Minutes 02-07-28REGULAR ~[EETING OF FEBRUARY 7th, 1928. A l{egular Meeting of the Board of Town Co~umissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Florida, Tuesday Evening, February 7th, A. D. 19~8, at 7;30 o'clock P.~i. Present; R. 0. ~ysrs, ~Iayor Harry Benson,Vice-~ayor E. ~. Winchester,Town Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of X'own COmmissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. ~inutes of the last Regular Meeting of January 17th, A. D. 1928, were read and approved. Minutes of a Special Meetingof January 24th, ~. ~. 1928, w~re read and approved. Minutes of a Special Meeting of January ZOth, A. D. 1928, were read and approved. Minutes of a Special Meeting of February ~rd, ~. ~. 1928, were read and approved. Upon motion made by Commissioner Benson, seconded by Commissioner Winchester, a hesoldtion to pay Claims was culy adopted. There being no further business the meeting ad.~ourned. ~iayor Town ~lerk