Gerald Broening, Mayor
Mike Ferguson, Vice Mayor
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Carl McKoy, Commissioner
Ron Weiland, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
Jim Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director
Lusia Galav, Principal Planner
Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
:~. Xntroductions
Lusia Galav, Principal Planner, introduced the consultants, .]ody Rivers and Russell
Moore of the RMPK Group.
2. Project Overview
Ms. Galav announced that they would be conducting workshops this month with the
City Commission, the Planning & Development Board, and the Community
Redevelopment Agency. They sent out a mailing to the neighborhood groups that are
on Dan DeCarlo's neighborhood list announcing a workshop with the residents for next
Wednesday. There will also be a workshop with contractors on Thursday. The purpose
of these workshops is to obtain feedback from everyone to give to the consultants.
Staff met with the consultants last month to address the issues that they had with the
The consultants will be reviewing the Land Development Regulations in the Code of
Ordinances and focusing on Chapter 2-Zoning, Chapters I and 1.5 dealing with
administration and procedural portions of the code, and other ancillary chapters that
deal with Planned Unit Development, site plan review, design review criteria, and the
landscape code (only if required by other changes that are made in the other portions
of the code). Engineering standards in the code are being done separately by the
Engineering Department. The consultants will be looking very carefully at our
processes and the code format. The format of all of the Land Development Regulations
will be changed to make it more user friendly.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 4, 2003
Commissioner McCray asked whether mailings were sent to homeowner association
presidents only or to the residents only. Ms. Galav replied that they were sent to the
homeowner association presidents and anyone else that was on Mr. DeCarlo's list. Ms.
Galav gave a copy of the letter to Commissioner McCray.
Purpose of the Meeting - To determine the issues and concerns related
to the existing zoning code as related to redevelopment, the
development approval process and the organization of the code
3ody Rivers explained that there were many other municipalities in South Florida facing
the same challenges as Boynton Beach because these communities are growing and the
need for redevelopment is becoming more evident. Boynton Beach has some great
opportunities for redevelopment but the existing Zoning Code can become a roadblock
in some instances. They were hired to review the code and make it more
redevelopment oriented and user friendly. Ms. Rivers distributed a copy of their
schedule to everyone. There are four phases to the project:
Inventory phase
Analysis phase
Code framework phase
Writing the draft of the new Zoning Code
She explained that they are in the inventory phase where they are reviewing a
tremendous amount of data (e.g., the Comprehensive Plan, the 20/20 Redevelopment
Master Plan, the Heart of Boynton Plan, zoning maps, codes from other municipalities,
Ms. Rivers said that they met with staff and received their comments. After all of the
workshops are held and all information is received, they will enter into the analysis
phase where they will ascertain what Boynton Beach needs in its codes to make
development and redevelopment work smoothly. That phase will happen in March and
In May, they will go to the code framework phase, how the code is actually put
together. Currently, processes for getting plans approved are scattered throughout the
code. They will put all processes together in one chapter. They will also review the
index section to make it complete and accurate. Ms. Rivers said that they would be
asking for the Commission's input again during this phase.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Workshop
Bovnton Beach, Florida
February 4, 200~
During the summer, they will prepare the draft of the Zoning Code and bring it to staff
for their input and approval. It will then go to the Commission for approval and,
hopefully, the code will be codified during the winter.
Ms. Rivers said there are three main issues that they want to focus on:
Framework of the code - the structural make up
Substantive issues - how to develop the code to help redevelopment meet its
Commercial and residential PUDs - to make sure they fit what Boynton Beach
will need for future development
Commissioner McCray inquired what other cities they have assisted.
Ms. Rivers was with West Palm Beach many years ago when they did the Northwood
Master Plan and the Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
Russell Moore said they worked with IVlargate and are currently working with Coconut
Creek. They also worked with Stuart four years ago and with Lake Worth. Mr. Russell
said that they have a collection of different codes from around the country.
When the Department of Community Affairs did the Comprehensive Planning ACt in
1988, they hired attorneys to put together the Model Development Code. They will look
at the framework of that code to get the organizational structure.
4. Xdentification of Xssues and Concerns
a. What are the issues and concerns with the current code?
Are there limitations and constraints that create hurdles to the
development approval process?
What are the issues and concerns regarding the Code
d. Xs the code effective in realizing the City's goals?
e. Any other issues or suggestions?
Mayor Broening said that Code Compliance items only come to the Commission by
exception but all Planning & Development items come to the City Commission. He did
not know if that is good or not. Mike Rumpf said that in the past, staff discussed
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Workshop
Boynton Beachr Florida
February 4~ 200-~
whether they and the Planning & Development Board could be given more responsibility
in reviewing site plans.
Mayor Broening felt that the Comprehensive Plan contained contradictions (e.g., to
preserve the ways things are now and yet fight against westward sprawl).
Commissioner Weiland's concern was what type of product was the City getting when
industrial properties are rezoned to residential.
Mr. Moore explained that when the codes were developed years ago, they were
developed for raw land in a typical suburban pattern that was popular around the
country. Now, a lot of the area is built out and lifestyles and development patterns
have changed. The codes and zones do not fit the current development patterns. Now
it is time to come up with zones and development processes so that it is a predictable
system and everyone understands it. If the code was changed, there could be more
staff decisions.
Vice Mayor Ferguson felt there was too much time spent on public hearings.
In response to a comment that developers did not think Boynton Beach was user-
friendly, City Attorney Cherof clarified that the criticism from developers is not with the
content of the regulations, but with the process.
City Manager Bressner felt that the following questions could be addressed during the
review of the code:
If it is a policy of the Commission to support mixed-use developments, is there
some language that could be added to the code that would facilitate mixed-use
developments, especially in the eastern portion of the City?
Does the Landscape Code need to be enhanced and better integrated with
land use decisions? Mr. Russell stated that different landscape requirements
are needed to fit urban zones.
Is there a need to develop land use regulations that support adaptive re-use of
properties or structures when it makes sense to do so? Mr. Rumpf said that
the challenge that he has faced is with older properties, for example properties
along Ocean Avenue, where there are existing restrictions that prevent them
from being used. Mr. Russell felt that adaptive use should be encouraged.
The problem you have is that they tend to be spot properties. It works very
well within districts but should not go piece by piece or by spotting. Another
thing to look at is the economic impact. When Stuart zoned a lot of their good
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Workshop
Bovnton Beach, Florida
February 4, 2003
downtown/in town properties to office, many residents left the area and that
had an effect on the local restaurants that then left the downtown area.
Regarding administrative review and processing of variances - does it make
sense to expand those areas so that staff would have the authority to
administratively grant variances? This would be with the understanding that
the Commission would be notified and notice would be given to the adjoining
property owners. However, this would be an abbreviated process. Ms. Galav
commented that in other cities the Planning & Development Board has the final
approval in some areas, for example site plans, and the Commission has a
certain amount of time to "call it up" if they are not happy with the decision.
There may be some zoning classifications in the City that the Commission
wants to preserve. Can a zoning classification have some type of protective
status so that if someone wants to change the zoning, it would require special
proof or special documentation over and above the normal standards to
convert it?
Commissioner Weiland questioned whether the Commission, alter it had approved a
rezoning, could legally turn down the project at the time of site plan if they did not like
the site plan. Mayor Broening believed that they could place conditions at time of site
plan that were within the existing code and the Building Code. Mr. IVloore commented
that in the City of Sarasota, rezoning is conditioned upon a site plan.
City Manager Bressner's final question was:
Can we do anything that would preserve the rights of existing nonconforming
5. Summary
City Attorney Cherof observed that in spite of the shortcomings that everyone agrees
are in our code, Boynton Beach has the lowest incident of land development litigation in
Palm Beach County.
There was a question from a member of the audience regarding when this workshop
was posted. City Clerk Prainito answered that the notices were posted on the bulletin
boards out front immediately after this meeting was scheduled.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Workshop
Boynton Beach~ Florida
February 4, 2003
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk Commissioner
(two tapes)