Minutes 02-25-27~Sth, 19£ 7.
A 8peo£al Meeting of the ~oard of/~isiomers
f the. Town of Boynton, Florida, was held .~a~'~,Towa Hall
f the Town of Boynton, Florida, on PriSsy ,~al~g,.,February
5th A. D. 1927 at ?:50 P. M.
The above constituting the entire t~ard o~-~''. :~'.~'
mmissioners of ~he Town of ~oynton, Florida,
~posals for the sale of ~50,~0.00 par value Styli ~rove-
nt Bonds of the .Town, u~er date of October 1,
rsuanoe of a notice duly p~blished in the
fo llows:
Sealed proposal8 will be received
oy the Town Commission of the Town of
~oynton, Florida, on l~ebrUary 25th. 1927,
at 7:30 o'oloc~ P. M., at the ~wn Mall,
for the ~rohase of Three Hu~red ~ifty
Thousand Dollars ($3~0,000.00) par value
of S~reet ~p~ve~ent ~oads of said Town;
bonds dated October 1, 1926; deaomi~tlon
One Thousand Dollars .($1000.00); ~nteresT
six per ce~t. [6 per cent}, payable semi-
a~ally; maturities Thirty Five Thous~d
Dollars [$~5,000.00) in each of the years
19~ to 1936, both inclusive.
Bo~ds cannot be sold for less tha~
ninety-five cents and accrued interest.
Certified cheek iz~ the mmomzt of
two per cent of the a~ou~zt of 0Chris must
accompany bid.
Proposals should 0e addressed
Town Commissioners, Town of
Flor ida.
The right ie reserved to re Jeer any
and all bids, and to waive aad .:I~ga~larities.
Dated: Boynton, Plortda, PeOruary
R. O. Myers,
Harry Be~so~.
of business. The Town Clerk armounoed that
been ~oetved. The ~yor ~q~eeted of ~e~.~
were a~ ~tds to be submitted. There b&t~"~'~
boads, on motion duly seoonded ~d carried ~.
ourned. '~"