ON TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1995, AT 6:30 P.M.
Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor
Matthew Bradley, Vice Mayor
Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tern
Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner
Sidney Rosen, Commissioner
Carrie Parker, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
A. Call to Order.
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of ~llegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Sid Rosen
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Following the invocation, which was
offered by Reverend Henry Ackermann, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
D. Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested that the following two items be added to the agenda:
Item IV-Announcements & Presentations - B.2 - Centennial Presentation
Item IX-New Business - DD.1- Community Bulletin Board at Meadows Park
City Manager Parker added a bill in the amount of $33,742.80 for Masland Carpets, Inc., for
replacement carpeting in conjunction with the "sick building".
2. Adoption
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve as amended. Commissioner Rosen seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
A. Accept resignation from Erin Snow, Regular Member, Education Advisory
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to accept the resignation. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
JUNE 6, 1995
Alternate appointment to the Board of Adjustment.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson appointed Paulette Iorcivia as a Regular member of the Nuisance
Abatement Board.
Mayor Taylor appointed Tom Hendrikse as a Regular member of the Nuisance Abatement'
Commissioner Jaskiewicz appointed Gary Chapman as an Alternate member of the Nuisance
Abatement Board.
Mayor Taylor appointed Geraldine Graham as a Regular member of the Senior Advisory
Mayor Pro Tem Matson appointed Don Fenton as a Regular member of the Golf Course
Advisory Committee.
Mayor Taylor tab[ed his Regular appointment to the Education Advisory Board.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to accept all of the appointments. Commissioner Rosen
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to table all remaining appointments. Mayor Pro Tem Matson
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Change Order No. 2 with Engineering Software Services contract for Local
Area Network in the amount of $2,956.56
In Utilities Department Memorandum No. 95-171 dated May 26, 1995, from Utilities Director
Guidry to City Manager Parker, he advises that this final change order and its associated
payment will close out the project which is complete and has been operational since last year.
This final change order increases the total contract amount from $207,926.15 to $210,882.1 7.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Change Order No. 2 with Engineering Software
JUNE 6, 1995
B. Appointments to be made.
lobe Made
Length of Term
~Expiration Date
II Bradley
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
III Jaskiewicz
II Bradley
II Bradley
IV Matson
III Jaskiewicz
II Brad l ey
II Bradley
IV Matson
II Bradley
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
III Jaskiewicz
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
I Rosen
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
* Board of Adjustment Alt
Board of Adjustment Reg
Board of Adjustment Alt
Bldg. Bd. of Adj. & Appeals Alt
Bldg. Bd. of Adj. & Appeals Alt
*Cemetery Board Alt
Cemetery Board Reg
Children & Youth Adv. Bd. Stu
Children & Youth Adv. Bd. Alt
*Community Relations Board Alt
*Education Advisory Board Alt
Library Board Alt
*Senior Advisory Board Reg
Senior Advisory Board Alt
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Alt
Cemetery Board ~ Reg
Senior Advisory Board Reg
Senior Advisory Board Reg
Golf Advisory Committee Reg
Education Advisory Board Reg
2 yr term to 4/96
Term expires 4/98
Term expires 4/97
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/96
1 yr term to 4/96
Term expires 4/98
expires 4/96
expires 4/96
expires 4/96
expires 4/96
expl res 4/96
expires 4/96
expires 4/96
expires 4/97
expl res 4/97
expires 4/96
Term expires 4/97
2 yr term to 4/97
2 yr term to 4/97
5 yr term to 6/00
Term expires 4/96
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to remove all of the appointments from the table. Commissioner
Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
All appointments were tabled With the following exceptions:
Mayor Taylor appointed Barkley Garnsey as an Alternate member of the Board of Adjustment.
When Mayor Pro Tem Matson realized that Mr. Garnsey would accept reappointment to the
Board of Adjustment, she recommended that Mr. Garnsey be appointed as a Regular member
instead of an Alternate. Mayor Taylor agreed with this recommendation, and tabled his
JUNE 6, 1995
Services in an amount not to exceed $2,956.56. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
Request for letter of "No Objection" to abandonment of existing Utilities
Easement - Boynton West Shopping Center
As outlined in Utilities Department Memorandum No. 95-174 dated May 26, 1995, from
Utilities Director Guidry to City Manager Parker, the owner of the Boynton West Shopping
Center is proposing some major modifications including the enlargement of the supermarket
area. The enlarged store will encroach upon existing utility easements, forcing relocation of
the utilities at the developer's cost. The developer has provided plans for the relocated water
and sewer mains, and has also provided a surety bond in the amount of $39,490 to guarantee
that the work is completed. Upon completion and acceptance of the new lines, a permanent
easement will be dedicated to the City.
Commissioner Rosen moved to approve the request for a letter of "No Objection" to
abandonment of existing utilities easement in Boynton West Shopping Center. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Authorize purchase (replacement of thirty (30) 1996 Electric Golf Cars) from
Club Car in the amount of $66,000
As noted in Golf Course Memorandum No. 95-023, the replacement schedule for the
motorized electric golf cart fleet, as approved for fiscal year 1994/95, projected replacing 30
six-year old 1989 Club Cars with thirty (30) 1996 Club Cars. Permission is requested to issue
a purchase order to Club Car so that delivery can be expected in late September or early
October, 1995.
City Manager Parker advised that the correct amount of this purchase is $69,921. There was
a typographical error in the back-up material.
Commissioner Rosen moved to approve with the correction. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.
JUNE 6, 1995
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JUNE 6,1995
3. Acceptance of alternative surety bond for Nautica
This item was moved up on the agenda earlier in the meeting.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested that this item be added to the agenda. Mayor Pro Tem
Matson reminded the Commissioners that the Downtown Developer spoke with the
Commission on many occasions with regard to fees being waived in other cities. Mayor Pro
Tem Matson would like Ms. Ford to be present at the workshop meeting so that she can
explain the fees she was talking about. City Manager Parker advised that Ms. Ford will be out
of the country until June 14. She pointed out that a report was supposed to be forthcoming
from Ms. Ford; however, it has never been received.
City Manager Parker advised that she would like to update the Commissioners on the marina
project. She feels it might be worthwhile to bring in some other downtown directors who are
active with CRA programs to see what they are doing.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested a written report from Ms, Ford so that discussions can be
held at the workshop.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting properly
adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
JUNE 6, 1995
race, but the result of the election could be that his District will become a three-year term.
If this option is selected, it must be submitted to the voters in November so that Vice Mayor
Bradley's District is not impacted in that manner.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz pointed out that exorbitant costs were associated by putting this
question on the November ballot.
City Manager Parker explained that the Presidential Primary will occur with the City's March
election. For that reason, the election will not cost the City the normal amount because the
County will cover those expenses.
Mayor Taylor recommended putting the run-off referendum on the ballot in March of 1996,
and. the term limits on the November, 1996 ballot.
The motion carried 4-1. (Mayor Pro Tem Matson cast the dissenting vote.)
Henrietta Solomon said she attended the workshop meeting along with others who expressed
the desire to maintain the two-year terms. She feels the recommendation for three-year terms
is a complete disregard for the citizenry. While she agrees that three-year terms are good for
the person in office, they are not necessarily good for the residents of the City. She feels this
move is being made so that the Commissioners can perpetuate themselves in office. Two-year
terms have served the City well. She feels that if the Commissioner is good, the people will
elect and reelect that person. She also feels that if Congressmen of the United States can serve
two terms, the Commissioners of this City can also serve two terms.
Mayor Taylor again explained that the reason this issue appeared on the agenda is that he
listened to the people. He does not feel the Commissioners can perpetuate themselves in
office. The people will vote on this issue. He resented the fact that Ms. Solomon accused the
Commissioners of not listening to the people. The people will have the privilege of voting on
whether or not to change the term limits.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to put the run-off referendum on the ballot in March of 1996, and
the term limitation question on the ballot in November of 1996. Commissioner Rosen
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
In response to Attorney Cherof's question, Mayor Taylor advised that he would like to have
the Ordinances drawn for first and second reading as soon as possible.
JUNE 6, 1995
2. Term Limits for Commissioners
Option I - Two three-year terms
Option 2 - Unlimited two-year terms
OPtion 3 - Three two-year terms
Commissioner Rosen moved to adopt Option 1. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said this is the option she feels would be the most advantageous to
the City, but she does not believe the public will buy it. Commissioner Rosen feels the
Commissioners' jobs are to agree to what is best for the City and let the chips fall where they
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said members of the community spoke on this issue at the workshop
meeting. Everyone who spoke was in favor of two-year terms. The Commissioners serve at
the will of the people, and ignoring those who spoke will haunt the Commissioners down the
line. Everyone spoke loud and clear that they wanted to participate in government every year
and that they did not want to wait three years if they were dissatisfied with a Commissioner.
Mayor Taylor said this was brought about in response to remarks he heard when he was
campaigning. He was repeatedly told a two-year term was ridiculous. He personally dOes not
have a problem with two three-year terms. Furthermore, the people will decide what they
Mayor Pro Tem Matson feels the recommendation for two three-year terms is doomed to fail
because three years is a radical change.
Vice Mayor Bradley feels that the longer terms would allow for continuity. Every March, a
circus-like attitude takes hold, and the Commission is on hold for four months. He further
believes that investigation into the Mayor's suggestion of budgeting for a two year cycle is
needed. This suggestion will be voted on by the voters. He does not believe this referendum
should be self-serving; therefore, he would like language included so that no one presently on
the Commission will be affected by the change.
Attorney Cherof advised that if Vice Mayor Bradley runs for reelection in March of 1996, no
one knows whether or not the three-year term will pass. He is qualified to run for a two-year
JUNE 6, 1995
Michael Lyons recommended that there be two separate referendums placed on the ballot
because the two issues are very opposite each other.
Attorney Cherof advised that because of the nature of the questions to the voters, the only
alternative is to select one of the options.
Henrietta Solomon feels it would not be good for the citizens to have a Commissioner elected
with 20 percent plurality, lhe Commission should represent most of the people. A
percentage is necessary and she would prefer 40 percent.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Option 2. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the
Mayor Taylor confirmed with City Attorney Cherof that the wording will be clarified. He said
it would be reworded to read, "...the candidate receiving the highest percentage of the vote
in excess of 35 percent of the vote."
Commissioner Rosen said almost every election in this country is plurality.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said the election for governor of this state and many other elections
only allow for two candidates, three when there is an Independent.
Commissioner JaskiewiCz feels Option 2 will eliminate run-off elections, and believes that it
would be a rarity that a popular candidate would not get in excess of 35 percent of the vote.
She further feels that the confidence of the people will be won when they realize that "not just
anybody" will be elected.
The motion carried 4-1. (Commissioner Rosen cast the dissenting vote.)
Attorney Cherof advised that the Commission must address the time of the submission of this
referendum to the voters. If this referendum is passed in March of 1996, it would take effect
in March of 1997. If it goes on the ballot in November, it will take effect March, 1996.
JUNE 6, 1995
In response to a question from Vice Mayor Bradley, City Manager Parker explained that the
construction of Knuth Road was subdivided between the responsibility of the Knuth Road PCD
and the Tara Oaks .PUD. With the recent approvals of the PCD and PUD, the applicant
requested that the City support their going to the County to receive impact fee credits for the
cost of the road they will build.
The motion carried unanimously.
Tony Lombardi, City employee, thanked the Commissioners for passing the Resolution relative
to the IBF&O agreement. There are new people involved with the union and he is hopeful
that negotiations with management will be more friendly and professional. During the past
years, negotiations have been difficult, but he thinks those difficult times have come to an end.
Mayor Taylor thanked Mr. Lombardi for his comments and stated that management looks
forward to a better relationship with the union.
Vice Mayor Bradley said there were times in the past where the discussions between
management and the union were abrasive. He is pleased to hear Mr. Lombardi announce that
negotiations will be approached in a more graceful manner. In discussions with the City
Manager, it became obvious that a goal is to make the employees as happy as possible. At
the same time, however, the taxpayers' pockets must be considered.
D. Other
1. Run-off Elections:
Option I - Plurality Election
Option 2 - Providing for run-off elections in the event one
candidate does not receive in excess of 35 percent of the vote
Mayor Taylor pointed' out that the language in Option 2 needs clarification because the way
it is currently written, anyone receiving 35 percent of the vote is a winner. It must be changed
to read that the winner is the person who receives the most votes over 35 percent of the vote.
Commissioner Rosen moved to accept Option 1 - Plurality Election.
JUNE 6, 1995
C. Resolutions:
Proposed Resolution No. R95-89 Re: Authorize execution of 1994/96
Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach
and the International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-89 by title only.
Attorney Cherof reported that he had a discussion with Wanda Stimpson, President of the
IBF&O. There was a provision of the agreement dealing with funeral leave (Subsection 2)
which will be deleted for the time being and dealt and subsequently ratified by Letter of
Understanding. He recommended approval of the agreement with the deletion of Subsection
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-89 with the deletion
of Section 2, Article 12. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried
Proposed Resolution No. R95-90 Re: Authorize execution of
Residential Lease/Option Agreement between the Boynton Beach
Community Development Corporation and Patrick & Marie Bernard
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-90 by title only.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-90. Commissioner
Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
3. Proposed Resolution No. R95-91 Re: Impact fee credits for the
construction of Knuth Road
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-91 by title only.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-91. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion.
JUNE 6, 1995
City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote which carried unanimously.
2. Proposed Ordinance No. O95-21 Re: Providing for a methodology for
the removal of the City Manager and the City Attorney by 4/5 vote
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O95-21 by title only.
Attorney Cherof advised that a handout was delivered to the Commissioners this evening
depicting a change to this Ordinance. The new Ordinance now includes both appointment
and removal of the City Manager and the City Attorney.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O95-21 on first reading.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion.
Commissioner Rosen stated that he would like to rethink the hiring process on a 4/5 basis, and
recommended that this issue be brought to a workshop meeting for further discussion.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said it makes no sense to do one without the other. When she
brought this issue forward, it was to include both hiring and firing in an effort to depoliticize
these two positions. Doing one without the other is a moot point. Furthermore, this issue has
already been workshopped.
City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote which carried 4-1. (Commissioner Rosen cast the
dissenting vote.)
3. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-22 Re: Occupational license
reclassification and rate structure
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-22 by title only.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-22 on first reading.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote which
carried unanimously.
Attorney Cherof advised that this Ordinance will be back at the July 5 meeting because the
City will be publishing the list of the classification and new fees.
JUNE 6,1995
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinances Nos. O95-17, O95-18 and O95-19 by title only.
Commissioner Rosen left the dais during the reading of Proposed Ordinance No. O95'17.
There was no one present who wished to sPeak at the public hearing.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinances Nos. O95-17, O95-18, and
O95-19 on second and final reading. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion. City Clerk
Sue Kruse polled the vote which carried 4-0. (Commissioner Rosen was away from the dais.)
B. Ordinances- 1st Reading:
Proposed Ordinance No. 095-20 Re: Code change regarding distance
requirements for secondhand/thrift stores
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-20 by title only.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-20 on first reading.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion.
Commissioner Rosen returned to the dais.
Vice Mayor Bradley questioned how the charitable designation was determined.
Attorney Cherof advised that the proposal to the language did not clarify how that would be
done. It would be handled in the same manner as someone who has a not-for-profit status.
A check with the Secretary of State would reveal if they have registered their charitable
organization. Attorney Cherof advised that the Ordinance would work as well if the words
"and charitable" were eliminated.
Vice Mayor Bradley said he had an idea about including these types of stores in a village.
These stores benefit every segment of the populat!on and he feels they should be considered
in terms of downtown development.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson confirmed that the words "and charitable" will be stricken from the
JUNE 6, 1995
Proposed Ordinance NO. O95-11 Re:
Mobile Home Estate Property
Proposed Ordinance No. O95-12 Re:
Home Estate Property
Proposed Ordinance No. O05-13 Re:
Home Estate Property
Annexation - Royal Manor
Land Use Element - Royal Manor
Rezoning - Royal Manor Mobile
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinances Nos. O95-11, O95-12, and O95-13 by title only.
There was no one present who wished to speak at the public hearing.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinances Nos. O95-11, O95-12, and
O95-13 on second and final reading. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion. City Clerk
Sue Kruse polled the vote which carried unanimously.
Proposed Ordinance No. O95-14 Re: Annexation - Lawrence Oaks -
Oriole Inc. Property
Proposed Ordinance No. O95-15 Re:
Oaks - Oriole Inc. Property
Proposed Ordinance No. O95-16 Re:
Oriole Inc. Property
Land Use Element- Lawrence
Rezoning - Lawrence Oaks -
Attorney Cherof requested that Proposed Ordinances Nos. O95-14, O95-15, and O95-16 be
tabled until we receive an agreement which had been reached with Palm Beach County.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to table Proposed Ordinances Nos. O95-14, O95-15, and O95-16
on second and final reading. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried
7. Proposed Ordinance No. O95-17 Re: Annexation - Carriage Gate
Condom ini um Property
8. Proposed Ordinance No. O95-18 Re: Land Use Element - Carriage
Gate Condominium Property
9. Proposed Ordinance No. O95-19 Re: Rezoning - Carriage Gate
Condominium Property
JUNE 6, 1995
this agenda. She mentioned it to them yesterday. City Manager Parker disagreed with this
statement and added that she notified them herself.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz included the City Attorney's suggestion in her motion. The
seconder of the motion agreed to the inclusion.
City Manager Parker confirmed that it the organizations refuse to furnish the financial
information, the event will be denied.
The motion carried 3-2. (Vice Mayor Bradley and Commissioner Rosen cast the dissenting
Attorney Cherof requested that the issue of the surety bond for Nautica be moved up on the
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to amend the agenda to move up Item X-D.3, "Acceptance of
alternative surety bond for Nautica" to the first item under Legal. Mayor Pro Tem Matson
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
3. Acceptance of alternative surety bond for Nautica
City Attorney Cherof advised that our Code requires that the surety companies have a rating
of AAA. There is no such rating currently available for any company. The request is to have
the Commission accept this performance bond which appears to be regular all respects with
the exception of the fact that it carries an A- rating.
City Attorney Cherof further advised that this is probably one of the last surety bonds will
come before the Commission because the Land Development Regulations now require that
Letters of Credit or other types of money be posted to insure the performance of work.
Vice Mayor Matson moved to approve. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING
JUNE 6, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve subject to staff comments. Mayor Pro Tem
Matson seconded the motion.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said this will be an annual event which will bring people into the City.
Attempts are being made to raise $1 million for Optimist Park, and she urged the Commission
to support the event.
Mayor Taylor stated that he did not read anything in the back-up material which advised that
this would be an annual event. City Manager Parker said the approval this evening is not for
an annual event. Subsequent requests will come before the Commission.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson listed the names of the organizations that have paid a great deal of
money for their Iogos to be part of this event.
Mayor Taylor explained that he was very much in favor of this event, and has been asked to
award the trophies. However, he feels Commissioner Rosen has brought up a very valid point.
He is trying to determine the percentages so that the charity event might be able to receive a
larger share of the profits.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said that until the registrations are received by these organizations,
there is no way they can know how much money will be made. Mayor Taylor explained that
we don't need to ask how much they expect to take in; we should' be asking for a percentage
of the gross. Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that they are not doing this for the City of Boynton
Attorney Cherof suggested that since this company has no record with the City, in order to
move this forward, the Commission can approve the motion, but add a condition that they
disclose to the City the finances so that if it becomes an annual event, when they make their
request next year; the City can refer back to this year's record to determine our participation.
City Manager Parker suggested auditing them or setting up a percentage to go to Optimist
Park. If they cannot do that, then the event would be cancelled.
Vice Mayor Bradley pointed out that there was no one present from either the Optimist Club
or the other two organizations involved. Although Mayor Pro Tem Matson has done a great
deal of work on this, he feels the request is lacking information.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said no one notified the organizations that this item was included on
JUNE 6, 1995
he arrived to offer the invocation this evening. The closure of the street will close off the
entrance and egress from the church parking lot. While he realizes the street is a problem,
its closure affects many, .many congregations that meet at the church.
City Manager Parker apologized to Reverend Ackermann and the Commission for including
this item on the agenda. She explained that it was her impression from the Downtown District
Coordinator that all property owners had been contacted with the exception of the doctor's
office. She further understood that the churches approved of this closure. City Manager
Parker requested that the item be withdrawn.
Reverend Ackermann advised that he received a telephone call a few months ago requesting
that he contact Ms. Ford at the Orlando telephone number. He was unable to contact her that
day. He tried to contact her at the Boynton Beach office, and was unable to reach her here.
He has never spoken to her about this issue.
Consider request from Ginger Novak, The Event Company, to hold a special
event, "The First Annual World Gym Games of Boynton Beach", on Saturday,
July 22, 1995, to benefit the Optimist Park
Mayor Pro Tem Matson reported that she has been working with the City Manager's Office,
World Gym and Ginger Novak who asked to be one of the City's sanctioned Centennial
events. This event will benefit Optimist Park. She requested that this request be approved
subject to staff comments and subject to health and safety requirements. Mayor Pro Tem
Matson explained that this became a sanctioned Centennial event by them paying a fee to
hook into the City's advertising.
Commissioner Rosen pointed out that two commercial companies are involved in the event.
It is supposed to benefit Optimist Park, but we have not received any information on what
percentage of the take will go to Optimist Park. City Manager Parker stated that the estimate
is for approximately $2,000. He questioned what their take would be. City Manager Parker
did not receive that breakdown. In his opinion, the City should have more details.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that City Commissions have approved requests like this for
hundreds of other people. This event will benefit the City's park.
Commissioner Rosen stressed that these are two commercial firms. He feels the City is leaving
the door wide open for anyone to pick any charity, seek public money, and then return a small
percentage of the take. He will support this request if it can be discussed in terms of
JUNE 6, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley feels that the majority of the people would like to get their money back
because it speaks to the fact that they have paid on time. He supports returning the deposits.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that every year the City is forced to write off thousands
of dollars that are not collectible. She questioned the impact of returning the deposits.
City Manager Parker advised that staff has no problem handling this situation by returning the
deposit or by crediting interest earnings. If the crediting of interest earnings is preferable, then
the City would have the deposit to fall back on to offset the final bill.
Diane Reese, Deputy Finance Director, reported that the concerns have arisen over the last
three years since the City increased the deposit to $100. Prior to that increase, there were no
Mayor Pro Tem Matson feels the City should select the option which is the least painful for
the citizens.
City Manager Parker explained that staff has not yet determined the interest rate but it would
be either 3 percent or 4 percent.
Vice Mayor Bradley suggested that the City Manager research the percentage rate after looking
at the last five years of earnings. The percentage rate would be set following that evaluation.
Collso~,s LiS
There was a consensus of the Commission that the City should retain the deposit and credit
the interest earnings.
H. Consider closure of NE 4 Street at Boynton Beach Boulevard to Ocean Avenue
City Manager Parker reported that the City has not received a consensus of all of the property
owners on this closure. There is one property owner (a doctor's office) who has not yet
consented. Attorney Cherof advised that consent of that property owner is not necessary if the
closure is for health and safety reasons.
City Manager Parker advised that staff brought this issue forward because of the continued left-
hand turn problem at the intersection of 4th and Boynton Beach Boulevard. DOT will be
repaving Boynton Beach Boulevard and they can effectuate a closure dead-end situation.
Reverend Henry Ackermann advised that he was unaware this issue was on the agenda until
JUNE 6, 1995
Mayor Taylor confirmed that the motion is to support a 2' x 8' sign at Atlantic High School
Football Field contingent on Delray Beach matching that.
City Manager Parker offered to work with the City Manager of Delray Beach on this issue.
Vice Mayor Bradley requested that the selection of the correct size sign be left to the discretion
of staff.
The motion carried 4-1. (Vice Mayor Matson cast the dissenting vote.)
Mr. Katz offered to work with the City Manager in discussions with the City of Delray Beach.
Authorization to draft ordinance setting forth a policy to refund utility
City Manager Parker advised that staff has had long discussions relative to options to refund
residential utility deposits. Staff's recommendation is to refund the residential deposits after
24 months of service, subject to a satisfactory payment record. That satisfactory payment
record means that there is no more than one late payment, none of the checks have bounced,
no disconnections, no tampering with the meter nor use of fraudulent service.
For commercial accounts, the City would credit interest earnings each October at a rate which
has not yet been determined. If there is no problem with the concept, staff will put this policy
into Ordinance form and bring is back for public hearing.
Mayor Taylor verified that the current policy involves the City maintaining the deposit until
the account is closed and the final bill is paid. He questioned the reasons why the City is
considering changing the current policy.
City Manager Parker advised that there have been a number of requests for refund. She also
pointed out that instead of refunding the deposit, the City could credit interest earnings on
both residential and commercial accounts.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz feels that if the customers met all of the criteria, they would most
likely not "stiff" the City on the final bill. She reported that she has received inquiries on this
issue. It is her opinion that a two-year period of maintaining a credit record is sufficient time
to determine that the customer is reliable.
City Manager Parker advised that Boca Raton holds the deposits and credits interest ann ual ly.
When the account is closed, the customer gets back the deposit plus the interest earnings.
Once the computer program is prepared, this would not be a difficult process.
JUNE 6,1995
Beach has a sign at Atlantic High School. Neither of the two gentlemen returned his call.
Vice Mayor Bradley would prefer to see the cities of Delray Beach and Boynton Beach jointly
showing support.
Mr. Katz does not feel that the decision should be made based on whether or not Delray
Beach does it. He further pointed out that although money has been donated to the Eaglettes
in the past, the City has given a great deal of money to many others who have made requests.
Vice Mayor Bradley said he would not be in favor of this request unless there was a joint
venture, or understanding and agreement with the City of Delray Beach. He feels it would be
more advantageous for both cities to do this together. He reminded everyone of a history
between Delray Beach and Boynton Beach which goes back a long way relative to some
factions not getting along. He would not want to perpetuate that in any way. He will only
support this if the two municipalities do it together.
In response to Mayor Taylor's question, City Manager Parker advised that the funds for this
request would come out of the General Fund Contingency which contains approximately
$40,000 for the rest of the fiscal year.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved that we expend $400 to support Atlantic High School in this
manner. She further recommended suggesting to the City of Delray Beach that they include
their name and prorate the cost. By including their name with the City of Boynton Beach, this
would show a spirit of cooperation between the two cities. She would make Vice Mayor
Bradley's suggestion known to them. If they do not choose to participate, 'she would still
expend the money for the sign.
Commissioner Rosen would like the City's participation contingent upon Delray Beach
coming in at the same price.
Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion that includes both municipalities collaborating.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said that a 2' x 8' sign will not allow for much writing if two cities are
advertising together. She feels we should have a 4' x 4' sign.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz confirmed that even though it would be nice if the two cities could
advertise jointly on one sign, she would be comfortable with individual signs of support by
each city.
JUNE 6, 1995
She requested that a bulletin board be erected under Lucite on the building. The bulletin
board will be maintained by the City. Flyers announcing City programs can be advertised so
that the people living in that area are aware of them.
Mayor Taylor questioned the cost involved, and wondered whether or not the other City parks
have similar bulletin boards.
Mr. Frederick said most major parks in the City already have bulletin boards. He does not
believe the cost would be very high, and he will handle that cost through his budget.
There was a consensus of the Commission to erect the bulletin board at Meadows Park.
E. Select date and time for Executive Session to discuss three pending lawsuits
Attorney Cherof advised that an Executive Session is needed to discuss the Mrotek lawsuit,
two Jaeger lawsuits, and the Windward Annexation matter. One hour is required for this
There was a consensus of the Commission to conduct this Executive Session during the
workshop meeting planned for June 13. The meeting will be advertised as a special meeting
instead of a workshop. The meeting will commence and then be recessed so that the
Executive Session can begin at 8:00 p.m. The Commissioners will return to the special
meeting at the conclusion of the Executive Session.
Consider request from David Katz for the City to advertise the City seal on
sign at Atlantic High School Football Field for a one-year period. Options are
a 2' x 2' for $200; 2' x 8' for $400; or 4, x 4' for $400
David Katz explained that the football field at Atlantic High School has a large area where
businesses advertise to support the school and Eaglettes. Mr. Katz has received requests from
the parents of some of the students to approach the City Commission relative to sponsoring
a sign showing City support for the school.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson expressed concern that granting this request would set a precedent.
She reminded everyone that the City has given $2,000 to the Eaglettes on occasions.
JUNE 6,1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz would like to meet with Jody Gleason of the School Board to discuss
the many issues that affect our communities.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 1995, at 6:30 p.m., in the West Wing
Conference Room. The first hour of the meeting will involve a discussion with Commissioner
McCarty relative to City/County issues.
Commissioner Rosen suggested that the agenda include a discussion on the marina project,
as well as downtown redevelopment. Mayor Pro Tem Matson opposes discussing the
downtown unless Ann Ford is present. Commissioner Rosen also feels it is time to begin
thinking beyond Quantum Park to the many other areas of the City which can be developed.
A meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and everyone else who is interested will lead in
the direction of a program that is complete in the search for industrial development for
Boynton Beach.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that the City must be very specific in advertising this
meeting so that interested people will attend.
Mayor Taylor would like to discuss the next step in the community-wide visioning process.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz would like to see a town meeting relative to the visioning process
at some point in the future.
City Manager Parker confirmed that the agenda will include the following topics:
The Marina
The Downtown
Process to Form an Economic Development/Recruitment Group
Community-wide Visioning Process
Mayor Taylor requested that the agenda contain a "brainstorming" item. Attorney Cherof
explained that this type of item is an area of concern. There is a ruling that there should either
be an agenda or that there be some reference to subject matter by category so that the
members of the public who wish to attend can be present. He further explained that the exact
subcategory can be added a few days prior to the meeting.
2. Community Bulletin Board at Meadows Park
Mayor Pro Tem Matson reminded the Commissioners that Meadows Park opened within the
past year and now has a great deal of usage. She feels the City should be advertising its
programs at this location.
JUNE 6, 1995
rotation system vs. a single-vendor concept a month or two before the current contract expires.
She feels a determination is needed to see if this system is Serving the purpose it was designed
to serve. She believes this system is costing the City money in supervision and followup
because of the many complaints which have been filed by the vendors against each other. In
addition, when there was a single-vendor concept, City vehicles were towed free of charge.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz recommends investigating the procedure used by other cities to
determine the best course of action for the future.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson explained that the City had one company doing the towing when she
first became a Commissioner. That system was beneficial to the City and the City did not
experience the numerous problems being experienced with the rotation system. The Police
Department and Communications did not recommend rotation and it occurred for political
reasons. She stated that when this comes back, she will speak long and loudly on returning
to the single-vendor concept.
3. Nuisance abatement and drug problem - possible solutions
This item was discussed earlier.
D. Items for discussion requested by Commissioner Sid Rosen
Establish date for City Commission Workshop - Suggested agenda
Meeting with Commissioner Mary McCarty
Brainstorming on issues of interest to Commission
Commissioner Rosen pointed out that approximately 25 to 35 percent of the people in the
audience this evening attended the last City Commission workshop. That workshop turned
out to be a very productive form of a Commission working towards the betterment of this City.
He feels that a workshop meeting should be conducted whenever there are items requiring
He is in receipt of a letter from Commissioner Mary McCarty who would like to address the
Commission. He requested that she be included in the next workshop meeting.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that the City needs to set up a workshop meeting with the
Chamber of Commerce to determine how they will work together. She recommended
combining these items at one workshop meeting. Commissioner Rosen was of the opinion
that the City should have its own workshop prior to a workshop meeting with the Chamber.
JUNE 6; 1995
issued an order enjoining the activities there. This same procedure will work well in the
situation described by Commissioner Jaskiewicz.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson inquired as to how this procedure would affect homesteaded units.
Attorney Cherof explained that at the Bay Club, the City was looking for an injunction against
the activity and behavior.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewiczf question regarding implementation of the process,
Attorney Cherof advised that he needs the agreement of the Commission to move in the
direction that was used to handle the Bay Club, only on smaller properties and locations.
Mayor Taylor read the report, and noted the number of incidents of illegal activities at this
address. Attorney Cherof feels there is a sufficient number of incidents now documented to
constitute a public nuisance. The civil courts are not reluctant to enter injunctions when the
grounds are appropriate.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson recalled that when the Commission worked on the Ordinance to
prevent people from congregating, the City had to pay $15,000 for a civil rights suit. She
questioned whether the City could wind up in a similar situation again. Attorney Cherof
advised that this is a different scenario. The previous situation involved a person's right to
engage in parade and lobbying type activities. There is no Constitutional right to engage in
il legal activity.
Mayor Pro Tern Matson also stated that the City tried to get the nuisance abatement program
off the ground on several occasions, but it fell through the cracks. She hopes that when this
program is implemented, there will be sufficient training and a procedure to track these
complaints and know where each case is at any given time.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz will report further on the code enforcement approach after she
speaks with Lake Worth.
There was a consensus of the Commission for efforts to be coordinated between the Police
Department and the City Attorney, and to move forward.
2. Discussion to reevaluate the towing rotation system vs. single vendor
concept at the end of the current contract term
Commissioner.Jaskiewicz recommended that the City Commission reevaluate the towing
JUNE 6, 1995
economic incentives to locate here and to authorize the preparation of necessary legislation
to implement the granting of these incentives. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
B. Items for discussion requested by Vice Mayor Matt Bradley
1. Herman Wrice, President of Mantua Against Drugs, will be coming to
Boynton Beach July 19-21, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley announced that Herman Wrice will be coming to Boynton Beach to
educate us and lead the community in a much-needed direction. There have been discussions
about problems with drugs, prostitution and crime. This "Wrice" program is a grassroots level
approach to ending the problems that are becoming a part of the community, lhis program
teaches the community to take back the streets. We look forward to community participation.
C. Items for discussion requested by Commissioner Shirley Jaskiewicz
Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that she would address Items 1 and 3 together since they
are related.
Establishment of inter-departmental Code Enforcement "Team" similar
to City of Lake Worth
Nuisance abatement and drug problem - possible solutions
Commissioner Jaskiewicz reported that the City of Lake Worth was able to apply their
nuisance abatement code in dealing with the problems of drugs and prostitution. She
explained that in the situation we now have, the nuisance abatement code cannot be applied.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz reported that she has received very specific complaints about drug
use in an area of the City. In March of 1995, there were 11 arrests; six of which were
juveniles. The Police are doing their jobs by making the arrests; however, because of the
revolving door policy of the judicial system, the criminals are only slightly inconvenienced
and then return to the streets.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz recalled the nuisance at the Bay Club which was tackled by the City
and resolved. She questioned whether or not an injunction could be applied in the situation
she reported. She also feels a change to the Ordinance is necessary.
Attorney Cherof confirmed that an injunction can be applied. He advised that in the case of
the Bay Club, the Police Department built the fact basis for the City to go into court. The court
JUNE 6, 1995
people who will get to know the City of Boynton Beach. She feels the City needs to move
forward in letting these organizations know how much we want them in Boynton Beach. Our
site is a better site than Dania because of our access to the ocean, the inlet and Lake
Commissioner Jaskiewicz reported that one of the fishing fleet operators in Boynton Beach
contacted her today to offer full support for this project. Neighbors have also expressed their
Mayor Taylor said this will be a nucleus of the new business the Commission has been
visioning. In order to develop the downtown and get the best police and fire protection
programs, we either have to encourage industry in the City, or dig into our own pockets to pay
for it. The Commission would like business to pay for it.
Iom~arnke, a resident of Boynton Beach, works for Costa Del Mar Sunglasses which is a
vendor of Bass Pro for eight years. In visiting their facility in Missouri, he quickly discovered
that it is an attraction rather than a store. While there, he visited retail establishments on the
same street, and all were doing very well. He explained that if only 1 million people came
to Boynton Beach and spent $10 each, that is $10 million for the City. Bass Pro also has a
catalog which is sent to 10 million people more than once a year. In addition, they have the
off-shore angler catalog for salt water fishermen.
Mr. Warnke feels that if Bass Pro comes to Boynton Beach, this will be their off-shore angler
attraction. If IGFA is next to Bass Pro, the impact of those facilities over a fifteen year period
will be tremendous. There is nothing in the future that could happen in Boynton Beach which
will be as big as this.
Mr. Warnke is concerned that Dania may have some incentives Boynton Beach is unaware
of. He hopes the City will be prepared to go a step further than what has already been offered
so as not to lose the bidding. He urged the City to have other incentives available to offer
over the next week.
Mr. Sluggett advised that the facility should attract 2 million visitors per year. Once it is
stabilized, more than 4 million visitors are expected. In addition, the local economic impact
to the community will be over $265 million annually. Also, the circulation of the mail order
catalog is 35 million and growing each year.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to authorize negotiations with IGFA and Bass Pro to offer
JUNE 6, 1995
JarnesMiriana, a resident of Boynton Beach, expressed his opposition to the City helping
private enterprise at the expense of the taxpayers. He spoke about his struggle to open a
business over 45 years ago. He feels that if the businesses want to come into the community,
they should take on their responsibilities as he did many years ago. He does not feel it is fair
to the taxpayers to support these businesses. He suggested having Quantum Park help them.
Geoff Sluggett, representing Bass Pro, thanked the City for its willingness to work with Bass
Pro. He advised that everything is on track in trying to select a site. They are still in
negotiations. There was some speculation that another site had been selected. There is no
truth to that speculation.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matson's question, Mr. Sluggett advised that at this point, the
two top site selections are Dania and Boynton Beach.
Commissioner Rosen explained that Boca Raton and Delray Beach are getting businesses into
their communities almost on a daily basis. A house similar to his in Boca Raton pays less taxes
than he does, and that is a direct result of their tax base. If it is Boynton Beach's desire to
increase our tax base, then we will have to give. Commissioner Rosen is certain some
incentives were offered to Motorola when they selected Boynton Beach. He is proud to invite
industry into our City. Industry results in employment, home purchases, etc. Commissioner
Rosen feels that unless we move in this direction, we will be sitting here in the same hole
years from now. This City must compete to get that industry to locate here.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said she is looking at the economic potential for this City on a long-
range basis. Although it may cost something at the beginning, it will be a tremendous boon
to our tax base. The IGFA facility alone has a construction cost of $20 million. One of the
Commission's goals is to increase the tax base so that the taxpayers will not have to bear the
burden of some of the projects to be done for the City.
David Katz, 162 SE 27 Place, expressed respect for Mr. Miriana, but explained that he was on
a previous Commission that worked very hard to entice IGFA and Bass Pro to come to the
City. The $300,000 in impact fees will not take any money from the taxpayers' pockets. If
this is the incentive needed to get IGFA and Bass Pro here, then it should be done. He feels
Boynton Beach is the place for this industry.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson knows that in order to make money, money must be spent. The entire
incentive package might total more than $1 million. Over 4 million people visit Bass Pro in
Missouri annually. This would be a major tourist attraction and a major project. We estimate
that approximately 1 million people will visit the facility every year. This project would add
people to our workforce, put more shoppers in the stores, add new homebuyers and add more
JUNE 6, 1995
Commissioner Rosen recommended contacting the association at Watersedge to discuss this
proposal with them. Commissioner Jaskiewicz did not feel the City should have to go to those
lengths since these boat ramps will be at the north end of this park, far away from the
Mayor Taylor expressed his concern that one community will decide what the City will put
at that location. The park is for the entire City. While the City needs to work with the
residents relative to how it will be developed, it is the City's decision whether or not boat
ramps should be constructed at that site.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson feels this proposal must be made as palatable as possible for them,
and their feelings must not be ignored.
Mr. Frederick suggested that this proposal move forward, and then have a meeting to discuss
the proposal with Watersedge.
There was a consensus of the Commission for the boat ramps.
Mayor Taylor acknowledged the presence in the audience of State Representative William
2. EConomic Incentive Program for IGFA and Bass Pro
Mayor Taylor explained that IGFA and Bass Pro will make their decision on June 19, with
regard to where they intend to locate. The choices at present are Dania and Boynton Beach.
We have made a strong effort to bring them to Boynton Beach.
The invitation to IGFA and Bass Pro is the City's attempt to give Boynton Beach some
economic footing. It would be a major catalyst to include them in Quantum Park. IGFA has
been offered a waiver of the permit fees, and possibly working with them on the water/sewer
impact fees. Since those fees cannot be waived, the City will attempt to work them into the
budget to cover those costs. In addition, the City has offered to include them in our Internet
which advertises worldwide.
The addition of IGFA and Bass Pro would bring approximately 300,000 tourists annually to
this area. Boynton Beach has many dreams and visions, and all of them take money to
accomplish. The means by which to receive that money is through business.
JUNE 6, 1995
which will remain that way for a long time to come because the City does not have the money
to fund construction of the park. This is a chance to get a $2 million park. A decision' must
be made so that Dennis Eshelman can approach the County Commission on June 16, to
request the funding. He must be able to tell the County that we are willing to put in boat
ramps in order to request the money. Mayor Taylor explained that once a decision is made
to develop the park, then the residents should be able to view the site plan and offer their
input. He feels it is the City's responsibility to make the decision to develop the park.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz stressed the fact that anyone living along a waterway should expect
to have boat ramps in the vicinity. She is very encouraged by the possibility of getting funding
for the park, and is excited about seeing it developed rather than having a vacant parcel of
land which is being paid for by a bond issue.
Mr. Frederick advised that if boat ramps are constructed, they will probably be on the northern
end of the site, which is the furthest away from Watersedge. This will be done to get close
to the existing Shooter's channel. He does not recall that the Watersedge community objected
to boat ramps. Their primary concern was noise, a band shell and anything up against their
perimeter. Mr. Frederick feels that if they are made aware of this proposal, we could achieve
their support. The veterans' memorial area will be at the front of the park, and will not be
affected by this proposal.
MayOr Taylor agrees that the residents of Watersedge must be informed, but he feels that
should be done once the design phase begins.
Commissioner Rosen suggested that this item become part of an upcoming workshop so that
approval of the Watersedge community can be achieved through discussions at that time.
City Manager Parker suggested tabling this matter until the next meeting while the City
contacts the residents of Watersedge. After meeting with the residents to receive their input,
the Commission can make a decision. City Manager Parker feels the Watersedge community
will be opposed to boat ramps.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that there is a deadline on this item. He feels the Commissioners
must decide whether or not they will let one development be the deciding factor with regard
to whether or not boat ramps will be constructed at that park.
Mr. Frederick again stressed the fact that Watersedge was very opposed to the inclusion of a
band shell. He does not recall opposition to boat ramps. At this point, Commissioner
Jaskiewicz withdrew her earlier suggestion with regard to a band shell.
JUNE 6, 1995
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz' question as to whether or not the County would
develop the entire site and assume all of the costs involved, Mayor Taylor responded that that
was his understanding. Commissioner Jaskiewicz feels the master plan is beautiful, but would
like to see a band shell similar to the one in Boca Raton.
Mr. Frederick explained that the issue of a band shell was discussed during the workshops and
public hearings, and there was opposition to that type of facility from the residents of
Watersedge. The open space areas were provided to accommodate special events. There was
concern about structures that would promote intense noise and music.
Commissioner Rosen questioned who would maintain this park once it is constructed. Mr.
Frederick responded that the City, as owner and operator, would be responsible for the
operational costs and maintenance.
Vice Mayor Bradley inquired as to whether or not the County mentioned any other facilities
they intend to include at the park. Mr. Frederick explained that they are interested in boat
ramps only because there is a county need for them.
Mr. Frederick explained that boat trailer parking takes a tremendous amount of acreage. A lot
of spaces will have to be provided if a large number of ramps are constructed. This is a ten-
acre parcel. He feels we can reach a reasonable compromise as long as the County is not
overly demanding on the number of spaces we must provide.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said she was part of the process of designing this park. She believes
we need more boat ramps in the City, and she would welcome County funding; however, the
residents of Watersedge were very vocal, as were the veterans. It was planned that this would
be an educational park for Children. She would oppose construction of a band shell because
of the concerns of the nearby residents. Further, she hopes that the addition of boat ramps will
not severely hinder the original plan.
Mayor Taylor stated that the County will pay for whatever the City designs up to $2 million.
Their interest is in boat ramps.
Vice Mayor Bradley feels the offer merits further investigation.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson would like to see what the County is proposing, and then get the
residents of the area involved.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that this is an opportunity for the City to build a beautiful park
which will have many trees and berms to quiet the noise. At present, this site is an empty lot
JUNE 6,1995
There was a consensus of the Commission to make this a conditional use.
Ms. Heyden advised that she will provide a map of all C-4 zoning districts in the City when
this Ordinance is brought back to the Commission.
A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Jerry Taylor
1. Palm Beach County to fund development of Intracoastal Park Site
Mayor Taylor reported that he has ~been in discussion with Dennis Eshelman of County Parks
and Recreation relative to the park site. Palm Beach County has a need to furnish additional
boat ramps and they contacted him to see if Boynton Beach would be interested in allowing
the County to put some boat ramps at this site. If the City is willing to do that, they will
approach the County to request the funding to develop the park. (That amount is probably
approximately $1.5 to $2 million.)
The existing site plan shows Very minimal park development including a large picnic pavilion,
a smaller pavillion, some parking, a lot of open space, and a small playground. If the City
goes along with the County's request to put in boat ramps, we would have to put in parking
for boat trailers and autos. A consensus is needed regarding whether or not the Commission
would be open to allowing the construction of boat ramps.
Vice Mayor Bradley supports joint ventures. He requested input from RecreatiOn and Parks
Director, Charles Frederick.
Mr. Frederick stated that the existing ramps at Boat Club Park are overcrowded. He also had
discussions regarding this project and advised Dennis that he would be interested in pursuing
his thoughts. However, he reminded the Commissioners that the master plan was conceived
through a long series of meetings and public hearings with the public, Recreation and Parks
Board and the City Commission. He feels that if the City Commission decides to move in the
direction suggested, public activity should be considered on the redesign of the master plan.
There are issues of seagrass dredging. He supports exploring this issue with the County.
In response to Mayor Taylor's question, Mr. Frederick advised that the current master plan was
completed approximately three years ago.
JUNE 6,1995
problem and the issue of outside storage with limitations on the percentages that can be used
for that purpose. She also addressed setbacks for the storage area and prohibition of vehicle
maintenance in the storage areas. Regulations relative to separation between storage
buildings, and maximum building height have been set forth.
Ms. Heyden reported that she also addressed the miscellaneous issues of outdoor lighting,
loudspeakers, and storage bay doors.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson questioned whether or not conditions can be added to this. She
pointed out that the Commission is in a visioning process which takes into consideration
revitalization of neighborhoods. She is concerned with al lowing boat storage and automobile
storage in certain areas. She would support allowing the mini-warehouses without the boat
and vehicle storage areas.
Ms. Heyden explained that she had considered making this use a conditional use. However,
there is a problem in that the one coming in, and the one in the City right now, would be
considered nonconforming.
Vice Mayor Bradley suggested screening the storage areas so that they are not obvious. Mayor
Pro Tem Matson was opposed to this suggestion because the outdoor storage still exists. She
pointed out that what begins with good intentions, soon becomes tomorrow's slum.
Mayor Taylor stressed the point that people must have somewhere to store these items. Places
must be established and perhaps screening is an alternative.
Commissioner Rosen explained that this parcel is out of site of Congress Avenue. He is not
opposed to storage in this area.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said this area is isolated from Congress Avenue view. She has no
objections to it. However, she would prefer that it be a conditional use.
City Manager Parker advised that the Ordinance can be done as a conditional use, and staff
can process the conditional use application for the applicant as part of the annexation package
for this particular site.
City Manager Parker reminded the Commissioners that the agenda item was for direction to
staff on how the Ordinance should be drawn. As a conditional use in the C-4 zoning district,
each time someone wants to do this, the application will come before the City Commission
on a site-by-site basis.
JUNE 6, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz agrees that this request is a substantial change and feels it should
be resubmitted as a new application.
Commissioner Rosen moved that this has been determined to be a substantial change of the
master plan for Woolbright Place PUD. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion.
Mayor Taylor is opposed to lot sizes becoming smaller and smaller.
The motion carried 5-0.
Request for zoning code changes to allow Wholesale of tropical fish in M-1
zoning district
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the addition of wholesale of tropical fish in the M-1
zoning district. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said she is aware of the area and building which is referred to in the
application, and she feels it will be an improvement.
The motion carried 5-0.
Request for zoning code change to allow mini-warehouses in the C-4 zoning
Staff is currently in the process of preparing applications for annexing various enclaves. One
of two parcels within one such enclave located south of the post office on Boynton Beach
Boulevard and west of the Boynton Plaza, contains an existing warehouse. The
Comprehensive Plan indicates that the future land use to be General Commercial. The
General Commercial land use category consists of all C-4, General Commercial, and Planned
Commercial Development zoning districts. The C-4 zoning category does not allow
warehouses. However, in reviewing the Comprehensive Plan, language exists in the general
land use category that would allow vehicle, boat and household storage.
Ms. Heyden advised that she included draft language for a code change which would address
the concerns she mentioned. She advised that there have been requests for living quarters.
She addressed that with limitations on how it can be leased. She has dealt with the address
JUNE 6, 1995
impact on the setbacks. To date, the smallest lot size approved has been 4,000 square feet
at the Nautica project. Staff maintains that approval of 3,600 square foot lots would result in
insufficient land area for parking, problems with emergency access, diminished aesthetic
integrity and pressure to use buffer areas for private lot area.
Changing the unit type from multi-family to single-family can negatively affect aesthetics.
Multi-family projects can be better maintained and contain more landscaping than single-
family projects. Because multi-family projects are clustered, there is a perception of more
open area.
With regard to the lot layout, there are six lots located at the northwest corner of the project
which are so detached from the rest of the units in Pod 1 that they require their own additional
access point from SW 8th Street. This access point does not meet the subdivision
requirements due to its shortage of distance from the main access point to Pod 1.
Staff has determined that the north relocation of the main access point from SW 8th Street is
acceptable. Although providing only one access point to a development increases emergency
response time, this response time can also be negatively affected by street design. By
providing an additional access point, lots will be lost; however, it would help alleviate
The reduction in setbacks have been established by code. The perimeter setbacks proposed
do not comply with the zoning code and cannot be reduced through the master plan
modification process.
Master plan modification approvals require an evaluation of the increase in impacts on water,
sewer and traffic. That evaluation was not submitted. Due to the change in unit type, these
services will be affected by this request.
Staff recommends that this request is a substantial change.
louis Campanelli stated that the Vinings project contains 548 units with a single access. This
project is proposing 108 units with a single access.
In Commissioner Rosen's opinion, this is a substantial change, and he supports staff's
Vice Mayor Bradley's personal choice is a change to lower densities. He hopes the
Commission moves in that direction. He feels it is imperative that the developers build
neighborhoods with the lowest densities possible.
JUNE 6, 1995
applicant is establishing all of the typical front yard, side yard, rear yard, and lot size building
and site regulations.
The second part of this request involves providing a separate private recreation area within
Pod 1 to serve only Pod 1. There is a change in the use of Pod 3 to recreation and relocation
of the previously-approved Pod 1 access point. This access point is being moved to the north.
The addition of an access point off SW 8th Street is approximately 210' south of the north
property line of the PUD.
Additional changes in this request involve the reduction of the north PUD landscape buffer
from a 25' wide buffer with berm and native landscaping to a 10' wide landscape buffer
consisting of a 5' high chain link fence, continuous hedge and trees spaced 35' on center.
The applicant is also requesting a reduction of the north PUD property line building setback
from 60' to 15', and a reduction of the Pod 1 west property line building setback from 40' to
15' where rear yards abut this property line, and to 10' where side yards abut this property
In reviewing this request, staff found that the change from 90 multi-family units to 108 single-
family units reflects a transfer of all the residential units planned for Pod 3 to Pod 1, and a
transfer of two multi-family units from Pod 2. This transfer increases the net density within
Pod 1 from 6.20 unit per acre to 7.44 units per acre. With respect to the two multi-family
units requested for transfer, there may be an ownership issue involved. The Vinings Phase II
is not under construction and it is possible that the Vinings may have some ownership to those
two units
Pod 3 is isolated from the project. Without any density value, this Pod is useless. It is not
acceptable in terms of public park usage because of its size and configuration. In addition,
the fact that it is isolated increases the crime potential. There are similar problems for private
park usage, but the problems are compounded by the lack of access by Pod 1 residents due
to blocking the Vinings Phase II parcel.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson recognized this as a "substantial change". She questioned whether
or not the applicant would have to return for PUD zoning. Ms. Heyden responded
Commissioner Jaskiewicz felt that to say this was not a substantial change would be an
Ms. Heyden continued with her presentation by adding that increasing the density has an
JUNE 6, 1995
Department's recommendation of 15' and has a problem with the request to reduce the side
screen enclosure setback from 15' to 10'.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Matson's remarks.
Mayor Taylor questioned whether Mr. Campanelli anticipated any problems in changing the
name. Mr. Campanelli explained that he does not know the legal ramifications involved.
Following clarification regarding the recommendations made by staff with regard to the
setbacks for screen roof enclosures from 15' to 10', Vice Mayor Bradley agreed that the
Commission should not approve that reduction. He feels the zero-lot line lots are small
Mayor Taylor advised that he would support this request only if all of staff's recommendations
were complied with.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to find that this is "no substantial change" to the master plan
modification. She moved to approve this subject to staff comments, and with a proviso that
the name "Boynton Estates" not be used. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked Mr. Campanelli whether or not he could comply with the Fire
Department's recommendations. He responded affirmatively. However, he stated that the
request was made because the project across from Citrus Park was granted these reductions,
and they are in competition with that project.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson explained that one Commission may not approve the same thing
another Commission approves. There is no such thing as a "me too" priority in the City. Each
case is dealt with individually.
The motion carried 5-0.
Determination if Master Plan Modification requested for the Woolbright Place
PUD constitutes a substantial or non-substantial change
Ms. Heyden made the presentation. The request involves Pods 1 and 3. The changes in Pod
1 involve a change in unit type from 90 multi-family units to 108 single-family, detached units.
The setbacks for multi-family units are less involved than those for single-family units. The
JUNE 6,1995
With regard to the request to reduce the side yard setbacks from 1 5' to 10', staff recommends
that a non-zero line side yard setback of 15' be maintained.
With regard to the request to reduce the rear setback for the screen roof enclosures from 8' to
6', it is recommended that the 'reduced setback be accepted with an exception. Where the
rear property line of a lot abuts any property line of another project or where a property line
abuts the rear of another unit, the rear setback shall be maintained at 8'.
With regard to the above-ground pool setbacks, staff finds them acceptable with one
exception. Where the side setback of 12' has been requested, staff recommends 15'; and with
respect to the corner side setback which was requested at 18', staff recommends 20'.
The TRC, at its meeting on May 23, 1995, recommended that the City Commission make a
finding of "no substantial change" relative to this request.
In addition, Ms. Heyden advised that the City now has a "Lake Boynton Estates", "Boynton
Lakes Estates", and this will now be "Boynton Estates". Staff recommends a name change for
this project.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that there already is a "Boynton Estates" which is a
subdivision of Boynton Lakes North. She lives in Boynton Estates, and that name appears on
the deed to the property.
Mr. Campanelli stated that "Boynton Estates" is a trade name. This project is still known as
Citrus Park PUD, and that is how it is platted.
MS. Heyden said the site plan application for signage reveals the name, "Boynton Estates".
With regard to the setbacks, Mr. Campanelli said the request for 10' setbacks for the screen
enclosures from the zero lot line is something which has been previously approved by the
City. The Nautica project was granted this request, and that project is across the street from
Citrus Park PUD.
Ms. Heyden advised that after observing the areas, the Fire Chief and members of the TRC
continue to maintain that 15' is necessary.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson expressed her concern with the use of the name "Boynton Estates".
She is concerned that the Police and Fire Departments will have a problem determining where
to respond in an emergency. She is opposed to this name if it will pose a problem to the
health and safety of the residents. In addition, she is also opposed to not heeding the Fire
JUNE 6, 1995
Outpatient Properties, Inc ................................... TABLED
Wayne E. Puls
Outpatient Properties, Inc.
Southwest corner of SW 23 Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard
previously-approved site plan to construct a surplus parking
facility on a parcel adjacent to the Outpatient Center of Boynton
City Manager Parker adviSed that Mr. Puls has requested that this application be postponed
until July 5, 1995. The request for postponement is the result of scheduling commitments of
the applicant's counsel, Boose, Ciklin, et at.
There was no objection to leaving this item on the table until the July 5, 1995 meeting.
Master Plan Modification to reduce setbacks for swimming pools at Citrus
Park PUD
LouisCampanelli, agent for the applicant, was administered the oath. He advised that he had
no presentation, but was available to answer any questions which might arise.
Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director, made the presentation. She advised that the
request involves the following:
Reduce the approved rear screen pool enclosure setback from 8' to 6';
reduce the approved side screen pool enclosure setback from 15' to 10'; and
establish the following pool setbacks:
Front 22'
Side (Interior) 12'
Side (Zero-Lot Line) 2'
Side (Corner) 18'
Rear 8'
From Residence 5'
From Residence (with shear wall) 3'
Ms. Heyden advised that the typical lot size at Citrus Park is 55'x 100'. All of the lots front
on an internal private road with one ingress/egress to Lawrence-Road. The approved building
setbacks already established on previous master plans are not affected by this request.
JUNE 6, 1995
caps, plates, buttons, etc., will be available for purchase at this location. The funds raised
through these sales will help offset the cost of the events associated with the Centennial
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised of the activities and contests which are planned for the
celebration. There will be a "Brothers of the Brush" beard-growing contest, and a Duck Race.
Duck adoption papers can be purchased for $5. The ducks will be put into the ocean. The
owners of the first three ducks returning to shore will win prizes of $1,000 for first place, $500
for second place, and $250 for third place. Stock certificates are available at a cost of $1. On
June 26, a "Taste of Boynton" will take place at the Woman's Club. Chefs from restaurants
throughout the City will provide a sampling of their cuisine. Advance tickets are $15, and
tickets at the door are $25. Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that the City of Boynton Beach
budgeted $25,000 for fireworks for this year. In addition, more than $18,000 has been
collected from sponsorships. She urged everyone to attend "the party of the century".
Mayor Taylor thanked Mayor Pro Tem Matson and everyone involved for the time and effort
expended on this project. They have worked very hard to make this a celebration to
remember. He urged everyone to get involved.
JackHagen, owner of a bait and tackle store in the City, objected to the City subsidizing Bass
Pro to get them to locate here. He is of the opinion that the City will not get IGFA to come
here unless Bass Pro comes in. He feels Bass Pro will hurt many marinas and bait and tackle
stores in the area.
Attorney Cherof advised that the major site plan modification and the master plan modification
are quasi-judicial issues; therefore, he administered the oath to all who would be testifying on
these issues.
JUNE 6, 1995
Scholarship award winners were:
Jaime Snyder
Darren Cleveland
Barbara G rayson
Shannon Patterson
Reshard Saulter
Atlantic High School
Atlantic High School
South Tech Education Center
santaluces Community High School
Lake Worth High SchOol
South Tech Education Center participated in competition with other technical schools
throughout the state and received a total of five awards covering first, second and third place.
B. Presentations:
1. Proclamations:
a. Proclamation honoring Elisabeth W. Erling
At the podium, Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation honoring Elisabeth W. Erling for service to
the citizens of south county for 39 years.
Elisabeth Erling thanked the City of Boynton Beach for this honor.
Proclamation recognizing Florida Firefighters Information and
Education Network, Inc.
Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation recognizing the Florida Firefighters Information and
Education Network, Inc.
Fire Chief Jordan accepted the Proclamation and advised that he will take the Proclamation
to the conference which will be held at Catalina Center on June 16 and 17.
2. Centennial Presentation
Mayor Pro Tem Matson, Chairperson of the Centennial Committee, invited all to attend the
11 days of Centennial events which are scheduled from June 23, 1995 through July 4, 1995.
She urged everyone to pick up a schedule of events in the lobby of City Hall.
With the support of the DeBartolo Corporation, Mayor Pro Tem Matson has been able to
secure the former "1 Natural" store, free of charge, at the Boynton Beach Mall. The store is
now known as the "Boynton Beach Centennial Store". Centennial merchandise including
JUNE 6, 1995
Proposed Resolution No. R95-88 Re: Adopt amended contract for the
RAP Program omitting the counseling references
Mayor Taylor pointed out that the new contract was not supposed to include counseling for
the R.A.P. Program; however, monthly youth counseling sessions, and family counseling are
noted under Program Process.
City Manager Parker explained that the page Mayor Taylor was reading from was the existing
contract. She directed him to the following page in the back-up material and pointed out that
the Program Process includes monthly youth contact sessions and family contact if needed.
Mayor Pr°Tem Matson moved to approve Item C-5. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the
motion which carried unanimously.
A. Announcements:
Goal Setting/Team Building Workshop - Monday, June 12, 1995, 8:00
A.M. to 4:00 P.M., at Aberdeen Country Club
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
First City Commission Meeting in July will be held on Wednesday,
July 5, 1995, since luesday, July 4th is a national holiday
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
Recognition of Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce Student
of the Year Award and Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce/
Motorola Scholarship Award presented at the Business Education
Partnership Division Awards Breakfast by Commissioner Shirley
Commissioner Jaskiewicz reported on her attendance at the Chamber of Commerce May 26
Breakfast Meeting at South Tech. This breakfast was held in conjunction with Motorola. She
commended the Chamber of Commerce and the businesses in Boynton Beach for their
participation in promoting educational opportunities.
JUNE 6, 1995
agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Town of Ocean
Ridge for use of the City's Pistol Range
Proposed Resolution No. R95-85 Re: Authorize execution of an
amendment to the Financial Assistance Agreement dated January 4,
1994, between Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach for
Woolbright Road beautification
Proposed Resolution No. R95-86 Re: Authorize execution of [nterlocal
Agreement between Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach
for the funding of improvements at Mangrove Nature Park
Proposed Resolution No. R95-87 Re: Authorize execution of Interlocal
Agreement between Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach
for the funding of improvements at the Ezell Hester Community Center
Proposed Resolution No. R95-88 Re: Adopt amended contract for the
RAP Program omitting the counseling references
This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.
D. Approval of Bills
This approval includes the bill in the amount of $33,742.80 for Masland Carpets, Inc.
A copy of the bills is attached to the original set of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's
Approve request for disinterment and transfer of Lot 69 of the Replat,
Boynton Memorial Park
Anna D. McClean has requested permission to disinter Robert H. McClean's cremains from
Lot 69 of the Replat, and transfer that lot to Mark A. Kilbourne.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Mayor Pro Tem
Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
JUNE 6, 1995
Mayor Taylor advised that items requiring discussion are to be pulled from the Consent
Agenda for further discussion.
Mayor Taylor pulled Item C-5 - Proposed Resolution No. R95-88.
A. Minutes:
1. Workshop City Commission Meeting Minutes of May 11, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that Page 8 of these minutes contradicts what she said on
Page 7. The first sentence on Page 8 should read as follows: "Commissioner Jaskiewicz was
not in favor of run-off elections."
2. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of May 16, 1995
No corrections were made to these minutes·
B. Bids
Award bid for Brass Fittings and Accessories to Various Vendors on a
Lot-by-Lot Basis
The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to various vendors by the overall
Lot-by-Lot totals. The Brass Fittings bid has been awarded to the most responsible, responsive
vendors that have met all required specifications. (Refer to Utilities Memorandum #95-165,
dated May 23, 1995, for additional information.)
Award bid for July 4th Fireworks Display to Zambelli Internationale in
an amount not to exceed $25,000
As outlined in Recreation & Parks Memorandum No. 95-238 dated May 25, 1995, from
Charles Frederick to City Manager Parker, it is recommended that the July 4th BIG BLAST!
Centennial Celebration fireworks bid be awarded to Zambelli Internationale in an amount not
to exceed $25,000.
C. Resolutions
1. Proposed Resolution No. R95-84 Re: Authorize execution of
JUNE 6, 1995
cc: Fin, Util,
AERIAL DATA REDUCTION ASSOCIATES INC ................. $ 43,896.10
PAY FROM STORM WATER UTIL FUND -- 425-397-5-499-00,
$5,673.36, PAY FROM W & S UTIL REV FUND -- 421-000-0-690-21,
$19,111.37, 421-000-0-691-21, $19,111.37
GARBER BUICK, GMC ........................................ $ 24,841.00
PAY FROM VEH SERV FUND -- 501-193-5-688-00
HARLEY DAVIDSON OF PALM BEACH ........................ $ 22,648.00
PAY FROM VEH SERV FUND -- 501-193-5-688-00
...................................... $ 57,150.00
PAY FROM 1990 CONST FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10,
$28,575.00, 409-000-691-10, $28,575.00
MBRCONSTRUCTIONINC ................... -' · .. ........... $18.900.00
P.O. 9601. PERIODIC EST #1,
PAY FROM W & S UTIL REV FUND -- 421-000-0-690-21
PAY FROM 1990 CONST FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10
................. $ 11,634.94
PAY FROM GEN FUND -- 001-221-5-390-03
SCRWTD BOARD ............................................. $ 91,574.00
PAY FROM UTIL GEN FUND -- 403-000-0-691-22,
404-000-0-691-20, $5,000.00
................................ $10,089.49
PAY FROM PUBLIC SERV TAX CONST -- 301-194-5-634-12