Minutes 01-30-28SPECIAT~ ~,7~TING CF J-iN]7.'~.Y,S0TH, 1928. A Special i~ieeting of the Board of To~zn commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Florida, },Ionday Afternoon, January S0th, A. m. 19~8, at 1:10 o'clock p. Present ; R. 0. '~yers, ~ayor Harry Bens on, Vic e-~iay or E. L. ,'~inche st er Town Clef The above constituting the entire Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. Upan motion made by 0ommissioner E. L. Winchester, the following Resolution, was read: WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and to the best interests of the Town of Boynton and the inhabitants and tax payers thereof that a rule or regulation be adopted and enforced fixing a time within which persons interested in the records of the said Town may have access thereto and receive the in- formation from such records. NOW T~iEREF0~, BE IT RESOL~ED by the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows: 1. That all persons desiring information or access to the records of said Town shall be permitted to call for such information as such persons may desire between the hours of 8:00 A.N. and 9:50 A.E. o'f each and~every day, excluding Sundays; and that no person shall have access to such records at any other time during the day. ~., That the clerk of such Commission be, and he hereby .is, authorized, empowered, instructed and directed to require all persons seeking information shown by the records to designate what records such person desires and make 8pplication for permission to inspect such records at no other time except between 8:00 A.~:[. and 9:30 A.~,~. durirg each and every day,eXCluding Sundays; and that such clerk be, and he hereby is, authorized, empowered and an~ directed to make, promulgate and enforce any and all other rules and regulaticns which he may deem fair and reasonable pertaining to the examination and copying of the reccrds of such '2o,~n. Commissioner E. L. ?~inchestcr moved th_~t the above and foregoing Resoluticn be immediately adopted, which., motion was seconded bY ~. 0. L[yers and upon being put ko a vote, said motion was unanimously carried and was so declared by the Mayor. There being no further business, the meeting adj ourne d. ~ayor - vi c e -t~f4 yo r- Town Clerk'