-~ ~. A Regular Meeting of the ~oard of 0ommissioners
o~~ the Town of ~oynton, ,Florida, was held at the Town Hall
of the Town of OoyntOn, Florida on ~'uesday Evening, July
· $th, A. D. 192V, at 7:00 o'c~k p. M.
'i~ ~ Present:
~e above constituting the entire Bo~d of
C~l;sio2ers of the Town of Boston, Flori~
Minutes of the last Regular.Meeting of
~t~ we~ rea~ and a~rove~.
~ o~ti was passed ordering the following
bills to be-~d o~t .$ ~heir respective
~llian Kessell
~ Balary for week ending
Fla.Power ~ Li~t ~o. mlectric ~rent ~ed by
the 'A'own of ~oynton d~ing
R: 0. Myers
Harry Bens on
E. L. ~inchester
W. ~. Poore
~. ~.. Tucker
Luther Baldwin
iA. h. Cook
the konth of ~une '1927.
Commissioners salary for
~onth of June 1927.
C0~missiBners s~lary for
M~nth of June 1927.
Commissioners-salary for
Month of June 1927.
Salary as Chief of Folice
from June 16th, to ~une
'3$th, 1927.
Salary as folice from ~une
16th, to ~une 39th,192?.
Salary from ~une 16th, to
~une 39th, 1927.
Salary from ~une 16th, to
June 355h, 1927.
R. 0. M~yers, Mayor
Harry Benaon,Vice-Mayor
E. L. Winchester,Town Clerk.
686. Vl
1~0. O0
75. %tO
Robert Lester
McCoy & Finch
Bank of Boynton
W. ~. Tucker
W. h. Tucker
~Bout~ern ~$el Tel &
Tel Uompany
Salary from June 16th, to
June $Oth, 1927.
'~egal services
ing the ~onth of June 192V.
oil and re,re dttring
bent of ~mw~ Iiall~ fo!' the
month o1' ~une 1927.
Salary from June !st m~t[l
June 15th, 1927.
in part payment for .eomt
uniform for m. m; 'Wucke~
For telephone service
, long distance calls
month of June_l~2?.
W P. Somerville ~ Salary for week ending uly
2nd, 1927.
Nannie ~ou Richardson ~alary for week ending ~ly
2nd, 1927.
~illian Kessell
Nutting Filling Sta.
Salary for week ending July
2nd, 1927.
~as, oil and repairs used
during the month of ~une
autting Filling Sra.
Gas, oil' and r~ used
du~.ing ~he' ~on~h~ of ~une
Nutting Pilling Sra.
~as, and oil ma ed du~ing
month of June 1927.
". P. Somerville
Salary for week ending
June 25th, 192~.
Nannie ~ou hichardson Salary for week en~tn.g
June 25th, 1927.
"illian Kessell
~. P. Somerville
Salary for week ending
~ume 25th, 1927.
To reimburse Petty Oash
for Account ~os.1258,12w?,
121Z, and 12V$
$ 62.50
tl. 15
35. ~
W. P. Somerville
Xhe Ooynton Herald
The Boynton Herald
~harles Senior
Meredith ~lec.Sh~p
Austin Bros.
Klear Water Company
~'o reimburse Petty ~ash
for One Water Refund ~o.377.
For advertising of Town Tax
Sale List.
Legal publishing for Florida
~ast Coast Hallway condemna-
tion suit.
For one Tork Clock Time SwitCh
for ~each Pavilion.
2-1~0 ~,att A~mps
1- 25 " nuby
3-1~ *~np fuses
1- 2 Circuit Universal Switch.
1 sheet 3x8 ~alv Flat iron.
lx2 - 2/12, lx3 - c cyp 2/12,
~ lb. nails, 1 galv bucket.
For drinking water used in ~own
Hall during month of ~une 1927.
Halsey ~ Griffith, Anc Six rolls of Adding Machine
Eva A. ~omerviile For servibes rendered to date.
Palm Beach Mercantile
Company. Material for Water ~ePt.
~ter DePt.Town of
$ 7.5~
~,ater used at Jail, Ocean Oeach
Pavilion, and ~'ire Hydrants. 178.21
Commissioner, Harry ~enson, moved the a~option of the
following Resolution:
WHEHEAS, by hesolution bearing date of ~eptember 21;
1926, provision was made for the issuance of ~pecial Improvement
Bonds of the Town of Boynton in ~he aggregate amount of three
hundred fifty thousand dollars ($35~,~O.95~; and,
WHEREAS, in pursuance thereof, such Soecial Improve-
~ment Bonds have been issued and are now outstanding obligations
!of the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach County, Flori~; and,
WHEREAS, such bonds are predicated upon, and the
payment of such bonds upon their maturity, is based upon
l~he payment of assessments upon property therein designated;
WHEREAS, sufficient amounts of payments of such
Special Improvement Assessments have not been received with
which to make payment of the bonds maturing October l, t927;
WHEREA~, a bond issue of Five Hundred 'Al~ousand
Dollars ($5~,~05.~ has been provided for and therein
Eighteen A'housand Dollars ($1'8,~05.05j has been set apart
for the refunding of outstanding indebtedness of the said
Town of Boynton.
NOW 'THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Town Commissioners
of the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, that
the said Eighteen '~'housand Dollars ($15,$0~.N~ -so appropriated
and provided for in guch issue of $5~$,$~$.~ of negotiahle
.coupon bonds of the Town of Boynton shall be used for the
purpose of redeeming Eighteen 'x~ousand Dollars ($18,$~$.~$)
of the 'Aq~trty Five 'A~ousand Dollars ($35,$05.95) of such Spe-
cial Improvement Bonds maturing on October 1, l~V.
Oommissi,'mer ~inchester.seconded the motion ~or
the adoption of the above and foregoing Resolution, and
upon being put to a vote the same was duly carried by a
unanimous vote of such Commission.
Upon motion made by Commissioner Benson, seconded
by Commissioner Myers, the following Ordinance was duly
adopted on its first and f~nal reading, it b~ing An Ordinance
that is urgent and is essential to the immediate preservation
of public peace and safety of the Town of Boynton., and emer-
gency does exist for the immediate adoption of ouch an
· : .. ~.~
Section 1. That it shall be ~tnlal~X ~ Pe~t
any dog to run at large, unaccompanied by
or harborer, or by his or her
,e eet
or publicplace, within the corporate 1xmxt8'
Boynton, Florida. Provided that no dog ehall~be deemed to
be at large, within the prbvislona of thio ordin&nce, while
upon the property of the owner, poo'seoaoP-c?"'~eroo~ who
harbors it, or upon the property of a neighbor who shall
consent there~o.
Section 2. That the owner, possessor or
of every dog shall take out a license for such dog
Town Clerk, of ~aid Town of BoTnton, Florida, which'~£.~enoe
shall show the number of,the license, the name o~ the licensee
and the breed, color and sex of the dog; and each~leS es
licensed shall wear a collar around the neck, having ~ngraved
upon a metal sumface theretq, or attached thereto, the name
of the licensee and the registered number of said dog. Every
dog not so licensed, and not wearing a collar, marked as
herein provided, shall be deemed to be at large when found
on any street or public place within said Town, whether accom-
panied or not by the owner, possessor or harborer of said dog
or her representative; and shall be liable to seizume ac
herein provided. Each owner of a dog shall pay'a license
tax of ONE DOLLAR ($1.WO}. Each owner of a bitch shall pay
a license shall pay a license tax of FIVE DOLLARS ($5.~O)
The license tjx under this section must be paid to the-Town
Clerk of said Town before the Cer~ifieate of Registration and
License is issued, and said license taxes ao collected shall
be deposited in the ~'eneral Fund of said Town.
Section 3. AND BE IT FURTttERORDAI~ED' that all
dogs running at large, in the manner aforesaid,.whetheP li-
censed or not, shall be seized, captured am~eliveved by
such person or persons as 'may be de'e~nated by:~,he ~ of
Town .Commissioners, of the Town of ~ynton, 'F10~ida, for that
puA-pose, and only such dogs, whose owners, possessors, or
harborers have complied with ~ection2, of this Ordinance,
shall be detained for the space o'f twenty-four hours, and if
not claimed or redeemed by the owner, possessor or person
harboring same, or some other person, within twenty-four hours
thereafter, and by owner paying a penalty of TWO DOLLARS
~$2.~u/, shall be killed and destroyed in such manner and by
such person or persons as said Board of Town Commissioners may
designate. Provided, that whenever the name of any person
appears on the collar of any dog seized, under this Ordinance,
such person shall forthwith be notified of the seizure in
writing, by postal card duly addressed to him or her and de-
posited in the fost Office· Any monies received from such
fees shall be paid to the Town ~reasurer for the use of said
Town. Every dog seized and unredeemed within the time and
under the cnnditions herein described Shall be killed, and
the carcass shall be buried by such person as shall be
appointed by the Board of Town Commissioners.
~ection 4. AND BE IT FURTHER 0HDAINED, that no
person shall hinder or molest any person or persons so appointed
by the Board of Town Commissioners, while engaged in melzing
or capturing and such dog as aforesaid, or in Performing any
other duty intended by the provisions of this Ordinance, under
a penalty of not less than FIVE or more than TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS
for each and every offense, to be imposed upon the complaint
of any person so hindered or molested.
Section 6. The provisions of this Ordinance shall
not apply to dogs temporarily in or passing through said Town
when accompanied by their non-resident owners, possessors or
Section 7. It shall not be lmwful for any person
or persons, having knowledge of the bad or vicious habits of
any dog, whether male or female, and of ahich such person or
persons shall be the owner, or custodian, to permit such dogs
to run at large on the public streets or places of the Town
of Boynton, ~'lorids, under a penalty not exceeding TEN DOLLARS
for each and every offense.
Section 8. Af any dog has b'itten or mutilated any
person or persons, horse, cow, sheep or other animal in any
public olace or thoroughfare it shall be the duty of the Mayor,
and he shall have the power, to direct the Ohief of Police to
demand such dog, after such biting or mutilating, or an attempt
so to do, of the owner or custodian thereof, for the purpose
of killing or destroying the same; and in the case of refusal
or neglect on the part of such owner or custodian shall have
an opportunity to be heard in defense of said dog, and show
Sause why such killing should not take place, said dog in the
meantime to remain in the custody of the Folice Department of
said Town.
Section 8.' '.'It shall be lawful for the 'Board of Town
Commissioners of said To~n at any time, when in its opinion
the public safety may require it, t6 issue _its proclamation
authorizing the destructio~ of all dogs, male or.female,
running at large within the limits of said Town, except such~.
as shall be properly muzzled with a wire oF leather muzzle about
the nose, .securely fastened, after one day's p_ubli0 'notice by
w~itten or printed bulletin or handbill; l~movtded ~hat so. thing
-in said proclamation shall apply to a dog or dogs of a non- ..
!~esident passing through the said Town accompanied by the owner
-or ~owners, custodian or custodians of such dog or ,,dogs; and
may thereupon appoint one or more persons of said Town, with
i ~ull power and authority to kill any dog, male or female,
£ound rttnning at large without such muzzle within said Town,
~ said ~og or dogs may be impounded, disposed of or killed
by said person or persons in the manner provided in the third '
~'~$ection of this Ordinance.
Section 9.. ~o dog or dogs, male or female, shall
be permitted to run at large through the business protions of
said Town, or through the ~treets or market places thereof,
under a penalty of TEN DOLLARS ($1~.O$) for each and every
!.offense; and such dog or dogs shall be considered .to be at
large unless fastened to a tether held by the owner or cus-
todian of such dog or dogs. And the owner..or custodian of
much dog or dogs shall not permit the same to commit any
' uisance while so tethered or fastened, under a like penalty.
Section 15. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the
passage of the above and foregoing Ordinance is urgent and is
essential to the immediate preservation of the public peace and
safet~ of said Town of Boynton, Florida, and that an emergency
does exist for the immediate adoption of such'::~dinance.
Section 11. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED"~a~ ~11~0rdi-
nances, Resolutions or Orders or parts of OrdinanCes, Resolm-~
tions or Orders inconsistent or in conflict herewith be, and
the same are hereby, rescinded and repealed.~
Section 12. BE IT'FURTHEH ORDAINED 'tha~"~-~ above
"~'i, and foregoing Ordinance be, and the same hereby }aased and
~dopted on th£s 5th day of JUly, I. D., 19 '~b · ~ie~ular
!~eeting of the ~$oard of Town C~lssioners of the'.'To~n of ~o ~ 1~
'~JFlorida, and being the meettn~ at which same ~"~'~~uced; ;and
~".~urther t~at such 0rS'ii~an.~'~'~hall become effective immediately.
~. Upon motion .made by CommieSlone~'llyers, i.ecOnded
~lr C~iestoner ~inchester, '~l~e '£o,~ Attorney, ~. Fo Finch, was
:natrucg~d to expedite a tr~:I"o~-the case now pending between
~e To~n of Bo]mton and the Florida ~as~ Ooas~ Railway
~In reference to conde~ation of the Florida ~ast Coast Railway
}~Company Ri~g-of-~ay for s~reeg p~posea.
·here being no further business, the meeting
~l Journed.