Minutes 12-16-99 MINUTE5 OF THE AGENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM "B", cITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1999 ~ 4:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald Broening, Mayor Henderson Tillman, Vice Mayor Nellie Denahan, Commissioner Wilfred Hawkins, Interim City Manager Dale 5ugerman, Assistant City Manager ,Tames Cherof, City Attorney 5ua Kruse, City Clerk Nancy Byrne, Acting Director of Development Matt Immler, Deputy Police Chief Bill Bingham, Fire Chief ,Tohn Wildner, Parks Superintendent Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Lusia Galav, Senior Planner CALL TO ORDER The Agenda Preview Conference began at 4:35 p.m. The "Final Draft Agenda" dated December 15, 1999 (a copy is attached to the original minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office) was reviewed and the following changes were made: Item IV-B.11, (Extend the "ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR MONTHLY PEST CONTROL SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FACZLIT]:E5 AND LOCATIONS" for an additional one-year period to Falk Pest Control, Inc., in the amount of $54Z/month ($6,504 annually) Vice Mayor Tillman requested information relative to evaluating the pest control contractors. Mr. Hawkins advised that Bill DeBeck would forward that information to the Mayor and Commissioners prior to the meeting. · Item ZV-C. ! - Proposed Resolution No. R99- Re: Approving a proposal from Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) for stormwater contract services Mr. 5ugerman requested that the following language be added to the title of this item: "..tto assist the City in complying with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Discharge Permit in an amount not to exceed $22,380" MEETIN6 MINUTE5 A6ENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIbA DECEMBER 16, 1999 Item IV-C.3 - Proposed Resolution No. R99- Re: Approving Work Authorization #10 with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. in the amount of $Z98,591 for the design, permitting and bidding services for Industrial Avenue Corridor and Costa Belle Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Vice Mayor Tillman requested that additional methods be determined to deal with stormwater and irrigation in the area of Hester Park. He suggested implementing a pilot project with reuse-type options. M!r. 5ugerman advised that staff has been discussing this and looking at using Rolling Gbeen Municipal Complex as the central area for collection and redistribution of the ir¢igation water. Staff will be meeting with the design engineers tomorrow to discuss laiJnching this program. Mr. 5ugerman reminded the Commissioners that staff is not wbrking with a budget at the present time. M~. 5ugerman explained that this particular agenda item deals with the formal design of tl~e Industrial Avenue and Costa Belle projects. With respect to Costa Belle, the firm wquld design a collection and lift station. If the design were more expensive than the vc~lue of the two homes, a decision would be required relative to acquisition. Cdmmissioner benahan felt it was foolish for the City to spend any money since only two houses were involved. In her opinion, the City should consider purchasing the houses. Mr. 5Ugerman explained that most of what would be designed under this work authorization wquld involve Industrial Avenue. However, approximately 20% of the dollar amount in~olves Costa Belle. Cojmmissioner benahan requested that the Commissioners be provided with information pr!or to the meeting on the value of the Costa Belle component. M~. 5ugerman ad'vised that the Costa Belle neighborhood has poor drainage. This design w~Uld help with the poor drainage and would eliminate the flooding of the two houses. The two houses that experience flooding are at the lowest point and were the first two houses bu T~ In pr~ It in the neighborhood. ere was a consensus to remove this from this agenda. Mr. 5ugerman will prepare two !orate agenda items for the ,Tanuary 4th meeting; one of the items would deal with Justrial Avenue and the second would deal with Costa Belle. The design engineer will be sent at the meeting to respond to questions. MEETING MINUTES AGENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA DECEMBER 16, 1999 AAr. Hawkins requested that Mr. 5ugerman's agenda memo be very specific so that everyone will be aware that this would only be a "very premature" discussion of Costa Bella. Attorney Cherof recommended that the Commission be provided with the option of creating a special assessment project to improve an area like Costa Bella. The cost of the improvements would be passed onto the property owners. AAr. 5ugerman said that the Industrial Avenue improvements would probably require a special assessment. Attorney Cherof pointed out that the property owners that obtain the special benefit pay for that benefit over a period of time. · Item VII-A - Project: The Learning Depot PreSchool A postponement has been requested until after the December 28th Planning & Development Board meeting. Therefore, this item will appear on the ,Tanuary 4*h City Commission Agenda. · Item X-C.2 - Proposed Resolution No. R99- Re: Instituting a $200 per hour fine for late arriving funerals at Boynton Beach Memorial Park This item was removed from the agenda and will appear on the ,Tanuary 4th City Commission agenda after review and rewording to eliminate the word "fine". Item XI-C.3 - Proposed Resolution No. R99- Re: Approving and authorizing execution of an agreement for professional services between the City of Boynton Beach and Smith, Ballard & Logan, P.A. Vice Mayor Tillman requested that this item be removed from the agenda so that others could have an opportunity to perform this service. He pointed out that the "ball dropped" on some things in the past and he would like to go out for bids on the State level and nationally. Mr. Hawkins advised that the item would be removed from the agenda and pointed out that we could do an RFC~. 5taft will provide information relative to the firms that are providing these services to cities in the surrounding areas. · Item XI-C.4 - Proposed Resolution No. R99- Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract for purchase and sale of real property bet~veen the City of Boynton Beach and the Town of Ocean Ridge MEE'I'~N6 M'rNUTE5 AGENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA DECEMBER 16, !999 Attorney eherof advised that there are provisions of the contract that need to be fine- tuned. The possibility exists that this item might have to be pulled from the agenda at the last minute. Item XZI-C- Review and Consideration of the pre-application(s) received, for submittal to Palm Beach County, Department of Economic Development, under the Round III Core Grant Program (7'IIBZEO II 7' NOVEMBE,~ J6r/~ MEET2'N6) This item will remain on the table until the meeting on ~Tanuary 4th, Item XII-D. - Review submitted issue paper, add other issues, gain consensus on the issues and prioritize the issues to negotiate with the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners and determine a primary and alternate representative from the two Commissioners chosen to represent the City Commission on this matter [ti was requested that the title of the item be changed to read as follows: "Issues Paper concerning Negotiations about Intracoastal/Boat Club Parks" Ab3'OURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 5:50 p.m. 'ATTEST: Cit, (T~ ,~Clerk ,uty City Clerk o Tapes) M~yor Pro Tern 4