Minutes 06-20-27 SPECIAL DTEETIi~G 0P JUNE Z0th, 19Z7.
4 Special Lieeting ol~ the board of 0omaissioner~-
of the Town of ~o.vnton, Ploridu, was held at the Town Hall
of the Town of ~oynton, Plorida, on L[onday Afternoon, Jnne
20th, A. D. 19Z7, at 4:30 o'clock p. ~.~I.
Present: R. O. !~Ye~,Nayor
H~r~. Bens on, Vioe_~tayor
E. L. Winchester,Town Clerk
~'he ~bove consti?u~ing the entire t$oard o~
Co~nissioners oi' ~he Town of ~oynton, Florida.
']'he following co~z-unication was received ~y
1{. O. N~yers, M~yor and read:
"/~ay Zl, 19~7.
Hon. R. O. I~yers,
~ayo r of
Boynton, Pla.
Ny dear i~[r. ~.{yers:
The next meeting of' the Leagu~ will be held
in St. Petersourg on June ZEnd and 2Srd, and I have
placed you on The program to preside at the Thursday
morning session.
Please let me known Dy return mail if.~ou
will acqept, as I am anxious to get the program in the
hangs of the printer.
Looking forward to meeting you in St Peters-
burg, I am, ·
E. p. Owner, Jr.
Se ore ta~ -Treasu rer-
· Upon motio~,~ m~ae hy Co~issioner Bens o~, seconded
~Y Commissioner ~incnester and duly carried, the following
i l~esol~io~ w~s adopted: ~
WHERE.~S, The Floriaa League of ]~unicipali~ies
are bolding their meeting on June E£nd and E£rd,~ at
St. Petersburg and,
WHE~E.~S, it is deemed ~eoeseary and advisable
and to the oest in~erem~ of the Tow~ of ~oyn~on tha~ ~he
en~i.re Town Co~nission of the Town oi~ ~o~on, Floriaa,
a~end the. metering of ~he Florida Lea~e of ~nicipali~iee
~o ~e held in St, Petersburg on June EEnd, ~nd ~Zrd,
T~R~O~ BE IT RES~L~ ~hat ~he Re~lar Nee~-
iug of the ~oar~ of Town Oo~issio~ere ~o be.held on J~e
Elst, be aCJ~urned unti~ Friday Evening, June ~Th, aT
7:Z0 P. ~. an~,
BE IT ~URT~L~ RESUL~D th~ ~he ~yo~, Vice-~yor
and Town Clerk ue delegated to attend the meeting o~ The
FloriGa Lea~e of ~unicip~ities ~o 0e held on aune EEnd,
and 2Brd aT St. Petersburg, Flo~da.
There being no further business, the meeting