Minutes 10-21-26Sp~CL~L ~LE~TI~ OF OCTOBER 21st, 1926. '3:19 ~ Special ~ieoti~g of The bOard of Con~"~issioners of The '~'o;¥n of Boynto~, ~'lorida, was held at the ~'own Hall of the Town of Soynto_~.~, Florida, on ~'hursday.l~orning Gctober Zlst A.D..1926 at 9:00 O'clOck a. ~i. ' , Prese:~t: R. O. Myers, ~ayor ~iarry ~ens o~, Vi ce-Mayo r E. L. ~inchester,~own Cl, rk The aoove constituti~g the entire ~Oard of CommiSsioners of the "'$wn of ~oynto~, Florida. Upon motion maae oy Oommissior~er Alyers, and Seconded 0y Commis~Jioner Winchester, the followl~]g resolution was duly adopted; . Ww~E~iS, the General ~'und is-in need of funds to pay hills Which are now due or about to ~ecome due. BE IT RESOLV~D that $1500.00 0e 0orrowed l'ron~ the Wa~er l~nd arid Placed i~ the Ge~eral Fur~d, Said Sum io be a loan to the Several P~nd. There bei~g no further business the meeting adjourrAed.