THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1989 AT 6:00 P. M.
Ralph Marchese, Mayor
~zell Hester, Jr., Vice Mayor
~eonard Mann, Commissioner
RObert Olenik, Jr.,
~ Commissioner
~rline Weiner, Commissioner
Mayor Marchese called the meeting to order at 6:00 P. M.
e Invocation was given by Pastor Nathaniel Robinson,
urch of God, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
~lag led by Mayor Ralph Marchese.
~s there were no additions, deletions or corrections,
Mayor Hester moved to approve the agenda. Motion was
teconded by Commissioner Olenik and carried 5-0.
Peter L. Cheney,
City Manager
Betty Boroni, City Clerk
Raymond A. Rea, City Attorney
A- Next Regular City Commission Meeting will be held
i Tuesday, April 4, 1989
~ayor read above announcement.
No report at this time.
A. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes
, March 21, 1989
~ommissioner Olenik moved to approve the minutes of the
~egular Commission of March 21, 1989
~ented. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester and
carried 5-0.
Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of
March 29, 1989
Commissioner Weiner moved to approve the minutes of the
Special city commission Meeting of March 29, 1989 as pre-
Sented. MotiOn was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester and
Carried 5-0.
MARCH 30, 1989
No one requested to speak.
~. Emergency Medical Attendants Liability
: Medical Director)
Paramedics &
~ity Manager Cheney referred to a memorandum written by
Qlivia L. McLean, Risk Manager, dated March 15, 1989 which
~xplained the recommendation for the renewal of the liabi-
lity coverage. He stated that a decision should be made
~rior to April 1, 1989. This is for the paramedics and
Medical Director and continues in the direction of self
~nsurance. It would increase the maximum umbrella coverage
~o $1 million and move the self insurance from $100 to $200
~nd adjust the premium. He noted that to stay as it pre-
Sently is there would be a limit of $500,000. City Manager
~heney and Ms. McLean recommended moving the self insurance
~imit from $100 to $200 and the umbrella to $1 million. It
Was felt that it would be better to have the higher umbrella
and have the lower amounts covered by the City.
Commissioner Olenik asked how much the City has paid out in
~he past year for this type liability. Ms. McLean came for-
Ward and stated that the City has been claim free during the
past five years and there have been no loses in this area.
~ity Manager Cheney noted this is the main reason they could
~ecommend self-insurance. Ms. McLean stated that actually
What was being done was to add this as an endorsement into
~he comprehensive general liability policy with the Florida
~elf-Insurance Program. Mayor Marchese felt this was the
way to proceed.
i Motion
Commissioner Olenik moved to approve Option B for the medi-
Cal malpractice liability coverage for EMTs, Paramedics and
Medical Director. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester
~nd carried 5-0.
A- Accept Audit Report for year ending September 30, 1988
~ity Manager Cheney suggested that the Mayor and
~ommissioners simply acknowledge receipt and acceptance of
~his audit report. Additional clarifications would be pro-
~ided at the April 18, 1989 meeting so that discussion could
be held.
MARCH 30, 1989
Vice Mayor Hester moved to accept the Audit Report for the
year ending September 30, 1988. Commissioner Weiner
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
B. Consider replacement to fill vacant position on
Recreation and Park Board, Term expires 4/91 -
~ Appointment to be made by Vice Mayor Ezell Hester,
Vice Mayor Hester moved to leave this item on the table
until the April 4, 1989 meeting. Motion was seconded by
~ommissioner Weiner and carried 5-0.
Mayor Marchese presented plaques to Vice Mayor Hester,
Commissioner Olenik, Commissioner Weiner and Commissioner
Mann and congratulated them on their service to the City.
Mayor Marchese then noted that due to a mistake former Mayor
Nick Cassandra had not been presented a plaque last year.
~ayor Marchese then presented a plaque to former Mayor
Vice Mayor Hester then presented Mayor Marchese his plaque
nd held it up so the audience could see the plaque which
as different from past years.
A. Farewell Remarks
Mayor Marchese
ayor Marchese congratulated Mayor Gene Moore, Commissioner
ee Wische, and Commissioner Weiner on their successful bid
~nd wished them every success. He urged them to keep in
mind that th% City is their first obligation. Mayor
~archese then thanked the people of Boynton Beach for per-
~itting him to serve them. He stated that he did the best
that he knew how and that the citizens' interests were his
interests at all times. He noted that he "bit the bullet"
when necessary regardless of its outcome. Mayor Marchese
~hen stated he would be remiss if he did not say that he was
Very proud of the City Manager and Staff. He noted that in
~orking with the Commissioners there were differences of
opinion, but he was proud to have worked with them. He con-
~idered City Manager Cheney the best in the business. He
~urther stated that Police Chief Hillery who has lowered the
drime rate by 10 percent was also the best in the business.
Mayor Marchese was also proud of the Chief of the Fire
MARCH 30, 1989
Department and the Paramedics. He then referred to Mr.
~nnunziato, City Planner, and noted that he takes a lot of
heat, but always tells both sides of the story. Mayor
~archese stated that Mr. Annunziato is a credit to the
~ommunity and the City.
mayor Marchese then stated that one item bothers him. He
~eferred to the press and media, and stated that he felt
they had been negligent in reporting to the people of the
City the facts about Tradewlnds. He noted the City has been
~rylng to settle this ~ssue for a long time. Mayor Marchese
~hen held a document before the audience and stated that
~his is the type documents the City gets from Tradewinds.
He noted that it takes months for the City to reply to such
4ocuments. Mayor Marchese wanted the law suit settled, but
e stressed that it must be done according to the law. He
hen stated that the City is in absolute accord with the
ourth District Court of Appeals. He urged the people who
~re frightened to "stand tight." He referred to the fore-
~athers and noted that if they had become frightened and
~un, we would not be here today. Mayor Marchese then
Stated that there is legal process. There is a right of
ppeal right up to the United States Supreme Court. He
rated the rule is simple, and he referred to the
Tradewinds' document with much information blacked out and
~ondered what was being hidden. He questioned why the City
~annot find out who owns the property. He requested that
~he citizens and the City not be sold down the drain. He
begged the people to never let a developer come into the
City and tell the City what to do. He stated he was not
~eally angry, but he w~s disappointed. He noted there are
~any good developers who are more than willing to cooperate.
He used Catalina as an example. He hoped that the new Mayor
~nd Commission would not forget that there is a legal pro-
~ess. He trusted that the Tradewinds issue would be settled
s rapidly as possible and noted that they had been trying
~o do so for a long time. He referred to the possible tax
~ase and stated that they wanted that He could not
9nderstand some people who wished to ~ell the City down the
~rain. He stated that Boynton Beach is a great City. One
Can look out and see the sky. There is a great group of
~eople and he trusted that the new Mayor and Commission
Would ensure that it remain second to none. He then thanked
~he people for their indulgence.
Commissioner Mann
Commissioner Mann stated that he felt everyone knew how much
~e had enjoyed the job. The people had given him an oppor-
tunity to serve on the Commission. He did the job as well
MARCH 30, 1989
as possible. He would continue to serve as a regular citi-
zen on such assignments the City chooses to give him. He
Stated that he would be back.
After a short break the meeting resumed at 6:25 P. M. Mayor
Marchese called the meeting back to order and passed the
gavel to Mayor Gene Moore, new Mayor of Boynton Beach.
Mayor Gene Moore
Betty Boroni, City Clerk, then administered the Oath of
Office to Mayor Moore.
Commissioner Arline Weiner
Mrs. Boroni administered the Oath of Office to Commissioner
Commissioner Lee Wische
Mrs. Boroni administered the Oath of
A- Selection
office to commissioner
~ommissioner Wische nominated Robert Olenik, Jr. for Vice
Mayor. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weiner and
~omlnat ion carried.
B. Administration of Oath of Office to Vice Mayor
Mrs. Boroni then administered the Oath of Office
Mayor Olenik.
to Vice
Mayor Moore reversed the order as shown on the agenda and
Called upon Commissioner Wische to speak first.
A. Remarks by: Commissioner Lee Wische
Commississioner Wische thanked all the people who voted for
Him and assured them he would not let them down. He noted
that although he was a candidate for District III, he was
elected by all of the people ~of Boynton Beach; and he would
never forget that. He promised to constantly strive to
MARCH 30, 1989
approach the position with an open mind and an open door.
He desired the input of all of the elements of the community
as he planned to be a full-time Commissioner who would do
his homework and stay well informed on all issues - big and
small. To achieve this end, he would seek the help of the
very competent City Manager and Staff. He had also asked
Maurice Rosenstock to act as his consultant and administra-
tor to seek out people who have expertise in highly special-
ized fields to contribute their help and advice. He noted
~hat the election is over and it is time to put all divisi-
yeness behind. Commissioner Wische promised to exert every
effort to work with and cooperate with the new Mayor and his
Fellow Commissioners to make Boynton one of the best places
In the United States to live and work. He thanked the
~ Remarks by: Commissioner Arline Weiner
~ommissioner Weiner thanked the citizens of Boynton Beach
for their vote of confidence in her and promised to work
hard to do her duties in a fair, compassionate, and respon-
Sible manner. She then thanked everyone.
~ Remarks by: Vice Mayor Robert Olenik, Jr.
~ice Mayor Olenik congratulated Mayor Moore, welcomed back
~ommissioner Weiner and congratulated Commissioner Wische.
~e stated he was looking forward to working with those three
as well as Commissioner Hester in the year ahead.
Vice Mayor Olenik stated that he had enjoyed the past year
On the City Commission. He noted that they had not always
~greed, but felt this was very healthy. He stated that he
~elt this was a very productive Commission. Personally, it
as a year of growing and he continues to grow in knowledge
~f the City and the workings of the local government. He
~ad learned a great deal from his colleagues on the dias and
~he City Staff, but mostly from the citizens of Boynton
Beach. He thanked everyone for their support and guidance
~uring the past year. Vice Mayor Olenik then commended
ormer Mayor Nick Cassandra under whom he served a portion
f his first year. He also commended Mayor Marchese and at
~ne point Commissioner Marchese for his tireless effort on
~he Commission, noting that they had not always agreed.
~heir common goal had been the City of Boynton Beach. He
~ommended Vice Mayor Hester for his outstanding job during
~he past year. Vice Mayor Olenik then thanked the Mayor and
~ity Commissioners for entrusting him with the duties of
Vice Mayor for the City. He promised that he would not let
~his Commission or the citizens down. He looked ahead to
~he many challenges. This is a very diverse City Commission
MARCH 30, 1989
with different personalities, but he hoped their goal would
be common. He stressed that it was important not to let
~ersonalities clash and affect the outcome for the benfit of
the City.
Remarks by: Commissioner Ezell Hester, Jr.
Commissioner Hester congratulated the Mayor and two
~ommissioners who had just won the election and hoped that
from this point on they could get on with the business of
What is best for Boynton Beach. He felt the election had
given them somewhat of a lesson that they are concerned with
~he whole of Boynton Beach, and not just specific areas. He
~elt the citizens had spoken by electing these people.
Commissioner Hester stated he had enjoyed working with
former Mayor Marchese and former Mayor Nick Cassandra as
well as Commissioner Mann. This had been quite an
~xperience for him as things had happened very quickly to
him. He was appointed to the position and then he had won
%wo positions without expending any money. He was then
~lected by his peers to be Vice Mayor of the City, and upon
the resignation of the Mayor he had assumed that position.
ge hoped that he had given credit to the City and trusted
that the meetings which were in his charge were conducted in
a professional manner and in good taste for all the citizens
Of the community. Commissioner Hester was disturbed by what
~e had read in the newspaper and hoped that was all over
ith now. He stated that they could not be divisive if
~oynton is to move forward, but everyone has to work
:ogether. He noted that everyone has different opinions and
~his will always be true, but he felt the Commission would
Listen to both sides of the issue and then make the deci-
sions as to what is best for the City. Commissioner Hester
~elt that it was good that there was an increase in the per-
Centage of voter turnout for the runoff election.
]ommissioner Hester thanked everyone who had supported him
and noted this was his last year. He promised to do his
)est to do what is best for the City of Boynton Beach. He
~as born in Boynton and felt that he knows about the City
~nd its growth. He then thanked everyone.
Remarks by: Mayor Gene Moore
~ayor Moore stated that in looking out over the audience he
~ished to express his personal gratitude to those who helped
in the campaign. He saw only four or five people in the
audience who did not support him. Mayor Moore then
~ecognized former Mayor Jon Shudlick from the Town of Ocean
Ridge who was present. Mayor Moore then continued that if
anyone came to the meeting to see "blood letting" they had
MARCH 30, 1989
made a mistake. He stated he had been misquoted in many
instances by the news media. He was present to bring the
people together and heal any wounds, although he felt he was
the only person wounded in the campaign and he was able to
take that. Mayor Moore then noted that City Manager Cheney
was correct, he (Mayor Moore) cannot fire anyone and he did
not intend to fire anyone. He felt the people had given the
Commission a mandate on certain issues and he felt that they
must recognize this or those who do not recognize it must
pay the price at some point in time. He felt the people had
taken the time to go to the polls. Mayor Moore felt the
News media had let the City down and he was personally
6ffended at the way they trashed Mayor Marchese in their
~ditorials, and later endorsing him and stating that Mayor
~oore was worse than Mayor Marchese. He felt that if the
~e9i9 wished to hold themselves out as molding the minds and
~plnlons of people who read the paper, they must assume the
responsibility for reporting fairly the whole issue or
giving more coverage to the basic issue of getting the
people out to vote. He felt that to have 100 percent of the
people voting would give a democratic process of having the
representatives properly elected.
Mayor Moore then referred to some good and some bad things
hich had happened to him. He had received a telegram from
resident George Bush congratulating him and thanking him
~or his efforts in the Presidents campaign. On the other
~nd he had received a document on his door with a not so
~lce message, and he read it for the audience. He noted
~hat one must take the good with the bad as this goes with
~he territory.
~ayor Moore met very productively with City Manager Cheney
lor approximately an hour Thursday morning and felt that
ome things had come from this meeting. He had requested
hat City Manager Cheney poll the other members of the
~ommission to see if they woUld postpone the next meeting
~hich is established for April 4th to enable him to go to
~eattle to attend the final Four Basketball Conference which
~e attends each year. He was advised that three member of
~he Commission (Commissioner Weiner, Commissioner Wische,
~nd Vice Mayor Olenik) declined to extend that privilege to
him, so he will not be going to Seattle. Mayor Moore
xpressed his regrets at this decision and stated that
ccording to the City Attorney there was no problem with
oing this. He noted that the case was closed and the only
~erson who had been hurt was his Grandson who had planned to
~o with him. There were other remarks about Mayor Moore's
MARCH 30, 1989
Mayor Moore then listed some items of concern which he had
discussed with City Manager Cheney:
Code Enforcement Board Action
He was concerned about the Code Enforcement Board which
fines people of the City $250 to $500 a day. He pointed out
~n example of the Norfus case where there are three lots at
~he north end of town. The property is unimproved. Lots 7
~nd 9 which are appraised at $1900 were declared a nuisance
~nd over a two year period have run up a $165,000 lien. He
doted that attorneys were paid for processing this matter.
The property is going up for sale in a couple of weeks for
$1165,000. Instead of considering these two lots as one
package, they were considered as two thus running up a $500
~ day fine. He wanted a complete report on everything which
hias been done.
Mayor Moore also referred to the condominium storage space
where the owner had redone his parking lot and made the
~istake of painting the signs orange which is against the
l!aw. He had to repaint them white, but someone was parked
in one spot which was missed in the repainting. The owner
n~w has a $25,000 lien against his property. After all
this, it was discovered a mistake was made and the wrong
plroperty was cited.
MRyor Moore requested an immediate investigation into this
issue, and a report back at the April 4th meeting.
Substation in the North end of town
Mayor Moore wanted to see why, since it has been funded,
this has not been done.
Boynton Lakes
M~yor Moore stated there was a serious situation where an
~ea of town was being effectively disinfranchised. This is
1~ the City's northwest corner. The residents have a West
Palm Beach telephone number and get their mail out of
Lantana. He wanted this investigated and wanted to see the
entire political force of the City taking this all the way
t~ the Oval Office to get these people effectively into the
City. He wanted everyone to be aware that all the voters
are disturbed about this issue and that the politicians will
be held accountable if something is not done.
Mayor Moore requested that the City Attorney draw up a
resolution in this regard and have it available at the
April 4th meeting.
MARCH 30, 1989
Mayor Moore available from 7:00 - 9:00 A.M. each
Mayor Moore has requested that City Manager Cheney place an
advertisement in the paper stating that any citizen can come
ko him with any matter of business or problem from 7:00 A.M.
to 9:00 A.M. every Saturday morning at a point in time to be
determined. This was one of Mayor Moore's campaign promises
and he will be available for the people. He felt it was
~ehumanizing for people to have to come and stand before a
large crowd and the Commission to say something which is of
concern to them.
: 19 Percent Raise in Taxes
~ayor Moore expressed his concern about the 19 percent raise
~n taxes and asked City Manager Cheney to report back at the
~pril 4th meeting his plan for reducing those taxes. He
~elt that they must start at the top and he waived any
~alary or emoluments he was entitled to as an effort toward
utting taxes. Mayor Moore was concerned that this not be a
aughing matter and urged Commissioner Weiner to take action
~owards lowering taxes as well. Mayor Moore did not want
~he business of the City or its taxpayers to be treated with
~ lack of concern. Commissioner Weiner stated she was only
~mused by Mayor Moore's offer and she felt it was a great
Qffer and she appreciated it and was sure the City did as
Well. Mayor Moore hoped she would join him in this effort.
Mayor's Office
Mayor Moore felt that somewhere down the line the Mayor's
~ench (the Joe DeLong Bench) had been desecrated and he
riequested from City Manager Cheney that the bench known as
~e "Mayor's Office" on South Federal Highway be replaced.
~ayor Moore had also received funds from an anonymous donor
tD replace the plaque which had been stolen.
City is Owned by the Citizens
M~yor Moore felt the "tail had been wagging the dog" and
s~ressed that the citizens own the municipality and the
C~mmission.and. City Staff are public servants. He did not
want any cltlzen demeaned in the City.
Permission to Allow Mayor Moore to Negotiate with
Tradewinds Representatives
Mayor,. . Moore then requested that the Commission give him per-
m~ss~on to talk with the representatives of Tradewinds and
MARCH 30, 1989
then come back with the best deal he could work out with
them. He referred to his 36 years of law practice and noted
he was capable of doing so. He wanted to meet with these
representatives with the authority of the City Commission to
negotiate and come back with recommendations for settlement
and disposition of the matter at the earliest possible date.
He felt the issue was before the people and they had spoken
bY their vote. Almost two and a half years ago the City was
Ordered to issue the permit to Tradewinds. Mayor Moore has
no personal connection with the people, but he knows that
people are checking his contributions to see if anyone con-
~ected with Tradewinds made contributions. Mayor Moore
urged anyone to ask him about the matter as there is no con-
~ection. He felt that when a court of law dictates a person
or City must comply or pay. Mayor Moore did not wish to
~righten anyone, but the City is under a $1000 a day fine
and he noted the case has not been won and the fine has not
been washed away. He then asked permission to negotiate on
~ehalf of the City and its taxpayers and come back to the
Commission as soon as possible with a suggested settlement
to get rid of this matter.
Commissioner Wische asked if this had been discussed with
~he City Attorney.
Mayor Moore had not done so and did not plan to do so. He
felt that City Attorney Rea had lost objectivity in this
case as he had stated that he alone is the source of the con-
~inuation of this case. He stated this is wrong for a
~ecommended official. He noted that statements had been
made that the attorneys for the other side were liars and
~hat their pleas are a bunch of boloney and Mayor Moore did
not feel this was the way to resolve matters. This must be
one in a court of law. He wished to see dignity returned
o the City and pride as well. Mayor Moore did not need an
ttorney as he is an attorney himself. Mayor Moore wanted
~o know how much the City has spent in legal fees in this
matter and requested that City Manager Cheney provide these
~or him. He suggested that to get an honest answer from an
attorney, put him on a contingency basis. If he wins he is
Maid and if he loses he gets nothing.
~ice Mayor Olenik asked City Attorney Rea where the case is
~t the present time. Vice Mayor Olenik had read in the
~ress that a group of judges are reviewing the case at
~ourth Court of Appeals. City Attorney Rea stated this was
correct. The issue is before the Appellate Court for their
qonsideration. The Circuit Court activity is dead pending
t~e Appeals Court. Vice Mayor Olenik then asked if the
$i1000 a day fine had been put on hold pending Fourth
MARCH 30, 1989
District Court of Appeals' ruling. He asked if they ruled
not in favor of the City if the fines would be retroactive
or from the day they rule. City Attorney Rea stated that he
~elieved the fine would start, if the City is ruled against,
Within 30 days of the Appeal Courts' order. Vice Mayor
01enik then asked that while this is in review, that they
~ait to see how the Court rules on it. Vice Mayor Olenik
noted that Mayor Moore as an individual was free to begin
~peaking with anyone he wished regarding the Tradewinds
~ssue. Vice Mayor Olenik could not agree to allow nego-
tiations on behalf of the Commission until the Court has
~ommissioner Hester stated he had been involved in the case
Since its beginning. He agreed that the Mayor should begin
~egotiations if possible to get the case settled as soon as
possible. He felt that something might be accomplished and
~ring this to an end. He saw that the vote was a mandate
~rom the people that this issue be settled. Commissioner
Hester also noted that the issue of firing the City Manager
Was moot as it takes three votes to take this action.
~ommissioner Hester noted that the reason he does not speak
about Tradewinds is because it is in court.
CDmmissioner Weiner asked if it was City Attorney Rea's
llegal opinion that Mayor Moore could negotiate for the
Commission without the approval of the Commission. Mayor
Moore stated he would negotiate and bring it back to the
Cbmmission. City Attorney Rea stated that if the Commission
dQes not authorize Mayor Moore to begin formal negotiations,
the Mayor must act as a private citizen. Without Commission
approval there would be no binding sanction by the
C~mmission to authorize it.
Mayor Moore noted there has been a mandate of the people and
h~ wished to know if the City Commission wanted to settle
t~e issue or if they did not want Mayor Moore to
the representatives. He would not talk to them without the
a~proval of the Commission. He stated the Commissioners
m~st answer to the people if they do not give approval for
the negotiations.
cgmmissioner Wische stated that Mayor Moore is asking them
to disregard what they feel is right. Commissioner Wische
f~lt he would be a hypocrite to back down on the issue at
this time.
Mayor Moore stated he had no problem with that and asked if
he had the approval from Commissioner Hester and Vice Mayor
O~enik to talk to the representatives and that Commissioner
MARCH 30, 1989
Weiner and Commissioner Wische did not want him to talk to
the representatives. Vice Mayor Olenik clarified that he
0nly gave permission for Mayor Moore to go as an individual
to speak to Tradewinds until after the Court's decision.
Mayor Moore wanted to know where the money was coming from
for the fines. Vice Mayor Olenik felt the fine would not
Start until 30 days after the Court's decision. Mayor Moore
~tated they were not assured of this.
~ayor Moore then asked for a motion. Commissioner Hester
~oved that Mayor Moore be authorized to start negotiations
~ith the representatives of Tradewinds on behalf of the City
~ommission. Mayor Moore then passed the gavel to Vice Mayor
Olenik and seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the
Vote was 3-2 against the motion. (Vice Mayor Olenik,
Commissioner Wische and Commissioner Weiner voted against
~he motion.) Mayor Moore stated that the Commission has
gone against the mandate of the people and they would have
~o answer for their action.
Mayor Moore asked where City Manager Cheney was going to get
~he money to pay for this. City Manager Cheney stated that
~ince it was a Commission issue, the Administrative Staff
~as not commented on the issue. Mayor Moore asked him to do
~o at this time. City Manager Cheney stated that the City
is in a law suit, and it has been Staff's opinion that there
~ust be a settlement somewhere between what Tradewinds has
sked for and what the neighbors were holding out for. Mayor
oore asked if City Manager Cheney had taken a head count to
gee how the people in Leisureville feel about the issue.
~ity Manager Cheney pointed out that they do not know how
~any neighbors or citizens are opposed to this. They have
known from the beginning that not all of Leisureville is
pposed to the development as some of them spoke in favor of
pproval of the project. Things have become confused with
Changes on the Commission. City Manager Cheney was con-
~erned. in regard to the settlement issue that there is a
Citizens' group which can intervene in this case. He felt
~hat some approach must be given to that group as he did not
~now if they would continue to intervene or not. That was a
problem which should be looked at. City Manager Cheney felt
~hat they should try to settle the issue in some way, and he
~id understand that was what Mayor Moore had requested and
been denied of the Commission. He cautioned that they look
into the intervener issue in this situation as there could
be a settlement with no meaning.
MARCH 30, 1989
Report on Amount of Funds Expended
Mayor Moore stated that he has the highest regard for City
Attorney Rea and counted him as one of his friends. Mayor
Moore stated that for fourteen years he was the part-time
City Attorney. He drew up all the Ordinances, handled
~ppeals, etc., and he did not want to have to hire an out-
side expert to do various jobs. He requested to know the
budgetary allocation for the full-time City Attorney. Mayor
Moore requested by the April 4th meeting to know how much
has been paid for outside legal assistance. He wanted to
know how much they were paying the attorney in the $165,000
~ode Enforcement case. He wanted to see a moratorium on all
these fines. City Manager Cheney pointed out that the City
~ttorney as well as the City Manager work for the
Commission. City Manager Cheney does not get involved in
~irecting City Attorney Rea about what to do. The
Commission does, and he has done what they have allowed.
The budget for the City Attorney's office is adopted by the
Commission after being proposed by City Manager Cheney.
City Manager Cheney agreed to report the figures. Mayor
Moore stated that he expects input from City Manager Cheney
and wanted him out on the limb with the Commission when
~ecisions are made. City Manager Cheney stated that when
~sked by the Commission, he will be there.
Comment by Vice Mayor Olenik
a~Ce Mayor Olenik stated that when contacted by City Manager
eney regarding the change in the meeting date to another
te, he did not want to change the date. He would not be
aidverse to changing the time of this meeting to a later time
tlo allow time for Mayor Moore to arrive. Mayor Moore did
qot intend to miss a meeting and did not want to change the
tiime. He feared he may not arrive back on schedule.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 P. M.
MARCH 30, 1989
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
Vi~e M~yor
· ~- ~m~f~ sioner
~~-) ~J ~/Cc~ner