Minutes 12-07-93MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COHMISSION MEETING HELD IN COI~tlSSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1993, AT 6:30 P, M, PRESENT Edward Harmening, Mayor Jose Aguila, Vice Mayor Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem Robert WaJshak, Commissioner David Kat2, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk I, OPENINGS A, Call to Order Mayor Harmening called the meeting to order at 6:30 P. M. B, Invocation The invocation was offered by James Henry of the Encouragement (Parakalein) Ministries. C, Pledge of Allegiance ~o the Fl~g The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Commissioner Walshak. D, Agenda Approval 1, Additions, Deletions, Corrections City Attorney Cherof added Item X.C.3 (Revised Letter of Credit Policy). City Manager Miller added Item III.C.7 (Resolution Relative to Landscaping Agreement Between the County and the City for Woolbright Road). He deleted Items III.C. 5 and II.C. At Commissioner Katz' request Item XI.C was moved up to IX.F to accommodate the City Engineer, and Item XI.B was moved up to IX.H to accommodate the tow com- panies that were present. Mayor Pro Tem Matson announced that she will be leaving the meeting at the first break. She is involved in her Outreach Ministry in her church and one week out of the year she has to dedictate herself to that. Mayor Harmening added Item IV.A.3 (Boynton Beach R.A.P. and D.A.R.E. Carnival). Vice Mayor Aguila added Item IX.AA (Upkeep of Landscaping of Established Businesses). Commissioner Walshak added Item IX.G (Boat Docks). He asked what was going to be discussed under Item II.D. City Manager Miller stated that discussion will entail the proceeding relative to testing. Mayor Harmening advised that dis- - 1- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHH]:$$ION MEETIHG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 cussion will entail more than the proceeding relative to testing. As far as Vice Mayor Aguila was concerned, as presented on the agenda, this is a topic for general discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Matson concurred with his interpretation. 2. Adoption Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the agenda as corrected. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. II, ADMINISTRATIVE A, Accept Resignation from Clty Board 1, ~rle Ackermann, Conmunlty Relations Board Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to accept the resignation of Marie Ackermann from the Community Relations Board, with regret. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. B, Board Appointments Appointment Reg/ Length of Term To Be Made Board Alt Expiration Date III Aguila Mayor Harmening IV Matson II Walshak Mayor Harmening II Walshak III Aguila IV Matson Elderly Advisory Board Alt Elderly Advisory Board Alt Recreation & Parks Board Alt Education Advisory Board Alt Elderly Advisory Board Reg Education Advisory Board Alt Comm. Redev. Advisory Board Reg Community Relations Board Reg Term expires 6/94 TABLED Term expires 6/94 TABLED Term expires 4/94 TABLED Term expires 6/94 TABLED Term expires 6/94 TABLED Term expires 6/94 TABLED Term expires 8/96 TABLED Term expires 4/95 Motion Commissioner Katz moved to remove all tabled appointments from the table. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Vice Mayor Aguila left both his appointments on the table. Mayor Harmening left his alternate appointment to the Elderly Advisory Board on the table. Mayor Pro Tem Matson left her appointment to the Recreation and Parks Board on the table, and appointed Jim Smith as a regular member of the Community Relations Board, without objection. -2- #]:NUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COI~I$$]:ON #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1993 Commissioner Walshak left both his appointments on the table. Mayor Harmening appointed Mary J. Wamser as a regular member of the Elderly Advisory Board, without objection. C. Relocation of the Great American Love Affair (G.A.L.A.) Event This item was deleted. D, Fire Chief Po$ttlon Based upon the rejection of his recommendation of Floyd Jordan as Fire Chief at the Regular City Commission meeting on November 16, 1993, City Manager Miller proposed setting forth another examination process (assessment center exercise only) involving both in-house and outside candidates. Norton Mayor Harmening passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Aguila and moved to reconsider the City Commission's previous action relative to appointing Floyd Jordan as Fire Chief. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. In response to Commissioner Katz, City Attorney Cherof advised that there are a couple of different interpretations and that the procedure the City Commission has always followed is that a motion to reconsider can be made at any time after a vote. A stricter reading of Robert's Rules requires that the motion to recon- sider be made at the meeting at which the vote was taken or the next regular meeting. Therefore, the motion is in order. Commissioner Walshak asked City Attorney Cherof where Robert's Rules of Order states "at the next meeting". He stated that according to Robert's Rules of Order, appropriate action should be taken within two days subsequent to a par- ticular meeting, and it has to be done in writing if it is not done at the meeting where it was presented. Vice Mayor Aguila asked if this is based on the assumption that meetings follow consecutive days as opposed to two weeks between meetings. City Attorney Cherof stated that it actually gets into a more tech- nical discussion about whether your meetings are sessions versus meetings, or whether each meeting is in and of itself a session. If that were true, there would never be a limitation on what can be brought back up because at every new session, everything is renewable. Therefore, he did not think this particular rule applies. He said he would be willing to find the section in Robert's Rules that deals with "at the present or next meeting". Mayor Harmening pointed out that there is also another interpretation as far as City government is concerned and that is that as long as the existing Commission is sitting, it is the same session. When the Commission changes, then it is not. City Attorney Cherof stated that this is a previous interpretation that Mayor Moore used when he was Mayor, indicating that he felt each session was the one year between elections because there is an election every year. -3- HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHI$$ION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1993 The motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Walshak and Katz cast the dissenting votes. Notion Mayor Harmening moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation at the previ- ous meeting and appoint Floyd Jordan as Fire Chief. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. Commissioner Walshak stated that Robert's Rules of Order state that the Chairman can only pass the gavel in extreme cases. He asked City Attorney Cherof for his interpretation of this rule. City Attorney Cherof stated that his interpreta- tion, as it applies to a City Commission meeting, is that the Chairman can pass the gavel anytime he wants to make a motion. Commissioner Katz reminded the Commission that the last time a Commission messed with the Civil Service Rules, it cost the City $250,000. He believed this Commission should reopen the exam to those people who were qualified from the beginning. Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that the test was opened to those who met the requirements and one of them chose not to take the test. Commissioner Katz said the exam was opened after these people were told they were not qualified all along and after the Commission was told there were no other qualified candidates from the City. Initially, the Commission was told there were no qualified candidates from the City, and there were. To him that makes the whole process convoluted from the beginning. Mayor Harmening stated his reason for voting against this at the last meeting. He said it appeared there was some impropriety that the whole process was flawed. In the interim, he had an opportunity to review the process in detail and could not find where is was flawed. The motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Walshak and Katz cast the dissenting votes. E, Drainage Problem In Vtctntty of N, E, 3rd Court at N, E, 17th Avenue City Manager Miller referred to the City Engineer's report on the subject drainage area attached to Engineering Department Memorandum No. 93-346. He stated that at the last meeting, Mr. Witherspoon addressed the Commission regarding a flooding problem in this vicinity. The report recommends a two phase solution. Phase I would consist of a com- bination of swales, exfiltration trenches and open dry retention to treat the code required 1" of runoff. The Phase I cost is estimated at $182,500 in current dollars, and should begin as soon as funds are available. Phase II would provide an underground piped outfall to the C-16 canal to carry larger flows, up to a 10 year return period storm. This phase is recommended to be delayed and integrated into a comprehensive "area wide" stor~water master plan to spread and reduce overall cost. This phase is estimated to cost approx- imately $356,500 in current dollars. -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMHISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, ].993 City Manager Miller advised that the City Engineer, James White, is concen- trating on Phase I at this time. Mr. White stated that what he is proposing costs more than what is budgeted. He recommended moving forward as soon as funding can be identified. Mayor Harmening asked Mr. White if he was able to make any determination how far in every direction swales were created in this area that drains into the forty acres. Mr. White stated that the swales are nonexistent. He felt swales alone would not solve the problem. Mayor Harmening felt that if additional swales were created, it would probably alleviate a considerable amount of the problem. He said the dry wells can always be built later if it is found that the swales do not adequately solve the problem. City Manager Miller instructed Mr. White to develop a swale program for that area. It was pointed out that the sod would need to be watered. Mr. White suggested postponing construction of the swales until the beginning of the rainy season. Mayor Harmening pointed out that there is a proposed ordinance on tonight's agenda to establish a Stormwater Utility Fee Program which should provide about $400,000. Mr. Witherspoon was disappointed because this problem has existed for a long time and nothing has been done. He said the swales were built eight or nine years ago but they did not help. Mayor Harmening pointed out that we are in a dry period right now and that the Commission has agreed to construct swales in three to four months. He stated that if the water running down into that area is caught in swales from all directions, there will not be nearly the amount of water running down. Mr. Witherspoon felt the swales are not going to stop the water coming from the east. Vice Mayor Aguila advised Mr. Witherspoon that the City cannot afford to spend $182,500 right now for a combination of swales, exfiltration trenches and open dry retention. Therefore, the Commission is trying to do what can be done now to alleviate the problem. He asked Mr. White about the drainage from the Four Seasons {the condominium on the east). Mr. White advised that the Four Seasons is holding very little runoff because their swales are nearly grown over. That contributes to approximately 10 to 20 percent of the problem. Vice Mayor Aguila asked if a maintenance problem exists on the Four Seasons property and, if there is and it is solved, would that help alleviate the problem. Mr. White answered affirmatively. City Manager Miller made note of this. Commissioner Walshak asked where the dollars would come from for Phase I and Phase Ii. City Manager Miller advised that there is some undesignated reserve in the Capital Reserve. There is also $20,000 to $30,000 for drainage in the fuel tax dollars for roads. He reiterate that there is an item on tonight's agenda relative to establishment of a Stormwater Utility Fee Program which should bring in approximately $400,000 a year to be utilized for drainage. Commissioner Walshak asked how drainage projects have been funded in the past. Mayor Harmening advised that they have been funded out of the General Fund. -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 City Manager Miller advised that one drainge project has been funded out of the Reserve and some small projects have been done out of the fuel tax dollars. F, Authorize Purchase of Educational Material for Police Department Juvenile Programs Per Police Chief Thomas Dettman's Memorandum #93-185, the Juvenile Services Unit needs to renew its supply of brochures and booklets for the variety of programs they teach. Some of these programs cannot be taught without these supplies. These brochures and booklets can also be utilized by the Community Police Officers. Channing L. Bete is the sole supplier of these materials, which will be purchased from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund for $11,779, plus shipping and handling. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the purchase of educational material for the Police Department Juvenile Programs, in the amount of $11,77g, to be taken out of the Law Enforcement Trust Fund. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes 1. Regular City Ceamlsslon Meeting Minutes of November 16, 1993 No changes were made to these minutes. Bids - Reconmnend Approval - All Expenditures are Approved In the 1993-94 Adopted Budget 1. Piggyback Broward Coanunlty College Bid for Paint and Materials (Utilities Department) Per Utilities Memorandum #93-476, the Utilities Department is requesting approval to piggyback the Paint and Sundry Items Bid #3636 available through Broward Community College. This bid will be utilized on an as-needed basis for paint and supplies for repainting of various things such as walls, floors, basins, and equipment. The awarded vendor, DeVoe & Reynolds Co. of Fort Lauderdale, is willing to extend the same terms and conditions to the City. Building Supplies and Materials accounts in various divisions will be used. Approximate expenditure is $5,000.00 for the year. Per the November 23, 1993 memorandum from Vernetha Green, the Purchasing Department concurs with the request to piggyback. -6- HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHH~S$IOH #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 7, 1993 2. Replacement of Blue Prlnt Nachlne for Utilities Oepart~nent Per Vernetha Green's November 22, 1993 memorandum to the City Manager, Utility Director John Guidry requested the replacement purchase of a Blue Print machine to copy large plans because the existing Blue Print machine is in need of exten- sive repair. OSHA recommended refurbishing the ventilation system or replacing the unit. The Utilities Department has been told by three vendors that it would not be cost effective to make such extensive repairs. In addition, the required repairs would not provide a guarantee of reliable continued service. The Purchasing Department concurred with the request to purchase a new Blue Print machine (Model Blue-Ray 454-C) for $3,500. 3, Purchase of Police Cruisers (Replacement Vehicles) According to Police Memorandum #93-184, each year the Police Department replaces part of its fleet. Normally, the cruisers are purchased from a State bid and only one make of full size cruiser is offered. Both the City Shop and the Police Department prefer Crown Victorias for a variety of reasons. Don Reid Ford in Maitland, Florida, has offered to sell 1994 Crown Victorias at 1993 prices ($12,419), which is $17.00 less than what the City paid last year. The only stipulation is that the vehicles be ordered before December 16, 1993. The Police Department recommends purchasing at least nine (possibly eleven) 1994 Ford Crown Victoria Police Cruisers from Don Reid Ford under the current State bid. The current budget has funds for eight replacement cruisers. The other one to three cruisers would have to be purchased by Risk Managment. By pur- chasing the vehicles in this fashion, the City would save dollars on the actual purchase, as well as administrative costs. City Manager Miller requested that nine cruisers be purchased instead of eight because several cruisers were severely damaged in accident. In response to Mayor Harmening, he advised that one cruiser will come out of the Insurance Fund. Vice Mayor Aguila asked why the City Shop and the Department prefer Crown Victorias. Jack DeLoach advised that currently the entire fleet is Fords. The City Shop has found that they have to stock less parts when you have the same type of vehicle. In addition, Chevrolets are not as reliable as Fords. They do not hold up as well and break down more often. Furthermore, Fords look better and image is important for morale. City Manager Miller added that there is a difference between the body of a Chevrolet and that of a Ford. There is various equipment (cages, etc.) in these cars and it is a lot easier going from one Ford to another Ford rather than trying to retrofit for a cage in back of a Ford Crown Victoria to a Chevrolet Caprice. Mr. DeLoach also pointed out that the City is saving over $1,000 per vehicle. C. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. R93- Re: Authorize Execution of Agreement Between the City of Boynton Beach and Bell South Mobility Reference Leasing Property at the Utilities Complex for a Cellular Telephone Site .................................. TABLED -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to remove this item from the table. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. City Manager Miller advised that this item needs to be deleted from the agenda because Item C.2 deals with the temporary placement. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to delete Item III.C.1 from the agenda. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. R93-191 Re: Authorize Execution of Agreement Between the City of Boynton Beach and Bell South Mobility Reference the Temporary Placement of a Backup Radio System for the City in Bell South Mobility's Equipment Building Proposed Resolution No. R93-192 Re: Authorize Execution of Revised Addendum II {Incorporates Whereas Clauses} to the Conceptual Approval Agreement {CAA) Between the Florida Communities Trust, Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach for the Seacrest Scrub Acquisition Project 0 Proposed Resolution No. R93-193 Re: Authorize Execution of Revised Addendum II {Project Extension to January 31, 1994) to the Conceptual Approval Agreement {CAA} Between the Florida Communities Trust, Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach for the Seacrest Scrub Acquisition Project Proposed Resolution No. R93- Re: Switch Representative and Alternate Positions to Coalition of Boynton West Residents Association {COBWRA) This item was deleted from the agenda. Proposed Resolution No. R93-194 Re: Authorize Execution of License Agreement Between the City of Boynton Beach and Henry Griffitts'Golf Club Manufacturing Company for a Complete Club Fitting Kit and Participation in a Certification Fitting School 7. Proposed Resolution No. R93-195 Re: Landscaping Agreement Between the County and the City for Woolbright Road In response to Vice Mayor Aguila, Mayor Harmening advised that the County is going to pay the City and the City is going to do the installation and main- tenance. The irrigation is coming from Leisureville. -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY C0151I$$ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 Approval of Bills The original list of these bills is attached to the minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. E, Approve Transfer of Cemetery Lots 695A and 695B, Block 0 Walter A. and Elizabeth S. Bauer requested approval to transfer ownership of Lot 695A, Block O, Boynton Beach Memorial Park Addition #1, to Antoinette Morrow, and Lot 695B, Block O, Boynton Beach Memorial Park Addition #1, to Frances Taylor. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to approve the consent agenda with the deletions and additions. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. IV, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND RRESENTATIOHS A, Announcements 1, F~ployee of the Month - October, 1993 - Lana Koester,,,,,,,TABLED Mo lon Vice Mayor Aguila moved to remove this item from the table. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Since Mrs. Koester was on vacation when the November 2, 1993 City Commission meeting was held, she was honored by Mayor Harmening and City Manager Miller at this meeting as Employee of the Month for October, 1993 for her efficiency and effectiveness in managing the purchasing affairs of the City, for her thorough research and constant contacts with outside vendors and governmental entities and employees. 2, Employee of the Month - November, 1993 Marshall Souther of the Community Improvement Department was honored by Mayor Harmening and City Manager Miller as Employee of the Month for November, 1993, for the heroic deed of administering first aid and comforting a wounded victim of an attempted robbery. 3, Boynton Beach R,A,P, and D,A,R.E, Carnival Mayor Harmening announced that this carnival consists of rides, games, food, drinks and prizes. It will be held on Thursday, December 9th through Sunday, December 12th, at Glendale Federal Bank at the southwest corner of Woolbright Road and South Congress Avenue. On Thursday and Friday, the carnival will start at 4:00 P. M. On Saturday and Sunday, it will start at noon. This event is being held to benefit the Boynton Beach D.A.R.E Scholarship Program, the Boynton Beach R.A.P. Program, the Boynton Beach Police Explorers Program, and the Boynton Beach Bulldogs. - 9 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 B. Presentations None. V, BIDS Contamination Assessment and 'Report on Fuel Tank Site Located at Public gorks Complex - Consideration of Awarding Btd to Unlversal Engineering Sciences of Riviera Beach, Florida, and Authorization to Execute Consultant Agreement (Proposed Resolution No. R93- ) The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Universal Engineering Sciences of Riviera Beach, Florida, in the amount of $8,070. The work includes monitoring wells split spoon soil samples, testing, evaluation, and preparation of the report and recommendations. Universal Engineering Sciences is the lowest, most responsive, responsible bidder who meets all specifications per Memorandum #93-253 from Bill DeBeck, Project Manager. City Manager Miller advised that this is the Contamination Asssessment Report {CAR) on the old fuel tank site located at the Public Works Complex. The lowest responsible bidder was Universal Engineering Sciences of Riviera Beach in the amount of $8,070 to conduct this work. He directed the Commission's attention to the memorandum from the Project Manager-which states that there are two other minor projects or tests the City needs to complete at this facility under direc- tion of DERM. One involves an underground fiberglass hydraulic fluid tank and the other is to test the four existing monitoring wells. This work could be done for an additional $1,330 on top of the $8,070. This work has to be done per DERM. Notion Commissioner Katz moved to award the bid to Universal Engineering Sciences of Riviera Beach, Florida, not to exceed $g,400. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. MAYOR HARMENING DECLARED A RECESS AT 7:16 P. M. MAYOR PRO TEM MATSON DID NOT RETURN WHEN THE MEETING RESUMED. VI, PUBLIC HEARING None. VII, PUBLIC AUDIENCE Charles Cox, 205 N. E. 3rd Street, recently completed the Citizens Police Academy and recommended that the Commissioners take this course. He said it was extremely enlightening and commended the Police Department. Henry Ackemann, 1004 S. W. 16th Street, Pastor of the Boynton Beach Congregational United Church of Christ, said he and others are troubled by the - 10 - HINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECE#BER 7, 1993 actions of the City Commission in the past months. He spoke about the racism that hovers over the City, and the politically motivated and prejudicial deci- sions made by the Commission and stated that some of those who sit on the Commission are not representing the people who elected them, but only their own ambitions. Bob Knickerbocker, who operates a business at 515 East Ocean Avenue, stated that the merchants on East Ocean Avenue wanted to do something on the block until such time as it is renovated. Ann Ford, the Downtown District Coordinator, arranged for the City to supply palm trees, etc., and now the street is beauti- ful. On behalf of the merchants, Mr. Knickerbocker thanked the Commission and Ms. Ford. Kevln Scully, who resides at 325 N. W. Ocean Avenue, recently purchased the property at 214 E. Ocean Avenue and requested assurance that the downtown proj- ect will commence in the spring as the Commission decided. Vice Mayor Aguila advised him that this was the last decision the Commission made. John Leep, President of Antique's Sold, Inc., 502 E. Ocean Avenue, thanked the Commission for what they have done with Ocean Avenue and strongly supported com- mencement of construction in April, 1994, due to the fact that the season begins in December, just after the holiday season. If construction were to start imme- diately, it would absolutely kill the merchant's season. He was very grateful to have Ms. Ford as Downtown District Coordinator and said she is fantastic working with the business owners. He thanked the Commission. On behalf of all the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach, Eddie Mitchell, 32g N. E. 12th Avenue, thanked the Commission for finally hiring a new Fire Chief. THERE BEING NO ONE ELSE WISHING TO SPEAK UNDER PUBLIC AUDIENCE, MAYOR HARMMENING DECLARED PUBLIC AUDIENCE CLOSED. VIII, DEVELOPHENT PLA~S None, IX, NEW BUSINESS Upkeep of Landscaping of Established Businesses Vice Mayor Aguila advised that a few meetings ago, he stated that the land- scaping around the perimeter of the Waste Water Treatment Plant should be tight and tall at planting time. However, the landscaping that was put in is not tight or tall. He wants to know who dropped the ball, why, how City Manager Miller is going to correct the problem, and how soon. He asked to be enlight- ened at the next meeting. Vice Mayor Aguila stated that after businesses are started, their properties tend to fall into disrepair. For example, at one time there must have been hedge material at the corner of U. S. 1 and Woolbright Road to separate the - 11 - *should read, Kevin Scully, 325 West Ocean Av~_nue..." MINUTES - REGULAR CITY C01~I$$]:0N NEET]:NG BOYNTON BEACH,, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 vehicular area from the street. In addition, there is no hedge material or landscaping between the property and the right-of-way at the corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue. He felt the City should'devise a program and monitor the properties so that people keep them up to the level they were approved at. He asked City Manager Miller to look into these two specific corners and also to come back to the Commission with some ideas of what can be done to better monitor this kind of thing and start policing some of these prop- erties that are totally ignoring what they agreed to when they came through for development. A, Municipal League Report The Municipal League has not met since the last report. Consider Request from Winchester and MarlJame Ltd. Regarding Removal of Billboards on Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue and Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to remove this item from the table. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. Mayor Harmening referred to the backup material attached to the agenda relative to billboards. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to approve the City Attorney's recommendation to give Winchester and Mar/Jame Ltd. five years, as we would any other sign. Mayor Harmening felt the ordinance should be amended also. City Attorney Cherof suggested suspending the enforcement of that provision of the ordinance as it affects annexed properties and at the same time start the process to amend the ordinance to give them the same five years that the proper- ties within the City have. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to direct the City Attorney to suspend the enforcement of the provision of the ordinance as it affects annexed properties and at the same time start the process to amend the ordinance to give them the same five years that the properties within the City have. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. C. Review and Update of Proposed Capital Zmprovement Projects for the Future for the City of Boynton Beach Commissioner Katz referred to the last paragraph in Agenda Memorandum No. 93-397, which stated that, "The projects on the list are by no means all inclu- - 12 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 sive; there may certainly be others that should be included that were inadver- tently left off." He requested the City Manager to provide him with copies of all the memos from all departments that were generated by his request. Vice Mayor Aguila noticed that there was no dollar value for the implementation of a sidewalk infill program on the list. City Manager Miller advised that he' is still working on that value, as well as the specific areas. Vice Mayor Aguila suggested discussing these projects and ways to fund them when there is a full Commission. City Manager Miller was directed to set up a workshop as early in January as possible. Mayor Harmening asked City Manager Miller to provide him with a copy of the results of the last State inspection of the bridges. Authorization to Proceed with an Early Retirement Incentive Study for City Employees as Presented by Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company, Actuary Mayor Hamening was not in favor of spending $5,000 for an actuarial study which was not budgeted. In response to Vice Mayor Aguila, City Manager Miller advised that at their last meeting, the Board of Trustees reviewed a letter from Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company which outlines services typically provided in an early retirement incen- tive study. There are many variations; however, this would be a generic one, at a fee not to exceed $5,000. The Pension Board discussed this and felt that since this issue of one of an employee benefit of an economic issue that it should be referred to the City Commission. Therefore, they refrained from taking any formal action on it. This study would outline the costs, if any, to the Pension Fund, associated with an early retirement incentive program. This study will provide the City Commission with financial information which it can use as a tool in making a decision. Commissioner Katz stated that when employees leave the City, the are paid for unused sick and vacation leave at their latest rate of pay. He asked the Personnel Department to calculate what it would have cost if employees were paid at the end of each year, instead of when they leave the City's employ. Mayor Harmening would like future retirees to be paid for sick and vacation leave based on their rate of pay at the time such leave was accrued. William Sullivan, Personnel Director, stated that if an employee was with the City for twenty years and used all their sick leave annually and were paid at the going rate each year, it would cost the City $32,000. If this employee did not use any sick leave for the full twenty years and left the City, he would receive $18,000. If this employee was hired under the new pay plan and retires in twenty years, assuming he did not use any time, he would be paid $11,000 in sick leave. - i3 - HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHNIS$IOH #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1993 Mr. Sullivan advised that trying to determine at what rate of pay the leave was accrued is almost a full-time job. Mr. Sullivan stated that Lake Worth has an early retirement incentive program. Belle Glade and Hialeah have had actuarial studies done. Mayor Harmening advised him to obtain information about Lake Worth's program, and Belle Giade's and Hialeah's actuarial studies. Commissioner Walshak felt management should be included in any form of an actuarial study. He stated that there is a ton of money to be saved through some early retirements of top management positions in the City. In addition to money savings, it would bring some new thinking to the City and maybe some addi- tional academic responsibilities. Commissioner Walshak stated that this City is definitely top heavy when it comes to paying employees at the management level. Norton Vice Mayor Aguila moved to table this item pending receipt of additional infor- mation. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. AUthorization to Schedule a ~olnt Neetlng of the Communlty Redevelopment Advisory Board and Community Redevelopment Agency for Review of Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant for the Oowntown Area and to Schedule a Neetlng in Early ~anuary, 1994 to Discuss Downtown Development Plans City Manager Miller asked that this meeting be dovetailed with the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board meeting scheduled for Monday, December 13, 1993. He advised that the City needs to submit a formal resolution relative to an application submittal due December 15, 1993. He also requested scheduling a workshop the first or second week in January for the purpose of providing an overview of the applicable current grant/funding programs and to discuss down- town development projects and plans. Notion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to meet on December 13, 1993 with the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board and to schedule a workshop meeting in early January for an overview of the applicable current grant/funding programs and to discuss downtown development projects and plans. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion for discussion purposes. He suggested scheduling this workshop at the same time as the workshop on the proposed capital improvement projects. Vice Mayor Aguila added this to his motion, which carried 3-1. Mayor Harmening cast the dissenting vote. F, Parking Requirements - Review of Study on the Back Up Olstance in Parking Lots Vice Mayor Aguila stated that this review was done in response to his request regarding twenty-seven foot aisles. - 14 - NINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECE#BER 7, 1993 #orlon Vice Mayor Aguila moved to amend the ordinances to make backup aisles twenty- four feet. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion. Mayor Harmening pointed out that staff recommended not reducing the current size of the aisle width. He felt there are a considerable number of people who would need that much space. Commissioner Katz felt the ordinance should be left as is and that special cases should be addressed as they arise. Vice Mayor Aguila felt the fire lanes were unnecessary and there is too much asphalt which cannot be used for drainage. In addition, he stated that statis- tically cars have gotten smaller. Therefore, the argument for larger aisles for elderly drivers is not valid. The motion failed 2-2. Mayor Harmening and Commissioner Katz voted nay. At this point in the meeting, Vice Mayor Aguila commended Mr. White on his two reports attached to the agenda. He stated that they were well written, thorough, and informative. G, Boat Docks Commissioner Walshak stated that a couple of citizens want to build boat docks. There is nothing in the code to prohibit one from building a boat dock on his own property in a private canal. However, once you put a protective covering over it, it is considered a structure and has to meet the setback requirements. City Manager Miller was directed to contact the Building or Planning and Zoning Department to survey the surrounding communities to find out how they address this and bring it back to the City Commission at their earliest possible con- venience. Notion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to move up Item XI.B to IX.H to accommodate Zuccala and Atlantis towing companies. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. H, Authorization to Proceed on the City's Towtng Contract Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant to the City Manager, stated that the draft contract before the Commission contains recommendations only. He also stated that Murphy's Towing is willing to continue their contract with the City until the new one is finalized. Vice Mayor Aguila felt this document should be an agreement to operate on a rotation basis, not a contract. City Attorney Cherof advised that it depends on - 15 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMf4ISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 the intent and that a contract can be entered into with each of the tow com- panies, subject to the condition that it is on a rotating basis. Commissioner Walshak stated that this is a rotation system, not a contractual obligation. Page 2 Vice Mayor Aguila felt the rates are too low, particularly for Class A. He stated that the tow companies bear heavy insurance, heavy liabilities, all kinds of gas taxes, and all kinds of maintenance. He felt the charge to tow motor- cycles should be the same as the charge for towing automobiles because they require the same tow truck, the same amount of time, and the same personnel. He felt Class A, including motorcycles, should cost $75. Commissioner Katz would like it to be $80. With regard to Class B and C, Commissioner Katz stated that those are much more expensive trucks to start up. He felt the charge should be $125 for Class B and $150 for Class C. With regard to items F and G (Class C (tractor trailer)), Vice Mayor Aguila asked why Class C is being limited to tractor trailers. He pointed out that garbage trucks and concrete trucks are Class C. He wanted tractor trailer elim- inated and replaced with 25,000 GVW. In addition, he noticed a typographical error in item G {$135 per towed mile}. Allen Knop of Mr. D's Towing advised that the County rate is $6 per mile. Vice Mayor Aguila stated that the $135 should be changed to $6. Commissioner Katz felt item H (extra time at the scene) should be $30 per half hour. He did not think it was fair to tie a truck up for $25 an hour. At his request, Vice Mayor Agreed to changing it to $30 per half hour. Recap: Class A - $75, including motorcycles Class B - $125 Class C - $150 Class C - $6 per towed mile Extra time at the scene - $30 per half hour Tractor trailer - changed to 25,000 GVW Page 3 Commissioner Aguila saw the tarp fee as an opportunity to make more money and felt the charge should be $15. Commissioners Katz and Walshak explained that the tarp protects the interior of the car and gets damaged during use. Commissioner Katz stated that the charges listed in item I, and the charge for the dollies in item J could be abused and felt they should be deleted. He also suggested that the charge for 4x4/off-road recovery should be the same as the charge for a Class A .call plus $30 per half hour for extra time at the scene. Under Section II, he believed the storage fee is a lot lower than what the County charges and felt outside storage should cost $20 and inside storage should cost $25. He pointed out that a lien notice costs $30 and the tow com- panies should not lose money to file the proper paperwork. - 16 - #XNUTE$ - REGULAR C]'TY COHN]:$$]:ON #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 7, 1993 Discussion ensued regarding the tarp fee. Drew Zuccala of Zuccala's Wrecker Service advised that he can purchase three vinyl tarps in a package for $20 or $25, The Commission agreed to reduce the tarp fee to $35, Recap: Item I - deleted 4x4/off-road recovery - $75 per call and $30 per half hour for extra time at the scene Tarp fee - $35 Dollies - deleted Section II - A. $20; B. $25; F. $30 Page 4 Vice Mayor Aguila felt the charge for Class A and B wrecker per hour on scene should be $60 and each extra man on the scene should cost $35. He pointed out that in addition to paying an extra man, the tow companies have to pay the overhead to have him. He was not in favor of City vehicles being towed for free and stated that the City pays everybody else for the service they provide the City. He did not think it was fair to ask the tow company for free service and stated that monies have been included in this year's budget for towing. Commissioner Katz felt that the City should pay at least a nominal charge. Mr. Hawkins advised him that if the City had to pay to have its garbage trucks towed, the budget would be wiped out in two months. He suggested language be inserted to address towing of all size vehicles and road service at 50 percent of the contract rates. Vice Mayor Aguila did not want the tow companies to lose money when they tow City vehicles. Mayor Harmening pointed out that it would be hard to determine what the cost would be. City Manager Miller added that the cost could be different for each tow. Commissioner Walshak stated that the rates are predicated on the company covering their overhead and costs and adding a percenage of ten and ten or ten and fifteen percent profit. Therefore, if you use the ten and fifteen, 25 percent, a relatively safe number would probably be anywhere from 65 to 75 percent of the cost. Mayor Harmening agreed with Mr. Hawkins' recommendation of 50 percent. Mr. Knop did not think any of the towing companies would have a problem with the 50 percent. The Commission agreed to the 50 percent. Vice Mayor Aguila felt the paragraph pertaining to labor charge is vague and does not cover some of the conditions that may arise when the tow companies have to call for additional help. In addition, it does not provide for a way of covering the City or compensating the tow companies for their extra work. Commissioner Katz suggested going to the first half hour and then quarter hour increments. Mr. Hawkins stated that this is more or less a check and balance system to make sure that the tow companies do not start charging for labor unnecessarily and that when they do start for labor, it is totally for the reason of extra work on a real serious situation. In response to Vice Mayor Aguila, Mr. Hawkins advised that the tow companies have to validate any charges on the tow ticket, which is subject to the City's evaluation. Any time they charge extra, they have to substantiate the reasons for charging extra. - 17 - NINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COI4HIS$ION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 7, 1993 Recap: Class A and B wrecker per hour on scene - $60 per hour Extra man {each} on scene - $35 per hour City owned/leased vehicle rates - 50 percent Page 5 Vice Mayor Aguila referred to the language in the paragraph regarding "Term" and stated that this is not a "contract". He pointed out the word "of" is missing from the second sentence and wished to change the word "will" to "may". page 8 Commissioner Walshak would like the following added to the end of the first paragraph: "and approved or ratified by the City Commission." Page 15 In response to Vice Mayor Aguila, Mr. Hawkins stated that it can be specified that the City shall be given preference only on emergency calls for service. Page 19 Vice Mayor Aguila wanted the word "modern" stricken from the fifth line. ~age 20 With regard to performance probation period, Vice Mayor Aguila suggested that if tow companies are going to be added or deleted from the rotation list, the City Commission be informed. Mr. Hawkins advised that this would definitely be sub- ject to the City Commission's approval. Page 21 Vice Mayor Aguila was interested in a range for response time. He suggested Class A and B have a range of 20 to 30 minutes and Class C have a range of 45 to 60 minues. At this point, Commissioner Walshak pointed out that a lot of the language is contractual in nature and should be changed to refer to a rotation type agreement. With regard to formal reprimand, he was not agreeable to the City Manager or his designee having sole discretion. He did not feel any one person should have this authority. Page 22 Instead of a $100 fine and two months' suspension or termination at the City's option for any further offense, Commissioner Katz would like it to be three months' suspension or termination at the City's option. - 18- HINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNI$$ION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 7, 1993 Rage 27 vice Mayor Aguila felt $750,000 insurance is ridiculous and stated that $300,000 is good enough for the State and County. Mr. Hawkins recommended $500,000 since this is the City's general rule for all contracts. Mayor Harmening did not think $500,000 was enough. He felt $1,000,000 would be better due to costs and the propensity to sue. Don Lindsay of Atlantic Towing has two trucks and said his insurance company wants $2,800 per year per truck to raise his liability insurance from $500,000 to $750,000. Mr. Knop carries $300,000 on his five trucks. His insurance com- pany wants $2,638 per truck to increase it to $750,000 and this is a reduced rate for having a good safety record. He stated that last year when the Highway Patrol rules were rewritten, they decided to remain with the $300,000 because there had been no instances that the insurance could not cover. Mr. Zuccala stated that the small trucks usually carrY $300,000. However, the County requires companies to carry $500,000 to run anything over 25,000 GVW {Class B and C). It was agreed that the tow companies need only carry $300,000 in liability insurance. Page 3o Commissioner Katz wanted the minimum vehicle storage capacity reduced to 25. He felt 25 was sufficient since a rotation system will be implemented. Mr. Hawkins pointed out that many Code Enforcement vehicles are towed. Commissioner Walshak stated that if a tow company cannot take any more vehicles, the next company on the rotation list should be called. Mr. Lindsay stated that the 54 spaces is based on rotating the Code Enforcement vehicles on a monthly basis. Therefore, in any one given month, a company might be required to store 30 to 40 vehicles. It was agreed to reduce the vehicle storage capacity to 25. Pa.ge 31 vice Mayor Aguila expressed concern about a crime scene vehicle being transported back and forth. He felt a limit should be put on it. Commissioner Katz would like a minmum of one inside storage space for crime scene vehicles. Police Chief Thomas Dettman advised that on an average, there would only be two or three crime scene vehicles. Page 32 Vice Mayor Aguila felt paragraph D is too open-ended and crime scene vehicles could be stored until the end of time. Chief Dettman advised that the longest period of time the tow company would be asked to store a vehicle would be for five days. Paragraph G was eliminated. - 19- HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COI~ISSIOH #EETIHG BOYHTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1993 Page 35 Commissioner Katz felt section 30 (Radio Communication) should be deleted because page 18 states that the wreckers shall contain a telephone or radio com- munications system to enable continuous direct contact between the driver and the office of the wrecker company. Mr. Hawkins will correct this. Page 36 Commissioner Katz felt number 32 (Reports} should be deleted because it is prob- ably unncessary duplication and the City probably has all that. Mr. Hawkins would like this language left in because it specifies what is required. Mr. Lindsay said he talked to the sergeant in charge of towing at the Police Department. The sergeant said he would like to have a simplified version of what is requested and that as time progressed and he saw how this worked, if he did not feel it was necessary, he would like the option to be able to delete it. Page 41 Commissioner Katz felt number 43 {Performance Bond) should be deleted since this is a rotation system. Page 42 With regard to disposal of vehicles, Vice Mayor Aguila felt the City should at least cover the expenses incurred by the tow company. Mr. Hawkins will amend the language to state "no extra charges other than the contractor's". Mr. Zuccala pointed out that road service was not discussed. This is on page 4, Section IV. Commissioner Katz felt it should be raised to $50. Mr. Hawkins advised that the County rate is $30. It was agreed to raise it to $30. Mr. Zuccala explained gate fees to the Commission. If someone wants the con- tents of their car at night or on a holiday when the compound is closed, a fee is charged to open the gate for them. The County rate is $25. The Commission agreed to the $25 gate fee. MAYOR HARMENING DECLARED A RECESS AT 9:33 P. M. THE MEETING RESUMED AT 9:40 P. Mo X. LEGAL A, Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No, 093-40 Re: Annexation - Storage Partners III Ltd, (Property Totaling 3,$2 Acres Extending from Federal Highway, Approximately 600 Feet North of Gulfstream Boulevard - Stow-A-Way Self Storage) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-40 by title only. - 20 - NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHt4ISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 7, 1993 2, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-41 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Storage Partners III Ltd, Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-41 by title 3, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-42 Re: Rezonlng - Storage Partners III Ltd, Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-42 by title only. 4, Proposed Ordl~nce No, 093-43 Re: Annexation - Kowal Property (Property Totaling 2,41 Acres on West Stde of Federal Highway, Approxln~tely 880 Feet South of Old Dlxte Highway Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-43 by title only. 5. Proposed Ordinance No, 093-44 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Kovr~l Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-44 by title only. 6, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-45 Re: Rezonlng - Kowal Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-45 by title only. 7, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-46 Re: Annexation - Lynn Property (Property totallng 2,08 Acres Located on the West Stde of Federal Hlgh~ay, Approxlmtely 700 Feet South of Old Dlxle Highway Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-46 by title only. 8, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-47 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Lynn Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-47 by title only. 9, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-48 Re: Rezonlng - Lynn Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-48 by title only. 10, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-49 Re: Annexation - Broward Pump & Supply Company (The O,68Acre Parcel Located on the East Slde of Old Otxte Hlghv~/, Approximately 114 #tle North of Gulfstrem Boulevard) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-49 by title only. 11, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-50 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Bro~ard Pump & Supply Cempan~ - 21 - #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHIS$IOH NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 7, 1993 Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-50 by title only. 12, Proposed Ordinance No. 093-51 Re: Rezonlng - Broward Pump & Supply Company Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-51 by title only. #orlon Vice Mayor Aguila moved to delete Proposed Ordinances No. 093-52, 093-53 and 093-54 from the agenda before second reading. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. (Commissioner Katz was not in the Chambers at the time.) 16, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-55 Re: Annexation - Tltcomb Property (The 0,20 Acre Parcel Located on the East Side of Old Dixie Highway, Approximately 400 Feet West of Federal Highway) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance Ho. 093-55 by title only. 17, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-56 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Tltcomb Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-56 by title only. 18, Proposed Ordinance No. 093-57 Re: Rezontng - Tttcomb Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-57 by title only. 19, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-58 Re: Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment - Tltcomb Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-58 by title only. 20, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-59 Re: Annexation - Beach Property (The 0,09 Acre Parcel Located on the East $tde of Federal Htghway, Approximately 114 #tle North of the Gulfstream#all) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-59 by title only. 21, Proposed Ordinance No. 093-60 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Beach Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance Ho. 093-60 by title only. 22, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-61 Re: Rezonlng - Beach Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-61 by title only. 23. Proposed Ordinance No, 093-62 Re: Annexation - Dingle Property (The 0,36 Acre Parcel Located Approximately 550 Feet East of - 22 - #INUTES - REGULAR CITY COHNISSION HEETIHG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1993 Federal HIghv~y, In~edtately South of Colonlal Club Condominium (#3 Vlrgtnta Gardens)) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-62 by title only. 24. Proposed Ordinance No. 093-63 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Otngle Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-63 by title only. 25. Proposed Ordinance No. 093-64 Re: Rezonlng -Dlngle Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-64 by title only. 26. Proposed Ordinance No. 093-65 Re: Annexation - Hopl~zlan Property (The 0.21 Acre Parcel Located Approximately 400 Feet East of Federal Htghway, In~nedtately South of Colonial Club Condominium (#2 Vlrgtnta Gardens)) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance Ho. 093-65 by title only. 27. Proposed Ordinance No. 093-66 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Hoplamazlan Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-66 by title only. 28. Proposed Ordinance No. 093-67 Re: Rezonlng - Hopl~zlan Property Attorney Cherol' read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-67 by title only. 29, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-68 Re: Annexation - Lewis Property (The 0.11 Acre Parcel Located on the East Slde of Old Dixie Hlghway, Approxlmtely 845 Feet gest of Federal Hlgh~ay) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-68 by title only. 30. Proposed Ordinance Ho, 093-69 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Lewl s Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-69 by title only. 31, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-70 Re: Rezontng - kwls Property Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-70 by title only. 32, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-71 Re: Amend Police Penslon Plan to Incorporate Internal Revenue Servlces Requirements (Pre-Tax Status) - 23 - NINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNI$$ION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, ~993 Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-71 by title only. NO ONE WISHING TO SPEAK IN FAVOR OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO ANY OF THESE PROPOSED ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING, MAYOR HARMENING DECLARED THE PUBLIC AUDIENCE CLOSED. Notion Commissioner Katz moved to approve Proposed Ordinances 093-40 through 093-71, excluding 093-52, 093-53, and 093-54, on second reading. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 4-0. B, Ordinances - Zst Readtng 1, Proposed Ordinance No, 093-72 Re: Establishment of a $torm~ater Utility Fee Program Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-72 by title only. At the request of Mayor Harmening, the words "and upon recommendation of the director" were deleted from paragraph {b} on page 4. City Attorney Cherof stated that the current language would prohibit you from changing without the recommendation of the director. Notion Conznissioner Walshak moved to approved Proposed Ordinance No. 093-72 on first reading, as amended. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion carried 4-0. C, Other 1, Ratification of Settlement Agreement - Agnes Romaine City Manager Miller advised that this is in the amount of $8,500 for bodily injury claimed as a result of a slip and fall. Notion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to ratify the settlement agreement for Agnes Romaine, in the amount of $8,500. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. 2, Set Date for Impasse Hearing wtth Police Unlon It was agreed that this item will be placed on the next regular City Commission meeting. - 24 - NINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEHBER 7, 1993 3. Revised Letter of Credlt Policy City Attorney Cherof stated that there is an existing ordinance dealing with what qualifies as an acceptable letter of credit for development projects. We have been running into some problems with classification, the peer group ratings, and issues which the Finance Department is responsible for verifying. He would like to bring back some recommended changes to evaluate Letters of Credit. He stated that a number of banks now do not issue Letters of Credit that are open-ended. They issue one year Letters of Credit with renewal dates. Our Letters of Credits are open-ended and cannot be rescinded without Commission approval. On a few occasions we have had banks indicate that they do not have a registered agent in Palm Beach County and we do require a registered agent in Palm Beach County so that we do not have to chase a Letter of Credit all over the State. He would like to bring back a couple of suggestions that requires an ordinance. He will bring back a proposal in ordinance form, not for first reading, but simply for the Commission's review at the next meeting. Mayor Harmening asked him to send it to the Commission before the next meeting so that it can be reviewed prior to the meeting. In response to Commissioner Walshak, City Attorney Cherof stated that the norm has changed in the last couple of years and it is getting more difficult to find lenders who will issue credits that comply with our code. XI, OLD BUSINESS A, Drexel Properties Water Servtce Agreement City Attorney Cherof distributed an opinion letter from Richard Michaelson, the City Attorney for Lauderhill. In Mr. Michaelson's opinion, the Water Service Agreement expires on June 27, 1994. Commissioner Katz was interested in annexing this property into the City. Mayor Harmening pointed out that Drexel owns very little property. All of the prop- erty they have sold has since been conveyed to individual property owners. In response to Commissioner Katz, City Attorney Cherof advised that the City could consider pursuing a legislative bill to annex all of that area. Another option would be to go to a dual referendum on a parcel by parcel basis. In response to Commissioner Walshak, City Attorney Cherof stated that there is still at least one undeveloped parcel owned by Drexel. The balance of what was covered under the original agreement has been conveyed to individual property owners, who have inherited the rates under the Drexel Agreement. Commissioner Walshak inquired when the Drexel Agreement comes due again and we renegotiate, are we renegotiating with everybody that signed that initially or just with the Drexel properties that are owned now. City Attorney Cherof advised that the City would have to do both to affect all the properties that were covered by the original agreement. Drexel would not contract with the City on behalf of people who they conveyed property to ten or fifteen years ago. - 25 - *should read, "All of the property they once owned has since been conveyed..." NINUTES - REGULAR. CITY CONNISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1993 Commissioner Walshak stated that when the agreement expires, many properties will be using City services without a service agreement. In response, City Attorney Cherof advised that the City can pursue each of those property owners to enter into agreement with the City. Commissioner Walshak asked if a legal problem exists by servicing properties that no longer have a service agreement with the City. City Attorney Cherof said no. B. Authorization to Proceed on the City's Towing Contract This item was discussed earlier in the meeting. C. Parking Requirements - Review of Study on the Back Up Distance in Parking Lots This item was discussed earlier in the meeting. XII, CITY NANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Miller had nothing to report at this time. XIII. OTHER None. XIV, AOJOURNNENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:21P. M. ATTEST: Ci t3~'Cl erk - Recording Secretary (Four Tapes) THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor Vice Mayor - 26 - THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER ~In Re: The application of SALLY LEWIS Rezoning from RM (Residential Medium Denisity) in Palm Beach County to R-1-A (Single-Family Residential) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: f~-~ -?3 ATTEST: City Clerk By:~CH THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER In Re: The application of MICHAEL H. HOPLAMAZIAN Rezoning from RM (Residential Medium Denisity) in Palm Beach County to R-1-A (Single-Family Residential) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: /~'/3 - ~ ATTEST: City Clerk BY: Mayor THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER In Re: The application of RONALD J. AND MARGUERITE DINGLE Rezoning from RM (Residential Medium Density) in Palm Beach County to R-1-A (Single-Family Residential) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. , 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: ATTE ST: City Clerk EACH BY: , ._, MayorI ~~__ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER In Re: The application of ELOISE F. BEACH Rezoning from CG (General Commercial) in Palm Beach County to C-3 (Community Commercial) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in.conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: /.~ ~ ~ - 93 ATTEST: City Clerk ' Mayor THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER In Re: The application of JAMES AND FRANCIE TITCOMB Rezoning from CHO (Commercial High Office) in Palm Beach County to C-1 (Office/Professional) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land'use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject hereto. DATED: /~-~3-~ ATTEST: City Clerk to staff comments as attached ~EACH BY:~ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER In Re: The application of BROWARD PUMP & SUPPLY COMPANY Rezoning from CG (General Commercial) in Palm Beach County to C-4 (General Commercial) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: /Z-/3 -93 ATTE ST: City Clerk CITY OF ~YNTON~BEACH THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER In Re: The application of MARIE E. LYNN Rezoning from RS/SE (Residential Single-Family with Special Exception) in Palm Beach County to C-3 (Community Commercial) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3~ The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: ATTEST: City Clerk BEACH BY:~ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER In Re: The application of BRUCE R. KOWAL Rezoning from CG (General Commercial and RM (Residential Medium Density to C-3 (Community Commercial) This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: ATTEST: City Clerk BY:~~---CITY OF YNTON %BEACH In Re: CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ORDER The application of STORAGE PARTNERS III LTD. Rezoning from CG (General Commercial) and RM (Residential Medium Density in Palm Beach County to C-3 (Community Commercial). This matter came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, December 7, 1993, requesting rezoning in conjunction with an annexation application. The Board having heard the recommendation of city administrative staff finds the following: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan for the subject parcel. 2. The rezoning is not contrary to the established land use pattern and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts. 3. The rezoning would not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the applicant's Petition for rezoning is granted subject to staff comments as attached hereto. DATED: ATTEST: CITY OF BQ~NTON B.EACH ~ . -Mayor ~ AGENDA DECEMBER 7, 1993 III. CONSENT AGENDA D cc: Rec, Util, Fin m 10. A A ADVANCED AIR SERVICE P. O. 5512. REMOVE & REPLACE EXISTING AIR HANDLER. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REVENUE FUND -- 401-391-5-433-00 $2,576.00 ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, INC. P. O. 5694. INSURANCE, BILLING, AND COLLECTIONS FOR ALS CALLS. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-221-5-468-00 $3,996.87 AMERICAN UGHTING MAINTENANCE, INC. P. O. 5529. REPLACE 225 KVA TRANSFORMER & 3 CONTACTORS. PAY FROM SELF INSURANCE FUND -- 622-195-5-440-01 $8,250.00 ASHLAND CHEMICAL P. O. 5833. WATER PROCESSING CHEMICAL. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-336-5-365-00 $3,785.05 BARNETT BANKS TRUST COMPANY, N.A. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEE AND CUSTODIAL FEE FOR QUARTER ENDING 9/30/93. PAY FROM RETIREMENT TRUST FUND -- 611-137-5-225-00 $21,016.77 BOYNTON PUMP & IRRIGATION SUPPLY P. O. 5714. IRRIGATION PARTS/SUPPLIES. PAY FROM WAREHOUSE FUND -- 502-000-0-410-14 $3,078.32 BUDGET FENCE COMPANY P. O. 6032. ALTERATION OF FENCE AT LS 316 - PROTECTION FROM VANDALISM. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-352-5-499-00 $1,036.00 CH2M HILL TASK ORDERS. PAY FROM 1990 CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10 - $26,189.44 PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-391-5-468-00 - $243.98 PAY FROM UTILITY CAPITAL IMPR FUND -- 404-000-0-691-10 - $2,238.25 $28,671.67 CANTWAY TRAILER MFG. INC. P. O. 5875. SAFE STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT IN #178. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-351-5-642-00 $1,296.10 CHEMUME P. O. 5718. LIME FOR CHEMICAL SOFTENING. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-335-5-365-00 $5,842.40 COMMISSION DEC ? 199,~ APPROVAL 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. COASTAL FUELS MARKETING, INC. P. O. 5766. FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES. PAY FROM VEHICLE SERVICES FUND -- 501-193-5-321-00 CUSHING DEMOUTION P. O. 4707. N. TRTMNT PLANT DEMOLITION. PAY FROM UTILITY GENERAL FUND -- 403-000-0-691-10 DATA FLOW SYSTEMS, INC. P. O. 4633. DACS PROJECT. PAY FROM 1990 CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10 DAVIS HAMILTON JACKSON & ASSOCIATES INVESTMENT MGMT FEE FOR QUARTER ENDING 9/30/93. PAY FROM RETIREMENT TRUST FUND -- 611-137-5-225-00 DELTEC CORPORATION P. O. 5450. PARTS TO REPAIR CIRCUIT BOARDS. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-352-5-433-00 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. P. O. 5820. UPGRADE LS 502 (COSTA BELLA). PAY FROM W & S UTILITY REV. FUND -- 421-000-0-691-21 FITCH ELECTRIC CORP. P. O. 6058. REHAB LIFT STATION 502. PAY FROM W & S UTILITY REV. FUND -- 421-000-0-691-21 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT DAMAGE TO POWER FACILITY WHEN SANITATION VEHICLE HIT POLE. PAY FROM SELF INSURANCE FUND -- 622-195-5-440-01 FLORIDA UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FUND UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FOR QUARTER ENDING 9/30/93. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-194-5-132-00 - $3,118.85 PAY FROM SANITATION FUND -- 431-341-5-132-00 - $134.39 FORD NEW HOLLAND, INC. P. O. 4634. OLD LANDFILL CARE & MAINT. PAY FROM SANITATION FUND -- 431-000-1-479-60 $4,718.92 $26,858.05 $74,550.00 $18,011.37 $4,935.39 $3,801.60 $1,998.00 $2,360.74 $3,253.24 $16,808.00 COMMISSION DEC ? ~993 APPROVAL 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. FORSYTHE COMPUTERS P. O. 5928. BUDGETED HIGH SPEED PRINTER PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-134-5-670-02 - $2,070.62 P. O. 5931. LASER PRINTER FOR RECREATION. PAY FROM M)SC. TRUST FUND -- 691-000-1-693-10 - $1,801.05 P. O. 5932. COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-243-5-670-02 - $4,580.36 P. O. 5980. MONITOR AND SYSTEM UNIT. PAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS -- 105-221-5-670-02 - $2,478.95 THE FOUR M GROUP, INC. P. O. 5847. SNACKS FOR LATCHKEY AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM. PAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS -- 105-723-5-499-00 GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERWCES FOR PER~OD END~NG OCT. 24, AND 29, 1993. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-392-5-463-00 - $11,586.68 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PERIOD ENDING 10/29/93. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTR. -- 301-722-5-624-24 - $1,454.68 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER P. O. 5835. COLMAN ULTRA MAG II, REPL FOR UNIT PURCHASED IN 1981. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-336-5-642-00 GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES P. O. 5981. REPLACE DAMAGED COALA SYSTEMS. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-000-1-451-27 GOLDEN EAGLE ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS, INC. PAYMENT #1 FOR PHASE II OF CDGB SUB AREA NO. 1. PAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS -- 105-513-5-630-17 HUGHES SUPPLY, INC. P. O. 5900. TEST HYDRANTS IN QUANTUM PARK. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV.FUND -- 401-333-5-654-00 - $1,575.00 P.O. 5811. WATER METERS. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-333-5-387-00 - $15,400.00 INSURANCE SERVICING AND ADJUSTING COMPANY PAYMENT OF WORKERS' COMP CLAIMS ADMIN. FEES FOR 10/93. PAY FROM SELF INSURANCE FUND -- 622-195-5-447-00 $10,930.98 $1,404.00 $13,041.36 $2,075.00 $1,381.89 $55,165.52 $16,975.00 $2,010.00 COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. JOHNSON, ANSELMO, MURDOCH, BURKE & GEORGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES & EXPENSES: JAEGER VS CITY OF BOYNTON ET AL - $669.55; CITRUS GLEN LTD. VS CITY OF BOYNTON - $356.70 $1,026.25 JOSlAS & GOREN, P. ~. LEGAL FEES - ADV. VINCENT FINIZIO. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-141-5-468-00 $1,51 7.80 KIMMINS RECYCUNG P. O. 5535. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS CENTER. PAY FROM SANITATION FUND -- 431-341-5-490-01 $3,867.40 LESCO P. O. 5998. FERTILIZER USED BY CITY. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-722-5-361-00 $2,242.00 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR SPECIAL LIBRARY SERVICE. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-711-5-661-00 $1,920.00 NEIGHBORHOOD FAMILY DOCTOR $1,324.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS FOR 12 PEOPLE (3 OF THOSE WERE POLICE TESTS). PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-135-5-460-01 THE NEWS LEGAL ADVERTISING FOR 9/93 AND 10/93.. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-122-5-475-00 $3,175.77 NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT WATER CONTROL MONITORING. PAY FROM STORM WATER UTILITIES FUND -- 425-000-0-692-10 $10,466.67 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS INC. ADVERTISING FOR LIFEGUARD AND ENGINEERING INSPECTOR. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-135-5-475-00 $1,252.68 PEERLESS PUMP COMPANY P. O. 5911. REPL ALLIS CHALMERS SERIES PUMP FOR LS 319. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-352-5-433-03 $1,972.22 PEROXIDATION SYSTEMS INC. P. O. 5582. CORROSION CONTROL CHEMICAL/ PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-352-5-365-00 $1,500.00 PICARD CHEMICAL COMPANY P. O. 5921. REPLACE & UPGRADE VACUUMS. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-192-5-641-00 CO $3,024.00 MMISSiON DEC ? ].99~ APPROVAL 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 49. 50. 51. POOLE & KENT COMPANY P. O. 858. CONSTRUCTION OF WEST WATER TRTMNT PLANT. PAY FROM 1990 CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10 REGAL CHEMICAL COMPANY P. O. 5623. CHEMICALS FOR GOLF COURSE. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REV. FUND -- 411-726-5-361-00 $106,184.29 $1,040.00 SCHLUMBERGER INDUSTRIES P. O. 5809. REPLACE PARTS/WATER METERS. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-333-5-398-00 $6,419.86 SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. P. O. 5887. INSTALLATION OF SECURITY/FIRE PROTECTION IN NEW MAINT. BUILDING BAY ADDITION. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REV. FUND -- 411-726-5-680-09 $1,787.33 SMITH SECKMAN REID, INC. P. O. 6118. HVAC SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTR. -- 301-194-5-468-00 $4,5OO.OO SOUTH TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER BASIC WATER SURVIVAL COURSE FOR 84 STUDENTS. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-221-5-470-10 $1,134.00 SOUTHEASTERN MUNICIPAL SUPPLY P. O. 5899. TEST HYDRANTS IN QUANTUM PARK. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-333-5-390-05 $2,517.00 SOUTHEASTERN PUMP CORP. P. O. 5850. REHAB LIFT STATION 502. PAY FROM W & S UTILITY REV. FUND -- 421-000-0-691-21 - $7,060.00 $10,145.00 P. O. 5854. ANCHOR ROTO FLOATS. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-352-5-345-00 - $3,085.00 SOUTHLAND EQUIPMENT CORP. P. O. 5994. 2 NEW FLEET VEHICLES FOR SANITATION. PAY FROM VEHICLE SERVICES FUND -- 501-193-5-688-00 $144,932.00 STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSTRUCTION MGMT SERVICES-WEST WTR TRTMNT PLANT. PAY FROM 1990 CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10 $100,310.00 STOFFEL SEALS CORP. P. O. 5953. JUNIOR POLICE BADGES. PAY FROM MISC. TRUST FUND -- 691-000-1-691-20 $1,072.00 5 COMk ISS ON DEC '~ 199~ APPROVAL 52. $4,400.00 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. SYSTEM SOLUTIONS P. O. 5656. ANTISCALANT FOR MENB.AT WWTP. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-335-5-365-00 SYSTEMATIC SERVICES, INC. P. O. 5769. PULL, REPAIR AND RE-INSTALL IRRIGATION PUMP #4. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REV. FUND -- 411-726-5-390-02 TARE LAWN MAINTENANCE P. O. 5781. LANDSCAPE CONTRACT. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-722-5-430-15 TENNIS TECHNOLOGY, INC. P. O. 6054. TENNIS COURT MAINT. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTR. -- 301-721-5-629-00 U C I PAINTS P. O. 5816. LINELASER 5000/PAINT STRIPPING MACHINE W/2 GUNS. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTR. 301-411-5-642-00 W. A. CHARNSTROM CO. P. O. 5878. MA~L ROOM SUPPLIES. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-122-5-671-00 VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER FUND ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-221-5-985-00 XEROX CORP. P. O. 5720. LEASE, MAINT., METER USAGE OF COPIERS. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-194-5-422-00 - $2,057.12 P. O. 5949. COPIER SUPPLIES. PAY FROM WAREHOUSE FUND -- 502-000-0-410-10 - $1,694.00 HOLIDAY INN CATALINA CENTER ANNUAL BOARD DINNER - DECEMBER 2, 1993. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-111-5-450-08 $3,200.00 $11,51 9.50 $2,690.00 $4,600.O0 $1,263.89 $1,552.00 $3,751.12 $4,218.68 COMMISSION DEC APPROVAL THESE BILLS HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND VERIFIED BY THE DEPARTMENT HEADS INVOLVED. CHECK AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. ~ECTOR THEREFORE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF THESE BILLS. J. SCOTT MILLER, CITY MANAGER '7 COMMISSION OEC '~ 1993 APPROVAL _.Form No. 121, Revised 5/1/75 APPROVAL. DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Lse issue a check in the amount of $ 2,620.00 Gee & Jenson Enqineers, Architects, Planners. Inc. P.O. Box 24600 For: West'Palm Beach, Fi 33416-4600 Invoice No. 24796 - Contract Administration Services Phase II Community Development Block Grant Services for period ending October 29, 1993 Requested by J. ~cott Miller Approvals: City Manager /' Date November 23t 1993 FUND DEPT BASIC ELE!OBJ AMOUNT .401 392 5 463 ,.00 $2,620 00 TOTAL $2,620 00 COMMISSION DEC ? 1993 APPROVAL GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-46(X) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: MR. SCOTT MILLER NOVEMBER 11, 1993 INVOICE NO. 24796 PROJECT NO. 93-134.20 FOR: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES PH II COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 29, 1993 SERVICE FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1993 2,620.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 2,620.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 24289 DATE 10/25/93 TOTAL CUMULATIVE BILLINGS FEE TOTALS 2,620.00 2,620.00 CURRENT 2,620.00 2,620.00 TOTAL NOW DUE PRIOR PDS 3,930.00 CONI ISSION 3,930.00 DEC '~ 1997 APPROVAL -"17-?~:~ TO-DATE 6,550.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. form No. 121. Revised 5/1/75 i~ DOI.~I EXTENSION: 443 DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount of $1,454.68 GEE & JENSON P.O. BOX 24600 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416-4600 VENDOR NO. For .- SARA SIMS PARK RACQUETBALL COURTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 29, 1993. INVOICE ~24566 ATTACHED, Requested b~ JOHN WILDNER Approvals: Finance Dept. ~ City Manager Date 12-02-93 o-- T 301 7~2 5 624 24 ]~1,454 I b,..~l Jill ? 1993' ~TAL $1,454.68 DEC APPROVAL Form No. 121. Revised 5/1/75 EXTENSION: 443 DIREC? PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount of $1,454.68 For: GEE & JENSON P.O. BOX 24600 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416-4600 SARA SIMS PARK RACQUETBALL COURTS VENDOR NO. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PERIOD E~ING OCTOBER 29, 1993. INVOICE 24566 AT ED Requested b~ ..... JOHN WILDNER Approvals: Dept. Head Finance Dept. City Manager / / / / DEC ? 1993 APPROVAL Date 12-02-93 FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 301 722 5 624 24 'i,~1,454 \! TOTAL $1,454.68 GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT T0 P.O. Box 24600 6_460~IJ West Palm Beach, FL 3341 BOYNTON BEACH RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33425-0310 NovEMBER 18, 1993 INVOICE NO. 24566 PROJECT NO. 93-267.00 FOR: SARA SIMS PARK RACQUETBALL COURTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 29, 1993 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE ARCHITECT 12.0 65.00 SECRETARY 1.9 25.00 TOTALS 13.9 TOTAL LABOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES COMPUTER CHARGES PRNTG & REPRODUCTION BUDGET SUMMARY 64.00 563.18 CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 827.50 5,457.50 6,285.00 LIMIT 6,760.00 AMOUNT 780.00 47.50 827.50 827.50 TOTAL THIS INVOICE 627.18 CUMULATIVE BILLINGS CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 827.50 5,457.50 6,285.00 EXPENSES 627.18 173.37 800.55 TOTALS 1,454.68 5,630.87 7,085.55 1,454.68 COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH ~ FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO PO. Box 24600 West Palm Beach.. FL 33416-4600 BOYNTON BEACH RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33425-0310 NOVEMBER 18, 1993 INVOICE NO. 24566 PROJECT NO. 93-267.00 FOR: SARA SIMS PARK RACQUETBALL COURTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 29, 1993 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE ARCHITECT 12.0 65.00 SECRETARY 1.9 25.00 TOTALS 13.9 TOTAL LABOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES COMPUTER CHARGES PRNTG & REPRODUCTION BUDGET SUMMARY AMOUNT 780.00 47.50 827.50 827.50 64.00 563.18 627.18 CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 827.50 5,457.50 6,285.00 LIMIT 6,760.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ CUMULATIVE BILLINGS CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 827.50 5,457.50 6,285.00 EXPENSES 627.18 173.37 800.55 TOTALS 1,454.68 5,630.87 7,085.55 1,454.68 COMMISSION DEC 'l' 1993 APPROVAL HERE:BY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SE:R'VICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COlvlPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF !9:38, AS AMENDED. Form No. 121, Revised 5/]/75 DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION_ ~lease issue a check in the amount of $ 2,040.00 Gee & Jenson Enqineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. P.O. Box 24600 For: West Palm Beachr Fi 33416-4600 Invoice No. 24392 - Retainer for City Enqineerin9 Services Profession Services for period ending Oct. 24. 1993 Requested by James D. White, P.E. Approvals: Dept- Head~z/.~ ~ ~~ City Manager Date November 12, 1993 FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 401 .392 5 463 00 $2,040 00 J TOTAL $2,040 00 COMMISSION DEC ? 1993 APPROVAL GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 3,3416-4600 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: MR. VINCE FINIZIO NOVEMBER 4, 1993 INVOICE NO. 24392 PROJECT NO. 93-049.10 FOR: RETAINER FOR CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 24, 1993 2,040.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 2,040.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 24287 DATE 10/25/93 TOTAL 2,040.00 2,040.00 TOTAL NOW DUE COMMISSION DEC '~ 1993 APPROVAL HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF !938, AS AMENDED. ~O~m No. 121, Revised 5/1/75 APPROVAL DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION 'lease issue a check in the amount of $1.841.~Q Gee & Jenson Enqineers, Architects, Planners, Inc, P.O. Box 24600 For: West Palm Beachr Fi 33416-4600 Invoice No. 24393 - Costa Bella Outfall Professional Services for period endinq Oct. 29, 1993 Requested by J. Scott Miller Approvals: Dept Head Dept City Manager Date November 12r 1993 FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT q .401 392 5 46.3 00 $1r841 80 ~OTAL $1,841 80 COMMISSION DEC ? ].993 APPROVAL GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Ino. PLEASE REMIT TO RO. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: MR. J. SCOTT MILLER NOVEMBER 4, 1993 INVOICE NO. 24393 PROJECT NO. 93-207.00 FOR: COSTA BELLA OUTFALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 29, 1993 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SR.ENG/ARCH/PLNR ENG/ARC/PLNR/SUR SECRETARY ADMIN/CLERICAL TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS RATE AMOUNT 16.0 85.00 1,360.00 1.0 80.00 80.00 5.0 65.00 325.00 1.0 25.00 25.00 0.2 25.00 5.00 23.2 33.40 13.40 46.80 1,795.00 46.80 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23925 DATE 10/25/93 TOTAL TOTAL THIS INVOICE 1,429.67 1,429.67 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 1,841.80 C01ViMISSION DEC ]993 APPROVAL WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE: PERFORMANCE OF THEJ--SERYICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR I.ABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. Form No. 121, Revised 5/]/75 DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Lease issue a check in the amount of $ 5,084.88 To~ ..... G~e & J~nson Enaineers~ Architects. Planners. Inc. P.O. DQX 24600 West Palm Beach, F1 33416,4600 For: Invoice No. 24391 - General Consultin~/PJCT Reviews Professional Services for period endinq Oct. 29, 1993 Requested by games D. White, P.E. Approvals: .nance Dept.~ City Manager Task 200 - Cedar Grove ....... Date November 12~ 1993 FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 401 392 5 463 00 $5r084 88 'TOTAL $5,084 88 " 201 - Hunters Run Drainage Inlet Relocation ..... " 205 - Boynton Lakes Commercial Const.- .......... " 206 - Lawrence Groves P.U.D. " 210 - Woolbright PUD ................ " 211 - Costa Bella " 212 - Tract M Pulte ............................. " 215 - Motorola Site Reviews " 226 - Stanford Park ............................. " 228 - Ascension Lutheran Church Expansion. " 235 - Quail Run P.U.D. " 240 - Checkers Drive-In Site Plan " 241 - SuperCity Discount " 242 - Via Lago. " 244 - High ridge Apts. " 245 - Boynton Industrial Park North " 246 - Agape Dry Cleaners " 247 - Dock and Deck, Inc. " 248 - Winchester Boynton Bch P.C.D. TOTAL 13.41 111.83 701.77 8.00 892.65 182.80 11.60 255.00 267.99 223.06 170.00 278.06 386.62 97.89  523.90/ o ,,.,MMISS! OF 437.50 182.80 127.50 $5,084.88 DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL GEE & JEN50N Engineers-Architects- PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: MR VINCE FINIZIO NOVEMBER 4, 1993 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 FOR: GENERAL CONSULTING/PJCT REVIEWS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 29, 1993 TASK: 200 CEDAR GROVE REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES TELEPHONE TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 13.41 13.41 13.41 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 13.41 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 417.13 417.13 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 201 HUNTERS RUN DRAINAGE INLET RELOCATION PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST HOURS RATE AMOUNT 1.0 95.00 95.00 COMMISSION 0EC ? 1993 APPROVAL WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH ~ FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF ~938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architeots- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 0.5 1.5 1.33 3.00 4.33 TOTAL LABOR INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 25.00 12.50 107.50 107.50 4.33 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 111.83 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 12.50 12.50 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 202 LAWRENCE GROVES SURETY REDUCTION OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO, 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 24.00 24.00 TOTAL NOW DUE TASK: 204 HOLIDAY INN LEGAL OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 303.25 303.25 TOTAL NOW DUE ~G$.£5 COMMISSION DEC 'i' 199 APPROVAL ~ H~=,REBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE: SIERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOlC~ WE: HAVE' C'OI~PMED WITH T~£ FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDE:D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO PO. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 TASK: 205 BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL CONST. INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AUTO MILEAGE POSTAGE PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS 8.0 0.5 8.5 8.00 0.87 0.40 9.27 RATE 85.00 25.00 TOTAL LABOR AMOUNT 680.00 12.50 692.50 692.50 9.27 $ 701.77 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 742.50 742.50 TASK: 206 LAWRENCE GROVES P.U.D. TOTAL THIS TASK TOTAL NOW DUE REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AUTO MILEAGE TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 8.00 8.00 8.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 8.00 COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL WE HEREiBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED E~ THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF !938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 1,362.58 1,362.58 TASK: 210 WOOLBRIGHT PUD INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TOTAL NOW DUE PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AUTO MILEAGE TELEPHONE PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS 10.0 1.0 11.0 16.00 1.15 0.50 17.65 RATE 85.00 25.00 TOTAL LABOR AMOUNT 850.00 25.00 875.00 875.00 17.65 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 1,372.50 1,372.50 TOTAL THIS TASK TOTAL NOW DUE $ 892.65 COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 211 COSTA BELLA PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS RATE AMOUNT 2.0 85.00 170.00 0.5 25.00 12.50 2.5 182.50 TOTAL LABOR 182.50 0.30 0.30 .30 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 195.29 195.29 TOTAL THIS TASK TOTAL NOW DUE TASK: 212 TRACT M PULTE $ 182.80 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS RATE AMOUNT 0.4 25.00 10.00 1.60 1.60 TOTAL LA~OR 10.00 1.60 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 11.60 COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL WE: HEREBY CERTII=~F THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ~E:RVICE$ COVERED ~lf THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARD~ ACT OF 19;38, AS AMENDE:D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc, PLEASE REMIT TO P.O, Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 408.66 408.66 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 215 MOTOROLA SITE REVIEWS PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER HOURS RATE AMOUNT 3.0 85.00 255.00 TOTAL LABOR 255.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 255.00 TASK: 220 RACE TRAC GAS STATION/TRADEWINDS OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 85.00 85.0O TOTAL NOW DUE TASK: 222 OLIVE GARDEN SITE OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 85.00 85.00 TOTAL NOW DUE COMMISSION DEC ? ~9~ APPROVAL WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED wrrH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JE~ Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 TASK: 223 LAWRENCE LAKES INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 95.00 95.00 TASK: 226 STANFORD PARK TOTAL NOW DUE $ PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS RATE AMOUNT 3.0 85.00 255.00 0.5 25.00 12.50 3.5 267.50 TOTAL LABOR 267.50 0.29 0.20 0.49 .49 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 127.50 127.50 TOTAL THIS TASK TOTAL NOW DUE $ 267.99 COMMISSION DEC ? '1993 APPROVAL HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR b'T'ANDARDS ACT OF 1938, A.S AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 TASK: 228 ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH EXPANSION INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AUTO MILEAGE TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS RATE AMOUNT 2.5 85.00 212.50 10.56 10.56 TOTAL LABOR 212.50 10.56 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 170.00 170.00 TASK: 234 OLD DIXIE HWY LEGALS TOTAL THIS TASK $ TOTAL NOW DUE $ 223.06 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 1.39 1.39 TOTAL NOW DUE $ COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED I~Y THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF ~938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineem-Amhil~ts- PLEASE REMIT TO P.O Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 235 QUAIL RUN P.U.D. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER HOURS RATE AMOUNT 2.0 85.00 170.00 TOTAL LABOR 170.00 TOTAL THIS TASK OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 1,262.70 1,262.70 TOTAL NOW DUE TASK: 236 CITRUS PARK TIME EXTENSION OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 192.50 192.50 TOTAL NOW DUE TASK: 237 N.W. 3RD COURT ABANDONMENT OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 267.50 267.50 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 170.00 COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR ~'T'ANDARDS ACT OF !938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O, Box 24603 West Palm 13each. FL 33416~J600 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 238 8TH AVE. ROAD REPAIRS OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 183.08 183.08 TASK: 239 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY LEGAL DESRC. TOTAL NOW DUE OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 127.50 127.50 TOTAL NOW DUE TASK: 240 CHECKERS DRIVE-IN SITE PLAN PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AUTO MILEAGE TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS RATE AMOUNT 3.0 85.00 255.00 0.5 25.00 12.50 3.5 267.50 TOTAL LABOR 267.50 10.56 10.56 10.56 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 278.06 COMMISSION DEC? APPROVAL WE: HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED ~Y THIS -I~NVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 193EI, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Amhitecls- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416.-4600 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 365.40 365.40 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO 92-025.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 241 SUPERCITY DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AUTO MILEAGE PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS RATE AMOUNT 4.0 85.00 340.00 1.0 25.00 25.00 5.0 365.00 TOTAL LABOR 365.00 21.12 0.50 21.62 21.62 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 386.62 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 777.50 777.50 TOTAL NOW DUE $ COMMISSION OEC ? ]993 APPROVAL WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE .?~ERVICES COVERED ~ THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR ~TANDARD~ ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDI~D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Amhitects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 242 VIA LAGO PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES HOURS 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.29 0.10 0.39 RATE 85.00 25.00 ,TOTAL LABOR A~OUNT 85.00 12.50 97.50 97.50 .39 $ 97.89 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 270.40 270.40 TASK: 243 LOS MANGOS TOTAL THIS TASK TOTAL NOW DUE OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 225.20 225.20 TOTAL NOW DUE COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARD~ ACT OF 19:38, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Parm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 244 HIGH RIDGE APTS. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY TOTALS HOURS 6.0 0.5 6.5 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 1.40 1.40 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23881 DATE 10/18/93 TOTAL 352.50 352.50 TASK: 245 BOYNTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NORTH PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER RATE 85.00 25.00 TOTAL LABOR TOTAL THIS TASK TOTAL NOW DUE AMOUNT 510.00 12.50 522.50 522.50 1.40 $ 523.90 HOURS RATE AMOUNT 2.5 85.00 212.50 TOTAL LABOR 212.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 212.50 COMMISSION DEC ? ']99 PPJ{OVAL HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED wrrH THE FAIR LABOR 5'T'ANDARD~ ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 24391 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 248 WINCHESTER BOYNTON BCH P.C.D PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL PROJECT MANAGER HOURS RATE AMOUNT 1.5 85.00 127.50 TOTAL LABOR 127.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 127.50 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 5,084.88 COMMISSION DEC ? ]993 APPROVAL ~ HER~Y CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE: COMPLIED wrrH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED.