WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach as experienced a tremendous growth
in population (and industrial expansion), and
WHEREAS, The Greyhound Corporation, Southern Greyhound Lines
Division, has been rendering motor bus transportation to the residents of
Florida and its thousands of winter visitors and tourists over various
routes in the State of Florida, and
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Council of
Boynton Beach that The Greyhound Corporation, Southern Greyhound Lines
Division, has filed an application with the Florida Railroad and Public
Utilities Cow~i ssion and intends to file an application with the Interstate
Commerce Commission for authority to transport passengers, baggage of
passengers, newspapers and light express between St. Petersburg, Florida
and Jct. of U. S. Highway 27 and Florida Highway No. 70 as follows:
From St. Petersburg, Florida over U. S. Highway 19 to Bradenton, Florida,
Ii thence over U. S. Highway~l to Junction Florida Highway72 (6miles south
of Sarasota, Florida); thence over Florida Highway 72 to junction Florida
Highway 70 (1 mile west of Arcadia); thence over Florida Highway 70 to
Junction of U. S. Highway 27, and return over the same route, serving all
intermediate points, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary and essential that said application be
granted in order that public convenience and necessity be best served,
so that the permanent residents and visitors to this area may enjoy
efficient motor bus transportation between Boynton Beach, Florida and
St. Petersburg, Florida and intermediate points namely Bradenton, Sarasota,
and Arcadia, Florida without interchange over the routes of Southern
Greyhound Lines Division,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Boynton Beach, Florida, in regular meeting assembled this . 1~ day
of MaF , 1961, that this Council formally approves the application of
Southern Greyhound Lines Division for the extension of its common
carrier bus service between St. Petersburg, Florida and Jct. of U. S.
Highway 27 and Florida Highway No. 70, as described herein, and that this
Council respectfully requests the Florida Railroa~ and Pmblic Utilities
Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission to grant said application.
BE IT FUR~TER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution
be furnished The Greyhomnd Corporation, Southern Greyhotmd Lines Division,
for transmittal to the Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Commission
and the Interstate Commerce Commision in smppert of its application for
permanent authority t~ operate over said route.
PASSED AND ~JLY ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the
City of Beynton Beach, Florida, on the . 15 day of May. A.D. 1951.