ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1997, AT 6:30 P.M.
Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor
Jamie Titcomb, Vice Mayor
Matt Bradley, Commissioner
Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner
Henderson Tillman, Commissioner
Kerry Willis, City Manager
Jim Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
A. Call to Order
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. The invocation was offered by Rev Bob
Hahn of First Union Methodist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by
Commissioner Jaskiewicz.
D. Agenda Approval
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Vice Mayor Titcomb added Item X.B (Set Date for Strategic Planning and Priorities Workshop).
Commissioner Jaskiewicz added Item ×.C (Billboards on Federal Highway).
Mayor Taylor added Item ×.D (Sign Ordinance Workshop). He noted that Item IV.D.4 is a
duplication of Item IV.D.2.
City Manager Willis corrected Item IV.C.4. Bulent Kastadak will be appointed to the Technical
Advisory Committee, not Mr. Roberts. After speaking with City Attorney Cherof, she
recommended tabling Item ×1.C.1 until December 2nd in order to work out'some final details on
some issues in the contract.
Commissioner Tillman requested that Item XII.B be heard immediately after the Consent
2. Ado ption
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Commissioner Jaskiewicz
seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
NOVEMBER '!8, 1997
Commissioner Jaskiewicz requested that. Oris Walker's resignation from the Board of
Adjustment and Appeals be added to the agenda so that she may appoint him to a different
Accept resignation from Mary Jo McVey, Regular Member, Community Relations
Accept resignation from Aubrey Ewing, Alternate Member, Code Enforcement
Accept resignation from Ods Walker, Regular Member, Building Board of
Adjustment and Appeals.
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to accept the above resignations. Commissioner Bradley seconded
the motion, which carried 5-0.
C. Appointments to be Made
Appointment Length of Term
To Be Made Board Expiration Date
III Jaskiewicz Cemetery Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/00
III Jaskiewicz Code Enforcement Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/98
IV Tillman Code Enforcement Board Alt I yr term to 9/98
II Bradley Community Relations BOard Alt 1 yr term to 4/98
IV Tillman Community Relations Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/98
III Jaskiewicz Community Relations Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/00
Mayor Taylor Community Relations Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/00
Mayor Taylor Library Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/98
IV Tillman Library Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/98
II Tillman S.H.I.P. Affordable Housing Alt 1 yr term to 6/98
III Jaskiewicz S.H.I.P. Affordable Housing Reg 1 yr term to 6/98
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to remove Commissioner Jaskiewicz' appointment to the S.H.I.P.
Affordable Housing Board from the table. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion, which
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz appointed Oris Walker as a regular member to the Cemetery Board,
and Maynie Boles as a regular member to the Community Relations Board. Both appointments
were made without objection. She also moved up Sarah Williams from an alternate member to
a regular member of the S.H.I.P. Affordable Housing Board, without objection.
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to approve the appointments as stated. Commissioner Bradley
seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
A. Announcements
City Hall will be closed Thursday, November 27t' and Friday, November
28th in observance of Thanksgiving
Mayor Taylor made this announcement.
"Santa's Tropical Holiday" - City of Boynton Beach 27th Annual Holiday
Parade - December 7, 1997 @ 3:00 p.m.
Mayor Taylor made this announcement and, in light of the construction on Federal Highway,
asked if the route is going to be the same as last year. City Manager Willis advised that we are
meeting with DOT tomorrow to confirm that we will be able to leave the route the same.
B. Presentations
1. Proclamations
a. "Thanksgiving" - November 27, 1997
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation recognizing November 27, 1997 as our national and citywide
day of Thanksgiving.
b. "Bible Week" - November 23 - November 30, 1997
Mayor Taylor read a proclamation proclaiming November 23 to 30, 1997 as Bible Week in
Boynton Beach.
Presentation of Certificates to Groups that participated in "Border to
Border" Project America - Hank Ackermann
Mayor Taylor and Mr. Ackermann presented the following groups with certificates:
Brownie Troop 582
Cub Scout Pack 343 - Poinciana Elementary School
Boy Scout Troop 362
Delta Sigma Beta Sorority Delteens
The Bulldogs
The Florida Native Plant Society
St. Joseph's Episcopal School
Friends of the Library
NOVEMBER '18, '1997
Bethesda Memorial Hospital Employees
The Four H Seahorses
First United Methodist Church Youth Fellowship
The Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Department
The Professional Firefighters of Boynton Beach Local 1891
The Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Explorer Post 2397 - Boy Scouts of
Mr. Ackermann advised that over 350 volunteers participated in "Border to BOrder" Project
Mayor Taylor appreciated everyone who participated in this project and gave special recognition
to Mr. Ackermann for working very hard to put this project together.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz pulled Items C.2 and C.3 from the Consent Agenda for comment
A. Minutes
1. Regular CitY Commission Meeting Minutes of November 4, 1997
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to approve the minutes of the November 4, 1997 City Commission
meeting. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1997-98
Adopted Budget
Award Annual Supplemental Laboratory Analysis For Water, Wastewater,
Etc. - Bid #001-401-98/SP to Broward Testing Laboratory of Cleveland,
Ohio, in the amount of $2,888.70
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
Award purchase of 372 batteries for the golf Cart fleet to Royal Battery
Distributors in the amount of $13,206
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
C. Resolutions
Proposed Resolution No. R97-190 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City
Manager to execute an agreement between the City of Boynton Beach
and the Bureau of Justice, Local-Law Enforcement Block Grants Program
to accept a grant in the amount of $165,128 (Grant No. 97LBVX3436)
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
Proposed Resolution No. R97-191 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute a Joint Participation Agreement for Construction
Alterations for East Ocean Avenue Bridge Landscape/Paverbricks
Improvements with FDOT
Commissioner Jaskiewicz pulled this item from the Consent Agenda for comment.
3. Proposed Resolution No. R97-192 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute a Joint Project Lighting Agreement for East Ocean
Avenue Decorative Streetlight Improvements with FDOT
Commissioner Jaskiewicz pulled this item from the Consent Agenda for comment.
4. Proposed Resolution No. R97-193 Re: Approving appointment of C.
Bulent Kastariak to the Technical Advisory Committee to the MPO
(Metropolitan Planning Organization) of Palm Beach County
5. Proposed Resolution No. R97-194: Award Gateway Boulevard Design
Project to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., design consultants, in
the amount of $146,352 for design plans and engineering services
D. Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action
1. New Site Plan for Alhambra North
(Application Denied by Planning & Development Board on August 26,
1997) ...................POSTPONED TO 12/2 CITY COMMISSION
2. Use Approval for Harrison Import and Export
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
3. Site Plan Approval for Harrison Import and Export
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
4. High Ridge Commerce Park PID Use Approval
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
E. Approve purchase of desktop and laptop computers for various departments by
piggybacking a contract from the Pinellas County School Board in the amount of
$70,851.20, and purchase computer printers for various departments by
piggybacking contract with the Polk County School Board in the amount of
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
Approve purchase off GSA# GS-30F-1015D of Bobcat Loader/Model 773 with
options and training in the amount of $20,295 from Melroe Co., of Fargo, North
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
Approve refund on Cemetery Lot 412-B, Block S of the Boynton Beach Memorial
Park purchased by Richard Gary Haylock (Refund Amount = $180)
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
Approve refund on Crypt A-5, Sunset Building, Section A of the Boynton Beach
Mausoleum, purchased by Mary W. Kapp (Refund Amount = $2,920)
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
Approve purchase of three (3) Life Pak Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillators and
associated adjunct equipment to be assigned to three primary ALS units from
Physio-Control Corporation, sole source supplier, in the amount of $47,993.56
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
Rejection of all bids received on March 25, 1997 for the privatization of Utility
Billing and authorization the City staff to develop a new RFP to contract for
certain utility department functions, including utility billing, customer service and
meter reading
This item is explained in the Agenda Item Request Form.
Commissioner Tillman moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with the exception of Items C.2
and C.3. Vice Mayor Titcomb seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
Items C.2 and C.3
Commissioner Jaskiewicz was pleased to see that the paverbrick and landscape improvements
were being added in the vicinity of the bridge and the downtown. Sh'e was also pleased that the
decorative street lights were being continued. She felt it would greatly add to the aesthetics and
continuity of the area. She thanked City Manager Willis for thinking of this and the underground
wiring now rather than having to tear it up in the future.
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to approve Items IV.C.2 and IV.C.3. Commissioner Jaskiewicz
seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
Reconsideration of vote approving Resolution No. R97-181 Re: Authorizing
work authorization No. 4 with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. for design, permitting,
bidding services and survey of downtown stormwater project, Phase I including
discharge well, in the amount of $460,751
Commissioner Bradley moved to reconsider this item. Vice Mayor Titcomb seconded the
motion for discussion purposes. The motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Bradley did not have any concerns about the need for this utility; however, he
had some concerns about the way that this project has moved forward. He was concerned that
a study had not been done to make sure the best use for this property would be to put it under
water. He knows that retention ponds are needed east and west of Federal Highway. However,
he was hoping for a study that would indicate the value of this property and surrounding
properties so that we would know that we are choosing the best use for.this land.
He was also concerned that there was not better coordination between Camp Dresser & McKee
and the planners. He hoped that there is now constructive dialogue between these groups to
ensure that if this facility goes in place where planned, that not only will we be designing it to
make sure that we can apply mixed use development around it, but also'that some of the water
makes it way to Federal Highway. He stated that if there are five acres of water sitting behind
Boynton Plaza and no one sees it frOm Federal Highway, we have missed the boat entirely. He
stressed the importance of coordination and communication.
Vice Mayor Titcomb would like staff and the planners to look at the Boynton Plaza site and try to
tie this project together. However, he felt it was crucial and essential that we move forward so
that we meet the timetable of the whole DOT project and enable the development of downtown
to take place.
Commissioner Tillman felt that we should take into consideration the long-term value of what we
best see fit to get out of the downtown area. He hoped the planners and Camp Dresser &
McKee will meet and hopefully something fruitful will develop from those discussions.
Commissioner Bradley stated that if there is no direction from the Commission tonight with
regard to the Boynton Plaza property, when the site plan comes in, there will be no recourse.
Mayor Taylor felt this was a separate issue. Commissioner Bradley pointed out that it is in the
design phase right now. He understands that 60 percent of the design is going to be completed
when it comes back and at that time, some people may think it is too late to do it differently.
The motion failed 4-1. Commissioner Bradley was the only one to vote aye.
City Manager Willis advised that she spoke to John Guidry, Utilities Director, and an appraisel
has been ordered for this property. She requested clarification regarding how much of the
property we are looking at in terms of an appraisal.
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
Mr. Guidry advised that we are in the phase of doing appraisals on that property. That is the
basis for any economic analysis. He was hopeful that within a period of at least 60 days,
depending on the appraisers, we should be able to have at least a document that would be
coordinated with the planners as well as the engineers so we will know what we can and cannot
do with this property based upon economics.
City Manager Willis said she heard preliminary comments that we might be able to look, in
terms of elevation, at a portion of the site, but it would not encompass the entire site. Mr. Guidry
stated that there are many variables relative to that site because it is a long, narrow site. Until
we get the dollar values on that property authenticated by two certified appraisers, he was
reluctant to say whether we want to look at one-third, half, or the whole packet.
Vice Mayor Titcomb asked if the owner of the shopping center will be approached after the
appraisal is done, to discuss how they might tie into the drainage lake project. Mr. Guidry said it
may be premature to talk to them. He did not want to give the City's position away prior to
knowing where we want to go with that site.
Vice Mayor Titcomb asked if the planning firm and Camp Dresser & McKee are now
communicating regularly about this project. Henry Iler of James Duncan & Associates stated
that a sketch has been put together of a possible alternative that would bring the water out to
U.S. 1. It is being refined and will be sent to Camp Dresser & McKee shortly. There will be
some alternatives regarding whether to purchase all the sites or a portion of them. He said the
idea was to try to create as much value as possible next to the lake because that water is worth
money, not only to the City and private projects that want to use it for drainage, but to the
people who want to work and live on it as well. He was trying to look at the parcels from the
standpoint of creating the most value as cost efficiently as possible.
Commissioner Bradley asked if there is any possibility that this project could get through the
design phase and approach the' construction phase then run into permitting problems with South
Florida Water Management District. He also inquired about conceptual permitting.
Mr. Guidry stated that the project manager is working very closely with the South Florida Water
Management District, and we are getting nothing but good vibrations from the permitting staff
relative to the project. He will know more when he has the permit in hand, which would be in
March or April 1998.
A. Labor Management Committee
City Manager Willis reported that the Labor Management Team has completed their work on the
new policy manual. This item will be brought back to the Commission on December 12th for
policy direction on five main points.
Enrico Rossi, 625 Whispering Pines Road is a Civil Engineer, and stated that he came before
the Commission three or four months ago when they were considering the conceptual plan of
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
the Garcia Marina. At that time, he advised the Commission that the plan will not work because
there is no provision for drainage. However, the applicant's engineer said that can be taken
care of later. Mr. Rossi understands that some preliminary engineering was done, which
required the whole elevation of the site to be raised by three or four feet. He said this is not
plausible. He stated that one of the staff comments was that the applicant shall retain all storm
water on site. He said there is no place for retention of any kind on the site and asked if Mr.
Garcia is going to tie into the system and, if so, what it would cost him to do so. He also asked
if Mr. Garcia is going to be required to pay the required impacts and what the impact costs are
going to be for each person who is going to develop an acre of land within the drainage basin.
He also asked why the City is not requesting these figures before proceeding with complete
engineering drawings, without permitting, etc. He felt the City should be able to get a
conceptual review by the District for a conceptual permit before engineering drawings and
finding out that you cannot do what you are planning to do.
Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Garcia fully intended to develop the project without the City doing a
reservoir. He intended to raise his land, demuck it, and do infill and drainage pipes.
Subsequently, the City came up with a storm water plan. If we complete that in time, Mr. Garcia
and everybody else down there could tie into that. We would require a fee for tying it; however,
he did not know what that fee would be because the cost of the entire project is still unknown.
He advised that the City is working on this and everything that Mr. Rossi mentioned. He
appreciated Mr. Rossi's expertise and assured him that the City also has some experts doing
this work.
Mr. Rossi asked why the City cannot do the downtown drainage in two phases, the first of which
would be conceptual and the second of which would be full-fledged plans and construction
drawings. Mayor Taylor advised that Camp Dresser & McKee have submitted.conceptual plans
and the City is working towards that to see if that is going to be feasible.
Mr. Rossi pointed out that there are no conceptual permits from the South Florida Water
Management District. Mayor Taylor believes City staff is very professional and are going
through the appropriate steps.
David Katz, 742 N.W. 11th Street, circulated some material regarding rack blight. Mayor Taylor
advised him that the Commission had that information and has already scheduled a workshop
regarding this matter.
Mr. Katz commended Mayor Taylor, Commissioner Bradley, and Vice Mayor Titcomb on the
reversal concerning the Civil Service referendum and grandfathering the employees who are
currently covered under Civil Service. He also commended Sue Berman and Bob Gibson for
being very responsive when he called them with some minor things that needed to be taken
care of at SkyLake.
James Gostel, 2240 N. Seacrest Blvd., stated that the City has no heart or conscious. He has
tried to comply with all the City has asked him to do and all that has happened is that he has
been persecuted, harassed, threatened, and lied to. He asked the Commission to intercede in
this affair to amicably work out his problems before he starts any litigation against the same. He
said his house has been destroyed and all his belongings destroyed or stolen. He said he is
homeless and mentally distraught over this whole thing. He wanted to know why the City is
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
reneging after promising to help fix his home or build him a new one. He said the City rushed in
to destroy his property. He asked the Commission to explain how other people are still
receiving assistance while he is being totally ignored.
City Manager Willis stated that staff and the Commission spent a great deal of time wrestling
with this initially and finally Mr. Gostel's house was condemned as being unsuitable and
uninhabitable. In addition, there is a legal issue regarding a cloud on the title to this property
which we have attempted to work out with Mr. Gostel's attorney to resolve. We continue to
attempt to resolve this situation.
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, stated that staff worked very hard with Mr. Gostel
prior to the house being demolished. However, the attorney that Mr. Gostel sought assistance
from moved rather slowly on getting rid of the cloud on the title. Mr. Blasie said he tried to prod
Mr. Gostel's attorney to move quicker. Unfortunately, by the time the cloud was removed from
the title, Mr. Gostel was no longer eligible for the County Housing Community Development
Mayor Taylor asked about the timeframe between Mr. Gostel's property being cited and the
demolition of the house. Mr. Blasie advised that there was a Code Enforcement Lien dating
back to roughly 10 years ago. This has been an ongoing problem for years.
Robert Renault, 1016 N.W. 8th Street, thanked the Commission for working on the sign
ordinances and volunteered to participate in the sign ordinance workshop.
No one else wishing to speak, Mayor Taylor declared the Public Audience closed.
A. Project:
Cedar Ridge Estates PUD
Joe Basile
Cedar Ridge Development, Inc.
Condor Investments of Palm Beach County'
6.376 acres of property east of High Ridge Road, west of
Interstate 95, approximately one-half mile south of
Hypoluxo Road
Request to amend the future land use map of the
Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential to
Public and Private Governmental/Institutional and rezone
from Planned Unit Development to R-l-AA, Single-family
Residential the northeast portion of the Cedar Ridge PUD
which was formerly approved for 11 single-family lots
City Attorney Cherof explained the quasi-judicial process and all witnesses were sworn in by
Dennis Koehler, Attorney, introduced Joe Basile and Rick Harris, Attorney, board member, and
volunteer for the Lake Worth Christian School. Mr. Harris also has an attorney/client
NOVEMBER 18, 1997-
relationship with the underlying owner of the property in question, Condor Investments of the
Palm Beaches.
Mr. Koehler stated that this is not the first time the Commission has seen these requeSts for the
subject properties. Mr. Harris made application a couple of years ago, but was unable to
complete that effort. As a result, the petitions were withdrawn.
Mr. Koehler claimed that the Planning and Zoning staff's recommended condition of approval is
unconstitutional, wrong, should not be imposed, and has nothing to do with the Lake Worth
Christian School properties. It pertains to the Cedar Ridge PUD from which these properties
were removed by the Commission's action on May 20, 1997. He referred to his memorandum,
dated November 18, 1997, which he faxed to the Commission today, and stated that the
condition that is unconstitutional is that the applicant must file and receive approval of an
abandonment application or alternative resolution of the road ownership dispute prior to
adoption of rezoning and land use amendment ordinances. He questioned what road
ownership dispute staff is referring to. He stated that the roadway shown in the shaded area on
the map displayed at this meeting was already abandoned at least two years ago. He said this
condition really speaks to a road ownership dispute involving the platted roadways in the rest of
the project. He stated that this is not the Cedar Ridge PUD. This is a request of Condor
Investments on behalf of the Lake Worth Christian School seeking the appropriate land use and
zoning designations so that those shaded areas can be developed as the Lake Worth Christian
School's new outdoor recreation facilities.
The condition that staff is imposing violates two United States constitutional requirements. First,
there has to be an essential nexus (substantial connection) between a proposed development's
impacts and conditions of development approval (Nollan v. California Coastal Commission.).
Second, if there is an essential nexus, it is up to staff to demonstrate by a rough proportionality
that there is a relationship in nature and extent between the impacts of the recreation parcel and
the PUD (Dolan v. City of Tigard). Mr. Koehler said there is no essential nexus and the
requests for these amendments and rezoning are being offered on behalf of the property owner,
Condor Investments, for the Lake Worth Christian School on properties that are excluded from
the PUD. There is no relationship. Ultimately, the property is going to be developed for an
outdoor ball field and other related facilities by the school. There will be no public access to this
recreation tract through the Cedar Ridge PUD. There will be no use by the PUD residents of
this recreation tract. They are two separate developments. Even if there is a relationship
between these former lots of the PUD and the existing PUD, staff has not offered any evidence
on the record to show what this road ownership dispute involves and how it involves these lots
that are no longer part of the PUD. He asked how this dispute has anything to do with the lots
that are the subject of the plan amendment and rezoning request before the Commission this
He advised that Tambri Heyden has stated that because Condor Investments is the underlying
land owner, the City has the power to impose a condition not just on Cedar Ridge, but on the
Lake Worth Christian School. This condition makes the Lake Worth Christian School and
Condor Investments responsible for solving a problem that has nothing to do with their
properties. This is wrong, unconstitutional, and unreasonable. This condition is unconstitutional
and violates the Fifth Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. If imposed, it will further tie up the
Cedar Ridge PUD and render almost impossible the final approval by this Commission of the
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
requests before the Commission this evening. He asked the Commission to delete this
condition of approval.
Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner, stated that staff is basically acting on lessons learned in the past.
If certain issues have not been resolved at a certain point in time, there may be few
opportunities to take any further action or to try to accomplish certain tasks. In this case, a right-
of-way and a roadway exist at this location.
Mayor Taylor asked who is disputing the ownership of the road. City Attorney Cherof advised
that the history of the road dispute goes back a long time. This subdivision was originally
platted and the indication was that these roadWays would be dedicated to the City. -The original
developer went into receivership and the RTC took the property back. The roads and some of
the other infrastructure were never completed and the City never took a conveyance of those
roads or the other infrastructure as would ordinarily be the natural course of a development of
this nature. The property owner,, or maybe even more than one of the property owners, has
marketed this property as being private roads. He did not think the City disputes that these
should be private roads. He met with Mr. Koehler several weeks ago to address this specific
issue and offered several alternatives to resolve the road ownership issue. One was that the
City would abandon the road. If an abandonment was not the process that they wished to follow
and they had some other vehicle for bringing forward a resolution of this road ~ssue, something
to negate the language of the plat and deal with this uncertainty regarding completion and
acceptance, the City would entertain that. He did not think the City or any member of staff has
expressed any interest that these roads be treated as public roads. However, like many other
projects, this kind of issue is one that many developers want to continue to put off so that it is
always the next application where the issue will be resolved. He felt this falls into this category.
Notwithstanding how long this issue has been pending on the Commission agenda and was
continued at the request of the applicant, and notwithstanding the fact that the conditions were
sent to Mr. Koehler weeks ago so that he could study it, this issue of the constitutional
impairment of what the City is trying to do has only been raised this evening for the first time.
Mr. Koehler's memo was sent to the City about 3:30 this afternoon. City Attorney Cherof said
he was in another meeting until after 5:00 p.m. and has not had the opportunity to review it. He
was aware of the cases cited and did not think they were applicable to this situation. However,
he was not in a position to address that this evening and recommended tabling this matter to
give him the opportunity to read Mr. 'Koehler's memorandum in full, read the cases that he cites,
have a discussion with him, and address it at the next Commission meeting.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked Mr. Koehler what his objection is to a road abandonment. Mr.
Harris said there is no problem with abandonment of the roadways within the approximately 11
acre parcel. He believes those roads have been abandoned because that was a condition of
the original approval that was given for the rezoning of this property so that they could become
a part of the Lake Worth Christian School site. The abandonment was approved with
conditions. The conditions were ultimately met, but all the conditions imposed on the original
approval were apparently not met in a timely fashion. This is the reason the final resolutions
were not recorded or adopted. As a condition of approval of this site, the City is requiring that
the Cedar Ridge developer on the adjacent site abandon roads in the Cedar Ridge
NOVEMBER '18, '1997
Mr. Harris said the property is owned by Condor Investments. The two principals of Condor
Investments, Dave Rinker and Jim Vanderwood, are intimately related to Lake Worth Christian
School. They made this property available to the school because of their connection to the
school. At the moment, we have a long-term lease to the property that will enable us to develop
it for ball fields or athletic fields, etc. This will enable us to move existing ball fields and athletic
fields off the campus, which is immediately to the north, to this site. This in turn will enable us to
relocate the elementary school campus, which is now in the City of Lake Worth, to this site. The
lease we have with Condor is basically a vehicle for an ultimate donation of that .property to the
school, tt has nothing to do with the Cedar Ridge development. We previously came to the City
because we felt we would be in a position to move the ball fields and start things rolling.
Unfortunately, we were not able to. We are still not able to; however, we have launched a
capital fund drive to be in a position to do so within the next couple of years. Mr. Harris stated
that the City used the leverage it had over Cedar Ridge to get him to come back in. He did not
think this was the appropriate place to exert leverage on Cedar Ridge. He stated that when he
came to the City the first time, this condition was not mposed. He felt that the Lake Worth
Christian School was being put in the middle and being used as a pawn in a chess game
between the City and Cedar Ridge. There is a legitimate forum to resolve the issue of who owns
the roads and who is responsible for maintaining them. It should not be resolved by imposing a
condition of approval on the site next door that has no real relationship to the problem or the
parties involved.
City Attorney Cherof stated that the concept of abandonment of the roads only derives from the
property owner's assertion that the City owns the roads or that they have been dedicated by the
City. The City is not asking the applicant to abandon anything. In the past, the City has offered
to abandon the roads if that facilitates the private concept development for the adjacent parcel.
Condor Investments is listed as the property owner on the application for relief this evening.
The property owner still controls the issue with respect to the roads. The City has offered at
least three alternative ways of dealing with the ownership issue. The reason the applicant has
to confront the issue is because the property owner does not want to resolve the issue. If they
do, he asked them to state this evening how they want to resolve it.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz inquired about the timeframe for an abandonment. City Attorney
Cherof explained that an application has to be filed. The effected utilities, if any, need to be
contacted to make sure they have no objection. Then there has to be a Commission
determination that the roadway is of no public purpose.
Mr. Harris did not think that the roadway that is on this property exists. He did not know whether
or not it was formally abandoned, but the process was put into place to abandon it. However,
this is not what is at issue. He was willing to accomplish the abandonment of. Forest Court if
that has not already been accomplished. However, the City also wants the applicant to
abandon the rest of the roads in the Cedar Ridge development.
Mayor Taylor asked what the applicant wants to do with the roads. Mr. Koehler stated that a
common roadway was originally platted in 1983 that connects them all. The Lake Worth
Christian School will be delighted to abandon the portion of Forest Court that falls within their
property. Cedar Ridge wants the rest of Forest Court and the other streets to be private streets.
The City approved that concept on the master and site plan. Since 1984, the City has been
using the infrastructure that was developed by the previous developer to run water and sewer
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
services to the Lake Worth Christian School, using the PUD's infrastructure, and pulling up fire
hydrants and putting them elsewhere in the City. Even if the City Commission never adopted a
resolution accepting the platted improvements, which should have happened in 1983, the mere
fact that they appropriated and used those improvements means that the City has legal
responsibility to maintain and improve them. In 1983, the City staff told Mr. Harris and Condor
Investments that a resolution was never adopted and that the roads were theirs to improve.
That same message was conveyed to Mr. Basile and because he wanted to move forward with
the project, he has invested more than a half million dollars in making improvements to what is
really City-owned property, which the City steadfastly refuses to accept responsibility for.
Mr. Koehler stated that all the roads are owned by the City. The developer of the Cedar Ridge
PUD is making residential use of some of the streets. The Lake Worth Christian School is
making no use and will never make any use of that street. The owner is the same; however,
there is no essential nexus between the two developments. At the conclusion of its opinion ~n
the Dolan case, the Supreme Court stated that a strong public desire to improve the public
condition will not warrant achieving the desire by a shorter cut than the constitutional way of
paying for the charge.
City Attorney Cherof asked Mr. Koehler what his client wants to do with the roads. He-knows
that they have been marketed as private roads to the people buying them. Mr. Koehler stated
that his desire is to render the roads private. However, he does not feel he should have the
burden of paying the costs and expense of filing a petition. Many cost factors have been tied up
in this dispute that Mr. Basile has to consider before making a commitment to initiate a petition.
He did not want to jeopardize any legal rights to damages that he may have. He reiterated that
none of this discussion has anything to do with the Lake Worth Christian School properties,
which are completely separate.
Commissioner Bradley stated that they are not separate. They are owned by the same property
owner. Mr. Koehler stated that ownership alone is not enough. There has to be a relationship.
He agreed with Mr. Cherof's recommendation to table this item.
Commissioner Bradley moved to table this item until the December 2, 1997 City Commission
meeting. Vice Mayor Titcomb seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
A. Selection of model neighborhoods for Visions 20/20 documents
Henry Iler explained that the Ridgewood and Mangrove Park South neighborhoods were
selected to be studied for housing purposes. One of the major reasons for selecting these
neighborhoods is the land use relationship between the .hospital and these neighborhoods.
With the major employment center coming in, there may be opportunities to manage this area a
lot better and create jobs in the future for the hospital.
The Ridgewood and Gateway neighborhoods were selected to be studied for transportation
purposes to make detailed traffic calming recommendations and recommendations to improve
the circulation pattern in these neighborhoods. The Ridgewood neighborhood was selected
because of the situation with the street pattern and the fact that the street pattern itself has
fallen into disarray. People are cutting across corners and it is really not working very well right
now. The Gateway neighborhood was selected because of the improvement plans and the
neighborhood ~s very concerned about those plans. He also received a lot of input aboUt
situations where traffic flows and streetscapes could be improved in this neighborhood.
Mayor Taylor was pleased with the selections and felt they were logical.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz was surprised that the Gateway neighborhood was selected because
the purpose of the project currently being planned for that neighborhood is to alleviate traffic
concerns and any concerns in that area with regard to pedestrian safety. Mr. Iler felt there are
opportunities for possible ~mprovements to the plans. There are situations where people might
be backing out into that roadway from their driveways. There might be situations where the
design of the road might encourage traffic speeding and if we point that out now, that could be
taken into account. Also, the neighborhood wants to know more about the improvement plans
that are being done in the area.
Mayor Taylor asked if the study will only include Gateway or if it will include some of the
neighborhood streets. Mr. Iler advised that it will encompass some of the neighborhoods to the
north and south.
Vice Mayor Titcomb asked if the solutions that are found after studying these neighborhoods
would be prototypes for other neighborhoods. Mr. Iler answered affirmatively, explaining that
they would be used as model neighborhoods and the solutions could be used in other areas
with similar problems at not so great expense.
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to approve the recommendations., Commissioner Tillman seconded
the motion, which carried 5-0.
B. Set Date for Strategic Planning and Priorities Workshop
Since staff is working on internal priorities and strategies, Vice Mayor Titcomb asked that a
workshop be set up after the first of the year to explore the Commission's planning priorities,
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
including the Capital Improvement Plan, the plans that will be forthcoming from Duncan &
Associates, and all the other issues on the table.
Staff was instructed to come back to the Commission with a couple of suggested dates.
C. Billboards on Federal Highway
Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that she received several calls with regard to a billboard
going up on Federal Highway in a County pocket. She was told it was removed from another
city and that the owner had the right to put it elsewhere. She spoke to the County Administrator,
Bob WiSeman, and he is going to send the City a copy of the ordinance and Court case
involving this matter. She asked the Commission to send a letter of complaint to the County
stating that we do not want that billboard because it affects our City. She believes that once you
approve something on Federal Highway, it is for perpetuity.
Mayor Taylor added that Mr. Wiseman has assigned his assistant, Pat Miller, to look into this
matter. Under the County's new billboard ordinance, billboard owners can remove a billboard
from one location and construct one in another. Mr. Miller is researching this to see if this is
true. He intends to followup on this and submit the County's position to us in-writing. He
supported Commissioner Jaskiewicz's suggestion about sending a letter to the County
D. Sign Ordinance Workshop
Mayor Taylor stated that business owners were upset because Code Compliance cited them for
putting signs in the medians on Federal Highway. These business owners brought in pictures of
other violations all over the City. Mayor Taylor suggested setting up a workshop to address the
sign ordinance.
Vice Mayor Titcomb advised that at one of their meetings, several of the members of the
Planning and Development Board argued that while they oversaw most of the design and
appearance issues of projects that move through the City, signs were being approved at staff
level with no relationship to the overall design plan.
Mayor Taylor asked staff come back with a recommendation to incorporate the sign ordinance
into the Commission/Chamber/Planning and Development Board workshop or to suggest some
dates for a separate workshop.
Mike Rumpf asked the Commission if they would like anything specific prepared in advance. He
was sure some of the sign issues will come up at the joint workshop without any preparation
and that the workshop will generate conclusions and recommendations that are going to require
City Manager Willis mentioned that one of the neighborhood associations is looking for some
regulation of parking of boats and trucks in neighborhoods.
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
Commissioner Bradley suggested starting with a Community Design Plan to get.an overview of
the whole picture. He would like included an update and education about signs. He also
mentioned convenience store lighting levels.
Jim Reed, 2458 Cranbrook Drive. advised that some slides are being prepared of the lighting
situations at various locations, and the people participating in the workshop are going to visit
some of these locations prior to the workshop.
A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING
Proposed Ordinance No, O97-51 Re: Amending the Code of Ordinances
to replace the term "Code Enforcement Board" with the term "Code
Compliance Board"
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O97-51 by title only.
Mayor Taylor opened the Public Hearing; however, no one in the audience wished to address
this item.
Vice Mayor Titcomb moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O97-51. Commissioner
Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The motion
carried 5-0.
B. Ordinances - 1st Reading
C. Resolutions
Proposed Resolution No. R97-189 Re: Authorizing the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Boynton
Beach, the City of Delray Beach, and the City of Boca Raton, providing
for creation of the South Palm Beach County Public Safety
Communications Cooperative (TABLED FROM '11/4/97 MEETING)
This item was tabled. (See discussion under Agenda Approval.)
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
D. Other
Approve settlement with plaintiff in case Stella Maurushis v. State of
Florida Department of Transportation and City of Boynton Beach
Commissioner Bradley moved to approve this settlement. Commissioner Tillman seconded the
motion, which carried 5-0.
A. Report on Relatives Working for the City - TABLED FROM '1'1/4/97 MEETING
Commissioner Tillman moved to remove this item from the table. Vice Mayor Titcomb
seconded the motion, which carried 5-0.
Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager, advised that the report he submitted to the City
Manager is 95 percent complete. However, it is basically 100 percent complete with regard to
active employees. There are a number of employees who are either out on workers'
compensation, are on some sort of leave, have been sick for the last three weeks, or were part
time and we will not see them again until the summer. This constitutes between 35 and 40
employees. He believes the report he submitted to the City Manager is fairly reflective of what
we would find if it were 100 percent accurate.
The City has approximately 850 employees. Out of the 815 disclosure forms collected, it was
discovered that 170 employees are related to each other. There are three cases where there
might possibly be a situation where it could be seen as a problem with nepotism. In one case,
one of the employee's wife's cousins also works for the City. Also, there are two lifeguards that
are father and son. Staff wants to investigate these three situations further and will take steps
to ensure that these employees are not supervising each other.
Mayor Taylor was not concerned about related employees working on the same team; however
he was concerned with related employees evaluating each other. Mr. Sugerman added that we
also have to take into consideration recommendations for promotion and ncrease n pay, and
giving somebody a lighter work assignment.
Mr. Sugerman advised that staff was stunned to discover that the City had so many employees
related; however, they were proud that this organization supports family values and that many of
the people who live in this community work for this community.
Commissioner Bradley wondered at what point relatives working together becomes an
institutional concern from a human relations standpoint.
Mayor Taylor expressed concern that during bad times, an entire family can be cut out of a work
NOVEMBER 18, 1997
City Manager Willis summarized that the City is a major employer in the community and is a
very significant contributor to its local economy. However, any changes which may impact an
entire family's income may ignite an irrational reaction in the work force. Perhaps there-would
not be the same willingness to adopt and embrace change. It might have an institutional
backlash when we look to make changes in the way we Work.
Reconsideration of vote approving Resolution No. R97-181 Re: 'Authorizing work
authorization No. 4 with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. for design, permitting,
bidding services and survey of downtown stormwater project, Phase I including
discharge well, in the amount of $460,751
This item was dispensed with earlier in the meeting.
Consider request for joint City Commission, Chamber of Commerce, and
Planning & Development Board workshop meeting on December 4th to discuss
community design; lighting levels and ratification of Board actions
The date of this meeting was rescheduled to December 8th to accommodate some of the
members of the Planning and Development Board. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. in
Conference Room C.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting properly
adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
(Three Tapes)
Vice~Maygr .,~
DEVELOPMENT ORDER ~--~-~. ~ ,"~-~~
Harrison Import and Export - High Ridge Commerce Park PID Y
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 417 Goolsby Blvd., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: New site plan approval
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Commerce Road (300 feet north of the intersection of Miner Road and
High Ridge Road) - Lot 8, Block 2
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "B" with notation "Included".
The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof.
5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order.
7.. Other
City Clerk
Conditions of Approval
Project name: Harrison Import and Export High Ridge Commerce Park PID
File number: NWSP 97-018
Reference: The plans consist of 8 sheets identified as 2nd Review, New Site Plan. File # NWSP 97-018 with a
September 23, 1997 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking.
Comments: None X
1. A capacity reservation fee of $1205.82 will be due for this project upon
request for the Utilities Department signature on the Health Department
application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval (Sec. 26-
34(E)). X
2. Palm Beach Health Department permits will be required for the proposed
water main extensions (Sec. 26-12). X
Comments: None X
3. The handicapped parking spaces shall be striped by current federal
guidelines--diagonal stripes in access area (see sheet SP-1). X
4. On the landscaping plan (sheet L-I) there is a circled area, located on the
southeast comer of the building. The Police Department recommends
that the landscaping in this area not exceed two feet in height from the
ground and the canopy of the tree not hang lower than six feet. This is to
allow more visual line of sight on the curve. X
5. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code
requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not
limited to, the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing,
landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting
agencies such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and
others, shall be included with permit requests. X
Page 2
Harrison Import and Export
File No. NWSP 97-018
6. Provide an Engineer's certification letter stating that drainage conforms
to city codes, etc. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.f.2.] X
7. Typical parking space and handicap space striping needs shall be in
accordance with the current edition of Florida Accessibility Code for
Building Construction and City Standard B-90012. X
8. Swale in right-of-way shall be installed in accordance with City Standard
B-91004. Also, invert elevation of proposed drainage pipe under
driveway shall meet bottom elevation of swale. X
9. Curbing shall comply with city standards [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.E.]
City Standard B-90012 states that curbing shall be "Type D". X
10. On the northeast comer of the parking lot on the paving, grading and
drainage plans, 18 foot and 27 foot typical dimensions are shown in a
reversed order and shall be corrected to show 18 foot parking stall and 27
foot backup space. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.] X
11. On both sides of the driveway and at the NE end of the parking lot, add
curbing along the landscaped areas and provide curb cuts for the proper
drainage. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.E.] X
12. On the "Typical Parking Striping" detail show 4 inch diagonal white
stripes within the handicap access path. Add a "$250 fine" plate beneath
the handicap post sign. [1996 Florida Accessibility Code] X
13. Indicate on the paving and drainage plans the drainage pipe inverts and
the elevations around all detention areas. [LDR Chapter 23, Article I,
Section 5.B. 15.] X
14. Extend the curbed, landscaped area at the SE comer of the building out
to the end of the abutting parking stall to delineate the parking space and
the travel aisle. [LDR Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.5.] X
15. To ensure that the handicap accessible sidewalk that is located between
the handicap parking spaces and the handicap entrance to the building is
in compliance with the Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction, add the following information to the site plan (Sheet SP-1):
A. Identify the length and slope of the landings that are required at the
top and bottom of both ramps shown on the site plan.
Page 3
Harrison Import and Export
File No. NWSP 97-018
B. Dimension the length of both ramps and, where applicable, show
required handrails.
C. Identify the size, elevation and slope of both entrance platforms.
D. Identify the elevation and slope of the accessible path that is required
between the top of both landings and the entrance platforms.
E. Identify the type of surface finish that is required for the accessible
route. X
16. To ensure that the slope of the handicap accessible path shown on the
plan across the landscape area adjacent to the street is in compliance with
the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction specify on the
paving and drainage plan (Sheet C-l) the slope or elevation of the
proposed sidewalk. X
17. It is the applicant's responsibility to design and construct the project in
compliance with the applicable Building, Energy and Accessibility
Codes. Permits are required to make improvements at the subject site.
[Chapter 20, Building, Housing and Construction Regulations] X
Comments: None X
18. The applicant shall perform a flora and fauna assessment of the site to
assure there are no protected plants or animals. X
19. With the second submittal, provide a clause on the survey that the
property was abstracted for all easements, right-of-ways and utility
lines, as required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A.
20. Any roof top equipment shall be screened from view at a distance of 600
feet. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location and the height of
the equipment above the roof and/or parapet wall level. Provide
elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the
required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these
elevations the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the
equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the
building (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 11.E). X
Page 4
Harrison Import and Export
File No. NWSP 97-018
21. Provide information regarding proposed signage on the property in
accordance with LDR, Chapter 21, Section 7 and Chapter 9, Section 10.I.
This will require another formal submittal that must be presented to the
Planning and Development Board and City Commission for approval
(LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2). X
22. Provide information regarding vehicular traffic trip generation. At
minimum, indicate an average daily trips (ADT) count and a peak hour
trip generation estimate. No building permits will be issued until the
provided traffic statement is evaluated by the Palm Beach County Traffic
Division for conformance with Palm Beach Traffic County Performance
Standards (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 8.C.8). X
23. Traffic control markings shall be shown within the vehicular use areas as
required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2. Indicate these markings on
the site plan included with the permit drawings. X
24. No building permits will be issued until the submitted use approval
application is approved by the Planning and Development Board and
City Commission. LDR, Chapter (LDR, Chapter 2, Section 7.E). X
25. On the landscape plan, indicate and label all existing and proposed
easements and buffers to avoid potential conflicts with the utility lines
and proposed structures. X
26. An environmental review permit may be required when information
regarding anticipated uses in the remaining portion of the warehouse is
supplied. X
27. Provide landscape accents along the northern wall of the dumpster
enclosure in accordance with the code (LDR Chapter 7.5, Art. II, Section
6.J). X
28. In order to provide a 40 foot wide landscape buffer required by the
master plan, eliminate a 5 foot concrete walkway north of the building. X
29. Pretreatment of storm water generated by the property must be provided
on site as Veronica Lake within the PUD to the north does not qualify to
satisfy this requirement. X
30. No cypress mulch shall be used (recycled cypress or other type is
acceptable). X
Page 5
Harrison Import and Export
File No. NWSP 97-018
31. Roof parapet shall be the same height all the way around the building X
32. St. Augustine/Floratam shall be used instead of Bahia grass. X
33. Revise condition number 28 to change the height of the concrete wall X
from 5 feet to 6 feet..
34~ To be determined. A~s' j
s:\projects\cond of appr\
PROJECT NAME: High Ridge Commerce Park PID
APPLICANT: Jack Lupo Realty
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 190 W. Glades Road, Suite C, Boca Raton, FL 33432
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Use approval (wholesale and warehousing of fabrics)
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Commerce Road (300 feet north of the intersection of Miner Road and
High Ridge Road)
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
2. The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "B" with notation "Included".
4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof.
5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order.
7. Other
City Clerk
Conditions of Approval
Project name: Harrison Import and Export
File number: USAP 97-003
Reference: Letter of request dated July 31, 1997.
Comments: None X
COmments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: None X
Comments: X
1. This use approval is limited to warehousing and wholesale distribution of
fabrics only. Another use approval will have to be processed to allow
"light assembly of fabrics" as a permitted use in High Ridge Commerce
Park PID. X
2. None. X
3. To be determined. /l~ar'~- //
s:\proje~ts\confl of appr\