Minutes 04-14-27443
A Special ]~.~eeting of the Board of Commissioners of
the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall of the
Town of
B ~ua.~,on, Florida, on Thursday l~!orning, April 14th,
:A. D. ]99V, at 9:00 o'clock A.
h. 0. Myers, Eayor
~arry ~enson,Vice-~ayor
~. ~. Winchester,Town Clerk
The above constituting the entire Board of
Co:mnissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida-
Upon :notion made by Co.v~issioner ¥,inchester, seconmed
~y Commissioner Benson, the following hesolution was duly
WHEREAS, there is now suff~tlent f~ds 'to take:up.
ight One Thousand Dollar ~onds, dated June la.t, 1926,. which
~re du~ and payable at the Bank of Boynton on December 1st,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEL that the Clerk be and he
~nd for
authorized to draw a check on the Interest & Sinking
the s~m of E~ght ~housand ($8,000.00) ~ollars, made
tyable to the order of the Bank of Boynton, in payment of
One Thousand Dollar Bonds mated June 1st, 1926, which'
due December 1st, 1926, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t~at the Clerk be and he
hereby authorized to draw a check on the Interest & Siz~king
f¢:, the s~mm of One Hund~-od an-~ ~.ighty ($18~.~) ~ol±ars,
ch a.mou~'~t is t.~e Interest cue on Eight Bonms, from ~ecember
1926, to Aoril ~6th, 192V, at six percent (6~). Said
to, be made payable to the Bank of Boynton, and
BE IT FUHT~W.R ~$0LVED that the Clerk be an~ he
is hereby authorizes and instructem to draw a check on the
& ~inking Funa, made p'ayable to the Bard~ of Boynton
~for the s~m~ of $75.89, which amount represents two percent
on Ten, One Thousand Dollar Bonds, dated June 1st, 1926,
ch is due the Bank of Boynton in accordance with Contra~t
~¢tober 15th, 1926.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.