Minutes 01-23-91 (2)MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1991 AT 5:00 P~M. PRESENT Gene Moore, Mayor Lee Wische, Vice Mayor Lillian Artis, Commissioner Denys "Sam" DeLong, Commissioner Arline Weiner, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager Sue Kruse, City Clerk Jim Cherof, City Attorney John Guidry, Utilities Director Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. City Manager Miller said the purpose of the meeting was to hear presentations by James M. Montgomery Consulting ~ngineers, Inc. and Stanley Consultants of Florida. Both firms had submitted statements of qualifications for Construction Management Inspection Services for the develop- ment and construction of the West Water Treatment Plant. CH2M Hill was the design engineer. The design phase was 100% complete. The City was now ready to bid the project out so construction could begin. The project will probably ~ake about two years to complete. The firm selected will Start out with permitting. Both companies proposed phasing. Presentation by James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, A Statement of Qualifications and a brochure outlining the ~ontents of this presentation are on file in the City Clerk's office. Edward D. Wetzel, Ph.D., P.E., Vice President of James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc., explained that ~iability was a key issue. His firm believed their standard- Szed approach to Construction Management Services (CMS) ~ould help to limit the risk and liability to the City as ~he project proceeds. There would be three separate ~ontractors on the site at given time. Dr. Wetzel any ~elieved it was important for the project to stay on sche- dule from permitting through start-up and operation. The Complexity of the project itself, combined with three Contractors on the site at the same time, make this a dif- ficult project. With membrane processes, odor has to be addressed. There is odor control built into the design of this plant. City staff has never run equipment for a membrane treatment process. Training during start-up will be very important. MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 23, 1991 Using the overhead projector, Dr. Wetzel explained the firm's water treatment experience at length. The firm has in operation over 250 water treatment plants operating worldwide. Facilities in Opa Locka, Hallendale, North Ft. Lauderdale, Cooper City and Lauderhill were expounded on. There was technical discussion about the effects of the 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. Slides were viewed of aqua-culture and aquarium life support systems for marine exhibits that the firm had done for Sea World. The ~irm had received the Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award from the Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers for the work performed on The Living Seas Pavillion-at Epcot Center. In the early 70s the firm had been retained by the Florida Keys Aquaduct Authority in Key Largo to work on the ~irst full scale municipal reverse osmosis plant in South Florida. Mr. T. Clay Blanton, P.E., proposed Project Manager, stated he was a Boynton Beach resident with 20 years experience in designing, permitting, constructing and start-up of water ~reatment plants in Florida and Virginia. Of the 17 plants he had been involved with, five have been membrane plants. Mr. Blanton explained the function of the firm's multi- ~aceted staff. He further explained the project schedule and the three contracts involved. Contract I relating to "iProcess Equipment" was elaborated on. Contract II relates tio the "Building and Site." Contract III relates to "Deep Well" construction and testing. Mr. Blanton explained that ~11 of their people in the field go through a course in qonstruction Management. They are educated in Claims ~ontrol and how to deal with a contractor in documentation ~nd communication. Instrumentation support was commented on ~s well as blending of water from the western part of the City with water from the east. Mr. Nigel Grace, Associate Engineer, would be responsible fior the office engineering activities during the construc- tiion phase of the project. He explained his experience. Mr. Grace would be responsible for the direct supervision of fiield personnel and coordination of technical support per- sionnelo The goal of the contract documents is to com- municate to the contractor the intent of the design ~ngineer. During the translation process this intent can ~ecome blurred. It is essential that the Office Engineer "!speak the language" of both the contractor and the design. elnglneer. Mr. Grace would be the "conduit" of information ~etween the two. Ms. Nadine Marshall, Senior Operating Maintenance S~ecialist, would be coordinating start-up and training of t~e facility. She was a Certified Plant Operator with over li8 years of experience. Ms. Marshall commented on a safety 2 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 23, 1991 procedure where the firm would "lock out" all of the equip- ment which would prevent the equipment from being started up prior to component testing. At the appropriate time the operators are brought in for "needs assessment." A training manual would be developed and provided to each operator. Standard operating procedures would be developed for start- up of the facility. This will assure smooth transition from construction to operation. Once the firm is comfortable with how the operators are doing, they will take the stan- aard operating procedures and put them into pocket guides. Other comments were made about the need to properly train the operators on sophisticated equipment. In answer to questions posed by Vice Mayor Wische, Dr. Wetzel and Mr. Blanton indicated the firm had worked on 15 to 20 water treatment plants locally. Roughly 35% of the firm's work is in water treatment. About 95% of their work involved environmental engineering which would include water ~reatment, wastewater treatment and~hazardous/industrial Waste services. The proposed Project Manager had been involved in 17 water treatment plant construction projects. The firm's local office was currently handling municipal Water treatment plant construction contracts for about 12 projects. Mr. Blanton was involved in about 3 of those currently. Just about all of the firm's local staff engi- neers had water treatment experience. About 15 of the staff 6f 30 were engineers involving water treatment. The others Were hydrogeologists. The Vice Mayor asked what percentage 6f their sub-consultant or consultant time would be spent in Boynton Beach. Dr. Wetzel responded they wouldn't have any ~esignated sub-consultants in this project. Their main !'membrane man" would probably be spending from 30% to 50% of ~is total time on the project. In the event of a breakdown in the membrane system, an expert would be on the scene Within about 30 minutes. The firm was basically prepared to Start within the week. The City Manager asked (other than Mr. Blanton), what was the firm's depth in membrane. Mr. Blanton named four local persons other than himself. They also have a contract Agreement with Jim Taylor who is a doctor at Central Florida ~niversity. He is their consultant for some of the membrane processes. Also, Dale Row is an engineer who has worked in lorida but now works with membranes in California. Dr. etzel pointed out their firm had been involved in membrane ~reatment processes for over 20 years as a corporation. Mr. ~lenn Humphrey had been involved in the original Florida Keys project and had 20 years experience in the business. Presentation by Stanley Consultants of Florida, Inc. A statement of qualifications and written proposal for Stanley Consultants are on file in the City Clerk's office. 3 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 23, 1991 Mr. Andy Carlino, Jr., President of Stanley Consultants of Florida, Inc., explained this was not a design project but was a construction management project where their firm would in effect be an extension of the City. They would serve as the City's eyes and ears to control the quality, cost and schedules for the project. Mr. Carlino felt his firm was uniquely qualified. The same team that performed the City's Value Engineering (YE) Study would be the team working on the construction management effort. Mr. Jim McLellan, who would serve as the on-site construction manager, has over one billion dollars worth of construction management experience. One of the nation's experts in membrane soften- ing and reverse osmosis had been added to the team, Mr. Ian Watson, P.E. Mr. Jim Hollatz, Certified Value Specialist, serves as Vice President and Head of the Construction Management Group. ~r. Hollatz would be involved in quality control, reviewing the overall project and reporting to Mr. Carlino as the Contracting officer. The direct line of communication bet- ween the City and this team would be with Jim McLellan. A project team chart was viewed. During the bidding phase, Stanley Consultants will respond to questions that come up. If there are questions or Changes during the bidding that require an addendum, they will issue the addendums. Stanley Consultants will prepare an evaluation of the bidders' qualifications and the bids and make a recommendation to the City. The intent of this is to make sure the City obtains the best contractor for the lowest price. Mr. Ian Watson, President of Rostek Services, Inc. (a spe- ¢ialized membrane consulting engineering firm), will be ~andling the permitting. Mr. Watson was not involved in the YE study with Stanley Consultants. Mr. Watson's company had been involved in about 60 projects, many of which were in Florida. Mr. Watson expounded on several Florida projects Specifically. ~r. Jim McLellan, Resident Construction Manager, had been with Stanley Consultants for 17 years. He had 25 years of professional experience, most of which was in the construc- tion management area. Mr. McLellan pointed out they would have a state-of-the-art field office which would be equipped With copiers, fax machines, answering machines and micro computers to track progress. Mr. McLellan would be coordinating the work of all the contractors involved and their sub-contractors. Coordination is important in the laydown areas so the site does not become an eyesore to the community. The work will be coordinated so it does not go into cost overruns because 4 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 23, 1991 of conflicts between contractors. There will not be delays in construction as delays cost money. Mr. McLellan will receive shop drawings for equipment from the contractors and vendors. He will start the review process and then refer the drawings to design support staff. The membrane will go to Ian Watson for review. Comments were made about atten- dance at factory demonstrations on equipment that will occur. Mr. McLellan will be on site to interpret contract documents and to make sure the City gets what it contracted for. If changes come up, they will prepare change orders to the contractor and cost estimates. Mr. McLellan will review those changes with the City's representatives and will then negotiate a change order with the contractor to prepare a ~inal change order for the City for approval for any cost changes to the contract for time changes. Mr. McLellan will be on the project daily to monitor the contractors' work. At the end of each month, when the contractor asks for payment, Stanley Consultants will review what is being asked for to ensure the contractor does not receive over- compensation. All requests for payment will be reviewed and approved by Mr. McLellan prior to being sent to the City for payment. Mr. McLellan elaborated on what will take place at the weekly progress meetings. A monthy report will be prepared which will include sections on construction ~ctiviti~s that have taken place, how the scheduling is progressing, cost analysis, and other pertinent areas. Ian Watson and the design support staff will be heavily involved When the time arrives to start-up the plant. ~r. Hollatz addressed the operations phase. Record drawings Or "as built drawings" will be prepared reflecting any ehanges that have occurred during construction. Equipment will be monitored during the warranty period. Another ser- Vice will involve closing out contracts and making sure all the proper documents are in the right form and the right procedures are followed to close the contracts. A~ Qperations and Maintenance Manual will be prepared which is ~pecific for this project. Operator classroom training will Occur as well as hand-on equipment operation and training ~tasses so the operators have a "good feel" for the plant When they have to take over. Mr. Hollatz pointed out in the operations phase, they would be using the same people on the project team that had been involved in the value engineering studies. He elaborated on how this familiarity would be beneficial. Lengthy remarks were made about the qualifications of members of the firm and what they could do for the City. Although they were talking about management of the construction, Stanley MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 23, 1991 Consultants felt it was important to bring Ian Watson on as he has many years experience in water treatment and per- mitting and membrane softening. Mr. Hollatz stated his firm is ready to start "tomorrow." Closing remarks were made by Mr. Carlino. He stated their presentation had been geared to show the City, Stanley Consultants' sensitivity in involvement with a capital faci- lity. He remarked that Stanley Consultants was sensitive to What the City had gone through when City Hall was renovated and what has subsequently occurred. Their whole approach Was to protect the City from those things. He stated Stanley consultants would essentially be the City's ~nsurance policy in that regard. Mr. Carlino remarked ~hat his firm was extremely familiar with the plant design. They know the specifications inside and out. That allows them to ~tart work immediately. A bond issue has been put out which the City needs to protect. Vice Mayor Wische posed the same questions to Stanley Consultants as he had posed earlier to James M. Montgomery ~onsulting Engineers, Inc. Mr. Carlino repeated a remark he had made earlier in the meeting, namely, that this was a donstruction management project, not a design project. Mr. ~arlino indicated Stanley Consultants was involved in four Water treatment projects (on-going, country-wide) that they Were doing construction management on (not design). If you ~dded design, the number would increase significantly. About 20% of the firm's business is in water treatment. The Vice Mayor asked if they were a water treatment or ~nvironmental firm. Mr. Carlino responded in the engi- heering industry, when you use the word environmental, that ~ncludes water and waste-water and solid waste and hazardous Waste. In his experience, the environmental group was 91ways the water and waste-water, solid waste and hazardous Waste group. He answered his firm is an environmental firm because they provide those four services as a firm, but ~hey are not a "bugs and bunny" type of firm. Stanley Consultants' Project Manager had been involved in ~bout five water treatment plant construction projects. Mr. ~arlino made remarks about involvement in a couple of addi- tional major power plant projects which had their own water ~nd waste water facilities. Almost all of the firm's work ~n the water and waste water area is municipal work and it ~akes place all over the world. The Vice Mayor asked how many of the firm's local staff engineers have water treat- ment plant experience. Mr. Carlino responded all 7 local Staff engineers do. MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 23, 1991 As far as the percentage of Mr. Watson's time that would be spent in Boynton Beach, Mr. Watson replied he would be here for the time that is necessary. He referred to work on the Plantation project and stated typically, a fair amount of time is required initially starting up the project and during permitting. During the early part of the construc- tion phase not much time was required on that site but there was time spent in shop drawing review at his office in Ft. Myers. He was there a fairly large amount of time during proof testing of the pilot unit which went on for about a month. He was present two or three days a week during that month. He would be in Boynton Beach full-time during the start-up phase. Mr. Watson stated he was an independent ~onsultant and ,wHat you see is what you get." He has no One working with him except his wife, who is his partner. In the event of a breakdown in the membrane system, Mr. Watson would be on the scene in about two hours and 45 min- utes. His office can always be reached. Mr. Carlino clarified Mr. Watson was brought on because he is a reknown ~xpert. Stanley Consultants has that capability in-house. If for some reason Mr. Watson cDuldn't perform, Stanley Consultants could step in. Mr. Carlino had indicated ~arlier that Stanley Consultants was prepared to start imme- diately. ~he Mayor made remarks about Stanley Consultant's role in ~his project thus far and their familiarity with it. There Would be no "down time" involved on Stanley Consultants's Dart learning what the plans say. Mr. Carlino stated they qould start at 8:00 A.M. the next day. He had already ~tarted the permitting process for this activity, in antici- ation of starting the effort. The Mayor asked the Qtilities Director about any difference in qualifications that might exist between the two firms. Mr. Guidry stressed tihe City needs to get started as soon as possible. The ~alue judgment on which firm to choose rested with the ~ommission. As an engineer, Mr. Guidry indicated he would ne comfortable with either firm. City Manager Miller ~greed both firms were well qualified. T~ere was discussion about how to proceed. A polling sheet ~as used to rank the firms. The City Manager collected the Bolling sheets from the Commissioners and announced Stanley onsultants had been selected 4-1. 7 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 23, 1991 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:18 P.M.  EACH / / ~ayor Vice Mayor~ Commissioner Cit~lerk . v ' ~ Comm'~ssione~ Recording Secretary ~ Commissioner (Two Tapes) 8