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Minutes 10-05-93
~INUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMHI$SION MEETIHG HELD IN COMMISSION CHAHBER$, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1993AT 6:30 PRESENT Edward Harmening, Mayor J. Scott Miller, City Manager Jose Aguila, Vice Mayor Sam Goren, Asst. City Attorney Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem Sue Kruse, City Clerk David Katz, Commissioner Robert Walshak, Commissioner I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - 14~or Edward Harmenlng B. Invocation - Rev, Nathan Robinson, Church of God C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Bob Walshak Mayor Harmening called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Reverend Nathan Robinson offered the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections May~r Pro Tem Matson added Item IX, New Business, B-3, Destruction of Private Pro)erty Off Boynton Lakes Boulevard. Comlissioner Walshak added Item IX, New Business, C-3, Memorandum from Grady Swain, Finance Director, and Item IX, New Business, C-4, Fence on the Southern BobJer of the Ten-acre Intracoastal Property. Comlnissioner Walshak requested Item X, Legal, D.2, Finizio Lawsuit Status Rep)rt, be moved up on the agenda to accommodate a request from Ms. Greenhouse, who was not feeling well. The Commissioners were agreeable with this request; however, having just seen the information provided as backup, Vice Mayor Aguila re Jested a copy of the Civil Service Board recommendation for his review from Cit/ Manager Miller. Vice Mayor Aguila was agreeable to moving this item up on the' agenda after he has an opportunity to review that document. 2. Adoption May r Pro Tem Matson moved to approve as amended. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion which carried unanimously. II. ADMINISTRATIVE; A. Accept resignation from Arllne Weiner, Regular, Education Advisory Board Vic Mayor Aguila moved to accept the resignation from Arline Weiner. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BoYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 B. Board Appointments: Appointment ~ ~e Reg/ Length of Term d Board Alt Expiration Date I Katz Cemetery Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/94 TABLED May~r Harmening Bldg. Bd. of Adj. & Appeals Alt Term expires 4/94 TABLED III Aguila Code Enforcement Board Reg Term expires 9/94 TABLED II Walshak Code Enforcement Board Alt 1 yr term to 9/94 TABLED III Aguila Elderly Advisory Board Alt Term expires 6/94 TABLED May ~r Harmening Elderly Advisory Board Alt Term expires 6/94 TABLED I Katz Children & Youth Advisory Bd. Reg Term expires 4/95 TABLED III Aguila Planning & Development Reg Term expires 4/94 TABLED IV Matson Recreation & Parks Bd. Alt Term expires 4/94 TABLED May~r Harmening Education Advisory Board Reg Term expires 6/95 Motion May)r Pro Tem Matson moved to remove from the table Mayor Harmening's appoint- merit to the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion which carried unanimously. May~r Marmening appointed Murray Howard as an Alternate member of the Building Boa'd of Adjustment'and Appeals, with no objections. Mot ion May ir Pro Tem Matson moved to remove from the table Commissioner Katz' appoint- men: to the Children and Youth Advisory Board. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the mot on which carried unanimously. Co~ )issioner Katz moved Sarah Brous from her alternate position to a Regular pos tion on the Children and Youth Advisory Board, with no objections. Mot on May)r Pro Tem Matson moved to place on the table Mayor Harmening's Regular app.~intment to the Education Advisory Board. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the mot on which carried unanimously. C. Authorization to bid Vehicle Emission Capture Systems for Stations #1 and #2 ................................................. TABLED Mot on Vic~, Mayor Aguila moved to remove this item from the table. Mayor Pro Tem Matron seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Cit" Manager Miller advised that three proposals were received. The proposals ranl ed from $2,450 from Thompson to $7,500 from Ralph Hahn. City Manager Miller eqLested authorization to proceed with the design plans and specifications for an E xhaust fan system for Fire Stations Nos. 1 and 2 to be conducted by Thompson Eng neering Consultants. HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHHISSIOH HEETING BOYI~TON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Notion Vi Mayor Aguila moved the City Manager's recommendation. Mayor Pro Tam Matson s led the motion which carried unanimously. D. Change Order Ho, 6 for the West Water Treatment Plant (Contract 2) Cp_~_issioner Katz noted that although this particular Change Order appears spmewhat insignificant in terms of the total project cost, he is concerned with the fact that the contractor presented a bid and now submits Change Orders which a~d additional costs. He requested an explanation as to why these Change Orders are being submitted. Guidry, Director of Utilities, advised that Value Engineering created many ons which went beyond the realm of design. He said in the past, he has id at Commission meetings to alert the Commissioners that the Value g scenario would cost additional dollars down the road, and that is ]y what has happened. Mr. Guidry explained that Stanley Consultants has ~ an admirable job of resolving many of the issues. This entire project is $18.5 million and the dollar amount of this particular Change Order not be a concern. In response to Commissioner Katz' question, the total of money involved in all of the Change Orders for this project is 130.83 for 3.6 percent. further advised that changes from the regulatory agencies in the have also resulted in Change Orders. Some of their regulations have ed since the inception of the project. Aguila asked for clarification of Item #4 of Utilities Memorandum No. Palm Beach County has required the tree heights to be increased from (8) feet to ten (i0) feet. Six trees were replaced with Sabal Palms. ng is being reduced because the site is approximately 400 feet smaller t] ly anticipated. regard to Item #7 dealing with hurricane shutters, Mr. McClellan advised the storm shutters will be hidden behind the mansard when not in use. sioner Walshak corm~ended Mr. Guidry on the appearance of the new building. explained that the architectural firm did an admirable job on design- building. r Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Change Order No. $ in the amount of 250.43. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion which carried unanimously. I E. Report on Ctty's Tow Contract for rabid Wi ~red Hawkins made the presentation. He advised that this contract will e> on January 1, 1994. Staff is now reviewing the contract and preparing to commendations for changes to the language and content of the contract. -- Hawkins requested input so that all items can be worked out and the contract wi be awarded in time for the new contractor to begin work on January 1, 1994. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Com?issioner Walshak favors a rotation system. He suggested a workshop meeting be held with all parties concerned so that companies living and paying taxes in the City have an opportunity to participate. Vice Mayor Aguila would also support a rotation system with a limited number of cOmpanies within a certain boundary. He would also tike to discuss the Particulars at a workshop meeting. May ' Pro Tem Matson also supports a workshop meeting. She voted against f's Towing because they lied about being a minority contractor. Further, the business should have been kept in Boynton Beach. She has a problem wit the rotation system, but hopes to work it out at a workshop meeting. ssioner Katz is in favor of a rotation system and feels specific details worked out at a workshop meeting. He wants the rotation system to stay companies located within the City. A workshop meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. III. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Minutes: 1. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of September 21, 1993 2. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of September 23, 1993 B. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1992-93 Adopted Budget 1. Annual contract for delivered refreshments (Latchkey Afterschool Program) The abulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Four M Group, Inc., Boy) on Beach, Florida, in the amount of 60¢ per snack/S14,040. This is the mos' responsive, responsible bidder based on references, price, snacks ava' ~ble, and the City's past experience in the last budget year with the low bid( r, Service Master. 2. Annual contract for purchase of uniforms The ~nel Review Evaluation/Tabulation, through a process of an extensive evalu- ati( , recommends the bid award to Martin Lamar Uniforms, Miami, Florida, with an ( timated expenditure of $47,605 using bid usage amounts. {This is high sin( the Police and Fire Departments replace on a needed-basis only now.) Marl Lamar Uniforms was determined to be the most responsive, responsible bide r. 3. Co-op bid for diesel and fuel The urchasing Department recommends going along with the Cooperative Purchasing Cour il of Palm Beach County's awarding of the bid as follows: -4 #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CON#I$$ION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 LOT:# 1 Fuel Transport Tankwagon (4,000 gal. or less) Diesel #2 (on/off road) COASTAL A-1 Supreme Unleaded COASTAL BP Oil Plus Unleaded COASTAL A-1 Regular Unleaded BP OIL A-1 Award is recommended to the lowest qualified vendors including one Minority/ Women Business Enterprise. The Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) of Ju]~ 5, 1993, PAD 1, reports prices as base figures for + or - vendor figures submitted. This is a multi-award, using the lowest acceptable bid in each Lot and Fuel Grade category. 4. Sole source purchase of anttscalant - process chemlcal for new Water Treatment Plant The West Water Treatment Plant contractor, P.W.T. America and the membrane manu- facturer, Dow, Filmtech, have recommended the use of the product, B. F. Goodrich Aqu~ Feed 600. Systems Solutions of Englewood, Florida, is the "sole source" supplier of the B. £. Goodrich Aqua Feed 600/antiscalant in the southeastern United States. Systems Solutions provided a price of 88¢ per pound based on the anticipated spe~ding amount of $28,266, freight charges and market conditions. Systems .... Solutions advised that the pricing scale ranges from 85¢ to $1.10. There are other competitor manufacturers who are in the process of contacting Dow, Filmtech to prove their comparable product and wanting to be considered in thewarranty coverage time of the next five years. The City may solicit com- petitive bids with Dow, Filmtech approval for future use of this product. C. Approval of Bills A cppy of these bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. VicE Mayor Aguila requested clarification on Bill #45, Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County, and was advised by City Manager Miller that this is a fee the City collects and passes on to Solid Waste. D. Approve purchase of replacement topdresser for Golf Course maintenance Thi~ request is to replace a unit which was originally purchased ten years ago whe~ the Golf Course opened. Authorization is requested to piggyback a bid made to ~he City of Homestea~! in 1991, to purchase an Olathe Model 23 unit from Hector Turf. Hector Turf has agreed to extend the bid. The total delivered pri~e is $6,675 and will be paid from the Maintenance Equipment Reserve Account #411-726-5-680.08. E. Approve Records Destruction Requests - City Clerk's Office As putlined in City Clerk Sue Kruse's Memorandum No. 93-124, the State has app'ovedY Records Destruction Requests Nos. 255 and 256. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CO~I~[SSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER $, 1993 F. Emergency replacement of transfomer for Little League Park field 11ghts As ~utlined in Recreation and Parks Hemorandum No. 93-403, authorization is rec ~ested for American Lighting Haintenance to supply and install a refurbished tr~ ~sformer at a cost of $7,500, plus repair the contactors at a cost of app-oximately $750. On a refurbished transformer, the only thing which is "old" is [he shell. Warrant~es for both new and refurbished equipment quoted are for one ([) year. Mot on Commissioner Walshak moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Vice ~ayor Aguila secbnded the motion which carried unanimously. HAYOE HARHEN[NG DECLAEED A SHORT RECESS. THE HEET~NG EESUHED AT 7:05 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Presentations: ~. Employee of the Month - September, 1993 Hay.~r Harmening and City Hanager Hiller recognized Donna Yoder as the Employee of :he Honth for September, [993. She was selected for her conscientiousness, diligence, skill and know]edge of risk management, as well as her diplomatic and prU~Jrent handling of Workers' Compensation. 2. Proclamations: a. B'nal B'rlth D~y - October 13, 1993 Hay~ r Hamening read a Proclamation declaring October ~3, 1993 as B'nai Day The Proclamation was presented to a representative from B'nai b. Flreflghter Memorial Sunday - October 10, 1993 Hay~)r Harmening read a Proclamation declaring October 10, 1993 as Firefighter Hem~rial Sunday. Services wil~ be conducted at 8:00 a.m. on October 10, ~993, in :he Community Room at Station #3 (350! N. Congress Avenue). V. BIDS: A. PC Maintenance - Consideration of awarding bid to The Waldec Group and authorization to execute contract (Proposed Resolution No. R93-160) The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to The ~aldec Group of Fort Lau~lerdale, Florida, in the amount of $17,490. The Wa]dec Group was the most resl)onsive, responsible bidder who meets All specifications. The low bidder dis~lualified because of poor service in the past per Hemorandum #93-047 from ~icl~ae] Hunro, Director of Data Processing. HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COMNI$SION HEETING 80YNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER $, 1993 Hotlon Vic~ Mayor Aguila moved approval. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion Which carried 5-0. Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-160 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND WALDEC GROUP, WHICH AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~o~ on Vic. Mayor Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-160. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Costa Bel~ O~alnage Improvements - Consideration of a~ardtng bld to ARZ Builders, Inc., and authorization to execute contract (Proposed Resolution No. R93-161) The Tabulation Committee and the Engineer from Gee & Jenson recommend awarding the bid in whole to ARZ Builders, Inc., of Boynton Beach, Florida, in the amount of $63,569. The bidder meets all required specifications and was found to be the'mo~t responsive, responsible bidder. #orion May~r Pro Tem Matson moved to approve. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion. Vic~ Mayor Aguila pointed out that Johnson Davis, Inc. was disqualified because no 6ne attended a prebid conference. Their bid was $6,400 lower than that of ARZ Builders, Inc. and all other factors about their bid were equal. He questioned whether or not the prebid meeting was worth $6,400. Har(ld Benoit of Gee & Jenson explained that attendance at the prebid conference is ~ rigid City requirement, and the City may want to make some changes to this reqLirement for the future. Mayer Pro Tem Matson inquired as to whether the City is still investigating to det;rmine who is responsible for the situation at Costa Bella so that the party can be charged. City Manager Miller advised that the City Att is still researching this issue. The Commissioners requested that this issc be pursued more diligently and that they be provided with an update on the stat of this investigation. Ci Manager Miller confirmed for Commissioner Katz that the bid documents con- ta the attendance requirement. Also included in those documents is a provi- s to waive technical points. It was also confirmed for Vice Mayor Aguila tha the documents do not state failure to attend the prebid conference will aut ly disqualify the bidder. -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHMI$$ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, Z993 Vice. Mayor Aguila :pointed out that the taxpayers' money is not being spent wisemy by eliminating Johnson Davis, Inc. for this reason. City Manager Miller advised that the prebid conference is important so that all bidders understand the parameters of the project. In )onse to Commissioner Walshak's question, City Manager Miller advised that no has spoken with Johnson Davis, Inc. to see why they had not attended. r, Commissioner Walshak requested confirmation from Purchasing or Eng)neering that Johnson Davis, Inc. has the necessary qualifications for this proiect. Mr. Benoit said Richard Staudinger advised him Johnson Davis was a qualified contractor, but was disqualified because they did not attend the " uired" preb:id meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Matson rescinded her motion and Commissioner Walshak rescinded his second. #ot~on CoF~nissioner Walshak moved that Johnson Davis, Inc., 604 Hillbrath Drive. Lan~ana, Florida, be awarded this contract for $57,200, with a stipulation that PurFhasing and Engineering agree that they are a qualified bidder. If that occurs, they get the job. If it doesn't occur, the bid will go to ARZ Builders, ~nc~, 1446 SW 2§th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida. Time is of the essence. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion. Vice Mayor Aguila pointed out that there should be no perception that the City's requirement for the prebid conference is not important or necessary. However, the City needs to review the significance of the requirement. The motion carried 5-0. Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-161 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING THE BID FOR COSTA BELLA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO JOHNSON DAVIS, INC.; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND JOHNSON DAVIS, INC.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Vic~ Mayor Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. 93-161. Commissioner Wal~hak seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Construction of Boynton Lakes Park and Meadows Park - Consideration of awarding bid to ,,..,,,,.. and authorization to execute contract (Proposed Resolution No, R93- ) City Manager Miller requested this item be tabled at this time. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to table. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMHISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH,, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 VT. PUBLIC HEARING None VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE= Wall~ McKinley, I402 South Seacrest Boulevard~ addressed the Commission with regard to the condition of his property after water lines which were installed. Mr. McKinley advised that this work was well done in the southwest part of the Cit~, and the lawns look beautiful. However, on SW 13th and 14th Avenues, drainage ditches were dug. He presented a petition signed by thirty-two {32} residents of those two avenues who are requesting relief. Mr. McKinley said there was never a drainage problem in the area and he resents the "farm-style ditches". He further stated that after digging these ditches, City workers put in ~riveways. Any car which might go off into the ditch and hit one of the driyeways would be in violation of the law. He requested the City Commission consider this situation and provide suggestions for the residents. Mr. McKinley said property values in this area are decreasing. One of his homes devalued by $8,500 and his second home devalued by $756 last year. In response to Commissioner Katz' question, Mr. Finizio advised that the swales which have been developed meet minimum City standards and were the result of water line installations. These swales are a requirement for every single- ....... family residence. Engineering does not see a hazard with regard to the drive- way~. This project i~ not yet complete. Once the grass is installed and it becbmes established, it will be hard to detect a swale. Maypr Harmening pointed out that one of the missions of the City's stormwater utility is to improve drainage throughout the City. He agreed with Mr. McK)nley's remarks about the driveways and feels they could probably be reworked sompwhat.. However, he did advise that the City will be creating sw~.les in all areas where water ~lines are installed. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matson's inquiry about the different treatment received by residents on Southwest 13th Avenue, Mr. Finizio advised that when that work was done, the City was in aworse financial position. The City was for~ed to backfill and resod. However, the policy now is to create swales whenever the City installs water lines. Vic~ Mayor Aguila feels common sense is needed in these cases. The rules are a guide. It is important to work with what is already there and not create sudden drops which are safety hazards for the residents. Bob Eichorst, Public Works Director, advised that Utilities installed the water lines a few months ago. The area was not swaled at that time and sod was installed. A few weeks later, it was determined that the area would be swaled. The sod was removed to dig the swale, and then was put back in place in the hope tha~ it would take root, Some of the sod did take, but most of it did not. Tha~ situation will be corrected. The resodding of the area will begin tomorrow on 13th Avenue. The swales were dug to meet the eight inch {8") requirement set forth by the Engineering Department and Gee & Jenson. Vice Mayor Aguila explained that the -9- #INUTE$ - REGULAR C]'TY COHHI$$ION NEETZNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 primary concern should be the safety of the residents. Commissioner Walshak agreed that specifications must be followed, but aesthetic quality is needed to mailtain property values. Mr. Eichorst advised that work is not yet complete in thi area. The work will be completed on 13th and 14th Avenues by the end of thi week. Vic~ Mayor Aguila authorized slight adjustments near the driveways if they are req~ire~. N~rIaret McFadden~' 419 NE 14th Avenue, reported that when she attemptedto pay her water bill of $sT. 8~-to-'a'~, she was advised that $50 had been added because her water had been turned off. She notified staff that she had just come from her home and the water was still on. She requested the turn-off order be res inded since she was now paying the bill. She spoke with Robin Matchett who agra)ed to accept the $57.82, but was advised to speak with the Finance Depart- men: regarding the additional $50 charge. She was advised from Finance that nothing could be done to remove the charge. Finance spoke with Mr. Hawkins who alsp said nothing could be done. A meeting for tomorrow was arranged with the oity Manager. When Ms. McFadden returned home at 5:30 p.m., her water had been burped off. When she phoned City Hall, she was advised that the turn,off order wen~ through at 2:30 p.m. She requested relief from the Commission. May()r. Pro Tem Matson said she spoke with Ms. McFadden prior to tonight's meeting and she was bewildered as to why the order went through after M~. McFadden paid her bill. She feels something needs to be done to plug the loophole in the sys':em which allowed this to happen. Ms. McFadden advised that after speaking with Mayor Pro Tem Matson, she learned tha': her water service had been restored. Not)on Co issioner Walshak moved that we adjust the woman's water bill so she's not having to pay a penalty of $50. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion. Vic( Mayor Aguila questioned whether or not staff could have been notified by radio to cancel the turn-off order. Mr. Swann said it has been City policy that nc(~ the list is given to field personnel, the $50 reconnect fee is charged. ay(~r Pro Tem Matson wondered how the service could be reconnected when it had not yet been disconnected. Mr. Hawkins explained that there are six staff people with long lists who turn off water on a daily basis. When a customer is late two months, that person is put on the turn-off list. When the name goes on the list, staff follows through. It is unfortunate that the con~nunication did not take place to stop the turn off, but customers are given the opportunity to take care of the s~tLation prior to their names becoming part of the turn-off list. The customer spo~ld not be trying to beat being shut off. There are procedures and time l~mits to avoid such situations. The motion carried 5-0. 10- HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHISS~ON HEET~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Valerle McKinley, 1402 South Seacrest Boulevards read a letter from her daughter who lives at l~~nue. She is dissatisfied with the appearance of the ditches. Further, she pointed out that hospice visits her home on a regular basis. Many times, there are two or more people who must park on the roadway because of the ditches. She feels the situation is unfair. Mrs. McKinley pointed out that the worst flooding in Boynton Beach is on Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. She feels that the residents are not to bla :t that the industrial areas were allowed to be paved. Amendments those areas. Dee adwised that swales are very effective. She sai deep, within a few years, the road dirt will fil in the swales so that they wil:l build up to the level of the road. Ron Wlckhams 920 NW 13th Avenue, requested an update on the status of the Q--~-~ntum Par'~ ~-F'6bT~m~ ~e raised at an earlier City Commission meeting. City Manbger Miller advised that Canada Dry is working to replace the dead tan~scapi, on their property in order to meet the approved site plans. With [eg~rd to vacant property between Canada Dry and Publix, Quantum Park is not in to build a wall or landscape at this time. It is hoped that will be of when they sell their bonds. The City had expected to meet with rep'esenta ves of Publix from Lakeland last week. Although they did come to Boy~]ton Beach~ the City was not notified of their presence. They are expected aga n Within one we~ek %o ten days to inspect the facility with regard to the rep, rted noises. When the representatives arrive, a meeting will be arr~lnged ~ them, Mr. Wickham and City staff. Mtcl~ael 01brych, 702 NE loth Avenues spoke about his property at 2130 NE 1st Str~et.. He has h~d'c~-~tact with Messrs. Gibson and Jenson regarding drainage prol)lems at that address. During a recent meeting with Messrs. Miller and Fin zio, Mr Olbrych advised that there is standing water on his property as wel as adj~ :ent properties. The reason for this water is the fact that there are no . Mr. Miller advised that the City'may waive the $5 permit fee and hell with disposal of the asphalt if Mr. Olbrych decides to install the swales. Mr. Olbrych was not satisfied with Mr. Miller's response, and requested ass'stance ~rom the Commission. Cit~, Manager Miller advised that the right-of-way was paved by the previous own~r. Water ponds in the area. Mr. Olbrych would like the City to put in the sWa'es, but manpower and finances are not available to do individual lots thr ~ughout ~he City. In some areas, the City has made property owners remove the paving from areas that should be swales. Mayor Harmening pointed out that at ne time, the City permitted paving in some of the swale areas. With the inc~.ption of the storm water utility, eventually this area will be swaled; however, that could be quite a few years into the future. The storm water uti ity will take care of the worst areas first. WI1 tam Gulbrandsens Training Officers Fire/Rescues has been assigned the duties ~ the Acting Chief over the last [wo y~ars. A test assessment process was recently given for the upcoming position opening of Fire Chief. During the last w~ek prior to the test being given, certain individuals were given an oppor- tunity to compete. Two individuals were barred from the test. The nationwide search produced three candidates. There were four in-house candidates who were - 11 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYN~OM BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 all senior officers in the department. Administration has demonstrated cost control by promoting from within in other Departments. Doing the same in the Fire Department would find educated and capable people to fill the position of Fire Chief. The Personnel Director explained to him that he was barred from the test because the Civil Service Rules require the candidate to serve the City for twelve years. He has served the City for ten (10) years and been in this busi- ness of fire/rescue within Palm Beach County since 1974. The three applicants from outside have not served the City at all. The other ualified Ca tarn who q P · was barred from the test has eighteen (18) years of experience in this field. He cannot understand why two candidates were denied the opportunity to test for this position, and he r~quested assistance from the Commission. He suggested ~he Commission inspect the Curriculum Vitae and job references of the two ~ndividuals involved for comparison with applicants in the open pool. Itk~ men Boynton Beach Professional Flreflghters, said --g ' a commotion problem between the Fire De- the Union and the City. Contract negotiations will be conducted next Smollen requested the Commissioners direct the negotiator to treat ti Union fairly. The proposals which have been put on the table are trying to Str :ract by reducing educational incentives and other things such as of the $7.00 contribution toward family dental insurance. Mr. 1 feels the Fire Department was not given credit for the monetary contri- ty has realized from the ALS transports. In the last eight months 1 1 year, over $300,000 was collected for those transports. Over period, that will amount to approximately $450,000. r. Smollen further explained that after his appearance at the last City omilission meeting, two of the four candidates were denied eligibility for the Chi:~!f's exam. It is the Union's feeling that all four candidates are qualified and are the top people in the service. The City Charter mandates the Personnel Dir.(~ctor to train and promote to fill vacancies from within the service. At a meel:ing last evening, there was an overwhelming vote for Mr. Smollen to address ~he Commission to request that the other candidates be advised that the City of :oy))ton Beach has enough well-qualified candidates and will be hiring from itl~in. THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE PRESENT WHOW~SHED TO SPEAK AT PUBLIC AUDIENCE. X. LEGAL D. Other: 2. Flnizlo Lawsuit Status Report - Authorization to Retain Counsel Attorney Gofer advised that Attorney Cherof prepared the proposed Stipulation as a result of lengthy negotiations with Mr. Finizio's counsel. It results in total resolution of the issues. Vice Mayor Aguila expressed his appreciation to Ms. Greenhouse for working with Attorney Cherof to resolve this matter. He questioned Item #4 of the Stipula- tion which brings Mr. Finizio's salary to Pay Grade 39, Step 5. He noted that the October, 1989 Civil Service Board Subcommittee recommendation was for Pay Grade 37, Step 4. Further, if the Subcommittee's recommendation had been 12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHHISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 carried out at that time, today Mr. Finizio would be at Grade 37, Step L-2. Comparing the levels dollar for dollar, Grade 37, Step L-2 is the same as Grade 39, Step 5. However, Vice Mayor Aguila would be happier with Grade 37, Step L-2. Cynthia Greenhouse advised that the reference document to be used is the Judgment, not the Civil Service Board Order. That Judgment states the Pay Grade and corresponding Step. It covers a myriad of things and the highest Pay Grade would be 43, Step 1. She stated it is "all over the matrix" and Pay Grade 37, L-2 is part of the matrix. Ms. Greenhouse said this determination was a compromise. In working out this compromise, the Civil Service Handbook was used and this is the settlement which was agreed to by all parties during the nego- tiations. The Stipulation was prepared by Attorney Cherof and Ms. Greenhouse is comfortable with it. In response to Commissioner Katz' question, Ms. Greenhouse advised that there are a few minor loose ends which were discussed and must be taken care of. Mr. Miller must prepare a memorandum that will bring the City into compliance with Paragraph #7 of the Judgment, and Mr. Finizio's last two paychecks will have to be reissued. Motion Co_m~_issioner Katz moved that we approve this Stipulation agreement. Commis- sioner Walshak seconded the motion. Com~nissioner Walshak confirmed that approval of the agreement is conditioned upon the receipt of a general release from Mr. Finizio-and a letter of indem- nification which has not as yet been reviewed. Ms. Greenhouse advised that the release has been prepared by Attorney Cherof and she has approved the language. She has prepared the necessary indemnification letter which was sent to Attorney Cherof this afternoon. Mayor Harmening stated his dissatisfaction with this settlement. Commissioner Walshak reminded the Commissioners that Attorney Cherof was directed by them to go ahead on a Stipulation agreement which would be benefi- cial to the City and Mr. Finizio. He did it within a week. The attorney who was handling this issue charged the City $90,000 and was not able to do it in two and one-half years. Commissioner Walshak felt Attorney Cherof deserved praise for getting this issue resolved° The motion carried 4-1. (Mayor Harmening cast the dissenting vote.) VIII.DEVELOPMENT PLANS: None IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Municipal League Report Since the meeting will be held next week, there was no report. - 13- HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONMIS$ION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 MAYOR HARMENING DECLARED A SHORT RECESS. THE MEETING RESUMED AT 8:40 P.M. B. Items ~or discussion requested by Nayor Pro Tm Lynne Natson ~. Roofing problems at Eze11 Hester Center Mayor Pro Tem Matson reported that Elizabeth Jenkins alerted her of leaks at Hester Center which require buckets whenever it rains. She is very concerned that the Gymnasium leak will ruin the floor. She further reported on problems with the Teen Room. Mayor Pro Tem Matson acknowledged the fact that Commissioner Walshak also had a list of items he wished to discuss on this same subject. She feels these items must be addressed so that the necessary repairs can be made. She expressed con- cern with the fact that the City has been unable to get quality construction. Mayor Harmening was concerned with the fact that the City does not handle these situations quickly enough. Commissioner Walshak commended Carrie Parker for the report she prepared on Hester Center. He inquired as to whether the roof leaks have been repaired. Gene Lusk advised that he is in receipt of documentation from Roofing Systems, Inc., the original installer, who has done a complete analysis and completed the patching work. There was an additional leak in the Locker Room which was related to a sprinkler. That sprinkler has been moved. The Game Room work will begin in approximately one week. Mr. Lusk stated the roof leaks were corrected on August 24th and, other than the air conditioning condensation leak, no other leaks have been reported. Commissioner Walshak explained that the design of the Teen Room with dry wall is insufficient. He feels paneling is required which can sustain the abuse it is subjected to by youths. Mr. Lusk advised that suggestions were made to panel the walls UP to ~our feet. Commissioner Walshak feels the same destruction will then take place above the paneling. After confering with Vice Mayor Aguila, it was agreed that the paneling should be T-111, eight feet in height. Consensus There was a consensus of the Commission that Mr. Lusk should proceed with tha installation of paneling. Commissioner Walshak inquired about a mildew problem. Mr. Lusk stated that in the Meeting Room and Gym the humidity level is somewhat high. Trane is working with the City's Service Technician reviewing the components of the unit to see if there is a control error or whether an adjustment is required. The system is still under warranty. With regard to the structural steel, Commissioner Walshak questioned whether the problems had been rectified. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that there was no primer coat on the steel. Mayor Harmening pointed out that it had appeared that the steel had been scratched. Approximately nine months ago, he asked Mr. DeBeck to have the contractor return to seal the walkway. 14- #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Mr. Lusk reported that a back delivery door is losing its original coat of paint. Commissioner Walshak said the door near the generator has never been painted. Commissioner Walshak suggested Mr. Lusk contact the contractor to return in order to coat these areas properly. Commissioner Walshak also noted problems with door hardware. Some of the doors should have push/pulls rather than knobs. Commissioner Walshak feels the push/pulls should be installed wherever they are necessary. Commissioner Walshak confirmed that Mr. Lusk understood his direction from the Commission to do what was necessary to get Hester Center in shape. Commissioner Walshak feels the Commission must address implementing Phase II. Mr. Williams has reported problems when basketball is going on inside, the children not involved wind up outside. There have been reports of vandalism and the Director feels if there were outside courts, the children could be more easily controlled. Commissioner Walshak would like a consensus from the Commission on establishment of target dates to complete Phase II. Vice Mayor Aguila suggested the City Manager bring back to the Commission an update on where we currently are, where the City felt it would be at this point, and what options are available. Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested a projected timetable and projected costs. Commissioner Walshak said the cost for the building in Phase II is $606,900. May~r Harmening pointed out that $3.3 million dollars was been spent at Hester Cen~er and there are other projects which need attention. This project was meant to be Completed in phases. Commissioner Walshak would like a target date so that people know the City plans to finish the project. Mayori Pro. Tem Matson. feels, the Commission must be cognizant of the other parks wh Fh will be coming on line. She would like to see a time frame with costs to seekhOW it will work in with the other two parks. Commissioner Walshak feels tha~ although this park was suggested in phases, he feels it should be finished before the City goes into the next project. 2. Cle~n It or Lien It Workshop Mayer Pro Tem Matson said that she wants to address absentee owners. She does not want to lien people in the community who cannot afford it. The absentee owners have no feeling for the neighborhoods. Many of the people living in these homes, through no fault of their own, do not know how to take care of a residence and it is the City's responsibility to educate them and go after the absentee owners. Many people in the older areas are not being treated as faiFly as those in the newer communities. Mayor Pro Tem Matson does not favor bigger government or another City depart- merit, but she feels a workshop is needed to let the people come out and tell the City what is on their minds. The North Boynton Task Force, the City Attorney, and Code Enforcement should be in attendance. - 15 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Commissioner Nalshak agreed that a workshop meeting is needed and he will pro- pose a six-point program at that time. He referred to a packet of information which was included in the back-up material. The information included a listing of Code Enforcement Board liens, some of which dated back fifteen years. They have not been collected to date and will probably never be collected. Commis- sioner Nalshak explained the procedure involved in placin9 a lien on property. In his opinion, this procedure must be addressed and streamlined in order for the program to work. At a workshop meeting, Commissioner Walshak will present a community program which he feels will be effective. It was agreed by the Commission that this workshop would be combined with the workshop on the towing contract which will be held on OCtober 26, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Harmening pointed out that although the City must wait to foreclose on property, which has been homesteaded until there is a transfer or death; however, there l~ no reason why the ~ity cannot foreclose on all other property including vacant lots. Attorney Goren confirmed that any property which is not homestead- ed can be foreclosed. 3. Destruction of Private Property on Boynton Lakes Boulevard Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that the people building the shopping center have destroyed a major portion of the community's irrigation system. Mayor Pro Tem Matson reminded City Manager Miller of a past meeting with him- self, Bill Archdeacon, Vince Finizio, and Fru-Con. During that meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested being kept abreast of everything happening at that shopping center She questioned why she had not seen a report of Mr. Finizio's visit to the si~e on Monday. City Manager Miller advised that he had not sent anyone to visit the site. In response to a question from Mayor Pro Tem Matson, Ms. Parker stated she also had not sent Mr. Finizio to the site. Ms. Parker advised that on Monday morning, Brad Morrill, President of the homeowners' association, telephoned the City Manager's Office regarding the street situation. Ms. Parker, Mike Sewell and Mr. Morrill had a conference call to address Mr. Morrill's questions. Mr. Morrill supplied the names of the irri- gation person and the Property Manager in order for the contractor to contact them to locate the irrigation line. Mr. Sewell was to provide the contractor with that information. The discussion ended at that point. Mayor Pro Tem Matson reiterated the fact that she was to have been kept informed of any situation which occurred at that site. Further, she wanted to know who directed Mr. Finizio to visit the site. City Manager Miller said he would check on St and report back to her. Mayor Pro Tem Matson further requested a report of his visit. Mr. Benoit advised that he and Mr. Sewell visited the site Tuesday afternoon and resolved the problems. The irrigation pipe which was disturbed will be restored quickly, as per the contractor. Mr. Benoit said this meeting Occurred at approximately 4:00 p.m, and he had not had an opportunity to prepare a report. Mayor. Pro Tem Matson again requested a report on what occurred on Monday also. Mr. Flnizio stated an update will be provided tomorrow. 16- #ZNUTES - REGULAR CITY CONIIIS$[ON NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR[DA OCTOBER 5, 1993 C. Ztems for discussion requested by Commissioner Bob Walshak 1. Physlcal conditions at Eze11 Hester Center This item was combined with Mayor Pro Tem Matson's discussion in Item IX, New Business, B.1. 2. Community Improvement Program This item was combined with Mayor Pro Tem Matson's discussion in Item IX, New Business, B.2. 3. Hemorendum ~ram Finance Director Commissioner Walshak requested from Finance a breakdown on the calculation of the difference in money between the C.O.L.A. and the Step Pay Plan. Mr. Swann responded that the 1993/94 3 percent C.O.L.A. and the Step Pay Plan would be virtually equal at $700,000. However, the Step Pay Plan funding for 1994/95 would increase to $900,000. Commissioner Walshak felt it was strange that the Commission chose to freeze the Step Pay Plan again when it is the same as the 3 percent C.O.L.A. Ms. Parker explained that the $900,000 is a full twelve months of § percent. The merit raise is effective on the anniversary date; therefore, it is staggered. With C.O.L.A., each employee has 365 days at that rate. During the first year, the amount of money is comparable; however, the following year, the cost to the City is $900,000 versus $700,000. Commissioner Walshak stated that at the end of this year, 3 percent will already hav~ been added, which is the $700,000 that will go on next year. If an addi- tional 2 percent or 3 percent is added next · - tha, $700,000 because that will result in 3 ~[~.~h~.C~ ~ ?ck up ~o more s ............ ~ t~:.~ u. ~up oT J percent. He :a~eo ~na~ wi)m bring i~ up ~o approximately $950,000. Ms. Parker explained that the $:900,000 is a stand-alone number regardless of what happens with the C.O.L.A. The C.O.L.A. is cumulative. If a 5 percent increase is given this year and a C.O.L.A. next year, that will also be cumula- tive. However, that factor was not figured into the accumulation. Ms. Parker said the Pay Plan was frozen because it would cost the City $200,000 more in 1994/95, and continue to cost that additional $200,000 every year, plus an accumulation. Commissioner Walshak felt by freezing the Step Pay Plan the negotiation edge was lost for 1994/95. ' 4. Fence at Ten-Acre Intrecoastal Park Mr. Frederick stated the contractor is scheduled to install the fence this Thursday. It will take between three and four days to complete the work. 17- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Mr. DeBeck advised that the contractor was ready to install the fence last week, but a decision was made to wait until the Seafest was concluded in order to avoid possible damage during the festivities. Discussion ensued regarding the odor from the mulch. Mr. Frederick explained that the mulch needed time to dry. Unfortunately, it was delivered two days prior to the Seafest, which didn't allow enough time. The odor will dissipate within a few days. D. Consider request submitted by International Art Resource to hold an Arts & Crafts Show at Catalina Centre on October 9 and 10, 1993 City Manager Miller advised that staff comments are included in the back-up material and approval should be contingent upon those staff comments. Vice Mayor Aguila noted that the Building Department's comments were very brief in comparison to some of the past requests. Notion Vice Mayor Aguila moved approval. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried unanimously. E. Request from Easy Pay Tire Stores for relief on a refund due the City of Boynton Beach reference Florida Solid Waste research fees The Purchasing Department contacted Easy Pay Tire Stores to advise them that the City was incorrectly being charged $1.00 per tire sold since the inception of the Florida Tire Research Fee program in March, 1989. In March, 1992, Goodyear increased Easy Pay Tire Stores' percentage from 7 percent to 9 percent to help defray that cost and Easy Pay was not supposed to have charged the City the $1.00 fee. Therefore, per the Purchasing Department's recommendation, Easy Pay Tire Stores, Inc., is refunding the City $1.00 per tire sold since March, 1992, which amounts to a total of $907.50. A representative of Easy Pay Tire Stores was present and explained the situation as described above. Notion Commissioner Katz moved that we leave the balance of $525.50 remain as uncollected and settle for $907.50. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 5-0. X. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1' Proposed Ordinance Ho, 093-37 Re: Adopting Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1993-94 Attorney Goren read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-37 by title only: - 18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COI~I$$ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1993, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1994; AND SETTING FORTH APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT; ESTIMATING RECEIPTS FROM TAXATION AND OTHER REVENUE SOURCES FOR THE GENERAL FUND; VOTED DEBT SERVICE FUNDS; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND; PUBLICITY FUND; UTILITIES FUND; VEHICLE SERVICE FUND; SANITATION FUND; LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND; WAREHOUSE FUND; CRA/COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT FUND; GOLF COURSE FUND; PUBLIC SERVICE TAX BONDS FUNDS; SELF- INSURANCE FUND; MASS TRANSIT FUND AND RECREATION PROGRAM REVENUE FUND; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 093-37 on second and final reading. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 5-0 2. Proposed Ordinance No, 093-38 Re: Repeal of Ordinance No. 093-21 regulating picketing, parades, demonstrations, block parties and large events in the City of Boynton Beach Attorney Goren read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-38 by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BY DELETING ORDINANCE NO. 093-21 IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~o~ton Vice Mayor Aguila moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 093-38 on second and final reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. Commissioner Walshak felt the Commission was making a mistake because this Ordinance which could have been amended taking out the insurance requirement and the exceptions. He feels it would have been perfectly constitutional. The vote was 3-2. (Commissioners Katz and Walshak cast the dissenting votes.) B. Ordinances - 1st Readlng: 1. Proposed Ordinance No, 093-39 Re: PID Modification text change to add educational institutions to PID use permitted section Attorney Goren read Proposed Ordinance No. 093-39 by title only: AN ORDINANCE TO THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING APPENDIX A - ZONING, SECTION 7. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, SUBSECTION E. TO PROVIDE FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE PID ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - 19 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYHTOH BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Ho~lon Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 093-39 on first reading. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion. In response to Vice Mayor Aguila's question, Ms. Heyden explained that the Zoning Ordinance does not define educational institutions. Vice Mayor Aguila requested a definition be provided prior to second reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson asked Ms. Heyden to bring back a list. Mayor Harmening suggested including a phrase which states, "public education, as presented by the Public School System of Palm Beach CoUnty". City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 5-0. C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No, R93-163 Re: Authorize execution of agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Bell South Mobility reference leasing property at the Utilities complex for a cellular telephone site Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-163 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A TOWER LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND BELL SOUTH MOBILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Not,on Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-163. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion. Mr. McCaffrey explained that Bell South Mobility has leased the Water Tower for the placement of an antenna for cellular telephones. They have contracted for a number of years and are paying the City $12,00D per year. They have installed an equipment building at the base of the Tower, and the City has asked Bell South Mobility's approval to put a back-up radio system in their building and shape the antenna grid. They have agreed at no charge. Mayor Harmening referred to the first paragraph of the agreement where it states that the Licensor {Bell South Mobility} owns the Tower. Mayor Harmening will not support this agreement as it is currently written. He further felt the original agreement gave away too much. Mayor Pro Tem Matson rescinded her motion. Mayor Harmening suggested the City have its own small house under the existing Water Tower. Vice Mayor Aguila feels this agreement needs work and should be brought back. Commissioner Katz rescinded his second. - 20 - #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Ho~lon Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table this item. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 2. Proposed Re$01utlon Ho, R93-163 Re: Authorize execution of contract with the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County for the Juvenile First Offender Program in the Police Department Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-163 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FOR THE JUVENILE FIRST OFFENDER PROGRAM FOR THE 1993-94 FISCAL YEAR; AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-163. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 3. Proposed Resolution No, R93-164 Re: Authorize execution of contract with the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County for the Recreation/Athletics/Police (R.A.P.) Program in the Police Department Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-164 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FOR THE RECREATION, ATHLETICS AND POLICE (R.A.P.) PROGRAM FOR THE 1993-94 FISCAL YEAR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. No~lon Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. 93-164. Commis- sioner Katz seconded the motion which carried which carried 5-0. 4. Proposed Resolution No, R93-165 Re: Water Service Agreement and Addendum No. I for Robert Griffin d/b/a Twin Palms Mobile Home Park Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-165 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND ROBERT GRIFFIN, D/B/A TWIN PALMS MOBILE HOME PARK; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - 21 - HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHHIS$ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 ~otlon Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-165. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 5. Proposed Resolutlon No. R93-166 Re: Authorize execution of agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the United States Secret Service for use of the City's Firing Range Attorney Gofer read Proposed Resolution No. R93-166 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF THE CITY'S FIRING RANGE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notlon Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-166. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 6. Proposed Resolution Ho. R93-157 Re: Authorize the proper City officials to take steps necessary to implement the City's cable rate regulation authority in compliance with the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, and the rules of the Federal Communications Commission Attorney Gofer read Proposed Resolution No. R93-167 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE PROPER CITY OFFICIALS TO TAKE STEPS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE CITY'S CABLE RATE REGULATION AUTHORITY IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CABLE TELEVISION CONSUMER PROTECTION AND COMPETITION ACT OF 1992 AND THE RULES OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Parker advised that the County has decided not to regulate in the unincor- porated areas of Palm Beach County. They will wait until the entire situation with the FCC and Cable T.V. is more clear. Cable Television can choose one of two methods to charge. One method is a simple benchmark chart. The other method is cost of service. The cost of seryice method involves an auditing procedure and verification of costs a~d is a complicated method which the County feels may require additional Accountants. The City of Delray Beach has decided not to regulate, but Greenacres will regu- late and they have filed. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matson's request, Tele-Media advised that some of the information is proprietary and unless the City certifies, they will not pro- vid~ that information. 22- HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY C01~I$$ION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 The City can look at customer service standards, but cannot do anything about the rates without certification. No decision is required now since an Ordinance must come back for two readings before finalization. Mayor Harmening explained that if the City does not get involved, the FCC will regulate the rates and the customers will not have the clout to get FCC atten- tion. Morton Commissioner Walshak moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-167. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion. Mayor Harmening realized there was some reluctance on the part of the COmmission. He suggested the Commissioners educate themselves on this subject to make certain they wish to go forth with this. The motion carried 5-0. 7. Proposed Resolution No, R93-168 Re: Authorize execution of Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Town of Ocean Ridge for Utility Easements on Lot 46, Coquina Cove Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-168 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXERCISE OF EMINENT DOMAIN, PURSUANT TO CHAPTERS 73 AND 74, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 166.401, ET SEQ, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE AND NATURE OF THE IMPROVE- MENTS TO BE MADE; PROVIDING A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST TO BE ACQUIRED, A FINDING OF NECESSITY, AUTHORIZATION FOR A DECLARATION OF TAKING, AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND FUNDS, AND TO HAVE FURTHER PROCEEDINGS; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE TOWN OF OCEAN RIDGE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Moti on Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-168. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion. In response to Commissioner Katz' question regarding whether or not the City was doing Ocean Ridge a favor, City Manager Miller and Mayor Harmening advised that we are not. The motion carried 5-0. 8. Proposed Resolution No, R93-159 Re: Confirmation of City Manager appointment of James D. White as City Engineer for the City of Boynton Beach Attorney Goren read Proposed Resolution No. R93-16~)by title only: 23- HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHNISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT BY CITY MANAGER J. SCOTT MILLER, OF JAMES D. WHITE, CITY ENGINEER FOR THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AT GRADE 39, STEP 4 OF THE PAY PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-169. Vice Mayor Aguila seconded the motion. Commissioner Katz questioned the City Manager with regard to whether or not the City sent out or received formal reference checks on Mr. White. City Manager Miller advised that telephone conversations were conducted with individuals. Commissioner Katz noted a discrepancy of thirteen months between the application and Mr. White's resume with regard to his employment with Forsgren-Perkins Engineering. Mr. White stated the resume might contain a typographical error. There are no months missing. Commissioner Katz also noted an overlap on the resume in that from 3/87 to 6/88, Mr.. White worked for Smith & Gillespie Engineers, Inc., but also worked for indian River County from 4/88 to 9/89. Commissioner Katz expressed his displeasure. Mr. White explained that he probably prepared one document without refHrring to the other. Commissioner Katz questioned whether Mr. White was the Director of the depart- men~s listed under the City of Kemmerer from 1980 to 1986. Mr. White stated he Was the Director of the Public Works group of the City of Kemmerer. That gropp included Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, Airport, Parks & Recreation and Golf Course divisions. Commissioner Katz pointed out that the Physical Condition section on the appli- cation had been crossed out. Ms. Parker advised that the City can no longer ask those questions. In response to Commissioner Walshak's question, Ms. Parker advised that the Personnel Department is working on the new ADA-approved applications. Commissioner Katz also noted that the starting and ending salaries were all left blank. ? pointed out that by leaving out the salaries, it does not provide an oppbrtunity to see whether or not a person progressed while in the position. Mr. White felt there was no significant relationship between another job and its salary, and the one he is currently considering. In response to Commissioner Katz' question regarding whether Mr. White has experience in Traffic Impact Analysis, he advised that he was ' ' Traf~. _ involved in TlC Impact Analysis for the DeBartolo Mall in Indian River County. He did not conduct the analysis. He reviewed it and participated in the discussions and hearings. C~m~,jss!on~r ~atz_oppo~es Mr. White's appointment as the City Engineer because ot ~ne mack ot information supplied. Further, he feels theproposed salar is' much too high for someone who does not know the system or Codes of the Cit~. - 24 - HIHUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COHHIS$ION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Commissioner Walshak questioned Mr. White regarding his total experience with municipal governments. Mr. White advised that he has been involved since 1975 with the exception of three and one-half years. Commissioner Walshak asked for Mr. White's opinion on the Clean Streams Act and itQ implementation as far as drainage throughout the City. Mr. White advised that h~ had not reviewed the text of the Clean Streams Act. In response to Commissioner Walshak's question regarding South Florida Water Management District's criteria for calculating drainage, Mr. White advised that his Florida experience is primarily in the areas covered by the St. John's Water Management District. He has not reviewed the South Florida Water Management District criteria. Mr. White further stated that he has not had an opportunity to review the City's Codes regarding subdivisions, parking lots, lighting and excavation and fill. Co~missioner Walshak wondered how long it would take for Mr. White to become familiar with the items he mentioned. Mr. White explained that having been involved with a number of consultant firms, he feels he can be productive the fiCst day on the job. Commissioner Walshak asked about Mr. White's experience with subdivision regula- tions. Mr. White said he was involved with subUivision regulations in the City of Independence, Missouri, the City of Torrington, Wyoming, and in the City of Melbourne, Florida. Witl regard to Mr. White's managerial style, he stated that he would describe his style as a participatory, consensus-type approach to decisions. Once information is gathered through those methods, only one person can make the decision. Authoritative or command management does not function effectively out)ide of the military. In today's organizations, one must lead rather than command. Mr. White said he is a hands-on supervisor as opposed to a chairman of :he board type person. Vic~ Mayor Aguila commended Mr. White for his gracious handling of the questions. He questioned City Manager Miller about the City s procedure regarding requests for writte~ responses On resumes. City Manager Miller said the City relies on telephone conversation because the written responses are not retbrned. Vice Mayor Aguila feels the salaries which were omitted are no one's business, and he was not concerned that they were omitted. Further, he feels it would be unrealistic for this City to expect Mr. White to be familiar with our Codes. However, he pointed out that because of the experience indicated on the resume, he is confident that Mr. White will be effective, a team player and a good Department head. Vice Mayor Aguila will support the Resolution. Mayor Pro Tem Matson interviewed Mr. White prior to this meeting and was satisfied with the answers he provided when questioned. Mayor Harmening thanked Mr. White and complimented him for the Way he conducted himself. ' The motion carried 3-2. (Commissioners Walshak and Katz cast the dissenting votes.) - 25 - HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COt4t4ISSION HEETING BOYHTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 D. Other: 1. Code Enforcement lien reduction - Ztmmerman (127 SE 11th Avenue) Hr. Zlnmmrman was present and explained that the mortgages on the property are in excess of the selling price. The property was left to him upon the death of his son. He currently has a buyer for the property and requested assistance in releasing the lien so that the sale can proceed. Motion Vice Mayor Aguila moved to approve the recommendation from Scott Blasie for $500. Mayor Pro Tom Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 2. Flnlzlo Lawsuit Status Report - Authorization to Retain Counsel This item was discussed earlier in the meeting. XI. OLD BUSINESS: A. Proposal for recognition of Notorola's contribution to the cenm~nlty Ms. Parker stated that in response to a request from the City Commission for a proposal to recognize Motorola's contribution to the community, staff suggests a Proclamation for "Motorola Appreciation Day", and the presentation of a pla- que at the Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner which will be held on November 12, 1993, at Catalina Holiday Inn. Some suggestions for the award are: 1. Hand-n-Hand, Business Partnership Award for Outstanding Civic Contributions; 2. Outstanding Boynton Beach Business of the Year; and 3. My City-Part of It, Proud of It Award. Vice Mayor Aguila liked the proposal and was in favor of the #1 suggestion for the award title. After discussion, it was decided to go with Item #1; however, Ms. Parker was directed to change it slightly to read, "Business Partnership Award for Outstanding Civic Contribution". At this point, Ms. Parker referred back to Proposed Resolution No. R93-167 regarding Cable Television and advised that there was also a request involved to hold a community meeting for the area homeowners' associations regarding the Cable Act and bulk contracts. The Commission was not in favor of such a meeting. B. Temporary Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) Facility, SE corner of Ocean Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard City Manager Miller requested this item be tabled. - 26 - HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COI~IISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 5, 1993 Hotlon Vice Mayor Aguila moved to table. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion. Cit~ Manager Miller explained that the City will not break even on $12.00 per square foot over a one-year period. The City is attempting a counteroffer of an eighteen month lease for a temporary site at $12.50. Mayor Harmening and Vice Mayor Aguila do not want the City to lose money on this deal. Vice Mayor Aguila stated that either the City covers its expenses or HRS will not come to Boynton Beach. Furthermore, the Commission was opposed to a temporary facility for eighteen months. City Manager Miller advised that the new Director is renegotiating leases. She is under warrants from her Board of Directors and the State of Florida not to rent leases for $14 or $15 per square foot. Vice Mayor Aguila feels the City should'not be picking up the additi~onat cost per square foot. He is opposed to the City getting into the real estate business. XII.CITY HANAGER'S REPORT: None XII,I.OTHER: None XIV. ADJOURNHENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting prop- erly adjourned at 10:25 p.m. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor Vice Mayor ATTEST: ~ /f ? Mayor,~/~o Tem <]~cordi ng Secretary ~/: ~~issioner (Four Tapes) - 27 III. CONSEI~AGENDA C cc: Finance, Rec AGENDA oti OCTOBER $, 1995 1. ACCUFORM GOLF CORPORATION $1,096.16 P, O. 5429. SAND TRAP. RAKES AND HANDLES. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REV. FUND -- 411-726-5-318-00 2. AERIAL DATA REDUCTION ASSOCIATES, INC. $27,660.80 AUTOMATED DESIGN MAPPING - 2" WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT SERVICES. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER UTILITY REV. FUND -- 421-000-0-690-21 3. AMERICAN LIGHTING MAINTENANCE, INC. $1,544.00 P. O, 5399. INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING QUADS FOR TENNIS COURTS. PAY FROM MISCELLANEOUS TRUST FUND -- 691-000-1-693-10 4. ATLANTIC ALUMINUM $4,033.00 P. O. 5001. STORM PANELS. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION -- 301-194-5-629-00 5. BELL & HOWELL $1,436.00 SERVICE AGREEMENT ON MICROFILM CAMERA FROM 9/22/93 - 9/21/94. '- ' PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-122-5-433-00 6. CPT OF SOUTH FLORIDA $1,800.00 P. O. 5374. INSTALLATION AND CABLE OF LASER PRINTER. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND 001-131-5-670-02 7. CAMEO SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, INC. $4,831.31 ON SITE PAYROLL CONVERSION AND TRAINING. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-133-5-430-09 8. CHEMMME $21,062.40 P. O. 2844. L~ME FOR CHEMICAL SOFTENING AT WATER TREATMENT PLANT PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REVENUE FUND -- 401-335-5-365-00 9. CLUB CAR $75,164.90 P. O. 4743, 31 ELECTRIC CLUB CARS. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REVENUE FUND -- 411-000-1-476-70 10. COMTEL INDUSTRIES $19,243.90 P. O. 4758. NEC NEAX 2400 IMS IMG PBX 5200/11 PAY FROM 1990 CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10 - $15,915.30 P. O. 4969. NEC E & M TRUNK CARD. 1990 . --409-000-0-690-10- 3.3 .60 COMMISSION OCT 5 1~ APPROVAL 11. CUSHING DEMOLITION $44,082.45 P. O. 4707. DEMOLITION OF NORTH TRTMNT PLANT. PAY FROM UTILITY GENERAL FUND -- 403-000-0-691-10 12. DECORA OFFICE/FURNITURE SUPPLIES $1,814.34 P. O. 5368. CALENDAR SUPPLY. PAY FROM WAREHOUSE FUND -- 502-000-0-410-10 13. EASY PAY TIRE STORE $1,429.51 P.O. 2832. NEW TIRES/FRONT ALIGNMENT. PAY FROM WAREHOUSE FUND -- 502-000-0-410-17 14. ENGINEERING SOFTWARE SERVICES $1,100.00 P. O. 5492. 20 HOURS TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND SERVICE. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REVENUE FUN D-- 401-391-5-499-00 15. FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. $1,569.65 P. O. 5204. REHAB OF LIFT STATION 102, PAY FROM WATER & SEWER UTILITY REV, FUND -- 421-000-0-691-21 16. FLORIDA DEPT. OF LABOR & EMPLOYMENT SECURITY $26,256.86 SELF INSURER ASSESSMENT-ADVANCED ASSESSMENT PERIOD 10/16/92 - 10/15/93 PAY FROM SELF INSURANCE FUND -- 622-195-5-447-00 17. GAMETIME INC. $5,384.38 P, O. 5153. MODULAR POWERSCAPE SYSTEM. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION -- 301-722-5-634-00-$4,227.00 P, O. 5279. 4 TOT SEATS, 6 WAIST-HI STOVES, 4 CABLE BEST SEATS PAY FROM GENERAL FUND 001-722-5-345-00 - $427.88 PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION -- 301-722-5-634-00 - $729.50 18. GEE & JENSON $46,811.01 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PERIOD ENDING 7/30/93 PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION -- 301-722-5-463-08 - $18,668.57 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR INVOICES 22802, 22332, & 21191 (SEE ATTACHED FOR FURTHER BREAKDOWN) PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REVENUE FUND -- 401-392-5-463-00- $6,378.33 P.O. 86324. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PERIOD ENDING JULY 31, 1992 PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION -- 301-000-1-450-20 - $3,860.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR PERIOD ENDING 8/27/93-MEADOWS & BOYNTON LAKES. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION -- 301-722-5-463-07 - $12,020.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR INVOICE 23395 AND 23792.. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REVENUE FUND -- 401-392-5-463-00 - $5,884.11 COMMISSION OCT APPROVAb 19. GEORGE HOMRICH LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN, INC. $6,340.00 P. O. 5490. LANDSCAPE BEAUTIFICATION. PAY FROM COMM IMPROVEMENT/CRA FUND -- 621-136-5-630-14 - $2,218.00 P. O. 5475. LANDSCAPE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT. PAY FROM COMM IMPROVEMENT/CRA FUND -- 621-136-5-630-14 - $4,122.00 20. GOOGE TRUCKING, INC. $1,411.84 P. O. 5386. SAND FOR NEW BUNKERS. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REVENUE FUND -- 411-726-5-346-00. 21. H.T.E. HEADQUARTERS $1,425.65 P. O. 4132. UPGRADE CHGS FOR HTE SOFTWARE PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-000-1-451-18 22. HARRISON UNIFORMS $1,943.54 P. O. 2840. UNIFORMS FOR POLICE & FIRE, PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-211-5-397-00 23. HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY $3,562.80 P. ©. 2878. PESTICIDES USED ON THE GOLF COURSE. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REVENUE FUND -- 411-726-5-361-00 24. HOWARD FERTIEZER CO., INC. $5,973.02 P. O. 5436. FERTILIZER FOR GOLF COURSE. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REVENUE FUND -- 411-726-5-366-00 25. INSURANCE SERVICING AND ADJUSTING COMPANY $1,485.00 WORKERS' COMP CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION FEES FOR AUGUST 1993. PAY FROM SELF NSURANCE FUND -- 622-195-5-447-00 26. INVESCO, MIM .$7,888.85 INVESTMENT FEE FOR QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 1993 PAY FROM POLICE PENSION FUND -- 612-138-5-225-00 27. J. MARCEL ENTERPRISES $3,698.60 P, O. 4489, BICYCLE PATROL CLOTHING PAY FROM MISCELLANEOUS TRUST FUND -- 691-000-1-691-20 28. JONES CHEMICALS $1,049.40 P. O, 2884. CHLORINE FOR DISINFECTION. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-335-5-363-00 29. ANDREW KAMN $1,032.34 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-211-5-470-10 COMMISSION OCT ii 1993 APPROVAL 30. KIMMINS RECYCLING $16,800.24 P. O. 2889. RECYCLING CENTER USED FOR RECYCLING MATERIALS PAY FROM SANITATION FUND -- 431-341-5-490-01 31. MQUID AG SYSTEMS, INC. $2,548.00 P. O, 2898. LIQUID FERTILIZER FOR FERTIGATION SYSTEM. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REV, FUND -- 411-726-5-366-00 32. M&R & SONS, INC. $7,500.00 P. O. 5468. REFINISH WOOD SIDING OF CLUB HOUSE AT B.B. GOLF COURSE. PAY FROM GOLF COURSE REV, FUND -- 411-725-5-629-00 33. MEYER'S TURF, INC. $3,250.00 P. O. 5501. FURNISH & INSTALL FLORATAM SOD. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION -- 301-411-5-630-21 34. MICROAGE COMPUTER CENTERS, INC. $3,349.72 P. O. 5375. UPS FOR RACQUET CENTER COMPUTER PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 301-721-5-670-02 35. MOLLOY BROTHERS INC. $58,146.34 P. O. 4715. WATER MAIN PROJECT. PAY FROM 1990 CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 409-000-0-690-10 36. MOTOROLA, INC. $2,140.00 P.O. 5334. RADIO THEFT REPLACEMENT FOR VEHICLE #002. PAY FROM SELF INSURANCE FUND -- 622-195-5-440-01 - $1,295.00 P. O. 5043. RADIO FOR VEHICLE #68. PAY FROM SANITATION FUND -- 431-341-5-690-05 - $845.00 37. NEIGHBORHOOD FAMILY DOCTOR $5,329.00 8 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS AND 36 ANNUAL PHYSICALS. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-135-5-460-01 38. P.R.I.D.E. OF FLORIDA $1,723.15 P. O. 2942. RETREAD TIRES. PAY FROM VEHICLE SERVICE FUND -- 501-193-5-322-00 39. PAINT BALL MANIA SUPPLIES $1,075.50 P, O. 5514. PAINTBALL GUNS & PAINTBALLS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND -- 001-211-5-382-00 40. PEROXIDATION SYSTEMS, INC. $1,500.00 P, O. 3002. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE USED IN WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REV. FUND -- 401-352-5-366-00 41. PLASTIC PIPING SYSTEMS $1,595.48 P. O. 5181. 1,025 GALLON BULK STORAGE TANK, SUPPORT FOR TANK STAND PAY FROM SANITATION FUND -- 431-000-1-479-60 COMMISSION OCT 42. RALPH HAHN & ASSOCIATES $6,085.20 P. O. 5146. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES. PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 301-194-5-468-00 - $4,191.00 P, O. 5145. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES, PAY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE TAX CONSTRUCTION FUND -- 301-194-5-468-00 - $1,894.20 43. REGAL CHEMICAL COMPANY $2,460.00 P. O. 3179. Various Pesticides used on Golf Course. Pay From Golf Course Rev. Fund -- 411-726-5-361-00 44. RIGGS CONCRETE SERVICE, INC. $1,520.00 P. O. 4994. Construction of New Entrance at Freedom Hall. Pay From Public Service Tax Construction -- 301-190-5-630-10 45. SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TRTMNT & DISPOSAL BD. $3,270.00 LEACHATE DISPOSAL JULY MARTIN COUNTY - $1,620.00 LEACHATE DISPOSAL JULY ST. LUCIE COUNTY - $1,030.00 LEACHATE DISPOSAL AUGUST ST. LUCIE COUNTY - $620.00 PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REVENUE FUND -- 401-353-5-490-09 46. SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY $64,100.00 P. O. 5324. EQUIPMENT TO BE USED FOR MULTI-FAMILY RECYCLING PROGRAM. PAY FROM SANITATION FUND -- 431-341-5-342-00 47. STAGESTEP, INC. $3,140.64 P. O. 5369. FLOOR FOR FREEDOM HALL. PAY FROM MISCELLANEOUS TRUST FUND -- 691-000-1-693-10 48. SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS $4,400.00 P. O. 5086. BFG AQUAFEED. PAY FROM WATER & SEWER REVENUE FUND -- 401-335-5-365-00 49. TARE LAWN MAINTENANCE $5,013.00 P. O. 2976. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICE. PAY FROM GENERAL FUND--001-722-5-430-15 50. TENNIS SUPPLY $2,013.15 P. O. 5419. REPLACE LIGHT BRACKET. PAY FROM MISCELLANEOUS TRUST FUND -- 691-000-1-693-10 51. FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES $2,994.75 Dues for Annual Membership October 1, 1993 - September 30, 1994 Pay From General Fund -- 001-111-5-470-07 52. INNOVATION GROUPS $1,500.00 Annual Membership Fees for Boynton Beach's Participation October 1, 1993- September 30, 1994. Pay From General Fund--001-121-5-470-07 C0MM ISS~0N OCT $ 1993 APPROVAL 53. PALM BEACH COUNTY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE $7,500.00 Annual Dues for Fiscal Year 1993/94 Pay From General Fund -- 001-111-5-470-07 These bills have been approved and verified by the department heads involved. Checked and approved for payment. I therefore recommend payment of these bills. JJ. Scott Miller, City Manager ! COMMISSION OCT $ ].993 APPROVAL ,'~-a't~Y'. McDeavitt [LEXT~NSION: 3~8 DIP,~C? PAYMENT REQUISITION_ Please £ssue a check in the amount of $ 12,020.00 To~. Gee & Jenson / ~~--~~ 71 ~42~ ~ _' ...... _. PO Box 24600 -- WeSt Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 VENDOR For.- Invoice #23758 - $6,745.00 for professional services for period ending 8/27/93 - Meadows ,,,Invoice #23759 - $ 5,275.00 for professional services ~or per~o~ ending ~/27/93 - Boynton Lakes Requested by Date 9/23/93 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 301 722 5 463 08 5275 00 Dept. Head Finance Dept.~ C: ~ Manager TOTAL 12,020 00 GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23758 PROJECT NO. 93-133.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 31,975.00 BUDGET SUMMARY CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 6,595.00 24,015.00 30,610.00 LIMIT 31,085.00 REIMBURSABLES 150.00 686.99 836.99 LIMIT 890.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 23229 DATE 08/19/93 12,938.20 TOTAL 12,938.20 12 , 938.20 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 19,683.20 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE: COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDE:D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Amhitects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMITTO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 INVOICE NO. 23759 PROJECT NO. 93-153.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 -.. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: CHARLES FREDERICK FOR: BOYNTON LAKES PARK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING ~0GUST: 27, 1993 COMPLETION OF TASK 3 (CONSTRUCTION PLANS) , TASK 4 (COST ESTIMATES) AND TASK 5 (SPECIFICATIONS/CONTRACT AND BIDDING DOCUMENTS) PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT PROJECT MANAGER 5.0 85.00 425.00 SR. ENGINEER 6.0 80.00 480.00 ENGINEER 40.0 65.00 2 , 600.00 CADD DESIGNER 20.0 65.00 1,300.00 SECRETARY 6.0 25.00 150.00 DRAFTER 5.5 40.00 220.00 TOTALS 82.5 5,175.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) 100.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 5,275.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF ~19:38, AS AMENDED. ' · GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23579 PROJECT NO. 93-153.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 15,920.00 BUDGET SUMMARY CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 5,175.00 9,702.50 14,877.50 LIMIT 15,360.00 REIMBURSABLES 100.00 320.25 420.25 LIMIT 550.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES 23230 08/19/93 5,7 0. 7 TOTAL 5,730.37 5,730.37 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 11,005.37 WE: HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMITTO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 INVOICE NO. 23758 PROJECT NO. 93-133.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 FOR: MEADOWS PARK ?- PROJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD '~NDING AUGUST 27 COMPLETION OF TASK 3 (CONSTRUCTION PLANS) , TASK 4 (COST ESTIMATE) AND TASK 5 (SPECIFICATIONS/CONTRACT AND BIDDING DOCUMENTS) PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT PROJECT MANAGER 6.0 85.00 510.00 SR. ENGINEER 6.0 80.00 480.00 ENGINEER 60.0 65.00 3,900.00 CADD DESIGNER 20.0 65.00 1,300.00 SR. DRAFTER/TECH 1.0 55.00 55.00 SECRETARY 12.0 25.00 300.00 CADD DRAFTER 1.0 50.00 50.00 TOTALS 106.0 6,595.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES COMPUTER CHARGES 100.00 PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) 50.00 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 150.00 150.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 6,745.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LAE3OR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- ~anners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23758 PROJECT NO. 93-133.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 31,975.00 BUDGET SUMMARY CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 6,595.00 24,015.00 30,610.00 LIMIT 31,085.00 REIMBURSABLES 150.00 686.99 836.99 LIMIT 890.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES ~0. 23~.29 ~AT~ 08/:].9/93 :].2,938.20:.~~.J~-: ~.~' ~,/~/¢, ~ TOTAL 12,938.20 12,938.20 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 19,683.20 WE HEI~EBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF T14E SERVICES COVERED BY 1~118 INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 30,000 Orlando, FL 32891-9971 AUGUST 28, 1992 INVOICE NO. 15420 PROJECT NO. 91-050.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33425-0310 ATTN: MR. CHARLES C FREDERICK FOR: NEW RECREATION CENTER P.O. #86234 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JULY 31, 1992 TOTAL FEE 45,615.00 PHASE % OF FEE FEE % COMPLETE FEE EARNED PRELIM DESIGN 30,000.00 100 30,000.00 CONST ADMIN 10,000.00 80 8,000.00 ADD SERV/SURVEY 615.00 100 615.00 PARKING LOT EXP 5,000.00 100 ' 5,000.00 TOTAL EARNED 43,615.00 PREVIOUS FEE BILLING 39,755.00 CURRENT FEE BILLING 3,860.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 3,860.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAH LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF '1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners, inc, One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 September 16, 1993 City of Boynton Beach 10130 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard B0ynton Beach, Florida 33425 Attn: Mr. Bill DeBeck Re: Boynton Beach Recreation Center "Invoice # 15420 Status" Dear Mr. DeBeck: accounting of our invoices for referenced project indicates Invoice #15420 dated August 28, 992 (copy attached) has not been paid. Please review your records to see if they agree with ours. Should you have any questions or need additional information, do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, | . Miqhael T. Flattery PrOject Manager MTF/rd enc cc: Mr. Richard Krause Mr. Thomas C. Orlowski 91050 8EP P~tOj~ c DES(: R IPTiON UNI TS AMOI,.,q~T · - 40,500.0 A~ pe: i990 ~/~ approve t _ 6500 use by and div --. AOOOUNT~ PAYAB~ DELIVER TO CIVIC RE]~ mK ADDRESS ~ ~A~A~ '~'~',F, , ~ OUAN. D~RIFTION ~ ~ A~T NUM~E AMOUNT FUND DEPT. ELE O~ ~C~C~ ~ EE~E~ R~CES . 30Z_ 72~ 5 ~RO~ B~ ~SOL~ON R~-168 ~ . SHiP ORDER CALL PiJR~ ~. DE "~CR!P"~tOP4 Uf~tlTS AMOUNT APPROVAL OF Form No. 121, Revised 5/]/75 ~,~ ~ ~ DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount of $ 6 378 33 .-. Gee & Jenson Enqineers, Archi tests, Planners, Inc. 7/~~ P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, F1 33416-4600 For: Invoices #22802r #22332 & #21191 (See attached breakdown) Requested by Vincent A. Finizio Date Sept. 21, 1993 Approvals: FUND~, DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT Dept. Head ~ Finance Dept.~" -~/-~~_~_~ ' ~Uty Manager ~jJ /~ " ' "' ~OTAL $6,378 33 Pay to G~e & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. For: Invoice #22802 dated 8/12/93 $ 2,351.95 Invoice 922332 dated 7/19/93 $ 2,046.73 Invoice 921191 dated 4/22/93 $ 1,979.65 $ 6,378.33 TOTAL Invoice ~22802 dated 8/12/93 Task 9200 - Cedar Grove ....... $ 11.95 Task 9202 - Lawrence Groves Surety Reduction $ 427.50 Task #205 - Boynton Lakes Commercial Const. $ 427.50 Task 9206 - Lawrence Groves P.U.D.--- $ 190.00 Task #210 - Woolbright PUD $ 95.00 Task #212 - Tract M Pulte ........... $ 47.50 Task #213 - F.D.O.T. Services $ 237.50 Task #218 - Casa Loma Blvd. $ 190.00 Task #223 - Lawrence Lakes $ 250.00 Task #225 - Endoscopy Center ................. $ 95.00 Task #226 - Stanford Park ..... $ 190.00 Task #228 - Ascension Lutheran Church Expansion $ 95.00 Task #231 - Savannah Lakes $ 95.00 Total $2,351.95 Invoice {22332 dated 7/19/93 Task #200 - Cedar Grove. $ 239.68 Task #201 - Hunters Run Landscape Berm. $ 2.05 Task #205 - Boynton Lakes Commercial Const. $ 190.00 Task ~212 - Tract M Pulte ........... $ 380.00 Task ~215 - Motorola Site Reviews ---$ 95.00 Task ~220 - Race Trac Gas Station/Tradewinds $ 190.00 Task ~222 - Olive Garden Site .................. $ 95.00 Task ~225 - Endoscopy Center ................ $ 95.00 Task #226 - Standord Park ................ $ 570.00 Task #228 - Ascension Lutheran Church Expansion $ 95.00 Task 9229 - Ocean Ridge Water Improvements $ 95.00 Total $2,046.73 Invoice ~21191 dated 4/22/93 Task #211 - Costa Bella ....... Total $1,979.65 Grand Total $6,378.33 GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 AUGUST 12, 1993 INVOICE NO. 22772 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: MR VINCE FINIZIO FOR: GENERAL CONSULTING/PJCT REVIEWS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JULY 30, 1993 TASK: 200 CEDAR GROVE / PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL 0.2 25.00 5.00 TOTAL LABOR 5.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES TELEPHONE 6.95 TOTALREIMBURSABLES 6.95 6.95 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 11.95 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 239.68 TOTAL 239.68 239.68 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 251.63 WE HEREBY CER'n, FY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDE:D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416~4600 INVOICE NO. 22802 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 201 HUNTERS RUN LANDSCAPE BERM ~/ OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 2.05 TOTAL 2.05 2.05 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 2.05 TASK: 202 LAWRENCE GROVES SURETY REDUCTION J-- PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 4.5 95.00 427.50 TOTAL LABOR 427.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 427.50 TASK: 205 BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL CONST. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 4.5 95.00 427.50 TOTAL LABOR 427.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 427.50 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 190.00 TOTAL 190.00 190.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 617.50 1NE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, tVE HAVE COMPUED WITH THE FAIR LA~OR STANDARD~ ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDE:D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416~4600 INVOICE NO. 22802 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 206 LAWRENCE GROVES P.U.D. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.0 95.00 190.00 TOTAL LABOR 190.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 190.00 TASK: 210 WOOLBRIGHT PUD PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 1.0 95.00 95.00 TOTAL LABOR 95.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 95.00 TASK: 211 COSTA BELLA OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 21191 DATE 04/22/93 1,979.65 TOTAL 1,979.65 1,979.65 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 1,979.65 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMrr TO P,O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach~ FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 22802 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 212 TRACT M PULTE PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 0.5 95.00 47.50 TOTAL LABOR 47.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 47.50 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 380.00 TOTAL 380.00 380.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 427 . 50 TASK: 213 F.D.O.T. SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.5 95.00 237.50 TOTAL LABOR 237.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 237.50 TASK: 215 MOTOROLA SITE REVIEWS OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 .... TOTAL 95.00 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 95.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 3938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 22802 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 218 CASA LOMA BLVD. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.0 95.00 190.00 TOTAL LABOR 190.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 190.00 TASK: 220 RACE TRAC GAS STATION/TRADEWINDS OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 190.00 TOTAL 190.00 190.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 190.00 TASK: 222 OLIVE GARDEN SITE OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 95.00 1NE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SE~/iCES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR L,.ABOR ST~DARDS ACT OF ! 938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Arohitects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMITTO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416~t600 INVOICE NO. 22802 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 223 LAWRENCE LAKES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE. AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.5 95.00 237.50 SECRETARY 0.5 25.00 12.50 TOTALS 3.0 250.00 TOTAL LABOR 250.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 250.00 TASK: 225 ENDOSCOPY CENTER PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECH/SPEC 1.0 95.00 95.00 TOTAL LABOR 95.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 95.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 190.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE: COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR ~TANDARDS ACT OF ~93~, ~ AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.Q Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 22802 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 226 STANFORD PARK PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECH/SPEC 2.0 95.00 190.00 TOTAL LABOR 190.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 190.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 570.00 TOTAL 570.00 570.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 760.00 TASK: 228 ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH EXPANSION PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 1.0 95.00 95.00 TOTAL LABOR 95.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 95.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 190.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Patm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 22802 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 229 OCEAN RIDGE WATER IMPROVEMENTS OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 95.00 TASK: 231 SAVANNAH LAKES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 1.0 95.00 95.00 TOTAL LABOR 95.00 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 95.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 2,351.95 1RtE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF ~1938, AS AME:NDED. ! Catchy McDeav~/ DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION ~[ EXTENSION: Please issue a check in the amount of $ 18,668.57 · O~_ Gee & Jenson ..... PO Box 24600 .. West Palm Beach; FL 33416-4600 VENDOR NO. //~_3 / For: Invoice #23230 - $5,730.37 for Professional services for the period ending 7/30/93 Boynton Lakes Park. Invoice #23229 - $12,938.20 for Professional services for the period ending Meadows Park. Requested by Date 9/7/93 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 301 722 5 463 08 5730. 37 12938. 20 301 722 5 463 07 Dept. Head Manager · ' , API'~Q'VAL- ,1 TOTAL 18668 5.7 GEE &.JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc, PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 AUGUST 18, 1993 INVOICE NO. 23229 PROJECT NO. 93-133.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: CHARLES FREDERICK ~ ~ ~ FOR: MEADOWS PARK / APPROXIMATELY 90% CCHPLETION OF SITE/CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, ELECTRICAL, / LANDSCAPE ANDIRRIGATION PLANS DETAILS SPECIFICATIONAND~OSTESTIHAT~.g~'"' PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JULY 30, 199~ - ' PARTIAL TASK 3 (CONSTRUCTION PLANS) PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT PRINCIPAL 1.5 125.00 187.50 PROJECT MANAGER 16.0 85.00 1,360.00 SR. ENGINEER 19.0 80.00 1,520.00 ENGINEER 100.0 65.00 6,500.00 CADD DESIGNER 2.5 65.00 162.50 SECRETARY 8.0 25.00 200.00 CADD DRAFTER 10.0 50.00 500.00 DRAFTER 50.0 40.00 2,000.00 TOTALS 207.0 12,430.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AUTO MILEAGE 10.00 POSTAGE 0.52 TELEPHONE 1.36 COMPUTER CHARGES 200.13 PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) 296.19 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 508.20 508.20 COMMISSION APPROVAL HEI~F. BY CE~I~ THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ~WICES COVERED ~ THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED W~H ~E FAIR ~BOR ~ANDARDS ACT OF !9~, AS AMEN~D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416~600 INVOICE NO. 23229 PROJECT NO. 93-133.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 31,975.00 BUDGET SUMMARY CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 12,430.00 11,585.00 24,015.00 LIMIT 31,085.00 REIMBURSABLES 508.20 178.79 686.99 LIMIT 890.00 BUDGET REMAINING $7,273.01 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22413 DATE 07/22/93 4,537.70 TOTAL 4,537.70 4,537.70 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 17,475.90 hUG S5 1995 . _. PROJEG~- WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR S~rANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, lnc, PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 AUGUST 18, 1993 ........ INVOICE NO. 23230 '--.~ PROJECT NO. 93-153.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD ~ P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ~ ;' FOR: BOYNTON LAKES PARK ..~ .... / PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JULY 30, 1993 PARTIAL TASK 3 (CONSTRUCTION PLANS) APPROXIMATELY 90% COMPLETION OFISITE/CIVIL, ARCHITECTURAL, ELECTRICAL, LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS AND COST ESTIMATES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT PROJECT MANAGER 4.5 85.00 382.50 SR. ENGINEER 9.0 80.00 720.00 ENGINEER 48.5 65.00 3,152.50 CADD DESIGNER 1.5 65.00 97.50 SECRETARY 1.9 25.00 47.50 CADD DRAFTER 4.5 50.00 225.00 DRAFTER 22.0 40.00 880.00 TOTALS 91.9 5,505.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE 1.56 COMPUTER CHARGES 50.00 PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) 173.81 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 225.37 225.37 COMMISSION SEP 21 1993 ~ APPROVAL HF_.R£B¥ ~R~I'I~ THAT IN THE ~RFOR~4A~CE OF ~ $£~1C~$ CO¥£R£~ ~ ~15 INVOIC£, WE HAYE COI~IPLIED W~H ~£ ~IBOR ~ANDARD$ ACT O~ ~, AS A~ND~D. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Paim Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23230 PROJECT NO. 93-153.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 15,920.00 BUDGET SUMMARY CURRENT PRIOR PDS TO-DATE LABOR 5,505.00 4,197.50 9,702.50 LIMIT 15,360.00 REIMBURSABLES 225.37 94.88 320.25 LIMIT 550.00 BUDGET REMAINING $239.75 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22414 DATE 07/22/93 1,648.89 TOTAL 1,648.89 1,648.89 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 7,379.26 COMMISSION SEP 21 1~93 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. ~ ~o~m No. 121, Revised 5/]/?5 APPROV,~'L OF 8ILLS DIR~C~ P~YM_EN~ PJEQUIST~ION Please issue a check in the amount of ,~ Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. P.O. Box 24600 .~ West Palm Beach. F1 33416-4600 For: Invoice No. 23792 - Retainer for City Engineerinq Services Professional Services for the period ending 8/27/93 Requested by Vincent A. Finizio Date September 24~ 1993 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ[ AMOUNT ,401 392 t 5 463 00' 2,040 00 Dept. Head ~_." Fiinance De pt..~~-~-~----- ~c'ity Manager TOTAL $2,040 00 GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMITTO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach FL 33416-4600 SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 INVOICE NO. 23792 PROJECT NO. 93-049.10 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: VINCEFINIZIO FOR: RETAINER FOR CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 27, 1993 2,040.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $ 2,040.00 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAiR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF ]938, AS AMENDED. · " APPRnv;' BILLS. ~orm No. 121, Revised 5/]/75 ~/¥#-%k. Vi DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount of $ 3,844.11 ~_~/~~ ,: Gee & Jenson Engineers, Architects, Planners, Inc. P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, F1 33416-4600 For: Invoice No, 253~5 -. General Consultinq/PJCT Reviews ....... Professional Services for period ending 8/27/93 Requested by Vincent A. Finizio Date Sept. 24, 1993 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE t OBJ AMOUNT '_ 401 .392 5 463 00 3,844 1] Dept. Read [ · . '__.__ _ Finance Dept. . ...... City Manager TOTAL $3,844 11 Task 201 - Hunters Run Drainage Inlet Relocation $ 300.29 Task 205 - Boynton Lakes Commercial Const. $ 237.50 Task 206 - Lawrence Groves P.U.D. $1,527.70 Task 210 - Woolbright PUD $ 346.90 Task 213 - F.D.O.T. Services $ ~228.94 Task 215 - Motorola Site Reviews- $ 237.50 Task 223 - Lawrence Lakes $ 312.49 Task 225 - Endoscopy Center ........... $ 462.50 Task 226 - Stanford Park- $ 47.50 Task 228 - Ascension Lutheran Church Expansion $ 95.29 Task 234 - Old Dixie Hwy Legals $ 47.50 Total $3,844.11 GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416~t600 SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ATTN: MR VINCE FINIZIO FOR: GENERAL CONSULTING/PJCT REVIEWS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 27, 1993 TASK: 200 CEDAR GROVE OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 239.68 NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 11.95 TOTAL 251.63 ~1.6~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~ TASK: 201 HUNTERS RUN DRAINAGE INLET RELOCATION PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.5 95.00 237.50 SECRETARY 2.5 25.00 62.50 TOTALS 5.0 300.00 TOTAL LABOR 300.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE 0.29 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 0.29 .29 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 300.29 H~EBY CE~i~ THAT IN THE ~RFORMANCE OF THE ~ICES COV~ED ~ ~lS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMEIED WffH ~E FAIR LAiR ~ANDARD$ ACT OF ! 9~, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 2.05 TOTAL 2.05 --2~O~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~8-~ TASK: 202 LAWRENCE GROVES. SURETY REDUCTION OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 427.50 TOTAL 427.50 +27.~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~ TASK: 205 BOYNTON LAKES COMMERCIAL CONST. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.5 95.00 237.50 TOTAL LABOR 237.'50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 237..50 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 190.00 NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 427.50 TOTAL 617.50 ~lT~k TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~ WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPUED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF f938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.Q Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 206 LAWRENCE GROVES P.U.D. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 5.0 95.00 475.00 ENG/ARCH/PLANNER 16.0 65.00 1,040.00 SECRETARY 0.5 25.00 12.50 TOTALS 21.5 1,527.50 TOTAL LABOR 1,527.50 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) 0.20 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 0.20 .20 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 1,527.70 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 190.00 TOTAL 190.00 ~-90.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ 1-~~ TASK: 210 WOOLBRIGHT PUD PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 3.5 95.00 332.50 SECRETARY 0.5 25.00 12.50 TOTALS 4.0 345.00 TOTAL LABOR 345.00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LAIBOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Enginee~-Arch~ects- ~an~m, I~. P~ASE REM~TO P.Q ~x 24600 West Palm Bea~. ~ 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE 1.90 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 1.90 1.90 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 346.90 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 211 COSTA BELLA OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 21191 DATE 04/22/93 1,979.65 TOTAL 1,979.65 ~5 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 212 TRACT M PULTE OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 380.00 NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 47.50 TOTAL 427~50 ~ ~27.50 TOTAL NOW DUE $ tNE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPMED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF ! 9~B8, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 TNVOTCP. NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 213 F.D.O.T. SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.0 95.00 190.00 SECRETARY 1.5 25.00 37.50 TOTALS 3.5 227.50 TOTAL LABOR 227.50 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE 1.04 PRNTG & REPRO (INHOUSE) 0.40 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 1.44 1.44 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 228.94 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 237.50 TOTAL 237.50 ~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ .~ TASK: 215 MOTOROLA SITE REVIEWS PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 2.5 95.00 237.50 TOTAL LABOR 237.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 237.50 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ WE. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & .IENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416~,~X] INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 218 CASA LOMA BLVD. OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 190.00 TOTAL 190.00 I~0.90 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 220 RACE TRAC GAS STATION/TRADEWINDS OUTSTANDING INVOICES - NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 190.00 TOTAL 190.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 222 OLIVE GARDEN SITE OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 223 LAWRENCE LAKES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 3.0 95.00 285.00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 19~, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Plannem, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P,O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 SECRETARY 1.0 25.00 25.00 TOTALS 4.0 310.00 TOTAL LABOR 310.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE 2.49 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 2.49 2.49 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 312.49 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 250.00 ....... TOTAL 250.00 ~.CC~v TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~ TASK: 225 ENDOSCOPY CENTER PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECH/SPEC 3.5 95.00 332.50 ENG/ARC/PLNR/SUR 2.0 65.00 130.00 TOTALS 5.5 462.50 TOTAL LABOR 462.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 462.50 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 95.00 TOTAL 190.00 -1~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~ WE: HERE~ ~1~ ~AT IN THE ~ORMANCE OF THE ~ICES COVERED ~ THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR ~ANDAR~ A~ OF 193S, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 226 STANFORD PARK PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECH/SPEC 0.5 95.00 47.50 TOTAL LABOR 47.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 47.50 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 570.00 NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 190.00 TOTAL 760 . 00 ~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~ TASK: 228 ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH EXPANSION PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 1.0 95.00 95.00 TOTAL LABOR 95.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES POSTAGE 0.29 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 0.29 .29 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 95.29 OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 95.00 TOTAL 190.00 TOTAL NOW DUE $ WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 11938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 229 OCEAN RIDGE WATER IMPROVEMENTS OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22332 DATE 07/19/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 ~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ ~ TASK: 231 SAVANNAH LAKES OUTSTANDING INVOICES NO. 22772 DATE 08/12/93 95.00 TOTAL 95.00 ~ TOTAL NOW DUE $ TASK: 233 PUBLIC WORKS HOIST PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL \ HOURS RATE ~AMOUNT SR ENG/ARCH/PLANNER 6.0 80.00 ~480.00 TOTAL LABOR 0.~0 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ~ / AUTO MILEAGE 11.22 \/ POSTAGE 0.58 TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 11.80 L~80 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED. GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects- Planners, Inc. PLEASE REMIT TO P.O. Box 24600 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4600 INVOICE NO. 23395 PROJECT NO. 92-025.00 TASK: 234 OLD DIXIE HWY LEGALS PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL HOURS RATE AMOUNT SR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST 0.5 95.00 47.50 TOTAL LABOR 47.50 TOTAL THIS TASK $ 47.50 TOTAL THIS INVOICE 'hE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE, WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE FAIR LAI~:)R STANDARDS ACT OF 1 9:B8, AS AMENDED.