Minutes 03-17-27415
A Bpecial l~eeti:~g o£ the. ~oard o5 0ommissionere
o~ the Town o5 ~oynton, ~lorida, was held at the Town Hall
o~ ~he ~own of ~oyn~on, Florida, on ~hureday A~er~oon,
~arch 17~h. ~. ~. 192~, a~ B:B0 P. ~.
Present: R. O. ~ers, ~ayor
Harry ~eneon,Vice ~ayor
E. L. Winchee~er,Town Olerk
The above configuring ~he en~i~ ~oard o~
~o~issioners of ~he Town of ~oyn~on, Ftorida.
upon motion made by Co~iesioner Henson, seconded
by Co~issioner Winchester, ~he followi~ ~sol~ion w~s
duly ~opted:
~~S, the Town Ta~es have no~ been collected
in Sufficient s~s to provide ~s to meet all lhe pre'eat
expenses; and
WHE~.~EaS, there seems to be no prospect of raisi:~
sufficient funds to meet all the present expenses now
accumulating agai~st the Town of ~oynton in Palm ~each
County, ~lorida.
T'~HEFOEE ~,: iT P~oLV~ that the salary of the
l[ayor Oe reduced to une Hundred ~$100.00) per month, .payable
~E iT ~Ui{'i'HL~R HESOLV~iL that the salary' of the vice-
ltayor be reduced to One Hundred ~$100.00) per month, payable
~ mo n~ hly;
~,: iT ~JRT~LE~R RESOLVED that the s~lary of the
Clerk be reduced to One Hundrea ~$100.00~. set month,
monthly; .~'
~$E IT ~dRT_EEH RESOLVED that the duties of
Sanitary Anspector be handled by the Superinteadent of the
Water A~epartment in conjunction with his other duties;
BE AT FUrTHeR RE~IJL¥~j~j that the position of Health
Officer be temporarily abolished.
~E, IT FUNTHEH F~ESOLVED that this Eesolution shall
become effective o~ the ~'irst day of APril A. ~. 1927. '$
There beiA~g no ~urther business, the meeting "
ad j ou rne d.
Town Clerk