02-16-59F the City. . rounc[] adooted, a policy regarding
tgreements in their red, u/ar meetinF, of ~ebruary
advisable that
~sr, lutlon and,
7. n2P"].~Z, the ~f~7 ?ouncil. mar~e a comF].ste review of it's
!afar ~mdjnL~ Cenheaets ap~~ ~y s~,~-~h rz. viev: ~,!.~.~ame c<'p~erneJ with
th: ~>ast Z,'~].iriss of '"ator ~efund-~n~_] .t~re~:~merts, ip that a total
debt of approxim~te].y ~!84,000.00 had been incurred against the
City'n later ~Tstem ar:~,
That the ': ]_]owing shall be the pol~-~, of tk~3 r~ty oe
ach wit:
~ev'e!oper tr~ pa7 ent;~r3 cost of instal/ed system.
T",':'v:dcnor., ..... ~ ~ to. furnish nond or cash deoosit,
teeipg FerCornr, nce.
-recifirations sn,-~ ~nspect
~ " _ _. for o ..... ,liance
_nst ~] ~ ati on r:
~it~..~ ?.'ill ~:rnish .... su,':h .:~t~,?,~on..~. .... o~ water, mains as
may be ~c'.t~sstry to ~,~'o sub-,~ ~ ·
~'?':-~t ....... of 200 lineal feet, · -~ny a~4-~iona~.... _ len;<th
,~ m& ~.~quirod to rosch ~d,-- of s~b-~iv on
snail >,o a~ :ev~}o,,,~ cost.
.'.ater cnnNec~tc, ns t:,') be stubbad c, ut
line and ftre }~ydran~s installer] by
aTM 8n? n~ ] ., ~ ~n~-rli'.~!:~'~ 0ns.