ON MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997, AT 6:30 P.M.
Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor
Jamie Titcomb, Vice Mayor
Matt Bradley. Commissioner
Shirley Jaskiewicz. Commissioner
Henderson Tillman. Commissioner
Kerry Willis. City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse. City Clerk
Wilfred Hawkins. Asst. to the
City Manager
Mr. Hawkins called the meeting to order at 6:42 p,m. He welcomed everyone and thanked
[hem for attending the City of Boynton Beach Visions 20t20 Phase 1 "Quick Victory Project"
Kick-off Mr. Hawkins recommended that everyone present secure a copy of the handout
which was available at the rear of the auditorium, since it provides details of this presentation.
Mr. Hawkins introduced Mayor Taylor who expressed excitement about the ideas developed by
City staff. He thanked everyone involved for the effort put forth in developing these "Quick
Victory Projects". He is anxious to see these plans implemented Mayor Taylor introduced the
City Commissioners and recognized City Manager Willis.
Overview of Visions 20~20 Quick Victory Projects
n 1995. a steering committee was formed to plan the Visions 20/20 Conference. A group of
100 citizens were present at Hutchinson Island to devise a ong-range plan for the City of
Boynton Beach that would lead into the 21s~ century. The goals of the meeting were:
Quality of life. image and charac[er for the City of Boynton Beach
Commercial Revitalization
Economic Development
Neighborhood Revitalization
Public Safety/Crime Prevention
City Government
Education/Youth Involvement
At the end of the Visions 20/20 Conference. the areas of focus were determined to be as
Positive Image and Identifiable Character of the City
Recognizable Downtown
Partnerships for Economic Development
Revitalize Neighborhoods
Police and Community Partnerships
USer-friendly City Government
Proactive Support for Quality Education
JUNE 9, 1997
These "Quick Victory Projects" will bring action to the City within the next 12 months. The City
of Boynton Beach has dedicated $150~000 to this effort
Consultant Team
One of the recommendations of the Visions 20/20 Conference was to hire a firm to develop a
master plan for the City for the next ten years. The City Commission acted upon ~:hat
recommendation and hired James Duncan & Associates
Mike Rumpf. Senior Planner from the Planning & Zoning Department. explained that the Visions
20/20 mplementation Planning Study will be a group effort led by the consultant James
Duncan & Associates. The group witl also include City staff and citizens of the City. James
Duncan & Associates is the planning team that consists of experienced planners who specialize
in community planning, Land Development ReguIations. and capital facility planning. This team
will be supported by other firms possessing special qualifications necessary to complete this
comprehensive study. Urban Design Group, a local design firm. will provide the necessary
design expertise. Carla E~ryant a neighborhood specialist, adngs knowledge and
understanding of community planning, public involvement, marketing, and experience with the
successful visioning process that occurred in the City of Delray Beach David Plummer &
Associates. traffic consultants, have significant experience in technical traffic analysis and traffic
calming. M T. Fuller Designs is a group of design experts with a specialty in promotional
s~gnage and marketing.
This project will have an 11-month schedule. During this period, the team. City staff, and the
public will be involved in six tasks which make up the study. The scope of services has been
finalized and the project will get underway this month. Task deadlines have been set to keep
the project on schedule and in line with the original tasks. The tasks are as follows:
· Task One
Background, Research, Public Involvement
This task will involve researching and collecting data, identifying and meeting with chief parties
involved, prepanng maps and databases, studying possible themes and images and initiation
of a project newsletter
· Task Two
CRA Boundary Expansion
This Iask will involve evaluating the process to expand the community redevelopment area.
The CRA is focused for redevelopment and renewal efforts including the targeting of State and
Federal funding.
· Task Three Neighborhood Strategies
We wil collect historical and current housing and neighborhood information field survey two
neighborhood target areas, conduct neighborhood meetings, gather specific information on
local and regional housing markets examine circulation ~ssues in two neighborhoods, prepare
analyses of housing and neighborhood needs, and develop a City-wide housing strategy To
encourage greater balance in housing types
JUNE 9, t997
· Task Four
Commercial Areas Research and Input
The work on this task will focus on the US #1 and Boynton Beach Boulevard corridors through
economic analysis, and analysis of traffic patterns.
Task Five
Commercial Areas Design Plan
We will prepare an overall design plan for all primary target areas, prepare urban design
criteria, and prepare a conceptual design plan for the marina district.
· Task Six
Implementation Program/Final Document
The project will be wrapped up at this stage. Under this task. methodologies are identified. City
regulations and processes will be examined, and impediments to the goals and strategies that
have come from the other tasks are addressed through recommendations for changes to City
regulations, processes and other things. In the final strategy, the documents will be proposed.
In conclusion. Mr. Rumpf explained that almost ail of the tasks will involve collecting from and
distributing information to the public through individual meetings with interest groups, public
meetings, and workshops, and through newsletters and the media City staff is very excited
about the outcome of this major study.
Strategy '1
Commercial Revitalization & Economic Development
The team members include:
Mayor Jerry Taylor
Wilfred Hawkins, Coach
Charles Frederick, Recreation & Park Director
Tambri Heyden, Director of Planning & Zoning Department
Diane Reese, Director of Finance
John Guidry, Utilities Director
Todd Kotas, Economic Development Director
The priorities of Strategy 1 include:
1. Partnerships with Quantum Park - This will include industrial development
that will provide for a maximum return on investment to the City while providing jobs that
compensate at levels over the Palm Beach County average. We want to prepare a marketing
plan for Quantum Park to have industries relocate here. We will continue joint marketing efforts
with the Tambone Group, and develop a sign strategy for our foreign trade zone.
2. Stormwater Management - We will develop a master facility for the
downtown area to accommodate stormwater from the redeveloped downtown areas in order to
improve treatment and surface water quality and increase flexibility for redevelopment by
JUNE 9, 1997
centralizing stormwater management. We will create a series of green areas for drainage
retention and neighborhood enhancement.
3. Marketing Brochure - We will develop a target market brochure that will
emphasize industrial opportunities in the City of Boynton Beach. We will do this by working with
the Chamber of Commerce.
4. Banner Program - In order to promote and highlight downtown, we will
develop a banner program in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce. the Boynton Beach
Boulevard Association and the Ocean Avenue Business Association. This program will specify
different themes to aesthetically improve downtown.
5. Green Market Program - The Green Market will be developed in the 500
Block of East Ocean Avenue. The City will partner with businesses in that area and other
businesses that promote agriculture. The City will provide use of Veteran's Park public
parking, and clean-up.
Strategy 2
Neighborhood Revitalization
The team members include:
Commissioner Shirley JasMewicz
Al Newbold Coach
HankAckermann Neighborhood Specialist
Carel Fisher. Deputy Director of Public Works
Kevin Hallahan. City Forester, Parks Division
Octavia Sherrod, Community Redevelopment
Scott Blasie. Code Enforcement Administrator
Marshall Gage, Police Chief
Mike Pawelczyk, Assistant City Attorney
Luis Santana. Police Department
The priorities of Strategy 2 are as follows:
1. Neighborhood Associations With the assistance of the Police
Department, the existing Club Law and Order program will be expanded. This program is the
basis for the identification of the City's neighborhood associations and Crime Watch programs.
We will develop a list of neighborhood associations.
2. ICON (Identification, Communication, Ownership of Neighborhood) - This
program will involve the installation of uniform signs identifying neighborhoods where
associations exist. Each association receiving a sign will be required to sign a maintenance
and landscaping agreement. The intent of this program is to make people proud of their
JUNE 9, 1997
3. Consistent Code Compliance - Code enforcement will be consistent for
everyone in the City. A map has been developed which will indicate the areas being addressed
by Code Enforcement inspectors.
4. HAMAR - This item will be addressed under Strategy 3 since it s a
collaboration between two strategy teams.
5. Resources & Assistance to Neighborhoods - The City of Boynton Beach
will develop a brochure containing names and telephone qumbers that can provide assistance
to our residents and wilt improve and update the directory at City Hall in the Mall. We will assist
neighborhoods with landscap!ng projects. There is an area in Cherry Hill where the trees have
died and have not been replaced. There are plans in progress to replace those dead trees with
Queen Palms next month.
6. Lots of Lots - There will be continued upgrading of properties ane
purchase of properties that have been abandoned. This is an ongoing project that requires
funds and planning beyond the scope of a "quick victory". The City intends to become very
intense in this effort.
Strategy 3
Public Safety & Crime Prevention
The team members include:
Commissioner Henderson Tillman
Marshall Gage, Police Chief- Coach
Frank Bnganti, Police Department
Jim Ness. Fire Department
Steve Graham Police Department
Bill Tome. Police Department
The priorities of this strategy are:
1 HAMAR (Homeowners Assistance Maintenance an¢ Repair)
Combining efforts with other teams, it was decided that it was necessary to get Police Officers
involved in neighborhood activities and identify resources, communicate to citizens and facilitate
assistance. This team elected to copy a program that is being used by many other cities known
as HAMAR. This is a program whereby needy oeople of the community are provided with the
assistance necessary to bring [heir properties into Code compliance. The Community Police
Officers and neighborhood associations will work together in this effort. The first project will
begin in August.
2. PAL Football - The existing program has been very successful but did not
reach the eight to ten-year old children. The program will be expanded to include those at-risk
chiIdren with a crime prevention awareness theme to help them develop a sense of discipline,
responsibility and self-esteem.
3. Public Relations Campaign - We will develop Citizens Observer Patrol
groups and Crime Watch groups. In partnership with South Tech, a videotape will be made to
JUNE 9, 1997
be used for presentations to neighborhood associations and the press for public service
announcements. Our auto fleet will be expanded for the COP program with donated cars and
golf carts.
4. Police Substations - In an effort to have our Police Officers out on the
street, one substation was opened .in Cherry Hill. Recently, approval was granted for a
COP/Substation at Boynton Beach Plaza West. With the aid of computers, these substations
will be analyzed for effectiveness to determine whether or not more substations are needed.
Strategy 4
Quality of Life, Image & Character
The team members include:
Vice Mayor Jamie Titcomb
Joe Sciortino. Golf Course Director - Coach
Scott Blasie. Code Enforcement Administrator
Charles Frederick. Director of Recreation & Park
Kevin Hallahan, City Forester. Park Division
Dale Sugerman. Assistant City Manager
Carol Fisher. Deputy Director of Public Works
John Guidry, Utilities Director
Virginia Shea. Recreation & Park Department
Kerry Willis. City Manager
The priorities of this Strategy 4 are:
1 Appearance and Beautification - New street signs for the Central
Business District have been proposed. The signs will be installed from 1-95 to Federal Highway
along Boynton Beach Boulevard, from Boy[~ton Beach Boulevard to Woolbright Road along
Federal Highway, from Woolbright Road and Federal Highway to 1-95, from Woolbright Road to
Boynton Beach Boulevard along Seacrest Boulevard, and along the Ocean Avenue corridor
from Seacrest Boulevard to the bridge. Eventually, with the approval of the citizens, all street
signs within the City will be replaced. In addition, in an effort to notify people that there is a
difference between Greater Boynton Beach and the City of Boynton Beach, we will be installing
City identification signs on Woolbright Road as traffic heads west, on Gateway Boulevard as
traffic heads west just east of Lawrence Road, and on Federal Highway on the north.
2. Recreational Opportunities - We will use $5;000 to develop a scholarship
program for 100 at-need children. We hope to expand this program with donations from
individuals, non-profit organizations, and businesses. This funding will allow the children to
enter current recreation programs. A committee will be established to create reasonable criteria
to identify the children. In addition, in a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and the
downtown businesses~ the City will supply support to create themes for events in the downtown
that will assist in drawing attention to that area. The City is anxious to begin these events in the
fall. There will be three events which will be held in October, January, and April.
3. User-Friendly City Government - Every City employee will wear a name
tag. In addition, each City department will have exit surveys that will be provided to customers
JUNE 9, 1997
to let us know how we are doing. These exit surveys will be reviewed by the City Manager
Upon calling the City, the public will be greeted in a -'professional friendly" or "leisure services
friendly" manner Many of the projects going on in the City began with Visions 20/20. The City
will be posting signs notifying the public that particular projects are Visions 20/20 projects. A
City newsletter will be published. Once Utility Billing switches to an envelope system for utitity
bills, the newsletter will be included with the bill. A Citizens Action Center will be implemented
This computer program will be available for the public to report a concern or problem. One
person will direct that call to the appropriate department for disposition. The City Manager will
receive feedback on how long it takes to address [he problem. The City will encourage
everyone to "talk up" the City of Boynton Beach in order to get the word out that Boynton Beach
is a different town.
4. Cultural Opportunities - Since not everyone visits the Civic Center to
participate in the cultural activities provided by the Recreation & Park Department, an outreach
program will be instituted at City Hall in the Mall.
Strategy 5
Education and Youth
The team members include:
Commissioner Matt Bradley
Virginia Farace. Library Director- Coach
Arleen Dennison 1913 Schoolhouse Museum Coordinator
Bill Gulbrandsen. Fire Department
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
Dale Sugerman. Assistant City Manager
Melody Green, Recreation & Park Department
Todd Kotas. Economic Development Director
Mike Munro. Police Department
The priorities of Strategy 5 are:
1. & 3. Business/Education Partnership and Youth Leadership Program - The
City has decided to develop a youth leadership program modeled after the Chamber of
Commerce's Adult Leadership Program and the Palm Beach County Youth Leadership
Program. This program will include sophomores and juniors attending monthly sessions
throughout the school year. At the completion of the leadership training element, we will have
internship programs with the local businesses. The money paid in salaries will be matched
through this project. The Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce have agreed to partner
with the City on this project. It is hoped that the Chamber will take on the administration of this
2. & 4. MST/High School and Parental/Community Involvement - This project
was named NICE (Neighborhoods Improving Community Education). In this effort, the City will
partner with citizens and the schools with monthly meetings being held around the City at nine
different schools. This program is for everyone in the commUnity - not just for families with
children in the schools. The schools will be able to showcase themselves and solicit volunteers.
The schools can become potential future meeting places for the neighborhood associations,
JUNE 9, 1997
and the schools can become a par~ of the community, City departments will provide brief
presentations in order to bring information into the community and end with a town meeting and
q aestion and answer opportunity.
5. Culture - To survey our community on culturat issues and opportunities.
we wili set up a Touchscreen Survey System at various locations through the City where
residents and clients will have easy access, (This system was on display in the rear of the
auditorium. Ninety-one people were present and were encouraged to participate in the survey.)
Summary of Presentations
Hank Ackermann
Neighborhood Project Specialist
(We're All In This Together)
Mr Ackermann urged the community to act since this is a cooperative effort. Neighborhoods
will become partners with the City in Certain projects. The City will provide some funding, ant
the neighborhoods will provide manpower. If Boynton is to be the best it can be. this must be a
partnership. He urged everyone present to register their neighborhoods so that neighborhood
associations can ~)e identified.
Leslie Lang, 124 SW 9th Avenue, requested that the City consider implementing an after-care
program at the Civic Center.
Mr. Frederick advised that this suggestion will be investigated.
Dee Zibelli is concerned that encouraging industrial development in Quantum Park will
decrease the property values in the north end of the City,
Mayor Taylor advised that Quantum Park has always been an industrial and research and
development park. The City is encouraging upscale industries such as BGI and Motorola
Micheline Many requested that the City consider reverting to the original street names in the
older par~ of the town. Some of these names included Jasmine Avenue. Palm Street. Dade
Avenue etc.
Mr. Rumpf explained that one of the consultant's tasks will be a historic analysis that will
address this issue.
Mike Fitzpatrick, 101 SW 4t~ Avenue, is concerned that environmental issues were not
addressed in the Visions 20/20 process. He wants the City to address green space, and feels
Sabal Palms or Royal Palms rather than Queen Palms should be planted in Cherry Hill to
support local wildlife.
JUNE 9, 1997
Commissioner Tillman advised that he spoke with Mr. Duncan of James Duncan & Associates
about providing a greenbelt around the CRA. He is also concerned about environmental issues
and would like this issue addressed.
Anne Centi of Los Mangos is thrilled about the development of brochures, the foreign trade
zone, and the unanimous support for the high school. She commended everyone for a job well
Sara Williams, 1331 SW 27t" Avenue, expressed pleasura about what the City is doing, She
feels a sense of partnership. She expressed concern about the fact that the naming of Martin
Luther King, Jr. Boulevard never received a northeast or northwest designation This created a
problem for her when she attempted to evict someone. In addition, while signage promotes
pride, she encouraged the City to work with the schools to explore the use of signage to
discourage crime which is a serious problem in the target area. She recommends educating
young people to help them develop a sense of community pride.
Mr. Hawkins explained that the street signs for Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard indicate east
and west: however, the problem lies with the post office. The City will work on this to make
sure the post office recognizes that NE 10TM Avenue is also Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.
The NICE component of Strategy 5 will offer ideas in the youth leadership program. Mr.
Hawkins urged Ms. Williams to submit her ideas and suggestions in. writing to Virginia Farace.
Jeannie Cantomi of SW Ist Avenue, is happy about the development of a brochure and the
outreach programs at City Hall in the Mall. She questioned whether information about Boynton
Beach will be available on the Intemet.
Ms. Farace advised that the Library has a web server in operation and the City's web page will
be available soon on the Internet: In addition, we are applying for an additional grant that will
allow unlimited access to the Internet.
Steve Scott, t021 South Federal Highway, Lucille & Otley's Restaurant, questioned how
small businesses can get assistance to beautify their properties.
Mr. Hawkins advised that the City is becoming an entitlement city through the Department of
Housing and Urban Development. As part of that program, we will be able to use some of the
dollars to help small businesses develop. We hope to have programs available within six to
nine months.
Eisa Cohen suggested that the City plant more Palm trees rather than use banners in the
downtown area. She further suggested that a Beautification Committee be formed.
Mr. Frederick advised that Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway will soon be going
through major rebuilding and landscaping as part of a DOT program. The program will include
the installation of paver bricks and the planting of trees and shrubs. Paver bricks will also be
installed in the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Along
Federal Highway, there will be reconstruction of the medians. This construction will be in
progress over the next 12 to 18 months.
JUNE 9, 1997
Micheline Many recommended that the City plant more shade trees and provide areas for
roller bIading.
Mr. Hallahan explained that the City always attempts to get the largest shade trees possible:
however. DOT has restrictions on the size of trees to be planted. Large shade trees are
proposed in some of the neighborhoods. Mr. Hallahan advised that there are some specific
areas for roller blading in the City. Mr. Hallahan encouraged Ms. Many to present her
suggestions to the consultants during the master planning process.
Dixie Redmill. who lives just north of Gateway Boulevard, complained about the lack of
landscaping on the 1-95 overpass in that location. She further asked for a status report on the
Gateway Boulevard construction project.
Milan Knor Director of Development Services. advised that the Gateway Boulevard project has
been advertised for proposals and they are expected on June 24% A consultant will be
selected and the project should be corn pleted by December of 1998. The delay is due to the
necessary acquisition of rights-of-way. The City will front $750.000 and will be reimbursed by
[he County.
Mr. Frederick advised that two interchange projects are currently in design through DOT.
These projects include the Woolbright Interchange and the Gateway Interchange, They are
scheduled for construction in 1999 and will be funded by DOT
Ms. Benjamin of SE 1st Court requested that the City consider construction of a playground or
park in this southern section of the City.
Mr. Frederick advised there is a piece of property which is approximately five to six acres in size
that the City is investigating for purchase and development of a park. The City ~s aware of this
void in the City; however, there is no funding mechanism in place at this time to fill that void,
Mr. Hawkins asked Ms. Benjamin to bring her ideas to the City during the planning stages.
Linda Szatmary urged the City not to forget the elderly durin~c this planning stage.
Mr Hawkins reminded her that the City has a very vocal Senior Advisory Board. The City will
be looking at senior programming with entitlement funds.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting properly
adjourned at 8:20 p.m
JUNE 9, 1997
(Two Tapes)
Mayor ' ~
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