Minutes 12-07-92 MINUTES OF THE CITY CO~NISSION WORKSHOP HELD IN CONHISSION CHAHBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON WONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1992 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Arline Weiner, Mayor Lynne Matson, Vice Mayor Jose Aguila, Cor~nissioner Edward Harmening, Commissioner Robert Walshak, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager Sue Kruse, City Clerk Charles Frederick, Recreation and Park Director I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - I~yor Arllne Welner Mayor Weiner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. OPENING COMMENTS - CITY HAHAGER ~, SCOTT MILLER Mr. Miller reported that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss prioritiza- tion and funding of various parks the City has been master planning. The parks include the Boynton Lakes site of approximately eight (8) acres, Meadows #1 which is several acres, Meadows #2 which is seven (7) acres, Quantum Park which is fifteen (15) acres and the Intracoastal Park which is a tin (10) acre site. Mr. Miller advised that the City Commission will have to provide direction for staff regarding development priorities and funding sources. There is approxima- tely $800,000 in the Recreation and Park Trust Fund and approximately $850,000 in the Capital Improvement Program Fund. III. SUMMARY O.__~F WORKSHOP TEXT HATERIALS: RECREATION AND PARK DIRECTOR CHARLES C-- FREDERICK Mr. Frederick began his presentation by depicting the locations of all of the park sites listed in the back-up material. He pointed out that 129 areas are serviced by the Parks Department throughout the City. Mr. Frederick highlighted important facts listed in the back-up material which was previously reviewed by the Commission. Those facts are listed below. A. Development Costs and Maintenance Costs The cost for total development of the five (5) sites would be approximately $4.6 million. That money is not available at this time. Furthermore, if all of the sites were developed it would cost approximately $213,000 to maintain the sites. B. Development Priorities The recreation and open space element of the Comprehensive Plan contains a park development schedule indicating five park sites should be developed by the year 2000. He pointed out, however, that the Comprehensive Plan can be amended if it is not possible to develop all of those sites within that time frame. #ZNUTE$ - CITY COIdlNZSSZON WORKSHOP #EETZNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA DECE#BER 7, 1992 .i Other parks scheduled fordevelopment by 1995 are Girl Scout Park, Jaycee Park, and Pioneer Canal Park. At some point, it will become necessary to review these sites and back them up in the schedule if they will not be developed by 1995. Mr. Frederick explained that certain items should be considered when trying to arrive at a decision on the development of a site. Those items are the geographic location and the distribution of sites,' the user groups to be served, neighborhood needs versus district park needs, the potential for phased develop- ment, availability of funds, cost benefit factors and unmet facility needs throughout the City. The Quantum Park site will service northwest Boynton Beach as a neighborhood park; it will be a district park and it will be able to handle some city-wide functions. The Intracoastal site is a district site. It is special because of its location on the water. Because of the master plan design, it will service the entire City. The Boynton Lakes site is dedicated to serving the Boynton Lakes Subdivision. The plan has been designed at the desires of the residents. The development of this site will enhance the neighborhood. Meadows #1 is a small site of four (4) acres which has a passive park design. There is a possibility of expanding this site to five {5) acres when Knollwood Groves comes in. Meadows #2 is a neighborhood park which will serve the Meadows, Boynton Lakes and Dos Lagos. It contains active and passive recreation facilities. The City will gain a great deal for the cost of this development. Jaycee Park is leased from Florida Inland Navigation District (F.I.N.D.) and they have not been willing to deed that property to the City because it is one of their designated spoil sites for dredging. The lease has deed restrictions. Mr. Frederick suggests rescheduling the development of this park by the year 2000. Girl Scout Park is a nine (9) acre site with a great deal of potential. There has not been a great deal of demand from the residents for development of that park. A decision will need to be made either to initiate a master plan or to reschedule its development. Pioneer Canal Park has the only fresh water boat ramps in the City and provides access to the Boynton Canal. This is a four (4) acre site which is undeveloped. It is in need of redesign to improve ramp facilities and trailer parking. Mr. Frederick hopes this development can be considered for 1995. Congress Avenue Community Park is not on the schedule to be developed by 1995; however, there were discussions at one time regarding moving the Madsen Center and Shuffleboard Courts to this park. Mr. Frederick suggested consideration be given to this park if a bond package is considered in the future. 2 HINUTES - CITY COMMISSION NORKSHOP #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1992 C. Fundlng Sources and Hethods In September, 1992, the Recreation and Park Trust Fund contained $813,000. The Capital Improvement Program Funds contain approximately $831,000 and can be used for recreation facilities as well as other projects. The Capital Improvement Program Fund replenishes itself by approximately $200,000 each year through excess utility tax funds. It will be necessary to determine how much of these funds should be used and how much should be reserved. With regard to grants, they are not high commodity items at this time. The Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) has not advertised a funding cycle this year. Further, we have been advised that the $1.4 million allocated by the legislature may have to go back in to operate DNR for the remainder of the year. F.I.N.D. may have some potential for the Intracoastal site, but it may not be a large amount of money. D. General Obll~j~tlon Bond Costs General Obligation Bonds are the most common way to generate funds for park pro- jects. Revenue bonds would require the pledging of utility taxes to back them up and that would affect the General Funds. Mr. Frederick feels the Recreation and Park Trust Fund, the Capital Improvement Program Fund and General Obligation Bonds are the means by which to fund the development of these parks. E. Funding and ,Development Alternatives Mr. Frederick directed the Commission to Page 24 of the back-up material showing these funding and development alternatives. Mr. Frederick spoke about phasing, but pointed out that although it has poten- tial, the use of phasing takes a great deal of time to finish a project. Congress Avenue Park was started in 1982 and still has twelve (12) acres which remain undeveloped to date. F. Recreation and Park Board Rec~mendatlon At their last meeting, the Recreation and Park Board recommended that the Commission consider funding the Boynton Lakes project and the Meadows #2 project utilizing the Recreation and Park Trust Funds and the CIP Funds. The vote on this recommendation was 5-1. Further, they recommended that the Intracoastal site and Quantum Park site should be financed with General Obligation Bonds. They did not indicate when that should be placed on the ballot for vote. There was a consensus of the Board that Meadows #1 be delayed for now, and possibly until the adjacent property comes into the City from the Knollwood Groves area. Mayor Weiner pointed out that it has become obvious that the School Board is now having problems with the Bond issue which was voted on a few years ago. The problem involved is that the current cost of the project is higher than the 3 #[NUTE$ - CITY COI414]*SSION WORKSHOP NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1992 amount of funds in the bond. She explained the importance of trying to consider what today's dollars might be worth at some point in the future. IV. COt414ISSION t~UESTIONS & CO~#ENTS TO STAFF Commissioner Harmening asked for clarification on whether or not the majority of the money in the Trust Fund came from the northern section of the City in lieu of dedication. Mr. Frederick said the money was in lieu of dedication and a good percentage of the money came from this area. He stated .it is generally the City's intention to use the money in the area where the funds come from. Commissioner Aguila suggested not discussing Quantum Park this evening because of an impending situation which may have an impact on that site. He does not feel the City is financially prepared to deal with the development of all sites and feels the Boynton Lakes and Meadows #2 sites should be the ones considered for development at this time with the funds which are available. It would make sense to delay the development of Meadows #1 because of the possibility of future growth. With regard to the Intracoastal site, he would like to see the park developed in its entirety, but he does not feel there is any need to rush that development at this time. Commissioner Aguila feels a General Obligation Bond should be considered to develop the Intracoastal Park, Quantum Park and the Congress Avenue Park. With regard to Commissioner Aguila's comments about Quantum Park, Mayor Weiner explained that the Atlanta Braves are looking for a new training facility. Melvin Simon, who owns the Indiana Pacers, and has the controlling interest in Quantum Park, has made a bid to the Braves and to the Baseball Task Force. This Task Force is reviewing fourteen {14) proposals of different sites in Palm Beach County. The Task Force is attempting to find the best site for them so that they will remain in Palm Beach County. At a meeting held today, Mr. Simon's representatives made a presentation to the Task Force. Within a few weeks, a short list of possible choices will be provided and Mr. Simon's attorney feels Quantum Park will be one of those choices. It is expected that a proposal will be finalized within the next two months. Mayor Weiner agrees that the develop- ment of this site should be delayed until a decision is made. Vice Mayor Matson agrees with the recommendation made by the Recreation and Park Board. The Boynton Lakes Community is completely built out and Boynton Lakes North is built out with the exception of forty-one {41) town homes. Children in these areas play in the streets because there is no recreation for them in this area of the City. These parks have been a very divisive issue and finally all factions have agreed on the plans. She feels a great deal of healing will occur if the City goes ahead with these plans. With regard to the Meadows #2 site, almost all of that area is also built out at this time with the exception of the back portion of the area. This park will be a more active park than the Boynton Lakes site so that older children will be able to use those facilities. The existing traffic light will allow children to cross Congress Avenue without danger. Vice Mayor Matson feels it is time to put some money back into these communities. Mayor Weiner asked that the completion of Hester Park be included in a long- range plan. If the City decides to go out for a General Obligation Bond, the 4 N~NUTE$ - CITY CONNI$$ION WORKSHOP NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECENBER 7, 1992 completion of Hester Park should be considered at that time. The remaining pha- ses will add to the City's store of recreational space in a very meaningful way. Commissioner Walshak is in total agreement with the recommendations of the Recreation and Park Board. He believes the City should go ahead with the deve- lopment of Meadows #2 and Boynton Lakes since the funds are available. He further feels that the City should go out for a General Obligation Bond for Quantum Park, Intracoastal Park, Congress Avenue Park and the upgrading of Pioneer Park. Such a bond would offer something for everyone in the City. Commissioner Walshak feels the parks at the Meadows and Boynton Lakes are long overdue since these residents have been paying taxes and the land has been available. V. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Bob Brown, 215 SE 1st Circle, circulated photos of cap rock which he is willing to donate to the 'Ci-E~. The 500 to 600 truckloads of rock must be removed from its current location within the next six months. If the City is interested in the rock, it would have to be moved at the City's expense. Mr. Brown suggested incorporating a few boat ramps at the Intracoastal Park in order to alleviate some of the traffic in the area. In response to Vice Mayor Matson's question, Mr. Frederick does not believe there would be a use for this rock at Boynton Lakes Park. Bob #at$on~ I West Chesterfield Drlve~ represented the Boynton Lakes North ~-6~eo'Wne6s A~so--ET~ti'on as a member Of the Board of Directors and as Chairman of Maintenance and Engineering. He is concerned about the entrance to the Meadows site where it crosses into Meadows and onto Redford Drive into the Boynton Lakes North facility. There is only one traffic light at the south entrance to Boynton Lakes Plats 1 through 6. He requested help from the City Commission in securing another traffic light for the Boynton Lakes North residents. Mr. Miller was directed to write a letter to the County Engineer to determine whether or not a traffic study is warranted. If that does not work the City will pursue another avenue. ' Wilda Searc) inquired about the plans at the northwest corner of NE 13th Avenue and Railroad Avenue bordering along the C-16 Canal. City Manager Miller stated the City is working on a design for a park in that area which will be submitted under the Community Development Park Grant Program this year. Ms. Searcy asked that this park be kept drug free when it is developed. She said the children in the area are begging for improvement in their neighborhood. The money is available and should be used to fix up the community. She further requested that a fishing pier be considered for the area. 5 MINUTES - CITY CONHI$$ION WORKSHOP MEETING 80YNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 7, 1992 VI. COMMISSION COMMEN~$ & ACTION Commissioner Harmening moved to approve Meadows #2 and the Boynton Lakes North development of parks and take the majority of the funds out of the Recreation and Park Trust Fund and the balance out of the CIP Funds. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. Commissioner Harmening pointed out that the cost of development is small, but the maintenance and operation costs are expensive. He explained that the figures included in the back-up material did not include staffing or security. Mayor Weiner said that approval of this development adds approximately $73,000 to the budget every year after they are developed. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse. Vice Mayor Matson - Yes Commissioner Aguila - Yes Commissioner Harmening - Yes Commissioner Walshak - Yes Mayor Weiner - Yes The vote was 5-0. In response to Vice Mayor Matson's question with regard to a time frame, Mr. Frederick said there are items to be considered. The City currently has contracts with Gee & Jenson and WRT which include the ability to go to Phase II. That would eliminate the need to go out for RFPs. If the City Con~nission wants to negotiate a contract agreement with Gee & Jenson, a great deal of time will be saved. Commissioner Aguila would be agreeable to such a contract if their numbers are right. Vice Mayor. Matson agreed. Mr. Frederick feels an agreement can be arrived at very quickly. It would then take a few months to put together the final designs, schematics and construction documents for the bid. Commissioner Aguila feels they could be ready within four to six weeks for the Commission to approve a plan which would allow them to get into contract documents. Mr. Frederick said that with Commission direction, the time frames can be established as part of the package. The actual construc- tion of the sites should take approximately six to nine months. Mr. Frederick advised that tonight's votes would have to be reconfirmed at the regular meeting since this is a workshop meeting. Mayor Weiner stated she would like staff to have some direction on revisiting Girl Scout Park. She feels the park should be rescheduled for development in the year 2000. Mr. Frederick said that would take an amendment to the recreation and open space element of the Comprehensive Plan. 14ZNUTE$ - CZTY COI4FtZ$$ZON WGRI~$HOP #EETZNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA DECE#BER 7, 1992 Commissioner Harmening said Jaycee Park has been in its present state since it was originally leased and until the City actually acquires it, no development should be planned. He feels the chances of getting this park from F.I.N.D. are very slim. Mr. Frederick feels the City has a better chance of them easing the lease restrictions to allow the City to develop a portion of it. Commissioner Harmening explained that many of the condominium complexes in Boynton Beach have built-in recreation and therefore, the requirement for recreation and parks is not as great as in areas such as West Palm Beach. Mayor Weiner asked the Commission for direction for staff on Pioneer Park, Intracoastal Park, Quantum Park, Congress Avenue Park and Hester Park. Commissioner Aguila suggested beginning research into the process of what would be involved in a General Obligation Bond for the second phase of Congress Park including the Madsen Senior Center, the Intracoastal site, Quantum site, Hester Park, Girl Scout Park and Pioneer Canal Park. Commissioner Harmening pointed out that Pioneer Canal Park can be renovated out of the Capital Improvement Program Funds next year. Because of the amount of work involved in this pro- cess, Mayor Weiner suggested Mr. Frederick prepare some basic work on this pro- cess within the next six months. Mr. Frederick wondered whether or not the Commission wanted an informal survey done in the neighborhood of Girl Scout Park to determine if the residents have any problems. Commissioner Harmening does not believe there is a great deal of interest in developing this park. Mayor Weiner pointed out that the reason there is no park in that area is because the residents have not expressed interest in a park. There have been many opportunities for them to express their views and they have not taken advantage of those opportunities. Mayor Weiner reiterated that the Congress Avenue Park, Hester Park, Intracoastal Park, Pioneer Canal Park, and Quantum Park will be looked at in the future and in six months, Mr. Frederick will return with some figures for review by the Commission. Alberta Farina, 27 Buxton Lane, asked why there is no charge for the use of Boat Ramp Park. She feels a small charge would help generate funds for the new Intracoastal Park. Mr. Frederick said that if a fee is charged, everyone will have to be charged, including residents. The City has not wanted to charge residents. Mayor Weiner pointed out that a fee may have to be charged in the future. Mr. Frederick said that after studying this, it was determined that it would not be beneficial to the City to charge the fee because it would be too costly to hire a person to collect it. John Palazzo~ 435 SW 5th Avenue, questioned the situation regarding Quantum Park and the interest of 'tEe Atlanta Braves. Commissioner Aguila explained that it would not be in the City's best interest to develop that park now because if the Atlanta Braves accept this site, they will be next doOr to the City site. The City may not have to duplicate efforts such as parking if the Atlanta Braves build their stadium in this location. We may be able to utilize their parking facilities and make changes to our plan which would be to our advantage. #]:NUTES - CITY CON#]:SSI:ON WORKSHOP NEETTNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECE#BER 7, 1992 Vincent Ul1551~ 3604 #edford Courtt wondered what the hours of operation of the Meadows ~2 site will b'e. Mr. Frederick stated the hours of operation can be set based upon the needs of the site. Although this site will have lighted tennis courts, it will probably be closed at 9:00 p.m. Mr. Ulissi attended a meeting at the firehouse when the architect was present. He thought there were not going to be tennis courts at this site. Mr. Frederick explained that a suggestion had been made to try to work something out with Meadows 300 to allow the City to utilize their property containing tennis courts. They are not interested in working with the City. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the workshop meeting properly adjourned at 8:00 p.m. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ATTEST: Cit~Clerk Secretary (One Tape) Mayor ~ ~/~~~ ' ice Mayor W.-~"---~h ., Commissioner / Commissioner L 8