11-02-59BDESIGNATING A DE1K~IT~H! F(l~ A P(I~TION OF CITY WH~SEAS, the auditing fir~ of Batsman and Jeffries has recolnded the transfer of cash received for street assessments from the General l~md to a Special Assessments Fund, and WH~LEAS, it appears that the Boynt~n Beach State Bank is duly qualified to be official depository of such funds, NOW T~EF~E BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Beynten Beach, Florida that the BOI~TON BEACH STATE ~X be and hereby is appointed Official Depository of a portion ef the f~nds of the City of B~ynten Beach, Florida. RE IT F~TH~R RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Boynt~ Beach, Flor- ida, that all checks, drafts or other orders for the withdrawal of ~oney be signed by the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer and countersigned by the Mayor or Vice-Mayor. BE IT F~TH~ RESOLVED, that the BOI~T~ BEACH STATE BA~X be instructed to recognize the signatures of O. R. Cierpik as Treasurer; Tereesa Padgett as Deputy Treasurer; Ja~es J. Mahoney as Mayor; and Jonas B. Baughaan as Vice-~, on all orders issued by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. DULY PASSED A~D ADC~TED by the City Council of the City of Boynt~n Beach, Florida at itsl~egular meeting of this 2nd day of November , 1959. ViCe:'Mayo~ ~ , "~ ! " , i/ ~ C cil an ,- ' ' .... - ~ City Clerk