Minutes 09-03-26SPECtA1~ MEETING O1~ ~EP~ER $rd, 1925.
A Spec~l Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held Firday Morning~
September Srd, at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
R. 0. Myers, Mayor
Harry Benson, Vlce-M~yQr
E. L. Winchester,Tewm
The above constituting the entire Board of
Town of Boynton, Florida.
Upon motion made by Commissioner Myers,
C°m~issioner Winchester, the following'Resolmt
WHEREAS, the Improvement Fend is in need .of m~
o pay bills which are now due or about to become dme.
BE IT RESOLVED, that one thomsand ~$1000.00) Dollars
e b~rrowed from the Building ~nd and placed in the Improve-~' '..-:-
ent ~u4d. Said sam to be a loan ~o the 'Improvement Fmnd. ~" ~
There being no fmrther bmsiness ~the meeting ad~