~ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 AT 7:30 P. M.
Ralph Marchese, Mayor
Leonard Mann, Commissioner
Robert Olenik, Jr.,
Arline Weiner, Commissioner
Peter L. Cheney,
City Manger
Betty Boroni, City Clerk
Raymond Rea, City Attorney
Mayor Marchese called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M.
~ayor Marchese stated that this meeting was strictly for all
%he 1988/89 Budgets. He would call upon only those who had
~equested to speak about the budget. He felt that speakers
must be limited to approximately three minutes in order to
give everyone who wished to speak an opportunity to do so.
He further requested that the people tell the Commission
What services they wished to cut out in order to reduce the
Request from Boynton Beach Woman's Club
~ane Zimmerman, 122 N.W. 14th Street, President of the
oynton Woman's Club thanked the Commission for providing
$25,000 for the past two years for the Woman's Club. She
noted that this had been used primarily for restoration of
the building. They Club requested that they be granted
$25,000 this year and hoped to use it for maintenance costs.
She referred to the history of the Club, and noted that they
hope the Club can be used as an integral part of Boynton
Beach as it used to be.
~ City Newsletter
~enrietta Solomon, 230 N.E. 26th Avenue, stated that she
~ished to see something eliminated from the budget. She
~elt that the City newsletter which announces events of
oynton Beach was not necessary. She had talked with many
~f her neighbors and none of them had an interest in the
paper. She felt that the City should forget about the paper
~s it was not necessary. She noted this was a small
expense, but felt that every item is important. She also
~uestioned the person who writes the paper and wondered if
that position could be eliminated if the paper were to be
~llmlnated. She noted that this could possibly take one
~erson off the payroll.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
given a copy of the proposed budget and had reviewed as much
of it as time had permitted. He had asked questions of Mr.
Hunt and he understood much of what was proposed. He noted
that during the last two years, there had been little or no
increase in the City's budget. He knew it would be
necessary to increase the budget sooner or later. He
recognized that at some point police, fire, builidng, and
planning department budgets would have to be increased. He
also felt that other small general increases would be
necessary in other administrative budgets. He did not
understand how the Commission could ask for public opinion
through referendum for capital improvement expenditures,
having some of those denied by the voters, and then allowing
those same capital improvements to be funded by other means
Which decrease the City's potential revenue and cause an
increase in the ad valorem tax. He felt this was a pur-
poseful circumvention of the voters' will. He did not
understand why the City Manager's portion of the budget must
increase by over 95 percent. He noted that Mr. Hunt had
spent much time trying to explain that, but he still did not
understand. He also did not understand why the City
Attorney's budget must increase by 60 percent. He assured
the Commissioners that he planned to become more involved in
informing himself about future budgets to understand pro-
posed tax increases. He asked that all aspects of the
budget be reconsidered and that the Commission vote for an
increase which is substantially less than 29 percent.
Mayor Marchese stated that his request was so noted.
Commissioner Olenik stated that the actual City Manager's
proposed increase is 14 percent. City Manager Cheney
Stated that in looking at the City Manager's portion of the
budget along with the one at the same time last year, he
would have seen they are just about the same increase.
There is a large item of $600,000 on one line. That amount
is put in (it was $700,000 last year) as one spot to put in
all increases in salary that are being or will be negotiated
with the Unions. It was put in one lump sum simply to get
it into the budget. Until Union contracts have been nego-
tiated, the precise amount is not known. Once the budget
is adopted and the Union contract has been signed and
Approved by the Commission, most of that $600,000 will be
reallocated to each of the individual budgets where the
~arious personnel are employed throughout the City.
~r. Bryan stated that this was exactly what Mr. Hunt had
explained to him. City Manager Cheney stated that approxi-
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
mately $50,000 is left over at this time of the $700,000
placed in last year's budget. Mr. Bryan noted that they
were still talking about money, and if not in the City
Manager's portion of the budget, would be in another part.
Commissioner Weiner thanked Mr. Bryan for his change of
attitude noting that the change was remarkable since the
last public hearing. She appreciated the constructive
criticism backed up by hard work. She encouraged him to con-
~inue to critize the Commission in such a constructive
Budget Cuts
~ormer Mayor Nick Cassandra, 2554 S.W. 10th Court, requested
:hat he be given more than the three minutes allowed for
~peakers. Mayor Marchese asked how much time he was talking
about, and stated that it was only fair to remain with the
rules. Mr. Cassandra continued by saying that at the last
Public Hearing he heard a lot of statements made by the
Commissioners and he had read many articles in the newspa-
pers since that time. One comment made on September 12th
rom the Commissioners was for Mr. Cassandra to tell them
~hat suggestions he had for the budget, what he would like
ko see cut, etc. On the 13th he went to City Hall to see
~ity Manager Cheney and to give him his recommendations, but
%he City Manager would not take them as he was concerned
~bout the Commissioner's input and could not spend all that
· ime on Mr. Cassandra's list.
mr. Cassandra stated that the statement had been made that
axes had not been raised the past two and it was
bout time to raise taxes. The question was also raised as
o what services he wanted to see cut from the budget. Mr.
assandra wished to give his suggestions as he did not feel
hat ~hose members of the Commission had much budget
9xperlence. He had gone through line by line, item by item
nd had cut non-serviceable items by $677,254.00. This
ncluded all departments. He cut less personnel than was
ecommended by the City Manager. He recommended that the
~ollce Department be kept at 11 personnel. He did not cut
gut the Fire Department, but recommended that the hiring be
prorated. The new building would be up in 15 months, so he
Suggested they start hiring from that point and hire each
quarter so that when the building was completed zt would be
~anned and ready to go. He recommended the Planning
epartment be decreased by one. He recommended that Risk
anagement be decreased by one. He agreed that Facilities
anagement people should not be hired (decrease by two). He
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
felt the Electrician should be kept due to the fact that the
City will be moving into new facilities. He feared some
problems might occur in the wiring, etc. which might
necessitate the need for an Electrician. He did not recom-
mend any decrease in the Library due to the fact that the
space has been doubled and the need for people would
increase. He recommended that Parks be decreased by two,
and that the City Manager's Clerk should be decreased.
Mr. Cassandra stated that the two years without taxes should
be explained. He stated that there was $1,000,000.00 in
excess this budget (87/88) as presented by the City Manager.
Of this $500,000.00 is being used in the new budget to keep
the taxes lower. He noted that in reality there was a 29
percent increase proposed. He hoped to see that decreased
by the end of this meeting. Mr. Cassandra noted that when
~here is excess money, the tax rate must be good. He stated
~hat there was excess money for the past three years.
personnel have been increased (in 87/88 increased by 36,
86/87 increased by 64, increased 85/86 by 31) by 100 people
~pproximately. Raises have averaged 9 percent per person -
27 percent raises over three years for some people. He
~oted that capital equipment had been purchased as needed
and money had been given to the Woman's Club as well as
~iding them with $112,000 for the year coming up. He felt
the tax rate had been proper. If taxes need to be raised,
{hey should be raised due to a need. He did not feel there
was a need for as much as 29 percent.
Mr. Cassandra stated that the $677,254 did not include new
vehicles, new personnel and the computer, and personnel
liability. In answer to Mr. Cassandra's question, City
Manager Cheney replied that there was no excess in the
Utilities Tax. Mr. Cassandra stated that in 1985 an ordi-
nance was passed stating that a capital improvement program
was needed to double police, fire space, the library. The
~eferendum did fail, but the need for space is still pre-
Sent. The ordinance was raised from 6.5 percent to 10 per-
dent to use for capital improvement for as needed/pay basis.
~t was needed at the present time. Everything was done pro-
~he $100,000 amount for Morey's was mentioned. He wondered
if the .5 mill could be reduced. He felt that the imminent
domain was uncertain and he felt that the $100,000 must be
eeded. He noted that the multi-recreational facilities had
ot been started, and wondered if the .5 mill could be .3
Mill based on over the years' use.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
Mr. Cassandra urged the Commission to study his recommen-
dations and offered to provide a list of his suggestions if
they wished to cut the budget more than the City Manager had
proposed. He also noted that this was the last public
hearing for the proposed budget.
Mayor Marchese commented that the purpose of the public
t~earings was to get input from the people. He also stated
~hat there are people on the Commission who know about
budgets, but they did not have to be on center stage to let
it be known. The budget had not been set in concrete. The
Commission wanted the public input and honest thoughts. He
was sure that everyone realized there was no "free pie in
~he sky." Mayor Marchese had spent most of the day looking
~nto the computer situation in the C~ty. He had heard much
~bout personal computers. He was happy to report that the
~ity Manager had done an excellent job of assigning an indi-
Vidual who maximizes the use of the devices, swaps them
around as necessary, and is standardizing ~hem for main-
~enance contract purposes. The City does not feel a need
for clones. Mayor Marchese pointed out that not everyone
has a PC or a piece of equipment on his or her desk simply
because the statement has been made to that effect. He was
proud of the way Mike Munro was handling that project to
ensure maximum utilization in time, distribution of the
~quipment, and the sharing of equipment so no additional
equipment would need to be purchased.
Mayor Marchese asked
~ther budgets.
! Aerial Ladder
if anyone wanted to speak regarding the
,ee Zibelli, had been concerned for three or four years.
.he asked City Manager Cheney how much money was put aside
n the Fire Department for the aerial ladder. She
.nderstood that that money was decreased for something else
his year.
!ity Manager Cheney stated that this amount goes up and down
~ach year. He referred to the portion of the budget where
he breakdown by years is given under Vehicle Maintenance
'und. He noted there is presently $67,000 in the budget.
~ssuming this amount is used to pay for the two vehicles
hich had been obtained, $100,000 placed in the budget this
ear, less money spent for vehicles this year; $88,000 would
e left at the end of the year. City Manager Cheney stated
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
that he would like to see the City add money to the Fire
Station Capital Construction Fund ($215,000 at present) as
there is not enought money to do the construction at this
time. He wanted to go ahead and build that this year. He
felt that then a lease/purchase arrangement should be done
on an aerial truck and plan to put it in the station
designed to accommodate the truck. This would mean that if
the Commission agrees to that, and the truck was ordered in
December or January, a decision could be made to fund it
lease/purchase. He noted this could be by financing it out-
side or by the City through funds which are invested.
Within a few months (the next fiscal year) the station and
that truck should be in place. The truck should last 15-20
years and the lease/purchase payments should be spread over
5 years and would make a lot of sense.
Mrs. Zibelli wished to see the increase kept in the area of
7½ or 8 percent as most of the other cities have done.
Mayor Marchese asked City Manager Cheney to name off the
~emainder of the budget items explaining which items (user
fees) were being increased/decreased.
Comments by City Manager Cheney
City Manager Cheney stated that the biggest one was the
Utility Fund, and there was no increase proposed in the util-
ity rates for the year. The City had proposed a major
expenditure in improving capital equipment, replacing capi-
tal equipment in the old water plant and lift stations.
Each year the City has been setting aside reserve depre-
6iation money. He proposed to add employees to the
qtilities Department due to the growth. He noted that the
Utilities Department serves customers beyond Military Trail,
but there is no increase in the user fee.
in the Sanitation area an increase in fee is proposed, but
is directly related to the increase in the tipping fee
Charged by the Solid Waste Authority. The fee is up to 33
Cents a ton at present and will probably increase to 45 or
40 cents a ton over the next few years. This is a pass
through fee and when it goes up is passed on to the
Customer. This is the only increase in the Sanitation fund.
He noted this was the lowest sanitation fee in the County
~ith the possible exception of a couple of very small
There are two or three minor increases in the Golf Course
~udget, but basically the fees did not change significantly.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
The Warehouse fund is new for this year's budget.
City Manager Cheney commented that in one or two years the
tipping fee which is now a part of the sanitation bill will
be taken off that and placed on the tax bill as a solid
Waste fee. This amount will go directly to the Solid Waste
Authority at the beginning of the year, and the City will
drop this charge from its bill at that time. The tipping
fee is a separate charge so that this can easily be dropped
when it is added to the tax bills.
Water/Utility Budget
Nick Cassandra, 2554 S.W. 10th Court, requested time to
address the Water/Utility Budget. He noted there was an
excess of $949,000 in this area. He agreed no increase was
requested, but noted there was in increase of personnel by
15. New vehicles totaling $202,000 had been bought. He was
not saying these increases should not have been included,
but was saying if Sanitation was going to be raised by 45
Cents, why not consider a decrease in the water in an amount
possible. He felt the revenue this year as well as next
year would give an excess, and requested the City Manager be
directed to decrease the water bills as the water/sewer
bills work hand in hand.
City Manager Cheney stated that it was important that uti-
~ity funds stay self sufficient as its costs will become
greater and greater due to environmental concerns, etc. He
also stated that when the utility fee is reduced just for
the purpose of offsetting what the people are paying in the
Sanitation fee when the citizens are paying less than anyone
else, one third of the customers not living in the City
would be given a break as well. He did not think that made
Sense as he felt utility costs would sky rocket in years to
Mr. Cassandra asked that everyone remember that the City
9perates on operation and non-operation costs, and the non-
operation costs are part of the user fee other debt service.
: Charges for sanitation/water
~ary Law, Real Estate Broker and property owner, had a
~uestion regarding tipping fees being passed on. She asked
if those were passed on to property owners or if each user
~n a condonomium or multi-family unit was having to pay gar-
bage pickup. She questioned whether this was for complex or
City Cheney stated the charge was per
~ndividual. Manager
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
unit. The sanitation charge for condonimiums is per
dwelling unit, and if the condoninium has individual water
bills each unit owner gets their individual bill. If they
have a master water meter, they also get a master bill and a
master sanitation bill, but the sanitation bill is based on
the number of units in the complex. Ms. Law asked if they
were paying as much as an individual home owner. City
Manager Cheney stated that the ones who use a dumpster pay
Slightly less than a single family home due to the fact it
Us cheaper for the City to pick up several dumpsters rather
~han individual cans. Ms. Law pointed out this is the same
amount going into the landfill. City Manager Cheney agreed
and stated the tipping fee for a single family home is
~3.45. The tipping fee for the residential dumpster is
~3.40. He pointed out that the City is currently charging
80 cents a month to every unit for landfill closure as the
old landfill is about ready for closure. This will cost
approximately one and a half million dollars. The City has
been collecting money in the sanitation rates for about 4
years to pay for that closure. That money has been set
aside. It looks like there will be enough money set aside
with this year and next without having to have a bond issue.
Therefore, the year after next that 80 cent charge will be
Ms. Law also asked when the City needed to refurbish the
Water plant and equipment if that comes out of the property
~ax. City Manager Cheney stated that it did not. The
Utility fund is totally self supporting only by the utility
~ates from every user including those not living in the City
Who pay the 25 percent surcharge to the City. Basically,
11 users pay the same amount as this is on a use basis.
here is a minimum charge of 3,000 gallons per unit, used or
~ot used. Ms. Law felt the charges should be right across
~he board, and City Manager Cheney stated that the City
~ries to do that.
~lenn Shear, 1305 S.W. 22nd Street, asked when the idea of
slorting trash would catch on. He felt this would cut down
Qn the landfill a great deal. City Manager Cheney explained
that for some time there had been voluntary recycling of
aper and aluminum cans. The State Legislature has passed a
iaw which says that in a year or two cities and counties
Nave to reduce the amount of materials going into landfills
~nd recycling plants by 30 percent. The Solid Waste
~uthority has taken on the task of trying to figure out how
this is to be done in the County. They have 5pilot pro-
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
jects in different parts Of the County in different types of
neighborhoods. They are subsidizing the costs of recycling
this voluntary program. In October Boynton Beach will have
such a project. This will be 800 units in Golfview Harbor
in a pilot program for nine months. The purpose of the
pilot projects is to see how many people participate, how
much is picked up, how much is the cost, etc. In general
most recycling programs are costing money at present. They
do save resources. The residents at Golfview Harbor will be
provided two baskets to put their paper and aluminum cans in
for curbside pickup. Also, the new recycling plant will
begin recycling once it is completed.
Mr. Shear felt that dumpsters located closer to the residen-
tial areas should simplify separating the trash. Mr. Cheney
noted that studies show that unattended dumpsters become a
Collection of all kinds of trash. The attempt is to have
Something which stops by every house at least weekly to pick
Up and separate at the source. The trucks have compartments
for the paper and cans.
Plumbing Code
Arthur Slater, 98 Cambridge Lane, stated that he had lived
at this address for four years. He was concerned that one
Or two gallons of water must pass through the sink before
%he water turns hot. He felt there was a defect in the
plumbing. He contacted the builder and he stated that he
had complied with the code. He went to see the Water
Superintendent and told him of his complaint. The
Superintendent chuckled and stated that when he wanted hot
water in the morning was to turn water in the sink on, take
%he dog for a walk; and upon his return, there is generally
hot water in the sink. Mr. Slater felt that this did not
represent water conservation when multiplied by the number
of residents in Boynton Beach. He felt many hundreds of
thousands of gallons of water was being wasted and he
~uggested the plumbing code be re-examined to improve the
efficiency of water running through the sinks.
Mayor Marchese stated that what Mr. Slater was describing
Was a function of the heating unit and the proximity from
which water is drawn. He explained that the closer the tap
6o the hot water, the quicker you will receive hot water.
Mr. Slater was referring to requiring the pipes to be
~rappe~ electrically. Mayor Marchese stated this would be
expensive and the most economical way to do this would be to
~onvert mechanical energy into electrical. Mr. Slater
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
suggested that pipes could be insulated, and he wished to
see the code changed to enforce this.
Mayor Marchese explained that the Commission was grateful to
have input from the citizens as they represent good, solid
ideas. The Commission would now meet, talk, and try to see
what they can do to lower the budget. As far as Mayor
Marchese was concerned he would do nothing to gain popu-
larity by lowering taxes and putting the City in a bad way.
He wished to see them lowered, but there was a limit. He
encouraged all the people to attend the City Commission
Commissioner Olenik asked if City Manager Cheney was looking
for direction from the Commission. He noted that the
meeting will be continued to next Wednesday, September 28th.
At that point City Manager Cheney would have the numbers
drawn up which had been discussed. City Manager Cheney
wished to have the Commission come to some generalized con-
sensus at this meeting as to what they generally think
Should be removed from the budget and the objective they
Want to get to as far as the millage is concerned. City
Manager Cheney would then work on those figures to get all
the changes incorporated and have them ready by Monday
night. This would give the Commissioners some time to think
about what they want to do at the meeting on the 28th. He
further suggested that if the Commission did not know where
to make the changes, they could give him a bottom line and
he would work from that.
~ommissioner Olenik questioned the vehicle replacement sche-
dule. He asked about replacement of police cruisers. City
Manger Cheney stated that police road cruisers are replaced
approximately every other year, K-9 units every four years,
and detective and unmarked vehicles every four years
approximately. The can be replaced sooner or after a longer
~ime depending on the condition of the vehicle.
Commissioner Olenik noticed that this year the City proposed
to replace 10 road cruisers from 1987. City Manager Cheney
~tated that the City tries to do 10 or 11 every year and has
been doing so for a number of years. As a result, the
fleet operates well. Commissioner Olenik wondered if this
Was pushed out one more year to 3 in stead of 2 years, what
~ind of problems would be experienced. City Manager Cheney
~elt there would be major setbacks in the ability to
~perate. There are many maintenance problems and down times
in departments who run their vehicles for this long a term.
He noted that the motor on a police vehicle runs 18 hours a
day as it is used for three shifts. He felt it would be a
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
major negative statement to the police officers if the time
were to be extended for replacement. Three or four vehicles
are always kept behind. The problem comes when cars must be
in the shop. Four of the best turn in cars are always kept.
part of that is if a car is down for major repairs, a backup
car is available temporarily. The system has been very suc-
cessful in keeping the police cars on the road.
Commissioner Olenik asked how many police road cruisers the
City has and needs to have on the road in any one shift.
Captain Jack DeLoach answered that there are 11 road
cruisers. Commissioner Olenik was looking for areas to cut
and wondered if there would be a crisis situation if the
City saved $111,000 in vehicle replacement fees and maybe
Spend $30,000 in maintenance on those. He had counted about
14 or 15 road cruisers in the City's inventory. This would
give some cruisers in case one was down and the cruisers
would not be utilized 100 percent of the time.
City Manager Cheney stated that he would report back on
this, but he did not recommend that this be done. Captain
DeLoach noted that all the vehicles are being used for the
Special visitor at this time. City Manager Cheney noted
~hat there are other special events where all the vehicles
are needed. It was also pointed out that marked vehicles or
~hose equipped with lights must be used for road blocks,
etc. City Manager Cheney stated that the City tries to
purchase for the average and to stay on the safe side of the
Mayor Marchese did not want the public safety budget touched
~elative to the 11 police officers. He felt the 7 firemen
~hould be hired when the time was right. He wished to see
~he .5 mill kept intact. He felt that some day an aerial
ladder would be needed. This would permit firefighters to
~each in to a fire in areas like the mall. He wanted to
~old a 3/4 mill increase for a total of 1~ mill. He did not
~ant to tell City Manager Cheney what to do as far as the
~esources and the people in the City were concerned. The
~nly other constraint he had was to impress the employees of
~he City that the manhours are priceless. They receive good
Salaries and the more they can do, the better. He left the
~est up to City Manager Cheney.
ity Manager Cheney stated that he would do that, but stated
hat he would be reducing services in the coming year.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
Commissioner Mann could not go along with a 29 or 30 percent
increase in taxes. He was sure that level of service would
have to be reduced in some areas. You can only have what
you can afford. He wished to see the increase limited to 8
percent - 7 percent would even be better. He did not want
~o go into details. City Manager Cheney asked if he had any
ideas of levels of service which Commissioner Mann wished to
~ee reduced. Commissioner Mann wished to do this one on one
at another time.
Commissioner Olenik had spent exhaustive hours looking at
the budget. The increase proposed was justified as this is
a growing city. He felt that a catch up time was needed for
the City. He had received many letters and telephone calls
~equesting that things be retained in the budget. He had
~eceived no letters of specific things to cut from the
~udget. He had received correspondence stating that the tax
ncrease proposed was too high. He went through the budget
bY department, and had provided a copy of his recommen-
dations for the City Manager. He felt that reducing the
budget by $759,000 down to 18 percent tax increase (8.8
mills) was possible. He felt that the } mill for capital
~mprovement should be kept. He felt there could be improve-
ments and reductions in some of the things that were to be
done this year. He gave examples: playground equipment at
boat club park, eliminating paving of Wilson Park Recreation
Center, etc. These are needed but perhaps could wait
another year. He did not feel that his recommendations
Would reduce the level of service. He felt that the staff
could work more creatively to provide those services. He
told the citizens that he and the Commission would stand
behind the City to make the services possible. He also felt
that perhaps they would be in a better situation than what
was thought. He also felt that a tougher stand should be
daken on code enforcement this year. He realized they were
talking about cutting personnel and at the same time
stricter enforcement. He hoped employees and citizens could
~elp get through a tough year without much or any reduction
mn level of service.
Mayor Marchese stated that there may be some projects which
Would have to come to a halt. He felt that City Manager
Cheney had put together a budget that was professional in
9very aspect.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
Commissioner Weiner felt that raising taxes was in a dif-
ferent category, but much like "Sophie's choice." You must
choose between things you desperately need, want or love.
Everyone sees Boynton Beach as a growing, prosperous com-
munity that is moving ahead into the 21st century. The new
buildings show that the City is moving ahead. People are
~oming into the City and that costs money. We all want to
feel safe and that requires more policemen and firemen.
Everyone wants sanitation, and library services. These are
all things that the people want, but they all cost money.
She felt that the Commissioners would do their best to keep
keep costs down for what the people need and want. She
~ould also work hard to keep the services in that the people
want and need. She requested that the people back them up
and support them.
Mayor Marchese noted that the reason Vice Mayor Hester was
~ot present at the meeting was not due to lack of interest.
He teaches and had an assignment at his school which he
Gould not get out of. The Commission can legally operate
Kith 4 members, and those members pretty much know Vice
Mayor Hester's position. He will be sitting in on the final
Rs no one else wished to speak, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS
CDmmissioner Olenik moved to continue this meeting
~ednesday, September 28, 1988 at 7:30 in Commission
Chambers. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weiner and
c~rried 4-0.
There being no further business to come before the
CQmmission, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:50 P. M.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1988
fCit~Cierk ~Z~F./-/~' --
[ecording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
Commi s s i on~ r
com~is sioner