Minutes 02-21-28HEGULAR ~.IEETING OF FEBRUARY P~IST, 1928.
C[~r~.nissioners of the Town of B o~rnton, Florima, w~s held
The .Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Florida, on
Tu~s~aY Evening, February P~lst, a. ~. 1~8, at ~:~0 o'clock{
harry oer'~s on, Vic e-i~,ayor
k. L. Winchester,To¥~: Oier~
The above constituting t~e ma.~ority of the
of Town Co~issioners of the Town of Boynton,
~[inutes of the last Regular ~eeting of February
7tn, A. D. 1928, were read and appr0vea.
Upon motion made by Co~issioner Winchester,
seconded by Co~issioner Benson, a Resolution to pay
Claims was muly adooted.
Upon motion made by Commissioner Senson, seconded
by.Co~issioner Winchester, and duly carried the following
ResolutiOn was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED that notice is hereby given by
the Town Co~issioners of the Town of BRy~ton, Palm ~each
County, Floriaa, that a General Election of said Town will
be held at the Town nail on ~ixie ~igt,way in the Town of
Boynton, Palm Seach Cowry, Floriaa, between the hours of
eight o'clock a. ~I. and s~set of the 9th day of april,
A. b. 1928, for the purpose of electing an enc~bent to
the office of Town Cler~ for a term of three years.
Nominations may be made for said office on or
be: o: e ten ys s to the date of said election.
Regular ]~.]eeting of the Board of Town
{S'-, :iiaat~s may be voted for on the ba±!ot without being
]~otice is f~rt~;ur given that Capt. J. C.
...,, ;-'rances Stitts and ~,~rs. abby Coon are ~:ereoy appointed
as lnsoectors and ~;rs. ~ertha Liliiams as Cl~rk of sai~
e!e rich, and are oraered to report at said T3',',n ~iall on
the ~ay and time aforesaid to hold such election.
BE iT FIE(T~ER RESOLVED that a cosy of this Notice
be.; ~sted at the door of the Town Hall, of the Town of ~oynton
Palm Beach County, Florida. '
BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Registration ~ooks
o£ ti:s Town of Bo'rnton, Palm Beach County, Florida, be opened
for ~ae Registration of all qualified electors of the Town of
.4oynt.m, Palm Beach County, Florida, at the Town Hall pn the
29th :lay of February, &. ~. 1~28. Ail persons desitin6 to
r~gis~er for the General E'lection calle~ for tae ~tn may of
&pti±, a. D. 1928, should register before the Zoth day of
;.!arch~ A. D. 1928, at which time the Registration Boo4s will
be ci(sed.
Upon motion made by Cormmissioner Winchester, sec.onded
Oy Com~issioner Benson, the following Resolution was adopted_.
LHEREAS it is deemed necessary, advisable and expe-
dient :_n the COnstruction of the New Casino Building at the
~e~ch, that the plans and specifications be amended,
BE IT THEkEFORE RESOLVED that the following amendments
to the :~lans and specifications for the Construction of the
New CasLno Building at the Beach, be made as ol~ows: f ~
~. Elevate the g~ade of the Ouilming as founm
necessary by the architect and Inspector.
2. aam cement to tod
floors tnrcughou~ C~an~-g~- i~ ~c ent co tin oi' n' om
part cement and three parts of sand
to one part cement and one an~ one-
half parts of sand.
5. Change exterior from strip lath to
solid storm shearing.
BE IT F~THER RESOLVED that the ~ ~
~ontractor be
ssmpensated for th~ abov,~ work as an extra.
There being no further business the meeting
· own Clerk -