Minutes 08-06-26" SPEOIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 6th, 1926 A Special Me'eting of the ~oard of Cor.~nissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall of the ~ow~' of Boynton, Florida, on Friday I,iorning, August 6th, 1926 at 10:30 o'clock A. M. Present: N. O. lly~rs, Mayor Harry Benson, Vice-Llayor E. L. Winchester, Town Clerk On Motion made by Commissioner Winchester, seconded bY Commissioner Myers, the following ResOlution was carried, and duly adopted: A HESOLUTION pP:OVIDING ~'0t~ ~HE CONSTRUCTION q~F :~.~ ~, ~ .... N 'z'KE TOWN OF BOYUTON, FLC?~IDA. CURBS AND GUTTERS '~I'~:~' WHEREAS, the Town Commission of the Town of ~oynton, Florida, has determined to make certain public improvements within the Town of Boynton, FlorNia; and, WHI~hEAS, the Town Com~nission of the Town of ~.oynton, Florida, has caused to be prepared sUch plans specifications, profiles and estimates of the proposed improvements as do £u!- ly disclose the nature and character of the.work to be done and materials to be used in said improvements; and, ~ WHEid~A~,-such plans, specifications, profit, es and es- ti'mates are now on file with the 'fown Clerk of the Town of~ ~t~ida, wl~ie~ ~ai~ plane, specifications, profiles estimates are open to the inspection of the publkc; ~OW, T~U~ItEFORE BE IT RESOLVED by-the Town Commission of" the Town of Boynton, Florida, that this Commission does hereby determine to construct, reconstruct, repair, pave, repave, hard- s~r£ace and rehard-surface those certain Streets, boulevards' and alleys within the Town of Boyhton. Florida, and to grade, level, lay and construct curbs and gutters on said Streets, bOUlevards and alleys as hereinafter described in conformity to the plans. Specificati ns, profi~es and estimates on file With the ?own Clerk of the Town of Boynt'on, Florida. to-wit: DIXIE HIGHWAY A.-- ~rom the ~'~orth corporate limits.to the NOrth end of the ~oyn~n Canal Bridge.shall be a thirty foot Water-bound macadam· Pavement, s~rfaced with two inches of Warrenite-Bitutithic, her With 5 x 14 inch concrete headers, With necessary grad lng ~nd shaping. - -- From the South ehd of the Boynton Canal Bridge follow, ing the new location of the Dixie Highway to the center line of Boulevard Shall be a forty-one foot water-bound macadam ~t, surffaced with two inches of ~¥arrenite-Bitulithic, ,. r with combined curb and gutter. With necessary grading Shaping. ]'-- From the center ~.ine of Boynton Boulevard following the location Oi' the DiXie Highway to the North line of ]~ake n [if extended from the East) Shall be a forty_one foot ound macadam pavemen$, SUrfaced With two inches of ~e-Bitu!ithic. together With combined ~arb and gutter ~ecessary grading, and 'shaping.. ~- That portion formed by the o°nnection of the existing ~roveme~t on the new location ~f the Dixie H'ighwayand the ~ntersection with the old Dixie Highway, lying between Kansas and the North line of Boynton Place (if exte~ded from' the East) shall be a £orty-one foot' water-bound macadam pave- ment, surfaced with two inches of ~arrenite-Bitulithic, togeth- er with combined, curb and gutter with necessary grading and s hap ing; E.-- From ti:~e l~orth line of Boynton Pl. ace(ifi~xtended~ from the East) to the center line of Lake Avenue shall be a fortE-one foot water-b'oun~d macadam pavement, surfaced with two inches of Warrenite-B[tulithic, together with combined curb and gutter, with necessary grading and shaping. 'F.-- From the. center line of Lake Avenue to the center line of Ocean Avenue shall be,a fif~ty-two foot water-bound macadam pavement· surfaced with two inches of ,Warrenite-Bitulithic together with Combined curb and gutter, with necessary grading and shaping. G.-- The Eas,t Half of the Dixie t~ighway between the center ~ine of Ocean Avenue and the center line of Jessamine Street (East) shall be improved by re-shaping the present macadam pavement and sur£aoing with two inches of ~arrenite-Bitu!ithic, over the present width of twenty-four feet. H.-- The West Half of the ~lxie ~ghway between the CCh%er line of Ocean Avenue and the center line of l~ade Street shall be improved'by re-shaping the present macadam pavement and sur- facing it~ with two inches of ~arrenite-Bitulithic over the width of twenty-four feet. Concrete headers, I.-. ~h'e East Half of the Dixie Highway between the center line of ~eSsamine Street (East) and the South line of the i~orthwest Quarter of the l~Orthwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 45, ~ange '43, E, Shall be improved to a Width of twenty-six feet by a water:bound macadam pavement, surfaced with two inches of ~arreni'te-~itulithic together with COmbined burb and gutter, With necessary grading and Si?aping. J.-- The East Half of the Dixie //ighway from the South line of the .line of the ~orthwest Quart r of the ~orthwest Quarter' of 'Section 27, Township 45, P. ange 43, to the NOrth line of Section 53, said ~Ownship and Range, shall be fifteen feet and consisting of a water-bound macadam pavement, Surfaced With two inches of ~arrenite-~italithlc, together With 5 x 14 inches concrete headers, Wi~h necessary, grading and shaping. K.-- ~he ~est naif of the Dixie Highway from the center line of Dads Street to ~he North line of Section j3, l'ownship 45, Hangs -43, Shall be. fiffteen feet~wide and shall consist of a Water_ bound macadam PaVement, surfaced With two inches of ~arren~te_ ~itulithic, together With 5 x 14 i~ch concrete headers,.~ with necessary grading and paving. L.-- From the North line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, ~°Wnshlp 45, ~lange 43, to the South line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 33, Shall be..thirty feet in width, !and Consisting of a Water-bound macadam pavement,surfaced With two inches of ~/arrenite-Bitulithic together with 5 x 14 inch with necessary :~rading ..~ ~. and Shaping. CURTIS AVE~YE Fram the West line of Palmetto Street to the ~est line of ~ailroad Avenue shall be a twenty-four foot water-bound macadam paVen~ent' surfaced with two inches of asphaltic con- crete together with 5 x 14 inch concrete header curbs, with neceSsarY grading and shaping. · . Cocoa Street From the Center line of Edith Street to the South ~ine of Oorhine Street. l extended from the East) shall consist of a thirty foot water-bound.macadam pavement surfaced with inches o~ asphaltic concrete, together With 5 x 14 inch con- crete header c~rbs, With necessary grading and paving. C ORBI~E gTP, EE~ From. the East line of ~OCoa Street l extended fram the North) to' Ocean Avenue shall be a twenty foot Water-bound macadam pavement, surfaced with two inches of asphaltic con- crete, together with 5 x 14 inch concrete header curbs with necessary grading and shaping. OCEAN AVENUE A,-- From the East line of Dixie Highway to the center line of Orange Grove Avenue shall be thirty-eight feet wide, and consist of re-surfacing the present surfaced macadam pavement, and re-surfacing the same with two inches of Warrenite-Bitullthic. B.-- Ocean Avenue from the center line of Orange Grove Avenue to the west end of the-Florida Eoast Line Cane 1 Bridge shall be thirty-eight feet wide and consist cf the necessary grad~ ~, lng and shapimg of the roadbed, aport which shall be a waterboun~[-macadam Pavement, smrfaoe~ ~[~_~ twa in~-,- ~, - · " 195 of Warrenit e'-Bit ulit hic. C.--Ocean Avenue from the West line of the Dixie Highway to the Florida East Cea~t' Railroad right-of-way shall be fifty feet wide, consisting of combined concrete curb and gutter, re-shaping the present macadam pavement and surfaCing the same with two inches of Warrenite-BitUtithic. D.-- Ocean AVenue from the West line of ~he right-of-way of the Florida-East Coast Railroad to the center line of Palm Street shall Be forty feet wide, consisting of combined con- crete curb and gutter, re-shaping and grading the present macadam pavement' and surfacing the same with~wo inches of Warr eni t e'-~it Ul it hi ~ .~ E.-- Ocean Avenue from the center line of Palm Btreet to the West line of Green ~treet s~a!l be a 40-foot water-~ound macadam ~ pavement, s~rfaced with two inches of Warrenite-Bitulithic~ together with combined concrete curb and gutter, with necessary grading and shaping, and BE iT FUI~TH~EH HE$OLI~£D that the whole of the cost ane the expense of' construction o£ the improvements as aforesaid shall be Paid by special assessments to be assessed upon the prop- erty specially bene£itted by such improvements in proportion ~' to the benefits to be derived therefrom, said special benefits to be determined and pro~ated according to the front footage o'~f the respective properties specially benefitted by said improve- ments; and, BE IT FUP~T~R RESOLVED, that the said assessments shall ~/ be paid in ten .(10) equal annual installments and shall bear interest at the rate of eight per cenl;/~ payable semi- ly with accrued interest on ~11 defer'red payments unless within thirty (30) days after assessments shall have ~een and confirmed; and, BE IT FU~.TH[~I~ RESoLvED, that there Shall be levied upon lots ~nd lan?is adjoining and contiguous to or bounding or ~atting upon any sUqh i~provements sufficient to pay the cost such improvements; and, BE I~ FUII~H',,~AR RE$Or~VED, that the total estimated cost of-Said .ts is $504,447.43; and, BE I~ FURTHER RESOLVED that this 'resolution Shall be publish- time in the Boynton Progress, a newspaper of general sn'-~published within the ~own of Boynton, Florida. Adopted.' this 6th day of August, A. D. 1926. R. 0. Myers, Mayor Harry Benson, Vice-Mayor E. r,. Winchester, ~own Clerk Sown 00mmissioners, ~own of Boynton, Florida. est: