ON THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1997, AT 7:00 P.M.
Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor
Jamie Titcomb. Vice Mayor
Matt Bradley, Commissioner
Shirley Jaskiewicz. Commissioner
Steering Committee
Wanda Phi{lips
Joan DuBois
Stanley Weaver
Terry Vinas
Dr. Luis Vinas
Kerry Willis, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
City Staff
Virginia Farace, Library Director
Arleen Denmson, Library
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. to interview the exhibit design
consultants for the 1913 schoolhouse museum project.
Ms. Farace explained that there were only two responses to the RFP. 1220 Exhibits is
based in Tennessee and could not attend this meeting. Ms. Dennison will g~ve an
overview of their report. Evaluation forms were provided to everyone to rank the firms
and come up with a recommendation to take back to the City Commission.
1220 Exhibits
Ms. Dennison advised that 1220 Exhibits attended the open house at the schoolhouse
two years ago. In checking their references, they did a lot of work throughout the
southeast United States. She called other museums and both firms have a very fine
reputation. The City would ike the firm who is chosen to meet with the following three
groups in the community and come up with some concepts:
Dr. Luis Vinas, who is the Chairman of the Medical Exhibit Committee. along with
a group of physicians;
The Agricultural Committee. headed up by Ms. DuBois: and
The Historians and Educators.
MARCH 20, 1997
Afterwards. they will come back with five color renderings that we can utilize in our
marketing and fund raising efforts. This will help us focus more on what we want to do
with the building. After that, we will come to the Commission with a RFP for a designer
and fabricator to design the total floor plan. Th ~s will be a much larger budget and
include the building of the exhibits.
We chose to split th s project into two phases. This will give us the boost we need to
progress on with the project without investing huge sums at this time. The firm that
receives this contract can still bid on the second phase of this project.
Each firm met all the qualifications based on the Purchasing Department's qualifications
for bid. and all their paperwork for doing business is intact.
Historically, 1220 Exhibits has been a fabricator. They started out as a firm that actually
builds the exhibits and has later gotten into the design end of it. They have done an
excellent job on numerous projects in Tennessee and Alabama, including the Women's
Basketball Hal af Fame, the Georgia Sports Center, and the Creative Discovery
Museum. They listen to the people, do stow lines, and there is always an opportunity
to change with them. They did shows heavily in the beginning where they design the
display boards. Their work is very colorful, professional, and very clean looking. One
of the museums they work with said they are very helpful in arranging a payment
schedule, and their exhibits held up against wear and tear. They are very creative and
their references are excellent. They have experience in all aspects of the planning,
creativity, and need assessment. 1220 Exhibits quoted a cost of $21,500.
Guglielmo & Associates
Ms. Dennison advised that Ms. Guglielmo has worked on several projects in St.
Augustine, including the Govemmem House. According to the feedback she received,
Ms. Guglielmo works very well with different groups. She has done a living history with
a CD Rom and a touch screen video, which is a very modern presentation to history.
She is always seeking something different that comes through by staying within the
budget and timelines. They felt a partnership with her and she has a great history
background and excellent resources for projecting image. Her exhibits are user-friendly
with very Iow maintenance. She works very hard. is involved with her work, and there is
open communication.
At this time, Deborah Guglielmo of Guglielmo & Associates, and Norm Myers of Fair
Concepts Exhibitions Incorporated, entered the meeting. Ms. Guglielmo advised that
both firms are located in Tampa. Guglielmo & Associates is a small firm of four people.
However. they have several associates. They prefer to call in persons within the fields
of specialty as they need them. Many projects that they will present this evening, and
MARCH 20, 1997
others they are currently working on, are similar to this project in that they involve
preservation monies. They will listen very intently to what the City wants and make
sure that translates into exhibitions that are feasible. It is important that the ideas that
come out of the creative workshops are cohesive and are going to bring about visually
what you want the museum to present. They look at concepts from the reality of
construction, cost. timing, and maintenance.
She showed and explained slides of projects that Guglielmo and Fair Concepts have
done. While explaining the slides, she explained hands-on experience versus exhibits
on walJSl extending the experience of learning into fun, and stated that safeguards will
be put in place, Presentations will be separate from the exhibition spaces. Those
areas are equally important to help create the museum experience for your district, The
way those areas are designed to fit in well with exhibition space and presentation of
subjects are as crucial to the experience as what people see when they go into the
gallery areas. These are part of the concepts that will come out within the presentation
report that they will do for us. They will work hard during the workshop to make sure
they capture all our ideas and record them
Ms. Guglielmo distributed some materials relating to other projects they have done and
stated that the presentation package can be usee as a marketing package.
Mayor Taylor inquired about the timeline. Ms. Guglielmo said the timeline on her
presentation is recommended to be about six to eight weeks. She suggested three
workshops to accommodate people's schedules.
Mayor Taylor pointed out that exhibits take up space and the school building is small.
Ms. Guglielmo stated that the building is not that small. There are creative ways to help
make that space spend better and develop ideas that create allusions. Exhibits do not -
have to go on walls. In addition, there is fabulous height in the building.
Mayor Taylor expressee a desire for this museum to be unique from other museums in
the area. Ms. Guglielmo stated that you are buying for attention, interest, participation
and leisure time of the local communities. You do not want to replicate others. You
want to be umque and patterned to the community and your interests.
Mr. Myers advised that the budget will be established after the workshops, and the-
designers will stay within the budget. Ms. Guglielmo stated that we could conceptually
design and plan for something in the future. However. you have to start with a realistic
budget. A more expensive presentation will be no less in this experience than a less
expensive one. It just may not have all the dressings. She also stated that they are not
going to limit their creative capabilities because of the budget.
Mr. Myers advised that all their products are warranted from mechanical difficulties, and
since they are located in Florida. it is very easy for them to make service catls.
A recess was taken at 7:17 p.m. At 7:30 p.m., the Steering Committee deliberated.
They felt Guglielmo & Associates would be more available because they are local.
They pointed out that 1220 Exhibits cost $10.000 more. They also pointed out that Ms.
Guglielmo and Mr. Myers had the cour[esy of appearing before us this evening.
At this time Mayor Taylor= Vice Mayor Titcomb, Commissioner Jaskiewicz, City
Manager Willis. and City Attorney Cherof returned to the meeting.
Mr. Weaver advised the Commission that the Steering Committee recommends the firm
of Guglielmo & Associates because they had the courtesy and went through the trouble
to appear before us in person. After listening to their presentation and looking through
the brochure, the Steering Committee unanimously recommended them. They felt they
would be more available to us.
Commissioner Jaskiew~cz was impressed with Guglielmo & Associates presentation
and Ms. Guglielmo's enthusiasm for this project,
Vice Mayor Titcomb felt it says a lot that they appeared this evening. They are
enthusiastic and their cost is significantly lower than 1220 Exhibits for phase 1 of this
project. He felt comfortable with the expertise and confidence that was exhibit from
their presentation.
Mayor Taylor felt that the Steering Committee put some time and effort into this and if
they are comfortable with this firm. so is he. He advised that Commissioner Bradley
had to leave, but he was comfortable with whatever the Steering Committee wanted to
Commissioner Jaskiew~cz moved to hire Guglielmo & Associates for the first phase of
the museum project. Vice Mayor Tltcomb seconded the motion, which carried 3-0.
Mayor Taylor thanked the Steering Committee for their interest and effort. Mr Weaver
appreciated the City backing up the Steering Committee.
MARCH 20, 1997
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Vice ~i~or
C~mmis~oner / /
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)