Gerald "Jerry" Taylor
Matthew Bradley, Vice Mayor
Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem
Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner
Sidney Rosen, Commissioner
Carrie Parker, City Manager
Sam Goren, Assistant City Attorney
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
A. Call to Order
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
B. Invocation
The invocation was offered by Father John Block of St. Mark Catholic Church.
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Commissioner Rosen.
D. Agenda Approval
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Commissioner Jaskiewicz added Item IV.A.3 (Police Initiative Report for the past 60 days).
Mayor Taylor moved Item IV.B.4 in front of Item IV.B. 1.
Commissioner Rosen added Item IX.A (Set Date for Workshop).
2. Adoption
Commissioner Rosen moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Mayor Pro Tem Matson
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
AUGUST 15, 1995
A. Appointments to be made
To Be Made
Length of Term
Expiration Date
Mayor Taylor
IV Matson
II Bradley
II Bradley
IV Matson
II Bradley
IV Matson
II Bradley
IV Matson
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
II Brad l ey
III Jaskiewicz
IV Matson
Mayor Taylor
Board of Adjustment Alt
Bldg. Board of Adj. & Appeals Alt
Cemetery Board Alt
Children & Youth Adv. Board Stu
Children & Youth Adv. Board Alt
Library Board Alt
*Senior Advisory Board Reg
Senior Advisory Board Alt
Cemetery Board Reg
Comm. Redev. Adv. Bd. Reg
Community Relations Board Reg
Code Enforcement Board Reg
Code Enforcement Board Reg
Code Enforcement Board Reg
Code Enforcement Board Alt
Code Enforcement Board Alt
Term expires 4/97
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 4/97
1 yr term to 4/96
Term expires 4/96
Term expires 9/97
3 yr term to 9/98
3 yr term to 9/98
1 yr term to 9/96
1 yt term to 9/96
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove the appointments from the table. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Commissioner Rosen appointed Marvin Schwartz as a regular member to the Code
Enforcement Board, without objection.
Since Vice Mayor Bradley had been on vacation, Mayor Pro Tem Matson wondered if he was
aware that Keturah Lee, a student, submitted an application to be on the Children and Youth
Advisory Board. Vice Mayor Bradley was not aware of this. He thanked Mayor Pro Tem
Matson for bringing this to his attention, and appointed Keturah Lee as a student member to
the Children and Youth Advisory Board. No objections were made.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to place the remaining appointments on the table. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0~
A. Minutes
Regular City Commisison Meeting Minutes of July 18, 1995
Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes of July 25, 1995
Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of July 27, 1995
Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of August 3, 1995
With regard to the Minutes of the August 3, 1995 meeting, Commissioner Jaskiewicz
corrected the next to the last sentence in the third paragraph on page 10 to read as follows:
She is concerned with the station being located within 500 feet of the other gas stations.
B. Bids
C. Resolutions
Proposed Resolution No. R95-121 Re: Ratification of the South
Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board actions of
July 20, 1995
Approved an expenditure of $1,147.96 from Repair and
Replacement Fund to replace existing Paco Pump for reuse water
system in Old Effluent Building
Approved an expenditure of $1,500 from Repair and
Replacement Fund to replace drive disc for #2 RAS Pump - B
Approved an expenditure of $3,500 from Repair and
Replacement Fund to repair Boynton Influent Flow Meter
AUGUST 15, 1995
Approved the acceptance of the 1995/96 Budget, Capital projects,
Capital Assets, Repair and Replacement and Surplus Fund
Proposed Resolution No. R95-122 Re: Authorize agreement between
the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County regarding the
protection and support of underground 16" D.I.P. waterline for
Lawrence Road pathway - Project g94087 and 94088
Proposed Resolution No. R95-123 Re: Authorize execution of
contract with Palm Beach Community College for off-site training for
the Paramedic Program
Proposed Resolution No. R95-124 Re: Request for surety release -
Boynton Lakes Plat 5
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pulled this item from the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Resolution No. R95-125 Re: Authorize execution of
contract with Lawson, Noble & Webb, Inc. in the amount of $8,000 for
design and permitting services for paving, grading drainage, on-site
potable water main extensions and on-site sanitary sewer service
connections for Rolling Green Municipal Complex
Proposed Resolution No. R95-126 Re: Authorize execution of contract
with Milne and Nichols, Inc. for emergency repairs for the Art Center
Proposed Resolution No. R95-127 Re: Authorize execution of
contract with the State of Florida for acceptance of grant to perform
historic site surveys
E. Approval of Bills
A list of these bills is attached to the original minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.
AUGUST 15, 1995
F. Payment of Bills - July 1995
A list of these bills is attached to the original minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.
G. Approve disposal of records - Communications Department
Records Disposition Request #289 has been approved by the State.
Authorize payment for emergency sewer main replacement at Leisureville -
S.W. 18th Street and S.W. Congress Avenue in the amount of $12,687
Pursuant to Utilities Memorandum #95-257, the 10" vitrified clay sewer has failed and is in
need of repair. The line is approximately 240 feet long at a depth of 13 feet and has several
defects. It was recommended that the Insituform method be used to rehabilitate this sewer
main. It was requested that this project be authorized as an emergency because of concern for
maintaining normal traffic flow in the area. Should the road continue to settle, it may require
closing of the intersection to protect the general public.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with the exception of Item
III.C.4. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
At this time, Commissioner Jaskiewicz requested that Item III.C.6 also be pulled from the
Consent Agenda.
COmmissioner Jaskiewicz moved to amend the previous motion to also pull Item III.C.6 from
the Consent Agenda. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. R95-124 Re: Request for surety release -
Boynton Lakes Plat 5
William Hukill, Director of Development, distributed a copy of an agreement to the
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that in 1990, the community of Boynton Lakes North entered
into a tri-party agreement with the Assocation, Lermar Homes, and the Engineering
Department for the City of Boynton Beach. There was a dredge and fill operation going on
and part of the condition that the dredge and fill operation would commence under was that
there would be a $75,000 fee to the Homeowners' Association for the approval of the dredging
and to pay for the fill that was going to be removed. The first $25,000 was to be given to the
Association when the dredging commenced; the second $25,000 when it was finished; and the
third when the final surety was released throughout all of the Boynton Lakes community. We
now have before us a request for surety release for Boynton Lakes Plat 5 which, in essence, is
the last surety that the City is holding for this community. Mayor Pro Tem Matson would like
to put two conditions on the release of this surety. The first one is to repair the sidewalk at
Boynton Lakes Boulevard and Plaza Lane, both of which are City streets, that was damaged
during the construction of the shopping center before the surety is released. The second
condition is to have a mutual release of this surety. She would like the surety released to
Lennar when they turn over the $25,000 check to the Homeowners' Association.
William Hukill, Director of Development, advised that weeds are growing from that sidewalk.
The engineer's estimate was $150. However, two other sections are broken because the
applicant who is now on the site has been hauling dirt on and off the site across the swale. He
has been given a stop work order. Mr. Hukill stated that holding the surety until the sidewalk
is finished is a reasonable request. However, withholding the surety in exchange for a
$25,000 check to the Homeowners' Association is a legal issue.
Mr. Hukill said the agreement he distributed is the only one he has been able to find. It
mentions a fill agreement and he had heard descriptions that coincide with what Mayor Pro
Tem Matson said tonight, but there is no record of that particular transaction in the files.
Therefore, he assumed it was a separate deal and the attorney would have to rule whether it is
a reasonable condition to withhold the surety until the $25,000 is paid.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said the reason she did not mention the other sidewalk is because it is
being done by the new builder, Mr. Schlessinger. It had nothing to do with the surety. She
assumed Mr. Schlessinger will be held accountable for whatever damage he has done.
Attorney Goren believes Mayor Pro Tem Matson is asking for a simultaneous activity, which
is that the release of the bond will occur when and if Lennar makes its contribution as
required. Therefore, it would not be withholding the bond. It would be simply timing the
AUGUST 15, 1995
delivery of dollars with the release of the bond. He said it would be legally acceptable to do it
that way.
Mayor Taylor did not see any mention of the $75,000 in the agreement that Mr. Hukill
distributed. Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that the $75,000 was a condition. She advised
that the agreement distributed by Mr. Hukill is the dredge and fill agreement, not the $75,000
agreement. Mr. Hukill said he has not seen a written agreement referring to the purchase of
fill, but he had reason to believe it exists because several people have told him about it.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that Scott Miller signed off on that agreement and there
should be a copy of it in the Boynton Lakes file in the City Manager's Office. If a copy
cannot be found in the City, she will obtain a copy from her Board of Directors or Property
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table this item until the next City Commission meeting.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. R95-126 Re: Authorize execution of contract
with Milne and Nichols, Inc. for emergency repairs for the Art Center
Commissioner Jaskiewicz was grateful to see that we are going to begin the emergency repairs
for the Art Center. However, she was concerned with whether we are going to proceed with
the litigation against the juvenile who was responsible for the fire. She pointed out that even
with the insurance settlement, the City is responsible for a certain amount.
Attorney Goren will have the answer to this question at the next meeting.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Item 6. Commissioner Rosen seconded the
mOtion which carried 5-0.
AUGUST 15, 1995
A. Announcements
City Hall will be closed Monday, September 4, 1995 in observance of
Labor Day
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
Discussion on moving the first Commission meeting in October to
Monday, October 2 or Thursday, October 5, 1995 since Tuesday,
October 3, is Yom Kippur
This meeting was scheduled for Thursday, October 5.
3. Police Initiative Report for the past 60 days
Commissioner Jaskiewicz stated that we often read negative reports concerning our Police
Department in the newspapers. She brought to the public's attention many of the fine things
that the Police Department is involved in. We have been greatly concerned with prostitution
on Federal Highway, and with the drug problem. She referred to the Wrice Process and said
many of our officers are volunteering to provide security to the residents during the marches.
In addition, arrests were made for 13 felonies, 51 misdemeanors, 5 warrants, 31 Johns, 11
grams of marijuana, 10 counterfeit cocaine rocks, etc, without any injuries or damage to City
property. She considered this a reverse initiative and a resounding success and would like to
see more press releases related to the positive police activity.
~ayor Taylor felt it was great to point out the good things our Police Department is doing.
He said somehow it just does not show up in the press. He felt the numbers on that report are
a remarkable achievement and prove that somebody is out there doing a great job. He
e:~pressed appreciation for the Police Department.
AUGUST 15, 1995
B. Presentations
Present Certificate of Appreciation to Derrick Harper, Pro
Basketball player for the New York Knicks, for conducting a free
summer basketball camp at Hester Center
Mayor Taylor welcomed Derrick Harper to Boynton Beach and asked him to approach the
podium. Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation and Parks, advised that Tom Williams,
Supervisor III at Hester Center, is responsible for bringing Mr. Harper to Boynton Beach.
Mr. Williams stated that Mr. Harper grew up in West Palm Beach. He graduated from North
Shore High School and obtained a degree from the University of Illinois. He was drafted in
the NBA by the Dallas Mavericks and later was traded to the New York Knicks during the
1993/94 season. Mr. Harper is very dedicated to children everywhere; not only in Pall
Beach County, and has dedicated his time to our community for two years. Mr. Williams was
very proud to be associated with such a fine and honest young man. He thanked him for his
contribution to the youth throughout the community.
Mayor Taylor presented two Certificates of Appreciation (one for 1994 and one for 1995) to
Mr. Harper, recognizing his selfless dedication to the children of the community. On behalf
of everyone in Boynton Beach, Mayor Taylor thanked Mr. Harper very much.
Mr. Harper thanked God; for without Him, he would not be in a position to be a role model
for children. He also took this opportunity to thank Mr. Williams and the City of Boynton
Beach for having him. Mr. Harper was willling to help the community anytime.
Mr. Williams advised that Mr. Harper donated $1,200 to purchase T-shirts for the children.
EaCh member of the City Commission and City Manager Parker were presented with shirts
alsO. Mayor Taylor again thanked Mr. Harper.
At this point in the meeting, Mayor Taylor requested that Item IV.B.2 be moved up on the
agenda to accommodate Mr. Delaney who was in a body cast.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to amend the agenda to move up Item IV.B.2.
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Vice Mayor
AUGUST 15, 1995
2. Proclamation - Joe Delaney .......................................... TABLED
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation honoring Joseph H. Delaney for all of his invaluable
contributions to the City of Boynton Beach, and declaring Wednesday, August 2, 1995 as Joe
Delaney Day in the City of Boynton Beach in honor of all the outstanding contributions made
by this kind of thoughtful gentleman to our community over the years.
Mr. Delaney said he had been in pain for a year and a half and had 11 operations. He was to
undergo a new operation which did not look very favorable. Therefore, little by little he
resigned from the 17 jobs he held with various groups, including the Cemetery Board. He did
not expect his surgery to be successful; however, the doctors expect him to be dancing again
in five weeks. He thanked everyone for the proclamation. He said it was a pleasure working
with the City and he will probably be looking for another job in five weeks.
Vice Mayor Bradley said he met Mr. Delaney about 12 years ago when he was looking to
move to Palm Beach County. He said Mr. Delaney is a great friend and a great volunteer and
wished more people were as dedicated as he.
MaYor Pro Tem Matson said she met Mr. Delaney in her Leadership Boynton class in 1990
and knew then that he was a very special person. She said she learned a lot from him and he
has been one of her mentors.
FAU Representative Sara Severson to present an overview regarding
a consensus-building/visioning process for the City of Boynton Beach
Ms. Severson gave a brief overview of the American Assembly process and talked about the
role and the composition of the Steering Committee. The American Assembly was established
in 1950 by Dwight Eisenhower, who was then President of Columbia University, to provide a
study and a technique for bringing a diverse group of people together to write a consensus on
important public policy issues. For about 20 years now, FAU has made a few modifications
to the original assembly model to make it more effectively meet the needs of local government.
They have coordinated close to 40 or 45 assemblies for a number of local governments and
orgnizations in Florida and other states. Ms. Severson has been with the institute for about 12
years and has personally coordinated about 35 of those assemblies.
With a community as large as Boynton Beach, the format of the assembly is usually a two and
a half day format which runs all day Thursday and Friday, and ends on Saturday afternoon.
AUGUST 15, 1995
One hundred people from the Boynton Beach area would be invited. They do not have to be
Boynton Beach residents, but they should have some stake in the community. They would be
asked to participate for the full two and a half days. The first two days are spent in small
group discussion. The agenda items are developed many months in advance with FAU and the
Steering Committee which is to be selected by the City Commission. The agenda items are
determined by the community issues. Typical topics could be economic development, public
safety, and neighborhood revitalization.
Ms. Severson advised that it is very important to get a very diverse representation from all
sectors of the community. FAU works very hard with the committee for many meetings to
make sure we have the right breakdown of public and private sector representatives. The 100
people are divided into four equal groups of 25 and a facilitator is assigned to moderate the
small group discussion. A recorder from FAU's staff would be responsible for summarizing
in writing the small group consensus. Everybody will be discussing the same agenda
questions at the same time, but in different groups. After each session, the recorders present
their notes to the FAU drafting team who integrates them to look for a consensus. The draft
policy statement is reviewed on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday morning, there would be a
preliminary session which is run by parliamentary procedures. The participants review the
~aft policy statement and are given the opportunity to make any amendments. At the end of
the preliminary session, a final policy statement would be adopted by the asssembly and
distributed to the assembly participants, the City Commission, and anybody else it might
affect, such as the School Board and the County Commission. (All organizations mentioned in
the policy statement would receive a copy of it.) The policy statement will serve as the long
range strategic plan for the City. The City Commission and City staff would have to decide
how to implement it. Ms. Severson said someone from the community, not just City staff,
needs to track all the recommendations.
She spoke about the composition of the steering committee which should be appointed by the
City Commission. Fifteen people is the optimum number. The steering committee should be
a very diverse broad representation from all segments of the community, from both the private
and public sector, including neighborhood homeowner associations, small businesses, the
religious community, etc. The committee usually holds eight meetings. Each meeting lasts an
hour to an hour and a half at the most. The steering committee is responsible for helping FAU
select the major agenda areas and the 100 assembly participants. FAU prepares a background
paper and after it is reviewed by the committee, the City Commission, and City staff, it is sent
to the assembly participants. FAU asks the steering committee to establish an underwrting
subcommittee to help defray some of the costs of assembly. Typically, a city or county will
AUGUST 15, 1995
put in a certain amount and then go to outside funding sources to raise additional money. It
takes a minimum of six months to plan.
It seemed to Vice Mayor Bradley that the selection of the steering committee is a very critical
component. He asked Ms. Severson to expound on the selection process and the composition
of that committee. Ms. Severson advised that most of the commissions she works with do not
come to a consensus. The last two cities she worked with were great because they had a
workshop and they have not been political appointments. She said it is very important to get
the right people. You do not need three people from the same neighborhood association. It
will not help us and it will ruin the whole process. She said it would be very helpful to her if
the commission sits down as a group instead of making individual appointments. She said this
is a community-wide consensus building forum and the appointments should not be political.
This matter will be placed on the agenda for the workshop which is scheduled for Friday,
September 8, at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Taylor thanked Ms. Severson for her time and invited her
to the workshop.
2. Proclamation - Joe Delaney .......................................... TABLED
This item was dispensed with earlier in the meeting.
Proclamation - Florida Water, Wastewater and Systems Operators
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation declaring August 14 through 18, 1995 as Florida Water,
Wastewater and Systems Operators Week in Florida and urged all residents to join in saluting
the contributions of these persons to the improved water and sanitation conditions of our State.
Present Certificate of Appreciation to Derrick Harper, Pro
Basketball player for the New York Knicks, for conducting a free
summer basketball camp at Hester Center
This item was dispensed with earlier in the meeting.
AUGUST 15, 1995
5. Employee of the Month - July 1995
Mayor Taylor and City Manager Parker honored Doreen Muqaj as the City's Employee of the
Month for July 1995 for going above and beyond her regular duties to assist her co-workers
throughout the City.
Ms. Muqaj thanked all the departments she works with. She said they have been great to
work with. Everyone has been very enthusiastic and she knows it has been very difficult for
them to change over this last year.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said the City is fortunate to have Ms. Muqaj, who has made it such a
pleasure to learn the computer. Mayor Taylor appreciated employees who go the extra mile
for us.
Attorney Goren swore in those who would be presenting testimony this evening with regard to
Items VI and VIII.
Project Name:
McDonald's Amoco Restaurant and Service
Station/Convenience Store
Robert E. Basehart and Anna Cottrell
Basehart & Cottrell, Inc.
RFK Enterprises of Boynton Beach, Inc.
Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Woolbright
Conditional Use.' Request for conditional use approval to
construct a 3,431.91 square foot building for a
combination gas station/convenience store with drive-
through restaurant on a 1.0002 acre lot
Elevations were displayed and referred to throughout these presentations. Anna Cottrell, a
planner, represented this application. This is an application on behalf of McDonald's and
AUGUST 15, 1995
Amoco for a new type of facility to be located at Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. It is
a facility that combines those two users into one building which will have some cross access
between the two portions of the building. It will have a retail gasoline operation in addition to
a convenience store and a McDonald's food store. Ms. Cottrell said she reached agreement
with staff on virtually all the elements related to the conditional use approval and comes to the
City Commmission with a recommendation of approval from the Planning and Development
Board. She said there were a couple of issues that she had to work out with the Planning and
Development Board regarding the appearance of the buiMing and the intensity of the use.
Initially, the application had a request for four pump islands for Amoco and one island to be
added in the future. Staff had some concerns with the proposal for the fifth pump island. It
would have been her choice to have left that in as part of the application tonight. She would
like to bring that back in the future as a site plan modification when she can present evidence
of how that will work after this facility is built and operational.
The other issue concerned the appearance of the building. The Planning and Development
Board suggested that the color of the roof beams be white. She reached a compromise with
staff wherein there will be additional roof treatment on the canopy above the pump island that
will be similar to the roof treatment on the actual building. Roof beams will be attached.
They will be the color of the lightest tile within the mansard barrel tile roof.
Ms. Cottrell said the facility will be very pleasing in appearance and will be an enchancement
to this particular area. It has two users who are good corporate citizens and are very much
interested in meeting the standards that have been established by the City. Ms. Cottrell stated
that this facility will also offer an economic benefit to the City.
Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, said there are 12 standards in the zoning code
that have to be evaluated when considering conditional use approvals. With regard to ingress
and egress to the site, there is a two-way driveway on Congress Avenue and a two-way
driveway on Woolbright Road. There is a median on Woolbright Road which extends beyond
the Property line. Therefore, with respect to the pump island, traffic is going to concentrate
on Congress Avenue. Upon exiting the site, mostly likely, people will not go out Woolbright
Road and make a U-turn. They will cross over the pump islands and exit on Congress
Avenue. With the exception of the rear, the access is two way.
Using the overhead projector, Ms. Heyden pointed out the location of the drive-through
window, the drive-through lane, parking, the pump islands, and the cross access to serve the
parcel to the south. This property was subdivided from the hardware store that was razed in
AUGUST 15, 1995
the rear. The level of service problems that will probably be a concurrency issue will be
addressed at the time of widening of Woolbright Road. She pointed out the location of the
loading zone. She said it has been improved with the resubmittal. It works well and is
acceptable to the Engineering and Public Works Departments. She also pointed out the
dumpster location and advised that it works well for the Public Works Department.
Utilities are already available to the site and a private lift station is proposed. The applicant
will provide the landscape materials that are required by the code, subject to staff comments
being met. There will be one freestanding pole sign for the site. The sign will be 20 feet
high, which is consistent with the sign code. A Community Design Plan appeal had been
requested for lighting along the roofline. That lighting was deleted by the applicant.
With regard to general compatibility with adjacent properties, staff made some comments
regarding the architecture of the building. Ms. Heyden said the applicant covered some of
thOse issues. She advised that the applicant has agreed to add an awning to the canopy similar
to the roof that is on the main building. However, staff is still of the opinion that this roof
needs to be extended around the entire building so that you do not have a roof of this shape on
one portion of the building and a flat roof right next to it. The Community Design Plan
requires that all sides of the building that are visible from public and private streets be
designed as attractively in appearance as the front of the building. Ms. Heyden believed that
in order to be consistent with the Community Design Plan, the roof needs to be extended.
The proposed building is single-story and 16.92 feet high, which is consistent with the
buildings in the surrounding area. Staff feels there will be no negative effect with regard to
the economic effects of the adjacent and nearby properties. The nearest residential property is
within 300 feet. There are some multi-family units south of the project. However, the
undeveloped portion of the old razed hardware store is in between them.
Ms. Heyden advised that the Planning and Development Board unanimously recommended
approval of this request, subject to staff comments, with the exception of the extension of the
roof. Their recommendation for approval included the deletion of the fifth pump island. They
felt that was not a safe location for the fifth pump island because there is a two-way driveway
close to this island and there would be activity from the cross access and the drive-through
lane and cars would be backing out. Ms. Heyden said the applicant is willing to delete that
pump island.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Ms. Heyden met with the applicant today and an agreement was reached with regard to the
beams. They were originally proposed to be blue and lighted. The lighting is being removed
and the color will be a light beige or the color of the lightest tile on the roof.
Ms. Cottrell stated that the roof treatment on the canopy has been added in keeping with the
Community Design Standards and the desires of the Planning and Development Board. This
was a compromise from the design standards presented by Amoco because it is not typical of
their design. Many compromises were made in the standard corporate architecture for both
Amoco and McDonald!s to create a facility that works for each but still maintains some of
their identity. She did not feel there would be a pleasing appearance if the mansard roof was
extended around the entire building. She felt it would look bulky and have very little visual
contrast because of the height of the building and the size of the canopy. The west elevation
would be almost obscured by the canopy when you look at it straight on. The extension of the
roof around the entire building is costly, does not serve any architectural purpose, will create
an appearance that is not going to be pleasing, and is going to be a radical department from the
architecture McDonald's and Amoco have established. Typically, it is extended over the take-
out windows and order windows to provide some protection from the elements so that
customers can reach out of their cars and not get wet. It provides some protection over each
of the doorways.
Ms. Heyden said flat roofs are not attractive. There are other ways to make a building more
attractive and compatible with the residential character of the adjacent properties. The
building would be too large a mass if the roof is extended all the way around the building.
The beams have been allowed to break up the mass of the building.
Ms. Cottrell believed that the architecture that has been presented meets both the letter and the
intent of the Community Design Plan. There is no inconsistency and she is not seeking
variances or relief from any provision of the Design Plan.
Clark Richmond represented McDonald's and Amoco corporations. He stated that the
mansard roof is a typical detail of McDonald's. This is a brand new concept and a brand new
prototype building. The architects have designed the building to provide a pleasing effect and
be commensurate with the architecture within the vicinity. The flat roof is totally hidden by a
parapet wall which is a continuation of the mansard. The air conditioning equipment and ice
condensing machines are totally hidden behind the parapet wall. The parapet wall is a
continuation and no bystander on the ground will see a flat roof. The parapet wall is behind
AUGUST 15, 1995
the mansard roof and extends about four feet above the roofline. Therefore, the equipment is
hidden from view and the building does not give an appearance of a flat roof.
Ms. Heyden said "flat roof" technically is the wrong terminology. She explained that it is not
a flat roof. There is no peak or roof on it. It is just a parapet. She said the elevation does not
show a realistic view.
City Manager Parker said she received a call this afternoon advising her that there was a
problem with the size of the drive-through sign. This was not covered in staff comments nor
was staff aware of it. She asked Ms. Cottrell if she has a problem with the size of the drive-in
window sign where the menu board is located. Ms. Cottrell said she and the applicants met
with the Building Official and one of his assistants this afternoon and went over the
calculations for the required signage (wall signage, menu boards, and the pole sign). The
applicants have to make some adjustments and understand they will have to come into
compliance with the code in all respects or seek a variance. They anticipate that the wall
signage will be reduced to comply with the code. The only problem they have is with the size
of the menu board because McDonald's does not have a manufacturer that can make a menu
board only 25 square feet in size. McDonald's will make a decision whether to seek a
variance or engineer a new cabinet, which is a very expensive and time consuming process.
However, everything else will be consistent with the code. Ms. Heyden said the applicants
would have to seek this variance through the Board of Adjustment and the applicant is only
allowed a certain percentage above and beyond the size permitted by code.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson asked if the other two McDonald's in the City have the same
prOblem. Ms. Cottrell said they have standard McDonald's size signs. She said they were
built prior to the time the sign code was changed.
Mr. Richmond will try to reduce the cabinet size to coincide with the wishes of the Board. He
was willing to put up a temporary menu restricting the number of items available until the
code can be complied with.
Barbara Grisdale, 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, #135, said her unit faces the garbage dump, the
menu, and the drive-through. She asked if landscaping can be added so she does not have to
see these things. She also expressed concern that the walk-in customers will litter the area and
that crime, drugs, and prostitution will increase.
Bruce Dunkoff, 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, #139, said his back door also faces these things.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Joan Wilson, 2400 S.W. 19th Avenue, #134, said there used to be an ordinance that stated that
gas stations could not be within 1,000 feet of each other. Also, she pointed out that
Leisureville is located in this area and she did not think many senior citizens would frequqent
McDonald's. She suggested putting McDonald's in a family-oriented area rather than a
retirement community.
Ms. Cottrell advised that the closest residence to this project is more than 350 feet away. The
plan meets or exceeds all code requirements, including landscaping. There will be a perimeter
landscape buffer. The proposed buffering, the spacious separation, and the fact that cars will
be entering and exiting the site only on arterial roads (there is no access to local streets)
provides the protection that the code intends for residential areas. This has been a
commercially zoned piece of property for a very long time. She was not aware that it was
ever not zoned commerical. This development plan meets the locational criteria for gas
stations. Actually, it will supersede the previous approval that is still in effect for a gasoline
station. She felt that visually and in terms of impact, it is an improvement over the previously
approved plan.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked if there is any possibility of relieving the residents' concerns
by putting a wall and landscaping on the south side. She stated that a precast concrete wall is
inexpensive compared to a cinderblock wall. Ms. Cottrell said you get more negative affects
than positive effects with those types of structures. They become magnets for graffiti and
reduce the air flow and the visual connection with other commercial development that may go
next door. She reiterated that the spacious separation and proposed landscaping is going to
provide the buffering the residents need.
City Manager Parker pointed out that there is another parcel between this parcel and the
residential development. Ms. Heyden concurred that there is the remainder of the hardware
store parcel and another parcel before you get to the villa project. A wall will have to be
constructed by whoever develops this parcel. Commissioner Jaskiewicz felt the landscaping
should be dense enough to shield the view until something goes in there. She asked what type
of landscaping will be used. Ms. Cottrell advised that Laurel Oak and Live Oak trees will be
used, as well as some ornamentals and Silver Buttonwood. Primarily, the hedge material
consists of Wax Mertle which, if allowed to grow, presents a fairly dense hedge. This is
within a ten foot landscape strip. Also in response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, Ms. Cottrell
advised that there will be a sidewalk along Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road, but not
along the back.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said at the Planning and Development Board, there was a suggestion
about moving the driveway. She asked if the new plans accommodate this suggestion. Ms.
Cottrell said the driveways are being moved in either direction as far as possible. There is a
minimum separation on both the south and east sides. Therefore, the driveways are at the
maximums and the minimums that staff had recommended. Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked if
they are wide enough to enter and exit from Congress Avenue. Ms. Cottrell answered
Commissioner Jaskiewicz thought the roofline on the station was lower. She asked if the
mansard roof continues along any part of the station other than over the pumps so you get the
appearance of an unbroken line of the mansard. Ms. Cottrell and Mr. Richmond answered
affirmatively. Mayor Taylor pointed out that the applicant contends it will look like it
continues. However, staff does not believe it will look that way, depending on what angle you
are looking at it. Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked Ms. Heyden if the angle that disturbs her
the most is to the rear. Ms. Heyden said the elevation the applicants referred to is the west
elevation (Congress Avenue). That is the side of the building where the pump islands are
loCated. If you were to look from the south driving north on Congress Avenue, or if you were
driving on Woolbright Road, you are going to see the building, not the pump island, and
whatever portion of the building does not have the roof extended around it.
Mayor Taylor said if you are on Woolbright Road and look at McDonald's (the side that has
the entire roof), your eye will be drawn to the roof and you would have to look past the roof
to see the parapet. If you are far enough east of it, you could see that the roof ends
somewhere along the east side. However, if you are looking dead onto it, it looks like it is an
entire building with a roof. Commissioner Rosen said from where he comes from, you will
see an empty space.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said she has never gone somewhere to get something to eat or fill up
her car with gas and made a point of looking at the mansard to see if it continues all the way
around to the back of the building.
Ms. Heyden referred to the south side that you see while driving north on Congress Avenue,
and was of the opinion that looks like the rear of a building.
Commissioner Rosen said all the other McDonald's are completely mansard roofed and he
would hate to see the mansard roof not continued on Congress Avenue. He said it looks like
an extension of the men's and ladies' room. Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that there is
AUGUST 15, 1995
going to be another project between that roof and where he is coming from, so he will not
see that anyway. Commissioner Rosen believes the code calls for a full view on the major
highway of the rooftop.
Vice Mayor Bradley was pleased that the fifth island is being deleted because it seems like a
traffic jam potential. He understands McDonald's need for a corporate image. He thinks part
of the problem is if you wrap the mansard roof all the way around the pump islands, it will
look strange. He thinks staff is concerned that there be some way to give the roof over the
pumps a little more depth. Ms. Cottrell said that was a compromise reached at the
recommendation of the Planning and Development Board. It is an added feature that was
initially proposed as a typical wraparound metal facade with the Amoco colors and the addition
of the mansard roof treatment around all four sides of the canopy. The addition of the roof is
not just a matter of maintaining some corporate identity. It is also important architecturally.
She felt uniformity is not always best and, in fact, can deflect from any architectural interest.
She pointed out that there is no established characteristic or typical building appearance in that
area. She did not feel that the portion of the roof that is in question is one that is going to add
anything to the appearance of the building and, in fact, will detract from it because of the
uniformity of it. ' The extension of the parapet wall above the roofline has a color accent on it
that brings a little more architectural interest. The cost is an issue as well.
Mr. Richmond added that in 1994, he did not build any buildings in South Florida with a
continuous parapet roof. The building style has changed over the years and this is a brand
new prototype joint venture between McDonald's and Amoco and he would like to build the
first one in South Florida in the City of Boynton Beach.
Commissioner Rosen found it unusual that we call uniformity unattractive. He stated that
besides traffic flow, there is a design problem. He said there would be a bare wall on three
sides and he did not think this would be attractive.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked about the demographics pertaining to McDonald's in retirement
communities. Mr. Richmond advised that McDonald's caters to senior citizens and offers
certain discounts. McDonald's is a family-oriented business which includes senior citizens. In
addition, McDonald's trys to employ senior citizens and the younger generation.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that every morning many of the senior citizens from
Sterling Village and Colonial Club gather at the McDonald's on Federal Highway for
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mayor Taylor asked who has the overall authority if there is a problem. Mr. Richmond stated
that Amoco will be purchasing the property and McDonald's will be leasing from them.
Mayor Taylor felt the citizens' concerns about the view will dissipate when the landscape goes
in. In addition, a large parcel separates them from this project. With regard to the comment
about walk-in customers throwing trash on the ground, Mayor Taylor stated that most of the
McDonald's he has been to maintain their facilities quite well. He was completely against the
fifth pump. With regard to the roof, he thinks this is a unique design where we are combining
two different establishments. The pumps seem to be lined up right and the people will
probably be exiting on Congress Avenue. He thinks it will work.
Commissioner Rosen felt we are taking something that was developed for the beautification of
the City and tearing it apart. He felt we should be consistent. He said this is a serious
problem of inconsistency.
Mayor Taylor did not see any inconsistency. He said McDonald's is covering their roof with
what they always do and the other portion of the business is a parapet wall. He said beauty is
in the eye of the beholder. He did not have a problem with the parapet wall. He thinks it can
be done correctly.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked how this McDonald's compares with the traditional McDonald's in
terms of seating and size. Mr. Richmond said it is slightly smaller. There are approximately
50 seats. Some of the other McDonald's have as many as 70 to 100 seats.
Commissioner Rosen stated that hopefully the patrons will enter from Congress Avenue, go
around to the menu window and then exit the site onto Woolbright. However, if they want to
continue on Congress Avenue, there is a good possibility they might try a shortcut by going
around the gas pumps and out. He asked what the distance is between the gas pumps and the
west hegde. Ms. Cottrell said the distance between the back of the curb protecting the
landscaping and the fuel pump is 35'4". Commissioner Rosen felt this is tight. He asked
about the possibility of having an egress for Woolbright Road to avoid cars turning around.
He stated that the parking for McDonald's is on the left side, so cars might back up there
trying to get onto Congress Avenue. Ms. Cottrell stated that because there are two different
users that may have different peak hours, she wanted to make sure that the traffic circulation
worked. She advised that the driveway isles meet or exceed the code requirements in all
respects. She felt there was a logical traffic flow through the site and that there are very few
areas within the site where there is any potential vehicular conflict. In addition, they have
AUGUST 15, 1995
been minimized to the maximum extent possible. There is at least 30 feet between the rear
end of a car at a normal fueling position and the landscape island. Therefore, there is a lot of
room to maneuver around. There is no place within the site where there will be problems with
through traffic and backing up motions.
Commissioner Rosen asked if this project will precede the extension on the building of the
three lanes on Woolbright Road. Mr. Richmond answered affirmatively. He said he spoke to
Harvey Lopez of Palm Beach County and we are about a 30 day window ahead of them. They
are starting the east end of the project first, so we will complete construction prior to them
reaching our part of their project.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the McDonald's/Amoco Restaurant and Service
Station/Convenience Store on Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road subject to staff
comments and recommendations, but deleting comment number 11 which is the accent band
and top band shown on the roof. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 4-1.
Commissioner Rosen cast the dissenting vote.
Project Name:
2000 S.W. Golf Lane
Deborah L. Bizzarro
Mullen & Bizzarro, PA
Mary Miller, Trustee of the Louis G. Schnitzer Trust
2000 S.W. Golf Lane
Abandonment: Request for abandonment of a portion of
a five (5) foot wide utility easement
The agent for this project was not present.
Ms. Heyden advised that this is a request to abandon a portion of a utility easement. The
existing home encroaches the easement. Only one comment was received, and it was from
Southern Bell. However, it is not a comment that needs to be addressed. Therefore, on the
agenda there is a resolution to finalize the approval of this abandonment.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked if we are likely to see more of these. Ms. Heyden said, "No." She
advised that this is just a unique case in this area.
AUGUST 15, 1995
No one else wished to speak on this matter.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve subject to staff comments. Vice Mayor Bradley
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Project Name:
Lots 32 and 33, Arden Park Subdivision
Vincent A. Maffucci
Nicholas L. Cucci
West of N.E. 3rd Street between lots 32 and 33, Arden
Park Subdivision
Abandonment: Request for abandonment of a ten (10)
foot wide alley located west of N.E. 3rd Street between
lots 32 and 33 of the Arden Park Subdivision
The agent for this project was not present.
Ms. Heyden stated that this alley is unimproved. The existing home encumbers the alley. The
home was built in 1929 and staff just discovered it because it is for sale. In order to clear the
title, this issue needs to be resolved. One comment was received from Comcast. However,
when staff went out to check this comment, it did not appear that there are overhead facilities.
Therefore, this will have to be resolved before a resolution is prepared. Staff recommended
approval subject to staff comments.
No one else wished to speak on this matter.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the abandonment of the ten foot wide alley located
west of N.E. 3rd Street between lots 32 and 33 of the Arden Park Subdivision, subject to staff
comments. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Harry Stein, 760 E. Ocean Avenue, said he was authorized to speak before the Commission
this evening by the Board of Directors of Coastal Towers. He requested Mayor Taylor not to
AUGUST 15, 1995
impose a time limit on his presentation because this is important to Coastal Towers and the
entire City. He said a time limit would be unjust and unfair. He pointed out that the time
limit on many occasions was not enforced. Mayor Taylor asked him to do the best he can
within the time limit. Mr. Stein stated that to impose a time limit on him would be selective
enforcement, very unfair and perhaps illegal. He said he was in possession of a copy of Ann
Ford's application for the position of Downtown Redevelopment Coordinator. He said it is
not a resume, is not dated, and does not contain anything about her educational background or
which law school she graduated from. He felt these were important matters for the
Commission to find out before hiring her.
City Manager Parker advised that two years ago when she was Assistant City Manager, she
checked Ms. Ford's reference with the Florida Bar and confirmed that Ms. Ford was admitted
to practice in the Florida Bar and had no Bar complaints against her. City Manager Parker
said she informed Mr. Stein of this last week.
Mayor Taylor stated that he has worked very closely with Ms. Ford and she does an
exceptional job.
No one else wishing to speak, Mayor Taylor closed the Public Audience and declared a recess
at 8:40 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:50 p.m.
At this time, City Manager Parker introduced Beth Bailey, the new Public Information
Officer. She stated that Ms. Bailey was formerly Public Affairs Director for the Sarasota Bay
National Estuary Program, Public Information Officer for the Sarasota County government,
and a reporter and editor with the Sarasota Times. She welcomed Ms. Bailey to Boynton
At the request of Mayor Taylor, Attorney Goren swore in those who were not present earlier.
A. Project Name: Papa Johns ............................................ TABLED
Agent: Inerplan Practice, Ltd.
Owner: Papa Johns USA
Location: Northeast corner of N.W. 7th Court and Boynton Beach
AUGUST 15, 1995
Landscape Appeal: Request for a landscape code appeal
to overhang a required landscape strip with bumpers of
parked cars
Ms. Heyden stated that the applicant requested that this item, and Item VIII.B, be tabled until
September 19.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table Items VIII.A and VIII.B until the September 19, 1995
meeting. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
B. Project Name: Papa Johns ............................................. TABLED
Agent: Interplan Practice, Ltd.
Owner: Papa Johns USA
Location: Northeast corner of N.W. 7th Court and Boynton Beach
Description: New Site Plan: Request for site plan approval to
construct a 1,142 square foot take-out pizza store on .22
This item was tabled until September 19. (See motion made under Item VIII.A.)
Project Name:
Knuth Road PCD ..................................... TABLED
Kieran Kilday
Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach
Time Extension: Request for approval of an 18 month
retroactive and an indefinite time extension for
zoning/master plan approval and concurrency exemption
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to remove this item from the table. Vice Mayor Bradley
seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mr. Kilday reviewed the events that took place in 1989, 1990, and 1992 relating to the
approvals and amendments on this site. He stated that in 1992, the 1990 plan was amended
because the applicant had a letter of intent to construct a service station on this parcel. The
new service station regulations were being considered at that time, but were not yet adopted.
When the applicant came before the City recently, an extension was approved without a
service station because the rules have changed since 1992 and the service station failed one of
the three new criteria contained in the ordinance. That criteria was that the roads needed to be
four laned or better.
Ms. Heyden advised that when this project was rezoned in 1990, service stations required a
1,000 foot separation from other service stations and from residential properties. In 1992, we
did away with the 1,000 foot requirement. In its place, we came up with different locational
criteria with these goals in mind: (1) to increase safety; (2) to limit the number Of service
stations in Boynton Beach; and (3) to minimize stations that could close and remain vacant for
several years because service stations are a hard use to convert into something else. Ms.
Heyden reviewed the current criteria. She felt this service station should not be permitted
because the intent was to prevent overbuilding of service stations, and it is difficult to convert
an existing service station into another use once it closes. She felt we need to lOok out for the
needs of the entire community and not focus on just the issues of this particular localized
service station.
Carol Crowel, 1818 Banyan Creek Circle, said she represents an important number of
residents in her community who are livid about the possibility of a gas station at their
entrance. They are frightened for their children, their health, and property valt[es. Ms.
Crowel was concerned with heavy car and truck traffic throughout the day and into the night.
She said the noise and gasoline fumes will not be sheltered by a 6 foot wall, a 20 foot wall, or
any amount of landscaping. She was concerned with security because of all the inight traffic
generated by a gas station and a convenience store. She stated that a City Ordinance prohibits
gas stations unless built on intersecting four lane highways and wondered why ~ny
commissioner would vote for this exception.
Malcolm Sullivan lives in Quail Ridge. He is former President of the Property IOwners'
Association and currently a member of the Board. On behalf of his Board, he ~poke against
this project. His development is adjacent to the subject property. He was co.nc~rned about
how Boynton Beach Boulevard is developed. He stated that putting a gas statio¢ or any
intensive commercial development on Boynton Beach Boulevard beyond what exists today
belies the many efforts to beautify Boynton Beach Boulevard. He felt there is no need for this
AUGUST 15, 1995
service station because there are three service stations less than one half mile east of this site.
Furthermore, this is not a major intersection. He pointed out that the Comprehensive Land
Use Plan was amended to limit service stations and that approval of this project can only be
viewed as breaking the rules.
* Eugene, the President of COBWRA, was present to support Quail Ridge in their petition to the
Commission not to approve this service station. He echoed Mr. Sullivan's reasons, including
not needing additional service stations, and his concern about aesthetics.
Roger Bennett, President of Stonehaven Homeowners' Association, stated that even if the
service station was not erected, a wall would be constructed sooner or later when the road is
constructed. He was not willing to gamble four to six years to have the western flank opened
up to Knuth Road. He said Knuth Road is going to become a major artery to the back side of
the mall. He could not see a major oil company willing to spend the money to put a service
station there only to close it down. His community consists of 166 homes. He was able to
contact 119 homeowners and was in possession of a Petition signed by 115 of them (better than
three quarters of the community). His community stands behind this project. He said this
project will benefit everyone. He pointed out that the people opposed to this project do not
live in the City limits. He also pointed out that they have a six foot fence with barbed wire on
top of it and a golf course next to their property. Stonehaven does not have this protection.
Robert Campbell, 1820 Banyan Creek Circle, the Secretary of the Board of Directors of
Stonehaven, spoke in support of this project. He did not think a gas station poses any safety
threat to his lifestyle or community. What poses a threat is the way the current intersection is
constructed. There is already enough traffic there. He talked with a number of his colleagues
and a number of community residents and all of them do not see this having any impact except
for a good, solid impact on their community. He said the proposed service station and
convenience store would be a convenience to his community.
Steve Crowel, 1818 Banyan Creek Circle North, stated that the back of his yard runs against
Boynton Beach Boulevard. The west side' of his property runs against the Gallo Insurance
Company. The proposed wall would not assist him at all. He will probably be the closest
piece of property to this development. His property has been broken into twice, so the
proposed wall is not going to do a lot for him in terms of security. He said no one bothered to
stop at his house with the petition that was being circulated. He had. contact with several other
people in his development who are just as negative about this as he is. He stated that another
gas station is not needed. He felt the proposed gas station/convenience store is going to
* Eugene Sokoloff
AUGUST 15, 1995
disrupt the neighborhood because of the hours of operation and the clientele. He reiterated
that his family is the closest to this property and would be affected by this more than anyone
else. He did not think this would be a benefit to him.
Jacqueline Brady, Banyan Creek Circle North, was in favor of the gas station and the wall.
She felt they would provide a safety barrier for the children.
George Meyerson, 1744 Banyan Creek Court, spoke in favor of this project. He felt the
widening of Knuth Road and a gate will be a benefit. He advised that meetings were held to
discuss this proposal, and everyone who attended voted in favor of it. Stonehaven Boulevard
is a thoroughfare from the rental homes to Knuth Road as a shortcut from Congress Avenue to
Boynton Beach Boulevard. It is a speedway and no speed bumps are allowed. The gates will
stop the horrendous traffic. He pointed out that Quail Ridge is on County property and they
have a fence with barb wire. His development has break-ins but no protection. Since the
majority of the people voted in favor of the gas station, he requested the Commission's
approval of this project.
Robert Cockey, 1802 Banyan Creek Circle North, stated that his family is in support of the
gas station and the wall. He said $35,000 was put in escrow for gates in the future. The wall
is to be built in conjunction with the construction of the gas station. It is commercial property
and the owner has a right to develop it as he can. When and if a shopping center goes in, with
the way people speed through his development, there will be a bad accident. Without a buffer
wall, a car could crash into someone's home because it is so close to the road. Homes have
been broken into his community. He was in favor of the gas station and the wall for
protection from the road, traffic and noise.
Pat Ness, 1703 Banyan Creek Court, has resided in this community for about eight years and
advised that a vehicle was stolen from his property. He said there isn't too much more than a
filling station that can be put on this property. He felt the service station and the wall will
increase the tax base.
Rick Duval, 1830 Banyan Creek, was is favor of the wall and the service station. He stated
that his development does not have any protection. If the road goes through, traffic will
increase. He said there is a common ground area adjacent to his property and Knuth Road
where the children play. The only thing that protects the children is a berm, and people come
through their at great speeds.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Don Brookler, General Manager at Quail Ridge, stated that the wall is not the issue. He said
it is the gas station that is the issue because it was not part of the original project.
Nick Sielecki, 1768 Banyan Creek Circle North, asked the Commission to approve this project
because the wall will create safety for the children and act as a sound barrier when Knuth
Road is extended.
A resident of 1809 Stonehaven Drive was in favor of the service station in order to get the
wall for protection from Knuth Road. He pointed out that with this project, the City will get
Knuth Road built.
Stuart Miller, 1730 Banyan Creek Court, was one of the people who went around getting the
petition signed. He said they did not stop at the homes of renters or people who have their
homes for sale. Those are the people who are against this proposal. He advised that there is a
tremendous amount of children on Edge Water Drive. On the other side of Edge Water Drive
there is about seven or eight feet. A major throughway is going to be built there and will
create a serious problem with traffic, noise, and pollution. He expressed concern about the
children's safety. He was in favor of the wall for protection. He said the people from Quail
Ridge have protection.
Virginia Dorbecker, 1707 Banyan Creek Court, spoke in favor of this project. She wanted a
stop light at the corner of Knuth Road and Banyan Creek. If it means putting in a filling
station to get a stop light, she was in favor of it.
No one else wishing to speak on this project, Mayor Taylor closed the Public Audience.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said she received calls from all over the City. She shared the
people's concerns for safety. However, she did not feel she could abrogate her responsibility
and go against an ordinance that she did not feel would benefit all of the City. She stated that
there already are seven gas stations on Boynton Beach Boulevard, excluding the one being
proposed. She has been interested in improving Boynton Beach Boulevard. She did not feel
this is an improvement. She did not think Knuth Road will ever resemble Congress Avenue.
Whatever is built there, Knuth Road will have to be expanded by whomever is doing the
building. She said everyone in the City is impacted when we go against all the policies that
we put in place to make Boynton Beach a better place.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mayor Taylor will continue to support trying to make the City look good. He said there are a
couple of gas stations in town that are probably the best landscaped of any commercial
property around. He did not think it should be a question of whether or not another gas
station is needed. He pointed out major companies do major research to find out whether or
not they can make money at a certain endeavor. He said two of the three criteria in the
ordinance were met. However, he felt this project preceded the ordinance and felt the safety
of the community outweighs that.
Commissioner Rosen stated that we have a relationship with COBWRA. We have a common
interest in the entire area. He sat in on charrettes to bring this City to the twenieth century.
He said some people could not care less about a gas station. They just want a wall. He felt
strongly about the ordinances designed to make this a better City.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson was on the Community Appearance Board when this project came
through in 1990 and she was totally against' it at that time. When the developer was going to
put the gas station at the comer of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road where she lives, the
residents were extremely upset. The gas station is now there and is it less than 250 feet from
the homes. There are no fumes, noise, or increase in crime because of the convenience store.
In fact, property values have risen since that shopping center and gas station have been built,
They have been good neighbors, and the quality of life of the residents has not deteriorated.
She hopes this allays some of Mrs. Crowel's fears. She said she visited Stonehaven and
Banyan Creek and saw the children playing in the street. She was concerned about the safety
and quality of life of the residents there. She felt very strongly that this gas station, which will
come with the buffering, the wall, and the gates to protect the community, is in the best
interests of the residents around it. She said she received a few phone calls from people who
do not live in the area or the City limits. She respects their rights; however, she said this is
going to impact the people who live in Stonehaven and Banyan Creek. She stated that these
people moved to Boynton Beach for a better quality of life. To disregard the residents who
put her in office and be swayed by people who do not live in the City is something she cannot
do in all good consciousness. She believed this project would help the residents more than
hinder them.
Vice Mayor Bradley received 31 calls over the last couple of days. Three of those calls were
in opposition to this project. The remainder were in favor of it. He pointed out that there are
consequences in trying to keep a developer from developing. He said some homeowners are
going to be more directly impacted by this gas station. He hoped something could be worked
out between the developers and the homeowners' association. If this project is approved, he
AUGUST 15, 1995
felt a traffic signal is in order to increase safety. In addition, he would like the developer to
consider the hours of the gas station and convenience store. He felt the likelihood of crime
would be reduced dramatically if there were a midnight, 1:00 a.m., or 2:00 p.m. closing time.
Commissioner Rosen said two weeks ago when he asked what was going to be done about the
next request, the answer was, "Okay on this one; but no more." This was not his kind of
Vice Mayor Bradley stated that in 1992, the Commission directed that service stations would
only appear on major intersections. He felt this was a good idea; however, he felt ordinances
are put in place to accomplish a greater goal than just to have rules. He felt we need to make
an exception because of the circumstances in this situation.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said she was one of the Commissioners who worked on the 1992
ordinance and when it was being drawn up, this project was already in the loop as one of the
existing gas stations. Therefore, this really is not an exception because this was already
considered as an approved gas station.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said it was in the loop; however, the developer permitted it to
expire. Otherwise, we would not be in this situation this evening.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the 18 month retroactive plus 24 month time
extenion for zoning and master plan approval with County phasing as it relates to traffic
concurrency, allowing the service station constructed under current code requirements. Vice
Mayor Bradley seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Jaskiewicz and
Rosen cast the dissenting votes.
Project Name:
LoDolce Warehouse
George C. Davis, Architect
Charles J. LoDolce
Lot 10, Lawson Industrial Park (S.W. 14th Place)
New Site Plan: Request for site plan approval to
construct two warehouse buildings totalling 12,000 square
feet on a .97 acre lot
AUGUST 15, 1995
At this time, Mayor Pro Tem Matson left the Chambers.
Mr. Davis advised that he read staff comments and can comply with them. He had nothing
more to add to the information that is before the Commission.
Ms. Heyden advised that this is a new warehouse building storage facility located in an
industrial area in a preplanned industrial subdivision. There are no problems with neighbors
or adjacent uses and it is compatible. It is zoned M-1. The Planning and Development Board
unanimously recommended approval subject to staff comments.
No one in the audience wished to speak on this item.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to accept LoDolce Warehouse subject to staff
recommendations. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 4-0.
Tem Matson had not yet returned.
Mayor Pro
Nautica Sound, formerly known as Knollwood Groves PUD - Master Plan
determination of substantial or non-substantial change
Kieran Kilday represented GL Homes. GL Homes is developing Nautica. He explained that
GL Homes purchased a project which the City previously approved. They modified that
project by using zero lot line and Z lot homes. The original project (the Boynton Nursery
PUD) had been approved as a mixture of zero lot line homes and multi-family.
At this point in the meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Matson returned.
Mr. Kilday displayed an aerial and pointed out the location and surrounding areas of this
project. He stated that a portion of the site abuts Hypoluxo Road and the other portion will be
constructed on Lawrence Road. He displayed several elevations to aid in his presentation. He
displayed the plan currently approved for Knollwood Groves. It contains 539 units. Meadows
Boulevard is a loop road; however, the City required that an extension be constructed to
someday tie into this project. Additionally, in this master plan, there was an east/west road
running on the property line. There was a requirement for the dedication of a five acre park
site which has been dedicated to the City. That was to be combined with the four acre park
site that the Meadows has already dedicated to make a nine acre community park. In addition
AUGUST 15, 1995
to dedicating the park, there was a requirement for the payment of impact fees in the amount
of $108,00 upfront. The original approval depended on a privately owned and operated day
care center. The mixture of units in the original approval was primarily multi-family with 389
multi-family units and 150 single-family, zero lot line units.
Mr. Kilday displayed the master plan that is now being proposed. All multi-family units were
removed. This will be a 100 percent single-family project and will be entirely a sales project.
There are 434 units. Five acres are still being dedicated for a park. The private day care
center was replaced by lake area. A three acre private recreation tract was added to the site to
service the community. In the initial submittal to the City, there was only one point of access
which was off of Lawrence Road. Mr. Kilday indicated his intent to continue to build the
Meadows Boulevard extension which provides, besides Miner Road, another east/west
alternative to Congress Avenue, as well as a way to connect with the Meadows Shopping
Center through the back road system. The Fire Marshal was concerned about access to the
site having only the one entrance off of Lawrence Road. Therefore, the plan was modified
and an additional access point was added on Meadows Boulevard. By providing this
secondary access, the entire project is linked together. He did not connect the project out onto
Hypoluxo Road. He felt that in terms of the potential for residents travelling east, that in
using the collector roads which were intended for collector use through Meadows, is the
appropriate way to go. Hypoluxo Road is envisioned as a major highway. The new approval
is a reduction of intensity over what is approved on the site.
Because of the change in circulation, he had to submit additional data to the County Engineer.
A letter was given to the City this affternoon saying that this project meets all County-wide
traffic performance standards.
Mr. Kilday had problems with some of staff's conditions. He said this project was originally
two-thirds multi-family and one-third zero lot line. The new plan is for all single-family.
Staff recommended that every lot be 6,000 square feet in size and a minimum of 60 foot
frontage. If he were to do this, this project would have to be built with multi-family. To meet
those standards, you would end up with a grid type design that would result in additional loss
of units and many of the amenities. There is a range of lot sizes throughout the community.
The net size of the lots is 6,100 square feet per lot when averaged out together, exclusive of
right-of-ways, recreation, and lakes.
The same rights-of-way that were in Nautica have been maintained, with the same type of
curbing on the side of the asphalt. The sidewalk runs down one side. The separation between
AUGUST 15, 1995
garages is 80 feet. Mr. Kilday said this product is being built in Coral Gables and Pembroke
Pines and is being written up in the September issue of Builders Magazine.
Alan Fant, Vice President of GL Homes, reiterated the commitment he made a year ago when
he sought approvals at the Nautica stage. He said GL Homes is committed to develop and
build a first class development. He has 160 purchasers to date at an average price of
$130,000. The average household income of the purchasers is $59,000. Thirty-two percent
of the purchasers are from Boynton Beach. Twenty-one percent are from out of the state, and
8 Percent of them are relocating from Boca Raton. The bus stop will be a covered pavilion to
shield the children when it is raining. There will also be seven parking spaces for parents to
watch the children get onto the bus, a bike rack, and an 8 foot bike path for children who want
to i ride their bikes to the bus stop. There will be two guard gates (the main entry guard gate
and a secondary guard gate off of Meadows Boulevard as a result of discussions with the Fire
Department). Paver brick highlights the entry. He is considering raising the entry road so
that when you view the entry you will look over the rotunda and recreation site and into the
backdrop of the lake. There will be a first class clubhouse with an exercise room, a pool, a
tennis court, a playground, and a basketball court. Seventeen and a half acres of lake have
been provided. Several cul-de-sacs are being offered in response to the buyers. There will be
246 of the larger product and 188 of the smaller product. Many of the larger lots are 125 to
140 foot in depth. Some lots are as deep as 170 feet as opposed to the standard 100 foot
depth. He is trying to get all different kinds of depths and all different kinds of lots for all
different kinds of people.
Ms. Heyden summarized the following changes:
Omit a road onto Hypoluxo Road. This was the public road that was planned along the
east property boundary that was to connect to Hypoluxo Road. From this there were to
be two access points. The third access point to the project was to be off of Meadows
Boulevard which was always intended to be a requirement to provide. On the proposed
master plan, there are only two access points; one off of Lawrence Road and one off of
Meadows Boulevard.
Type of units and lot size - reduction from 150 single-family, detached units on 6,000
square foot lots and 389 multi-family units to 246 zero lot line units on 5,000 square
foot lots and 188 Z lot line units on 4,000 square foot lots.
Reduce the lot width from 60 feet to 50 feet for the zero lot line units and from 60 feet
to 40 feet for the Z lot units.
Reduce the front setback from 20 feet to 15 feet; the side setback on the interior lots
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from 15 feet to 10 feet; and the rear setback from 15 feet to 10 feet on lots that do not
back to one another.
Elimination of the day care center.
In April 1994, the City Commission approved a resolution which entered the City and
Meadows Groves into an agreement to accept payment of $108,000 to contribute toward the
extension of Miner Road. This, in conjunction with the applicant already having dedicated the
five acre park site, vests the project for approval of the units.
Ms. Heyden stated that the change with respect to Hypoluxo Road significantly redistributes
the traffic of the project. Today she received a fax from Palm Beach County indicating that
this project will meet concurrency. However, it is the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and
subdivision regulations to connect streets in a project with the existing street system.
Therefore, it is wise to connect wherever possible to major thoroughfares or major streets that
abut the project. She believes one of the reasons that the applicant does not want to provide
the Hypoluxo Road entrance is because there is a canal there and it would require a canal
crossing. It also would require one more entrance that would have to be gated to provide the
secured community that they have in mind. One of the advantages from a public safety
standpoint is that it would provide another access point to the project. She said the Police and
Fire Departments tried to work with the applicant regarding public safety, but they admit that
this will increase response time. The Hypoluxo Road connection also provides an alternative
access route in the event that there is an accident at this intersection.
With regard to the change in lot size, unit type and lot width and setbacks, the PUD proposals
within the City have included smaller and smaller lots with larger homes and increased lot
coverage. We have problems with zero lots. It is difficult for emergency personnel to get
between the buildings. The streets are small. It is difficult to park larger vehicles in those
streets and maneuver equipment within tight openings between the buildings. In addition,
when you have smaller lot sizes, you have less open space between the buildings and you have
less area for children to play. This forces the children out onto the street. Also when you
have smaller lot sizes, parking becomes a problem. Some of the units that are proposed have a
one-car garage. Usually these units do not have a lot of storage space inside and garages tend
to become storage areas and the cars are parked in the driveway. Typically families have
more than two vehicles and end up parking on the street, making it difficult for emergency
vehicles to pass. With regard to lot width and building separation, the Fire Department
indicated that a 15 foot building separation is needed rather than the proposed 10 feet.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Ms. Heyden visited this project and learned from the salespeople and the brochures that the
4,000 square foot lots run from $96,000 to $122,000. She said she was told that for a
$96,000 home, the income needed to qualify was $40,000 a year. She brought this up because
we recently had a commission workshop regarding economic development, PUDs and how the
PUD ordinance has failed us. The intent of the PUD ordinance was to encourage mixtures of
housing choices and open area. However, our PUD ordinance does not really have any open
area requirements and it really has not done anything to help us diversify our housing stock.
Along Lawrence Road we are seeing a concentration of lot sizes in the neighborhood of 5,500
and now 4,000 square feet with the Nautica Sound project. We are taking our cues from that
workshop where we had discussed a minimum of 6,000 square foot lot sizes, which was the
original lot size for this project. Ms. Heyden pointed out that there is a connection between
lot size and economic development.
Staff did not object to the elimination of the day care center. They are encouraged in PUDs
but not required.
With respect to utility design, there was a comment regarding the lift station location. The
Utility Department requested that is be relocated. Another issue the Utilities Department
brought up is that because of the cul-de-sac layout and the small lot sizes, the utility design has
to be designed for double barreled piping. Once the utility system is constructed and turned
over to the City, that requires more money to appropriate to maintain because there is twice as
much piping.
With regard to the fiscal impact, a switch from multi-family to single-family is an
improvement. However, when you compare the original proposal of the assessed value of
389 multi-family units to 188 Z lot line units, there is a difference of $16,400,000 assessed
value for the multi-family units and $12,000,000 assessed value for 188 Z lot line units. In
addition, it will cost more to serve the project in terms of utilities with the smaller lot size.
The Technical Review Committee recommended that the City Commission make a finding that
this is a substantial change because: (1) The relocation of the Hypoluxo Road entrance to
Lawrence Road causes additional trips to be placed on Lawrence Road and compromises
public safety; (2) a better response time could be achieved and foresight for an alternative
emergency route could be accomplished if the Hypoluxo Road connection was not deleted; (3)
the reduction in lot width and lot area intensifies the project from the standpoint of efficiency
of land area; (4) the change in unit type/lot size is contrary to the recent Commission decision
to attract a variety of housing choices which is known to have a direct link to economic
AUGUST 15, 1995
development potential; and (5) the applicant has not addressed the 40 foot setback along the
east property line. This is required by the PUD Ordinance and the lots do not meet that 40
foot setback. Ms. Heyden felt this would have a significant impact on the lot layout once this
comment is addressed. She said there was also a comment from the Engineering Department
regarding this road having to be 80 feet wide rather than 60 feet wide. Therefore, these lots
will be shortened by 20 feet.
Ms. Heyden advised that if a determination is made that this is a substantial change, the
applicant would have to go through the rezoning process. This would give the City the
opportunity to advertise a public hearing and notify adjacent property owners who may be
affected negatively. She stated that the project abuts three parcels on the west side. One of
them is Jonathan's Grove, which has a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet. Another one is
a project which is in the County. The lots there are a half acre in size. The other parcel is a
project that has one or two single-family homes on it. A change could affect these properties.
The original plan with the multi-family had a minium 40 foot building setback. Now we are
looking at zero lot line homes with a setback with screen enclosures of up to 8 feet.
Peter Mazzella, Assistant to the Utilities Director, said there is a cost trade-off from the
Utilities standpoint. The location of the lift station affects that cost trade-off. Because of the
location of the lift station and the Z lots, a separate lift station would be needed. This means
additional costs for the City to maintain that lift station forever. In the previous master plan,
the road was adjacent to the property line, allowing easy access to adjacent properties. The
second significant change is the preponderance of cul-de-sacs in the layout. You cannot link a
water main down to Z lot lines because they do not line up. The houses are sitting on the lot
line and you cannot have a water main that close to a building. This would create twice as
much pipe on each of the cul-de-sacs. It is not as effective as a flow through system. In
addition, in reducing the number of units, they reduced the flow and income, and gave us
additional problems to deal with and a more expensive system to maintain. He saw this as a
substantial change.
City Manager Parker believed the applicant has agreed to relocate the lift station to address
this concern. Mr. Kilday advised her that a meeting between his engineer and the Utility
Department is scheduled for Thursday to work this issue out. He did not see this as a problem
that cannot be resolved. City Manager Parker advised that we are also going to upsize the lift
station to handle some adjacent development. She said the other concern the City had with the
double piping is that because this item was recently brought up, we were not sure that the
applicant had sized it on the lots enough to be sure there was enough spacing to do that. She
AUGUST 15, 1995
said the City is not going to approve the dead ends on the utility piping. She stated that the
magnitude of the cost is not significant for one particular property with cul-de-sacs. However,
the Utiltity Department is concerned that if we constantly had these type of developments, it
would not relate to an interrrelated system that would allow flushing and flow to all parts of
our system.
City Manager Parker asked if the one car garage units are going to be deleted. Mr. Kilday
said that in Nautica, the one car unit CUrrently represents 5 percent of the units. Ninety-five
percent have two car garages. The one car unit has two parking spaces in addition to the
garage space. A final decision whether or not to eliminate the one car garage units has not
been made. However, all units will have two spaces side by side.
City Manager Parker asked if Mr. Kilday looked at the 40 foot setback because that is a
considerable distance on those back lots. Mr. Kilday said the Meadows PUD is made up of a
mixture of housing types and as it abuts the subject property, they have long, multi-family
buildings. Because they were a multi-family large building, a 40 foot setback was required.
They put their parking areas within that 40 foot setback. Therefore, it is not 40 feet of grass;
it is 40 feet of asphalt before the building starts. In this case, there are single-family units
with backyards. He did not think it was reasonable to have a 40 foot setback to accommodate
the parking lots next door. The ordinance talks about having similar setbacks with the project
next door. He interpreted this to mean that the setbacks off the rear of this project should be
similar to the setbacks off the rear of their single-family product, which is in the range of 15 to
25 feet, which is what is being proposed. In some cases, there will be 35 feet. He would like
the rear setbacks of this project to be similar to the rear setbacks of similar type units of the
adjacent property. Ms. Heyden said that is not how the code reads. She said that is the only
setback requirement in the PUD Ordinance and advised that a variance would be required from
the Board of Adjustment. City Manager Parker felt we need to look at the two interpretations
of that.
Mr. Kilday said if this was vacant land, some of the comments would be relevant. However,
this project is vested. He felt this project is clearly following directly in line with the goals
and objectives of the City. He said he has tried to do things one step better than the existing
projects in the area. Many professional people and people earning good salaries are moving
into this development. Mr. Kilday stated that if the City Attorney determines that a 40 foot
setback is required, he can accommodate it. He advised that he is under a tight time frame.
He brought this application in as soon as negotiations were entered into. There is a contract
and the closing date is scheduled for September 6. He felt the changes are good changes. He
AUGUST 15, 1995
said the language in the code states that the determination as to whether it is a significant
change is solely the discretion of the City Commission. However, there are no standards upon
which to make that decision. He pointed out that there are standards within the site plan'
review process and although the City Commission is not bound by these standards, at least
they give the Commission something to look at. He advised that this project meets all of those
quantifiable standards as they apply to site plans, which are far more specific than master
plans. He felt what is being provided is a benefit to the adjacent property owners in terms of
housing type and quality of unit. With regard to the fiscal impact issue, Mr. Kilday stated that
a secured community, private project, home ownership is going to render the City a significant
amount more taxes for economic development and will cost the City far less than the services
provided, especially with regard to Fire/Rescue. This project is located on the northwest
corner of the city. Fire/Rescue, which is located on Miner Road, is going to be coming to this
project from Miner Road when it is built and up Lawrence Road. It is not going to be coming
down Hypoluxo Road. The developer is required to build Meadow Road as a connector
before getting any COs. So there will be direct access which is two and a half minutes for
Fire/Rescue. Mr. Kilday said he is taking an existing approval and making a better approval.
This project has an average lot size of 6,100 square feet. While not every lot meets this
minimum standard, many of the lots do and many lots exceed that standard. The minimum
setback is 10 feet, which is a Countywide standard for zero lot line units. Everything in this
project will meet minimum standards, but almost all the standards will be exceeded throughout
the majority of the lots. He asked the Commission to determine that this is not a substantial
No one in the audience wished to speak on this project.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson commented about the parking. She said she lives in a community that
is all cul-de-sacs and most of the homes have two-car garages and double driveways so they
can accommodate four vehicles. However, people still park on the street and there is a
problem with emergency vehicles. She said Meadows Park has already been outgrown and
there is no parking there. She suggested eliminating the little lake and providing additional
landscaped parking so that this park will also be accessible to the people in the Meadows. She
said this will take away some of the impact of the parking that we do not have at the Meadows
Park at the other end of the community. Mr. Fant felt he could accommodate some parking,
but one of the purposes of that lake was to accept some of the drainage from the road and the
internal lakes of the project that feed into that lake. He also confirmed for Mayor Pro Tem
Matson that the gates would be guarded at Meadows and at Lawrence.
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Mayor Pro Tem Matson was not in favor of multi-family units and was pleased to see a
decrease of 105 units in this community. She said the people in the immediate area are
concerned about the density.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz referred the Utilities memorandum and expressed concern about the
significant increase it would cost the City. She read the following from that memorandum:
"The current layout may increase the City's long term operating costs in order to reduce initial
construction costs for the developer." She also expressed concern about the additional
chlorine necessary because of the routing of the lines. She would like to see larger lot sizes,
but she was impressed with the Nautica development and she preferred to see single-family
homes rather than any more multi-family residences.
City Manager Parker stated that the Z lot is a new product and is small. In the hands of a
good developer it may not be a problem, but in the hands of someone who does not do a good
quality job, it could be a problem. Right now there are no minimums in the PUD ordinance.
She pointed out that everything is not always black and white because of the homestead
exemption, and we were hoping to get the price range of these units up a little more to
diversify into the $175,000 to $250,000 range as opposed to the $100,000 to $150,000 range
which is pretty much the majority of our housing stock in the City. The average income of the
purchasers is $59,000, and we were hoping to bump that up one notch into the next category.
With regard to multi-family versus single-family, even though from a tax perspective possibly
we may get more gross dollars, she pointed out that homeowners usually take more pride of
their community and are committed. She also pointed out that the security and safety
problems, etc. She said the applicant is going to deal with the utility situation, so that will not
be a cost problem. They will resolve that to our statisfaction, upgrade that lift station and
move it so we do not have a proliferation of lift stations to maintain. With the exception of the
road, which the County has signed off on this morning, that goes into what the citizens require
in terms of security and gated communities versus the planning perspective of access. There
are two sides of that coin that the Commission has to deal with. The situation requires City
Commission discretion. There are no standards for determining if this is a substantial or
nonsubstantial change. The only thing we are struggling with from a staff perspective is that
4,000 square foot Z lots are very small and how do you try to diversify the housing stock with
that size of a lot when we do not control the type and quality of product that goes on that lot
after it is approved.
As Vice Mayor Bradley understands it, the purpose for determining whether it is a substantial
change or not is to give notice to neighboring parties. City Manager Parker stated that in
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order not to bring the applicant back to square one, we could table this until the next meeting.
In the interim, we could advertise a public hearing for the next meeting. She said a rezoning
would require first class letters to everyone within 400 feet, and we would not be able to do
that in a two week time frame.
In response to Mayor Taylor, Mr. Kilday advised that there are 188 Z lots and 246 zero lot
lines. The minimum standard for Z lots is 4,000 square feet and the minimum for zero lot
lines is 5,000 square feet, but most of the lots exceed the minimum standard. He gave the
following lot size information:
Z lots
Square Footage
Number of Units
4,000 to 4,500 76
4,500 to 5,000 13
5,000 and greater 99
7,000 to 8,000 8
8,000 to 9,000 2
more than 9,000 6
Zero lots lines
Square Footage
Number of Units
5,000 to 5,500
5,500 to 6,000
more than 10,000
74 (150 of these units exceed 6,000 sq. ft.)
Mayor Taylor stated that there are 17.5 acres of lakes. He asked if this is required for
drainage or if it would be possible to use some of that area to increase the lot size of the
smaller lots. Mr. Kilday thinks most of it is required for drainage. Of the smaller lots, a third
of them front the lake. Therefore, while they do not get the lot, they get the advantage of the
lake. Mayor Taylor said they may want more yard. He had a problem with the small lots and
no yards.
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Mayor Taylor asked about the significance of the percentages of purchasers coming from
Boynton Beach, out of state, and Boca Raton. Mr. Kilday said the people who already live in
Boynton Beach chose to stay in Boynton Beach if they like the unit offered. With regard to
the out of state people, he thought this was an indication that Boynton Beach is an attraction to
someone who is new to South Florida. With regard to the people coming from Boca Raton, he
felt this indicates that Nautica is competitve with products being offered in Boca Raton.
Mayor Taylor asked where the lift station is going to be relocated. Mr. Mazzella said the
applicant is willing to eliminate a couple of houses on the east side to put in the lift station.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, Mr. Mazzella said maybe the applicant can
restructure some of their lot lines. Mr. Kilday said to his best effort possible, he will see
about making some connections between lots. That may mean trying to shift some lots and
provide the easements to do it. However, he would hate to do this at the loss of the cul-de-
sacs because they are very popular.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked about increasing the lot size, decreasing the number of lots, and
selling them for more money. Mr. Fant felt he is moving in that direction. He said he has
been sensitive to some of the talk he heard about 6,000 square foot lots. At Nautica, the
average is slightly over 5,000 square feet. He did everything to take that next step to 6,000 or
6,100 square feet on the average. However, he does not feel the market will respond to
anything greater. He felt he needs to set something at the standard of approximately $130,000
average and believes Nautica Sound will jump to an average of $150,000. He said some
homes will exceed $200,000. That will come as a result of having more larger lots and being
an exclusive community. He will also be adding some of the larger models that will
accommodate some of the larger lots. As a whole, he felt he took a step that amounts to 16 to
17 percent average increase in lot size from Nautica to Nautica Sound and also would amount
to a 10 to 15 percent average house price increase also in Nautica Sound. He is moving in
that direction and is sensitive in the design trying to get over that 6,000 square feet.
Vice Mayor Bradley was mostly concerned about the little 4,000 square foot lots. He felt
everyone would be more comfortable if they were increased to 4,500 square feet. Mr. Fant
pointed out that he is maintaining the same setbacks as he is on the zero lots.
In response to Commissioner Rosen, Mr. Fant said he is trying to accommodate as broad a
market as he possibly can, including the buyer who can only afford $110,000. He is also
trying to accommodate somebody that wants more.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mayor Taylor felt this was a substantial change because of the changes in the roads, the
accesses, the parking problems, the small lots, and the utilities. CommisSioner Rosen agreed
that this was a substantial change, but he wanted to give the developer the opportunity to
discuss this and return to the Commission.
City Manager Parker asked if the Commission is concerned with the notice, the lot sizes, or
the amount of changes. She pointed out that the utilities and road access issues are resolved.
Her previous suggestion was to table this for a week and put the ads in the paper for a public
hearing on this property to notice the surrounding owners of the change of the land use and lot
sizes that are going to be on this property, and the use of multi-family to single-family with the
Z lots and zero lots.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, City Manager Parker confirmed that the
Commission's concerns will be addressed in the interim.
Vice Mayor Bradley was not sure there is any latitude for the lot sizes to be changed. Mr.
Kilday said he will try to adjust the lot size. Mayor Taylor did not intend to vote for any more
4,000 square foot lots.
Attorney Goren said if the Commission choses to take action this evening, one of the options
the Commission has is to indicate the specific conditions under which they believe the
applicant's request is not substantial and include in a motion that if certain things were done by
the applicant, it would not be a substantial change and, barring those things being completed,
it would be substantial. That would put the burden back on the applicant to decide whether or
not they want to proceed based upon those conditions.
Mayor Taylor felt the change would be nonsubstantial if we could alleviate the lot size. He
felt the lot size affects the project from the standpoint of efficiency of land area. He was
opposed to the 4,000 square foot lot size and wanted them to be 6,000 square feet. Mr.
Kilday said the average lot size is 6,000 square feet. The standard lot in the County is 4,500
square feet. Mr. Kilday was willing to consider 4,500 square feet as the minimum lot size.
He said 6,000 square foot lots would not make this project feasible when he can go across the
City border and build 4,500 square foot lots. In response to Vice Mayor Bradley, he said he
was willing to bring all of the 76 units that are 4,000 square feet up to 4,500 square feet.
Commissioner Rosen asked if he was willing to bring the 13 units that are from 4,500 to 5,000
square feet up to 5,000 square feet. Mr. Kilday said this could probably be accomplished.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Vice Mayor Bradley asked if Mr. Kilday is sticking with his request to go from 15 down to 10
on the side setbacks. Mr. Kilday said the 10 foot setback is standard for zero lot lines in every
municipality in the County that he deals with. He said it would create a problem to start
squeezing the setbacks on the units.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to find that the project is not a substantial change provided upon
the applicants providing us with an agreement that the 76 Z lots that currently exist in the
4,000 to 4,500 square foot range be rotated to the 4,500 to 5,000 square foot range.
In response to Commissioner Rosen, Mr. Kilday agreed to move the 13 units up also.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz said the motion would also have to include utility concerns.
Vice Mayor Bradley amended the motion to include staff's comments regarding the Utility
Department's concerns, and that the applicant would look into swapping some of the lake
property for landscaped parking property adjacent to the playground.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that the applicant asked us to include the comments in Exhibit F if
we found this nor[substantial. Mr. Kilday said there are 44 conditions in Exhibit F. He
agreed to all those conditions unless they were modified. The conditions that were modified
dealt with a couple of clarifications which are of no significance. The other ones dealt with
the lot size, frontage, and setbacks. He assumed those would be replaced by the new
conditions that the Commission suggests.
Attorney Goren said the 44 conditions are sizable in content and there may be some items
within those 44 conditions, or within the ambit of what has been responded to in the cover
sheet, that may require some staff analysis that would be helpful to the Commission in making
a final decision. He advised that once the Commission makes a decision, they are bound by
that decision.
Vice Mayor Bradley withdrew his motion.
AUGUST 15, 1995
It was the consensus of the Commission that they are in agreement with the main points of the
motion made by Vice Mayor Bradley.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to table this item until September 5. Mayor Pro Tem Matson
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
A. Set Date for Workshop
The agenda items for this workshop will be as follows:
Review of the Codes on Littering
Discuss Loitering
Update on the Wrice Process
Code Enforcement
The American Assembly Process and Selection of a Steering Committee
The Community Appearance Code
Since this was discussed previously, Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested that all the
information, legal opinions, and documentation that was gathered from other cities for the
workshops that were held on nuisance abatement, curfew, and loitering be made available for
this workshop.
The workshop was scheduled for Friday, September 8, at 6:00 p.m.
A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing
Proposed Ordinance No. 095-28 Re: Land use Amendment - Lake
Worth Christian School ................................................. TABLED
AUGUST 15, 1995
City Manager Parker advised that the applicant has requested that this item and the following
item be tabled until September 19because they have not gotten their utility easements signed
yet. ~
2. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-29 Re: Rezoning - Lake Worth
Christian School .......................................................... TABLED
This item remained tabled. (See City Manager Parker's comment under X.A.1.)
Proposed Ordinance No. 095-24 Re: Amendment to zoning code for
conditional use to allow mini-warehouses in the C-4 zoning district
Attorney Goren read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-24 by title only.
Robin Bird stated that since the last meeting, one of staff's comments which continues to be an
issue is that only 25 percent of the area is allowed for open storage. Staff's recommendation
notes the County ordinance; however, the County ordinance states that it is 25 percent of lot
size, not buildable area. Also, the County allows for a tolerance to 50 percent with the
discretion of the director. He felt this is a severe burden. While Mr. Blaskovic is not going
to be affected immediately by that, upon any improvement on this property, that is a
significant reduction in the use of his land which he currently enjoys. He currently has about
73 percent which he has been using for about 10 or 15 years since he has owned the property.
He felt somewhere in the area of 40 or 50 percent would be reasonable. Mr. Bird said as Mr.
Blaskovic goes to improve the property, he is going to be coming more in conformance with
the City's ordinances. As the building goes up, more storage has to come out.
Mr. Bird said another problem is that since the last meeting, a significant amount of screening
requirements has appeared in the ordinance which was not there previously. The City
Commission adopted staff's recommended changes to include commercial vehicles; however,
regardless of whether they now have commercial vehicles or not, them are additional
requirements for fencing which the County currently has adopted. Now Mr. Blaskovic is
going to have to screen on all four sides regardless of surrounding uses as opposed to only
screening one side: This is a significant change. Also, the type of screening required is a six
AUGUST 15, 1995
foot high solid wood fence and masonry wall. There are several other types of materials
which can accomplish the same things.
With regard to the issuance of the occupational license, staff's response to that was the
occupational license indicates that there is a $140 fee. He was not sure what this fee was for.
Ms. Heyden advised him that this is the fee for the auction. Mr. Bird said an auction is a
losing business for the storage yard. They auction off abandoned merchandise. They are just
trying to collect the rent. It is part of normal business operations which State Statutes requires
them to do. This would be charging them a fee for something they are losing money on. This
is a double taxation issue. He stated that at the last meeting, the City Manager said there was
no fee for that. He said Mr. Blaskovic only has three or four auctions a year and that the City
is not charging the current storage yards a fee.
In response to Commissioner Rosen, Ms. Heyden advised that auction houses are not allowed
in this zoning district. This special event license would allow these kinds of events on a
temporary basis.
Silvio Blaskovic felt "auction" is the wrong term. It is advertised as a public sale. In
response to Commissioner Rosen, he advised that the merchandise is not priced and there is no
bid processing. He said most of the time he is stuck with the junk and garbage and has to pay
to:have it removed.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that this is a special event license for an event that does not
normally take place.
Vice Mayor Bradley asked if the other storage units are assessed this fee.
City Manager Parker advised that there is also an occupational license category for auction
houses which would be a one time annual license. Mr. Bird stated that you would have to be a
State licensed auctioneer to get that. City Manager Parker asked if Mr. Blaskovic hires a State
licensed auctioneer to perform his auctions. Mr. Bird said he does not need one because he
has temporary custody of that property.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson had a philosophical problem with this ordinance because we are
tailoring an ordinance for one applicant and historically we should not be doing that. Mr. Bird
said there are several storage yards in the City which are zoned C-4 that are nonconforming.
This ordinance would bring more businesses into conformity, which will raise their taxable
AUGUST 15, 1995
base. Mr. Bird said he works in a city that has nine mini warehouses and about 40 open
storage yards and the occupational office does not charge a fee.
Mayor Taylor summed up that Mr. Bird is objecting to the special event license, the 25
percent limitation for open storage, and the fencing. Mr. Bird stated that staff had agreed to
40 percent and the Commission accepted that at the last meeting. Therefore, he did not know
why the ordinance says 25 percent. Ms. Heyden said she did not make a recommendation to
change it to 40 percent. She said she indicated in her last staff report that the Commission
might want to consider it; however, it was not part of the conditions. Therefore, since there
was no discussion on increasing it to 40 percent, she did not include it. Commissioner
Jaskiewicz did not feel 40 percent is unreasonable. She stated that she is trying to discourage
the parking of boats, campers, and trucks in the front yards in residential areas. As long as
the area is screened, she saw no reason why 40 percent was not acceptable. Vice Mayor
Bradley agreed. He felt that as long as the screening is sufficient, the percentage is not that
relevant. In addition, we need space to put the boats, campers, etc., if we do not want them in
residential areas.
Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Bird also had an objection to the fencing. He asked Ms. Heyden
if a six foot cyclone fence would be acceptable.
Mr. Bird said this is not so much of an issue because there is no residential property around
the subject property.
Ms. Heyden advised that it could not be a six foot cyclone fence. It has to be either solid
wood or masonry. Mr. Bird mentioned a new product, PVC fencing, which looks identical to
wood, and recycled plastic. Ms. Heyden was not familiar with this material. Mayor Taylor
mentioned that the boardwalk on the beach is made of recycled plastic. Ms. Heyden said a
"solid plastic" fence could possibly work. She was opposed to a chain link fence with plastic
slats inserted because that would not meet the wind load requirements.
Mr. Blaskovic did not see the reason for the fence because there is no residential in his area.
Mayor Pro Tern Matson advised him that the reason for this requirement is that the ordinance
is not tailored for his property and that there are other storage areas that abut residences.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz would accept recycled plastic if it looks like the plastic at the beach.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Commissioner Rosen asked how many C-4 districts are in the City. Ms. Heyden advised that
there are very few. Mayor Taylor believed there are about four locations. Mayor Pro Tem
Matson said if we are going to revitalize Federal Highway, we have to take this into
Mr. Bird advised that there was another issue with regard to the commercial vehicles behind
the buildings. If you are going to require the solid fencing, you are going to limit the
commercial vehicles to just behind whatever buildings they have available on the site. Ms.
Heyden said the reason we did that was because commercial vehicles can be greater than six
feet tall and since we are opening the door up for storage of commercial vehicles, she wanted
to make sure that commercial vehicles were going to be screened. Mr. Bird asked how tall an
RV camper with an air conditioner on top is. Ms. Heyden said she took that into
consideration and that is why she added the additional screening. Mr. Bird pointed out that
you will be able to see a two story boat or RV. He stated that you have allowed for the
storage yards to have commercial vehicles which you want off the streets, but you only give
them about 5 percent of their land or less to put them on. Mayor Taylor had no objection to
seeing the top two feet of a vehicle behind a six foot fence in a C-4 area.
There was a concensus to increase the limitation for open storage to 40 percent of the
buildable area. Mr. Blaskovic requested 40 to 50 percent of the lot area. Ms. Heyden advised
that if the screen requirements are left in, this should not be a problem. She stated that the
reason for the limitation on storage is so that you do not see just storage area. However, if it
is adequately screened, it is not an issue.
There was a consensus to increase the limitation for open storage to 40 percent of the lot area.
With regard to the special event license, City Manager Parker advised that it does not really
fall under a special event because the definition of a special event is a grand opening, sidewalk
sale, special promotion, festival, concerts, and similar occasions. Even though it says a
license is required, there is no fee structure for a license fee. We have been taking all the
special events on a case by case basis. She said there is a miscellaneous commercial service
for $84 a year.
Mr. Bird asked what the fee is for a mini warehouse license. He still felt this would be
double taxation. Mayor Taylor stated that the license for the mini warehouse allows you to let
AUGUST 15, 1995
people store merchandise. When you decide to sell merchandise to recoup the rent, you are
entering into a different business and if you want to do that, you need to pay a special fee of
$84 a year. City Manager Parker said the warehouse license might cover this. This issue will
be handled administratively. Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested a memo as soon as staff
makes a decision on this issue.
The screen and landscaping are to remain. Solid plastic would be allowed as an option to the
wood and masonry wall.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-24 on second reading,
subject to staff comments, including the limitation for open storage of 40 percent of the lot
size, the licenses subject to staff comments, and the fencing subject to staff comments.
Screening and landscaping remain the same. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 4-1. Mayor Pro Tem
Matson cast the dissenting vote.
Proposed Ordinance No. 095-23 Re: Amendment to zoning code to
allow wholesale of tropical fish in M-1 zoning district
Attorney Goren read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-23 by title only.
No one wished to speak on this item.
COmmissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-23. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion
carried 5-0.
5. Proposed Ordinance No. O95-31 Re: Expand membership of Board of
Adjustment to add three regular members
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table this item. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 5-0.
B. Ordinances - 1st Reading
C. Resolutions
Proposed Resolution No. R95-120 Re: Authorize execution of an
Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm
Beach County for the annexation of enclaves
Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R95-120.
Mark Soloway, 7064 Thompson Road, said the residents on Thompson Road do not appreciate
the attempted encroachment in their lives and question what improvements the City could offer
them. They want to ensure that they do not have any degradation of services. Mr. Soloway
said access to Thompson Road is only from the north from Hypoluxo Road. Any services
provided by the City would have to leave the City and drive out through the County to reach
the residents. They are very pleased with the services they have. They were concerned with
the environmental impact. He said the area he lives in is very special and there is nothing this
heavily wooded this close to the eastern shore for many miles.
Dave Magruder, 7146 Thompson Road, is a Fire Lieutenant with Palm Beach County and has
experience in the services that the County is providing. He was concerned that it appears that
Boynton Beach is trying to slide this in before the State votes on a bill that is presently in the
State Senate and Assembly. This bill is ready to be voted on as soon as they reconvene. If
approved, it would rescind this and make this illegal for cities to do. He said he could not get
an answer from the City on future costs to the residents. He received a projected range of
approximately $400 to $600 a year in tax increase for his residence alone. Over a period of
ten years that would be anywhere from $4,000 to $6,000 out of his pocket. This figure does
not project any tax increase by the City of Boynton Beach. With regard to water and sewer
costs, the ballpark figure he received was no less than $10,000 and anywhere up to $22,000
for his house alone. Therefore, if this happens in the next ten years, he is looking at $26,000
AUGUST 15, 1995
out of his pocket to change his address from Lantana to Boynton Beach. He said he does not
need to spend $26,000 over the next ten years to have better police protection. He said there
are questions in the State law on whether or not this encompasses developed land or
undeveloped land. The residents also own the road. He questioned what would happen when
the City wants to put utilities on that road. He asked if the residents would have to give the
City the road. He felt there are too many questions left unanswered and to slide this in on
three days' notice to the residents would be extremely unfair. He felt it would be an injustice
to the residents not to wait two or three months to see what happend with the proposed bill.
He said by the end of the week he will have letters from the Fire Administrator for the County
and the Sheriff that shows that the urban services that Boynton Beach is saying would be
greatly improved on are already and will continue to be available less than 400 feet from his
house in another subdivision called Floral Park. There is no proposal to annex them.
Therefore, the County, Sheriff's Department, and Fire Department will still be providing
service to the foot of his street. Therefore, there is no real benefit or gain. There is no cost
savings to anyone.
Mayor Taylor said this was at the Legislature last year and did not get to the floor. Also, he
did not think anybody was trying to slide anything in at the last minute. He pointed out that
the annexation of these enclaves is part of an ongoing program the City has been working on
for a couple of years.
Paul Himmelrich, 710 E. Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, owns three vacant lots. He
had his attorney research this matter. He distributed a letter from his attorney. According to
the statute, unimproved real estate cannot be annexed.
Candy Thompson, 7105 Thompson Road, did not see any benefit to the annexation of enclave
1 and was opposed to it.
Silvio Blaskovic was opposed to the annexation of enclave 9 because of the high taxes
associated with this annexation. He referred to the Rights Protection Act. He said this
property should be zoned C 1 not C4.
Ralph Thompson, 7105 Thompson Road, was opposed to the annexation of enclave 1. He said
the County has provided services very well for many years. He advised that he has lived on
this street since 1986 and during that time his taxes have doubled. He thinks this annexation
will increase taxes further. He said this is a special road to the 13 families who live there.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Leonard Thompson is satisfied with being in the County.
No one else in the audience wished to speak on this matter.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked if this goes to the Department of Community Affairs for
Evaluation. City Manager Parker advised that it goes to the County after this and then we
have to adopt individual ordinances for each enclave. Therefore, this is not the last step in the
process. Mike Rumpf of the Planning and Zoning Department explained the process for
annexation. He stated that the Department of Community Affairs would not have a typical
review of these amendments because they are now considered small scale. Consistency review
with respect to Comprehensive Plan amendments is not conducted on amendments of this size.
Therefore, the process would be concluded at the time of our adoption of ordinances.
City Manager Parker advised that we have summarized the utility costs but have not put a time
table on that. The State Statute says that we have to provide services within a reasonable
amount of time but does not define "reasonable". She asked the Commission for direction
regarding the utility situation. In response to Vice Mayor Bradley regarding the costs, City
Manager Parker recommended special assessment (spreading it out over 20 years).
Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested that enclave 1 be pulled out to vote separately on it.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-120 with the
exception of enclave number 1. Commisioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried
Mayor Pro Tem Matson was familiar with this piece of property and agreed 100 percent with
the residents. She could not see how this one little strip will make a whole lot of difference
within the City.
Commissioner Rosen understood that the financial aspects of annextion may be disagreeable;
however, he did not see how it would change anyone's lifestyle. It will still be the same
community as before, with possibly better service. He asked where the residents are getting
their water from now. Someone in the audience advised that the residents are getting their
water from wells. Commissioner Rosen asked if any surveys have been done to find out how
long this can continue.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Mayor Pro Tem Matson did not want to force anyone to become part of the City.
Vice MayorBradley asked if an enclave is defined by three sides or four. Mr. Rumpf advised
that it is defined by State law in a couple of different ways. In most recent legislation, the
Enclave Act is defined as an unincorporated approved or developed area that is enclosed
within and bounded on all sides by a single municipality or any unincorporated improved or
developed area that is enclosed within and bounded by a single municipality in a natural or
man made obstacle. He said all the enclaves we are proposing are on all four sides.
Mr. Rumpf addressed the comment that was made earlier about service vehicles having to
leave the City to enter this enclave. He advised that Hypoluxo Road was annexed into the
City concurrently as pieces of property were annexed and developed. That is the northern and
most defined edge of the City. Service vehicles traverse that corridor quite frequently so it
would not be an unusual occurrence to have to be at that location.
Mr. Rumpf said the Enclave Act was created to open up the door for municipalities to annex
these properties and begin to chip away at these service burdens. He addressed the comment
about there not being a cost savings to have these properties annexed. He said it is different to
put a price on a response time. Although Thompson Road may not be, there are other
enclaves that are twice the distance from service providers in hubs of the County. He said
there is no difference between any of these enclaves and that, in general, most people are
opposed to annexation.
Mayor Taylor stated that the whole concept of the annexation program is to get rid of these
pockets in the community because they are burdens for the City to keep track of. In many
cases, the County has to cross the City in order to get to them to provide service. He said this
is singling out one particular enclave for an exception and pointed out that the others could
make the same argument. He was opposed to making an exception for anyone.
In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz, City Manager Parker advised that since we would
already be in the process, we would be exempt from the bill that is in legislation. Attorney
Goren explained that the City's laws would already be effective as to the annexation activity.
Therefore, it would preempt the State Statute. City Manager Parker said once it is approved
by the County, they are annexed into the City and we just have to complete the paperwork to
switch the zoning from the County to the City.
AUGUST 15, 1995
Fire Chief Floyd Jordan stated that there would be a significant improvement in Fire and EMS
service in that area.
Commissioner Rosen moved to include Enclave 1 in Resolution R95-120. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 4-1. Mayor Pro Tem Matson cast the dissenting
Proposed Resolution No. R95-129 Re: Authorize execution of contract
for the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, Evaluation
and Appraisal Report
Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R95-129 by title only.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-129.
Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
Proposed Resolution No. R95-130 Re: Request for authorization to
abandon a portion of a 5' wide utility easement at 2000 S.W. Golf Lane
Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R95-130 by title only.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R95-130. Vice Mayor
Bradley seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
D. Other
1. Legal opinion on Board of Adjustment duties and responsibilities
Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table this item. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion
AUGUST 15, 1995
which carried 5-0.
2. St. Juste foreclosure update
Attorney Goren advised that the City is proceeding with the foreclosure sale.
Mr. St. Juste distributed an offer to the City Commission. He contended that he knew nothing
about this matter until recently. He told of his and his attorney's attempts to communicate
with the City for the past three years to no avail.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson asked what this matter has cost the City in legal fees. City Manager
Parker advised that it cost approximately $20,000. In response to City Manager Parker, Mr.
St. Juste advised that the assessed value of his property in question is about $30,000.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that Mr. St. Juste has been to court on this matter. Therefore, he
had to know what was happening. Vice Mayor Bradley addressed Mr. St. Juste's claim that
he has not received due process. He pointed out that the judge ruled that Mr. St. Juste had
been treated fairly.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said she was on the Commission in March of 1991 when this
foreclosure was on the agenda. This matter went to court in 1991 and mediation took place at
which time Mr. St. Juste stipulated he would apply for a permit, complete the repairs, and
then notify the City. A permit was pulled and then it expired. She said Mr. St. Juste knew
what was going on and she felt he was given due process. She did not know why this matter
was before the Commission since the City won this matter in court.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to reject Mr. St. Juste's offer and proceed with the foreclosure.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
City Manager Parker advised Mr. St. Juste that he would have to go to the foreclosure sale
and bid on the property.
Request for authorization to accept Settlement Agreement for
liquidated damage with Rockland Construction pending final
approval by Gee & Jensen for Meadows and Boynton Lakes Parks
AUGUST 15, 1995
City Manager Parker advised that Gee & Jensen has not yet signed off on plans.
Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation and Parks, advised that liquidated damages amount
to $5,000. City Attorney James Cherof had negotiated a settlement of $2,500 with Rockland
Construction. The Commission approved final payment to Rockland Construction in the
amount of $46,000. Mr. Frederick and Bill DeBeck, the Project Manager, felt the contractor
did his job right. However, Gee & Jensen want some information, which normally is not
required, before signing off. Staff is in the process of putting this information together. The
check will not be released until Gee & Jensen signs off.
Mayor Pro Tem Matson asked if we are going to alleviate the flooding in that area. Mr.
Frederick advised that we are still dealing with how to handle that. He said there is a
possibility of adjusting the lake levels. City Manger Parker advised that there is also a
possibility that we will not be able to do anything with the lake and in a heavy rain it may still
Mayor Pro Tem Matson said if Gee & Jensen engineered this and it is flooding, somebody has
to be culpable for this. Mr. Frederick advised that it would take additional analysis by another
engineering firm. They would have to analyze the drainage plan and make a determination as
to whether or not it was a proper design.
City Manager Parker advised that the City will need additiOnal documentation in order to
pr°ceed against Gee & Jensen. Mr. Frederick advised that we are getting a quote for a survey
for elevations tomorrow to make sure the project was constructed to design. At that point we
can determine whether we need to take further action.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved to accept the settlement agreement for $2,500. Commissioner
Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
A. Approval of FDOT Resurfacing Project of U.S. 1
City Manager Parker advised that the main problem here was the parking. Staff recommends
that from Boynton Beach Boulevard north, on-street parking would be retained along the entire
AUGUST 15, 1995
west side. On the east side, it would only be between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue. Headed
south, on-street parking would only be retained on the block in front of the Woman's Club.
All other on-street parking would be removed. There would be a bike lane and the additional
size that we would gain would go into the medians. Staff also recommends that we use the
same paver colors and pattern that we are using on Boynton Beach Boulevard heading down
both sides of Federal Highway from the canal to the City limits with the paver block sand the
utility chase areas.
Vice Mayor Bradley moved approval of the FDOT resurfacing of U.S. 1. Commissioner
Rosen seconded the motion which carried 5-0.
City Manager Parker had nothing to report at this time.
AUGUST 15, 1995
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 1:58 a.m.
City~Elerk - ' '
Recording Secretary
(Nine Tapes)
Vice Mayo
~C°~i°ney/?//~ -?
AUGUST 15, 1995
cc: Recreation
DATA FLOW SYSTEMS INC ................................... $10,395.00
P.O. 7625. Pump Control Units
Pay From Util Cap Impr Fund -- 404-000-0-691-10
DAVIS WATER INDUSTRIES .................................. $ 89,376.00
P.O. 9305. Lift Station Pump Replacement Program
Pay From W & S Rev Fund -- 421-000-0-691-21
MONTGOMERY ENVIRONMENTAL INC ....................... $ 65,456.00
P.O. 9979. City Hall Remediation, Pymt #1
Original Contract
Change Order
Payments to Date
Current Payment
Contract Balance
$ 414,406.00
Pay From Public Serv Tax Const -- 301-194-5-634-12
ROCKLAND CONSTRUCTION CO .............................. $46,122.72
P.O. 6157. Meadows/Boynton Lakes Park Const, Pymt #11
Original Contract
Change Orders
Adjusted Contract
Previous Payments
Current Payment
Less Liquidated Damages
Contract Balance
$ 946,441.00
Pay FromPublic Service Tax Cons~--301-722-5-634-07,$29,347.57,
ROSSO PAVING .............................................. $ 28,832.04
P.O. 9481. Block Grant Project, Pymt #1
Original Contract
Change Orders
Payments to Date
Current Payment
Contract Balance
$ 54,562.00
Pay From Federal Grants -- 105-513-5-463-00
SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY .................................. $ 82,627.92
P.O. 8126. Landfill Daily Use
Pay From Sanitation Fund -- 431-341-5-490-01
SOUTH FLORIDA UTILITIES .................................. $16,510.50
P.O. 9781. Lift Station Modifications, Pymt #2
Original Contract
Change Orders
Previous Payment
Current Payment
Contract Balance
$ 424,094.00
pay From 1990 Construction Fund -- 409-000-0-691-10
TREE MOVERS INC .......................................... $10,180.00
P.O. 9543. Relocate Trees for Playground
Pay FrOm -- 641'722-5-629-00