02-16-59D -:~-~o?,~ the city ~ounc!l o'~ th~ ~ity oe ~yneo~ Peach has a~opte~] a 'policy o? cha~,g]n[[ a fo~ of ~2~.00 For f]].in~ ~n a~.~.,~,~.~at~_or, reru~est for rezonin7 cf -~---~'~t~-~ ~n~ -~-~o..-~~.. ~,.~ S, the Cit~?.~ ~o~me].2 ....... consf~;~.~-~ {t :lc the be ~.m. ~l-~,~ ~.. ~itv.. o~_ ~ ~oy~ton ~e~:ch. to c~'-,-~..~,~ the ._ee...~ to cover .~c.~:~nr~ cos*s ~,~t~i!a~ by such r~quest for rezoming. NOW, m. H =.R:;;O, ,R:-'~ , ~-E IT R.?.~OT,V ::TD By Tt~E nIT¥.. CO~!CII.. O~ ~t!at a fee of ~25.00 shall, be received with each application for rezoning. as follows: PE I? ?URTHE? PZ2OTVED, that the charges will be made ~25.00 iff the application ~s approved. . 4=,iec] balance or ~'!,q O0 to ~10.00 if application is ,~t, ; .... +~e rofun~s,~ to a~nl~cant upan ~=~ ~.a! o~ ~ .... ~ ~,~.. ".~OP~D this l~th day of '~ebruary, 1959. ~ttest · ~ ·