Minutes 01-18-27364 ilk %~ TING OF JANUAEY 18th, 1927. A Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of ~oynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Florida on TUesday Evening, January 18th, A. D. 1927, at 7:JO P. E. Present: R. 0. Myers, ~iayor Harry Benson, Vice-Mayor E. L. :;;inchester, Town Clerk The above constituting the entire Bo~d of 0ommissioners of the Town 'of Boynton, Florid~. Minutes of the last Regular Meeting of January 4th, 1927 were read and approved. A Resolution was passed, ordering the following bills to be paid out of their respective funds:- Everett .%!lyn moses W. A. Boutwell Co. [le~r f~ater Company For furnishing 18 piece Band for music in connection with Welcome Ceremonies of first Seaboard All- Florida R~ilway train entering Bdynt?n,Fla. 40 feet of 4" Sewer Pipe Three bottles of water for Town aall ~verett Atlyn Moses For additional time for 18 piece band for music in connection with 'Velcome Cere- moni e s. ~. P. Somerville '~rkuie L. Rich~rdson ~llian Jlesse 11 Office salary for week ending Jan. 8th, 1927. Office salary for week ending Jan. 8th, 1927. Office salary for week ending J.~n. Sth, 1927. P. Somerville ~an. !5th, 19£7. Office salary for week end'ng ~175.oQ 7.60 .50 100.00 60.00 30.03 25.00 6O. O0 365 Nannie L. Richardson Office salary for Week ending Jan. 15th, 1927. Lil!ian Eessell Office salary for w~ek ending Jan. 15th, 1927. 25. O~ Salary from Jan. 1st, to Jan. 15th, 1927. 100.00 Tucker Salary from Jan. 1st to Jan. 15th,.19S7. 62.50 Luther Baldwin Salary from Jan. let to Jan. 15th, 1927. 75.00 John Andrews qa!ary from Jan. !st to Jan. 15th, 1927. 6Z. 5O i. R. Cook Ba!~ry from Jan. 1st to Jan. !5th, 1927. 87.50 ~obert Iester Salary from Jan. 1st tb Jen. 15th, lv27. 62.50 ,e!ray News Printing 500 Circulars f~r Seaboard 7,~e]come Cereaenies. elm Beach Typewriter Co. Repairs to Royal a~nd Un~er- wood Typewriters. ose!ey's Garage Tire repair for Police Dept. estern Union Telegrams sent during ~!onth of December. 4.50 5.~5 1.50 14.16 la. East Coast Ry. -Balance ~f freight due on car ~ock from 31endrick June 26.1~25. ~rror was caused in the ne~ weight, charging for ~0.000 lbs and car w. eig~ed ?0,?00 lbs making a difference · n the freight charges. 9.79 · P. Somerville To re-emburse Petty Cast for the fo ! ] owing: Stamps, Ice, Water test case,"Key to To',vn's Business", 5 yds ribbon for Seabo~-d Ceremonies. 6.!4 ,hnoEamsey ,otc & Davies Co. mdex Rand Sales Corp. 1000 Kardex File Cards. Three hours labor on Town jail 3.75 3-!1x14 Bond & Coupon Eeoord outffts. 1-!!xl4 ~! B~nder ~lly marked. Carters Arabes :~uci!age.I. edger Dater. 50.60 11.88 Bennett Printing & Stamp Co. Bennett Printing & Stamp Co. Reeo2utio~s to pay claims and affidavits. Effidav~ts. 6.01 There being no further bus!nes~ the meeting adjourned. Town Olerk