Minutes 12-30-99 MINUTES OF THE AGENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM "B", CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1999 ~ 4:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald Broening, Mayor William 5herman, Mayor Pro Tam Nellie benahan, Commissioner Ronald Weiland, Commissioner Dale 5ugerman, Assistant City Manager ~Tames Cherof, City Attorney 5ua Kruse, City Clerk Nancy Byrne, Acting Director of Development Marshall Gage, Police Chief Bill Bingham, Fire Chief Arthur Lee, Human Resources Manager Lusio Golav, Senior Planner CALL TO ORDER The Agenda Preview Conference began at 4:35 p.m. The "Final Draft Agenda" dated December 28, 1999 (a copy is attached to the original minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office) was reviewed and the following clarifications were given and noted changes were made: Item IV-C.3 & 4, (Work Authorizations with Camp, Dresser & McKee,Inc.) Attorney eherof referred to these exceeding the value of the original contract and advised that competitive bids may be requestezJ in the future. Mr. 5ugerman referred to both relating to storm water items and Attorney Cherof clarified that these were being treated os continuing the contract rather than a fixed project. Item ZV-E - (Purchase of additional vehicles) Mr. 5ugermon noted corrected backup material hod been submitted and corrected the amount noted on the agenda to $701,000. MEE'T'IN6 MINUTES A6ENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA DECEMBER 30, 1999 Item V-A - (Options for Construction for Pond B) Mr. 5ugerman referred to listing five options and Commissioner Weiland questioned the progress with ~ateway Blvd. Mr. 5ugerman told about encountering two problems, one with utilities and one with the surveyor's markings. Commissioner benahan asked when the playground would be open and Mr. 5ugerman responded that he would find out. Item VII-A - The Learning Depot Public Hearing - Mr. 5ugerman advised this went before the Planning & Development Board last week and the board did not live up to their obligation to perform their duty. He told about this being tabled after the members had not received the large map showing the plan. Mr. Cherof added that the members' position was they could not do the job because they did not have the appropriate backup. Commissioner Weiland clarified that the appropriate backup was just a larger scaled map. Ms. Byrne added there was also a scrivener's error in the advertisement and it had been delayed by the Planning & Development Board one time already. Ms. Galav added that the Assistant City Attorney advised the board to hear the item and Mr. Cherof confirmed that they take the position that items should not be tabled by the board because advertised notices have been processed. Ms. Galav informed them that the members had 8-1/2 x Zz' site plans and she also had it projected on the overhead. Commissioner W¢iland questioned how the larger map was different and Ms. Galav replied that inadvertently the site plan did not go with the packets, but the smaller plan and landscape plan was delivered to the members one week ahead of time. Mr. 5ugerman summarized that it has been advanced to the City Commission and Mayor Broening agreed that the Commission has the option to move forward on this. Commissioner benahan stated she would like to see the comments and concerns from the board members and Mayor Pro Tern 5herman replied the board will still review it in two weeks. Item XI-B[ - Ordinance, first reading, adopting amendments to Comprehensive Plan - Ms. Byrne distributed additional backup information for this item. Item XZ-bZ - Non-conforming Billboards - Mr. Cherof referred to the billboard industry wanting to relocate these to restricted locations with lease payments to the city and fees donated to charitable foundations and advised they will be making presentations at the meeting. Additional Items - Mr. Cherof referred to the issue of a theater group in the high school and Mr. 5ugerman and Mrs. Kruse responded they had heard nothing about this. Commissioner Denahan asked about a presentation for the high school and Mr. Cherof informed her this would be at the ,Tanuary 18 meeting. Mr. 5ugerman referred to the next Agenda Preview Meeting being scheduled on ,7anuary 13 and advised that a workshop meeting with the ~reenways Committee is being held the MEET[N6 MTNUTE5 A6ENbA PREVIEW CONFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH FLORTDA 3 DECEMBER 30, 1999 same tiny at 5:00. After discussion, it was agreed to move the Greenways presentation back to 5:30 and have the Agenda Preview Meeting remain at 4:30 pm. Mr. 5ugerman announced that the staff will be at city hall all day tomorrow and the police and fire on duty through the night. AD,TOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 5:00 p.m. ATTEST: city~ erk (One Tape) CTTY OF~ BOYNTON Mayor Pro Te~ Commissioner