ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M.
~rline Weiner, Mayor
Edward Harmening, Vice Mayor
jose Aguila, Commissioner
Lillian Artis, Commissioner
5ynne Matson, Commissioner
J. Scott Miller, City
Ma na ger
Carrie Parker, Assistant
City Manager
Mary Munro, Budget
Tammy Standifer,
Accountant III
Mayor Weiner called the City Commission Budget Workshop to order
alt 7:05 p.m. This meeting is a continuation of the Commission's
~eview.of the proposed budget for fiscal year 1991/92.
City Manager Miller explained to the Commission that all depart-
ment heads had been working throughout the day entertaining posi-
tion cuts to achieve the reduction goal of $900,000. He further
9xplained the majority of these cuts will entail lay offs.
Data Processing -Page 51
One (1) position, Programmer/Analyst, will be eliminated effec-
tive October 1st. This is one (1) lay off.
Under Line Item 499.00, the efficiency study in the amount of
20,000 will be eliminated.
~ity Hall/General Administration - Page 99
Under Unemployment Compensation, $6,000 has been appropriated.
if approximately nine (9) individuals are laid off, this figure
Would increase an additional $26,000 bringing the total to
Boynton Beach Day Care Center
After discussions with Wilfred Hawkins and others, it was deter-
mined that no funds could be cut from this budget. Mr. Miller
explained that the County funding has been cut. If the City eli-
minates any of the funding, the after-school program would have
~o be eliminated.
Police - Page 132
City Manager Miller explained that several changes will take
place in the Police Department. Chief Hillery stated that the
~umber of sworn staff positions will be reduced from 127 to 125.
JULY 24, 1991
The category of Detective will be reduced .50 and Police Officer
w!ill be reduced 1.5.
Under Civilian Staff, one (1) Shift Clerk position will not be
fiilled. Chief Hillery pointed out that there are positions which
aire funded by grants; one position is a Detective position which
iis half funded by the Childrens' Services Council,. one CPO is
~alf funded by the Childrens' Services Council and one position
i!n the M.A.N. Unit is totally federally funded. The total number
Of personnel will be reduced to 165.
Under Line Item 117.00, this includes three Community Service
Officers (cso) for nine (9) months. Ezell Hester Park is sche-
duled for opening in January. Community Service Officers are
needed at this park for control. An office has been established
in the community center. Chief Hillery continued by explaining
~hat a Sergeant will also be assigned for supervision. This
Program is tied in with the park program and it must be pro-
~ected. There are currently four (4) Community SerVice Officers
a!nd an additional three (3) are being considered for the park
alrea. The Sergeant position is also included in addition to the
~hree Community Service Officers.
Vice Mayor Harmening questioned whether or not more Officers
eould be placed under the supervision of one Sergeant. He
Suggested the national standard be checked. Chief Hillery stated
~hat two Sergeants and one Lieutenant are provided on each shift.
if this number is lowered, coverage can become too thin.
Commissioner Aguila asked for an explanation of "outside
Overtime". Mr. Miller explained this is special duty for any
business wishing to contract the services of the Police Officers.
This does not cost the City anything, but is on the books for
accounting purposes only.
Mr. Miller pointed out that no specific cutbacks have been made
in the area of benefits; however, the City is currently in nego-
tiation with the Union.
Mayor Weiner asked if the figures on Page 134 reflect the reduc-
tion of the three personnel. Mr. Miller stated that Line Item
!11.00 has not as yet been changed to reflect the reductions.
When this number is changed, it will affect all of the numbers
by approximately 30-35%. New sheets will be provided.
Line Item 470.10, Training, has been reduced. Money had been set
aside in the Law Enforcement Trust Fund which can be used for
~raining a Police Officer. These courses must be certified.
o ere is approximately $27,000 in this Fund which will be used
r the next several years.
JULY 24, 1991
Line Item 472.00, Printing and Binding, was cut $2,000 after some
Regarding Capital Outlay, there have been substantial cutbacks.
Under General Equipment,
· Chief Hillery stated that the Video Cam
Corder is not necessary since they now have one which was con-
fiscated. This figure is now being reduced by $1,500 for a new
total of $6,690.
ire - Page 149
This Budget will be amended to provide for the elimination of two
Fire Inspectors. This will reduce manpower from ninety-four (94)
~o ninety-two (92). These two reductions will be lay off posi-
tions. There will be some reduction on the revenue side because
~he fire inspections will be somewhat reduced; however, this
~mount will not be substantial since fire inspections will still
be conducted. Commissioner Matson was concerned with eliminating
both Fire Inspector positions. Fire Prevention Officers will
handle the workload of the Fire Inspector. Commissioner Aguila
questioned the need for overtime. Deputy Chief Crockett
explained that on-the-job injuries vacations, sick and improper
manning constitute the need for overtime. Overtime is also used
by the paramedics. Considering the number of personnel, the
Overtime figure is not high.
Questions were raised about the amount of funds budgeted for fire
prevention films and supplies. Deputy Chief Crockett explained
that these supplies are a necessary part of the job for educa-
tional purposes.
~ reduction of $585 was made in Line Item 470.07, Memberships,
~or a new total of $1,202.
The funds for a new pumper truck have been appropriated under a
~apital Improvement expenditure. The cost of this vehicle is
aipproximately $175,000. Its life expectancy is between fifteen
alnd twenty years. There is a balance of approximately $1 million
in the Fund which will pay for this new equipment.
~uilding Department L Page 160
Mr. Miller pointed out that there are no changes in the areas of
~dministration and Plan Review & Permitting. Commissioner Aguila
~ondered how this department could change in staffing during the
llast year given the slowdown of the economy. Mr. Jaeger
aiddressed the issue of cutbacks by stating that one (1) Plans
Check Inspector-Structural, and one (1) Plans Check
Ilnspector-Plumbing had been cut out during this year.
~ommissioner Aguila asked if one additional Plans Check
~nspector-Structural (Corem) could be cut. Mr. Jaeger stated that
JULY 24, 1991
ait the present time, the workload is enough for both Inspectors.
He feels there will be a greater workload because of the proposal
tlo move Zoning and Site Development out of the Building
In the area o~ Field Inspection, the Building Compliance
Administrator position will be eliminated. This would create a
bumping action down the line. In this area, one (1) position
will be reduced which will be a lay off position.
I!n the area of Site Development, the Zoning and Site Development
Administrator, the Plan Check Inspector-Site and Clerk II will be
tlransferred to the Planning Department. The Plan Review Analyst
Iii positions will remain in the Building Department.
With the implementation of the above-stated changes, Mayor Weiner
suggested the title of Planning Director be changed to Planning
alnd Zoning Director. The Commissioners agreed this change should
be implemented.
The C.B.E. Clerk position will also be eliminated.
The total personnel for the Building Department has been reduced
to twenty-six (26). This transfer can be done before October 1.
Occupational License - Page 169
Ail four positions in this area are currently filled. One (1)
C~cupational License Field Inspector position will be eliminated.
This will be a lay off position.
qode Enforcement - Page 178
Mr. Miller pointed out that there is a proposal to transfer the
Rode Enforcement Division to the Police Department. The Code
5nforcement Administrator would report directly to the Police
Chief. Chief Hillery agreed this division could become another
unit of the Police Department. Some of the functions of Code
5nforcement have already been taken over by the Police
Eepartment. The Police Department would need more information to
~ake the transition. Chief Hillery stated that Scott Blasie
would be in charge. All members of the Commission agreed to
transfer Code Enforcement to the Police Department. Any costs-
associated with this move will be covered by this year's budget.
T~e (1) Code and License Inspector I position will be eliminated.
is position is currently filled and constitutes a lay off. The
Clode and Rehabilitation Inspector will remain in the Building
D~pa rtment .
Animal Control - Page 185
Staff recommended deletion of this entire unit. The City will
Utilize the services of Palm Beach County Animal Control. A
~engthy discussion followed with regard to the Commissioner's
Concerns about serving the citizens of Boynton Beach. Vice Mayor
Harmening also expressed concern regarding one of the employees
Who has been employed for nine years. His concern centered
airound the fact that given one additional year of employment, the
employee would have vested rights.
Response time changes were discussed. The County will respond to
~on-emergency situations in 1.9 days. They try to respond imme-
diately for emergencies. After a lengthy discussion, it was the
eneral consensus to delay action on this subject until tomorrow.
he Commission will look at the possibility of operating the ani-
mal clinic with only one person.
~ublic Works - Page 192
~here are currently five full-time positions which will be
etained. In January, 1992, the Administrative Assistant I will
~e retiring. At that time, the Administrative Assistant I in a
~emporary position in Risk Management, will then fill that
~pening and the position left by that person will be deleted.
~.oads and Streets - Page 199
~he Streets Supervisor will be retiring. The Foreman III will be
~romoted and his position will remain vacant. In the area of
9aintenance Worker II, two persons are filling those positions.
ne position is vacant and will be eliminated. The total person-
tel for this area will now be eight (8). Line Item 119.00, New
~ersonnel, will be eliminated.
Iine Item 499.00, Other Contractual Services, was discussed at
ength. This item deals with the street sweeper. The current
weeper is hazardous and residents complain when it is used
ecause it stirs up too much dust. The option of leasing a
sweeper was discussed. After this lengthy discussion, it was
decided to cut this area from $25,000 to $15,000 and contract out
for these services for special events.
Library - Page. 209
~r. Miller stated that Ms. Farace has reduced some of the hours
cf Relief Clerks and Pages in an effort to meet the charge.
Ns. Farace pointed out that there has already been a 20% reduc-
tion. In response to Vice Mayor Harmening's question, she
explained that the late book fee amounted to $26,000 last year
and was put in the General Fund. By reducing the hours of the
Relief Clerks and the Pages, the Library must reduce its
c~erating hours. The Library Board will meet to discuss this
JULY 24, 1991
rieduction in hours. The book budget of $90,000 is where it was
back in 1986. These reductions will have a big impact on the
Mayor Weiner feels that the closing of a Library is the beginning
of the death mill of the City. The Library is the biggest thing
seeded in a city. Reducing hours of the operation of the Library
iis devastating. Commissioner Matson agreed and would not want to
see the morning hours reduced because of the story hour for small
children. Evening hours are utilized by those citizens who can-
not get to the Library in the daytime hours. Vice Mayor
Harmening was in agreement. Commissioner Artis pointed out that
high school students need the evening hours at the Library.
Iit is Mr. Miller's feeling that if the community stands behind
tihe Library, they will volunteer in order to avoid a reduction in
tihe hours of operation. Also, the Library can do fund raising.
Ms. Farace stated that "Friends of the Library" have donated
7,000 hours of time. Ms. Farace wanted the Commission to be
aiware of the seriousness of this situation.
Mayor Weiner stated that she met with the President of Friends of
~he Library and they have vowed to do everything possible to
~aise funds for the Library. However, she does not want the
I$ibrary hours reduced. Mr. Miller feels the budget, as pre-
Sented, will not reduce the Library hours. Vice Mayor Harmening
~eels the patronage of this Library must be considered.
Commissioner Matson stated she would rather see a depletion in
he amount allocated for books than cutting the hours.
~und raising can produce money to purchase books. Mr. Miller
Stated that the cutting back of Relief Clerks and Pages would
almount to $19,000.
~t was decided to reduce the book budget from $100,000 to
490,000. The Relief Clerks and Pages will remain.
ecreation - Page 222
~harles Frederick explained the cutbacks. Many of the cutbacks
re part-time positions which amount to $50,000 including bene-
!its. The Recreation Leader will be reduced from a full-time
~osition to a part-time position currently stationed at Wilson
~enter. This will save approximately $10,000 plus fringe bene-
!its. The part-time Recreation Leader service in the park will
~e reduced approximately 50%. The C.B.E. Clerk will be elimi-
nated at Freedom Hall. Deletion of two part-time Recreation
~ttendants at Madison Center will bring about a savings of
:17,000. There will also be an additional deletion of two part-
.ime Recreation Attendants at Boat Club Park. These cutbacks
mount to approximately $50,000 including fringe benefits.
~..death knell ....
JULY 24, 1991
In response to a question from Commissioner Artis, Mr. Frederick
stated that there exists a proposal for staffing of the Hester
park facility when it opens.
Mir. Frederick explained the purpose of the newletter is to deve-
liop a master planning program for revenue development. When new
r!evenue sources are identified, a marketing strategy will be
Hr. Frederick introduced Melody Green and Laura Widmer. Ms.
Gireen distributed brochures as examples of magazine format. This
i~s a marketing approach which is highly effective. People who
rleceive this type of format hold onto it longer. The point is to
aittract people to get into the newsletter and once they are
iinterested, they can be convinced to register for the programs.
This will be published three times a year. The cost will be
$19,836 per issue for each of the three issues. This includes
piostage, typesetting, printing and labels. Currently, between
the Community Promotions money budgeted, Recreation Division
Printing and binding, City Manager's printing and binding and
piostage from the Recreation Division, $38,640 is available in the
budget. By combining the two publications three times a'year,
ilmproving the quality and improving the shelf life which
iincreases the revenue, we will realize a cost savings of $9,132.
I!n addition, plans are being made to solicit for advertisements.
There is a very conservative estimate for the first year which is
fiour pages of advertisements at $295 per page for three issues.
This would generate an additional $3,540 which will reduce the
ciost. This newsletter will be direct mailed and will go to all
h!ouseholds in the City. Overruns will be printed so that they
cian be distributed to the western area and the unincorporated
alrea. These overruns will not be mailed.
Mayor Weiner is very encouraged by this project. Commissioner
~guila asked for clarification regarding the funding of this pro-
jiect. Ms. Green repeated:
$17,133 - Printing & Binding, City Manager's
9,007 - Printing & Binding, Recreation Division
3,500 - Community Promotions
9,000 - Postage - Recreation Division
$38,640 - Total
They will actually spend approximately $29,508, but will generate
$i3,540. It was agreed by the Commissioners that this program be
JULY 24, 1991
Parks - Page 238
One Maintenance Worker II position included an extra salary;
hiowever, the number of positions is correct. Line Item 111.00
should be corrected to reflect a reduction of $16,744 plus bene-
kt the present time, a Parks Supervisor position is open. Most
probably, the Grounds Maintenance Supervisor will move into that
Position which will leave the Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
position open. This position will be cut from the budget at a
siavings of approximately $35,000 plus fringe benefits. The Parks
Division will be reduced from thirty-eight (38) to thirty-seven
Debt Service - Page 243
Mr. Miller stated that the debt service is based upon the prin-
Cipal and interest on the bond issues. Mayor Weiner questioned
how much money the City owes on the bond issues. Since he did
~ot have the information at hand, Mr. Miller promised to furnish
Mayor weiner with a copy of the information she requested.
Mr. Miller continued his discussion on revenue. He mentioned the
half-cent sales tax, and the Golf Course administrative fee. He
~eminded the Commission that at the lower millage rate, addi-
tional dollars must be added for the tax increment financing.
This would amount to approximately $48,000.
ihn the savings side, with regard to expenditures, all departmen-
al accounts provided for a 5% increase in Blue Cross/Blue
ield. The increase has been abated. This increase will be
~emoved from all departmental accounts. This amounts to approxi-
mately $54,000. Mr. Miller stated there are 80 employees on the
HMO Plan. Blue Cross/Blue Shield has provided a proposal to the
City whereby if the City goes exclusively with them, they will
rovide an additional decrease in total premiums of approximately
80,000. The General Fund savings would be approximately
54,000 The City will begin to program this in. Employees will
be notified.
5Ir. Sullivan explained the 80 employees are currently covered by
igna. The Palm Beach Medical Group and the Boca Raton Medical
,roup are the two primary facilities utilized by HMO. Blue
Iross/Blue Shield has now incorporated most of these physicians.
Re employees need not be apprehensive to change now. Under HMO,
lhere is a $5.00 co-pay. Under the Blue Cross/Blue Shield
rogram, the deductible is $100 or $200 per family, out-of-pocket
~s $1,200 and it is a 90/10 plan. It has the mos~ comprehensive
group of physicians in the area. They will also be picking up
JFK Hospital as a participant.
JULY 24, 1991
Mr. Miller also pointed out that when the actual lay offs of
approximately eight or nine individuals take place, there will be
a pay out to some of them relative to sick leave and vacation
leave. Those figures are being calculated now. These people
Would be laid off at the end of this fiscal year and they would
receive the pay out from next year's budget.
Commissioner Matson pointed out that many times when people
~etire from the City, they leave with very large sums of money
from sick leave and vacations. She asked if it is possible to
institute a policy for new employees joining the City, whereby
~hey "use it or lose it". Mr. Miller felt this would be a good
idea. The Civil Service Rules will have to be changed. This
will also have to be bargained with the Unions. This new policy
Will apply to all employees hired after a set date. There was
general consensus among the Commissioners that this policy should
be researched further and considered for implementation.
The total figures at this point equal approximately $800,000.
The difference will be made up by increasing the transfer from
~he Water and Sewer from $1,350,000 to no more than $1,500,000.
Publicity Fund - Page 426
There was discussion regarding each of the items in this Fund:
~oynton G.A.L.A. - The G.A.L.A. pays for itself.
~ommunity Promotion - This money pays for a variety of things
Which arise but are unplanned.
~oard Dinner - Mayor Weiner feels that in a year such as this,
~here shoUld be no dinner, especially with invited spouses. She
Suggested a breakfast for the members of the Boards only at a
~ost of $2,000. Vice Mayor Harmening felt that Board members
devote a great deal of time and should be rewarded with a dinner.
Commissioner Aguila agreed with Mayor Weiner that because of the
ircumstances posed this year, it should be cancelled. Mayor
einer does not want to forget it completely. Commissioner Artis
pointed out that Board members used to be paid mileage. They are
n° longer paid that mileage. Commissioner Aguila feels if there
~s a dinner or breakfast, then spouses should be invited. After
much discussion, it was decided to go with breakfast for the
member and spouse.
Recreation & Library Newsletter - The figure of $3,500 was elimi-
hated from this budget.
Holiday Parade - This figure remains the same. It basically
~overs personnel costs.
Chamber of Commerce - All of the Commissioners agreed this figure
be reduce--~ by $10,000.
JULY 24, 1991
Black Awareness Day - The Commission discussed this at length,
and it was decided that the figure of $3,000 would remain;
however, if anything can be saved, it will go into the con-
tingency budget.
Holiday Lights - This money was set aside for the purchase of
banners in place of lights. Commissioner Aguila suggested this
be put on hold until next year. The figure was reduced by
july 4th Festivities - The $14,000 budgeted will be completely
~liminated. Fundraisers will be conducted to raise the money for
these festivities.
A total of $30,500 was saved in this area. All of the
Commissioners Were in agreement with these cuts.
Community Improvement/CRA - Page 453
Carrie Parker explained that there are three tax increment
districts to deal with in this coming fiscal year. There was a
~growth of just over $3 million in taxable value in the residen-
ial area, a decrease in the commercial of just over $1 million
aind a slight increase in the expanded commercial area which is
.~ot very significant. The ad valorem taxes from the County and
~he City are $219,106. A bill to have the health care districts
xemptedfrom paying the ad valorem taxes failed state wide but
alto Beach County health care district managed to get a bil~
~.assed. This results in our loss of this revenue for this year.
q'he Childrens' Services Council is also exempt for this upcoming
~'ear. These two entities have been deleted.
5Is. Parker discussed the Fund Balance on Page 454. She explained
that because this program is a multi-year program which had just
~,egun, and some of the projects took more than one year to
qomplete, the funds were encumbered but not necessarily spent in
each fiscal year. It was difficult to track the funds from a
d.epartmental standpoint. Last year, a program was implemented to
arry forward the unexpended fund balance which amounted to
770,131. More money has been spent on programming this year and
any of the programs are coming to fruition. For this year, a
figure of $375,885 is being projected which will deplete all of
the Outstanding fund balance for the previous years. This is a
ignificant issue.
91s. Parker explained the City's contribution to the program. The
City's contribution, because of an increase in the assessed
~alue, is increasing approximately $40,000 this year. She also
stated that the revenue picture assumes that the General Fund
forgives the loan of $158,000. Vice Mayor Harmening feels this
loan should be repaid.
JULY 24, 1991
Commissioner Aguila mentioned the fact that he sees a great deal
Of paperwork and photos coming out of this department. He
questioned whether too much time is spent showing people what we
are going to do, but not enough time doing what we say we are
going to do. He is not comfortable with what is being
accomplished in the Community Improvement Department.
Commissioner Aguila admitted that he needs to get more familiar
With these program.
Ms. Broomfield explained that it takes a great deal of time,
talking and showing to do anything regarding commercial or resi-
dential development. It takes a lot of preparation and coor-
dination with funding sources. Many times, after all of this
time and effort is put forth, you still do not get the funding.
She explained that in the Central Business District, projects are
9nderway such as landscaPing of the medians. She pointed out'
ghat the mangrove project has not been funded. A project on a
p.orti.on of Boynton Beach Boulevard is planned; however, prepara-
tion is needed before contruction plans, contracting, and speci-
cations can be done. Community Improvement does a great deal
Of planning, but it cannot move until CRA approval is obtained.
ayor Weiner stated that what the Commission had in mind for
s. Broomfield was actually two jobs. The first job was to stop
~.he spread of the blighted area. With this in mind, she also got
'nvolved with the Central Business District
.~ . . The Commission felt
~f the Central Business District could be "fixed up", tax incre-
ment funding could be obtained. We now have tax increment
inancing. This funding is supposed to help the blighted ares.
ayor Weiner has visited churches with Ms. Broomfield where she
explained to the people what the City is willing to do. She
~pent an incredible amount of time in this process. Mayor Weiner
~rther stated that she has heard complaints that all that has
~een accomplished is to spend a lot of money in salary with very
~ittle to show for it. However, she feels that it took three
years to get this program moving. Mayor Weiner does not want to
See this program die because the situation will worsen. Vice
ayor Harmening is in agreement with the "paint up, fix up"
rograms; however, he does not agree with the programs for the
owntown area.
City Manager Miller explained .
that Ms Broomfield has three
Rousing construction programs going on now; the "paint up fix
qp", the home improvement and the in-fill construction program.
JULY 24, 1991
This in-fill program is difficult to get started. It is so dif-
ficult, in fact, that HCD in this County, is developing rules and
regulations relative to in-fill housing. However, when it gets
moving, it will sell itself. This program works and is worth it.
Ms. Broomfield stated that the commercial area is worse than the
residential area in getting property-owner participation. If the
Property owners are not interested in working with the City to
get things moving in the area, nothing will happen because the
money we can contribute is not enough to turn this area around.
The Central Business District property owners are not only con-
cerned that the City might have a lien against their property,
but they will have to repay that or make sure more customers come
into their businesses in order for them to get a return on their
investment. Other extenuating issues in the Central Business
District are the location of the bridge and the marina project.
Ms. Broomfield explained that the CRA area is basically in-fill
area. It requires working with what is available. There is no
guarantee that the public improvements will encourage commercial
development in the area; however, it will not hurt the area.
Ms. Broomfield further explained that low staffing has been a
Problem in the department also. One staff person deals with 126
applications which are received yearly. One staff person does
~nspections for all of the rehabilitation which is necessary.
For six months, there was no Construction Manager. A new person
is now in place and progress is being made. Forty-one homes were
done last year. This year, because of staffing problems, only
twenty-two have been done. However, because of the new
Construction Manager, he has picked up nine and they are moving.
An additional nine are pending inspection and we are getting
verifications on an additional nine. Housing rehabilitation is
paper intensive and in this situation, it is even more paper
intensive because of the availability of federal funds from
Housing and Community Development . This paperwork is necessary
for verification. Regarding the rehabilitation program, much of
~he work is done on the interior of buildings. This is work that
Cannot be seen by driving by the area.
Commissioner Aguila will attempt to spend some time with Ms.
Broomfield in order to learn more about the programs.
Commissioner Artis has seen the results of some of these programs
aind has received many favorable comments.
Ms. Broomfield has two budgets. The 136 budget is Community
Redevelopment which deals with the downtown area and the 196
udget is Community Improvement which deals with the housing pro-
iects. Ms. Broomfield explained the CRA land acquisitions and
llmprovements to the Commission.
~n reviewing the Community Redevelopment Budget (136),
~ommissioner Matson questioned Line Item 470.05, Business
JULY 24, 1991
Meetings. Ms. Broomfield explained that this figure includes
trips to Tallahassee for one person to discuss the mangrove area,
the Florida Downtown Development Association and the National
Council for Urban Economic Development.
At this point, Mayor Weiner suggested that if the Central
Business District can be improved, it will help divert funds into
~he blighted area. The City does not have any funds. The most
intractable problems take the longest time and the most patience
and the most money. The blighted area, along with an attempt to
revitalize downtown, cannot be abandoned. Vice Mayor Harmening
disagrees. Mayor Weiner questioned whether there is enough money
in the program for this fiscal year. Ms. Parker stated that
$170,000 is available in program dollars for street improvements,
Some dollars for land purchases and $50,000 for the Mainstreet
Program. Vice Mayor Harmening suggested not purchasing any pro-
Perty at all.
Commissioner Aguila feels that what is being done in the blighted
~rea is worth every penny. He has no faith in the downtown area
a!nd feels the efforts are totally wasted. He feels if we are
~elying on the downtown effort in order to help the blighted
a!rea, we are doomed to failure. He is Uncomfortable with the
Mainstreet Program and the whole new approach. Vice Mayor
Harmening feels it is a waste of time.
Returning to the matter of business meetings, it was decided to
reduce this figure to $1 500.
i '
Regarding Line #610.01, New Personnel, this figure was reduced by
iscussion resumed again about land acquisitions. Ms. Broomfield
xplained that the CRA budget contains dollars for land acquisi-
ions and street improvements. The Community Improvement dollars
re for the housing program. Vice Mayor Harmening is against
~urchasing any land. Ms. Broomfield explained there is land on
[artin Luther King Boulevard they are interested in. It is
~ecessary to have a stock of land, or the ability to acquire
and, or consider the program useless.
Ir. Miller said that it is necessary to acquire specific vacant
ots when the opportunity arises. When the program begins to
~ove, the lot is signed stating that it is available. In his
~ast experience, many times lots were given to people with the
tipulation that a house be built on it. The money in this
,udget will buy only from eight to eleven lots. The City now has
eventeen lots north of the Canal which are not in the CRA area,
nd approximately seven lots in the CRA area.
~ayor Weiner explained that there are no additional funds
~v~ilable. Mr. Miller suggested the only option available would
JULY 24, 1991
be to take funds from the General Fund. However, he pointed out
that assessments are not going up and he does not anticipate
improvements. Mayor Weiner suggested that Ms. Broomfield work
With the funds that are currently available and hopefully next
year there will be more to work with.
Vice Mayor Harmening hoped that at least part of the $158,000
Would be returned. Mayor Weiner questioned whether a vote is
necessary to forgive that loan. Mr, Miller advised that a reso-
lution will need to be adopted. Ms. Parker will add a resolution
to the agenda. Vice Mayor Harmening is against forgiving this
loan. Mayor Weiner feels this situation must be resolved.
Mr. Miller pointed out that the money was lent to the Community
improvement Fund by the General Fund. If the Commission wants to
forgive that loan, it must be done by resolution. He also
Pointed out that a future Commission can undo that resolution and
return the money.
Mayor Weiner suggested that this item be discussed further at
tomorrow's meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned
at 12:00 midnight.
Cit~ clerk
~cording Secretary (Five Tapes)
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