Minutes 07-21-26A SPECIAL HEETINg OF JULY 21st, 1926.
A Special ~eeting of the Board of Commissioners of the
Town of Boynton, Florida, was held Wednesday Morning July 21st -~
at 10:30 P.M. '
R. O. ~/yers, Mayor
Harry Benson, Vice-Mayor
E. ]~. Winchester, Clerk
· Upon motion made by Commissioner Benson, seconded by
0ommissioner Winchester, and carried, the following Reso-
lution was duly adopted:
wHEREAs, the Improvement Fund has become exhamsted and
.it ,is necessary to replenish this fund for the p~yment of
tbills now due or about to become due.
BE IT RES0LWED, that One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars,.
be harrowed from the Light Fund and same p aoed~n the Im-
1 '
provement Fund, said sma to be a loan to the Improvement
Upon.motion made by Commissioner Myers, seconded by
sSioner Benson, and aarried, the following Resolution
.wSs duly adopted:
be barro~d, from the ~ight Fund and same placed in the
~General FUnd, said s~ to be a loan to the General
WHEREAS, the General Fund is in need of money to pay
bills which are due or about to become due.
BE IT ~0~V~fD, that ~wo Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars,
meetin~ adjourned.