TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1995, AT 6:30 P,M,
Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor
Matthew Bradley, Vice Mayor
Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem
Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner
Sidney Rosen, Commissioner
Carrie Parker, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
A, Call to Order
B, Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. City Manager Parker was
not yet present.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson offered the invocation and led everyone in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
D, Agenda Approval
1, Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Commissioner Jaskiewicz added Item IV.A.6 (Career Fair).
Mayor Pro Tem Matson added Item IV.A.7 (Pennies for P.A.L.) and IX.A.3 (Tour of
City Attorney Cherof deleted Item X.C.3 because the collective bargaining
agreement has not been signed off yet by the IBF&0.
2, Adoption
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner
Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
A, Accept resignation from Gerald Mitchell, Alternate, Nuisance
Abatement Board
Vice MayorBradley moved to accept Mr. Mitchell's resignation from the Nuisance
Abatement Board. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
- 1 -
HAY 2, 1995
B. Accept resignation from Jospeh Delaney, Regular, Cemetery Board
Ma~or Pro Tem Mat$on moved to accept Mr. Delane~'$ resignation from the Cemeter~
Board. Vice Ma~or Bradle~ seconded the motion w~ich carried ~-0.
C, Appoln~ent$ to be mde
Appointment Reg/ Length of Term
To Be Made Board Alt Expiration Date
II Bradley *Board of Adjustment Alt
III Jaskiewicz Board of Adjustment Reg
IV Matson Board of Adjustment Reg
Mayor Taylor Board of Adjustment Alt
IV Matson Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt
Mayor Taylor Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt
III Jaskiewicz *Cemetery Board Alt
II Bradley Cemetery Board Reg
I Rosen *Children and Youth Adv Brd Reg
II Bradley Children and Youth Adv Brd Stu
IV Matson Children and Youth Adv Brd Alt
I Rosen *Code Enforcement Board Reg
III Jaskiewicz *Community Relations Board Alt
II Bradley Community Relations Board Alt
II Bradley *Education Advisory Board Alt
II Bradley *Education Advisory Board Alt
I Rosen *Education Advisory Board Reg
II Bradley Library Board Alt
IV Matson Recreation and Park Board Reg
IV Matson *Senior Advisory Board Reg
II Bradley Senior Advisory Board Alt
III Jaskiewicz *Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
IV Matson Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Mayor Taylor Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
II Bradley Code Enforcement Board Reg
III Jaskiewicz Nuisance Abatement Board Alt
IV Matson Cemetery Board Reg
2 yr term to 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
1 yr term to 4/96 TABLED
Term ex~ires 4/98 TABLED
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
Term ex
)ires 4/96 TABLED
)ires 4/96 TABLED
)ires 4/96 TABLED
)ires 9/97 TABLED
)ires 4/96 TABLED
)~res 4/96 TABLED
)~res 4/96 TABLED
)l res 4/96 TABLED
)~res 4/97 TABLED
)~res 4/96 TABLED
)~res 4/98 TABLED
)ires 4/96 TABLED
)ires 4/96 TABLED
)ires 4/97 TABLED
)ires 4/97 TABLED
)ires 4/97 TABLED
)ires 9/96 TABLED
)i res 4/96
)i res 4/97
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove all tabled appointments from the table.
Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz appointed Patti Hammer as a regular member of the Board
of Adjustment, without objections.
Commissioner Rosen appointed Judy Moss as a regular member of the Children and
Youth Advisory Board, without objections.
HAY 2, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley appointed Marie Lengert as an alternate member to the
Community Relations Board, without objections.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson appointed Ed Harris as a regular member to the Recreation
and Park Board, without objections.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the appointments made this evening. Vice
Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table the remaining appointments. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
City Manager Parker apologized for being tardy. She requested that two items be
added to the agenda.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to open Section I.D of the Agenda. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Under III.D (Approval of Bills), City Manager Parker added two bills for the
City Attorney's retainer in the amount of $6,250.000 and associated payments of
City Manager Parker also added Item III.H (Leathers Playground Tree Project).
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Commissioner Rosen
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Approve Change Order #1 for Cross Environmental Services In the
amount of $7,800,00 for asbestos ramoval In well enclosures #6-7-8
located at the Llttle League Fleld- new work not orlglnall~ covered
In contract
Pursuant to Utilities Department Agenda Memorandum No. 95-145, it was recently
discovered that well enclosures 6, 7 and 8 in the east wellfield contain
materials with asbestos in the walls and ceiling. The building material is a
different type from that found in the administration building, and had been
painted several times, which is why it was not previously suspected of con-
taining asbestos. It has been tested positive for chrystile asbestos, exceeding
the maximum allowable levels. Staff believes that $7,800.00 is a reasonable
cost for the proposed work.
MAY 2, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Change Order #1 for Cross Environmental
'Services in the amount of $7,800.00 for asbestos removal in well enclosures 6, 7
and 8 located at the Little League Field. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
A, Nlnutes
1, Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of April 18, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson corrected the spelling of "Sadowski" in the second
paragraph from the bottom on page 4.
Commissioner Rosen corrected the first sentence under "Commission Workshops" on
page 36 to read, "Commissioner Rosen felt that Commission workshops are needed
in order to be proactive rather than reactive."
B, Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the
1994-95 Adopted Budget
1, Award bid for Co-op Bulk Quicklime to Chemical Lime Company in
the amount of $165,852,00 for the Utilities Department
The Cooperative Purchasing Council of Palm Beach County awarded this bid to
Chemical Lime Company of Montevallo, Alabama. Boynton Beach's cost is
$165,852.00. Chemical Lime Company is the lowest, most responsive, responsible
bidder who meets all specifications and requirements.
Award bid for purchase of ~ohn Oeere Loader Attachments to Neff
Machinery in the amount of $11,177,00 for the Utilities
The Tabulation Committee recommended awarding this bid to Neff Machinery of
Pompano Beach, Florida. They are the most responsive, responsible bidder
meeting all required specifications.
Mayor Taylor asked how many bids were received for this project. City Manager
Parker advised that several items were not submitted with one of the bids,
including kick back forms, insurance forms, etc.
Mark Law of the Utilities Department advised that that bid was thrown out
because it was not complete.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that this left one bidder. He asked Mr. Law if he felt
that this bid was a reasonable price. Mr. Law answered affirmatively.
HAY 2, 1995
C, Resolutions
Proposed Resolution No, R95-70 Re: Amend pay plan to allow for a
change in the availability of cash conversions of accumulated
vacation leave for employees who are confronted with an emergency
City Attorney Cherof pointed out that Proposed Resolution No. R95-70 will have
no application to any members of the collective bargaining unit unless and until
the bargaining union accepts this resolution and waives bargaining on it. A
copy of this resolution will be sent to them, asking them to accept it. If they
do, it would apply to them. Otherwise, it applies only to employees who are not
members of bargaining units.
Proposed Resolution No, R95-71 Re: Authorize execution of serv-
ice contract between the City of Boynton Beach and Kevlex, Inc.
School Bus Service to transport children in our Summer Day Camps
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked if there is a school bus that carries as many as
65 children and if the number of children confined to the program is 65.
City Manager Parker advised that these buses would be transporting only the
children in the program and the bus capacity is 65.
Proposed Resolutlon No, R95-72 Re: Support objection to any
recommendation to eliminate the Urban Forester Program that is
administered through the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services, within the Division of Forestry, which would result in
the elimination of all Urban Foresters statewide
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that although this does not affect us, many smaller
cities are going to lose their urban foresters. She advised that the Florida
League of Cities needs to be added to Section 5 of this resolution.
D, Approval of Bllls
A copy of these bills is attached to the minutes on file in the City Clerk's
E, Elimination of Approval of Btlls
City Manager Parker stated that currently, the Commission must approve bills
over $1,000.00. She asked for direction to either eliminate this process or to
increase the dollar limit to $10,000.00. She advised that these bills are for
projects that have already been approved through the budget process and have
already been awarded per contract or purchase order. She explained that we have
to hold up checks for vendors until they are approved by the Commission.
Sometimes there are three weeks between Commission meetings, and this ofentimes
causes vendors problems with their cash flow, especially smaller vendors.
NAY 2, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson was not in favor of eliminating the process entirely.
Mayor Taylor agreed.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matson, City Manager Parker advised that if an item
is not budgeted and is over $5,000.00, it automatically goes to the Commission
for approval. She was not recommending a change to that process.
Authorize Boynton Beach Boulevard Sewer Rehabilitation, Piggy Back
Palm Beach County Bid - InstluformSoutheast, Inc, in the amount of
$80,190,00, to be funded from Utility Reserve as an unanticipated
This item is explained in Utilities Memorandum No. 95-139.
Authorize emergency sewer main repair in the 2700 block of North
Seacrest Boulevard to Murray Logan Construction in the amount of
Pursuant to Utility Memorandum No. 95-150, Utility Department staff responded to
a complaint and found a large depression along the rear easement of the prop-
erty in question. After several attempts, staff was able to break loose the
blockage which was causing the sewer system to back up. The sewer crews tried
to use the TV inspection system but were unable to reach the damaged area
because of sand and debris within the sewer main.
Staff reviewed the situation and determined that the repair is beyond its equip-
ment and capabilities. The sewer is approximately 15 feet deep and may require
sheeting and shoring to protect the homes in the area.
The prices quoted by Murray Logan Construction for the necessary repairs are
based on Palm Beach County Bid No. 93-129/PR which was established to allow for
construction repairs of this nature. Restoration of the area will be completed
by city staff when the project is completed. The construction area has been
videotaped to document the necessary restoration. Funds for the repairs are
available in 401-351-5-430.06, sewer main repairs.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner
Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
H, Leathers Playground Tree Project
City Manager Parker requested authorization to prune and move several Live Oak
trees in the area to the Leathers Playground site. The approximate cost to move
the trees is $14,600.00. She stated that this playground will be a community-
wide playground and is the only playground of its type in the entire City. It
is anticipated that the users of the playground will come from all areas of the
City. Therefore, the cost to move the trees could come out of the Recreation
and Park Trust Fund.
-¸6 --
MAY 2, 1995
In response to Mayor Taylor, City Manager Parker explained that G. L. Homes is
donating the trees and $5,000.00 worth of labor. The City would have to pay to
move the trees, and obtained some quotes to do this.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Mayor
Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
A, Announcements
1. Commission Workshop - Thursday, May 11, 1995 - 6:30 p.m. - City
Commission Chambers
a. Elimination of run-off elections
b. Term limits for Commissioners
c. Professional service contracts
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
City Manager Parker stated that after reviewing the minutes of the last meeting,
she noticed that the City Commission has also added an ordinance requiring
landscaping on commercial and residential property to the workshop agenda.
Therefore, this item will be added to the workshop agenda. She asked if the
Commission would like to add anything else to the workshop agenda.
Vice Mayor Bradley added discussion regarding "Restrictions on Board Appoint-
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to close the workshop agenda. The motion died for
lack of a second.
Tours of the West Water Treatment Plant for the public -
Wednesday, May 10 - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Thursday, May 11,
1995 - 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
Goal Setting/Team Building Workshop for City Commission -
Wednesday, May 17, 1995 - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Police
Pistol Range adjacent to Fire Station #3 on Miner Road
Mayor Taylor made this announcement. He pointed out that there may be some
conflicts because there are several meetings on this day, such as the Town
Meeting for Boynton Beach residents and the Police Department memorial service.
MAY 2, 1995
City Manager Parker said she already notified the Police Department that the
City Manager's Office and the Commission will not be able to attend the
memorial service.
County Con~lssloner #aude Ford Lee wtll hold a Town Heetln9 for
Boynton Beach residents on May 17, 1995 at the Boynton Beach
Child Care Center, 909 N.E. 3rd Street at 5:00 p.m. Everyone is
invited to attend.
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
5, Acknowledge Police Officers for their outstanding police work
Officer Lee Thompson was selected by the Minority Law Enforcement Council as
their "Officer of the Year" for his professional accomplishments. He was
recognized by them during their annual banquet which was held on Saturday,
February 4, 1995, at the Airport Hilton in West Palm Beach.
Officer Russell Duplantis and Officer Lee Thompson were recognized by the South
County Branch of the N.A.A.C.P. for their outstanding achievements in the area
of "Community Involvement".
Mayor Taylor Congratulated Officers Thompson and Duplantis.
6, Career Falr
Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that the Santaluces Community High School's
Career Center, in partnership with the Boynton Beach Rotary Club and the Boynton
Beach Chamber of Commerce, conducted their 2nd Annual Career Fair at Santaluces
High School on Wednesday, April 26, 1995. She and Vice Mayor Bradley manned a
booth to provide literature and inform high school students of the employment
opportunities available to them in the government structure. It was very well
received and many of the students are looking forward to pursuing additional
career/vocational training to qualify for governmental jobs. She and Vice Mayor
Bradley manned the booth from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. She looked forward to a
bigger and better Fair next year.
Vice Mayor Bradley said it was a very exciting experience. Fifty-two businesses
participated. He stated that businesses are finally realizing their responsi-
bility and that they are the end product of the school system. He felt this was
7, Pennies for P,A,L,
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that since the start of this fundraiser during the
end of February, $750.00 has been collected for P.A.L. She thanked everyone and
urged them to continue contributing to this ongoing fundraiser for our youth.
HAY 2, 1995
B, Presentations
1, Proclamation - Drinking Water Week - Hay 8 through Hay 12, 1995
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation declaring May 8 through May 12, 1995 as
Drinking Water Week.
2, Proclamation - Foster Parent Honth - Hay, 1995
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation declaring the month of May, 1995 as Foster
Parent Month.
3, Quantum Park Presentation regarding fetal1 develol~ent south of
Gateway Boulevard adjacent to I-g5
*Jim Willard with the law firm of Shutz and Bowman, was present on behalf of
Quantum Associates, the owner and developer of Quantum Park. Paul Smith, the
Project Manager, was also present. Mr. Willard sought the Commission's concep-
tual comment, review and support for a proposal to convert approximately 75
acres of office industrial and research and development land within Quantum Park
to commerical use. He displayed the current master plan and the proposed master
plan. The acreage difference is approximately 75 acres of additional land use
area under the proposed plan for the commercial area which is concentrated at
the southwest quadrant of 1-95 and Gateway Boulevard, just south of Gateway
Boulevard. Part of the proposed DRI substantial amendment would include adding
to the development three lots consisting of 14 acres which, due to a historical
anomaly, were never incorporated into the approved DRI master plan, even though
they are platted. That 14 acres would increase the overall acreage of Quantum
Park from 551 to 565.
Mr. Willard also displayed a chart comparing the existing land use with the pro-
posed land use. The existing government/institutional use characterized by the
high school site and the Tri-Rail site will remain the same. The 40 acres of
sand pine preserve will be retained as required by the original DRI development
order. None of the other land uses will change. Because the proposed commer-
cial area will impact the 14 acre sand pine preserve area south of Gateway
Boulevard, there is a proposal to mitigate for that impact by replacing the 14
acres with 14 acres of a remaining 30 acre area that has already been identified
in the original DRI as an appropriate good quality sand pine preserve area.
However, it is not currently restricted. The 40 acres of sand pine preserve
originally planned will be maintained.
Mr. Willard displayed a chart of the Boynton Beach Retail Market. He stated
that in October, 1994, an Economic Report was prepared by an economic and market
analyst. They were asked to look at the Boynton Beach retail market and iden-
tify those characteristics that would tend to support or not support additional
retail in this community and what type of retail. The report indicated that
this particular area enjoys a very strong retail situation at the current time.
Forty-eight percent of all retail space in Boynton Beach is quite new and has
been constructed in the last ten years. Eighty-nine percent of it has been
constructed west of 1-95. Boynton Beach currently enjoys a 5.7 percent vacancy
*Shutts & Bowen
I~Y 2, 1995
rate in retail (according to the 1994 report), which is less than half of the
vacancy rate of Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast Region in general. The
newly constructed space tends to have the lowest vacancy rate. The report also
supported the fact that the addition of new retail space is not necessarily the
cause of adverse impact to older, smaller community and neighborhood centers.
Those centers tend to lose tenants and have vacancy problems unrelated to the
construction of new space. Oftentimes it is because of consolidation in the
industry where tenants are taken over by one another and therefore move out of
the older centers. Many of the older centers require rehabilitation and the
owners, for one reason or another, are unwilling to make the capital investment
to rehabilitate them. Also, as the market changes and residential development
patterns impact the area, new people move in, travel patterns change, and other
development situations occur and leave many older centers with vacancies and
locational problems that would exist whether or not any new space was built.
Therefore, new retail space does not necessarily have an adverse impact on
existing or older retail space, especially retail centers of the type being pro-
posed by Quantum Associates. This would be a regional commercial project and
would be different from the Boynton Beach Mall. The Boynton Beach Mall is a
traditional suburban shopping mall characterized by enclosed common areas and
department stores anchoring the Mall with many smaller shops internal to it.
Mr. Willard advised that Quantum Associates is proposing a Sawgrass Mills type
development. Different hallmarks of that type of development include large box
regional national users that do not have enclosed interior common areas. They
are typically stand-alone buildings. They are developed with a common develop-
ment theme characterized by consistent and asethetic control over landscaping,
street furniture, architectural~design, and other planning characteristics in
order to have internal harmony throughout the project. The tenants and users
who make up this type of project, sometimes called a regional power center,
would include category killers such as Home Depot, Best Buy, Circuit City, and
the Sports Authority.
Mr. Willard stated that Quantum Associates is still in negotiations with Bass
Pro. The Bass Pro project can be accommodated within the proposed 75 acre com-
mercial area south of Gateway Boulevard. Mr. Willard stated that Quantum
Associates intends to pursue this project notwithstanding whether or not Bass
Pro decides to locate in Quantum Park.
Mr. Willard displayed a chart of the economic benefits that~would enure to the
City from a retail component of the development of Quantum Park. They included:
increased/faster revenues
increased sales tax revenues
increased employment
preservation of industrial/research and development inventory
Mr. Williard displayed a chart of the traffic features as follows:
no new impacts
approved trip generation
- 10 -
K~Y 2, 1995
proposed trip generation
reducued peak-hour impact
increase pass/by capture - fewer trips
careful evaluation of access from south of Gateway Boulevard
He also displayed a chart of the key features/summary as follows:
increase economic benefits to City
lot use changes and exchange mechanism
no new traffic impacts
location of sand pine preserve
addition of lots 80, 81 and 82
Mr. Willard'would like to get approval for the land use changes through the DRI
amendment process. As part of that process, he would like to try to develop
some flexibility within the DRI so that in the event Quantum Associates had
another opportunity to do a project similar to Motorola for instance, they would
not have to do a DRI amendment everytime a specific tract or lot was proposed
for development.
Mr. Williard advised that there will not be any new traffic impacts. He
requested the Commission's support before going through the DRI amendment pro-
cess, since it is an extremely time consuming and expensive.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz could not see how this would not impact the Boynton
Beach Mall. She pointed out that the Mall is relatively new and struggling to
survive. She asked if the Boynton Beach Mall is in favor of this. She was
hoping that if this was developed commercially, it would be tied in with a
sports theme to fit in with the International Fish and Game Museumand Bass Pro.
She also had reservations regarding relocating the sand pine preserve.
Mr. Willard stated that the proposed commercial development in Quantum Park is
going to be a totally different retail product than what is offered at the Mall.
It is not an enclosed regional mall and will not have competitive tenants. He
said there have been articles in the Palm Beach Post quoting the Boynton Beach
Mall Manager as saying that they welcome the competition and do not believe it
would adversely affect the Mall. Mr. Willard stated that Quantum Associates'
consultant believes it would not be in competition with or detract from the
Boynton Beach Mall because of the different product mix. With regard to relo-
cating the sand pine preserve, Mr. Willard advised that this will be addressed
in more detail in a formal DRI amendment. He pointed out that the original DRI
approved a sand pine preserve ecological study that located over 55 acres of
available sand pine preserve within the project, 25 or 20 acres of which is
available to mitigate for the relocation of the 14 acres.
In response to Commissioner Rosen, Mr. Willard advised that both IGFA and Bass
Pro, which is anticipated to be about 37 acres (160,000 square feet), could be
accommodated in the proposed plan. Other retailers would make up the balance of
the retail space. Mr. Willard stated that this is not an outlet center.
MAY 2, 1995
Commissioner Rosen noticed that much of the area close to 1-95 was taken away
from the industrial; hence, taking away their exposure. Mr. Willard advised
that Quantum Park already has visibility and that the retail users are in far
greater demand for highway visibility than the industrial users. He stated that
industrial and office users are destination oriented. Commissioner Rosen asked
why the commercial portion could not be moved inside. Mr. Willard stated that
within the entire 550 acres, this is the only area where you could put together
a 75 acre pod that would be the envelope for commercial development.
In response to Vice Mayor Bradley, Mr. Willard advised that the 25 to 30 acres
is available to replace the 14 acres of sand pine preserve. However, it will
only be replaced with 14 acres. Vice Mayor Bradley expressed concern about the
effectiveness of the sand pine preserve if it is not contiguous. Mr. Willard
stated that perhaps more than 14 acres could be preserved off site.
Vice Mayor Bradley was concerned that this plan would eliminate any large tracts
for industrial research and development. Mr. Willard pointed out that there is
not a contiguous 40 or 50 acre site to repeat another large project anyway. He
advised that one of the problems of marketing Quantum Park over the years has
been because it has inordinately small lots that are already platted. The
Motorola project required the assembling of two of those platted lots.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked if the International Game and Fish Museum would be
included in the 160,000 square feet for Bass Pro. Mr. Willard advised that the
museum will take up an additional five to seven acres.
With regard to the increase in employment, Vice Mayor Bradley pointed out that
there is a vast difference between the job base that supports a research and
development company versus retail. He stated that some studies have shown that
the salary base is almost double. Mr. Willard stated that the tradeoff is one
of absorption. He believed that because of the competition among the commerce
parks and other business parks throughout southeast Florida, it will be an
inordinately, and an unacceptably long time before Quantum Park can be built out
with solely that type of user. He stated that a large retail component could be
done within a very short time frame and would give the owner time to wait for
the office and industrial development to take place.
Vice Mayor Bradley would like as little retail acreage as possible and was not
sure if he was comfortable with 134 acres.
Vice Mayor Bradley pointed out that there are many hoops to go through to get
approval, such as the County, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, and DCA.
He asked Mr. Willard where he thinks he stands at this point. Mr. Willard
stated that this is a substantial amendment to a DRI. However, he did not anti-
cipate there would be a major problem with regard to the issue of traffic
because Quantum Associates intends to stay within the vested trips for con-
currency and DRI purposes. All the infrastructure is already in place and it is
a developed site. Therefore, although it is a substantial amendment in terms of
the land use change and in terms of an environmental impact, he believed it
could be done within nine to twelve months.
- 12-
HAY 2, 1995
*See inSert below.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that Quantum Park is the only vestige in the
City that is able to accommodate light manufacturing, research and design. She
believed the economy is on an upswing and that several projects will be knocking
on the City's door. She expressed concerned about the sand pine preserve being
scattered in several locations. She advised that she received several calls
from residents of Dos Lagos and Skylake, who were concerned about what would
wind up behind their developments. Mayor Pro Tem Matson said she had some
discussion with the Mall and they have no problem with a flea market type of
setup. However, she felt a million square feet is in direct competition with
the regional Mall. She pointed out that the regional Mall has had some dif-
ficulty keeping its anchors. She also pointed out that in an outlet, there are
typically stores like a Canon Towels and the Gap, which sell the same items that
are sold at the Mall. She felt this also would be in competition with our revi-
talization of the downtown area and pointed out that there is a lot of empty
retail east of 1-95. She also pointed out that we have an overabundance of
retail coming on line on Congress Avenue (the Winchester properties). Mayor Pro
Tem Matson stated that we have to be very careful what we put across from resi-
dences. She stated that if we do not have another place to put light industry
or a light manufacturing company, we are going to have to consider putting it
across from Hunter's Run. She did not feel that a big company such as Krafts or
Scott Paper would want to locate next to a Sawgrass Mills type of outlet. She
stated that Quantum Corporate Park has a beautiful image and she would like to
keep it that way. She pointed out that there is no other area in the City like
Quantum. She again reiterated that the economy is starting to improve and she
would like to see research, design, light industry and light manufacturing in
Mr. Willard stated that the initial conception of Quantum Park as essentially a
single purpose project that focused on office and industrial users was poorly
conceived. He thinks the amount of money and the economics of Quantum Park over
the last ten years bears that out. He stated that it is not the intention of
Quantum Associates to eliminate the industrial office nor the capacity of the
park. They just want to exchange some of it for the commercial development
opportunity. They have no intention of building a flea market. Mr. Willard
stated that the product type is different and will not be a Boynton Beach Mall
and will not compete with the revitalization of downtown. He stated that the
downtown redevelopment plan is not going to attract the types of users that are
proposed for this property. In fact, the additional tax base and sales tax
revenues that could be generated in a short period of time from a retail project
within Quantum Park would provide the City the opportunity to redirect those
funds to the revitalization of downtown. Mr. Willard stated that Quantum
Associates would like to expand the project into more of a multiple use project
other than the vast majority of industrial and offices uses which were origi-
nally envisioned and reposition Quantum Park for success.
Mayor Taylor thinks it is clear that everybody would like to see Bass Pro and
IGFA locate in Boynton Beach. If they do, approximately 42 acres would accom-
modate them both. Mayor Taylor welcomed this type of retail because it does not
conflict with anything else. However,' he was concerned about 75 acres being
- 13 -
*In 1991, Deutsch Ireland and Quantum Simon asked if the Commission would con-
sider turning Quantum Corporate Park into a special taxing district and a
Community Development District. That was a very expensive task and it involved
a long and arduous decision. We bent over backwards and did everything we could
to make it a success, then the economy suddenly spiraled.
14AY 2, 1995
converted to retail, which is almost double what it would take to accommodate
Bass Pro. He pointed out that if Bass Pro did not locate here, then there would
be 75 acres of just solid retail. Mayor Taylor felt that Sawgrass is an outlet
discount mall and he did not see any stand-alone buildings. He felt this propo-
sal would be in competition with the mall. Mayor Taylor pointed out that the
proposal does not show that some of the industrial space is already taken.
Therefore, the available industrial space is considerably less. Mayor Taylor
noticed that the proposal shows a rerouting of the highway and railroad tracks.
He asked if this addresses the concerns of Bass Pro. Mr. Willard advised that
the proposal is consistent with Bass Pro. He stated that the spur could
possibly be eliminated. Mayor Taylor expressed concern that the proposed relo-
cation of the sand pine preserve is not contiguous to water.
Mr. Willard said Bass Pro knows they are unique, are extremely hard negotiators,
and are looking at other sites. The dollars being discussed with Bass Pro are
consistent with the type of prices for the high school property and the Tri-Rail
property. It is a giveaway deal, which is typical in the development business
if you are trying to create an attraction and an anchor tenant that will attract
business, consumers, shoppers and traffic. The Simon group is willing to make
that deal at extremely low dollars with Bass Pro and incur the expense of relo-
cating roadways, sewer and water lines, etc., in order to get Bass Pro here.
However, there is no money in it. The. additional retail space would provide the
economic opportunity to make the Bass Pro deal.
Mayor Taylor understood that Bass Pro has the leverage. However, he did not
want to approve this proposal only to have the Simon Group not care whether or
not Bass Pro comes in. He was open to the right kind of retail. Mr. Willard
stated that the DRI amendment is required to do the Bass Pro deal because of the
change of the land uses and the impact on the preservation area. When doing the
substantial DRI amendment, he would like to accommodate the addition of the
three lots, the relocation of the preserve, and the identification and combina-
tion of additional retail space in conjunction with that. However, he stated
that the Simon Group cannot wait forever for Bass Pro. Therefore, they feel it
is important to commence this process because it is extremely expensive and time
consuming. He pointed out that at any time during the process, the Commission
has the opportunity to take another look at it before giving final approval.
However, he believed that once the process is commenced, as additional infor-
mation is provided to the Commission, the Simon Group will make a compelling
case to support the additional retail development of a special and unique
character, regardless of whether Bass Pro is a component of the project or not.
Mayor Taylor thanked Mr. Willard for his presentation and declared a recess at
8:03 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:11 p.m.
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MAY 2, 1995
Award bid for Contract 7 - East Water Treatment Plant process
controls and control room renovations to Johnson Yokogawa in the
amount of $422,101,00 and authorize execution of contract (Proposed
Resolution No, R95-73)
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to award the bid for the East Water Treatment Plant
process controls and control room renovations to Johnson Yokogawa in an amount
not to exceed $422,101.00. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried
Award bld for Rehabilitation of Master Lift Station No, 317 to South
Florida Utilities Inc, in the amount of $424,094,00 and authorize
execution of contract (Proposed Resolution No, R95-74)
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to award the bid for Rehabilitation of Master Lift
Station No. 317 to South Florida Utilities Inc. in an amount not to exceed
$424,094.00. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Vice Mayor Bradley noticed that the estimate for this work in 1994 was
$250,000.00 and the low bid was $560,000.00. He asked for an explanation
regarding the vast difference in the amounts.
City Manager Parker said we added the welding shop addition as a new component
that was not included in the original bid estimate.
Mark Law of the Utilities Department advised that that was a part of it.
Steve Lavinder of CH2M Hill added that when CH2M Hill originally submitted their
cost estimate in 1993, they were using historical costs as their basis. At that
time, the cost of rehabilitation of a lift station of approximately this size we
estimated could be done for $250,000.00. As we got into the detail design and
started looking at the station itself, we found a number of items that needed to
be improved. We needed a higher quality of materials. We wanted to use better
quality pumps so that the station could last another 15 or 20 years so we would
not have to spend additional capital monies over the next 5 to 10 years. This
increased the cost substantially, especially in a corrosive environment like
these lift stations are, you have to use some fairly high quality materials that
cost very much. Also, the cost to construct sewer lift stations has increased
dramatically over the last couple of years.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked how much the welding shop added to the project.
Mr. Lavinder advised that the demolition cost of tearing down the existing roof
and matching the existing block, etc., became cost prohibited. This will be
done at a later date as a stand-alone project on another site.
- 15-
NAY 2, 1995
C, Htcroblal Remedlatlon of the Boynton Beach City Hall Complex
1. Allocation of fundtng for romedlatlon for Clty Hall
Award bid for Hlcroblal Remedlatlon of the Boynton Beach City
Hall Complex to Montgomery Environmental in the amount of
$414,406.00 and authorize execution of agreement (Proposed
Resolution No. R95-75)
City Manager Parker advised that due to the bids coming in over the estimate, we
are going to have to allocate additional funding from the CIP Fund. This takes
the CIP Fund down to about $91,000,00.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve $414,406.00 to Montgomery Environmental
and execute the agreement (Resolution No. R95-75). Commissioner Rosen seconded
the motion.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson was concerned with the capital funding being at this level.
She hoped the City might be able to pass these expenses back onto the responsi-
ble person.
City Manager Parker advised that the City entered into a settlement agreement
with the architect and contractor and City Attorney Cherof reviewed this matter
to see whether or not the City can seek recovery from either of those firms.
City Attorney Cherof advised that he did not find any basis for recovery against
them at this point. He stated that several different principles seem to bar
that recovery at this time, including the passage of time and the disclosure of
there being a problem. He will continue to explore the possibilities and
advised that this is not something that the City would waive by approving this
item tonight.
The motion carried 5-0.
Anne Centi, 502 S.E. 5th Circle, congratulated Mayor Taylor and Commissioners
Jaskiewicz and Rosen on their success in the recent election. She donated
$100.00 as seed money for a project for children. She read a list of possible
charities to choose from. She hoped the Commission will continue to support the
high schools which the children deservingly need.
Mayor Taylor thanked Ms. Centi. Mayor Pro Tem Matson expressed her appreciation
for all the work Ms. Centi does as Chairperson of the Education Advisory Board.
- 16-
I~Y 2, 1995.
No one else wished to speak under Public Audience. Therefore, Mayor Taylor
declared the Public Audience closed.
Shoppes of Woolbrlght PCD - TABLED
CCL Consultants, Inc.
Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee
Northside of Woolbright Road, east of the L.W.D.D. E-4
Master Plan Modification: Request to modify the pre-
viously approved master plan to subdivide outbuilding 3
into .895 acres, revise the outbuilding sizes
{outbuilding 1 from 4,300 to 6,920 square feet; out-
building 2 from 5,000 square feet to 5,755 square feet
and outbuilding 3 from two-stories and 6,000 square
feet to one-story and 2,625 square feet), add a drive-
way on the east side of S.W. 8th Street, 400 feet north
of Woolbright Road, relocate the existing driveway on
S.W. 8th Street, 190 feet to 260 feet north of
Woolbright Road and provide a median cut on S.W. 8th
Street for the relocated driveway
City Manager Parker requested that this item remain tabled. She advised that
negotiations are ongoing and an agreement might be reached by May 11th. The
Commission agreed to address this at a special meeting before the May 11th
workshop meeting if a settlement is reached by then.
Boynton Commerce Center PID - TABLED
Peter Reed, MIG Management Services of Florida, Inc.
Boynton Commerce Center, Ltd.
Southside of Woolbright Road, 100 feet west of 1-95
Use Approval: Request to amend the list of permitted
uses for the Boynton Commerce Center to allow wholesale
distribution, retail, repair and assembly of lawn main-
tenance equipment
City Manager Parker advised that the applicant has requested that this item be
C, Request by Oanet Hall to waive application fee for Lighthouse Grille
Restaurant site plan review
Mrs. Hall stated that this is a request to waive a second application fee for
the same stage of the project, She explained that the architect and the
engineer involved in this project left town, which necessitated acquiring
another architect to get the same work done that should have been done in the
first place.
- 17 -
HAY 2, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Mrs. Hall's request to waive the second
resubmittal application fee.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that Mrs. Hall is also requesting an additional
extension. City Manager Parker advised that the previous time extension was
until April, 1995. City Attorney Cherof advised that there is no need to ·
address the fee issue at this time if the Commission grants the extension of
time. He recommended that the Commission deal only with the extension of time
and reserve the right to reconsider the fee.
Amended Hotlon
Vice Mayor Bradley amended his motion to delete any reference to the fee and
approve the request for a time extension for the Lighthouse Grille Restaurant
until April, 1996. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
A, Items for discussion requested by Hayor Pro Tem Matson
1, Huntclpal League Report
2, Inter-Hospital Transport
Mayor Pro Tem Matson was in possession of a copy of a letter that Ron Ferris,
the Town Manager of Lantana, sent to Bob Butterfield, the EMS Manager of Palm
Beach County. The letter stated that, "An effort will be made to limit inter-
hospital transports to private ambulance providers only. The Town of Lantana
strenuously objects to any proposed rule, regulation or ordinance that would
prohibit municipal or county fire rescue EMS transport vehicles from performing
inter-hospital patient transfers. They feel the choice of inter-hospital trans-
fers should be left to the discretion of the individual hospital and/or to the
patient. In view of the fact that there is only one major private ambulance
firm in Palm Beach County, a rule or ordinance limiting inter-hospital patient
transfers to private sector ambulance would create a monopoly, and would inter-
fere with a patient's right to choose medical care providers and interferes with
a hospital's right to seek the best level of care for its patients."
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that while this does not affect us directly right
now, it is something that may affect us later on. She stated that we do not do
BLS at this point, but may want to consider it in the future. If we do not sup-
port the Town of Lantana on this issue, we may regret it at a later date. She
requested a concensus to have the City Attorney's Office draw up a resolution in
support of this issue and pass it on to the Palm Beach County Board of
Commissioners and Mr. Butterfield. Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that the
Municipal League is going to support the Town of Lantana.
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NAY 2, 1995
Fire Chief Floyd Jordan stated that he has consulted with the Fire Chief of West
Palm Beach and other fire chiefs in the area and it is their position, and the
Palm Beach County Fire Chief has also taken the position, that there should not
be any restrictions. One of the things that prompted this issue is that one of
the area hospitals in West Palm Beach requested that West Palm Beach submit a
proposal to provide inter-facility transfers. This was prompted because the
hospitals are not satisfied with the service of the private providers and cer-
tain private providers are reacting to that. Chief Jordan stated that the City
of Boynton Beach only provides ALS right now; however, it may want to provide
BLS in the future to increase revenues.
Vice Mayor Bradley felt the City should keep its options open. Mayor Taylor
stated that a resolution can be drawn up; however, he would like to study this
issue and the costs and ramifications involved before passing a resolution.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz requested more background information.
It was the concensus of the Commission to have a resolution drawn up.
Solid Waste Authority - Annexation of Enclaves
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that the Solid Waste Authority made a presentation
to the Municipal League. In the past, they have strenuously objected to annexa-
tion of enclaves because they have been concerned about concurrency and not
having enough room to service annexed areas. However, they stated that because
of projected rates of solid waste generation, waste reduction and recycling,
they forecast the existing landfill capacity will be able to suffice until
approximately the year 2020. Therefore, they formally stated that they no
longer will be fighting the municipalities on the issues of enclaves.
3, Tour of Poinciana
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that last Thursday, a member of the School Board,
Paulette Burdick, asked her to participate in a tour of Poinciana with her and
Principal Sills. She wanted to see what the plans for the school are and meet
the children. Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that Ms. Burdick was very impressed
with the plans and strongly supports the saving of the coastal schools. She
stated that Ms. Burdick was supposed to get back to her by tonight's meeting to
let her know the results of the budget meeting last Wednesday and whether we
need to be at the School Board meeting tomorrow or on May 17th.
Wilfred Hawkins, the Assistant to the City Manager, advised that in speaking
with the Assistant Superintentdent, Larry Zabik, tomorrow night the School Board
will be discussing the priority list for the schools to be funded under a COPS
issue. Poinciana is number six on that list. On May 17th, they will also be
discussing the final budgets. They encouraged us to attend both meetings.
B, Reconsideration of application of Gulf Stream Lumber Company for
abandonment of S,E, 2nd Street
Tambri Heyden, the Planning and Zoning Director, stated that the Gulf Stream
Lumber Company is requesting abandonment of a 300 foot long portion of S.E. 2nd
Street, which is a public right-of-way. The property owned by Gulf Stream
- 19 -
MAY 2, 1995
Lumber Company abuts three sides of the proposed abandoned area. Gulf Stream
Lumber Company would like this abandonment in order to eliminate the S.E. 2nd
Street dead end to provide better security, since there has been some illegal
dumping in the area. There is one piece of property located at the southeast
corner that is under separate ownership; however, it would not be landlocked
because it has separate access. The property along the east side of 2nd Street
is an open vacant lot, and the property on the west side of the street contains
a structure that is used for a vehicle maintenance facil~ity. In October, the
Utilities Department and FPL had expressed some concern; however, their concern
was allayed because the City will receive an utility easement in exchange for
abandoning the right-of-way. Staff supports this application subject to receipt
of the easement. The Planning and Development Board voted six to one in favor
of the abandonment.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that she brought this item up for reconsideration
because at one point we were not sure of what was going on. However, it now
seems that all the abutting property is owned by the same person. We also now
know that 15,000 square feet will be added to the tax roll and the utility
rights will be preserved. She felt that since the questions and problems that
were plaguing her have been rectified, it would be beneficial to put those
15,000 square feet back on the tax roll. She stated that this would also help
Gulf Stream Lumber Company to preserve and maintain their property.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked if Gulf Stream Lumber Company would be subject to
current landscaping regulations. Ms. Heyden advised that in order to achieve
their ultimate goal of securing the property once this right-of-way is aban-
doned, Gulf Stream Lumber Company is going to have to go through the permitting
process to put up a fence, etc. At that time, the landscaping will be reviewed.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the application of Gulf Stream Lumber
Company for abandonment of S.E. 2nd Street. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
Select a date for ribbon cutting ceremony for Inft11 Construction
Program (available dates, any day week of June 19 or week of June 26
- 1:00 to 1:30 p.m.)
The ribbon cutting ceremony for the Infill Construction Program was set for
Thursday, June 22, 1995, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
D, Reconsideration of revocation of 11cense for Qulk Arrival Towlng
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to place this on the agenda for the next regular
meeting. She advised that the attorney for Quik Arrival Towing had a conflict
in scheduling and had to leave the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
- 20 -
Kay 2, 1995
E. Reclamation Plan - The Vlnlngs - remove excess material
City Manager Parker advised that according to the current code, anytime anyone
wants to move materials beyond the property line of the project, it needs to
come before the City Commission for approval.
Bill Hukill, the Director of Development, advised that the Vinings is part of
the Tradewinds project. The plat was recently approved, the documents for the
required improvements were approved, and construction was started. The docu-
ments showed the grading plan that was approved by the City Commission. A
Reclamation Plan was not required to be submitted. However, there is an obscure
part of the Code that states that mining is prohibited in Boynton Beach. Mining
is broadly defined as fill being removed from the site. Excavating muck and
replacing it with sand is considered mining. This applicant has submitted a
Reclamation Plan and Mr. HuKill recommended approving it. Mr. Hukill stated
that the Commission may want to reword the Code.
Mr. Hukill pointed out that this property has a hill on the southwest corner of
the site that is about 25 feet above sea level. The buildings are proposed to
be at shore level; therefore, there really is no need to retain the earth on the
Maurlce Rosenstock, i Villa Lane, asked what provisions the City has made to
make sure the developer cleans the streets and protects the residents from
blowing material.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that this is addresed in the Reclamation Plan. She
read part of the Plan to him as follows: "A daily sweeping program to keep 8th
Street clear of dirt will be in place. A water truck along with a temporary
fire hydrant meter will be in place to water down the roads should excessive
dust occur. Steps to protect water resources are not applicable to this job.
Any stockpile that will be required during the excavation and removal of the
fill material will be temporary and will be located on the adjacent Phase II
site. No pile will be greater in height than 12' and shall not be over 50'x50'
in size. We will make every effort to remove excess fill as it is excavated."
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that the work will be done Monday through
Saturday between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and the trucks will be routed so that
it will not impact the residents. The Plan also addresses the points of ingress
and egress.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the Reclamation Plan of the Vinings to
remove excess material subject to $20,000.00 restoration surety. Commissioner
Rosen seconded the motion.
Since this will be occurring in Commissioner Jaskiewiez' neighborhood, Mayor Pro
Tem Matson asked her if the hours would be amenable to the residents.
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MAY 2, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz stated that most communities do not have it before 8:00
Tom Duggan of Trammell Crow Residential agreed not to start until 8:00 a.m. At
Mayor Pro Tem Matson's recommendation, Mr. Duggan agreed to the hours of 8:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Hukill advised that the route does not go through much resdiential area.
Amended Motion
Mayor Pro Tem Matson amended her motion to amend the hours from 7:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The motion carried 5-0.
A, Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance Mo, 095-06 Re: Amending Article II, Fire
Codes, Section 9-15 providing for the adoption of the Life Safety
Code, 1994 Edition in its entirety
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-06 by title only.
No one wished to speak in favor of or against this proposed ordinance.
Therefore, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-06 on second
and final reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. A roll call vote
was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 5-0.
2. Proposed Ordinance No, 095-07 Re: Amend Land Use Element of the
Comprehensive Plan - Main Street Car Wash
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-07 by title only.
No one wished to speak in favor of or against this proposed ordinance.
Therefore, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-07 on second
and final reading. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. A roll call
vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 5-0.
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KAY 2, 1995
3. Proposed Ordinance Ho, 095-08 Re: Rezoning - Main Street Car
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-08 by title only.
No one wished to speak in favor of or against this proposed ordinance.
Therefore, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-08 on second
and final reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. A roll call vote
was polled by the City Clerk. The mot*ion carried 5-0.
4. Proposed Ordinance Ho, 095-09 Re: Rezoning Lot 9 - Palm Beach
County Club Estates - N.E. 8th Avenue
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-09 by title only.
No one wished to speak in favor of or against this proposed ordinance.
Therefore, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-09 on second
and final reading. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion. A roll call vote
was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 5-0.
5. Proposed Ordinance Ho, 095-10 Re: Rezoning Lot 10 - Palm Beach
County Club Estates - N.E. 8th Avenue
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-10 by title only.
No one wished to speak in favor of or against this proposed ordinance.
Therefore, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-10 on second
and final reading. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion. A roll call vote
was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 5-0.
B, Ordinances - 1st Reading
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HAY 2, 1995
C, Resolutions
Proposed Resolution No, R95-65 Re: Authorize execution of
agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Howard Scharlin,
Trustee for Woolbright Place, Joint Venture (Tradewinds)...TABLED
City Manager Parker requested that this item be left on the table.
Proposed Resolution No, R95-76 Re: Authorize execution of a
Public Agency Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and
Palm Beach County Court Community Service Program, 15th Judicial
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-76 by title only.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-76.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion.
Vice Mayor Bradley advised that he, Police Chief Thomas Dettman, and City
Manager Parker met with some business members and hope this program goes a long
way to extinguish the graffiti problem by utilizing the people who have to put
in community service hours.
Mayor Taylor felt this was an excellent idea. He stated that they could also
pick up trash in the parks and whatever else the City deems might be construc-
tive work under this program.
City Attorney Cherof advised that this agreement previously came before the
Commission and had been rejected because the County had previously sought indem-
nification on the part of the City against any acts of damage, negligence or
willful misconduct. That provision of the public agency agreement has now been
removed and no longer troubles the Legal Department. He recommended using this
form in the future.
Mayor Taylor asked if that provision had been removed through City Attorney
Cherof's effort. City Attorney Cherof advised that it was Vice Mayor Bradley
who kept that issue alive. Mayor Taylor expressed his appreciation to Vice
Mayor Bradley.
The motion carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No, R95- Re: Authorize execution of
collective bargaining agreement between the City of Boynton Beach
and The International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers (IBFO)
This item was deleted. City Manager Parker advised that she was notified today
that an agreement has not been reached with the IBF&O.
I/AY 2, 1995
D, Other
A, Selection of agency to partner with the City of Boynton Beach for the
potential acquisition of Clipper Cove
Mayor Taylor asked if any member of the public wished to comment on this item.
David Katz, 162 S.E. 27th Place, congratulated Mayor Taylor on being elected
Mayor. Mr. Katz advised that the selection of an agency to partner with the
City for the potential acquisition of Clipper Cove is of the utmost importance
because at this time the Clipper Cove Apartments are still well-maintained and
the homeowners of Tara Lakes need to be protected. In addition, other com-
munities will be impacted and their concerns must be protected. Mr. Katz felt
the Commission should choose an applicant that has a proven track record of
quality work, one who cares about the community, and one who has and will
deliver on its proposal. In his opinion, one applicant has recently shown
itself not to be in the best interest of this City to be chosen to administer
the Clipper Cove Apartments. That applicant is the applicant that includes the
Palm Beach County Housing Partnership. In late 1994, this group was fired by
the West Palm Beach City Commission for failing to be able to price homes in the
Fresh Water Lakes Affordable Housing Project at their original proposed price of
$65,000.00 with a garage. Their final plan called for a price of $69,500.00
minus the garage. They included a carport for an additional $6,900.00, for a
total price of $76,400.00. On top of that, they asked for an additional
$122,000.00 for fill dirt because it was a low line site. One would think that
a business that has experience in site plan development would have seen this and
would have, in good faith, included that amount in the original bid.
Mr. Katz stated that the Housing Partnership is well connected politically. In
June of 1994, Palm Beach Post reported that County Commissioner Mary McCarty
attempted to create a sweetheart deal of $250,000.00 to help out the Housing
Partnership which at the time was not participating with the consortium for
affordable home financing and which had a $1.2 million budget. The Housing
Partnership would have been the only group applying for the $250,000.00 which is
a set aside out of the $1.2 million for agencies not participating with the con-
sortium. At that time, the Post Palm Beach reported that the consortium built
and found buyers for 51 homes. The Housing Partnership had none of their homes
occupied. Commissioner McCarty pushed for the $250,000.00 deal, but Remar
Harvin, the County's Housing and Community Development Director, withdrew the
Mr. Katz hoped the Commission will look past their connections with Commissioner
McCarty and make the best decision for Boynton Beach.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said she read an article in the newspaper which stated that
one of the Commissioners stated that there would be a problem with dealing with
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MAY 2, 1995
somebody who had no RTC experience. She asked if that was part of the criteria
for the bid process.
City Manager Parker advised that RTC experience was considered; however, it did
not carry a heavy weight. The heaviest weight was the operational experience
and financial strength and stability. She confirmed for Mayor Pro Tem Matson
that RTC experience or lack of it was no reason to preclude any of these people
from the bid process.
City Manager Parker advised that a second applicant needs to be chosen in case
negotiations break down and the City cannot come to an agreement with the agency
of their first choice.
The members of the Commission wrote down their choices (number 1 being their
first choice; number 4 being their last choice). The Cornerstone Housing Corp.
Housing Partnership, Inc. was the Commission's first choice with nine points.
The Commission's second choice was VMH Inc. Noah Development Corporation with
eleven points. Delray Beach T.E.D. Center Florida Affordable Housing, Inc. and
Neighborhood Development Collaborative received 15 points each.
A, County Program for Parks Funding
CityManager Parker advised that the County intends to continue their program
for parks funding and she will be submitting the Leathers Playground and the
Children's Museum to the County for potential funding for the coming year.
B, Vlslon Goal Setting
City Manager Parker advised that the Commission needs to select a date for the
third phase of the Vision Goal Setting Program. The Commission chose Monday,
June 12, 1995, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
C, Symposium for Excellence in Government
City Manager Parker advised that reservations for those who have signed up for
the symposium on May 4th and 5th have been made at the Airport Hilton Hotel.
A, Commendation of Staff
Mayor Taylor felt the Commission had some toUgh issues to wrestle with on the
agenda this evening. He commended the City Manager and her staff. He felt the
backup was great. It gave him a lot of information to work with and helped in
the decision process.
- 26 -
HAY 2, 1995
Letters of Apprecatlon from Reverend Wayne Patrick and Lena Rahmlng
re: Community Policing Workshop
City Manager Parker advised that Reverend Patrick was unable to stay for the
meeting. He dropped off letters of appreciation from himself and Lena Rahming
for allowing them to attend the Community Policing Workshop last week.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 9:31 p.m.
Ci t~ C1 erk
Recording Secretary
(Four Tapes)
Mayor Pro Tem
- 27 -