Minutes 11-15-27617 REOULAk i~EETi~,G OF NOVEMBER 15TH, 1927. A Regular Meeting of the Doard of Town :o:::~issioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held ~t ;he Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Florida, Tuesday ~v~ning, November 15th, A. D. 1927, at ?;30 o'clock P. Present: R. 0. ,~tyers, Mayor Harry Bens on,Vice-~layor E. L. '~inchester,Town Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of Town C(r~nissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. ~ Minutes of the last kegular Meeting of Bovember l: t, 192V, were read and approved. A kesolution was passed ordering the following b~lls to be paiG out of their respective lungs: W. P. Somerville Salary for week ending Nov. 5th, 192V. N~nnie ~. Richardson Salary for wee~ ending Nov. 5th, 1927. lillian Kessell Salary for week ending Nov. 5th, 1927. $ 60.00 50 · DO 25.00 ~. nions Grading Ocean Avenue East of oridge. 17.50 ~rading Ocean avenue ~ast of Bridge. ]~,l. Botden ~iiscellaneous printing Salary for wee~ ending Nov. 12th, 192V. ..,elray News 'i. P. Somerville <annie L.Richardson Salary for wee~ ending Eov. 12th, 192V. Lillian Kessell Salary for wee~ ending Bev. 12th, 1927. Typing '£ax Bills from Bev. 4th to Bev. 12th, both incl. 1V.25 29.OO 6U. oO 30.O0 25.00 Eva A. Somerville 40.00 618 h ~. Boi~en Grading Ocean ~v~nue ~ast of ~ridge. ~i~gh Lions Grading Ocean Avenue ~ast of Bridge. C. Russell For hauling rock to Inlet Bridge on Nov. llth and 12th, 199,7.45 hrs. hiddle Engr.Co. Fcr Re-survey and Map Payment on account. ~,. H. Poore ~alary from Nov. 1st to hov. 15th, 1927. A. R. Cook Salary from ~ov. 1st to ~ov. t5th, 1927. L~ther ~aldwin Salary from Nov. 1st to Nov. 15th, 1927. hobert ~ester Salary. from Nov. 1st to ~ov. 15th, 1927. Post Publ. Co,±nc. Notice to contractors-bathing casino builaing. Nov. 1st, 6th, 9th, anG 13th, 1927. %. P. Somerville To reimburse Petty ~ash for the following: Ac c t. Amount 1245 , $0.50 1206 8.02 1209 5.25 121~ 1.40 $ 15. iv Seth Futrell ~Ieals for prisoners. 6has. ~avies Repairing windows in Jail building. ~.cCoy & Finch Legal services rendered Town of Boynton. ~ustin Bros. 6-26x26 2 Windows and 1 qt. white paint. Llear Water Co. Drinking water for Town Hall during October 1927.. keredith Elec.Shop Supplies for ~'ire ~ept. Signal System. keredith Elec.Shop ~abor and material in connection with wiring new Town Hall ';;. P. Somerville To refund Meter ~eposit gZW3. 3.50 ~.50 101.95 610.00 100.00 87.50 62.5O 50.00 .50 15.1~ 36.15 8.00 210.00 22.25 2 .OO 36.7V 7.75 7.50 · 619 Commissioner E. lt. Winchester moved the adoption of the following resolution: ~ WHEP~A$. heretofore the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton did decide to and provide for the issuance of negotiable coupon bonds of the Town of Boynton. such bonds to bear date of 6ctober l. 1926, bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum, payable semi-annually, April first and October first, denomination of ~1000.00 each. and numbered and payable as follows: Numbered from 1 to 500 inclusive. Payable serially in numerical order $10.000.00 bonds on October first in each of the years 1951 to 1940 inclusive; $20.000.00 bonds on October first in each of the years 1941 to 1945 inclusive; $28.000.00 bonds on October first in each of the years 1946 to 1950 inclusive; and $32.000.00 bonds on October first in each of the years 1951 to 1955 inclusive. Bonds numbered and maturing as follows, to-wit: Bonds numbered 267, 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. maturing October 1, 1948; Bonds numbered 286. 287. 288, 289. 290 maturing OctOber 1. 1949; Bonds numbered 513. 314. 315, 316. 317. 318 maturing October 1. 1950; Bond numbered 341 maturing October 1. 1951, having heretofore been cancelled out of and from the fore- going described bonds and having been heretofore destroyed. And, ~ WHEP~AS, there was appropriated the sum of one hundred forty thousand dollars ($140,000.00) for the purpose of opening, widening, and paving the streets and sidewalks within and for the said Town; and whereas, the sum of one hundred twenty-two thousand[ dollars ($122,000.00) was appro- 62O priated out of and from such five hundred I~ousand dollar (~500,000.~0) bond issue for the purpose o: acquiring, opening, constructing and maintaining park~ promenades and play grounds within and for said Town. An¢ JH~,-.~,AS, it is deemed advisable ~ d to the best interests of the Town of Boynton and the iz?~bitants thereof that the sum of one hundred forty thousand ollars (~140,000.00) appropriated for the purpose of acquiring, ~idening and paving the streets and sidewalks for and within s~it Town, do be acquired in cash by a sale of such bonds b~ ~he said Town for the uses and purposes for which such a~'znt was appro- priated. And, ?~F~P, EA~, it is deemed advisable ~i to the best interests ~f the Town of Boynton and the in~.~bitants thereof that the sum or.ten thousand dollars (~10,C').00) appropriated fo~ the purpose of acquiring, opening, cons· ~.~ucting and maintaining parks, promenades and play grou~[s within and for said Town, do be acquired in cash by a ~le of such bonds by the said Town for the uses and pur-.~>ses for which such amount was appropriated. ~H~P]~F0~E, BE IT ~E$0~VED by ~.e Town Comnission of the Town of Boynton, Palm ~each County, '~!.orida, that it is for the best interests of the said Tovm ~,~.: Boynton and the citizens, residents and tax payers ther~:~f that one hundred fifty thousand dollars ~$150,000.00~ of the $500,000.00 improvement bond aforesaid do be sold at thL~: time at such price and for such sums and amounts as the '~wn Commission of the said Town of Boy, tun shall deem wise ~;nd to the best interests of the Town of Boynton and the in~ ~.bitants, citizens, 621 residents and tax payers thereof. Be It Further Resolved that, out of and from the proceeds of the sale of such one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) of improvement bonds of the Town of Boynton, that the proceeds of ~140,000.00 do be used by the Town Com.uis~;ion of the Town of ~oynton as it shall deem best for the purposes of opening, widening and paving the streets and sidewalks within and for said Town; and that t~e proceeds of the further sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) do be used by the Town Commission of the Town of ~oynton as it shall deem best for the purposes of acquiring, opening, constructing and maintaining parks, promenades and play grounds within and for said Town of ~oynton. Be It Further Resolved that the sale of two hundred' thousand dollars ($200,000.00) of the ~500,000.00 issue o£ bonds bearing date of october 1, 1926, as aforesaid, has been advertised extensively and bids were requested at a meeting held for t~e sale thereof on the 31st day of August, A.D. 1927, and that no bids were received therefor. Be It Further Resolved that the bid of D. ~. Hudson received by the Town Commission on the 2nd day of ~ovember, A. D. 1927 as follows, to-wit: "Boyntcn, Florida, Nov. 2nd, 1927. Honorable Town Commission, Town of Boynton, Boynton, Florida. Gentlemen:- For your General Improvement ~onds of the par value of One Hundred Fifty Thousand (~150,000.00) Dollars, dated October 1, 1926, bearing interest at 6 per cent. per 622 annum payable semi-annually, the undersigned agrees to p~rchase said bonds for and at the price of ~%1Z5,000.00 and a~crued interest on the sum of ~ne Hundred Fifty ?hous~nd (~lS0,000.00)Dollars at 6 per cent. from October 1, 19£6 to date of pay~nent for General Improvement Ponds cf earliest maturities. The above bonds to be delivered to the undersigned at' the following bank: Bank of Boynton, ~oynton, Fla. Th9 undersigned will Zake up and pay for said bonds within five ~5) days after delivery to the above named ban~. The undersigned has this day delivered to you Certified Check in the amount of ~1000.00 which sum you will accept and retain as and for liquidated damages in case the undersigned fails to comply with the terms of this offer, or if contract complied with, to be returned to the undersigned upon payment for all bonds. This offer when accepted by the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Florida, shall constitute a binding contract between us. Very truly yours, D. S. Hudson". is a fair bid and the highest bid which could be obtained for such bonds. Be it Further liesolYed that, in accord with the proposal contained inrsuch Bid, ~he town Commission of the Town of ~oynton do accept such bid and do sell to ~h~ bidder, D. S. hudson, one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1~0,000.00) of such ~500,000.00 issue of bonds bearing date of October l, 19£6 in the denomination of ~1000.00 each, the numbers and 623 ~ond~numbered 1,2,3,4,§,6,?,8,9,10 payable october 1, 1931; ~onds numbered 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 payable october 1, 1932; ~onds numbered 21,22,23,24,24,26,27,28,29,30 payable uctober !, ~93Z; ~onds numbered 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 payable October 1, 1934; Bonds numbered 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50 payable October 1, 1935; Bonds numbered 51,52,53,54,65,56,57,58,59,60 payable October 1, 1936; Bonds numbered 61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70 payable October 1, 1937; Bonds numbered 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80 payable October 1, 1938; Bonds numbered 81,@2,83,84,85,86,@7,88,89,90 payable October 1, 1939; Bonds numbered 91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,~9,100 payable October 1, 1940; Bonds numbered 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108, 109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120 payable october 1, 1941; Bonds numbered 121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128, 19~,130,131,132,133,134,136,136,137,138,139,140 ~ayable October 1, 1942; Bonds numbered 141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148, 149,160 payable October 1, 1943; at the price and for the-consideration therein named, to-wit, the sum of one hundred thirty five thouss~d dollars ($135,000.00) and accrued interest. Be It Further Resolved that, in accord with this resolution, the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to make sale and deliver~ of the foregoing numbered bonds. Commissioner Benson seconded the motion for the ;L,i~option of the foregoing resolution and upon being put to vote the following vote was had thereon: Commissioner R. 0. ~,~,~ers "Aye" Commissioner Harry Benson "Aye" Com~nissioner E.L.Winchester "Aye". Thereupon Mayor R. 0. ~Jiyers did declare such reso- '~.,ution to have been passed and adopted. There being no £urther business coming before the v~eeting, upon motion regularly made and seconded the meeting !~dj ourne d.