, dated ~une l~t~, 1~ requestl~ the ~o~
Co--LeSion to $[g~ a Weaver re~tLve to the proposed fill
and ~ulkheed wcr~ to be do~e by ~e ~ort~ ~states.
5°~ssi°~r ~l~chaster ~d dul~ carried, the
reso~Utlo~ was dul7 adopted:_
Be It l~eso~ved that the llayor of the ~own of BOynton'
FlOrida, is hereby instructed and aathorized to sign 'the
following Waiver relative to bulkhead work to be done by
]~ake ~orth EStates, and
It ~S Further. l~esolved that the ~own Clerk is hereby
~nStructed 'an.d'aathorized to attest
the signature of the
ilayor on ~he following Waiver relative to bulkhead Work
to be done by l;ake ~orth Estates.
Diet ri~t Engin~r,
U. 5. ~ngineers 0flies
'JaCksonville, Fla. '
Dear Sir:_
Boynt on, Florida.
June 26th,
Th~ is to inform you that o~the 26th day of June, 1926,
the duly consituted authorities of the Tc~rn of BoyntOn,
s'isting of the Mayor and two Commissioners, in legal meeting
assembled considered an application to be ~dmhItted by Karl
l~iddle with plans pertaining thereto marked "Proposed Bulk-
head and Fill in ~ake Worth Boynton,Florida, Application
Riddle 19~6", for a War Department permit to
construct a bu~ , to dredge, the dredged material to be
deposited behind the bulkhead, all along .~he west shore of
LaEe Worth, and upon the motion duly ~arrled,the municipal
did waive all objections th~reot, inasmuch as
the work contemplated will .not interf.ere with .any plans for'.
work which said City Authorities. now nave in v~ew. .
Yours very truly,
Town Clerk~
Upon motion made by Commissioner Winchester, seconde~
by Commissioner Besnon and duly carried, the Town Clerk was
instructed and authorized to have Carr-l~a$is Insurance
prepare and Employers Liability Insurance policy protecting
the Town of Boynton, Florida against any loss from the lia-
bility for damages on account of bodily inSuries or death
e~ffered,, or alleged to have been suffered, as the result
of any acc'~dent to Employees ~1 the Water Dept., Sanitary·
Dept., Police Deptl and Fire Dept. white they are engaged
i~ the prosecution of work for the Town ~f Boynton, Florida.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.