TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1995, AT 6:30 P.H.
Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor
Matthew Bradley, Vice Mayor
Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem
Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner
Sidney Rosen, Commissioner
Carrie Parker, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
A, Call to Order
B. Invocation - Rev, Henry Ackennann, Boynton Beach Congregational
C, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Rev. Ackermann offered
the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Vice Mayor
D, Agenda Approval
1, Additions, Deletlon$, Corrections
Commissioner Rosen added Item IX.F (Commission Workshops).
Mayor Taylor added Item IX.A.3 (Update on County Civic Center).
Mayor Pro Tem Matson added Item IV.A.6 (Recognition of Vendors' and Employees'
Participation in Easter Activities).
Vice Mayor Bradley deleted Item IX.B.1 (Combining the Education Advisory Board
and the Children and Youth Advisory Board). He stated that he was only in favor
of combining these two boards because of their low turnout. However, there has
recently been a flurry of activity with regard to both boards.
City Manager Parker added Item II.E (Request to allow sale of beer at two events
during the Centennial Celebration).
Mayor Taylor had a request to move up Item X.D.1 (Lien Reduction for Code
Enforcement Case - N.D. Auto located at 902 North Federal Highway) on the
agenda. He moved it to II.F.
City Attorney Cherof added Item X.D.2 (Update on Jaegar Lawsuit).
City Manager Parker corrected Item IV.A.3. The Town Meeting for Boynton Beach
residents will be held on May 17th, not May lOth.
- 1 -
APRIL lB, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner
Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
A, Board appointments from Aprll 4, 1995 City Commission meeting (voice
vote as a condition of appointment)
Bradley *Board of Adjustment
Rosen Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal
Bradley Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal
Rosen Cemetery Board
Jaskiewicz Children and Youth Adv
Rosen Children and Youth Adv
Jaskiewicz Children and Youth Adv
Rosen Civil Service Board
Taylor *Community Redev Adv Brd
Bradley Community Redev Adv Brd
Jaskiewicz Community Redev Adv Brd
Rosen Community Relations Brd
Jaskiewicz *Education Advisory Board
Library Board
Library Board
Library Board
Planning & Development
Planning & Development
Planning & Development
Recreation and Park Brd
Recreation and Park Brd
*Senior Advisory Board
Senior Advisory Board
Firefighters' Pension
Police Officers' Pension
Police Officers' Pension
Reg Term expires 4/97 Berman
Reg Term expires 4/98 Kurtz
Reg Term expires 4/98 Goldman
Reg Term expires 4/98 Hart
Reg Term expires 4/97 Lengert
Reg Term expires 4/97 Girtman
Alt Term expires 4/96 Voelxen
Alt Term expires 4/97 Frakes
Reg Term expires 8/95 Winters
Reg Term expires 4/96 Heavilin
Alt Term expires 4/96 Showalter
Reg Term expires 4/98 Bradley
Reg Term expires 4/97 Newton
Reg Term expires 4/98 Oppeinheimer
Reg Term expires 4/98 Blair
Alt Term expires 4/96 Mann
Reg Term expires 4/97 Wische
Reg Term expires 4/97 Elsner
Alt Term expires 4/96 Frazier
Reg Term expires 4/98 DeLiso
Alt Term expires 4/96 Brous
Reg Term expires 6/95 Graham
Alt Term expires 4/96 McMahon
Reg Term expires 4/97 Cook
Reg Term expires 4/97 Cash
Reg Term expires 4/97 Diaz
With regard to all board appointments, City Attorney Cherof suggested that from
now on the commissioners make their nominations and provide the opportunity for
their nominations to be pulled if a separate vote is requested for the purpose
of declaring a conflict. After all nominations are made, one motion can be made
to adopt all the nominations as appointments.
City Attorney Cherof stated Commissioner Jaskiewicz' appointment to the Children
and Youth Advisory Board and Commissioner Rosen's appointment to the Community
Relations Board need to be voted on separately. The balance of the appointments
can be handled with one motion.
APRIL 18, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the board appointments made at the
April 4, 1995 City Commission meeting as amended. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded
the motion which carried 5-0.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to nominate Dr. Floyd Beil in place of Marie
Lengert to the Children and Youth Advisory Board. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded
the motion which carried 5-0.
Commissioner Rosen moved to nominate Fawn Bradley to the Community Relations
Board. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Vice
Mayor Bradley abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest.
B, Accept resignation from Richard Kurtz, regular member, Code
Enforcement Board
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to accept Mr. Kurtz' resignation from the Code
Enforcement Board. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
C, Appointments to be Nade
Appointment Reg/
To Be Made Board Alt
Length of Term
Expiration Date
II Bradley *Board of Adjustment Alt
III Jaskiewicz Board of Adjustment Reg
IV Matson Board of Adjustment Reg
Mayor Taylor Board of Adjustment Alt
2 yr term to 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
III Jaskiewicz Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Reg
IV Matson Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt
Mayor Taylor Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
III Jaskiewicz Cemetery Board Alt
II Bradley Cemetery Board Reg
1 yr term to 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
I Rosen Children and Youth Adv Brd Reg
IV Matson Children and Youth Adv Brd Reg
Mayor Taylor Children and Youth Adv Brd Reg
II Bradley Children and Youth Adv Brd Stu
IV Matson Children and Youth Adv Brd Alt
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
I Rosen Civil Service Board Alt
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
APRIL 18, 1995
Code Enforcement Board
Reg Term expires 9/97 TABLED
III Jaskiewicz
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
II Bradley
Community Relations Board Alt
Community Relations Board Reg
Community Relations Board Reg
Community Relations. Board Alt
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
II Bradley
II Bradley
IV Matson
I Rosen
III Jaskiewicz
II Bradley
Education Advisory Board Alt
Education Advisory Board Alt
Education Advisory Board Reg
Education Advisory Board Reg
Education Advisory Board Stu
Education Advisory Board Stu
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
II Bradley
Library Board Alt
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Mayor Taylor
Mayor Taylor
Planning & Development Board Alt
Planning & Development Board Reg
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
Recreation and Park Board Reg
Recreation and Park Board Alt
Term expires 4/98 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
IV Matson
II Bradley
Senior Advisory Board
Senior Advisory Board
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
Term expires 4/96 TABLED
IV Matson
Employees' Pension Board Reg
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Mayor Taylor
Firefighters' Pension Board Reg
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
III Jaskiewicz
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
Term expires 4/97 TABLED
I Rosen
II Bradley
Community Redev Adv Brd Reg
Community Redev Adv Brd Reg
Term expires 8/96
Term expires 9/96
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove all tabled appointments from the table.
Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz nominated A. Malek Abdallah as a regular member to the
Building Board of Adjustment and Appeal.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson nominated Jayne Fail as a regular member to the Children
and Youth Advisory Board.
Mayor Taylor nominated Roy John Fraker as a regular member to the Children and
Youth Advisory Board. However, Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that he is not a
APRIL 18, 1995
city resident. City Attorney Cherof advised that there is a special requirement
that in order to serve on this board, you must be a city resident. Therefore,
Mayor Taylor nominated Dr. Edwin Cordero as a regular member to the Children
and Youth Advisory Board.
Commissioner Rosen nominated Gerald Mitchell as an alternate member to the Civil
Service Board.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson nominated Ron Washam as a regular member to the Community
Relations Board.
Mayor Taylor nominated Wayne Patrick as a regular member to the Community
Relations Board.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson nominated Irving Sechter as a regular member to the
Education Advisory Board.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz nominated Kenneth Singleton as a student member to the
Education Advisory Board.
Vice Mayor Bradley nominated Ben Demaline as a student member to the Education
Advisory Board.
Mayor Taylor nominated William Burton as an alternate member to the Planning and
Development Board.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson nominated Stan Dub~ as a regular member to the Planning and
Development Board.
Mayor Taylor nominated Janine Nelson Hoffman as an alternate member to the
Recreation and Park Board.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson nominated Robert Foot as a regular member to the Employees'
Pension Board.
Mayor Taylor nominated Rhennie Givhan as a regular member to the Firefighters'
Pension Board.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz nominated Lawrence Chandler as a regular member to the
Nuisance Abatement Board.
Commissioner Rosen nominated Sy Rosenthal as a regular member to the Community
Redevelopment Advisory Board.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to appoint everyone who was nominated. Commissioner
Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
APRIL 18, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table the remainder of the appointments. Vice
Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
O, Approve Task Order #24 for general consulting services with CH2N Htll
for the Utilities Department
Pursuant to Utilities Department Memorandum No. 95-123, funding for this activ-
ity is available through the operating accounts of various divisions, the Series
1992 Bond Issue, and the Renewal and Replacement Fund.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Task Order #24, not to exceed $66,400.00.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
E, Request to allow sale of beer at the Centennial Celebration
City Manager Parker advised that the Centennial ConTnittee has requested the City
Commission to approve the sale of beer for two days of the Centennial
Celebration. The request is to sell beer at the Hysterical-Historical Raft
Race/Junkanoo Festival Day on Saturday, June 24, 1995, and on Country Day
(Saturday, July 1st). Beer will not be sold on Family Picnic Day (July 4th) or
at any of the other events on any other days.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz', City Manager Parker advised that
Junkanoo Festival Day will be at Sara Simms. Country Day will be on Ocean
Avenue. There will be other events in the downtown area between Boat Club Park
and the marina area. She was not sure of the exact location of the beer stand,
but advised that it will be a confined beer garden similar to what was at the
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the sale of beer at the Centennial
Celebration on June 24th and July 1st only. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the
Mayor Pro Tem Matson suggested stipulating that the beer sales and consumption
be in a restricted area. Vice Mayor Bradley had no objections to adding this to
his motion. The motion carried 5-0.
F. Lien Reduction for Code Enforcement Case - N,D, Auto located at 902
North Federal Highway
Scott Blasie, Code Enforcement Administrator, referred to Police Department Code
Enforcement Unit Memorandum No. 95-053 which contains information on this lien.
The original lien ($3,000.00 plus administrative costs in the amount of $7~0.15)
APRIL ~8, ~995
was reduced to $2,000.00 by the Code Enforcement Board. This lien was placed on
the property for violation of the City's Landscape Ordinances.
Mr. Blasie confirmed for Mayor Pro Tem Matson that the problem on this site was
due to the Christmas freeze and that the irrigation was up and running when this
case was complied. He advised that one of the problems was that the plants that
were put in did not survive because there were some broken sprinkler heads.
Beril Kruger represented Nicholas DiLorenzo. He stated that there were
outstanding violations prior to the fine being imposed; however, they were
corrected. The reason this took so long to come before the Commission was that
the site plan had to be finalized and the rear portion of the property had to be
paved. When this originally went through for site plan approval, one of the
members of the Board wanted grass instead of pavement. It was impossible to put
grass there, so another site plan was presented and approved for paving.
Mr. Kruger stated that problems existed because the hedge froze and then busi-
ness slowed down and Mr. DiLorenzo almost lost the business. He said it took
Mr. DiLorenzo almost a year for site plan approval to get the rear portion paved
and the underground drainage in.
Mr. Kruger stated that according to the Codes, fines are issued according to
severity. The maximum fine was imposed for these dead hedges, which seemed
extreme to Mr. Kruger. Therefore, he asked the Code Enforcement Board to reduce
the fine. Mr. Kruger stated that the fine was high because of a personality
conflict between one of the members of the Code Enforcement Board and
Mr. DiLorenzo. Mr. Kruger said the violation of the hedges existed for 15 days
and the fine went up to $4,000.00. He asked the City Commission to reduce the
fine. He said Mr. DiLorenzo spent in excess of $25,000.00 to fix up the rear
portion of the property. He confirmed for Commissioner Jaskiewicz that the fine
accrued only for the landscaping.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson did not think the lien should be reduced lower than the
administrative costs. Mayor Taylor agreed.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to reduce the lien to $750.00. The motion died for
lack of a second.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to reduce the fine to $1,000.00. The motion died
for lack of a second.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to reduce the lien to $1,500.00. The motion died for
lack of a second.
APRIL 18, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz again moved to reduce the lien to $1,000.00.
Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried 4-1. Mayor Pro Tem Matson
cast the dissenting vote.
A, Minutes
1, Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of March 30, 1995
Mayor Taylor corrected the second sentence in the second paragraph on page 2 to
read, "He received a standing ovation as he relinquished his place at the dais
to Mayor Taylor."
2, Regular City Conmlsston Meeting Minutes of April 4, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that she is noted as being present at this
meeting; however, she was in Tallahassee.
B, Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the
1994-95 Adopted Budget
Approve one-year extension of bid for Annual Contract for Beach
Cleaning with Universal Beach Service Corporation of Delray Beach
under the same terms and conditions as current contract
Pursuant to the Purchasing Agent's memorandum to the City Manager, Universal
Beach Service Corporation has provided the City with beach cleaning service
throughout the year in a satisfactory manner. The award amount is $8,160.00.
Mayor Taylor referred to the agenda memorandum which states that the bid expired
in December, 1994 and the delay in renewing this bid was due to Universal Beach
Service obtaining insurance. He asked if they have been working for the City
without insurance since December, 1994. Charles Frederick, Director of
Recreation and Parks, stated that they had an insurance policy in effect, but
they were attempting to obtain a new policy with a new carrier at a different
C, Resolutions
D, Approval of Bills
A copy of these bills is attached to the minutes on file in the City Clerk's
APRIL 18, 1995
E, Payment of Bills - March, 1995
A copy of these bills is attached to the minutes on file in the City Clerk's
F, Consider approval of request from Police Department to purchase 28
Body Armor Vests from State Contract for a total amount of $11,759,72
Pursuant to the Purchasing Agent's memorandum to the City Manager, the City pro-
vides and issues bulletproof (body armor) vests for all sworn personnel (130 at
the present time). The vests are available per a Union negotiated issue found
in the Union Contract, Article #30 - Past Practices, Section "E" - Bulletproof
Vests. Replacement of the body armor is done on a rotating basis over a five
year period. The City is utilizing the State Contract #680-850-95-1 -
Protective Vest (Body Armor) - Harrison Uniforms, Boynton Beach, Florida. The
Police Department is requesting purchasing the Hi-Lite II F/C F/P Deluxe Vests
at $419.99 each.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner
Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
A, Announcements
Special City Commission Meeting to consider oral presentations
from non-profit groups for Clipper Cove - Thursday, April 27,
1995 at 5:30 p,m,
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
State Adjutant/quartermaster of the Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Department of Florida, has selected Investigator Daniel Griswold
as "Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer" for the 1994-95 year
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
City Manager Parker advised that Investigator Griswold was chosen as the City's
Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer for the year. A presentation at the City
level has already been made. Investigator Griswold has now been selected State-
wide by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and will be traveling to Orlando for that
presentation. City Manager Parker was very pleased that one of our officers has
received this honor.
Mayor Taylor expressed pride in Officer Griswold and appreciated his perform-
ance. He stated that there are some very good dedicated people in the Boynton
Beach Police Department. ~
APRIL 18, 1995
County Coffmlsstoner #aude Ford Lee w111 hold a Town Neetlng for
Boynton Beach residents on NeCY 17, 1995 at the Boynton Beach
Child Care Center, 909 N.E. 3rd Street at 5:00 p.m. Everyone is
tnvtted to attend.
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
4, Boynton Home I~rovement Program#eetlng, April 19, 1995 at 5:00
p,m, - Poinciana School
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
5, School Board meeting Wednesda.V, Aprtl 19, 1995, at 6:00 p.m.
reference budget for Poinciana School
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
Vice Mayor Bradley hoped that all the commissioners will attend this meeting to
speak on this issue. He stated that elected officials can speak at the
beginning of the meeting.
6, Recognition of Vendors' and Employees' Participation in Easter
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that on Saturday, April 15, 1995, the City of
Boynton Beach participated in the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Caloosa Regional
Park and an Easter Eggstravaganza at Ezell Hester Park. She presented the
following vendors and employees with Certificates of Appreciation for par-
ticipating in these events:
Kay Welsh
Virginia Halpern
Kathy McDeavitt
Wally Majors
Wendy Hollien
Jim Patterson
Sharon Golden
Raleigh Jenkins
Charlie Crawford
Clyde Harris
Stuart Orville
Mervin Span
Leonard Coleman
Cynthia Wilson
Steve Lulkin
Monique Cambronne
Officer Charles Graham
Officer Bruce Brueggeman
Boynton Beach Jaycees
Boynton Lakes Plaza
Joe Peltz of Dutch Realty
Office Depot
Toys "R" Us
- 10 -
APRIL 18, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson also presented Certificates of Appreciation to Joy Currier,
Bruce Tufts from the Boynton Beach Veterans Council, Olde Style Pizza, Rite Aid,
Walgreen's, Banyan Bank, Target, the Hiddenbrook Cafe, Paul Raffa of McDonalds,
and ETD Seacrest Shell Service Station. She thanked Mayor Taylor for attending
the Easter Eggstravaganza at Ezell Hester Park.
B. Presentations
1. FOP Associates Lodge 49 presentation to Police Department
Lloyd Powell, Immediate Past President, introduced President Kurt Powell and
Vice President Dale Wickers. He stated that several of the members of this
organization recently graduated from Citizens Police Academy #4 and found it to
be very informative. He urged everyone to go through this ten week training
Mr. Powell stated that during the Citizens Police Academy, it became apparent to
the FOPA that the Police Department is underequipped. President Kurt Powell
presented Captain Steve Grenier with a check for $1,000.00.
On behalf of Police Chief Thomas Dettman, Captain Grenier thanked the FOPA and
expressed appreciation for their continued support. He was happy to hear they
enjoyed the Citizens Police Academy and encouraged all to sign up for it to
become familiar with how the Police Department operates.
As one of its graduates, Mayor Taylor urged everyone to take advantage of the
Citizens Police Academy.
2, Proclamations
a, Brothers of the Brush - Centennial Celebration
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation declaring that all males of the age when
shaving is feasible, refrain from shaving from now until the end of our glorious
Celebration, July 4, 1995.
Mayor Taylor stated that this is just one of the fun events planned for the
Centennial Celebration. He stated that the Centennial Celebration is a chance
for the entire community to get together, have fun, and relive a little bit of
the history of Boynton Beach. He advised that the Centennial Committee is
working diligently; however, they need volunteers. He asked anyone interested
to please contact the City Manager's Office.
Vice Mayor Bradley commended Mayor Pro Tem Matson for taking on this huge
b, Italian Heritage and Culture North - October, 1995
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation declaring October, 1995 as Italian Heritage and
Culture Month. ~
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APRIL 18, 1995
A representative of the Order of the Sons of Italy of America was present to
accept this proclamation and thanked the City of Boynton Beach for this honor.
C, Greetings and friendship from the people of Boynton Beach,
Florida, to the people of South Korea - John Miller
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation sending greetings of friendship from the people
of Boynton Beach to the people of Pusan, South Korea and encouraged continued
acts of goodwill between our nations and our cities.
Certificates of Appreciation to Robert Taylor, Debble Gast, and
Carolyn Salt for volunteer work to landscape Boynton Beach
entrance on Federal Highway
City Manager Parker and Mayor Taylor honored Robert Taylor, Debbie Gast and
Carolyn Salt for taking it upon themselves to purchase and install new
landscaping in the entryway to the City on North Federal Highway. City Manager
Parker advised that Mr. Taylor was the spearhead of this project. She presented
Mr. Taylor with Certificates of Appreciation. Ms. Gast and Ms. Salt were not
Mr. Taylor thanked the City for the recognition. He advised that he, Ms. Gast
and Ms. Salt enjoyed the project and think it adds significantly to the
appearance as people come into the City from the north end. He pointed out that
first impressions are extremely important. He thanked City Manager Parker,
Kevin Hallahan and Roger VanKorlaar of the Parks Department for their support
during this project.
Mayor Taylor stated that this is a good example of civic pride.
City Attorney Cherof explained the procedure for the items under the Public
Hearing and Development Plans. All individuals who intend to testify in support
of or in opposition to those hearings should be sworn prior to the commencement
of those hearings. The applicant should commence the proceeding by explaining
the basis for his application and present all evidence in support of his posi-
tion. Staff should be allowed a brief presentation to introduce the item. The
members of the Commission and staff should have the opportunity to question any
of the witnesses who testify in favor of the relief being sought. When the
applicant has concluded his presentation, staff should present its position and
provide all information it needs to provide to the City Commission. The appli-
cant should have the opportunity to cross-examine any staff me~er who testi-
fies. The applicant should then be permitted to provide rebuttal testimony and
to make a closing statement or closing argument. Members of ~he public should
- 12-
APRIL 18, 1995
then be permitted to speak for or against the application. Following the close
of the public input, an affirmative motion should be made by the Commission with
discussion on the motion before a vote is taken. At the conclusion, all the
applicants should be reminded that motions to reconsider can be made any time
prior to noon on this coming Friday by any member of the Commission.
City Attorney Cherof swore in all those witnesses who intend to testify this
Project: Main Street Car Wash
Agent: Jim Zengage
Owner: Forward Progress, Inc.
Location: Between N.E. 1st Street and N. E. 2nd Street, immedi-
lately north of Mainstreet Car Wash
Description: Land use Element Amendment/Rezoning: Request for a map
amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the
Comprehensive Plan from Medium Density Residential to
Local Retail Commercial and rezoning from R-2 (Single
and Duplex Dwelling District) to C-2 (Community
Kieran Kilday of Kilday & Associates stated that the Main Street Car Wash is an
existing business. During the last few years it has been upgraded. It is well-
maintained and very successful. Because of its success, a problem of stacking
and waiting has been created. He displayed an aerial of the commercially zoned
property in this area as it currently exists. He explained that vehicles come
into the car wash from N.E. 1st Street and stack out onto Boynton Beach
Boulevard. The proposal being made is to allow for a rezoning of a lot on the
north side of the property to get the stacking off the street. The request went
before the Planning and Development Board last week. They voted 4 to 3 to deny
this request. Their concern was not that it was an inappropriate use, but of a
question of time. The current downtown master plan states that certain uses may
not be suitable in the C-3 zone, including car washes. Based upon this, staff
was concerned about the car wash being there.
Mr. Kilday stated that there is a single-family house on the property to the
north of the Main Street Car Wash. The owners of the Main Street Car Wash
purchased it about a year ago and fixed it up. They would like to move it to
another site and move the wall back to the north property line. Mr. Kilday
stated that the moving north of commercial is consistent with the plan for the
downtown area. Therefore, the zoning and land use request before the Commission
is consistent with the existing plan.
Mr. Kilday advised that the neighbors who own the property immediately north of
this site, and the neighbor to the west, are in support of this request. The
property immediately to the east of the site in question is currently vacant.
The property east of that property is C-4 Commercial. There[Ore, he felt this
request fits in with the plan. '
- 13 -
APRIL 18, 1995
Mr. Kilday said the new pending plan will allow this use as a conforming use.
He advised that Ann Ford, the Downtown District Coordinator, the Community
Redevelopment Advisory Board, and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council
are in support of this request.
Mr. Kilday stated that the current plan suggests that these uses might not be
appropriate; however, this use already exists. He pointed out that the new plan
recommends its legitimacy.
Mr. Kilday stated that this is a good business doing a good job downtown. It
brings people downtown who probably would not come east of 1-95. When these
people come to the car wash, they investigate other things happening in the
area. He felt this meets the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, stated that there was a lot of
focus at the Planning and Development Board meeting regarding what appeared to
be a discrepancy between the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning
Department and the Downtown Development Coordinator. She stated that at the
time this application was submitted, staff based their recommendation on the
Comprehensive Plan and the existing Community Redevelopment Plan.
In September, 1994, the City went through a series of downtown charrettes. In
December, 1994, a document was produced by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning
Council which summarized what happened at those downtown charrettes. That docu-
ment was reviewed by the Commission at a workshop in January, 1995. Staff
heavily relied on that document to review this request. That document did not
contain boundaries. Among staff's comments was a recommendation to include
within the planned boundaries the corridor of Boynton Beach Boulevard. Staff
felt that area was important since it is the gateway to the new revitalized area
and that some special consideration should be given to it. Based on the timing
of this application and the draft of the Community Redevelopment Plan that was
available to staff, staff recommended denial based on inconsistency with the
Comprehensive Plan, the existing Community Redevelopment Plan, and the draft of
the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. Staff was also concerned about the possible
domino effect of other vacant properties in this area wanting to be rezoned com-
mercial if this request is approved.
Ms. Heyden stated that if the Commission approves this request, staff recommends
that a restrictive covenant be required to document, in perpetuity, any condi-
City Manager Parker stated that the City cannot require a covenant on this prop-
erty. However, she suggested whatever mechanism the City Attorney thinks would
be a permanent restriction on the property. She pointed out the following four
conditions that the City Commission may wish to consider to limit development on
the property:
1. The lot to be purchased shall not contain any
expansion of the existing car wash building.
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APRIL 18, 1995
However, additional canopies may be installed
on the site, as well as a storage shed, provided
the shed meets all code setback and site plan
requirements. Traffic lanes and parking lot area
will be the primary uses on this property.
A buffer wall with landscaping will be constructed
along the entire northern property line to shield
this use from the adjacent residences.
A "sandwich" or "menu" type board sign showing the
types of services and the amount of each service
would be allowed on the interior of the property to
let the cars in line know what services are available
prior to entering the car wash. A directional sign
at the existing driveway cut would also be allowed.
If the owner wishes to expand the existing car wash
building, an alternate location would need to be
found at that time, as it would not be permitted on
this site.
Mr. Kilday agreed to these conditions.
Lloyd Powell, Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board, stated
that the Planning and Development Board does not see any problem in rezoning one
lot north. In fact, they realize that when the plans for the Boynton Beach
Boulevard corridor are finalized, there are going to be many lots, both north
and south of Boynton Beach Boulevard, rezoned for the expansion of parking,
etc., for the businesses that front on Boynton Beach Boulevard. He felt this
request will solve the safety issue of stacking.
No one else wishing to speak with regard to this application, Mayor Taylor
closed the public hearing.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the land use element amendment/rezoning
request for the Main Street Car Wash. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the
Commissioner Jaskiewicz was in favor of improving the appearance of Boynton
Beach Boulevard. She had no objection to this request. However, she asked if
the applicant would consider planting some Palm trees in front of the building,
facing Boynton Beach Boulevard. Mr. Kilday stated that this would not be a
problem. He advised that he will have to come back for site plan approval and
at that time, a detailed landscape plan will have to be submitted.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that the owners of the car wash have been good
neighbors, the existing car wash is not being expanded so there will not be an
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APRIL 1~, 1995
increase in volume, and the residents do not have a problem with this. In addi-
tion, she felt the rezoning will alleviate the stacking problem.
Vice Mayor Bradley was in support of this rezoning. He pointed out that the
Zengages have been around for a long time and are good business citizens.
Commissioner Rosen considered this a matter of beautification and was in favor
of this rezoning.
Mayor Taylor commended the owners for trying to solve a problem without being
asked to do so by the City.
Amended Hotlon
In response to City Manager Parker, Vice Mayor Bradley and Mayor Pro Tem Matson
agreed to include the four conditions she mentioned in the motion.
The motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Taylor declared a recess at 7:56' p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:05 p.m.
Project: Lake Worth Christian School
Agent: J. Richard Harris, Esquire
Owner: Condor Investments, Inc.
Location: East side of High Ridge Road, approximately one-half
(½) mile south of High Ridge Road
Description: Request to amend the Future Land Use Map of the
Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential to
Public and Governmental/Institutional and rezoning from
Planned Unit Development (PUD) to R-1AA, Single-Family
City Manager Parker advised that this item will be continued to the May 9th
Planning and Development Board Meeting, after which it will come before the City
Lots 9 and 10, Palm Beach County Club Estates
City of Boynton Beach
City of Boynton Beach
South side of N.E. 8th Avenue, approximately 100 feet
west of N.E. 1st Street
Request for rezoning of Lots 9 and 10 of the Palm Beach
County Club Estates subdivision from PU, Public Usage,
to R-2, Single and Two-Family Residential
Ms. Heyden advised that this rezoning is necessary for use of the Subject par-
cels in the City's Infill Housing Program. The bank has just closed on a
construction loan for one of the lots. A second loan is currently being pro-
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APRIL 18, 1995
cessed for the other lot. Construction could be reached as early as May 1,
1995. With the exception of the multi-family complex to the east, all the adja-
cent uses would be reasonably compatible with the proposed rezoning. In fact, a
multi-family use is a legal nonconforming use.
Ms. Heyden advised that in exchange for some right-of-way in 1951, the City took
ownership of these lots from the State of Florida. Although there has not been
a specific public use planned for these lots, they have always been zoned for
public use. No language exists within the Comprehensive Plan regarding the use
of these properties. Therefore, the Planning and Zoning Department recommends
approval of the rezoning of Lots 9 and 10 because it is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and all the goals, policies and objec-
tives in the Comprehensive Plan.
No one in the audience wished to speak in favor of or against this application.
Therefore, Mayor Taylor closed the public hearing.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the request to rezone Lots 9 and 10 of the
Palm Beach County Club Estates subdivision from public usage to R-2, Single and
Two-Family Resdiential. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried
Robert Foot, 2400 S.W. 1st Street, requested that public hearings on site plans
be held at Planning and Development Board and City Commission meetings. He also
asked that public hearings be scheduled on the pending development of the
Outpatient Properties Inc. property on the southwest corner of South Seacrest
Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. He submitted a petition signed by 40 neighbors
requesting that any use of the property be subject to separation with a six foot
stuccoeU wall in the first stage of any improvements.
City Manager Parker advised that the City is not legally required to hold a
public hearing. However, anyone can speak on an item at the Planning and
Development Board meeting and at the City Commission meeting before a decision
is made.
City Attorney Cherof confirmed that there is no requirement to have a public
hearing and that the process permits public input at all levels of the con-
sideration, both at the Planning and Development Board level and at the level
before the City Commission. He stated that there has never been any restriction
on the public's right to speak on any of those items. He suggested a public
hearing not be held where the law does not provide for it.
Nary Law, a real estate broker at 625 South Federal Highway, requested the
Commission to overhaul the Boynton Beach zoning code in the co~'brCial C~istrict.
She said the zoning book is a dream book and does not represen6: ~he reality of
- 17 -
APRIL 18, 1995
what businesses are in the zoning areas. It does not represent the type of
businesses that want to locate in those zoning areas. For example, there are
businesses in the commercial district that should be in the M-1 Industrial
District and vice versa. In addition, you may not want a particular business
that is permitted in the commercial district. She suggested redoing the commer-
cial district in the zoning book and initiating some type of flexibility into
our outlook regarding the businesses we allow in commercial districts. She
stated that the redevelopment of downtown is also a dream that cannot be
completed for years and that the City needs to be realistic as to the type of
businesses we now have in the downtown area. She felt the City is stagnating
the downtown by refusing to allow an open mind to the businesses that want to
locate in the downtown. She said the City zoning map does not conform to the
City zoning book.
Mayor Taylor appreciated Ms. Law's input. He did not believe that some of us
are going to continue to wait for a miracle to happen to redevelop downtown.
believed we have to take action to make it happen and we are going to have to
review the way things have been done in the past and decide how we want to do
them in the future.
Dan Winters, 433 S.W. lOth Avenue, represented the Seacrest Property Task Team
of Delray Beach. He stated that certain areas of Altantic High School are
deplorable. The cafeteria and gymnasium are inadequate. There are poor accom-
modations for the wrestling team, and no accommodations for the athletic team.
He said there is a piece of property across the street from the school that
could be utilized by the school. The Task Team came up with the idea of
creating a field house concept on that piece of property that could be used by
the various athletic teams starting at 2:30 p.m. He stated that this piece of
property could also be used as a south city civic type center on weekends and in
the mornings. The Task Team got Palm Beach County to contribute $400,000.00 and
the City of Delray Beach to contribute $300,000.00. Mr. Winters is going to
approach the School Board tomorrow to ask them to contribute a couple of million
dollars. He asked if Boynton Beach would support this idea at least concep-
Commissioner Jaskiewicz agreed that the conditions inside the school are
deplorable. She hoped this would be the first thing that is addressed.
Conceptionally, Mayor Taylor felt the City of Boynton Beach would support this
since many children from Boynton Beach go to Atlantic High School and would
benefit from this.
No one else wishing to speak, Mayor Taylor declared the public audience closed.
A, Consent Agenda - Unanimously approved by the Planning and Development
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APRIL 18, 1995
Boynton Beach Trt-Rall Station
Joe Handley, Craven Thompson & Associates
Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
East side of High Ridge Road and 460 feet north of
Gateway Boulevard
Parking Lot Variance: Request for relief from
Article X - Parking Lots, Section 5-142{h}{7)
Driveway, to construct four driveways onto a right-
John Handley represented Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority. He stated that
there are three items on the agenda this evening that deal with the approval of
the Tri-Rail Station. The first item is for a parking lot variance. He dis-
played and reviewed the proposed site plan for the expansion of the Tri-Rail
Station. Mr. Handley said it is a much needed expansion because the existing
parking lot is extremely limited. He tried to separate as much of the vehicular
use traffic as possible from the pedestrian traffic. There will be a bus drop
off on the outer lane of the main access road and a Kiss-N-Ride on the inner
lane. They both come together and come back out onto the access road. There
will be one main access drive into the parking lot. Mr. Handley felt is was
extremely important to separate the bus traffic from the Kiss-N-Ride traffic.
The site plan was designed to provide two large pedestrian corridors so that
people can park their cars and get on the sidewalk and not have to cross any
other vehicular lanes of traffic.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, Mr. Handley stated that not only is the
parking lot lighted, but all the pedestrian areas, entrances, and the station
are lighted.
Commissioner Rosen referred to the height and density of the trees on the north
part of the site. He was concerned with safety. Mr. Handley advised that pur-
suant to a contract with Quantum, the applicant needs to provide .6 acres of
micrositing which will be fenced off and left alone. The City Forester would
like any natural vegetation to remain. Two hundred and eighty pines and oaks
on the site are going to be transplanted in the areas that are sparse. The
parking 1Qt and the pedestrian areas will be very well lighted. The buffer
areas are not going to be lighted.
City Manager Parker explained that City Code requires illumination to the one
foot candle minimum average light level for the parking lots and the walkway
area and the applicant has to submit plans showing that he meets those levels.
However, there are no Code requirements with regard to lighting the perimeter
that Commissioner Rosen is concerned with.
Mr. Handley stated that there is a lot of light spillage that will light this
area fairly well, but it was never intended to make this a lighted usage area.
Vice Mayor Bradley inquired about the fencing off of the micrositiQg areas.
Mr. Handley explained that orange mesh fencing will be used during construction.
The fencing will not be permanent.
APRIL 18, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley referred to the height limitation on the lighting. He said
there was some discusson about putting the lights 55 feet high. He asked if the
height would make a difference in terms of illumination. Mr. Handley said he
had originally proposed that the light poles be 55 feet high. However, he was
told they had to be lowered to 45 feet. He did not think the intensity of the
lighting would be affected by the height of the poles. He stated that the
lighting levels are well above the City's requirement because it is a more
severe requirement from Tri-Rail to have these areas very well lighted.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matson, Mr. Handley advised that two entry signs
are proposed. One is a directional sign at the corner of High Ridge Road and
the access drive. The other is at the entrance to the parking lot.
Ms. Heyden stated that the Planning and Development Board and staff recommended
approval of the parking lot variance as well as the site plan, subject to the
staff comments indicated in her memorandum, dated April 12, 1995, to the City
In response to Vice Mayor Bradley, Mr. Handley indicated that the ingress/egress
is adequate and that the traffic issue has already been resolved.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matson, Mr. Handley advised that the variance for
the omission of the greenbelt was unanimously approved.
No one wished to speak in favor of or against this application. Therefore,
Mayor Taylor delcared the public hearing closed.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the request for site plan approval to
construct a 629 space parking facility and expanded platform for the Tri-County
Commuter Rail Station subject to staff comments. Commissioner Rosen seconded
the motion which carried 5-0.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the parking lot variance for the Tri-Rail
Station subject to staff comments. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion
which carried 5-0.
Boynton Beach Trt-Rail Station
Joe Handley, Craven Thompson & Associates
Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
East side of High Ridge Road and 460 feet north of
Gateway Boulevard
Site Plan: Request for site plan approval to
construct a 629 space parking facility and expanded
platform for the Tri-County Commuter Rail station
(This item was approved. See discussion and motion under Item VIII.A.i~)
- 20 - ~'
APRIL 18, 1995
Palm Beach Lelsurevllle Recreation I
Michael P. Corbett
Palm Beach Leisureville, Inc.
1007 Ocean Drive
Major Site Plan Modification: Request to amend the
previously approved site plan to construct a 1,685
square foot office addition to the recreation
Michael Corbett represented Palm Beach Leisureville in the expansion of their
recreational building. He stated that the majority of the people who use this
building are retired walk-in people. No employees are being added to the staff
and no units are being added to the development. He concurred with the staff
comments, but reserved the right to return and request a waiver of the parking
space requirements.
No one wished to speak in favor of or against this application. Therefore,
Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to amend the previously approved site plan for Palm
Beach Leisureville Recreation I to construct a 1,685 square foot office addition
to the recreation building subject to staff comments. Commissioner Rosen
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
At this point in the meeting, Mayor Taylor recognized County Commissioner Mary
McCarty and her husband in the audience and welcomed them to Boynton Beach.
B, Non-Consent Agenda - Not unanimously approved by the Planntng and
Development Board
Shoppes of Woolbrtght PCD - TABLED
CCL Consultants, Inc.
Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee
Northside of Woolbright Road, east of the L.W.D.D.
E-4 Canal
Master Plan Modification: Request to modify the
previously approved master plan to subdivide out-
building 3 into .895 acres, revise the outbuilding
sizes {outbuilding 1 from 4,300 to 6,920 square
feet; outbuilding 2 from 5,000 square feet to 5,755
square feet and outbuilding 3 from two-stories and
6,000 square feet to one-story and 2,625 square
feet}, add a driveway on the east side of S.W. 8th
Street, 400 feet north of Woolbright Road, relocate
the existing driveway on S.W. 8th StreQi, 1gO feet
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APRIL 18, 1995
to 260 feet north of Woolbright Road and provide a
median cut on S.W. 8th Street for the relocated
City Manager Parker advised that staff recommended keeping this item on the
table since an agreement has not yet been finalized.
Tara Oaks PUD - TABLED
Kieran Kilday
Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and
Woolbright Road
Time Extension: Request for approval of an 18
month retroactive and an indefinite time extension
for zoning/master plan approval and concurrency
City Manager Parker advised that this item is ready to come off the table.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove this item from the table. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
The owner of the subject property, Bill Winchester, his attorney Michael
Schroeder, and Tim Hernandez of Pulte Homes were present.
Mr. Kilday represented Bill Winchester, the owner of the Tara Oaks PUD property.
He stated that the.property is a very large linear piece of property located to
the east of Quail Ridge and to the south of the project originally known as
Stonehaven. The property extends all the way down to Woolbright Road. As part
of the conditions of approval, a culvert crossing has been constructed over the
canal which will' allow access to the property from Woolbright Road.
The project as it currently exists was approved after extensive public hearings
in 1990, with final approval occurring in December, 1990. About the time it got
through the approval process, the economic condition of the real estate industry
deteriorated and the owner of the property has been struggling with the prop-
erty. Previous extensions have been approved for this project with very little
activity in the last year or so. The project sat there dormant and no exten-
sions were requested until this past year.
The project was approved with a medium land use density and 192 two-story garden
apartments as well as a church on the south portion of the site.
Mr. Kilday advised that the owner and his attorney diligently tried to move
ahead. Various activities occurred on the site, the most significant of which
was that the right-of-way for Knuth Road along that entire f~°ntage was dedi-
cated to the City and is now the necessary right-of-way to ai]ow for the '
construction of Knuth Road. Permits were issued for the clearing of the right-
APRIL 18, 1995
of-way and that clearing has taken place. Permits were issued from the Lake
Worth Drainage District to install a culvert crossing at the south end of the
property. The culvert crossing is now place. Road construction funds were
placed in escrow to allow for the first phase of Knuth Road to be constructed
alongside the site for the proposed church. In fact, the site of the church was
sold to a church who intends to build a church on that property. Mr. Kilday
stated that the owner did as much as he could without having a residential user
for the balance of the site.
Mr. Kilday discussed some issues that arose at the Technical Review Committee
meeting. He said he asked for an indefinite time extension because they have
been approved previously. However, the TRC recommended an 18 month extension,
which he felt was more than adequate. He advised that a new traffic report was
submitted to the City and the County, and this project meets the 1995 con-
currency standards of Palm Beach County.
Mr. Kilday advised that negotiations have been finalized and Pulte Homes intends
to develop this property. However, they would like to develop townhouses (for
sale units) on the site instead of garden apartments (rentals). He said Pulte
Homes intends to submit an amended master plan within the next four months,
assuming a time extension is approved.
Mr. Kilday stated that significant negotiations were made with the surrounding
developments. Based upon the approval in place, there is an existing agreement
with the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association (the Banyan Creek single-family area
to the north) to provide a 40 foot setback from the property line and the clo-
sest building, a 25 foot buffer on the south side of the canal, and to construct
a masonry wall on the north side of the canal and the installation of
landscaping on the north side of the wall. This agreement will stay in place
with the new development.
Mr. Kilday stated that the second half of the Stonehaven PUD was a multi-family
project with 288 units on 30 acres. Therefore, the density of that portion of
Stonehaven south of the canal is 9.6 units per acre, consistent with the approv-
al of 9.5. The Clipper Cove Apartments is moderate density which allowed up to
7.26 units per acre. The property to the south (the Lakes of Tara PUD) is the
lowest density and is single-family homes on zero lot lines with a density of
3.8 units per acre. The plan that was previously approved had the residential
element to the plan, extending from southwest Congress Avenue north, and the
land to the south of this road was the land set aside for the church.
An agreement was made that southwest Congress Avenue, which in previous plans
was going to extend to Knuth Road, be terminated at this point. Therefore, the
access to this property will be from Knuth Road. As a condition of approval,
Knuth Road would be constructed and would be a reliever/collector within the
City and is subject to impact fee credits. The road between this project and
the other two projects (the Knuth Road PCD and the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD)
will extend from Woolbright Road to Boynton Beach BOulevard. There is also an
approved new alignment in the County that at some point when the land between
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APRIL 18, 1995
Boynton Beach Boulevard and the mall gets developed, Knuth Road would swing
slightly to the east and would enter at the westerly mall entrance and be
aligned to that.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matson, Mr. Kilday advised that the units will be
attached townhouse units, They will be two stories with a fee simple ownership.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson commended Mr. Kilday for anticipating the residents'
problem and taking the time to meet with the homeowners before appearing before
the Commission.
Vice Mayor Bradley did not foresee a problem with approving a limited time
extension; however, he desired that the density would be lowered. Mr. Kilday
stated that the contract with Pulte Homes is based on the 192 units. He pointed
out that the Commission will have a chance to review the plan. He also pointed
out that the unit count is within the medium range, on the top end. He felt
Pulte Homes should be given the opportunity to work on the master plan to see
how the units work out.
City Attorney Cherof asked Mr. Kilday if a previous extension had been granted
on this property. Mr. Kilday answered affirmatively. City Attorney Cherof
asked him when it expired. Mr. Kilday said it expired in June of 1993. City
Attorney Cherof asked if this application for an extension was made before or
after the expiration date. Mr. Kilday said it was made after the expiration
date. City Attorney Cherof asked him for an explanation as to why the applica-
tion for extension was not made during the pendency of the previous application
and extension. Mr. Kilday said there was a lot of confusion, some of which was
in his office, as to whether we used up all our extensions at that point in
City Attorney Cherof asked Mr. Kilday if he or any of the people with him
tonight know what the fair market value of the property is. Mr. Kilday did not
know the fair market value of the property. He assumed that the people with him
know the fair market value. However, he was not sure they want to announce it
to the world tonight.
City Attorney Cherof asked Mr. Kilday if he anticipates, in conjuntion with the
sale of'the property to Pulte Homes, that a master plan modification will be
offered to the City. Mr. Kilday answered affirmatively and stated that it will
be submitted very shortly.
Ms. Heyden stated that the PUD master plan and zoning that was approved in 1990
expired with a medium density residential land use category on it. The request
at that time was inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan; therefore, staff
recommended denial. However, the City Commission approved it and accordingly,
the Comprehensive Plan was amended.
Ms. Heyden advised that strict reading of the Code states that retroactive time
extensions cannot be processed. They must be submitted timely. Before they
- 24 -
APRIL 18, 1995
expire, an application must be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department.
However, the TRC recommended approval until June 18, 1996. The significance of
that date is that the Evaluation and Appraisal Report of our Comprehensive Plan
is due before this date. It has to be adopted by August of 1996. Therefore,
well before that time, staff will have identified vacant properties in the City
for any changes that have occurred on them or the necessity to make changes on
the land use. Also, concurrency will be met at the next stage in the process.
Jonathan Dwork, 154 Orange Drive, liked this project. Howver, he felt the den-
sity might be different and, therefore, it should be treated as a new applica-
tion. He stated that the City has been approving concurrency exemptions when
they do not have the authority to do so.
City Manager Parker stated that the two issues before the Commission tonight are
the time extension and concurrency. Pursuant to the. new Land Development
Regulations, the City required an updated traffic study. The updated traffic
study showed that this item meets concurrency as of today. Therefore, the
applicant is not requesting concurrency exemption because it meets current con-
currency standards. Pursuant to the new procedures, if an application is more
than six months old, the City will request an updated traffic study and provide
that traffic data information to the Commission as part of the application pro-
City Attorney Cherof stated that Appendix A of the Code deals with zoning issues
and states that if the 18 months expires, the Commission has the authority to
grant an extension for one year or more or to extend the zoning of the property
indefinitely or, alternatively, the Commission can direct the City Manager to
file an application for a more restrictive zoning district and/or Future Land
Use Map category.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked at what time the issue of density could be discussed.
Mr. Kilday said the extension would allow the applicant to file a modification
of the master plan, which the Commission would have to approve. He said density
could be discussed at that time.
City Manager Parker disagreed with Mr. Kilday's interpretation. She stated that
at this point, a master plan modification cannot be filed. However, if the
Commission approves the time extension, the maximum density allowed under the
medium designation is 9.68. She did not believe staff would have any ability to
request a lower density on the site if the applicant came in to meet the code
requirements of 9.68 and all other building code requirements and setbacks
etc. '
City Manager Parker suggested several options. The applicant could be given a
very short-term time extension to allow him to submit a master plan and go
through an approval process; they could be given another three months to work
out a lower density; or this item can be tabled and she can discuss density with
the applicant, at the Commission's direction. She pointed out that the new
owner may need a chance to review the situation from a financial land use
planning situation.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Mr. Kilday advised that he does not need an 18 month time extension, but he felt
a three month time extension would probably be cutting it close. He felt a safe
time extension would be nine months. He would like to look at the overall plan
and decide whether a density reduction is necessary.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked Mr. Kilday how he felt about City Manager Parker's
suggestion to table this item and try to reach a compromise with regard to the
density. Mr. Kilday stated that density had not been an issue until now. He
preferred to present a master plan to the Commission. He pointed out that the
Commission does not have to approve the master plan if they are unhappy with the
density on it. He also pointed out that even without an extension, given the
medium land use density, they could come in at that same density and the same
issue would be applicable.
Michael Schroeder, attorney for Bill Winchester, advised that this property has
been marketed since 1989/1990 without success. It is not a very well-shaped
piece of property. It is very long and narrow and it is very difficult to lay
it out. A buyer was finally able to be found and a contract has been signed.
However, in order to get Pulte Homes to sign the contract, a condition was made
that they would be able to built 192 townhouse units on the property.
Mr. Schroeder said Pulte Homes puts out a top quality product which would be a
great addition to the City. He felt the neighbors would be much happier with
this product than with two-story rentals. He was concerned about losing this
project if density is lowered. He felt it would be shortsighted of the City to
lose this.opportunity, not just because of the quality of the product, but
because this would be the first step towards getting Knuth Road built. He
pointed out that other projects along this corridor that were approved in the
past were not required to build their portion of Knuth Road.
Tim Hernandez, Vice President of the South Florida division of the Pulte Homes
Corporation, stated that he cannot make this product work at a lower density
because the property is difficult to work with. He advised that the people that
Pulte Homes envisions buying these townhouses are young professionals whose
income ranges between $30,000.00 and $50,000.00 a year. He stated that the
price of the land is not the driving factor in the economic feasibility of this
deal. The factors include the per unit cost of constructing Knuth Road, the per
unit cost of constructing recreational amenities for this community, the infra-
structure, including the lake retention, and relocating the gopher tortoises.
He felt this community will be an asset to the City of Boynton Beach. He said
he may need 192 units to make this work. He assured the Commission that if he
does get 192 units on the site, it is going to be done with all the proper land-
scaping, buffers, and entry features. It will be attractive and appealling. He
stated that if he needs to, he will drop a few units to make it work. However,
he could not say anymore at this point without having gone through the whole
site plan process.
Vice Mayor Bradley felt it will be a good product and the project will be a nice
addition to the City. He appreciated Mr. Hernandez' willingness to at least
consider a lower density. He asked if the appliCant would agree to a seven
month extension.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Mr. Hernandez was agreeable to a seven month extension if staff and the
Commission could assure him that he would be able to go through the process in
that period of time.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that Pulte Homes did a remarkable job in reha-
bilitating the Meadows. She was in favor of granting an extension for nine
Mr. Kilday was agreeable to a nine month extension. He pointed out that some
permits also have to be obtained from outside the City and sometimes there are
delays. He was also agreeable to a seven month extension if further small
extensions would be allowed to get the applicant to platting.
Mayor Taylor was not really in favor of granting extensions. He cautioned the
applicant to ask for whatever time he feel he needs now so that he does not have
to ask for another time extension. Mr. Kilday felt comfortable that nine months
would cover any contingencies and prevent him from having to come back to the
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the request of the Tara Oaks PUD retroac-
tive extension from June 18, 1993 to April 18, 1995 with a nine month time
extension for zoning/master plan approval. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
3. Project:
Knuth Road PCD - TABLED
Kieran Kilday
Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach
Time Extension: Request for approval of an 18
month retroactive and an indefinite time extension
for zoning/master plan approval and concurrency
Mr. Kilday requested that this item remain tabled for an additional 30 days in
order to address some concurrency issues that the Planning and Development Board
wanted addressed.
Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - TABLED
Kieran Kilday
South side of the intersection of Boynton Beach
Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard
Time Extension: Request for approval of an 18
month retroactive and an indefinite time extension
for zoning/master plan approval and concurrency
Mr. Kilday requested that this item remain tabled for an additional 30 days in
order to address some concurrency issues that~the Planning and Development Board
wanted addressed.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Boynton Beach Trl-Rail Station
Joe Handley, Craven Thompson & Associates
Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
East side of High Ridge Road and 460 feet north of
Gateway Boulevard
Landscape Appeal: Request for relief from Article
II - Landscape Code, Section 7.5-35{e) to omit
landscaping along an interior lot line used for
vehicular use
Mr. Handley displayed the site plan and indicated the area where the landscape
appeal is being requested. He stated that a hedge is required along the prop-
erty line to separate the Tri-Rail Station from the parking lot because they are
two separate parcels. He stated that this cannot be done because the parking,
vehicular use areas and pedestrian paths cross that line.
No one in the audience wished to speak in favor of or against this request.
TherefOre, Mayor Taylor declared the public hearing closed.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the request for relief of Article II,
Landscape Code, Section 7.5-35{e) to omit landscaping along an interior lot line
used for vehicular use, subject to staff comments. Commissioner Rosen seconded
the motion which carried 5-D.
Denny's Restaurant
Louis Fenkell, Capital Signs
2201 South Federal Highway
Community Design Plan Appeal: Request for relief
from Section 10.F.6 of the Community Design Plan
regarding exterior lighting
Louis Fenkell requested approval of two types of exterior building lighting.
One is an exterior band of green illuminated channel wrapping the roofline of
the building. The other is for white fluorescent lighting which downwashes the
building and does not project out.
Ms. Heyden advised that the Community Design Plan states that lighting attached
to the form of the exterior of the bui,lding or part of the building exterior or,
visible from the exterior of the building shall not be permitted if it is
contrary to the architectural style of the building. Staff feels that the
covered neon lighting around the perimeter of the roof of the building, which is
appropriate to an art deco style, is contrary to the architectural style of the
Denny's building. Staff views exterior lighting more as a form of signage
rather than a building element. However, the fluorescent lighting around the
fascia and soffit, which is not going to be exposed, is acceptable to staff.
It not only serves to accentuate the building, but it serves as lighting for the
- 28 -
APRIL ~8, ~995
sidewalk below. The Planning and Development Board voted 4-2 for denial. They
felt there needs to be consistency from project to project and felt it should
either be denied or approved. Ms. Heyden felt it was her role to minimize the
use of neon rather than just flat out deny it. She felt it has a place and you
have to look at it on a case by case basis. She asked for direction regarding
neon or any kind of exterior lighting.
Mr. Fenkell advised that 1,600 Denny's Restaurants are being done with exposed
neon lighting. He stated that Mike Haag of the Planning and Zoning Department
advised him that the City would not be too pleased with neon lighting.
Therefore, Mr. Fenkell changed the concept and went with a U channel with a
green lens. It is internally illuminated with neon, but fluorescent lighting
could have been used. The only reason fluorscent lighting was. not used is
because there would be a break in the illumination between lamps. Therefore,
neon was used. It is not visible or exposed. It is the same thing that Burger
King, McDonald's and Shell Gas Station use.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson recalled the last two projects that came before the
Commission for use of neon lighting. One of them was Checkers. The neon on
Checkers was shielded the same way this is going to be shielded on Denny's. The
other project was Miami Subs. Ms. Heyden advised that approval of the use of
neon on Miami Subs was conditioned upon the neon being limited to the arch and
certain sides of the building that did not face the residences. Mayor Pro Tem
Matson agreed with Ms. Heyden that neon should be looked at on a case by case
basis. She did not have a problem with this request.
Mr. Fenkell pointed out that this already exists in the City. The individual
channel letters that illuminate over storefronts are identical to what is being
proposed. Those letters are internally illuminated with neon with a plastic
lens over it. He pointed out that Checkers uses a clear lens over some of the
neon so that you see the neon.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that technology has changed since 1986 and a
lot of our codes are archaic. She did not have a problem with the neon as long
as it is shielded.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, Mr. Fenkell stated that all the Denny's
Restaurants have exposed neon; therefore, there isn't one with covered neon that
she could go to look at. City Manager Parker stated that the neon on Checkers
located at Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road is similar to the neon
proposed for the Denny's.
Commissioner Rosen was in favor of staff's recommendations to deny the roof edge
covered neon and approve the soffit-mounted strip fluorescent lighting subject
to the lights being white and enclosed with a white translucent cover.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz agreed.
Mr. Fenkell stated that the colors of the building coordinate with the green.
The roof will be green and the cover over the neon will be green. Beige and
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APRIL 18, 1995
green are the primary colors of the building. The neon was not put there as
In response to Mayor Taylor, Ms. Heyden believes there are short-term efficien-
cies to the west of Denny's.
Commissioner Rosen moved to approve staff's recommendation. Vice Mayor Bradley
seconded the motion.
Substantive Notion
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to table this item until the next regular City
Commission to visit Checkers to see what it looks like. The motion died for
lack of a second.
The motion carried 3-2. Mayor Pro Tem Matson and Commissioner Jaskiewicz cast
the dissenting votes.
Miami Subs
Joe Marouf
1920 South Federal Highway
Community Design Plan Appeal: Request for relief
from Section 10.F.6 of the Community Design Plan
regarding exterior lighting
Joe Marouf, owner/operator of Miami Subs, stated that neon is a trademark of
Miami Subs and that this is the only Miami Subs building that does not have
neon. The neon will match the color on the trim of the building. It will be
appealling and will provide additional lighting during the late business hours.
He concurred with staff's recommendations.
Frank Houston, 600 N.W. 10 Court, said he purposely brings his guests to his
house via Congress Avenue because he is very proud of how it looks. He stated
that Congress Avenue should be an example for all the streets in the City. He
was opposed to allowing neon on Congress Avenue. He said it is by far the most
decent street in the City and he urged the Commission to keep it that way.
It was pointed out to Mr. Marouf that the Miami Subs in question is located on
South Federal Highway, not on Congress Avenue.
City Manager Parker pointed out that this same recommendation was approved by
the previous Commission for the Miami Subs building located on Congress Avenue.
No one else wished to speak in favor of or against this matter. Therefore,
Mayor Taylor declared the public audience closed.
In response to Vice Mayor Bradley, City Manager Parker stated that the reason
staff recommended approval is because this is consistent with the previous
direction from the City Commission, spearheaded by Commissioner Jose Aguila.
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APRIL 18, 1995
In response to Vice Mayor Bradley, City Manager Parker explained that at the
request of the previous Commission, the Community Design Plan was made less
stringent and now requires more of a professional opinion from staff and the
Commission's opinion.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the Community Design Plan appeal for Miami
Subs. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Commissioner
Rosen was not present at this time.
Mayor Taylor thinks staff and the Planning and Development Board are doing their
very best to give direction to the Commission. He stated that sometimes the
Commission does not take their advice. However, this in no way should indicate
that the Commission does not appreciate what they are doing.
8. Project:
Boynton C~nmerce Center PID
Peter Reed, MIG Management Services of Florida,
Boynton Commerce Center, Ltd.
Southside of Woolbright Road, 100 feet west of 1-95
Use Approval: Request to amend the list of per-
mitted uses for the Boynton Commerce Center to
allow wholesale distribution, retail, repair and
assembly of lawn maintenance equipment
City Manager Parker asked if the Commission wished to table this item, since the
applicant was not present. City Attorney Cherof said the initial burden is on
the applicant to present the basis for the request they are making. In their
absence, there is no way to establish what they want and why they want it.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table the Boynton Commerce Center PID. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
C, Other
A, Items for discussion requested by Nayor T~lor
1, Elimination of run-off elections
Mayor Taylor referred to Memorandum #95-43 from City Clerk Sue Kruse regarding
the history of run-off elections. In her memo, she advised that six run-off
elections were held since 1984. Eight candidates were involved, and six of them
won both the general elections and the run-off elections.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Mayor Taylor said many people indicated to him that run-off elections were a
waste of money. He asked if the Commission would like to give the voting public
the opportunity to vote on eliminating run-off elections or adjusting the per-
centages if there are more than two candidates.
Taking into consideration Mrs. Kruse's memo, Mayor Pro Tem Matson felt it was a
good idea to eliminate run-off elections. She pointed out that most of the
surrounding cities have eliminated them and it would be a savings to the tax-
payers. She also pointed out that the County approved an election in November.
Therefore, this could put be on the November ballot without any cost to the
City Attorney Cherof recommended against putting two options on the ballot
because it may confuse the voters or they may approve both versions.
After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to workshop
this matter on Thursday, May 11, 1995 at 6:30 p.m.
2, Term limits for C~mmlsstoners
Mayor Taylor stated that there has been some discussion that two 2-year terms
were not very effective.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz shared the following research with regard to the
surrounding areas:
Boca Raton - 2 year terms/maximum of 6 years
Delray Beach - 2 year terms/maximum of 6 years
Greenacres - 2 year terms/unlimited
Lake Worth - 2 year terms/unlimited
Lantana - 3 year terms/unlimited
Palm Beach Gardens - 3 year terms/unlimited
Royal Palm Beach - 2 year terms/unlimited
West Palm Beach - 2 year terms/unlimited
Vice Mayor Bradley felt two-year terms are not a good idea because you have to
have an election every year and it is expensive. In addition, a Commission
never exists in totality for more than one year without new members coming on
board. The idea that we could have a period of time where a Commission could be
working together, uninterrupted by elections, appealled to him. He was in favor
of two 3-year terms.
Commissioner Rosen was also in favor of two 3-year terms. He stated that the
first year someone is elected is spent on learning his or her job, and the
second year is spent on running for office.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz also was in favor of two 3-year terms.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson wished to abstain from voting because she is the only per-
son this will affect. She said she used to believe very strongly in term limits
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APRIL 18, 1995
on the local level. However, through her league work and through what has been
accomplished in the City, she felt that a lack of continuity is very bad for a
City. She felt that in limiting the number of times a citizen can vote for you
abrogates their property rights and the candidates' property rights. She would
not want to usurp anybody's rights. She stated that we need to take into con-
sideration how this will affect everyone sitting on the Commission now because
their terms cannot be extended.
Mayor Taylor stated that if this is put on the March ballot, it will not affect
Mayor Pro Tem Matson.
Vice Mayor Bradley felt the wisest choice would be to put this on the ballot in
a form that would exclude any of us from benefiting from it until we sit out for
a year. He agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Matson that there is definitely an area to
avoid so that it is not self-serving.
Mayor Taylor suggested three 2-year terms. Mayor Pro Tem Matson felt three
2-year terms would eliminate any appearance of anybody being self-serving.
It was the consensus of the Commission to discuss this matter further at the
workshop on May 11, 1995.
3, Update on County Civic Center
Mayor Taylor advised that the County is considering several sites in Palm Beach
County for a convention center. He received a call late last week from Bill
Knight, who requested him to team up with the Mayors of Detray Beach and Boca
Raton and Chamber officials as a unified front at a press conference in support
of putting the site in Boca Raton. Mayor Taylor participated in that press con-
ference this morning and spoke of the unity the three cities had and how it
would be beneficial to locate the center in South Palm Beach County.
Mayor Taylor explained that due to the timing, he was not able to contact the
other members of the Commission. However, he did not think they would object to
what he did.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson thanked Mayor Taylor for representing the Commission as
well as he does.
B, Items for discussion requested by Vice Mayor Bradley
1, Consider combining Education Advisory Board and Children and
Youth Advisory Board
This item was deleted from the agenda.
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APRIL 18, 1995
C. [rems for discussion requested b~ N~yor Pro TemNatson
1. Professional service contracts
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that the City Manager and City Attorney are contract
employees. Every other year, three officials are elected. The City Attorney
and City Manager can be hired or fired at the whim of three elected officials,
which at times is unsettling for the Commission and the department heads. She
did not feel this was in the best interests of the City and proposed the concept
of a super majority vote to protect the interests of the residents and the
department heads. Commissioner Jaskiewicz agreed with the concept of super
In response to Commissioner Rosen, Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that any three
elected officials can terminate the City Manager's or City Attorney's contract.
City Attorney Cherof advised that he does not have a contract and that he serves
at the discretion of the Commission.
City Manager Parker advised that she has a contract and there is a severance
provision in it for her protection. She stated that she is fully aware of the
terms of the contract and has no problems with it.
It was the consensus of the Commission to discuss this matter at the workshop
meeting on May 11, 1995.
2, Report on Legislative Action De31Tallah~ssee
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that every year the Florida League of Cities puts
together a Legislative Action Day and elected officials are invited to go to
Tallahassee and lobby their legislators. She recently spent three days in
Tallahassee as Chair of Intergovernmental Relations lobbying our legislative
delegation on several issues that are important to her committee.
She had a chance to sit down with Representatives Frankel, Merchant, Healey,
Jacobs, Klein and Andrews. A local government study commission is being pro-
posed. The last one was held twenty years ago and we are looking for minor
appropriations for a two-year study which will deal with cities, counties and
special districts, and governments changing responsibilities, resources and
intergovernmental relationships.
*Also, there was lobbying for the Sidowsky Affordable Housing Act. We had to
remind our elected officials that this is the year that the second 10¢ of doc
stamps was going to be used for affordable housing and we had to remind many
the elected officials that this is just a shifting of funds and not a tax
We also lobbied extensively on the presumptive illness issue. There is a House
Bill and a Senate Bill which states that there are certain diseases that are
presumed. If an employee comes down with these diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis,
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APRIL 18, 1995
high blood pressure, etc.), it is automatically assumed that it was job related.
The Florida League of Cities and the Municipal League is fighting that because
they feel that this is usurping the cities' home rule; that this is something
that cities bargain with their unions and that it is basically an unfunded man-
date and that every city should make that decision on their own rather than the
Legislature mandating these exorbitant insurance costs.
Post Office Advisory Council Update
.Mayor Pro Tem Matson sits on this Council. She advised that the contract sta-
tion in the mall (right outside J. C. Penneys) is doing very well. People can
have mail service on Sundays if they go into the contract station. Stamps are
now available by FAX, but it is not applicable in the 33462 pocket because the
mail is being delivered by the Lantana Post Office. Unfortunately, the flyer
that was sent out on this, and the flyer on the contract station, did not come
into our district because we are in that armpit of 33462. There will be an
increase in international postage rates in June. Starting on July 7th, both
facilities on Boynton Beach Boulevard are implementing a debit and credit system
whereby you can use credit cards at the post office.
4, Reconsideration of application of Gulf Stream Lumber Company for
abandonment of S,E, 2nd Street
It has come to Mayor Pro Tem Matson's attention that Gulf Stream Lumber now owns
all the property abutting the requested abandoned area and that there are no
other property rights that will be involved. If abandoned, the area will return
15,000 square feet to the tax roll and all public utility rights will be pre-
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to reconsider the application of Gulf Stream Lumber
Company for abandonment of S.E. 2nd Street. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
City Attorney Cherof advised that this item will be placed on the May 2, 1995
agenda for consideration.
D, Items for discussion requested by Commissioner Oasktewicz
1, Reconsideration of Qulk Arrival Towing issue
commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to place on the May 2, 1995 City Commission agenda
the reconsideration of the Quik Arrival Towing issue. Mayor Pro Tem Matson
seconded the motion.
Commissioner Rosen requested that Donald McGeehan be present at that meeting.
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APRIL 18, 1995
The motion carried 3-2. Vice Mayor Bradley and Commissioner Rosen cast the
dissenting votes.
E, Approval for storage building for P,A,L, Program at Ezell Hester Park
City Manager Parker advised that she received a request from Gene Moore, who is
volunteering to spearhead an effort to construct a storage building at Ezell
Hester Park for the Police Athletic League Program. He is seeking approval at
this point in time. He does not have the funding in place. If the City
Commission approves this, he will go out and try to raise the funding to
construct this equipment storage facility.
Mayor Taylor inquired about the cost estimate for the City to maintain this
building, e.g., utilities and air conditioning.
City Manager Parker did not have a cost estimate at this time. She stated that
it would come out of the Parks and Recreation budget next Year. The building
would probably not be constructed and operational until just prior to the next
fiscal year.
Mayor Taylor felt this building is needed and stated that it was excellent that
it will be constructed for free.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve the storage building for the Police
Athletic League Program at Ezell Hester Park, contingent on raising the
necessary funds. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
F, CommlsslonWOrkshops
Commissioner Rosen felt that Commission workshops are needed in order to be
,reactive rather than proactive. He suggested that the Commission meet once or
twice a month on a regular basis to discuss items that would be beneficial to
the City, such as short and long-term planning and increasing the tax base.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, City Attorney Cherof advised that the
workshop meetings would be conducted like regular City Commission meetings, but
more suitable to a round table type of discussion. They would be open to the
public and press, and all the items the Commission wishes to discuss would have
to be on the agenda.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson had no objection to having workshops as long as it is stip-
ulated that attendance at these workshops is not a requirement. She advised
that she is involved in eight other meetings each month that she regularly
attends on behalf of the City. She believes in workshops when there is an agen-
da. However, she was opposed to holding workshops just to discuss how to
increase the tax base.
*"proactive rather than reactive."
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APRIL 18, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz suggested that appointments to advisory boards be
discussed at the workshops so that they can be presented at the regular City
Commission meetings in an expeditious manner.
It was the consensus of the Commission to hold Commission Workshops once a
month. The first workshop will be held on Thursday, May 11, 1995, at 6:30 p.m.
The items on the agenda will be as follows:
Run-off Elections
Term Limits of Commissioners
Professional Service Contracts
Ordinance Requiring EXisting Commercial Businesses to Install
Landscaping {See discussion under Item XI.A.}
City Manager Parker will have an agenda prepared no later May 8, 1995.
A, Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
B, Ordinances - 1st Readlng
Proposed Ordinance No, 095-05 Re: Amending Article II, Fire
Codes, Section 9-15 providing for the adoption of the Life Safety
Code, 1994 Edition in its entirety
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-06 by title only.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-06 on first
reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
2. Proposed Ordinance Ho, 095-07 Re: Amend Land Use Element of the
Comprehensive Plan - Main Street Car Wash
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-07 by title only.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-07 on first
reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
3. Proposed Ordinance No, 095-08 Re: Rezoning - Main Street Car
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-08 by title only.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-08 on first
reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
4. Proposed Ordinance No, 095-09 Re: Rezoning Lot 9 - Palm Beach
County Club Estates - N.E. 8th Avenue
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-09 by title only.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-09 on first
reading. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
5. Proposed Ordinance No, 095-10 Re: Rezoning Lot 10 - Palm Beach
County Club Estates - N.E. 8th Avenue
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-10 by title only.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-10 on first
reading. Commissioner JaskiewiCz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
C. Resolutions
1. Proposed Resolution No,, R95-45 Re: Amend fees for land develop-
ment related activities in the City of Boynton Beach ....... TABLED
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution R95-45 by title only.
City Manager Parker advised that this item is ready to be taken off the table.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove Proposed Resolution No. R95-45 from the
table. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
City Manager Parker advised that publication and postage fees were added to the
land development fees, as discussed at the previous meeting. A fee for bad
checks was also added. The revisions were published and the date of the adop-
tion of the ordinance was changed.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. 095-45.
Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Proposed Resolution No. R95-63 Re: Authorize execution of LoCal
Option Gas Tax Interlocal Agreement and Amendment between Palm
Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-63 by title only.
City Manager Parker advised that this is the agreement dealing with the split on
the gas tax and that this is in conjunction with the Municipal League discussion
and approval.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-63. Mayor Pro
Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No, R95-64 Re: Authorize execution of
Subordination of Utility Easement from Palm Beach County for
Coconut Lane/Flavor Pict Road Project
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-64 by title only.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-64. Mayor
Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No, R95-65 Re: Authorize execution of
agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Howard Scharlin,
Trustee for Woolbright Place, Joint Venture (Tradewinds)
City Manager Parker stated that staff is requesting that this item be tabled.
She advised that this would go along with the Tradewinds agreement which we have
not yet been able to finalize.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table Proposed Resolution No. R95-65.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
5. Proposed Resolution No, R95-66 Re: Abandonment of temporary
utility easement - Tradewinds
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution R95-66 by title only. He advised
that this abandons a portion of the temporary utility easement, but preserves
and redesignates a remaining portion as a continuing temporary utility easement.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. 095-66. Vice
Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Proposed Resolution No. R95-67 Re: Authorize execution of
Community Reinvestment Program Agreement with specific lenders,
providing assistance to residents for rehabilitation of
distressed areas of the City
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R9§-67 by title only.
City Manager Parker advised that staff is very excited about this program.
Staff has been working with eight local banks for about a year to develop an
agreement to allow the residents in the Community Redevelopment Area to receive
certain incentives from these banks to reinvest in their homes. The banks are
sponsoring a workshop tomorrow night at Poinciana to kick off this program.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that this has been very successful in other cities.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-$7. Vice
Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. R95-$8 Re: Authorize execution of
Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Office of the
United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, the
United States Department of Justice for the use of modular
trailer units
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-68 by title only.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-68. Mayor Pro
Tem Matson seconded the motion.
In response to Mayor Taylor, City Manager Parker advised that the City is trying
to acquire two surplus trailers that were used in Homestead after Hurricane
Andrew hit. The City is putting in a bid, along with many other cities.
Captain Steve Grenier of the Boynton Beach Police Department advised that he was
in contact with them today and was informed that the City was awarded the two
trailers that they had picked out.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, City Manager Parker advised that one of
the trailers will be placed at the Rolling Green Municipal Complex. A location
for the second trailer has not yet been designated.
The motion carried 5-0.
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APRIL 18, 1995
8. Proposed Resolution No. R95-$9 Re: Authorize execution of
special warranty deed for the Infill Construction Project
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-69 by title only.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-69. Mayor Pro
Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
D, Other
1, Lien Reduction for Code Enforcement Case - N,D, Auto located at
902 North Federal Highway
This item was dispensed with earlier in the meeting.
2, Update on Don Jaeger v, Boynton Beach, et al,
City Attorney Cherof advised that the court granted the motion to dismiss the
City Manager from this lawsuit. The action to dismiss the case against Mayor
Pro Tem Matson and previous Mayor Weiner is pending before the Court. It was
heard, but the Court has not yet made a decision.
Update on Commissioner Jasklewicz' request to Investigate ordinance
requiring existing commercial businesses to install landscaping -
Clty Attorney
Commissioner Jaskiewicz stated that the Commission voted against a community
appearance ordinance a month or two prior to her taking office. She requested
that the better parts of that ordinance be incorporated with the suggestion she
made at the last meeting to bring commercial establishments up to the land-
scaping code.
City Attorney Cherof felt this would be a good approach in dealing with that
subject matter. He will redraft it for discussion before the next Commission
At Mayor Pro Tem Matson's suggestion, this item will be discussed at the May 11,
1995 workshop.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz felt Boynton Beach Boulevard gives a wrong impression of
the City. She would like to improve its appearance in the near future.
City Manager Parker stated that parking lot variances are no longer reviewed by
the Planning and Development Board. They only go to that Board on an advisory
basis. She asked if the Commission would like parking lot variances to come
directly to them instead of going to the Planning and Development Board.
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APRIL 18, 1995
Ms. Heyden asked if the Commission would prefer that the Planning and
Development Board not review a site plan if it is contingent upon approval of a
parking lot variance, until the Commission has taken action on that variance.
City Manager Parker explained that the Planning and Development Board reviews
site plans before they go to the City Commission. However, sometimes a variance
is also being requested. This variance affects the overall site plan. The
variance would have to go before the Commission. Therefore, the Planning and
Development Board is reviewing the overall site plan not knowing if the
Commission is going to approve the variance or not and assumes that the variance
will be approved. If the variance is not approved, the applicant would have to
redesign the site plan and return to the Planning and Development Board and
Commission. This would add another two weeks to the process.
William Hukill, Director of Development, saw no problem with sending variances
with site plans to the Planning and Development Board on an advisory basis.
However, he did not feel it was necessary to go back to them after it comes to
the Commission for approval or disapproval of the variance. He said this would
slow down the process. He suggested that if the Commission denies a variance,
it be brought directly back to the Commission and not have to go through the
whole cycle again.
Mayor Taylor was in favor of this if it shortens the process.
In response to Ms. Heyden, City Manager Parker advised that the Planning and
Development Board should make a recommendation to the Commission regarding a
variance if it is part of a site plan review. However, if the variance is a
stand alone issue, it should be brought directly to the Commission.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 11:07 p.m.
Recording Secretary
(Six Tapes)
~ ~ ~' Mayor
~ V i c~aJL~r~
/// .~ ' /./ MaYor Pro lem
// '~' ,,/,/ - Co~issioner
// , · ~ ( ·
/ / ~sioner
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This form is lbr use by any person serving a~ the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board,
council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented
with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes.
Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending
on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form
before completing the reverse side and filing the form.
A person holding elective count~; municipal, or other local public office :MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures
to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special
gain of a principal (other than a government agen%.) by whom he is retained.
In either case, you should disclose the conflict:
PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on
which you are abstaining from voting; and
WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording
the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes.
A person holding appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which
inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the
special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained.
A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must
disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether
made by the officer or at his direction.
IYou should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision with th '
"~'.recordlng the minutes of the meet~n w ) e person responsible for
· ~ ~ g, ho will incorporate the form in the minutes.
· A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency.
· The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest.
CE F'ORM ~¢B- I--91
· You should disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating.
· You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minu
of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes.
,, ~.~' [('~J4~ d t~, hereby disclose that on
(a) A measure came or will come before my agency which (check one)
inured to my special private gain; or
inured to the special gain of
(b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows:
, by whom I am retained.
Date Filed Signature
CE FORM I~B - 1-91