City Commission City Staff Chamber of Commerce Other
Gerald Broening, Wilfred Hawkins, Tnterim City Ken Kaleel, Art Rowe
Mayor Manager Chairman 3osephine Groen
Nellie Denahan, Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Kathy Shabotynskyj, Lee Wische
Commissioner Manager President
Virginia Farace, Dagmar Brahs, COBWRA
Library Director & Chamber Ron Groen
Member Klm Beaumont
Don Fenton
Amy & Mike Hazlett
Pat Archer, Delray Beach
Nick Hagoort
Mike Bottcher
Angela Budano
Dawn Siebold
.leanne Heavilin
Ginny Foot
Herb Kahlert
3im Darst
Call to Order
Ken Kaleel called the joint workshop to order at 7:10 p.m. and welcomed everyone. He requested
introductions from everyone present.
Mr. Kaleel advised that he met with Mayor Broening, Mr. Hawkins and Ms. Shabotynskyj to put
together the items that would appear on this agenda. The purpose of this meeting is to open a
dialogue between the Chamber of Commerce and the City Commission and to decide how to best
develop and encourage growth in Boynton Beach to benefit the business community and residents
of the area.
1. Zmproving City's Image
a. Marketing Collaborative
Mayor Broening reported that he spoke with the AARP today to provide a "state of the City" report
alter 11/2 months in office. The message he will take to every group he speaks with is that
everyone is in the marketing business in Boynton Beach. Tn order to do this, there must be
success stories to talk about and materials to disseminate. These are the two most important
issues to Mayor Broening at this time. He feels it is most important to get some visible signs. We
have not done a very good job of getting the word out with respect to the successes we have had
to date. The Chamber can be of assistance,
MAY 10, 1999
Mayor Broening spoke about a small town in California that has grown tremendously. The City and
the Chamber worked very closely together and the Chamber became a major marketing tool for
that City. They provide the information for marketing tools in the redevelopment area and used
their business development committees to provide information to the City. That information is
used in planning and development. This City developed a downtown from nothing. The Chamber
participated in that process from the beginning. They were also able to do a bond issue and
received help from the state. Mayor Broening explained that this is a strong objective for us and
we must have close definitive help from the Chamber.
Mr. Hawkins reported that Virginia Farace and Melody Green serve as the City's chairpersons of our
internal marketing team. The team is divided into subcommittees. Chamber members are serving
on the Progress Trail and Port Promenade subcommittees. Mr. Hawkins said the City's desire is for
the Chamber to serve in regular seats on this marketing team to bring external input, feedback
and expertise to the table with respect to the City completing its communications plan and
developing marketing materials. The infrastructure is in place for a marketing collaborative. We
need more definition to heighten the Chamber's role in helping us pursue our marketing goals.
Virginia Farace advised that the marketing team is called the MACS (Marketing and
Communications Strategists). This team encompasses marketing and overall communication. One
of the major projects the team is now undertaking is a communications audit. They are looking at
every publication and communication/marketing contact to determine whether or not it is serving
its purpose, meeting the needs or whether it can be done better and more efficiently.
One of the sub-teams is the Progress Trail team. This team is moving forward and kiosks should
be up within the next four to six months. These kiosks will mark the progress of redevelopment in
the Ocean Avenue area.
A sub-team is beginning to plan what needs to be in'place so that the Promenade can host the
type of events the City, Chamber and community need to hold in that area.
Some of the other sub-teams include the Ali-American City Award, the City's Web Site and the
Public Tnformation Network (PIN). The Public Information Network has one representative from
every department in the City. This team meets once a month to talk about what is going on in the
department, share the communications and learn how to do things better. Ms. Farace advised that
community input is welcome on any of these teams.
Mr. Kaleet said the Chamber is in the business of serving businesses and the businesses are in the
business of serving their customers. Therefore, the Chamber is in the business of marketing. He
feels the Chamber and City can join forces and be active in this area. Mr. Kaleel referred to a
meeting at Motorola and the fact that tremendous numbers of people from around the world visit
this facility. Therefore, they need to see a good image of Boynton Beach. Mr. Kaleel questioned
whether or not we are taking the best advantage of Motorola to introduce these people to the City
so that they will come back with tourist dollars or to make this their home. Mr. Kaleel feels this is
an opportunity we need to take advantage of. Mr. Kaleel opened the discussion on the types of
things that could be done jointly to present one image of Boynton Beach.
MAY 10, 1999
One member of the audience recommended making use of the advertising pamphlets that are
found on the Turnpike. She also suggested that an effort be made to secure some space at
Motorola for brochures that advertise the fishing industry or golf.
Ms. HeavJlin was not sure the City's image has been defined. Mayor Broening said there is a need
for a written plan. Ms. Farace explained that the MACS team will begin working on a marketing
plan once the communications audit is complete.
Mr. Hawkins reminded everyone that the Visions 20/20 Plan includes a nautical theme for the
downtown commercial areas and marina on Ocean Avenue. This theme was used in producing the
Herb Kahlert referred to the City of West Palm Beach and pointed out how that city thrived on
controversy related to City Place. The controversy provided constant press coverage and gave
people the feeling that something was happening. He is hopeful that the marina is our vehicle and
the City must make that project happen. The way to get media attention in a positive sense might
be controversy.
Mr. Kaleel feels the downtown is a very big effort but Quantum Park and the Congress Avenue
corridor cannot be ignored. These areas must be promoted.
When Pat Archer asked if the City of Boynton Beach has a theme, the response was "Gateway to
the Gulfstream". Ms. Archer recommended marketing that theme.
Angela Bodano feels it is important for the Chamber to actively participate on the teams such as
the Progress Trail team. This provides unity and cohesiveness. Tt is important that the Chamber
and City identify one image for the City. She recommends targeting people in the community that
have particular expertise to identify what it is everyone wants to say about the City. She pointed
out how difficult it is each year to select a cover photo for the Chamber of Commerce directory
because that photo needs to present a picture of what the Chamber is trying to say about Boynton
Ms. Farace said the mission of the MACS team is to live, learn, work, visit and play in Boynton
Beach. The team felt that the marina or "Gateway to the Gulfstream" did not touch on everything.
Living in Boynton Beach covers all of the residential. Learning covers all of the educational
opportunities. People come to Boynton Beach to work. They also visit this City to play for short
periods of time.
Mr. Kahlert pointed out that when people think of West Palm Beach, they think about the
downtown; and when they think about Boca Raton, they think of Mizner Park. He feels there
needs to one central area to focus on that would provide recognition on the map.
Ms. Farace advised that the compass rose is being used as a uniform link. Tt will be used on the
Progress Trail and was already used on the banners. An ad is in design for the Chamber directory
that incorporates the compass rose. The MACS team is going to develop a plan with everyone's
MAY 10, 1999
Mr. Bottcher recommended doing a survey to determine what the people feel the City's image is.
Ms. Bodano suggested giving people ten choices and asking them to circle the one that best fits
their perception of the City.
Mayor Broening felt this could be done, but he said another way to accomplish this would be to
make people think about the City is a certain way. This would be positive marketing. Mayor
Broening said he was in charge of marketing and communications at his last job. He learned
quickly that you must make your own image. At that job, they began with a logo that represented
what they were doing. This stimulated a great deal of conversations. He believes some of these
simple things are needed in the City of Boynton Beach. It is important to have a vision of what the
image is and then have the materials to sell it.
One member of the audience felt it would be necessary to decide whether or not the desire was to
attract permanent residents or transient vacationers. If the thrust is for permanent residents, it is
necessary to focus on schools and transportation. If the thrust were transients and vacationers,
the focus would be more like Clematis Street. Mayor Broening feels it is possible to do all of it.
Mr. Kaleel does not think it is fair for Virginia Farace, who has a full plate running the Library, to
lead the marketing campaign. He asked for input regarding how the Chamber could be of
Ms. Shabotynskyj suggested looking at the "Gateway to the Gulfstream" first. She questioned
whether people come here to be in the "Gateway to the Gulfstream". There are many things that
could be promoted and the "Gateway to the Gulfstream" has the least amount of target audience.
Ms. Shabotynskyj believes everyone is waiting for the marina to be built to use that as the City's
identity. She suggested that we stop waiting for the marina and begin using the things we already
Mayor Broening felt Ms. Shabotynskyj missed the point on the "Gateway to the Gulfstream". He
explained that the Sailfish Marina is an attraction that draws people from everywhere. Very few
people get on the boats. Most people use the restaurants and watch the boats and activities in
the area. While there is a difference between the West Palm Beach Inlet and the Boynton Inlet, it
is important to remember that the Boynton Inlet is the only one between West Palm Beach and
Boca Raton. There are people who use that Inlet everyday. This is an activity that is available in
this City and it could be used as a linchpin for an image. Other existing businesses should not be
ignored and should become part of the image.
As chair of the committee, Ms. Farace said she would like to put an organization into place to work
together to come up with the community plan.
When a member of the audience questioned whether or not the City has ever considered hiring an
image consultant, Mayor Broening responded that it would not be necessary to do that. He
pointed out, however, that there is an unfilled City position of Public Information Officer. He
would change that position so that it would be a public affairs type of job. The person who would
MAY 10, 1999
fill this job would be one who knows how to put together a plan and influence public policy
through good public affairs. This position needs to be redefined and filled within the next year.
Mr. Hawkins said it is the City's intention to bring someone in to help out in this effort. However,
there are other people in the community that could be of assistance. The City would like to work
with the marketing director of MFT who is very talented. She has assisted us on occasion. One of
the things we would like to do in the future is an on-air broadcast about the City. Therefore,
assistance from WXEL would be very helpful.
Ms. Shabotynskyj recommended that invitations be extended to the general public, members of
the Chamber of Commerce and COBWRA to participate on the team that already exists within the
City. The Chamber's marketing committee needs to do the same thing by inviting City staff to
participate. This could be a community-wide group that information could be funneled to.
After listening to the discussion, Ms. Archer pointed out that perhaps the City's slogan should be
"Gateway" rather than "Gateway to the Gulfstream" since there are more things to focus on than
Dagmar Brahs recommended that the slogan read, "Boynton - We've Got It All". West Boynton is
booming because of the people who have moved here and bragged about everything that is
available in Boynton Beach. She does not believe the focus should be on just the marina or
downtown area. The Congress Avenue corridor is a jewel and must be handled carefully so that
the businesses continue to thrive. Landscaping is very important because people want to come to
beautiful areas. We need to make Boynton Beach a place where people want to live. Therefore,
the school situation must be a priority.
A member of the audience pointed out that the City of Boynton Beach does not have a cultural
center and people must leave the area for that culture. She feels this is a very important item.
Ms. Bodano requested that a charrette be considered. Ms. Bodano participated in the waterfront
charrette in West Palm Beach and it turned out to be a wonderful event with a tremendous
amount of input. Mayor Broening said we have a plan, but it lacks definition. Mr. Kaleel
suggested doing a charrette on marketing the image, Mr. Hawkins pointed out that he hears
different things from different people about Boynton Beach. We don't want to come up with the
wrong focus with respect to image.
Virginia Foot commented that it has been three years since the visioning process took place and
other than discussions, nothing has happened. She urged everyone to get started and be flexible.
Mr. Kaleel said marketing was not discussed during Visions 20/20. He feels the charrette is a great
idea to bring different aspects of the community together. Ms. Bodano feels a charrette would get
a great deal of coverage. During the waterfront charrette in West Palm Beach, there were three
sessions each month for three months. This presented so many opportunities for participation.
The charrette was open to everyone. It was a very successful marketing effort.
MAY 10~ 1999
When Mr. Kaleel asked if the City would be willing to sponsor an image charrette, Commissioner
Denahan responded affirmatively and felt it was a great idea. Mr. Hawkins pointed out that the
City created some controversy when we said we would bring options back to the community to get
input with respect to the final design of Ocean Avenue. This could be a catalyst for the overall
charrette with respect to general image. Bringing the two things together would help tie in the
bridge, Ocean Avenue and the cultural area.
Mr. Kaleel asked if the Chamber of Commerce was willing to collaborate with the City on a joint
effort with respect to this charrette so that the perception is that the City and Chamber are not
divided. A recommendation was to put three people from the City and three from the Chamber of
Commerce together to come up with a plan.
There was a consensus of the group that the Chamber of Commerce and the City would join
together in this effort.
Mr. Kahlert expressed his opinion that the public affairs position should not be filled until after the
charrette has taken place and the marketing plan is developed. Mayor Broening did not believe
the position would be filled prior to that because it is conceptual at this point.
2. Boynton Beach Special Events
a. Community Foundation
At the time of the G.A.L.A., there was a public relations snafu. Situations such as that need to
change and the City and Chamber need to work together on projects within the City. A discussion
was held about forming a tax-exempt non-profit organization called the Boynton Beach Community
Foundation that would consist of three people from the City, three people from the Chamber and
four at-large members. The Foundation would run the G.A.L.A. and would receive all of the
proceeds and profits and that money would stay within the community. The Foundation would
define "the community". Mr. Kaleel asked for input.
Ms. Archer advised that Delray Beach has a Downtown Development Authority that includes
members from the Chamber, the City and the downtown merchants association. They all work
together for the purpose of putting on events for the benefit of the city. They search for money,
share it jointly and put money back into the pot for other events in the downtown area. The
merchants must approve the event that will happen in front of their stores. They City provides
police support and the Chamber must help with the marketing and advertising. Delray has been
very successful with this approach and the events have been very well attended. The concept of a
community foundation could work for the betterment of Boynton. She encouraged implementing
this idea.
Ms. Brahs felt this was a wonderful idea because the City has an image as a very closed nucleus
with very few people having power and very few people doing things. Opening this up by forming
a community foundation would be a great step toward making this better.
MAY 10, 1999
Mr. Kaleel explained that the foundation would be the controlling interest in the G.A.L.A. because
they would have a vested interest. The foundation would be created to serve the community.
This would not be limited to G.A.L.A. At the same time, nothing would prevent an organization
from doing something and nothing would prevent the Chamber from running its beer garden. The
foundation could run fundraisers and the community would know that the proceeds would be
going to an entity that directly affects them positively. This is a good marketing tool.
Ms. Foot pointed out that the Downtown Development Authority is successful because it has
professionals running it on a full-time basis.
IVlr. Bottcher questioned who would bear the risk. Mr. Kaleel explained that at the present time,
the City is the risk bearer. Tt behooves the City to turn over this event. The City is currently
supporting G.A.L.A. and if the City supports the foundation, the money would be going back into
the community. Perhaps, in time, the foundation might need an executive director. Hr. Kaleel
requested a consensus from the City and Chamber that this is a good idea and it is the direction in
which to move forward.
There was a consensus to formulate the Boynton Beach Community Foundation.
Dale Sugerman explained that Ms. Archer was on target in discussing the DDA. One of the things
that a DDA has is recognition by the State of Florida as being an entity. This is another
governmental agency that has state support. A DDA can do a number of things that a foundation
cannot do. ]It has assessment authority. In addition, the City of Boynton Beach can enter into a
contract very easily with a Downtown Development Authority. It is not as easy to enter into a
contract with a foundation. The concept is wonderful, but the foundation concept may not be the
actual vehicle for getting this done. The DDA is the vehicle.
Ms. Shabotynskyj said a DDA usually encompasses a smaller geographical area. The funds
generated from that area must be spent in that area. The intention of the foundation concept was
to benefit the entire community. The foundation would be a joint venture.
Mr. Sugerman said his comments regarding the DDA focussed on core City.
Ms. Archer recommended doing both a DDA for the purposes of development in the downtown and
a joint venture that could be used for foundation purposes.
Commissioner Denahan favors a DDA but is fearful it is premature, The businesses may not look
favorably on this type of taxing authority at this point in the development process. The joint
venture concept is the vehicle to deal with the G.A.L.A. specifically. Commissioner Denahan
believes we need a DDA at a future time.
MAY 10, 1999
Mr. Hawkins advised that the CRA Plan calls for the formation of a DDA at some point in time. The
concept of the foundation was to get the greater community involved in some of the special
Commissioner Denahan pointed out that the Board of Directors for SunFest is comprised of
volunteers. These are enviable positions and the volunteers are strong members of the
community. Ms. Shabotynskyj explained that there are more than 400 volunteers for the G.A.L.A.
To date, there has been no celebration with those volunteers this year. She suggested having a
party for these volunteers and at the same time try to identify some people to move this forward.
Mr. Kaleel said the Chamber looks forward to this issue being discussed by the entire City
Commission. He will bring this issue to the Chamber this month.
3, City's Support of Local Businesses
a. City :Initiative toward Local Businesses
The Chamber raised the issue of how the City could use its huge purchasing power to benefit
some of the businesses and keep the employment and money within the community.
Mr. Hawkins explained that the City could approach this issue in several ways. One of the things
the City is doing is expanding the current database of businesses in the area and focussing on
women and minorities. The same approach could be taken with businesses located within the City
or greater Boynton area. Once that database is complete, whether through legislation or implied
direction from the Commission, the City could give first opportunity to local businesses.
Ms. Hazlett explained that she is in the City's database and questioned how she could identify her
business as a woman-owned business. Mr. Hawkins explained that we must develop the proper
mechanism for that type of identification. Once these businesses have been identified, the City
will facilitate communications by setting up a Web Site and a 24-hour bid hot line.
Mr. Kaleel confirmed with Mr. Hawkins that the focus would be on businesses that are located
within the corporate City limits first. Fair access would then be given to those businesses that are
close by. Our economy is the greater Boynton area and that is how we must market ourselves.
Mr. Kahlert felt this was an admirable goal but could not understand how the City could exercise
the expenditure of public monies through taxes without going to competitive bids. Every
community struggles with this issue. The best the City could do.is keep the information flowing to
the community business leaders. Preferential treatment or first opportunity would be very difficult.
Mayor Broening asked if there was a preferred provider list. Mr. Sugerman said we do not have a
preferential vendors' list. However, we are attempting to do a better job of communicating with
people we know we could do business with. We would make a special phone call.
MAY 10, 1999
Commissioner Denahan said she has been seeking an answer to this question since she was
elected 14 months ago. She feels other cities would be doing this if there were no legal issues
Mr. Kaleel feels that if the City would provide a list of goods and services they look for, and the
Chamber provides the businesses with that list, the two could be matched for information
purposes. Mr. Hawkins felt this relates back to the database. Ms. Shabotynskyj offered to share
the Chamber's database with the City. Mr. Kaleel requested the City's database to learn what the
City buys.
Mr. Hazlett spoke about wanting to do business with the City of Boynton Beach. He currently does
business with the City of Deerfield Beach and has provided materials for all of their 26 parks.
A member of the audience asked if the City would be influential with respect to the architecture of
the new Wal-Mart. Mr. Wische advised that the Planning & Development Board asks for much
more than the Code requires. This structure will be in an area where there are other aesthetically
pleasing shopping centers. The board will be tough on the applicants to ensure an aesthetically
compatible structure. No one wants a square blue box that is three football fields long.
Ms. Foot expressed her interest in including business people on the CRA. Mayor Broening advised
that the City Commission endorsed the former Commission's implementation plan to eventually
move toward adding two additional members and making the CRA independent at some point in
the future.
Ms. Foot said the decision at the end of the Visions 20/20 process was to have an independent
CRA. :it is three years later and nothing has been done.
Commissioner Denahan urged Ms. Foot not to lose faith. At the City Commission meeting, the
Commissioners endorsed considering the addition of two members in the :L999/2000 budget. She
urged the public to let the Commissioners know how they feel about issues such as this.
Hr. Kaleel feels this would be a good time to add the new members since there are three new
Commission members who are in the process of learning. :If the two new people were added,
everyone could learn at the same time.
Mr. Kaleel thanked everyone for attending. He felt the meeting was very successful. Three issues
were addressed and accomplished during this meeting and he will work to continue to move
forward in a progressive manner.
MAY 10, 1999
The meeting properly
adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
x---(4'wo Tapes)
5/13/99 2:18 PM