01-06-59B(Officis.~.. Si.~r. at~res) ,~EP~AS, the Charter of the City of Eo~mton >es.c., w~=.~ ~ ~ ~ ............. ~provides that the 2~tv. ~ ~ Tresm~er ~ha~__ pre~re. ~ checks and vouchers to b~ dr~ on th~ City 5epos- itorios~ an5 shs!~ zi.~ the same snd mresent ssi~ check~ to t~a Mayor or Vie~ MsFor to b~ couuter:i~ed; an~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ of the ¥-~,~m~. ~.D~eesa Padgett has been appointed to prepare and sien checks in the absence o£ t~ '?'r~,asurer~ ~?~.~ T~EF~tE ~ _~ RESOSfED, that a true., corn~: o~ th~s~,:,o~°~°~'mIO::.. be sent to the First F~d~r~] :~ ~ V~' nl ~~ .~: [o a~n >ssociation of De].rav Desch; wi,...or]_d~' ~ First Fedor- ~i~m ~ ~ ~or~d::., and Boynton Beach State ~nk, Boynton Beach~ Fla.