Minutes 12-20-27REGULAR i.LEETING OF DECEDIBER 20th, 1927~
A Regular Meeting of the Board of Tovm
Commissioners 0f the Town of Boyntmu, Florida, was
held at the Town Hall of the Town of Boy nton, Florida,
Tuesday Evening, December 20th, A. D. 1927,at 7:30
o'clock P. ~.
Present: R. O. Myers, ,~layor
harry ~enson, Vice-~Layor
E. L. Winchester,Town Clerk
The above constituting~the entire Board of
~own Commissioners of the .Town of Boyntnn, Florida.
Minutes of the last Regular Meeting of
December 6th, 1927, were read and approved.
Resolution was passed ordering the following
bills to be paid out of their respective funds:
W. P. Somerville
Shelby ~uford
Klear Water Company
W. P. Somerville
Eva A. Somerville
Nannie L.Richardson
Lillian Kessell
John A. Weeks
Dr.N.M. Weems,M.D.
To reimburse Petty Cash
for refund on Meter Deoosit
Numbers 351, 403,389 and
Fsr one Kardex Cabinet.
Drinking water at Town Hall
for month of November 1927.
Salary for week ending
December 10th, 1927.
Typing Tax Bills for week
ending December 10th,1927.
Salary for week ending
December 10th, 1927.
Salary for week ending
December 1927.
1 Police Uniform for Chief
Medical attention rendered
prisoner ~hillips.
$ 30.00
30. O0
W. P. Somerville
The Elks Nat'l Conven-
tion Association.
Miami Chamber of
W. P. Somerville
Nannie L.Richardson
Li!lian ~essell
Hall & Pentland
W. H. Poore
A. R. Cook
Luther ~aldwin
Eobert Lester
Ralph Benhower
The Eiddle Engineering
Comp any
To reimburse Petty 0ash
for the following Accounts.
Acct. Amount.
1206 16.03
1209 8.45
1£ 1J 1.90
1225 .50
1226 .80
1263 2.46
1265 .83
1312 2.58
$ 35.98
For si~ hundred Elks Pub-
licity Stamps.
Part payment on account for
one page of advertising in
February issue of The Mtamian. 50.00
Salary for week ending
December 17th, 1927.
60. O0
Salary for week ending
D~cember 17th, 1927.
Salary for week ending
December l?th, 1927.
Part payment on account
for auditing services.
Salary from December 1st,
to Dec. 15th, 1927.
Salary from December 1st,
to Dec. 15th, 1927.
Salary from December 1st,
to Dec. 15th, 1927.
Salary from Dec. Let to
December 15th, 1927.
50. O0
Salary as Special Officer
from Dec. 1st, to Dec. 15th,
1927. ,
Paid on account for typewriter
desk, 6 ~mmll maps, survey and
Thomson,Wood &
Ho ffmmn
W. P. Somerville
The 4. & W.B.Drew
Calvin Bowers
map Casino property, re-
survey and map and white
cloth print and negative.
$300. O0
For pro£essional services with
respect to an issue of $482,000
Improvement B~nds of Boynton,Fla,
Issue of 1926; examining proceedings
authorizing the issuance of said bonds,
giving our final opinion approving the
validity of ~B0,000 thereof, and the
giving of our final opinion approving
the remainder when furnished with the
necessary additional documents and
informat ion. 400. O0
To reimburse Petty cash for ~40.00
advance~ to E. 0. Dlyers for trip to
St. Augustine with W.F.Finch,Town
Attorney in connection with F.E.C.
Railway Assessment. 854.00 advanced
to ii. O. Myers, Harry Benmon-and
E. 1L. Winchester for expenses in
connection with trip to Winter Park
meeting Of ]League of Municipalities. 94.00
Two Ream~ plain Weston's Psper~~
84 x 11 ~32, for ~linute Book.
One ~umber ~ac~st for Nigh~ Cop
The following co~mnBication was received from
K. D. Purdy and read.
"December 16, 1927.
Town Commissioners,
Boynt on, Florida.
Enclosed herewith are tax bills for the years
1926 and -1927 on lots 26 to 32 inclusive in "The ~awns".
These lots we have.recently acquired on a mortgage fore-
c~osure, the mortgage on the seven lots b~ing about $2~00
or around $357 per lot. The owners of the property pre-
ferr~d to turn it back rather than pay this amount.
The Town Taxes for two years on these same lots
amount to over $320. In other words, the taxes are about
15~ of the present value of the lots. We believe we are
j~stified in asking for an adjustment of these taxes.
The basis on which they are taxed is not m~ch short of
confiscation. I might add that we would be glad to
sell them for ~J§0 apiece, subject to the taxes against
Awaiting your reply, we remain,
Very truly yours,
By E. D. Purdy".
After discussing the above m~atter, it was
found that the assessed valuation on the Droperty
referred to in the above letter was equal and Just,
and ~r. K. D. Purdy was so advised.
L~r. Shelby Buford appeared before the
Commission in Behalf of Mr. K. D. ?urdy and ~.
Becket, who were also present, and objected to the
assessed valuation for the year 1926 and the year
1927 placed on the following described propertyE
E~ of NE¼ of Govt Lot l, Sec. 5.
W~ of Govt Lo~ 1, Sec. 5. '
W~ of SE~ of NE~ less South 330 ft. Sec. 5.
After discussing the above matter, t~is
ma~ter was laid over for further consideration.
There being no further business the
meeting adjourned.