Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor
Jamie Titcomb. Vice Mayor
Matthew Bradley, Commissioner
Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner
Henderson Tillman. Commissioner
Chamber of Com~nerce
Kathy Shabotynskyj
Mike Bottcher
Virginia Farace
Larry Finkelstein
Ginny Foot
Jack Frew
Eleanor Krusell
Kerry Willis. City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse. City Clerk
Micheline Many
Stormet Norem
Art Rowe
Marilyn Rudme
Robert B. Taylor. Jr.
Lee Wische
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m and welcomed School
Board Member Paulette Burdick. To accommodate Ms. Burdick, Item .d was
moved up on the agenda.
Boynton Beach High School - discuss construction and
Ms. Burdick advised that she just returned from a tri-county legislative delegation
meeting at Nova University. The topic on the agenda was House Bill 2121. She
brought an overv,ew of the discussion and left a copy with the City Clerk for
Mr. Burdick explained the ramifications of House Bil 2121. There are 16.000
extra student stations that are not currently occupied. According to House Bill
2121. we do not need to build any new schools in Palm Beach County until those
extra 16.000 student stations are occupied. We will no longer have any art or
music rooms at the elementary levels. We are about to embark on a program of
school nurses in every school in Palm Beach County with the help of the
Quantum Foundation and the Health Care District. In our new schools, there will
be no health room for these nurses to be located. Ms. Burdick stated that we
need quality nursing care facilities in our schools to meet the needs of our
At this time. Commissioner Bradley arrived.
House Bill 2121 will dictate not only the size of the classrooms, which will impact
the type of programs that we can deliver, but it will also base a state-wide cost for
schools. It will dictate how much we can spend on schools and if we go over 10
percent of that amount, it needs to come out of the operating budget from which
teachers are hired.
In this year's capital budget are design fees for the new Boynton Beach High
School. However, according to House Bill 212~1. we do not need any high
schools, middle schools, or elementary schools in Palm Beach County. Ms.
Burdick asked for everyone's support by contacting the legislators in Palm Beach
County. She advised that Rep. William Andrews is the author of House Bill 2121.
She asked everyone to contact him and ask him to make some modifications.
Also a special session might not be called this fall and Ms. Burdick encouraged
everyone to call the legislators to make sure there is a legislative special session
this fall to deal with the needs of schools and funding of schools.
She advised that the schools are funded from Tallahassee out of PECO funds.
There are numbers indicating that PECO will remain the same or go up slightly.
Ms. Burdick pointed oul that in 1995, Palm Beach County received $26 million n
PECO funds. This year. we received $14 million it is projected that we will
receive $9 million next year. Over the years, PECO has been drying up. It is
basically a utility tax.
This year. our CTBS scores are above the national average and our SAT scores
are above the State average. We have 34 magnets and academies in Palm
Beach County to meet the diverse needs of our students. It allows many of our
students to graduate with some high school credit. We have a tech prep initiative
program in all our high schools. Our vocational schools have done exceeding
well this year. We are a national model for conflict resolution. We currently have
three alternative high schools and 11 satellite facilities for children who are not
successful in our traditional settings. These alternative schools are considered
second chance schools and we are looking for opportunities to expand those
programs to meet the needs of our children who are not successful ~n our
traditional large schools.
Commissioner Bradley asked if the impact of House Bill 2121 would influence the
push for the penny sales tax. Ms. Burdick advised that we have a seven-year
capital program for schools. House Bill 2121 is currently being interpreted.
According to this bill, we will have to reassess everything in our current seven-
year plan. They hope to have those guidelines by October. It took us a year to
develop the seven-year p~an. Therefore, it does not look good for next spring
unless the Commissioner of Education waives House Bill 2121 and allows some
districts who have just done a seven year plan to proceed with that seven year
plan. However, the chances of this happening are not very good.
Ms. Burdick explained that we have a seven-year plan in place. However.
anything after July 1. 1997 that was not under contract will have to go by the new
rules and regulations that will be coming out in October. We will not adopt our
budget until the end of September. Therefore, everything a that plan wi] no
longer be valid.
Commissioner Bradley inquired about exceptions and variances. He read in the
newspaper that the Superintendent had applied for some schools with regard to
OCR requirements. He asked if there are other exceptions to the rule. If so,
Boynton Beach wants to be in line because we feel we are above and beyond all
exceptions because of the 1986 bond issue. Ms. Burdick said we would consider
asking for many different types of waivers: number one being to allow us to keep
our current seven-year plan as is.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz inquired about the timeframe for the new Boynton
Beach High School She said she read that there was quite a bit of loan equity
available to the Board and asked Ms. Burdick if she would consider anything ike
Ms Burdick advised that it would take approximately a year to design the school.
At that time, she believes we will be ready to ask the voters to support an
additional revenue-generating source. She advised that we have to address
Quantum Park, Lake Shore Middle School: and increasing the capacity at our
OCR schools. There ~s a Federal magnet grant'that says we must racially
balance the schools that are being funded with the Federal grant. In order to do
that. we have to bring non black children to the schools. Right now those
schools have 20 to 30 portables and are 90 percent black. In order to ncrease
the capacity of those schools, we have to build additiona classrooms. She
not support anything that does not keep the neighborhood children n those
schools as we upgrade them. In addition, the elementary schools are already
over capacity.
We have 'additional COPs capacity. We currently have to pay back $19 million in
COPs every year from the capital budget. She wants to ask the voters to support
a new revenue-generating source to meet the needs of al the children in Palm
Beach County before she considers increasing the COPs issue. She felt it was
~mportant to ask the voters to support all the children, not just two isolated
Commissioner Bradley advised her that we would definitely support a halfpenny,
penny, or other funding source. However. he said a lot of people in Boynton
Beach feel we are on the wrong side of the line in the sand because of the 1955
and 1986 promise, and people's patience are running thin.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked what would happen if a halfpenny or penny
sales tax is not approved. Ms. Burdick hopes that by November of 1998. we
would be ready to ask the voters for a new revenue generated source. If the
voters in Palm Beach County will not support a new generating source of
revenue, she would be committed to looking at the COPs.
Mayor Taylor heard that the design money has been taken out of the budget.
Ms. Burdick advised that Quantum High school 'is on the list to relieve the
tremendous overcrowding at the other high schools.
Mayor Taylor understands the need for other schools; however, he felt we have
been waiting a lot longer for a high school. He asked where on the list Boynton
Beach would be if there was money for another high school. Ms. Burdick stated
that it is the next high school to be built.
Commissioner Titcomb stated that Rep. Andrews recently held a press
conference on House Bill 2121 and he heard very different things come out of
that press conference than what Ms. Burdick said tonight. He said Rep. Andrews
talked about a plan to build a lot of new schools, smaller schools, and shared
Ms. Burdick stated that Rep. Andrews has a prototype for a K8 school. In that K8
school there will be a kitchen but its eating facilities will be very small. There wiJ
be no food preparation facility. That smaller school concept may suit some
communities. This school will be built on two acres of land and there will be no
playground facilities. It will have to be co-located next to an existing city or
county park if we want our children to have a playground. That particular school
will cost about $2.5 million to construct. However, no one has constructed that
school to determine if that is in fact the case. Rep. Andrews believes that school
can be built if all of the 500 children who attend that school are currently
transported, and that we would save approximately $176.000 and could bond
that money out for 30 years to pay for the construction at that elementary school.
Ms. Burdick pointed out that you would have to build some type of central food
service delivery system to transport food to those particular schools. Rep.
Andrews believes we can use some of the savings from the kitchen preparation
staff to fund teachers. Ms. Burdick pointed out that it is against the law to hire
teachers from Federal dollars from the food service program.
Rep. Andrews is saying that in order to save money, three or four of the smaller
schools will share a principal, an assistant principal, a guidance counselor, and
custodians. He recognizes that this may be a problem and intends to ask the
legislature to address the operating funds to meet these needs.
Ms. Shabotynskyj did not know how this bill was passed. She said she did not
read about it Jn the newspapers or hear about it from our lobbyists. She felt we
should look at how something that has such a strong impact on our lives in Palm
Beach County was completely overlooked
Ms. Burdick advised that this bill went through in the eleventh hour the day
before the legislative adjourned.
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked if a 1,200 or a 2,500 student capacity school would be
designed. Ms. Burdick stated that we would be asking for a waiver to do a 2.500
capacity school. Rep. Andrews proposes to build 1,200 capacity high schools
and that these schools share gymnasiums and all the extra facilities that a
regular traditional high school would have. Ms. Burdick felt this would create an
equity problem when you have schools that may be five miles part We would
have to bus students. We would have schools with separate teams, and they
would have to share one football field.
Todd Kotas. Director of Economic Development, pointed out that the land would
be donated by the cities. Ms. Burdick expounded upon this. She said the cities
and the County would donate the land, build the roads, and provide the entire
Ms. Shabotynskyj pointed out that it has been 11 years since Boynton Beach first
thought that they were going to get a new high school, and we have seen middle
and h gh schools built since then. She asked if elementary and middle schools
have a higher priority and are going to be built before the Boynton Beach High
School. Ms. Burdick advised that they have a higher priority; however, the high
schools are very ovemrowded and design money is m the budget for them
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked if we would get construction money in next year's
budget without bond 'rssues. Ms. Burdick stated that there is nol enough money.
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked how much a high school will cost under House Bill 2121.
Ms. Burdick did not know.
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked what more the City could do to get a h gh school. She
asked if the School Board would be interested in giving us the land in Quantum
Park and allow us ,to raise the money through city bond issues and privately
through foundations and other sources. She also asked if we put a charter
school in Quantum Park. Ms. Burdick felt we all need to work together to make
some changes on House Bill 21'21 and get a new revenue generating source to
build the school. She pointed out that Lake Shore Middle School was a promise
long before 1986. The School of Choice in Pahokee is an embarrassment to the
Palm Beach County School System. Westgate Elementary School was
considered the worst school in the OCR study. Even.though that school is 198
percent over capacity, this year the County Commission decided to build a low-
income 150 unit housing complex down the street from it. We all need to work
together to meet the needs of all our children. Quantum Park is at the top of our
list. It was a struggle to put the dollars in the budget for design of the Quantum
Park School. the OCR schools, and Lake Shore because of the tremendous
needs throughout the County. There is very little construction and next year it is
going to be even less because the money ~s just not there to build schools.
It was Ms. Farace's understanding that House Bill 2121 also changes the number
of square footage per child'. Inst.~ad of 120 square feet per child, it will be 80
square feet per child. She askedI if we would have to use the smaller square
footage per student if we received a wavier to build for 2.500 students. Ms.
Burdick said we would also ask for the 120 square feet per child in the waiver.
The board believes that the programs offered in the schools should dictate the
size of the classrooms.
Ms. Burdick stressed [hat everybo~ty in Palm Beach County needs to talk to our
legislators. A lot of the members of our delegation supported House Bill 2121. A
lot of them will say they did not realize the full impacts that were involved in this
bill. Right now, Tallahassee is clarifying the language and now is the time for us
to be proactive in the fall special s~ess on f we do not get what we need now,
then we all need to be at the next legislative session to make sure they make
some corrections.
Mr. Bottcher asked if the school is going to be designed within a year and if we
should be involved in the process. Ms Burd ck answered afl rmatively She said
we will wa~t for Commissioner Brogan to approve any poss b e waivers and then
the School Board can decide whether to comply with the law or construct schools
the way we believe the residents of Palm Beach County want us [o design and
construct schools. She did not believe it is a just law or that it meets the needs of
the children in Palm Beachl County.
Commissioner Titcomb asked what percentage of the total funds for school
construction is affected by House Bill 2121 and how much is at stake if the
School Board does not follow the guidelines. Ms. Burdick stated that they will
come out with all the specifications and hopefully we will make some of those
very ~mportant changes,
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked if Commissioner Brogan is in support of House Bill
2121. Ms. Burdick stated that he is making some conciliatory statements:
however, they are not enough. She stated that the number one academically
performing high school in the State of Florida is the Palm Beach County School
of the Arts. You cannot have that quality of artists at the h igb school level unless
you grow them at the elementary level. Palm Beach County has been committed
to having cultural arts in the schools. We think it is very important because when
you look at the data with children who have art and music, academically, they
outperform the children who do not have that.
Ms. Shabotynskyj invited Ms Burdick to the Chamber of Commerce's New
Teacher Welcome Breakfast On October 31st at 7:30 a.m
Mayor Taylor thanked Ms. Burdick for attending this meeting.
a. Master Plan ,., Duncan & Associates
Henry lier stated that we are in the second month with the Redevelopment
Implementation Program for the 20/20 Vision. A lot of our focus is on the area
east of 1-95 and commercial corridors (Boynton Beach Boulevard, Ocean
Avenue U.S.1 and MLK) as far as design plans for the future. We have been
collecting data from City staff and people in the community. We have been
talking to stakeholders and the City Commission. We attended the Chamber
Committee meeting last week and received a lot of input, good ideas, and a
feeling for what some of the members of that subcommittee would like to see out
of this project. We have also been working with City staff and some of the
neighborhood programs that are in place and trying to identify neighborhoods in
a map format. We will be setting the dates for two neighborhood meetings soon.
One will be in the area north of Boynton Beach Boulevard up to the City limits.
and the other will be in the south area. Some of our urban design plans are
coming up shortly. We scheduled our scope of work so that we would have
major products coming out every so often.
Some of the input that came out of the meeting with the Chamber last week was
especially helpful, There was a particular focus on the fact that the eventual
implementation program we come up with has to make sense for the average
taxpayer ~n Boynton Beach. Whatever consequences there m~ght be as far as
public improvements and the need to fund those, it needs to be made clear as
we go through this process that there is a long term financial benefit to everyone
n Boynton Beach.
Mayor Taylor asked when the first milestone is due. Mr. lief stated that in
addition to the neighborhood meetings, a public workshop will be scheduled with
the Commission. Planning Board, Chamber and others, in early September. One
of the first things we put in the scope of work was for the design plan for the
marina district. That will be coming up in September as well and will probably be
the major topic of the first workshop. We are starting to put together some of the
details of that plan.
Mayor Taylor understands the affordability aspect; however· he asked if this
would inhibit the creative thinking. Mr. lief stated that we are going to come up
with what we think is the right Dian for the long-term future. We hope it can be a
plan that captures ~magination as well. When we come down to the final
implementation program, it would be something that makes sense from an
economic point of view but also has that component in it which people want
Boynton Beach to be. We will not have,the financial component handcuffing us
early on.
Commissioner Titcomb asked if Mr. Iler will be producing sketches and getting
feedback before the final master plan ~s presented· Mr· Iler advised that
sketches and concept drawin~gs would Pe shared with the Commission and
others. He did not want to be putting out grand plans without comments from
staff· the Commission. Chamber members, and residents.
Commissioner Bradley asked if. he foresees any difficulty in arriving at the agreed
upon benchmarks that coincide with the products that we are going to get out of
the work he is doing. Mr. Iler advised that thanks to staff, we have gotten off to a
very good start and are on schedule.
Commissioner Tillman asked what we could look forward to at the pubic
workshop in early September. Mr. Iler stated that we will have the concept plan
for the marina district and the results of a lot of public meetings that we have
held, neighborhood meetings ~s we as meetings with individual homeowner
· ;
associations, execubve committees, ndvdua persons, and resdents. We will
also be bringing out some ideas for future products.
b. Community Redevelopment Agency
Ms. Shabotynskyj stated that at the Visions 20/20 conference in Indian River. one
of the recommendations was to have an independent CRA. The Chamber's
Economic Development Committee has recommended that we identify some
funding for the CRA. She wished to have dialogue about what we mean by an
independent CRA, what kind of CRA activities would take place, and if they are
being planned in the next budget year.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that according to the statutes, a CRA is not
responsible to the electors: it is an independent entity. The members of the CRA
are appointed for an indefinite period of time and she did not know whether
electors could remove someone from the CRA who they felt was not acting in the
best interest of the City,
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked for discussion about what we want our CRA to be·
Commissioner Jaskiewicz thinks that there are very strict regulations set forth by
the State. Ms. Shabotynskyj advised that the CRAs in Delray Beach and West
Palm Beach operate differently and there are terms regarding who is appointed
and for how long. She asked who the current CRA's staff is and whom she can
go to when she has a redevelopment issue.
Mayor Taylor advised that there was a CRA Director. but that position was
abolished and the City Commissioi~ took over the powers of the CRA. There has
not been much money to work with. He felt that it would be putting the cart
before the horse to create a CRA right now because we do not have any
direction for them yet.
Mr. Norem stated that some of us do not, really know the ramifications of a real
working CRA. He felt we could do some things within the next year to get
ourselves informed or updated about the pros and cons of how a more
independent CRA would work in relationship with the City Commission
Mayor Taylor suggested inviting Chris Brown to the next meeting to educate us
on CRA setups and what they mean Ms. Shabotynskyj felt it was a good idea to
start planning for it and to identify the resources that are needed.
Mr. Iler explained the importance of having a CRA staffed with individuals astute
in the real estate business, haying a pro§ram rn place that makes sense, and
having partnerships with the pn~ate sector.
Mr Norem pointed out that the City could loan or grant funding to the CRA. He
felt we need to educate ourselves on the process so we can place funds in next
year's budget to help kick this oE
Commissioner Jaskiewicz asked if the CRA staff is funded through CRA funds.
Mr. Ilar advised that the staff is normally funded through CRA funds. He has
seen cities and counties loan CRAs money for short terms. Once the revenues
start kicking in from the CRA, they can take over the funding of those types of
expenses and start paying back the county or city.
Visions Committee
Mr. Robert Taylor reported on what transp!red at the meeting last Tuesday with
representatives' Of Duncan & Associates. We identified the deliverables that will
be coming out as part of .this process, specifically redevelopment
recommendations, issues related to the land development code· the overall costs
associated with the recommendations, identification of financing alternatives.
identification of incentives to attract developers, and some of the other
deliverables. We also talked about the establishment of an independent CRA
including the implications of an independent governing body and the
ramifications. We also talked about the need to establish a critical land mass
versus small parcels of land without common ownership to attract well-
established deyelopers. Lastly, we ta~ked about how to sell this comprehensive
plan to the citizens of this community.
Boynton Beach High School - discuss construction and
This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.
Report by Police Chief Marshall Gage - Proactive Crime
Chief Gage explained what the Police Department could offer the business
people and citizens. He advised that our Crime Prevention Officers. who are
underutilized by the businesses m this community, could offer assistance with
comprehensive security surveys. In addition, there are individuals in the Police
Department who can help with designing and planning to protect your
environment and tenants. This is known as CPTED (Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design).
Commissioner Bradley suggested advertising or promoting ~he expertise of the
Police Department to developers as they come through the process.
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked if the Police Department is included in the planning
review process. Chief Gage advised that the Police Department receives the
plans after they have been fully designed. At that stage, it ~s expensive to
change them.
Ms. Shabotynskyj asked if there is a preplanning process for people to go
through. Tambri Heyden. Planning and Zoning Director. answered affirmatively.
Mayor Taylor suggested that the Chamber of Commerce advertise that these
types of services are available through the Police Department in [heir next
Chief Gage advised that Code Compliance is being expanded this year. Code
Compliance has an impact on crime. If you beautify the City, you cut crime.
There are more robberies and burglaries ~n rundown neighborhoods. Code
Compliance is a wable option.
Overall, the crime stats are about 3 percent lower than they were this time last
year. This is consistent with what we are seeing across the County. Our solution
rate is h ~gher than what we are seeing across the County and higher than a year
The Boynton Beach Police Department started open dialogues with other
agencies n the area because the criminals are not limiting themselves to
Boynton Beach. Nine times out of ten, they come from other jurisdictions. With
regard to the hotel robberies, the investigators picked up on other things from
other agencies and discovered this is a countywide problem.
In one particular case. Chief Gage advised that the State Attorney's Office would
not accept fingerprints or a photo lineup on the subjects. Their policy is not to
accept photo lineups more than two weeks after the crime has been committed
The subjects were identified three and a half weeks after the crime was
committed. Chief Gage felt we need to change the attitude of the prosecutor in
[his County and suggested that as a group, the businesses, associations, and
Chamber of Commerce present their con cerns to the City Attorney's Office.
Chief Gage advised that the officers are assigned to permanent zones. This
enables them to get to know tl~e businesses in their zones and develop a sense
of responsibility, ownership, and partnership.
The COP program has been working very effectively in [he residential
neighborhoods. We are seeing a decrease in the burglaries in the City,
particularly in residential neighborhoods. We are going [o propose that some of
them start to expand to some of the adjoining business districts and keep an eye
on the stores that serve their communities.
We also assigned an officer to work with HUD in the Cherry Hill area. The
people living in low-income housing do not want to live in a crime-ridden
neighborhood. As a community, theyare getting rid of the criminals. The first
time a person has a problem with the Police. cnme. or drugs, he or she is
evicted. They have evicted more than a dozen people from this area in the last
six months. The attitude in that area is fantastic. It is a turnaround community
and there is a lot of pride there.
Our most pressing crime problem is juveniles. It is a nation-wide problem and is
the reason for the increase in crime. The Police Department cannot address this
problem alone. Chief Gage pointed out that one of the high schools has 60
portables and the students have to sit in these portables under conditions that
adults would not sit in. Sixteen year olds are dropping out of high school, and
truancy is a problem.
Commissioner Bradley advised that the Education Committee suggested that
businesses put a sign in their shops that says, "1 will not serve a truant", and turn
any truants away during school hours.
Chief Gage advised that he is assigning one of his Community Patrol Officers to
Congress Middle School full-time this year to deal with the outdoor suspension
program and the truants in that school. There will not be an outdoor suspension
program this year at this school. All the kids who qualify for outdoor school
suspension are going to go into a specia program. The Superintendent has
agreed to provide a teacher who knows how to and wants to deal with high-risk
youth. Chief Gage ~s going to provide an officer who knows how to and wants to
deal with high-risk youth. The goal is to stop juveniles from coming back into the
suspension program and stop them from being on the street and doing no good
for anybody. We know how to deal with a truant, but we cannot do anything with
a suspension. The idea is to keep kids in school and not reward them for
negative behavior, but correct th6 negative behavior. If they cannot make it
through this program they will gg to an alternative school. With regard to
truancy, the officer will be tracking down the truants, holding the parents
accountable, finding out what the probJems are in the home environment, and
providing the resources needed. This is a one-year pilot project which Chief
Gage expects to become permanent.
Commissioner Bradley advised that some of the truants can be dealt with
through the Truancy Interdiction Program, and he explained this program. He
also advised that one of the problems is that not enough of us are reporting
Chief Gage advised thal currently, juvenile histories cannot be released to
anybody. However, there is an initiative in the State Legislature this year to
change the laws regarding this. Organized crime rings actively recruit juveniles
because their crimes and histories do not follow them as adults. Chief Gage
stated that we need to put an end to violent crimes and hold juveniles fully
accountable. He encouraged the Chamber of Commerce to contact the State
Legislature in support of this initiative. He also advised that their voice needs to
be heard at the StateAttorneys' Office1 If theydo not feel they can win a case,
they will not file it.
Micheline Many felt the Police Department needs more positive coverage from
the media.
Mr. Norem suggested inviting a representative from the State Attorney's Office to
one of our workshops to discuss these issues. Chief Gage offered to bring
specific cases to that workshop. City Manager Willis advised that Lake Worth
and West Palm Beach experienced this problem and had a meeting with State
Attorney's Office. They received a lot of lip service and it did not affect the
Commissioner Jaskiewicz advised that her group at the Visions Conference
addressed these concerns with Barry Krischer and he blamed everything on the
judicial system. Chief Gage advised that if every case were tried, there would be
a backlog. However. he felt tl~ey should create more office space, more state
attorneys, judges, etc. He also a~tvised that the State Attorney's Office has been
cooperative in dealing with hard core drug dealers by raising the bonds.
Mayor Taylor suggested making this issue a priority and asking the Municipal
League to take it to the Criminal Justice Commission.
Ms. Shabotynskyj offered the Chamber's assistance. Chief Gage advised that
they might be able to assist by faxing businesses BOLO information.
Commissioner Bradley suggested that Chief Gage make a presentation at one of
the Chamber's monthly luncheons.
Ms, Shabotynskyj stated that Gateway Boulevard is referred to as Getaway
Boulevard and suggested placing police officers at every 1-95 intersection. Chief
Gage advised that 1-95 is a strCght thoroughfare' for criminals coming from the
south and the north. Any busir~ss located off of 1-95 is susceptible to crime
because of the easy access onto and off of 1-95,
City Manager Willis stated that this ~s very common and is part of the master
planning and design issues. You have to identify the major thoroughfares that
you need to keep open and those less important areas where you can design
closures and make it less convenient to move through
Mayor Taylor asked Chief Gage to give him one or two problems to take to the
Municipal League
Ms. Shabotynskyj stated that the crime situation is directly proportional to our
school situation which is directly proportional to our economic development
potential. We have to work harder on aJ these ~ssues so that we can move
progress and get more money in this City.
Mayor Taylor commended the Police Department for working with the
Since the annual board dinner is going to be held on November 3rd. the next
workshop was rescheduled for November 10 1997.
Mr. Robert Taylor asked for assistance in changing House Bill 2121 to present to
our local legislators, along with supporting rational for those changes.
Commissioner Titcomb suggested first familiarizing ourselves with House Bill
Mr. Robert Taylor asked if the comprehensive plan assembled by Duncan &
Associates is going to be used as the primary road map for the redevelopment of
the appropriate geographical ~rea. Mayor Taylor hopes the end product ~s
something that everybody had input into and can buy into.
Commissioner Jaskiewicz referred to the BGI project as being a tremendous
asset to our City and commended the Planning staff. Mayor Taylor. and former
City Manager Carrier Parker Hill with regard to this project.
Mr. Norem asked if the City s going through an internal evaluation to become
compliant with its computer systems, etc. City Manager Willis advised that the
City is in the final phase of the plan to address this.
There being no further business' to come before the City Commission and the
Chamber of Commerce, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
Recording Secretary
'Two Tapes)