Minutes 12-14-26tiF~UI,~. MEETIN~ OF I~CEMBER 14th,1926.
A Regular' Meeting of the Board of' 0ommissioners of the
2own of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town MI1 of the Town
of Boynton, Florida on Friday Aftern0on, December 14th, A. D. 1926,
at 3:30 ?. M.
Present: R. 0. Myers, Mayor
~tarry Beneon, .-Vtoe-.Ml~r
E. L. - Winchester,Town '01 ~rk
The above constituting the entire Board of Commissioners
~of the Town of Boynton, Florida.
The following Resolution was Lntr~laeed ~y Commissioner
er, seconded by Commissioner Beneon and duly adopted:.-
W]~REA$ that certain street, oF readWay, lying within
0orporate Limits of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County'. ~Florida,
com~,on!y known and c~lled Ocean Boulevard· is so.~tocateA as:.to
the development of property through which the same paa~ee,
retards the growth of this portion of the Town of Boynton, le~
,f Palm Beach at large tha~.~ a cert~-~in portion of the said street
relocate,, and
WKEREA$ in consideration ef the premises, the Town
ommission of ,the l'own of Boynton .Aid on the 14th day of ~une
i. D. 1924 ~ass a certain resolutinn relocat'ing the said Itreet
abondoning the old right-of-way in consideration of the do-
ion by property owners of a new right-of-way of greater width·
,~EEREAS it was considered bY the Town Commission of the
of Boynton for th'~ best ~nterests of the Town and of the 3ounty
W~E.~'R~,A$ the Town of Boynton has, in pursuance of such
~location. paved, graded and otherwise improved the said street
,,.relocated, and
~EEREAS a Petition has been' l~resented and filed with
the Oount. y CommiSsiOners of the Cowry off '~a~ Beach. Florida,
duly s~ned by ~ltizens and ~reeholder
the road - s residi~ in the
, aekl~ that the Cowry O°~lSeloners of the
~alm Beach, FlOrida ~eloeate t~e said Street in the ~o~
a on, ~own a~ CO,only called as the OCean ~OUlevard,
~ e it lies wt~in
power and auth -- so
iOnere of said ~alm Beach ~o~t orl~ of the Board off
~tton ra~ ~ +~ .... Y, FlOrida to do So, said ~ti
:< P _l_~ .u~ ~he said ro~ be ~located alon~ t'he
~i~e as the ~eater port,on of t~
~a improved, by the .
~own ~o ' ~me had been relocated, Pave~
' - ~iSston of the ~o~ of ~O~ton,
location ,s described as follows, to-w,t:.
~ A strip o~ l~d 50 ft in wi
h is ~5 ft sast d
ce ~ a::ao~bwe_~f ~he ~ Some- .~h~ B~gl~i _
~ point apn~.,~eFly direct/o-'-:' ~ot ~9~ in~-~ a Point
5 -' ~ ~ ft. ft west o ~oet Prac es
~ ft west o~ +~ _ · thence ,. _ f the ~re---- ~ieal rout.
zon. ---as s~ eot '" ~ no. her ~ -=a~ Oce~
~ thence no~..,_ ncr of ~ot ~ ..ly dfrectin~ ._ bOUlevard
~ne center ~._:~'-~ appro~.._.'~ o~ock 9 o* ~ff~ a point
~raection o~ ~ ~O~ton ~ea.~~f Streets'~_~af~ ester
existi Oee~ Blvd, oalevs~ ( ch ia the
~ ~treet ~ ~ ):, thence ~hi~ s~
right o* ~, .~,41.f~ to. ~ ~northerl; a~_~lke ~n center
to the r;~'-~_aegreee E,-=.--= ~; [aaid ,1'~-3~~ center lin-
~e. wh~e rads__ .g~ee SO'40= --= .caen -~ve);
~a-~aerly alon~-'~ ~s 821.77.~ _~o r~ a~__~ye
" e lefft and - ..... a :Point off i _~ent to ~
-~-~r~y direoCJon 3~
~ a ~_O; thence defleo ·
. J~=~o a p R C. t~--~A~s is 4~0.4~ ~+8. degrees 51'55. -.
the t~.~...*~°-~ ft to- _.~,a curve who ' ~egrees
--~ ~o s ~-~ ~' t se radius
ce deflecti ..... ~ld ca~e . ~__hence r~in~ ~_.~s
t~.__:~''e.w~ose rad~...°~' ~ aegrees v,~=~ 5.03 ft to
~'.}~e o* o~ ~i-c cz a_o~v-'~.:~ ~o_~he rl~+ ~.~
m~?~ .... ¢~ i~ a ~- ~f*6_ft for
a tangent of said curve a distance cf 216.14 ft to a P
,ence deflecting to the left 2 degrees 22'5" along the s re of a
whose radius is 1209.08 i~ for a distance of 99.94 ft to
T; thence in a .northerly direction along a tangent of said
a distance of 276.87 ft to a P C thence deflecting to the
6 degrees 20'50"; along the arc of a curve whose radius
747.53 ft for a ~iet~ce of ~.58 ft to a P R T; thence de-
to the left 8 ~egrees. 50
ye whose radius la ~1.~4 ft for a distance of 1~6.05 ft to
R C; thence deflecti~ to the .right 4 ~egrees 4~'45" alo~
arc of a c~ve whose radius is 810.5 ft for a dietanee of
~5.65 ft; thence northerly along the tangent of the last e~ve
~en~ed for a distance .of 886.49 ~ to a ~ O; the~e defleoti~
the right I ~egree Z2 minutes 55 secede a~ong the are o~ a
whose radius is 18~1.12 ft for a distance ~ ~.~'~ to
P T; t'hence northerly a!o~ the e~e~ion of the last tangent
diet.ce of 4~.80 ~ to a P C; thence ~efleeti~ to the ~ght
degrees ~2~0" ru~ning do~ the arc of a c~rve whose radius
~O0.~Eor a diet.ce ~f 208.87 ~ to a P ~' the~e ~eflecti~
t~ Ie~ Z2 degrees ~'~0" ~ r~m~ .alo~ the arc of a
whose ra~i~ is ~00 ft for a ~t~ce ef ~*~,~ to a Point
,i~e) wMeh is the intersection of the ce~er line of the
~sent O~e~ Boulevard and the north line ef~eetion'~2. ~ 45
~f ~a~e 43 east. said intersection being ~9 ft east of
~eet shore ef ~ake Worth. ato~ the north li~ of said Section
W~AS it is the earnest deaireof the ~o~ of Bo~ton.
through its duly ~d regularly constituted officials, the
~ission thereef~ that~ the County of Palm Beach shall
the old location ~'~q.~ ~id
intersection of the s~e '~ She said street, aB relocated
hereinabo've described, for the' r~on that it ie considered
and for the benefit of the:'~l t~t the old location
abandoned to properly enable
the. ~e r~s to develop ~d [~ove the sa~ t~ the best
. and
i WHEREAS it is consiAered that the relocation of the said
ad. as ma~e by the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton . is
detrimental to the public, nor to the County of Palm Beech: and
the same is in truth and in fact an improvement and a benefit
the public,
of Be
BE IT EEYO~VED ~y the Town Commission of
that the County Com~.~loners Of the ~,.oant, y.::[:.
ef Palm Beach, Florida, be and they are h~reby requested to make
an ~rder closing and abandoning the old location of the said road
as hereinabove mentioned, and adopting and opening and relocating
the said street and road along the new line. as hereinab~ve des-
~ribed and set forth, and
BE IT FUi~THEi~ RESO]DVED that the Town of BOron, aeti~
~mgh its duly co~tituted officers, does hereby tender to ~
ounty of Palm Beach', t~o~h its Board of Cowry OO~eSi~ners,
deed of conveyance releasing to ~d vesti~ in the ~td Co~y
~ Palm Beach all right, title. ~d interest ac~uire~ ~y 'the ~o~
f Boyn~on in the right of w~ and pavement and i~ro~nt of the
~w location in excha~e for and in consideration of t~e ~execution
.a proper convey~ce, by the County o.f P~m Beach, acting t~gh
e .Cowry 0o~issioners thereof, to the
2o~ of Boynt~ of the
t right of way 1~ between the points of intersection ~here-
;h of the new rift-of-way, Fifty (50) feet wide, ~th a center
~e correspondi~ to the :deseription as herein above set fo~h.
~-.I~ ~~R ~SO~ED that a o~rtified copy of this
olution be presented to the Board of Cowry 0o~issioners of
a Beach Cowry, Florida, t~eth~r ~th a ~eed of conveya~e,
herein mentioned, which ~eed of conveyance the officers of t~
~ of Bo~ton are' hereby authorized ~d directed to execute~an~
~er to the Board of 0:~ty 0o~iSsioners of Palm Beach Oounty.
?here being no ~urther business the Meeting adjourned.