Minutes 09-15-92t~INUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COHHISSION HEETING HELD IN COI414I$SION CHN4BERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEHBER Z$, Z992 AT 6:30 PRESENT Arline Weiner, Mayor Lynne Matson, Vice Mayor Jose Aguila, Commissioner Edward Harmening, Commissioner Robert Walshak, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk OPENINGS~ ~A. Call to Order - Mayor Arline Weiner ~B. Invocation - Moment of Silent Prayer :C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - led by Mayor Arline Weiner May~r Weiner called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. After a moment of silent prayer, she led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ~D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections Vice Mayor Matson asked that two items be added under XI-New Business. Item B-11will be a report on the Public Service Commission Meeting. Item B-2 will be an update on the hurricane efforts. Commissioner Aguila asked that Item C-4 under VIII. DevelOpment Plans, Other, be considered before Item C-3. Commissioner Walshak requested an item be added under XI-New Business. Item D-11will be a discussion on the report from D.O.T. regarding the traffic signal at industrial Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. City Manager Miller added an item under II-Administrative. Item B will be the chaDge order for Ezell Hester Park. This change order is a credit. City Manager Miller added an item under IX - Legal. Item C-10 will be a ResOlution regarding the agreement between the City and the Florida Inland Nav!gatlonal District for a grant for the mangrove park. City Attorney Cherof will add an item under IX-Legal. Item D-1 will be a disCussion on the arbitration. MayOr Weiner asked that an item be added under XI-New Business. Item A-2 will be ~ report on the meeting at Galaxy School last evening. 2. Adoption vice Mayor Matson moved to accept the agenda as corrected. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 1- N!NUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONHISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTENBER 15, 1992 AD#iNISTRATIVE: A. Resurfaclng of Cart Paths at.the Golf Course City Manager Miller reported that with the Red Course 9re,ns renovation project almost ,complete, Mr. Sciortino now recommends that the courses' cart paths be resUrfaced as well as spot resurfacings on the other two courses. Consideration is requested for approval of an expenditure of up to $25,000 to complete this project. The funds will be provided from retained earnings. Approval was requested to piggy back this County bid (#C92-162/MM) for Furnishing and PlaCement of Type II Asphalt and Walkways. Notion Co~issioner Harmening moved to approve the request of the Golf Course Director forithe resurfacing of the cart paths as recommended. Commissioner Walshak sec6nded the motion which carried 5-0. iB. Change Order for Ezell Master Park Cit~ Manager Miller said this is a change order for a credit in the amount of $2,~87 which was for work completed from the contract for the installation of the igy equipment. There should be a final close out on Ezell Hester Park at the !next City Commission meeting. #ottjon commissioner Walshak moved to accept the change order. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. COI~ENT AGENDA: ~. Ntnutes: Be 1. $peclal Ctty Commission Ma.ting Nlnutes of August 31, 1992 2. Regular Ctty Conmlsslon Ma.ting Nlnutes of September 2, 1992 Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1991-92 Adopted Budget 1. Mausoleum ductwork and framework/stand As oUtlined in City Clerk Sue Kruse's Memorandum #092-127, on September 8, 1992, the Cemetery Board unanimously recommended that the City Commission accept the low bids in the amount of $24,900 from S & S Roofing and $2,442 from Cedars Electro-Mech. as presented in Bill DeBeck's Memorandum 92-070. C. Approval of Bills A coPy of these bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMHISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 D. Payment of Bllls- August, 1992 A copy of these bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. E. Receive and File departmental activity reports Mot)on Commissioner Walshak moved to accept the Consent Agenda. seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Vice Mayor Matson MAYOR WEINER DECLARED A RECESS AT 6:40 P.M. AT 7:00 P.M., THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING RECONVENED. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS: A. First City Con~nlsslon Meeting in October will be Thursday, October 1992 at 6:30 p.m, due to Yom Kippur Because of the observance of Yom Kippur, Mayor Weiner announced that the first CitY Commission meeting in October will be on Thursday, October 8th. B. Proclamation 1. Fire Prevention Week - October 4-10, 1992 MayOr Weiner read the Proclamation declaring the week of October 4-10, 1992 as Fire Prevention Week. 2. Industry Appreclatton Week - Sept~er 21-25, 1992 MayOr Weiner read the Proclamation declaring the week of September 21-25, 1992 as industry Appreciation Week. 3. Constitution Week - September 17-23, 1992 MayOr Weiner read the Proclamation declaring the week of September 17-23, 1992 as Constitution Week. )C. Presentation of a plaque and gifts to the Mayor and City from the Nayors : of Spain - Presented by Dana Centl MayOr Weiner explained that Dana Centi was an exchange student who visited BarCelona and Paris. Ms. Centi stated she also went to the Coast and was pre- sent at the Olympics to see the jogging, running, sailing and synchronized swin~ning competitions. Ms. Centi presented the Mayor with a book on Barcelona which was offered by the Mayor of Barcelona. She further presented Mayor Weiner with gifts from the Mayor of Sant Quirze Del Valles which included two books, a pin and a plaque. Mayor Weiner said the plaque will be placed on display. -3- NINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONNI$$ION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA $EPTENBER 15, 1992 Mrs, Centi thanked everyone involved for helping to build a bridge across the Atlantic. She hopes many other children will have the same opportunity her daughter has had. city Manager Miller announced a special public meeting which will be held on Monday, September 21, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. At this meeting, the presentation of theireport prepared by Murphy and Mayo will be made. Only Mr. Murphy will be present at that time. City Manager Miller asked the press to mention this presentation in their columns. Commissioner Aguila reminded those present of the budget meeting which will be held on September 22, 1992 at 6:30 p.m. None PUB ~IC HEARING A. 1. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Carriage Homes of Congress Lakes Thomas T. McMurrian Carriage Homes Development, Inc. NW 22nd Avenue west of Congress Avenue {directly west of the Target Shopping Center) ABANDONNENT: Request for the abandonment of a Special Purpose Easement Mr. Cutro made the presentation. He explained that Building #9 cantilevers and encroaches over the easement. The only physical encroachments are the columns which hold up the cantilevering of the building. The sewer line contained in that portion of the easement will be maintained solely by the owner of the pro- perty. It will not be turned over to the City at the time the City accepts the other utilities. The owner is aware of this situation. No other departments have made any comments. The Planning and Development Board reviewed this pro- ject at its meeting of September 8th, and forwarded it with a recommendation for approval. Commissioner Harmening suggested having a recordable instrument which explains that this sewer line is not the property of the City and any repairs, upkeep and maintenance is wholly within the province of the owner of the property. In addition to being recorded as a matter of public record to run with the land, we should also have a copy in the Utilities Department on the plans for the sewer system and another in the Building Department for the future. Attorney Cherof will take care of this suggestion. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve the abandonment. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. commissioner Harmening is curious about how Building #9 was built in the wrong location. City Manager Miller will investigate this situation. -4- MZNUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Mlchael Lyon$~ ol' 9873 Lawrence Road) BOynton Beach) said he is appearing at this meeting at the request of the Community Relations Board. He appeared before that Board at their last meeting and spoke with them about getting sup- port for legislation in Tallahassee to include parks and recreation in the drug free school zones. Last year, Mr. Press brought this legislation before the State Legislature' but it never got out of Committee. Mr. Lyons feels it is time for small cities to put forth an effort to force the Legislators to take corrective action. He feels including parks and recreation in the drug free school zones would provide another tool in combating criminal elements in the citY. He requested the support of the City Commission. Vice Mayor Matson said she will soon be attending the first meeting this year with the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in Tallahassee for the Florida League of Cities. She requested permission to address this issue at that meeting. There was no objection. Commissioner Harmening suggested sending a resolution to be distributed to all elected officials. Chief Hillery feels this battle should not be too tough since they are already cognizant of the fact that the parks and public housing should be protected. MayOr Weiner agreed with Commissioner Harmening's suggestion for a resolution and stated that after its approval, copies are to be sent to the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, and the Municipal League and it can be put on the agenda for the meeting with the Palm Beach County Delegation before they go to Tallahassee. Vice Mayor Matson will take this resolution to the Florida League of Cities. Mayor Weiner complimented the Community Relations Board for bringing this idea forward. ThOmas Sheehan) member of the Education Advl$or~ Board, appeared before the City ~ssion at the reque~ of Mayor Weiner to ask for consideration of the Education Advisory Board's efforts to recruit volunteers to help the schools in Boyn)ton Beach. The Board would like the use of a desk and a telephone in City Halli for recruitment purposes. On September 23, 1992, Education Advisory Board members will be meeting with Shelley Peppard, Coordinator for Palm Beach County Volunteers in an attempt to get properly oriented to the strategies of recruiting and screening volunteers. After this meeting, the timing and sche- duling of the use of the phone and desk will be better known. Mr. Sheehan thanked the Commission for its consideration. In rlsponse to ~ Mayor Weiner's question, Mr. Sheehan stated that the volunteers will)be mainly for the City of Boynton Beach, but the Board is taking advantage of the workshop to learn the strategies used throughout the County. City!Manager Miller stated he will be able to work out a program for the Board. DEVELOPMENT ?LANS: A. CONSENT AGENDA - UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED BY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD None -5- M!NUTES - REGULAR CITY COI~ISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 B. NON-CONSENT AGENDA - NOT UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED BY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD None C. OTHER: 1. Request Arby's Restaurant, 2105 South Federal Htghw~y to pemlt neon 11ghtlng as an architectural deta11 to the bulldlng Steyen Milewski, of 11! Bradley Avenue, Pompano Beach, is with Ryan-Markland Signs, Inc. He stated that a permit for Arby's Restaurant neon signing was applied for on July 7th. On August 11th, the neon was approved by the Planning andlDevelopment Board, but they were told that decision was not final. It was learned that some members did not like the neon going only halfway around the building. Mr. Trappani talked with the customers and they agreed to extend the neon across the sides of the building and remove the verticals. Mr. Milewski pointed out that some very successful businesses have neon signing similar to the)signing proposed. He feels the neon will be aesthetically pleasing and will help in terms of safety in the area. He said it would be a shame not to approve this since it already was approved once. MayOr Weiner pointed out that Mr. Trappani wrote the City a very offensive letter. Commissioner Aguila clarified that the neon was not approved. The Planning and Development Board can only make recommendations to the City commission and then the City Commission makes the final determination. Shl~ley Stevens of 2832 SE 5th Circle, Boynton Beach, is President of the Los Mangos Property ~n~rs Association and appeared on their behalf. This situation wasldiscussed by the Board of Directors and presidents of other associations alor)g South Federal Highway. They all expressed concern about the trend they see in the neighborhood. She pointed out several establishments along Federal Higt~way which do not comply with the Community Design Standards set for Federal Higt~way. She suggested these Standards be adhered to; however, if those stan- darcls are wrong, then something should be done to correct them. She pointed out thai. the citizens are spending a lot of money attempting to keep the areas loo~.ing good. They are against neon lights and they don't want Federal Highway becc~ming a honky tonk. Commissioner Aguila explained that he attended the Planning and Development Board meeting when this was discussed. There was a general feeling of opposi- tio~ to this concept because it is not the impression the City had in mind for thisi area. The applicant feels this will attract business. He disagrees. Furtlher, Commissioner Aguila feels Arby's is not doing a complete job by only put~ing in a section of this neon. He feels the neon is inappropriate for Arb~'s and for the location and he is opposed to its installation. The Board memblers had a difficult time getting a consensus and then finally agreed that if the !verticals were removed, they would approve it. Motion Commiissioner Aguila moved to deny this request. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 5-0. -6- #]'NUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COI4NI$$ION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEHBER 15, 1992 Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Cross Creek Centre Robert A. Bentz, Land Design South Cross Creek Associates 1313 West Boynton Beach Boulevard PARKING LOT VARIANCE: Request to eliminate an existing fire lane in front of the building to allow the construction of additional parking spaces Mr. Cutro made the presentation. This request would allow the owners of the Cross Creek Shopping Centre to remove the designated fire lane in front of the main structure. The area would be extended by removing some of the paver blocks andlparking would be put in place in front of the building. The applicant hopes this will free up some of the congestion at the western driveway on the site. Theidriveway is a two-way drive with parking only on the south side. The Technical Review Committee recommended approval subject to amending the plan to show the alignment of access islands with seating areas that exist on the site. ThelPlanning and Development Board, at its meeting on September 8th, reviewed this request and recommended denial. Bob Bentz, of 1280 North Congress Avenue, West Pa.lm Beach. represented Cross ~.~k Associates. He stated this center was approved approximately five years ago and has been quite successful. The developers made many improvements to the site. They have exceeded the Code with regard to landscaping requirements. The western building is 100% leased out and the eastern building is 80-85% leased out~ This request is to allow fourteen additional parking spaces in front of thelwestern building to allow for ease of access to the businesses located in that building. He stated that this request comes with the blessing of the TRC andlthe Fire Chief. He pointed out that this plan is basically the recommen- dation of the Fire Chief as a solution to the parking on the site. At the pre- sent time, with no parking spaces along the area, parking is quite limited. This site has problems in that the property is narrow because of a canal to the north and Boynton Beach Boulevard to the south. The building was placed at its loc~tion because of the curb and median cuts. A new program has been imple- mented which requires business owners and workers to have a sticker on their carS. These people are prohibited from parking in the area across from the building. Two-thirds of the front of the building will still be open. Only onefthird of the area will have parking spaces. Mr. Bentz pointed out that not only is the building sprinklered, but the canopy is also sprinklered. The pur- pose of the fire lane is for buildings which are not sprinklered. This will be a $$0,000 expense. The applicant is making this request to make the center more convenient for the customers. Further, there is concern regarding the safety of theipeople who park to the west crossing in front of the access road. Comq~issioner Walshak questioned whether or not the existing sidewalk would be cu.t ~a~k. The sidewalk will be cut back to 9' wide. Commissioner Walshak poi~cea out that people dropping off videos at Blockbusterparallel park along the!curb. When someone legally parked attempts to back up, there is not enough room to clear the cars. He finds it unbelievable that the Technical Review Board recommended approval of this request. Commissioner Harmening explained that they did not entirely recommend approval. The]Police Department took exception and said it would probably result in more accldents. Vice Mayor Matson stated the Technical Review Board denied the -7- #INUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISS]'ON NEET]'NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTE#BER 15, 1992 request but the Technical Review Committee approved it. Commissioner Walshak will not vote in favor of it. Vice Mayor Matson wondered why there are no comments from the Fire Department. Mr. Cutro stated that the Fire Chief met with the individuals and approved the plan. The reviewer felt that should stand on its own. commissioner Aguila stated his original information was not to support this request because he had not seen a sketch. He assumed there would be parallel parking in front of the building. It had not occurred to him that they would be cutting 15' of their existing paved area. The width of the lane from the edge of the pavement in front of Blockbuster to the edge of the parking spaces is not anticipated to be changed; therefore, nothing will change regardless of whether or not they get the approval. Commissioner Aguila is not sure whether or not the~situation will improve regardless of the Commission's decision. Commissioner Harmening feels there is a problem as far as access is concerned. By adding this parking, additional problems will be created. The clearance bet- ween the areas is small and when cars back out of both areas simultaneously, they will hit each other. While he agreed with Commissioner Aguila that this could happen anywhere, he felt there was no reason to increase the risk in this center. Commissioner Walshak moved to deny this application. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Review an appeal b~ Richard Parsons to delete a terminal landscapln9 tsland In the parklng area of Captain Frank's Seafood located at 435 West Bo~nton Beach Boulevard. Mr.~Cutro made the presentation and explained that Mr. Parsons appeared before the!Commission several meetings ago to plead his case regarding expansion of a nonconforming business. There is no nonconforming issue at this time. After a number of meetings, Mr. Parsons submitted a plan. Staff responded with comments regarding what needed to be rectified. After approximately five months of discussions, Mr. Parsons rectified the plan. More conversations took place bet- ween Mr. Parsons and Mike Haag and Mr. Parsons was advised that he would have to appeal this. Mr. Cutro stated that the terminal islands are to cut down the size of the dri- veway, make a safer ingress and egress and provide for the landscaping which the City has not wanted to waive or remove from most site plans. Without the ter- minal islands, there will be a 47' wide driveway. There is no justification to remove the islands. The sight distance problems raised by Mr. Parsons are false. The hedges and trees can be trimmed. The Planning and Development Board recOmmended denial of this request. Richard Parsons) 435 Bo~nton Beach Boulevard) Boynton Beach) said he is con- cerned with the safety and legal liability. He stated that because of changes in the Code, he is now required to fit the-landscape islands into the entrance. His~engineer and architect advised him this is an unsafe proposition. There is -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 also a line of sight visibility hindrance and it is the opinion of several pro- fessionals that it will be unsafe with the islands. The lot is too small and already contains more landscaping than what is required by Code. However, he is willing to install more landscaping at a safer location on the site. He claimed that no precedent will be set by granting this request because every site has itsiown limitations. He feels the proposed east island is more dangerous than thelwest because of the proximity to the 1-95 entrance ramp, proximity to Galaxy Elementary School and the fact that no traffic signals exist in the area. Mr. ParSons and Galaxy Elementary School have petitioned the D.O.T. for a review. To date, there have been no accidents because of the design. He feels these landscape islands will create a hazard. He stated he is striving to keep his site as safe as possibleand requested consideration for the special conditions of this case. In ~esponse to Commissioner Aguila's question, Mr. Cutro stated the Code has beel doul wil ~is ( The) put in effect for at least five years. Commissioner Aguila measured and has no it that both islands will fit. On the east, there is 26.38' of which 17' be used by a required handicap space. There is 4 1/3' of landscaping which kdjacent to the south side of the building which leaves 5.38' for the island. · e is no physical reason why the landscaping material or the island cannot be on the west. Mot' Co~ eitl Depi ope) be the ion dssioner Aguila moved that Mr. Parsons provide both landscaping islands on )er side of the western-most entry drive and coordinate with the Planning ~rtment on the landscaping material to make sure that the visibility is left i. When the handicap space is moved close to the building, a wheel stop will nstalled and that drive will no longer be used. Vice Mayor Matson seconded motion. Co~lissioner Harmening asked if Gee and Jenson reviewed this request. Mr. Sta~)dinger said he has not looked at it lately, but about two years ago he dis(:ussed this with Mr. Parsons. He is not in favor of removing the islands because he does not agree that it is safer to have a 48' driveway than it is to hav( landscaped islands and a 24' driveway. The Imotion carried 5-0. 4. Review a request by Richard Parsons to install red clay barrel tile to the roof of Captain Frank's Seafood building located at 435 West Baynton Beach Boulevard, The building is located in the Coastal Village Design District. commissioner Harmening noted for the record that this is not barrel tile. It is a Spanish "S" tile. Mr. )Cutro made the presentation. He reminded the Commission that Mr. Parsons was iremanded back to the Planning and Development Board at their suggestion. The Planning and Development Board reviewed this request and based on the fact tha~ there is a question regarding what the overall design between Seacrest and 1-95 should be, they have recommended approval. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CiTY C01~4I$$ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 Commissioner Harmening was pleased with the Planning and Development Board's approval of this request. He feels they have a grasp on the problem and saw the solution. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve and uphold the findings of the Board and graht the applicant permission. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion. Commissioner Walshak agreed with Commissioner Harmening's remarks and feels this roof will be more aesthetically appealing. vice Mayor Matson requested a condition be added to the motion. She would like to See the tiles cemented and nailed. It was pointed out by Commissioner Harmening that every third tile is supposed to be nailed. Amended Motion Commissioner Harmening amended his motion to add that the tile shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Building Code, 1988 Edition with com- piled amendments or the Countywide Addendum to the Standard Building Code, whichever is stricter. Commissioner Aguila pointed out that the City had adopted the latest development code with County amendments. commissioner Aguila seconded the amended motion. There was discussion on whether or not this motion could be amended. It was determined that the amendment should be voted on first. The motion carried 4-1. {Commissioner Walshak cast the dissenting vote on the amendment.) Theimain motion carried 5-0. 5. Presentation/request by the Palm Beach County Housing Partnership reference.the conveyance of vacant City property for lnflll housing Wilfred Hawkins stated that the Housing Partnership and Community Improvement have been discussing their corporation coming into the City to help with affor- dable housing specifically in the CDBG area. It is important for the City to develop affordable housing. The hope is to get involved with public and other developers in this business. Other cities within the County are already heavily into this type of partnership. Community Improvement would like the Housing Partnership to come into the City using County funds and their own private sour- ces!to do some infill housing in the City. Mr. iHawkins proposed that six single-family properties in residential areas in Boynton Beach, specifically three on NW 4th Avenue and three on NE 11th Avenue, be Used by the Housing Partnership. The Housing Partnership has been looked at very closely and Mr. Hawkins is comfortable with their ability to build infill housing. They have worked in Atamanda Gardens in Delray Beach and it has proven to be quite successful, community Improvement and the City Manager's Office have no problems working with Housing Partnership. The only concern the City haslis to know what they plan to build ahead of time. The Housing Partnership - 10- N~NUTES - REGULAR CITY COI~ISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTENBER 15, 1992 is comfortable with that request. Mr. Hawkins pointed out that this is a first step. When the closing takes place, that is when the transfer of property will occur. John Corbett~ 3111 South Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach~ is the Executive Vice President of the Palm Beach County Partnership. This Partnership has been in existence since 1986. The County formed an Affordable Housing Task Force in 1986. That Task Force recommended the establishment of a Housing Partnership to foster public/private partnerships in the facilitation of affordable housing. Mr. Corbett was a member of the Board of Directors for five years. Last fall, he took over the operations. He has been working with the City Manager and Mr. Hawkins since he came on board. He is proposing that the City convey to the Housing Partnership six lots which the City owns which will become an infill housing demonstration program. During the demonstration, they will work with thelCity and the community to make sure they are designing and building a pro- duct which the community wants and will support. It is intended that this demonstration period be the starting point for the eventual building of up to thirty homes per year over the next three years. TheiHousing Partnership is a private, not-for-profit corporation. He and the corporation are governed by an eleven member Board of Directors. The Housing Partnership is recognized by the IRS as a 5013C corporation. He asked for consideration from the Commission to approve the resolution to convey the lots to the Housing Partnership. They will work with City admi- nistration and staff in gaining approval of the design and construction prior to anyactual conveyance taking place. Mayor Weiner pointed out that the only back up available to the Commission with regard to the Housing Partnership is dated 1986. No recent information has been provided on any of the Partnership's projects. She stated she would like to see a t~ack record before she could agree to turn any lots over 'to them. Mr. )Corbett stated the Housing Partnership is the only not-for-profit Community Development COrporation in the coastal community of Palm Beach County with a track record, i The Housing Partnership has recently completed thirty-six single- fami)ly homes in Alamanda Gardens in Delray Beach. The homes are 1,200 square fee~, CBS construction with three bedrooms, two baths and a single-car garage. The Ihomes are)sold for $49,900 to $54,900 to households earning not more than $3o,10oo per year. The Housing Partnership has been funded for the last three yea~s by the State of Florida under the Community Development Corporation Assi!stance PrOgram. Mr. Corbett explained that information was provided to staf!f. In rlesponse to Commissioner Walshak's question, Mr. Hawkins stated he has been workling with the Housing Partnership for over six months. He is aware of their projects and is satisfied with them. Mr. Hawkins reported that Mr. Corbett pro- vided a complete packet of information, but Mr. Hawkins did not include all of thati information in the back up. Mr. Hawkins again stated that he feels very comfortable working with them and noted that their work will be scrutinized very carefully. - 11 - #ZNUTE$ - REGULAR C~TY C01~$$;0N #EETZNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTE#BER 15, 1992 Vice Mayor Matson is aware of Alamanda Gardens and knows that community has helped Delray Beach. However, she expressed concern about our Community Development Corporation and LIST Program within the City. She wondered if a conflict would develop. Mr. Hawkins stated that discussions have been conducted between Mr. Corbett and Mr. Matthews. Mr. Hawkins feels it is important to take on whatever infill opportunities are available. The private entities are beginning to get involved in infill housing. The competition has risen between developers and private corporations getting involved in affordable housing. Motion commissioner Walshak moved that we approve this recommendation subject to staff comments. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion . Vice Mayor Matson explained that she spoke with Mayor Sandy Friedman in Tampa last year regarding the public/private partnership they have in Tampa. They wer~ able to do 3,000 projects in the same amount of time it took this City to do three. She wondered if this would be run the same way. Mr. Corbett stated it is very similar to that in Tampa. Mr. Corbett reported that he is the former Chairman of Affordable Housing for the County and has been very active as an adw)cate on affordable housing. A banking consortium has been incorporated. He sta':ed that public/private partnerships are the future of housing. He further sta':ed that he will welcome Mr. Matthews' involvement in anything done by the Hou:ing Partnership. Cit'f Manager Miller advised that he and Mr. Hawkins met with Mr. Matthews and Joailna Tart. They are concentrating their efforts on twenty homes on 13th Avezlue. 13th Avenue is a CDC project area. Mr. Corbett stated that he has uric ir contract a lot from a private land owner on the northeast corner of 13th Avez~ue and Seacrest. The model home will be located at that site. Mr. Corbett has financing for construction and permit loans and a speculative~ construction loan for a model home. At next Tuesday's County Commission meeting, they will consider the Housing Partnership's request for $3,000 per uni' on five units in Boynton Beach. Co~lissioner Harmening pointed out that the Housing Partnership has requested the City waive or pay all impact fees. Commissioner Harmening does not believe tha* the County's impact fees can be waived and the City may not be in a posi- tio) to pay those fees. He stated that the City could waive its permit fees and the sewer and water hook-up fees. Mr. Hawkins explained that the impact fees mentioned were for the City's fees only. Money was set aside to handle paying themimpact fees. It was not his understanding that we would pay County impact feeS. This discrepancy can be clarified in the documents. Mr. Corbett stated the Housing Partnership's request is for relief from any and all fees controlled by the City. The Housing Partnership assumes they will be pay'rig the County impact fees. They will also work with County staff to deter- min( whether or not any credits are due them for prior structures which were on any!of the lots. Att(~rney Cherof advised that no motion is necessary since a resolution will come up ater in the meeting. - 12 - #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COMHISSION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA $EPTE#BER 15, 1992 Commissioner Walshk withdrew his motion and Vice Mayor Matson withdrew her secOnd. LEGAL A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING None B. Ordinances - 1st Reading: Proposed Ordinance No, 092-48 Re: Creating a Nuisance Abatement Board, and providing for definition, organization, operating proce- dures and judicial review Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 092-48 by title only: .AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, iCREATING A CITY NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITION; iPROVIDING FOR ORGANIZATION; PROVIDING FOR OPERATING PROCEDURE; PROVIDING FOR iJUDICIAL REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR PRESERVATION OF RIGHTS; PROVIDING FOR iSEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. otlon Commissioner Walshak moved to approve. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion. Comn~issioner Aguila questioned what will happen if the City is unable to find an attqrney to chair this board. Commissioner Harmening recalled that the Commission~ agreed it would be preferable to have an attorney but not mandatory. Attqrney Cherof and Mayor Weiner disagreed. Mayor Weiner suggested moving for- ward with this Ordinance and trying to provide an attorney on this board. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse. The vote was 5-0. 2. Proposed Ordinance No, 092-49 Re: Adopting reduced multi-family and commercial Sanitation rates pursuant to the 1992/93 budget iAttorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 092-49 by title only: )AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 10, GARBAGE, TRASH AND OFFENSIVE CONDITIONS, ARTICLE II, SECTION 10.29 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, TO ESTABLISH RATES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER PROVISION OF CHAPTER 10 NOT SPECIFICALLY AMENDED HEREIN SHALL REMAIN lin FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING FOR AN IIMPLEMENTATION DATE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motl,on Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 092-49. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled by City Clerk Sue Kruse. The vote was 5-0. - 13 - #!NUTE$ - REGULAR CZTY CONI4~$S~ON HEETZNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA SEPTEHBER 15, 1992 C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. R92-156 Re: Partial Bond Reduction - Carriage Homes .......................................... TABLED Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-156 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE REDUCTION OF THE IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 702443 IN THE AMOUNT OF $243,112.75 FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS CARRIAGE HOMES OF CONGRESS LAKES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CorrE seci Ci Stal sitl res( no the and uti agrE redt bon( sitt Hoti on lissioner Harmening moved to remove this from the table. Vice Mayor Matson )nded the motion which carried 5-0. Manager Miller reported there are changes in this Resolution. Mr. ~dinger stated this was tabled because there was concern with the utility ~ation. As of Thursday of last week, the utility situation had not been ~lved. He was recommending an initial reduction in the Letter of Credit with · eduction in the utility portion of it unless there was a final inspection on utility work which proved successful. After discussions with John Guidry Peter Mazzella, he now recommends an additional $248,582 reduction in the ities area be added to his memorandum. This will bring it into complete :ement with the Engineering Department Memorandum #92-247 for a total bond ~ction of $491,694.75. Mr. Staudinger recommended moving forward with the [release because of successful inspection and clean up of the utility ~ation. Comnlissioner Walshak moved to approve Proposed Resolution R92-156. Harnlening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 2. Commissioner Proposed Resolution No, R92-159 Re: In support of the position assumed by the Town Attorney of the Town of Jupiter in his memoran- dum of August 3, 1992 regarding establishing a limit to amount that budget can be raised from one fiscal year to another !Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-159 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, !IN SUPPORT OF THE POSITION ASSUMED BY THE TOWN ATTORNEY OF THE TOWN OF )JUPITER, FLORIDA, IN HIS MEMORANDUM OF 8/3/92 REGARDING ESTABLISHMENT OF A LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT THAT THE TOWN BUDGET CAN BE RAISED FROM ONE FISCAL YEAR TO THE NEXT. ~tllon Commiissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R92-159. Mayolr Matson seconded the motion. Vice - 14 - M!NUTE$ - REGULAR CZTY COMMISSION #EETING BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 Commissioner Harmening stated he cannot support this because it is unconstitu- tional and he does not feel any Commission should tie their hands. Attorney Cherof stated that the petition certifies that the Jupiter City Attorney is in opposition to this proposal to prohibit that type of fiscal management. Attorney Cherof agrees with his opinion. Mayor Weiner pointed out that the ResOlution is to support the City Attorney's opinion not the town's position. Co~issioner Harmening stated that he had misunderstood this issue. The motion carried 5-0. e Proposed Resolution No, R92-160 Re: Authorize execution of an agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Town of Gulfstream Police Department for use of the City's firing range by the Town of Gulfstream Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-160 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE GULFSTREAM POLICE DEPARTMENT, FOR UTILIZATION OF THE CITY'S FIRING RANGE TO CONDUCT TRAINING OF ITS AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion V' I lce Mayor Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R92-160. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 4. Proposed Resolution No, R92-151 Re: Authorize execution of an agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County Housing Partnership for conveyance of vacant City property for infill housing iAttorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-161 by title only: )A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, iAUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT )BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE PALM BEACH COUNTY HOUSING PARTNER- ISHIP; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND )PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. $ht~le~ $tevens~ of 2832 SE 5th Circle, Boynton Beach, agrees that the City of BoynltOn Beach needs more affordable housing. However, she feels these lots were originally paid for by citizens of Boynton Beach and those citizens should be give)n preference when the homes are built. Mr. Hawkins stated that one of the purposes of the program is to deal with citi- zensl of Boynton Beach. However, people must be found who can qualify with the bank and sometimes that is a problem. While the City will try to give Boynton Beach citizens the first chance at purchase, it will not be possible to sit around waiting for someone to qualify. - 15 - #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COt~I$$ION HEETING BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA $EPTEHBER 15, 1992 Attorney Cherof stated that is not a provision of the agreement at this time and if the Commission wants to convert it into a contractual agreement, he will do some work on that provision. He will work it in that this is a City policy. Commissioner Walshak stated these lots are not currently generating revenue back to the City. If houses are built and sold, that property will begin to generate revenue back to the City in the form of taxes. vice Mayor Matson asked Mr. Corbett if he would mind the citizens getting first choice at these homes. Mr. Corbett stated he would not mind at all; however, they must comply with the Federal Fair Housing Guidelines. In Lake Worth, a brochure was prepared and distributed with the paychecks of City employees. There is a Housing Leadership Group in Boynton Beach. A positive outreach will be done to Boynton Beach residents. Commissioner Harmening suggested including a reverter clause in case something happens and this does not materialize. Mr. Hawkins stated there is a two-year time limit for them to execute and build. The model is on private property so that is not a concern. Commissioner Harmening stated that there is an implica- tion that the property would revert back to the City, but he feels the contract shobld state it formally. #ot~on Commissioner Walshak moved to approve subject to staff comments and comments made by the City Commission this evening. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion whiah carried 5,0. Proposed Resolution No, R92-162 Re: Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Town of Briny Breezes for Boynton Beach to provide Emergency Medical/Rescue Service to Briny Breezes Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-162 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, iAUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL IAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE TOWN OF BRINY BREEZES, TO )PROVIDE FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL/RESCUE SERVICES IN THE TOWN OF BRINY BREEZES; )A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING iAN EFFECTIVE DATE. Cit~ Manager Miller stated that the next two Resolutions are for Emergency Medical Services for Briny Breezes and Ocean Ridge. They are both for seven yeaCs effective October 1, 1992. Briny Breezes will begin with $30,000 a year. Thelcontract will be adjusted in the fourth year. The adjustment will be based on a formula taking into consideration the CPI. Ocean Ridge will begin with $105,000 the first year, $118,650 the second year, $134,074 the third and then the)adjustment formula the foUrth year. The average for the three years would be approximately $120,000. Both agreements are similar in content. Mr. iMiller originally did not anticipate additional costs for manpower; however, addiitional manpower may be needed. In discussions with staff including the Fire Chief, EMS Coordinator, Training Officer and the firefighters, it could be - 16- NINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONNI$SION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTENBER 15, 1992 necessary to hire three additional Paramedics. If they are hired, the cost would be approximately $106,000. $135,000 will be realized during the first year of the contract which leaves $29,000 on the plus side, plus any additional dollars realized on the ALS transports. That figure could run between $10,000 andi$13,000 each year. DUring the second and third years, the cost would grow from $33,000/$34,000 to $37,000/$38,000. This possible hiring of three Paramedics is being investigated because there are three fire stations. Station #1 responds to 50% of the EMS calls. We are averaging 327 calls per month. The addition of Briny Breezes and Ocean Ridge will add approximately thirteen calls per month. In looking at Station #1, if the)City is involved in a call to the barrier islands and involved in ALS, there would be concern with pulling a unit from either Station #2 or Station #3. The addition of the three Paramedics would provide us with the necessary manpower so that response time would not be lost. Eve~ rea' add' up haw with the addition of three Firefighter/Paramedics, the City will still ize a profit and we will expand coverage to Boynton Beach residents with an itional unit. We will bring the unit at Station #2 to Station #1 as a back Lnd call it the Bravo unit. It will become a second responder. We will then broader coverage at Station #1. Commissioner Walshak asked if anyone has gotten in touch with the Lake Worth Dra'nage District and the County Firefighters with regard to responses at the Inlet. The City responds on approximately 40 to 60 calls and we do not get paid formthose responses. He suggested trying to get control of that situation rat~er than working with the other agencies. Mr. Miller stated this Situation is being investigated. Mr. Miller wants to be certain the number of calls are at least thirty or forty. Jim Ness is working on that now. If the number can be ~scertained, a presentation will be made to the Inlet District. Jim Ness stased thirty to forty calls is an educated guess at this point. Motlon Comntissioner Walshak moved to approve Proposed Resolution R92-162. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. ' 6. Proposed Resolution No. R92-153 Re: Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Town of Ocean Ridge for Boynton Beach to provide Emergency Medical/Rescue Service to Ocean Ridge iAttorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-163 by title only: iA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, iAUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL !AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE TOWN OF OCEAN RIDGE, TO PROVIDE FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL/RESCUE SERVICES IN THE TOWN OF OCEAN RIDGE; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motlion Vice Mayor Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R92-163. Comm)issioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. - 17 - #~HUTE$ - REGULAR C~TY COHH~SS~ON #EET~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTE#BER 15, 1992 ® Proposed Resolution No. R92-154 Re: Authorize execution of a contract with the Children's Services Council for Latchkey Afterschool Program for fiscal year 1992/93 Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-164 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A GOVERNMENTAL UNIT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO PROVIDE AFTERSCHOOL CARE FOR CHILDREN (LATCHKEY AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM); A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mo~lon Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-164. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Be Proposed Resolution No, R92-155 Re: Authorize execution of lease agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce regarding a Seafood Festival on September 26 and 27, 1992 at the City's lO-Acre Intracoastal Park Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-165 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE GREATER BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. #or!on vice Mayor Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R92-165. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 9. Proposed Resolution No, R92-156 Re: Bond Release - Blum Plat !Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-165 by title only: iA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, iAUTHORIZING REDUCTION OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT FOR THE BLUM PLAT; AND !PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Richiard Staudinger stated that the guarantee for the utilities portion still has not )been received. He suggested two options. One option would be to table this item and wait two weeks for that guarantee to come in or the Commission can approve the reduction subject to the guarantee coming in and meeting the requlirements of the Attorney, Utilities Director and Mr. Staudinger. Motl)on Commiissioner Harmening moved to approve it subject to the guarantee coming in and Subject to the $20,000 being held for the swale and sidewalk portion. Comm!issioner Aguila seconded the motion. - 18- NINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA $EPTEHBER 15, 1992 Commissioner Walshak questioned whether this was a total bond release. Mr. Staudinger explained that this was not. There is a $1§5,000 bond which the City is releasing down to $20,000. The portion being released is 100% of the utili- ties. The utilities are complete and the City has the Bill of Sale on them. TheiCity does not have the one-year guarantee document on the utilities. Corllr Eng' He stai bom the bom Att~ Ord' esti prm tif' Colll[ bell and amel int~ Mr. bec~ The bec~ ask~ des Hot Coml B1 u[ mot' lissioner Walshak read from the Code of Ordinances where it states that the neer, at the completion, refers to the City Commission, the 100% completion. ;aid it is up to the Commission to set the amount of the guarantee. He :ed that the City is circumventing its own Code. He confirmed that this is a reduction. He further pointed out that guarantees only come into play when job is 100% complete. He wondered why guarantees were being required on reductions before accepting a completion. ~rney Cherof explained that the Ordinance is only part of the puzzle. That nance must be read with an additional provision of the Code which Lblishes the necessity of the bond in the first place. That provision does ,ide for a partial reduction of the bond from time to time based upon cer- cation of the City Engineer. Hssioner Walshak agreed with Attorney Cherof but stated that the bonds are held hostage until a completion certificate is received, a Bill of Sale guarantee. He said this is in direct conflict with the Ordinance as ided one year ago. Attorney Cherof did not agree with Commissioner Walshak's ~rpretation. Staudinger stated that the City is essentially releasing all of the bonding Luse the project is completed as far as the developer can go at this time. developer has requested not to do the swale work and sidewalks at this time Luse homes will be built and the swales and sidewalks will be damaged. He id that the City hold the $20,000 until the homes are completed and he provi- the sidewalks and swales. ion lissioner Harmening restated his motion to reduce the bond to $20,000 on the 1 plat subject to receipt of the Guarantee. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the ion which carried 5-0. 10. Proposed Resolution No, R92-167 Re: Authorize execution of the Florida Inland Navigation District project agreement for a matching grant in the amount of $15,250 for design and construction of Downtown Mangrove Nature Park Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R92-167 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR A MATCHING GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,250 UNDER THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF DOWNTOWN MANGROVE NATURE PARK. - 19- HINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTENBER 15, 1992 #or1 on Commissioner Harmening moved the adoption of Proposed Resolution No. R92-167. vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion which carried 5-0. MAYOR WEINER DECLARED A FIVE-MINUTE RECESS. MayOr Weiner asked that the Commission consider New Business, Items C, D, and E first since the interested parties were present in the audience. NEW!BUSINESS: ;C. Consider request submitted by Beverly L, K1111ns for Oakwood Square Shopping Center to hold an Arts and Crafts Expo at the shopping center Beverly and Tom Kllllns approached the podium. Ms. Killins is affiliated with Shopping-~'~n~-~F Promotions, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She appeared on behalf of the)owners of Oakwood Square Shopping Center. She requested approval to hold an arts and crafts fair at the shopping center on November 7, 1992. She further requested permission to display two 3' x 5' signs for up to seven days by the entrance/exit. City Manager Miller confirmed this would not be a problem. vice Mayor Matson feels this is a wonderful idea that will provide cultural activity for the City which is free of charge. Motion vice Mayor Matson moved to approve the request submitted by Beverly Killins for OakWood Square Shopping Center to hold an Arts and Crafts Expo at the shopping cen~er and also the approval of the two signs that are required. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0. )D. Consider request submitted by William Michael, Outreach Coordinator, Trinity Assembly of God to use Sara Sims Park on Saturday, October 3, 1992 for an outreach program Mr. Hawkins stated that Mr. Michael was present in the audience but did not plan on speaking. This will be the second year for this program. Mr. Hawkins stated everything is in order and they did a very good job of cleaning up last year. Thi. provides a great deal of assistance to disadvantaged people. Not'on Vicei Mayor Matson moved to approve the request submitted by William Michael, Trinlity Assembly of God, to use Sara Sims Park on Saturday, October 3, 1992 for an olutreach program. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 5-0.) - 20 - NINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTENBER 15, 1992 Ee Consider request submitted by Richard Barnett of Gator'$ Bar & Grill to hold benefit concert for chlldren with AIDS on Saturday, September 19, 1992 MayOr Weiner noted a letter from the Police Department and the Building Department and pointed out that this information was received very late. Commissioner Harmening suggested keeping the add ons to a minimum. commissioner Aguila questioned whether Mr, Barnett was aware of the comments of theiBuilding Department. Mr. Barnett stated he was not aware of their comments. CitY Manager Miller feels the Building Department went overboard in its remarks. The only two comments City Manager Miller is concerned with are those mentioned in Lt. Thrasher's memorandum. Those comments deal with the band which will be plaYing in the parking lot and the outdoor consumption of alcohol. R!chard Barnett of 2760 Cardtnal Circlet Gulfstream~ stated he is not permitted to Sell alcohol outdoors without special permits, but has intentions of appearing before the Board tomorrow to seek permission for the sale of beer in the parking lot. MayOr Weiner explained that permission cannot be granted by the Commission if iBarnett intends to go before another Board. At this point, Mr. Barnett Mr.i asked for permission to sell alcohol in the parking lot. Mayor Weiner stated she would deny such a request. He asked for consideration since the Chamber of Commerce Seafood Festival, where outdoor sale of alcohol will be allowed, was approved this evening. Mayor Weiner responded that the Seafood Festival is an annual affair sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Chief Hillery pointed out that there is a big difference between large groups of people in a parking lot with music and large groups of people with alcohol. The Police would approach it with a different perspective. He further pointed out the)concern for those using the remainder of the parking lot. Mr. Barnett's original proposal did not include the sale of alcohol. This change of proposal might now require having a Police Officer at the site to help control the situation. Mr. Barnett said that the other tenants are excited because this eveht will bring in business. He further stated there will be clowns, dog and bird shows and this will not be a rowdy event. Whilie Mayor Weiner agreed that the purpose of the event is noble, she is uncom- fortable with the sale of alcohol in a parking lot. She further stated that she woulld not go against the Police Department's recommendation. Chief Hillery also pointed out that Mr. Barnett is expecting between 120 to 150 people in attendance. If business is increased because of the event, others might join in the festivities and make the crowd larger. He is hesitant to approve this because the City has an Ordinance against parking lot drinking. MayOr Weiner again stated that she would not approve this request if alcohol willi be sold in the parking lot. Mr. Barnett said approval has been given to other groups in the past. City Manager Miller stated that this Commission has never approved any requests for the sale of alcohol in parking lots. Mr. iBarnett agreed not to sell alcohol in the parking lot. At this point, Commissioner Aguila stated he would rather see this event at a different loca- tion! since this site does not lend itself to the number of people expected. - 21 - H1NUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONNI$$ION HEETING BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA $EPTEHBER 15, 1992 Also, he pointed out that alcohol would be sold in the bar and feels this cannot be monitored. Carolyn Barnett of 2760 Cardinal Circle, said there are many instances where alcohol is served in an establishment and a sign is posted stating, "No Alcoholic Beverages Beyond this Point". She requested approval of the request if such a sign is posted. Commissioner Aguila would be more comfortable with such a sign. Narllyn Btllqulst~ 4335 #ockingbir~l Drive has been at this residence for twenty- five years. She is also known as "Swannee the Clown". She has worked with the Barnetts for a long time, She offered to monitor the situation and not let anyone get away with anything, She said she is "gently authoritative", Motion Commissioner Walshak moved to approve subject to no alcohol consumption outside of the bar and the comments made here this evening. Vice Mayor Matson seconded thelmotion which carried 5-0. vice Mayor Matson wished the Barnetts good luck. D. Other: 1. Review draft of the Drug Free Work Place Policy Attorney Cherof stated this would be the last step before this proposal is put in Ordinance form for first reading. This policy tracks the Statute and the admi!nistrative rules word for word and all of the thresholds for testing of employees as set forth in the Statute. Nottion Commissioner Aguila moved to direct the City Attorney to bring this back to the commission in Ordinance form for first reading. Commissioner Harmening seconded the imotion which carried 5-0. 2. Arbitration Report Attoirney Cherof reported that there is very, very narrow grounds for appealing the decisions of arbitrators in the context in which this arbitration took place. In his opinion, although he disagrees with the Findings of Fact in the award and its result, the arbitrator stayed within his boundary and has written an award which is not reversible on appeal. The arbitrator set aside the City's termiination of Mr. Demarest. This gives him an opportunity to come back to worki.. , There. is nothing for the Commission to do except to observe the admi- nlstiratlve and City Manager's reinstatement of the Officer. Mayoir Weiner thanked Attorney Cherof for his report. She pointed out that reinstating this Officer is the last thing she wants to do, but the City is under binding arbitration. - 22 - #INUTES - REGULAR CITY COI414IS$ION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEHBER 15, 1992 OLD BUSINESS: A. Naster plan modification to amend a condition regarding the construction of Knuth Road as part of the Tara Oaks City Manager Miller asked that this item remain on the table. NEWiBUSINESS: A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Arline Weiner 1. Local Partnership Act Mayor Weiner reported that this came to the City from the Conference of Mayors. It is House of Representatives Bill 5798 and it deals with an attempt to develop legislation that will fund cities directly and be flexible so that mayors can deal! with the problems in their respective cities. This bill was passed on the comnlittee 31 to 10 and was supported by a majority of Republicans on the Committee. All but three Democrats supported this legislation. However, cities are being urged to seek support from Congressmen for this legislation. MaYOr Weiner received a consensus of the Commission to write to our Congressmen andlSenators to support this legislation. The funds must be spent for public safety, public works, education, health and social services. The City of Boy,ton Beach could possibly receive $276,072. Cit~ Manager Miller will draft a letter to our Congressmen, Senator Mack and Senator Graham asking them to support this legislation. 2. Neetlng at Galaxy School Mayor Weiner attended a meeting at Galaxy School last evening where she learned that the Palm Beach County School Board has authorized a feasibility study on the!issue of privatizing fourteen schools in Palm Beach County. The people doing the feasibility study are the ones trying to get the contract from the SchOol Board. The organization is called the Education Alliance, Inc. They are a NASDAQ stock. They are a public company and Mayor Weiner feels their first responsibility will be to their shareholders. The iSuperintendent of Schools provided the list of fourteen schools. Three of Boyniton Beach's schools appear on the list. They are Galaxy, Poinciana and Foreist Park. All of the other schools are attended by children with a lower sociio-economic background or are children of migrant workers. This company has no tlrack record. If not for the article in the Palm Beach Post, no one would have) been aware of what was happening. The )company has taken over a few private schools and has been active in the Soutihpoint Public School. That school was built in Miami as a result of over)crowding. Education Alliance brought their program into that school. At tihe meeting, the Education Alliance was pushing their Tesseract Way program. She feels that if this program is educationally sound, then the School Board shou)ld implement it. The School Board is accountable to the electorate. The Education Alliance has no accountability. - 23 - HINUTES - REGULAR CITY COHI4ISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTE#BER 15, 1992 MayOr Weiner spoke in opposition of this issue. There is a danger of teacher's aides losing their jobs and this has upset the teachers. The Education Alliance will make money running the schools in a more efficient manner and Mayor Weiner feels if anyone should run the schools more efficiently, it should be the Palm Beach County School Board. Maypr Weiner reminded the Commissioners that when there were discussions about privatizing the Sewer Plant, it was decided to implement the recommendations of all)of the companies who were attempting to take over that operation, save money andistill provide accountability to the rate payers. She feels the Palm Beach County School Board should do the same thing. MayOr Weiner feels this should be monitored closely. Mayor Weiner was told by someone in charge that any community can opt out. This was a relief for her since she does not feel they should experiment with three of our schools. There will be additional meetings and Mayor Weiner recommends making our opinions known to the School Board. B. Items for discussion requested by Vice Mayor Matson 1. Public Service Commission Neeting Vice Mayor Matson appeared before the Public Service Commission in Plantation with Nadine Frakes. They distributed a packet of information to three of the Commissioners in attendance. Southern Bell representatives were also present. The packet of information included census tracks and a map from the City which shoWs that as of 1990, there were 6,500 residents affected by the disparity in the telephone calling area. It was determined that since these were 1990 figures, there are now probably 7,500 residents affected. The Commissioners were also presented with a letter from Southeast Savings Reality, letters from Congressman Harry Johnston, Senator Bob Wexler, Representatives Carol Hanson and Lois Frankel which support the City's resolution. They were also presented with a cQpy of the resolution. Representative Mark Foley did nothing about this situation. The in are thoL Soul 'e was interest shown in our problems. One of the problems is the disparity he local calling area. The cables were installed in 1945 and the sections being fed from Greenacres City. When the cables were installed, no one ght this section of Boynton Beach would be incorporated into the City. hern Bell has millions of dollars in escrow and Vice Mayor Matson suggested the3 use $3 million of these set asides to upgrade the system so that all of Boynton Beach will be incorporated into one exchange classification. They were recelptive to thatsuggestion. Vice Mayor Matson also learned they are planning to go back to message units. They will charge 2¢ per minute for local calls. At p!resent, we are paying a flat fee of $10.05 for unlimited local calls. They are )proposing $7.75, but 2¢ a minute for local calls with a cap of $10.00 and a refulnd of $3.OO. The bottom line is what now costs $10.05 will cost $14.75 in the ~uture. Vice Mayor Matson explained to them that she feels this is a breach of someone,s first amendment rights because a constituent may not be able to afford to speak with her for forty-five minutes at 2¢ per minute. That will takeLaway their right to participate in government. Further she explained that the ~elephone is a life line for many people. Vice Mayor Matson informed them thatI the City is vehemently opposed to message units. - 24 - HINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA $EPTEHBER 15, 1992 Vice Mayor Matson requested a resolution on these issues. She was told they may want her to testify in Tallahassee. Therefore, she requested a consensus from the~Commission that if called, she will be available. Con~nissioner Harmening suggested giving Vice Mayor Matson a blanket resolution permitting her to speak before the Public Service Commission regarding the telephone service and represent the City of Boynton Beach. Further, Vice Mayor Matson requested permission to follow up with all the Legislators who supported this issue. She would like to ask them to follow up with letters in approximately six weeks stating their opposition to the message units. Theimeeting went very well and the City of Boynton Beach received a great deal of Support from Louis Laredo. The outcome will not be known until March of 1993. Mayor weiner thanked Vice Mayor Matson for her efforts and stated she had the support of the Commission. Vice Mayor Matson asked for a resolution opposing thelmessage units. 2. Hurricane Relief Report vice Mayor Matson reported that collections are still being made. The North BoyQton Beach Task Force has collected $250. Our Police Officers are in Miami repairing roofs. They will be assessing what is needed and the North Boynton BeaCh Task Force will spend the $250 to help provide some of the needed supplies. The effort is ongoing. MayOrj Weiner has written a letter to the seven women Mayors in Palm Beach County ask!ng for a meeting to try to add more to the collection effort. Mary McCarty hasicalled a meeting on October 9th regarding extending the relief effort. ~C. Items for discussion requested by Commissioner Jose Aguila 1. Community Design Standards and Plan Commissioner Aguila stated that he does not feel the Community Design Plan should be eliminated in its entirety. However, he feels it is confusing and in some cases, arbitrary and contradictory. It is not an ideal plan. He suggested reviewing this plan. Maypr Weiner pointed out that Commissioner Aguila has brought up other Ord)nances and plans where problems exist and suggested a workshop to review these items. Commissioner Aguila feels the workshop should deal only with the topic of the Community Design Plan. The~e was a consensus of the Commission to have a workshop to review the community Design Standards and Plan. - 25 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CO}~ISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 D. Items for discussion requested by Robert Walshak 1. DIscussion of Report from D,O,T, Commissioner Walshak reported that the recent decision from D.O.T. was for den~al of the traffic light at Industrial Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, they made some suggestions which he feels have validity. One, of the suggestions shows how West Industrial Avenue can be expanded north- ward across the canal, turning easterly over Ridge Road. This suggestion would alleviate the traffic going onto Boynton Beach Boulevard. Commissioner Walshak pointed out that there are programs which could possibly paylfor this expansion. One of the programs is through the Florida Department of Commerce which requires a resolution and an application. It would be necessary to submit a estimate of the total cost of the project, estimated cost of Construction and the estimated cost of the right-of-way. Commissioner WalShak pointed out that the City owns the largest portion of the right-of-way on the north side of the canal. Further, Ridge Road dead ends at the north side of the canal. He requested input from the Commission. In response to a question from Commissioner Aguila regarding extending IndUstrial Avenue, Commissioner Walshak referred to a map and pointed out two I possible scenerios. ~ MayOr Weiner questioned who authorized all of the work done regarding the pre- paration of the maps included in the back up. It was pointed out that Walt Lashley provided all of the material with the exception of one map. City Manager Miller advised that the services of the Engineering Department would be necessary to estimate the probable construction costs. Mayor Weiner suggested Mr. Miller investigate what it will cost to get this project going and bring it back to the Commission. Mr. Miller agreed to bring back information on what it will cost to submit the application. He will attempt to bring this back at the next meeting. ,CITy MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Miller reported that a meeting was held with representatives from themMPO, F.D.O.T, Mayor Weiner and Betty Collins regarding the need for trans- portation within the City limits for senior citizens to do theiP essential shopping needs, etc. Several programs are available, but no well-established transportation route is available. Money is available under the Federal Government for capital costs for transportation needs. However, if the City get~ involved in a program, maintenance and operation costs would be the respon- sibility of the City. ;~-~ Pla~s are now underway to look at a partnership arrangement through some agreements provided to the MPO for private transportation. There is a lot of worn to be done, but the feasibility exists of working out a partnership agree- menti. - 26 - NINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONNI$$~ON NEET~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA $EPTENBER 15, 1992 Vice Mayor Matson met with senior citizens at Boynton Bay and they provided a petition regarding their concern in this area. She wondered if the City of Boynton Beach ever did a study similar to the one done in Delray Beach. They just received matching funds for a trolley. Mayor Weiner stated that we have never done such a study. However, Randy Whitfield advised that a study is being done for six cities regarding a shuttle service. Boynton Beach is included in that study. City Manager Miller hopes the City can get involved in a public/private part- nership whereby we can put in for the capital through a grant. The buses can the~ be leased to a private company who will operate and maintain them while providing the service for the City. Vice Mayor Matson suggested contacting DeBartolo Corporation because they were interested in doing something for the City with regard to a route into the Mall. OTHER: None ADOOURNNENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:15 p.m. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor ATTEST: Commissioner Commissioner Secretary (FOur Tapes) - 27 - :! OMMiSSION SEP 15 1997 APPROVAL AGENDA September 15, 1992 III. CONSENT AGENDA C. cc: Finance .¸ 10. 11. A & B PIPE AND SUPPLY P.O. #2500. 500 Ft. of 8" PVC Pipe. Pay from Water/Sewer Fund---401-351-5-390-06 ALLIED LIME P.O.#221. Lime for Chemical Softening. Pay from Water/Sewer Fund---401-332-5-365-00 AVIROM-HALL & ASSOCIATES P.O.#2392. Boundary and Location Survey of "Girl Scout Park" Pay from Utility Cap. Imprv.---404-000-0-690-10 AUTODESK P.0.#2467. Software for Cadd Draft System. Pay from Water/Sewer Fund---401-352-5-670-01 " " 401-391-5-670-01 B & H SALES P.0.#2502. Various Wyes, Adaptors, and Bends for Installing Sewer Services. Pay from Water/Sewer Fund---401-351-5-390-06 BRANDT BILLIARD SUPPLY, INC. P.O.2589 & 2621. Two Pool Tables and Two Foos- ball Tables for Hester Park. Pay from Pub. Serv. Tax Constr Fund---301-721-5-642-02 CENTER FOR FAMILY SERVICES Employee Assistance Program for September. Pay fr~m General Fund---001-135-5-482-00 DAVIS WATER & WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. P.O.2519. Ten CDR Boxes and Lids for Stock. Pay from Water/Sewer Fund---401-333-5-398-00 $1,080.00 Pay from Water/Sewer Fund---401-333-5-387-00 506.00 DELRAY FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE P.0.331. Fire Extinguisher Inspections. Pay from General Fund---001-221-5-416-00 EVERGLADES LABORATORIES, INC. Quarterly Analysis Boynton Beach Landfill. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-490-06 FLORIDA HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. 2242. Master Locks and Keys for Stock. Pay from Warehouse Fund---502-000-0-410-14 $ 1,890,00 18,435.25 2,100.00 2,214.50 5,952.75 3,310.00 1,408.35 1,586.00 1,671.02 3,600.00 1,217,28 12. 13. 14; 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. GAME TIME P.O. 1775. Playground Equipment for Hester Park. Pay from Pub. Serv. Tax Constr. Fund---301-721-5-642-02 GEE AND JENSON Professional Services for the Martin Luther King Landscape Plan Revisions ( period ending 7/31/92 ) Pay from Community Imprv. Fund---621-136-5-499-00 Professional Services for the Quantum Park Site ( 6/27/92 - 7/31/92 ) Pay from Pub. Serv. Tax Constr. Fund---301-721-5-463-00 HUGHES SUPPLY, INC. P.0.1344. Various Pump Supplies for Aquifier Storage and Recovery Project CIPWTR44. Pay from Utility Cap Imprv. Fund---404-000-0-690-10 HYDRO PUMPS, INC. P.O. 2212. Emergency Repair of High Service Pump #6. Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-332-5-433-00 INSURANCE SERVICING & ADJUSTING COMPANY Deposit for Workers' Compensation account used to make workers' compensation claims. Pay from Self Insurance Fund---622-000-0-150-60 $10,000. Payment for Workers Comp. Claims Administration Services 7/16/92 - 8/16/92. Pay from Self Insurance Fund---622-195-5-447-00 $2,505. JORDAN'S OUTDOOR FUND P.O. 2115. Installation of Playground Equipment at Hester Park. Pay from Pub. Serv. Tax Constr---301-721-5-642-02 JOSIAS & GOREN Statement for Professional Services for August, 1992 - $6,389.05; DCA Comp Plan $100.00; Summit Assoc. Inc. $440.00; Mrotek Vs City $705.30; Demarest Arbitration $2,192.30; Rafaello's Restaurant $40.00; CDBG $270.00; Cedar Grove Inv. $190.00 = 10,326.65 Pay from General Fund---001-141-5-461-00 Petition to Form 1225 (Legal/Labor) $2062.55 Pay from General Fund---001-141-5-460-18 LAWMEN'S PHOTO P.O. 2459. Time Lapse Video Cassette Recorder. Pay from Misc. Trust Fund---691-000-1-691-20 M/G ELECTRIC COMPANY Emergency Repair to High Service Pump #7 and Booster Pump #2 Motor 3 MG Ground Storage. Pay from Water Sewer Rev Fund---401-332-5-345-O0 $ 11,961.00 2,572.50 11,420.10 1,713.60 12,505.00 2,495.00 12,389.20 COMMISSION SEP 15 1997 APPROVAL 1,225. O0 3,869.00 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. COMMISSION SEP '15 1~97 MARTIN ' S LAMAR P.O. 2565. Spruce Green Work Pants for Stock~PPROVAL Pay from Warehouse Fund---502-000-0-410-13 METZGER, SONNEBORN & RUTTER, P.A. Legal Fees - Blackmon vs. Demarest, DOI 5/6/89. Pay from Self Insurance Fund---622-195-5-468-00 MILNE & NICHOLLS, INC. P.O.1374. Payment #6 - Recreation Activity Center. Pay from Public Svc. Tax Constr---301-721-634-03 MIRROR IMAGES P.O. 2588. Mirrors for Weight Room at Hester Park. Pay from Public Svc. Tax Constr---301-721-5-642-02 Mt~ICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 100 Copies of Supplement No. 51 to the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Pay from General Fund---001-122-5-477-00 MUNICIPAL WATER WORKS SUPPLY P.O. 2501. Stock used for Connecting Sewer Pipe. Pay from Water/Sewer Rev. Fund---401-351-5-390-06 MURPHY, MAYO, AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Services to Review the Police Dept.'s Discrimination Charges . Pay from General Fund---001-211-5-468-00 NCR CORPORATION P.O. 2432. Printing of Water Bills. Pay from Water/Sewer Rev. Fund---401-393-5-472-00 NATIONAL WASTE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. P.O. 1838. Replacement of 15 Beach Benches. Pay from Rec. & Beach Imprv.---303-000-0-693-30 NEIGHBORHOOD FAMILY DOCTOR Pre-employment Physicals and Drug Screenings. Pay from General Fund---001-135-5-460-01 OCEAN BAY CONSTRUCTION P.O. 1576. Payment #4, Community Development Block Grant, Subarea #1. Pay from Comm. Dev. Block Grant---105-513-5-630-17 PEROXIDATION SYSTEMS P.O. 244. Hydrogen Peroxide for Odor Control at Uitlity Pumping Stations. Pay from Water/Sewer Rev Fund---401-352-5-365-00 $ 1,292.40 1,213.79 106,195.00 1,440.00 1,947.44 1,163.00 6,014.19 1,699.10 4,923.00 3,342.00 83,139.88 7,523.10 33. 34. 35 .i 36~ 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. POOLE AND KENT COMPANY P.O. 858. Payment #7, Construction of West Water Treatment Plant.' Pay from 1990 Construction Fund---409-000-O-690-10 QUANDRANT SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. 2303. Setup for 2nd Cashier in Citizen Services. Pay from Water/Sewer Rev--401-393-5-670-02 $1390.00 Pay from Water/Sewer Rev--491-393-5-311-00 $ 170.00 ROBERTS AND REYNOLDS, P.A. Legal Fees for the Following: Coyle v. City $1,098.33; Watson v, City $1,101.57; Harp V. City $3,687.73 Pay from Self Insurance Fund---622-195-5-468-00 SOUTHEASTERN MUNICIPAL SUPPLY P.O. 2508. Items for L.S. 602 Force Main Relocation. Pay from Water/Sewer Rev Fund---401-352-5-345-00 TARE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE P.O. 68. Landscape Maintenance Service for Medians throughout the City. Pay from General Fund---001-722-5-430-15 VIGORO INDUSTRIES, INC. P.0.2651. 3 Tons of Fertilizer for the Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-726-5-366-00 WRT, INC. Professional Services Rendered for the Intracoastal Waterway Park. Pay from Capital Imprv. Fund'--302-721-5-463-06 WELLINGTON PAINT & WALLPAPER P.O. 2540. Various Paint and Supplies to Paint Storage Tank/1M Gallon. Pay from Water/Sewer Rev.---401-332-5-390-01 GARY CHAPMAN Reimbursement for Travel Expenses to 3rd Annual Conference on Evaluating Drug Control Initiative. Pay from Misc. Trust Fund---691-000-1-691-20 $23,591.08 1,560.00 5,887.73 2,758.00 4,280.00 1,266.00 3,800.00 1,345.55 176.65 COMMISSION S£P 1 $ 1997 APPROVAL These bills have been approved and verified by the department checked and approved for payment. GradY~tor I therefore recommend payment of these bills. heads involved, Scott MiI't~ity Manager COMMISSION SEP 15 1997 APPROVAL III. 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